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Баннер в шапке 2

Retail Services




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Retail Services has been a developer of IT solutions for automating retail since 2015. According to information from the company's website, its founder is Yuri Kostenko. The company provides real-time analytics of the supplier-retailer interaction: the entire path of the product on one screen. More than 100 Russian FMCG suppliers are connected to the service. It serves as a channel between suppliers and retailers, on the basis of which you can complete the functional cloud. Today, Magnit, Dixy, O'Kay, Lenta, Verny, Magnum and others are collaborating with the company, as well as more than 200 suppliers (by November 2022).

On the Retail Service platform, each supplier can track:

  • Availability of goods in the retail network. Previously, suppliers received reports on online balances with a frequency of 3-4 days and only on key products, due to the labor costs of preparing such reports. With Retail Service and Qlik's interactive analytics, suppliers see up-to-date balance analytics across the entire product matrix, which allows them to plan effectively for sales representatives and eliminate the lack of product on store shelves.
  • Procurement forecasts for 2 months ahead. With the Retail Service, suppliers get access to real forecasts of the retail network, on the basis of which auto-order will be made. These forecasts take into account real balances, future promos, the appearance and reduction of competitors in the assortment of goods, which helps suppliers adjust the production cycle, reduce the number of write-offs and avoid situations of surplus or shortage of warehouse.
  • Sales in the ranking of the commodity category of the network. Daily supplier assortment analytics at each outlet allows you to increase profitability and efficiency based on real data in a specific network - adjust the tactics of marketing and field teams to support sales.


2022: Station bought Retail Services

At the end of October 2022, the technology holding, Station founded Skolkovo Ventures and, OKS Group bought Russian the developer for ON retail chains Retail Services. The deal became known at the end of November 2022.

According to the Russian Venture Telegram channel, as a result of the transaction, the share of Korus Consulting Group of Companies in Retail Services decreased from 40% to 32%.

IT holding Station bought Russian software developer for retail chains Retail Services

It is noted that Station acquired assets to create a platform that will close all the needs of manufacturers and retailers in marketing and sales. Station plans to expand its product line with the Retail Services team and improve the efficiency of current products.[1]


  1. Technology holding Station [founded by Skolkovo Ventures and OKS Group bought Russian software developer for retail chains Retail Services]