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Financial results
2018 year
Revenue: 5.6 millions Ths. rub
Net Profit: 2.5 millions Ths. rub
Number of employees
2018 year



+ Citadel GC
+ Technological reality

Citadel Group of Companies is a manufacturer of legal control systems and information security solutions, a major player in the Russian equipment market for SORM.


As of June 2019, Citadel Group of Companies includes eight companies (Osnova Lab, Malvin Systems, MFI Soft, Tekhargos, Signature, Bastion, ADM Systems and Garda Technologies) and occupies more than 60% of the Russian equipment market for SORM.

Management staff

The presidium of the Citadel holding includes several former representatives of law enforcement agencies at once, including the ex-head of the State Communications Committee, retired Colonel-General Alexander Ivanov, former head of the FSB information security center, former head of the bureau of special and technical measures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, retired police colonel general Boris Miroshnikov, ex-head of the FSB special equipment center, retired Lieutenant General Sergei Efremov, as well as a former member of the MegaFon Management Board, Vice President of MFI Soft, retired Lieutenant General Hero of Russia Eduard Ostrovsky.

According to, by March 2018, 75.9% of Citadel LLC is owned by Anton Cherepennikov, who became Alisher Usmanov's esports business partner in 2015.

Performance indicators

2018: Revenue - 5.6 billion rubles

The revenue of the Citadel company in 2018 amounted to 5.6 billion rubles, net profit - 2.5 billion rubles.


2023: Inclusion in US sanctions list

In February 2023, the Citadel company was included in the US SDN sanctions list.

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the Citadel company. The article about the map can be found here.


Purchase of 25.1% of the Citadel by VTB Capital

On October 22, 2019, information appeared that the Technological Reality Fund, managed by VTB Capital Pension Reserve LLC, bought 25.1% of the Citadel group of companies engaged in the supply of an IT system for the implementation of the Yarovaya Law.

During the transaction, Anton Cherepennikov reduced his stake in the company, a representative of ICS Holding, which includes Citadel, told the Vedomosti newspaper. According to SPARK-Interfax, as of July 9, Cherepennikov owned 87.73% of the Citadel. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as of October 2019, its share is 62.63% of the company.

Business "Citadel" as part of the transaction is estimated at about 60 billion rubles. It is noted that Anton Cherepennikov plans to direct the funds raised to the development of IKS Holding, the founder and beneficiary of which he is.[1]

Investing in Bastion

On August 19, 2019, it became known that "Citadel" she had invested in an information security company. "Bastion" According to the BBC's Russian service, Bastion is owned by the SEB chief's FSB son Boris Korolev, 23. More. here

Sale of a stake in National Technologies to Rostelecom

In April 2019, Rostelecom announced plans to enter the capital of National Technologies LLC. Under the terms of the deal, Rostelecom buys 49% of the shares from the structures of ICS Holding Anton Cherepennikov, the Citadel holding and KNS Group (Yadro). Rostec will own 51% of the company's authorized capital. Read more here.


Offices and staff of the Citadel

As of September 2018, the Citadel investment management group unites companies in the field of developing solutions for ensuring information security and implementing SORM requirements. Citadel is a major manufacturer of legal control systems and information security solutions with a total staff of more than 500 people. Among its products are all three types of means for the implementation of operational-search measures (SORM 1, 2, 3).

The offices of the Citadel group of companies are located in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl.

Signature Purchase

In September 2018, it became known that the Citadel group of companies, which is engaged, among other things, in the development of equipment for fulfilling the requirements of the Yarovaya Law, acquired its competitor, Signature, the Kommersant newspaper writes with reference to RIA Novosti. The details are here.

Creation of JV with Avtomatika concern

Concern "Automatics" of the state corporation "Rostec" and the company "Citadel" announced in July 2018 the creation of a joint venture, which will promote military developments in the field of information technology to the commercial market. Read more here.

2016: Inclusion in the group "MFI Soft" and "Garda Technologiya"

In 2016, MFI Soft entered the Citadel Group of Companies, and later (separated from MFI Soft) - Garda Technology. The companies of the Citadel Group of Companies are engaged in the development of solutions in the field of information security, as well as the production of means to assist operational-search measures (SORM).
