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2023/02/27 14:06:52

The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex

The article is included in the review "Russian digitalization market of the fuel and energy complex 2024." It publishes ratings of the largest participants in the Russian digitalization market for companies in the fuel and energy complex of Russia.



In 2024, over 60 companies provided TAdviser with data on revenue from the implementation of IT projects in the fuel and energy sector. SIGMA is the clear leader among them: the company's revenue amounted to more than ₽18,7 billion, an increase of almost 30% over the year. The top three also included Innostage and UTSB.

The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex

Company Total revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2023, million rubles. including VAT Total revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2022, RUB million, including VAT Dynamics 2023 to 2022,% Forecast of dynamics 2024 to 2023,% 5 best customers in the fuel and energy complex in 2023 Its solutions, which it implements in the fuel and energy complex Solutions of other vendors that are being implemented in the fuel and energy complex
1 SIGMA18 724.714 533.728.8n/aPJSC Inter RAO, PJSC Rosseti and othersMOBILE S,|SIGUS., ETC.
2 Innostage9,4786,59543,7n/an/an/a
3 UTSB7 895.64 742.166.534PJSC Gazprom, NIPIGAZ JSC, Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg LLC, Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC, Gazprom Invest LLCn/an/a
4 Jet Infosystems7 255.24 995.445.2n/an/an/a
5 I-Teco4,324,336.7n/an/aDES.LIMS.Pron/a
6 TerraLink5,6125,404N/AN/AN/AN/A
7 Basic Solutions GC4 508N/AN/ANDAPOWER NK2-3404 laptops, POWER SR1-6326 servers, SR2-6327 POWER, SR2-5422 POWER, network equipmentN/A
8 SATEL3,3941,92276.630Arctic LNG 2, Sibintek, Svyaztransneft, LukoilEnergy: integration platform; RTU: unified communications platform; RTU-Connect: VKS and corporate messenger; VizorLabs: video analytics and machine vision; SOVA: IT infrastructure monitoring; SMART: situational control systemn/a
9 Amethyst2 8082 01939.1n/an/an/a
10 Fort Dialog2 788.31 809.754.1Transneft (GC), Rosneft (GC), Tatneft, Gazprom, GC Sibur, GC Novatek, Gazpromneftexplosion-proof video surveillance, import substitution in APCS, etc.
11 Zyfra Group2,7392,6622.930T Plus PJSC, Achim Development LLCZIIOT Platform Oil & Gas, ZIIOTn/a
12 IBS Group2,3626,035-60.9n/aSalym Petroleum, SUEK, United Energy Company, Sakhalin Energy, NOVATEKIndustrial Asset Management System (EAM) on 1C platform: Enterprise 8, Planeta Platformn/a
13 Inline Group2 3044 379-47.4n/an/an/a
14 Digital Economy League1,8561,787n/aRosseti, Gazprom, Rosatomn/an/a
15 GC X-Com1,63596769.1n/aX-Computers, Filumn/a
16 K2 Tekh1,595,7n/an/an/aRosneft, Gazprom Neft, Gazprom, Salym Petroleumindustrial analytics platformArenadata , Luxms BI, Visiology, Forsyth, Proxima DB, Eltex, Zvirt, Kaspersky, Astra Linux, ICL, Aurora, DEPO
17 Sitronics Group1 328.9195581.5n/an/an/a
18 NAUKA1,3211,00231,8-2NDAproduction accounting, optimal (volumetric) planning, modeling of technological processesn/a
19 iCore1 257.11 469.8-14.5n/an/aequipment service
20 Orion soft1 249.5n/an/an/an/azVirtn/a
21 ID Management Technology1 21297724.1PJSC Rosseti, PJSC RusHYDRO, PJSC Rosseti Volga, JSC Rosseti Tyumen, PJSC Rosseti KubanDocumento.EDO, Documento.Archive, Documento.PDno
22 ITPS1 092.8695.757.1n/aLukoil Group, TNG-Group, Gazprom GroupAVIST Oil & Gasn/a
23 Forsyth1,083,2389.2178.35JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, JSC Atomenergoprom, PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Surgutneftegas, JSC ZarubezhneftForsyth. Analytical patform, "" Forsyth. Budgeting, "" Forsyth. Investment Management, "" Forsyth. Mobile Platform, "FlyBIn/a
24 Arbait997.5205386.6n/aGazpromneft, MOSGAZ TTR, GPN-GEO, NIPIGAZn/an/a
25 Atomic Soft857341151.317PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Transneft, PJSC Gazpromneft, PJSC Lukoil, PJSC NOVATEKn/a
26 Reksoft823201309.5n/aGazpromneftn/an/a
27 Red Soft810.9N/AN/AN/AN/ARED OS, RED VirtualizationNo
28 Borlas Group782.9469.2n/an/an/a|n/a
29 Angara Security734NDNDNDNOVATEK, Rosneft, Gazprom, NAFTAGAZ, RosatomNDND
30 Simpl7256806.6Gazprom Neft, Transneft, NLMK, RosneftSimpl. Data Management Platform, Simpl. Admission. Computer program "Energy management and energy saving management"Postgres Pro
31Korus Consulting65448435.1n/an/a1CERP n/a:, 1S:ZUP, 1C-Bitrix24, Luxms BI, PIX BI
32 SAPRAN582.5n/an/a46PJSC T Plus, Transneft-Technologies, LUKOIL Technologies, PJSC Gazprom, Slavneft-YanosnoZyfra Industrial IoT Platform, 1C, SAP, Forsyth
33 Yuztech GC573.3N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
34 VS Lab540269100.7Rosenergoatom, LukoilIBM Servers, HPE Servers
35 AMT GROUP527.6n\dn/an/an/an/a
[[First BitFirst Bit]]4934714.7n/an/an/an/a
37 Hi-Tech GC45823991.6n/an/an/a
38 NBI444.9388.114.7-10Information Systems LLC, Sigma LLC, LUKOIL Technologies LLC, Concern Rosenergoatom JSCEMAS.OPT, EMAS.TRADE, EMAS.TEPn/a
39 1C-KSUn/an/an/an/an/a
40 Edith Pro3792346215PJSC Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC Rosseti Center, PJSC Rosseti Center and Volga Regionno1C
41GMCS35326533.2n/a RusHydro| |, Unipro, Rosseti, Network Companyn.d.Forsyth, Websoft, IBM Analytics, etc.
42 IMBA IT316n/an/an/an/an/a
43 Interprocom28063.23431,443Rosenergoatom, Gazprom, RussNeftAxiomNo
44 Ai Ti Skan243.514864.542n/an/an/a
45 Digital Design22817728.8N/AN/ADocsvision Platform, Crawler's Workstation, EDCN/A
46 Integrated Management Systems20277162.335Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Neft Shelf, Salym Petroleum, Oil Industry of Serbia, TatneftKnowledge SpaceNo
47 CorpSoft241951827.1n/aRusHydro, Quartz, KolymaEnergo, Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt,n/an/a
48 ITFB Groupn/an/aRosenergoatom, Greenatom, JSC, MUEC, PJSC, Sibur digitalITFB EasyDoc, Symphonyn/a
[[Comindware (Collovear)Comindware193н/дн/д38н/дComindware Business Application Platformн/д]]
50 IT-Oil Group165180.1-8.421PJSC Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Gazomotornoe Fuel LLC, TPP LLC, Novatek-AZK LLC, Movement-Nefteprodukt LLCIT-Oil in a complex and separate subsystems, including mobile applications, etc., 1S:AZS (Together with 1C Company)1S
51 Rubius115124-7.34n/aVR/AR simulators, NovoBIMn/a
52 RAMAX Group89.792.4-2.9n/an/an/a
[[Netrika (Netrika)Netrika]]72NDNDNDPJSC Gazprom NeftNDND
54 Luxms69.2N/AN/AN/APJSC Gazprom Neft, PJSC GazpromLuxms BI, Luxms Data BoringN/A
55 Quality Point5843.234.1N/AN/AN/AN/A
56 Ferrum IT GroupN/AN/A26Electric Grid CompanyN/AVirtualization System
57 MAI Group30,1n/an/an/an/an/a
58 Umbrella IT28.427.9N/AN/AN/AN/A
59 CESCA28195-85.6n/aPJSC T Plusn/an/a
60 SimbirSoft2855-49.1n/an/an/an/a
| 84414.6
* - Data collected based on company questionnaires unless otherwise specified TAdviser 2024


In 2022, 56 companies were included in the new rating of the largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy sector. Their total revenue from the implementation of IT projects in this area exceeded 91 billion rubles.

The leader of the rating was Isource with revenue of 15.9 billion rubles and revenue growth of over 533%. The top five also included Sigma (14.5 billion, + 25.8%), Innostage (6.6 billion, + 46.9%), IBS Group (6 billion) and TerraLink (5.4 billion, + 47.7%).

The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex

Company Total revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2022, RUB million, including VAT including from projects based on their own. decisions including from projects based on third-party solutions Total revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2021, million rubles. including VAT including from projects based on their own. decisions including from projects based on third-party solutions Dynamics 2022/2021,% Largest customers Own solutions implemented in fuel and energy companies
[[Isource (Icors, formerly Digital Procurement Services, DCS)Isource1594815948-25162516-533,9н/дProcessor Isource, Inspector Isource, Reserve Isource, Express Isource]]
[[SIGMA (St. Petersburg)Sigma]]14533.7n/an/a11552.6n/an/a25.8PJSC Inter RAO, PJSC Rosseti, independent electric generating and energy sales companiesSIGMA Billing, SIGMA.TOPO, SIGMA.IVK, SIGM.MDM, SIGKOR: Alkor, Sigma.EZS, mobile applications, SIGMUS, SIGMA.SSPTI, etc.
[[InnoSTage (Innostage)Innostage659563459614488256423246,9н/дн/д]]
4 Group IBS6035231.45803.6n/an/an/an/an/aEAM Industrial Asset Management System () on 1C platform: Enterprise 8, Platform "Planet."
5 TerraLink5404n/an/a3660n/an/a47.7n/an/a
6 Jet Infosystems4995.4n/an/an/an/an/an/a|n/a
7 UTSB4773.9n/an/a4781.6n/an/a-0.2PJSC Gazprom, Gazprom Invest, NIPIGAZ
8 Inline Group4379n/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
9 I-Teco4324.3n/an/a5105n/an/a-15.3DES.LIMS.Pro
10 VK Tech2772.82772.8-n/an/an/aRosseti, Rosatom, Surgutneftegas, Lukoil, GazpromVK Tax Compliance
11 Amethyst2019.2-2019.21197-119768.7Gazprom Dobycha Tambey LLC, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Tver LLC, Gazprom Neft PJSC, MESSOYAKH ANEFTEGAZ JSC, Gazpromneft-ONPZ-
12 SATEL1922n/an/a1728n/an/a11.2Rosseti; Novatek-Yurkharovneftegaz; Svyaztransneft; LUKOILUnified Integration Platform of ENERBAS; Unified communications platform RTU; Video conferencing platform RTU-Connect Video analytics and machine vision platform VizorLabs; SOVA monitoring system; SMART Situational Control System
13 K2Tekh1819.2-1819.2n/an/an/aGazprom, Volga-Ural NK, VNIIGAZ, Gazpromneft, Nizhnevartovsk NIPIneft-
14 Company Fort Dialogue1809.7-1809.71756.5-1756.53Transneft (GC), Rosneft (GC), Tatneft, Gazprom, Sibur GC, Novatek GC, Gazpromneft-
15 Digital Economy League1787651722105022102870.2Gazpromneft, Gazprom Energoholding, Rosatom, SUEK, Transneftn/a
16 Tegrus1560n/an/a1127n/an/a38.4n/an/a
17 iCore1470-1470586-586150.9PJSC Gazprom Neft, JSC ATC, JSC Atomstroyexport, PJSC Lukoil-
18 Informtechnika and Communications11501150-750750-53.3Gazprom, Rosseti, QUADRA, T Plus, RosatomIP PBX Minik MKh-1000, corporate messenger ROSCHAT, MiniCom-DECT, UPATS MiniCom DX-500, Minikom-TETRA
19 ITPS695.7n/an/a971.9n/an/a-28.4Lukoil Group, TNG-Group, Gazpromneft GroupAVIST Oil & Gas
20 ISERV Group610562n/a360360-69.4PJSC DEK, JSC Rosseti Yantar, JSC Rosseti Tsygna, JSC Rosseti Ural, JSC Rosseti North-WestAIS Omni-US, Integrated Bypass Management System, Mobile Services
21 ICL GC586.1n/an/an/an/a294.8Tatenergosbyt AO; TATNEFT named after V.D. Shashin; Gazprom Inform LLC; RN-Repair of NPO LLC; Network Company OJSC; TGK-16 JSCn/a
22 SPC Business Automation543543-470470-15.5JSC "Technical Inspection of the UES," RusHydroVisary Platform, Visary BI, Visary BIM
23 KORUS Consulting|484N/AN/AN/AN/A-41.9N/AN/A
25Forsythe389.2389.2-210.8210.8-84.6Concern Rosenergoatom JSC, ROSATOM State Corporation, Rosneft PJSC, Oil Gazprom, Gazprom Volgograd Transgaz LLC, Zarubezhneft JSC |
26 National Bureau of Informatization388.1388.1-296.9296.9-30.7OOO LUKOIL-Technologi, PJSC TGK-1, PJSC RusHydro, PJSC Fortum, PJSC Inter RAOEMAS.OPT, EMAS.TRADE, EMAS.TEP
Atomik Soft SCADA343343-161161-113Transneft, Gazprom, Arctic SPG-2, InterRAO, GazpromneftAlpha Platform, Alpha.Platform, Alpha., Alpha.One +, Alpha.Historic
28 GMCS265n/an/an/an/a-24.3n/aVerex Platform
29 Communication Telecommunication Service253.1-253.11074.2-1074.2-76.4SO UES JSC; PJSC Rosseti-
30 Digital Design2412291216415014n/aDocsvision Platform, Workbench AWS, EDC
31 Hi-Tech Group239.9n/an/a151.3n/an/a58.5n/an/a
32 Extyl213213-170170-25.3Rosneft, Lukoil, GazpromneftInternal Portal
33 Reksoft GCN/AN/AN/AN/A63.4Gazprom NeftN/A
34 Sitronics Group195-195837-837-76.7Transneft, Transneft, Sakhalin Energy Investmet, Bashkirenergo, Arctic LNG-
35 Business Acceleration (tm "First Bit")n/an/an/an/an/a127.2n/a
36 IT-Oil Group180.117010141130527.7PJSC Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Gazomotornoye Fuel LLC, NNK JSC, Novatek-AZK LLC, Neftek LLP ( Kazakhstan)IT-Oil, 1S:AZS (joint product with 1C Company), Custom Development by
37 Seven Group171n/an/a146n/an/an/a17.1Rosseti, Rusenergosbyt, GUP TEK SPbn/a
38 NFP170n/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
39 SysSoft166-166154-1547.8RD-
41 Borlas153.2n/an/a413.6n/an/a-63n/an/a
42 ISVSn/a95n/a126-23.1LOESK AO-
43 ASCON131.6125.56.1155.9133.322.6-15.6RDKOMPAS-3D, Pilot-BIM
44 Organizational & Technological Solution111.6N/AN/A439.3N/AN/A-74.6N/AN/A
45 RAMAX Group92.4n/an/an/an/an/an/a|n/a
46 Group of companies Impulse Telecom91.6n/an/a108.5n/an/a-15.6n/an/a
48 SoftBalance80-8046-4673.9n/a-
49 Globus ITn/an/an/an/an/a3ENERGOSBYT PLUS JSC, MIRRICO MANAGEMENT, Gazpromn/a
50 SimbirSoft55n/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
51 Quality Point43.2n/an/a----OOO LUKOIL-INTER-CARD, PJSC Gazpromneftn/a
52 Advanta29.329.3-34.834.8--15.8JSC OEC, Gazprom Neft Automatics, JSC Teploenergo, JSC Energosbyt Plus, Novosibirsk EnergosbytISUP for fuel and energy complex based on Advant software
53 IT ROSA STC27n/an/an/an/an/a132.7n/an/a
54Modum Lab25.225.2-2525-RusHydro| 0.9, GUPTEK, Gazprom Neft, NLMK Taneko,Development based on the Immersive simulation platform, Modum Education Platform, use of separate modules of these systems
55 1C-KSUn/an/an/an/an/a47.9n/an/a
56 Timidea Groupn/an/an/an/an/an/aTVEL1C RM
* - Data collected based on company questionnaires unless otherwise specified TAdviser 2023


Sigma became the leader in the rating of the largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex of Russia by revenue for 2021. During the reporting period, its revenues from the implementation of IT projects in this area increased by 47.3% and reached 11.5 billion rubles.

The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex

No. N/n Company Revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2021, million rubles. Revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2020, million rubles. Dynamics 2021/2020,% Customers in 2021
1 Sigma *11 552.67 843.647.3PJSC Inter RAO, PJSC Rosseti, FGC UES, energy sales companies, housing and communal services operators
2 * * * * (1)7 211.95 325.235.4T Plus
3 IBS Group5,3367,045-24.3n/a
4 I-Teco5 1054 967.72.8n/a
5 UTSB4 781.63 658.430.7UNIPRO
6 Isource2,517N/AN/A [[Gazprom neftGazprom]] Neft, Zarubezhneft, SIBUR, Diall Alliance, Siberian Service Company
7 GK Swagger1 9892 115-6 Gazpromneft| |, Transneft, Inter Slavneft RAO,, Energosbyt Plus
9 Digital Economy League1 2201 09111.8Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Energoholding , Rosatom, SUEK, Rosseti
[[TegrusTegrus1 1271 133-0,5н/д]]
11 ID Management Technology9961,073-7.2PJSC Rosseti, PJSC FGC UES, PJSC Rosseti Center, PJSC Rosseti Center and Volga Region, JSC Rosseti Tsygna
12 ITPS971.91,670,9-41.8Lukoil Group Enterprises, Gazpromneft Group Enterprises, TNG-Group
13 AMT GROUP848942-10 [[RosneftRosneft, Gazpromneft]], Lukoil
14 CORUS Consulting83442397.2n/a
15 DCLogic613337.381.7n/a
16 BusinessAutomation *470n/an/an/a
17 Borlas Group415.6385.57.8n/a
18 Iserv Group36023553.2PJSC DEK, PJSC Rosseti Center, PJSC Rosseti Center and Volga Region, PJSC Rosseti North Caucasus, PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region
19 GMCS3503480.6Unipro PJSC, Quadra PJSC, Kamchatskenergo PJSC, Grid Company JSC
20 Gazprombank ETP29322430.8n/a
21 Sonnet256.3347.1-26.2n/a
22 National Bureau of Informatization254.7104.6143.4JSC Inter RAO - Electric Generation, PJSC TGK-1, OOO LUKOIL Technologies, OOO VO Technopromexport, PJSC MOSENERGO
23 Forsyth220n/aJSC Concern Rosenergoatom, PJSC Transneft, FGBU REA of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, PJSC Gazprom Neft, OOO Irkutsk Oil Company
24 Uniteh194205-5.4Gazprom Neft, RusHydro
25 InfoPro GC183.4245.7-25.4Siberian Generating Company LLC, Bashkir Generating Company LLC, TGK-11 JSC, TGK-14 PJSC, RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC
26 Digital Design Group163.6259.6-37n/a
27 Hi-Tech Group151.3379.6-60.1n/a
28 ASCON13510035n/a
29 Reksoft Group122.6ndndGazpromneft, Gazpromneft Filling Station Network
30 Business Acceleration81.24293.6n/a
31 Globus-ITn/an/aGlobus-IT
33 Abak2000 GC302520n/a
* - including affiliated legal entities: Intellectual Systems LLC, BizCom LLC, SIGMA LLC TAdviser 2022
' '
(1) - Company name is hidden due to information verification


ENERGY INDUSTRY Russia The company became the leader in the rating of the largest IT suppliers in terms of revenue for 2020. SIGMA Its revenues from the implementation of IT projects in this area increased by 70.7% and reached 7843.6 million rubles. The top three also included companies and. I-Teco LANIT

No. N/n Company Revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2020, million rubles. Revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2019, million rubles. Dynamics 2020/2019,% Customers in 2019-2020
1 Sigma7843.64593.970.7PJSC Inter RAO, PJSC Rosseti, FGC UES, energy sales companies, housing and communal services operators
2 I-Teco4967.7363436.7n/a
3 Lanit4290.44460-3.8n/a
4 CROC4242.32110.6101n/a
5CSSB3658.42726Gazprom|Transgaz Yugorsk, Gazprom Refining, Gazprom Transgaz Tchaikovsky, Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg, Gazpromneft-Khantos
6 FORS Group2115900135Gazpromneft, Transneft, Inter RAO, SLAVNEFT-YANOS, MUEC
7 ITPS Group1683.815359.7Lukoil Group, Gazpromneft-Yamal, Tatburneft Management Company, TNG-Group, Gazpromneft-Vostok, Gazpromneft-Orenburg
8 Company Fort Dialogue1415.21735.8-18.5Transneft, Rosneft, SIBUR, Tatneft, Gazpromneft.
9 Satel1252.312401Transneft Telecom, Novatek-Yurkharovneftegaz, Lukoil-Komi, YARGEO, Yamal LNG, Mosoblgaz, IC SIBINTEK
[[Tegrus - Merlion ProjectsTegrus11333458-67,2н/д]]
11 Digital Economy League109183530.7Gazpromneft, Rosseti, MUEC, Mosenergo, TGK-1
12 AMT Group94273029Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Lukoil
13 Corus Consulting423594-28.8n/a
14 Borlas Group385.5310.724.1n/a
15 Hi-Tech379.6131189.8n/a
16 GMCS34821958.9Unipro, Kamchatskenergo, United Digital Networks, Rosseti, Latvijas Gāze
17 Sonnet347.1354.5-2.1n/a
18 DCLogic337.3441.9-23.7Concern Rosenergoatom, IK ASE, Greenatom
19 Digital Design Group259.6116.8122.3RusHydro, GUP TEK, SUEK, Energoprom, Siberian Coal Energy Company
20 Infopro GC245.7130.788Siberian Generating Company, Bashkir Generating Company, Tomsk Generation, TGK-14, Fortum.
21 Trinities2372293.5n/a
22 Iserv GK235221DEK, Rosseti North Caucasus, BashRTS, SGK, Rosseti Moscow Region
23Unithat205476.5-57 RusHydro| |, Gazpromneft
[[LinxdatacenterLinxdatacenter 178,6177,50,6н/д]]
25 Information Social Systems173.3131.931.4DEK Kamchatskenergosbyt, Rosseti North-West, ESK RusHydro, DEK Sakhalinenergosbyt, Amurenergosbyt (DEK), DGK
26 R7-Office16019742.1Far Eastern Generating Company DGK, ROSSETI, DRSK, Sakhaenergo, Teploenergoservice
27 Molga Consulting129169-23.7Transneft, Lukoil, OEC, Salym
28 Galaxy Corporation115440-73.9Rosneft (ANHK JSC, AZP JSC, Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK JSC, SNPZ JSC), Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg, Novatek-Murmansk
29 Mirapolis107.5n/an/aInter RAO, Irkutsk Oil Company, Pipe Metallurgical Company, Rosseti, FGC
30 ASCON1006553.8Tatenergo, Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk, Gazpromneft-Terminal, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym
TAdviser 2021
' '


According to revenue for 2019, Lanit, I-Teco and Tegrus became the largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex of Russia. They account for more than a third of the total revenue of IT suppliers in the top 30.

Top 30 IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex of Russia

Company ' Revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2019, million rubles. Revenue from IT projects in the fuel and energy complex for 2018, million rubles. Dynamics 2019/2018,% Largest customers
1 LanitIntegrator4,4605,215-14.5n/a
2 I-TecoIntegrator3,6343 11116.8n/a
3 Tegrusintegrator3,4583,4101,4n/a
4 CROCintegrator2 6342 5732.4n/a
5 SigmaIntegrator2,6312,350[[FGC UES - Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy SystemPJSC FGC]] UES, Inter RAO-IT LLC, IDGC of Urals OJSC, Petersburg Sales Company JSC, Moscow United Power Grid Company PJSC
6 Fort DialogIntegrator1 7361 55111.9Transneft, Rosneft, SIBUR, Tatneft, Gazpromneft
7 ITPSIntegrator, Vendor1,5351,39510Lukoil Group Enterprises, Tatburneft Management Company, Tatneft, TagraS-Holding (Tatburneft Management Company), etc.
8 Satelintegrator, vendor1 240891300.2Novatek - Yurkharovneftegaz, Gazpromneft Center, Rosseti Lenenergo, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Yamal LNG, Yantarenergo, Yargeo
9 EAE-ConsultIntegrator1 1802 057-42.6Enterprises of PJSC LUKOIL and PJSC SIBUR Holding, Gazprom Gazomotornoye Fuel LLC.
10 Digital Economy LeagueIntegrator1 1701 130IDGC of Center, TGK-1, IDGC of Siberia, Rosseti, Heating Network of St. Petersburg, Fuel and Energy Complex Inform
11 ID Management TechnologyIntegrator, Vendor1 15698916.9Rosseti Group, Transneft, PJSC FGC
13 iCoreintegrator89180710.4ATS, Gazpromneft, IK ASE
14 AMT Groupintegrator7301,087-32.8n/a
15 Korus ConsultingIntegrator594NDNDGazprom Neft, Irkutsk Oil Company, ZARUBEZHNEFT - Production Kharyaga, NIPIGAZ, Svyaztransneft, ZN East
16 Unitech - Universal TechnologiesIntegrator476[[RusHydro31RusHydro]], Gazpromneft
17 ForsythVendor, Integrator444176152.8FGC, Transneft
18 DCLogicIntegrator44226666.2JSC Concern Rosenergoatom, JSC Atomtekhenergo
19 GC Hostintegrator36953597.8n/a
20 Sonnetintegrator355397-10.6n/a
21 NVision GroupIntegrator35380Bashkirenergo, Uralenergosbyt, Eurasia Drilling Company, Enel Russia, Nizhnekamskneftekhim
22 Borlas GroupIntegrator3113032.6n/a
23 GMCSintegrator21919114.7Unipro, Rosseti, Kamchatskenergo, Latvijas Gāze, MUEC, etc.
24 Linxdatacenterintegrator, service provider178124n/a
25 Molga ConsultingIntegrator16995Transneft, Lukoil, RusHydro
26 INSOCintegrator1339539.5DEC, DGK, Energia-1, IDGC of the North-West, ESK RusHydro
27 Hi-TechIntegrator1317671.8n/a
28 Digital DesignIntegrator11710511.3RusHydro, GUP TEK, SUEK, Energoprom, Siberian Coal Energy Company
29 ISERVintegrator10749119.8KrasnoyarskEnergosbyt, ATEK, Sevastopolenergo, BashRTS, TomskRTS, SGK, IDGC of the North Caucasus
30 ASTintegrator82n/an/aRostelecom, Rosneft, Moscow Exchange, Bank of Russian Capital, Rosmorport