KeepRise (Kipriz)
Since 2022
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
st. Optikov, 4, bldg. 3, lit. A, Lakhta-2 BC
VimpelCom bought 25% of KeepRise
VimpelCom bought 25.1% of KeepRise. Information about the transaction was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities) on November 23, 2023.
According to Interfax, citing data from this register, the co-founders of the company Sergei Vorobyov and Pavel Voroshilov, who own 21.93% each by November 24, 2023, sold their shares in Kipraiz LLC. Before the deal with VimpelCom, their shares were measured at 34.48%, the agency notes. The press service of VimpelCom confirmed the purchase of a stake in KeepRise.
With artificial intelligence, it automates pricing, allowing employees to free up time to analyze and find opportunities for additional profit. KeepRise has replenished our venture capital portfolio, and its products are already used in our retail, added to VimpelCom. |
In May 2023, VimpelCom announced the introduction of the KeepRise pricing system, which, as noted in the telecom company, will take into account not only the internal data of the telecom operator, but also external factors, including the weather forecast and exchange rate. The impersonal and aggregated data that Beeline possesses make it possible to predict demand in various locations and offer optimal prices to retail chains from different segments, VimpelCom emphasized then.
Also, Beeline's subsidiary, Haiv, previously invested in KeepRise in 2023. The amount of investment was not disclosed. The startup planned to use the funds raised to accelerate the development of new solutions and search for new clients.
Now it is important for companies to increase their efficiency, and a partnership with Beeline will allow us to help more companies maximize the return on the pricing process, "said Sergei Vorobyov, one of the founders and CEO of KeepRise.[1] |
Market entry
On May 29, 2023, Corus Consulting GC "" announced the launch of KeepRise, ITstartup which specializes in automating pricing. This company will operate in the federal and regional segments. retail
The practice of automation of pricing at KORUS Consulting started in 2020. An experienced team came to the company, which, using the resources and investments of KORUS Consulting, in three years developed the direction to the state of a profitable business. Initially, the projects were built on the basis of platforms of international vendors - SAS and Competera. So the specialists implemented a number of projects in the retail network of household appliances and electronics stores "Center," the product delivery service "Samokat" and the trading house "Vimos."
After the departure of foreign players from the Russian market in 2022, it became clear that there are no alternatives to Western solutions in the field of automation of pricing. As a result, the team developed its own KeepRise product, which meets the international level of systems of this class. Now the direction has been allocated to an independent company, in the list of clients of which there are already two regional and three federal retailers with a total revenue of more than 100 billion rubles.
The KeepRise platform is designed for companies from, industries FMCG drogerie,, pharmaceutics DIY, as well as other retail segments. The solution analyzes external and internal (data prices, demand dynamics, exchange rates, etc.) and allows you to form optimal prices in different retail outlets, increasing their efficiency. The algorithm determines the price of the product in automatic mode, while allowing the user to independently form rules, adjustments and restrictions. In addition, it is possible not only to carry out settlement, but also to monitor, adjust and agree on the adoption of changes in the process of changes in prices for goods. The solution allows not only to speed up calculations, but also allows top managers of companies to analyze how price changes affect the financial performance of the entire business.
The use of the KeepRise platform allows you to increase the revenue of each outlet (from 5% and above) and increase the overall margin of the retail network (from 2% and above). The platform optimizes business processes: multiples the number of price hypotheses tested due to the speed of calculation, reduces the time for creating one scenario of a price campaign by 90% and the time for recalculating prices by 75%. KeepRise also allows you to increase the volume of processed items by 70%.
KeepRise is the third IT startup that appeared on the basis of the KORUS Consulting platform. Talented employees with experience and knowledge come to the company, and we give them the necessary base for development: together we check the performance of the idea, help build a team, build sales and marketing processes, find financing and take the first steps in the market. When these stages have been successfully completed, and the project is ready for growth and scaling, we are separating the startup into a separate brand in order to give more mobility and flexibility in decision-making, - said Alexander Semenov, General Director of KORUS Consulting Group of Companies. |
{{quote 'Companies need tools to help quickly adapt to current market changes. The modular architecture of our platform allows us to adapt various blocks to changing business tasks in the field of pricing. Each module can be installed in the customer's IT loop, and customization does not require rebuilding the entire system. This allows us to adapt our solution for any client, be it a large federal retailer, a small regional trading company or a business operating in the B2B segment, "said Pavel Voroshilov, Commercial Director of KeepRise. }}