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2025/02/07 11:58:37

Smart Home Systems (Russian Market)


Main article: Smart home

Smart Home Systems (Global Market)

Main article Smart home systems (global market)


The first Russian wireless power supply technology for IoT and smart home devices is presented

In March 2025, ITMO University presented the first Russian wireless power technology for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and smart home systems. The development ensures the transfer of energy at a distance of several to tens of meters without the use of wires and batteries, while maintaining compliance with safety standards. Read more here.

GOST in the field of smart home systems for high-rise buildings came into force in Russia

On February 1, 2025, GOST came into force in Russia in the field of smart home systems for high-rise buildings. The document was developed in order to create comfortable and safe living conditions for citizens in apartment buildings, provide inventory, accounting and optimization of utilities, monitor the state of all types of energy resources, as well as manage and monitor the building's engineering systems. Read more here

Rosstandart approved GOSTs for the digitalization of houses

A series of eight new GOSTs regulating the digitalization of housing and communal services and the introduction of digital technologies in apartment buildings entered into force on February 1, 2025. This was announced on February 6, 2025. Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Russia

According to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the standards were developed within the framework of the Smart Apartment home project to create a single systematic approach to the digitalization of housing at the state level. More than 30 organizations and 150 experts participated in the development of the documents.

Rosstandart approved state standards related to the digitalization of residential buildings

Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia Andrei Zarenin emphasizes that the unification of technological approaches in the field of housing and communal services will increase the quality of life of residents and the availability of digital services.

According to a study by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), conducted in July 2024, 80% of Russians are aware of the Smart Home systems, and 23% have experience in using them. A survey by the Smart MKD ANO and the ЕРЗ.РФ portal showed that more than two-thirds of potential buyers of new buildings are interested in having such systems.

Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia Konstantin Mikhailik notes that the new standards are aimed at improving the safety of citizens, improving the comfort of living and reducing the cost of digital solutions.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Vasily Shpak points to the growing demand for trusted solutions based on domestic equipment and software.

Nikita Utkin, General Director of the Smart MKD ANO, emphasizes the practical orientation of standards that will become consensus rules for the home digitalization market and instructions for the use of technologies.[1]


Launch of microcontrollers for smart home systems

Angstrom, a resident of the Technopolice Moscow special economic zone, has begun mass production of universal microcontrollers for smart systems with a production capacity of 100 thousand devices per year. This became known in November 2024. Read more here

Launch of production of electronic mailboxes for apartment buildings

LockerBox on November 7, 2024 announced the start of production of new generation automatic mailboxes for apartment buildings. The innovative solution is equipped with an interactive screen and the ability to connect to a mobile application. Read more here

Russia has adopted the first national standards for the "smart home." A few more are on the way

The first two standards in the field of "smart home" were adopted in Russia, representatives of the departments with whose participation they were developed, Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Construction, said on January 29, 2024 . We are talking about GOST R 71199-2023. "Cyberphysical systems. Smart home. Terms and definitions "[2] R 71199-2023" Cyberphysical systems. Smart home. General provisions. " The latter, as of the end of January, has not yet been published on the Rosstandart website . Both standards are effective from September 1, 2024.

Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Andrei Zarenin called these standards fundamental. They disclose terms, definitions, general provisions, principles and approaches. Previously, there were no such documents in Russia.

Smart home technologies are actively being introduced in Russian apartment buildings, but there have been no national standards in this area before

Terms and definitions are important because purchases are carried out on their basis, technical tasks are written, this is the appearance of the market, says Nikita Utkin, chairman of the technical committee of Rosstandart "Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems," general director of the ANO "Smart Apartment home." In addition, terminology and definitions are important for ensuring compatibility, and they will then be included in classifications, relevant government regulations, etc.

According to a study conducted at the initiative of the Ministry of Construction at the end of 2023, 80% of the surveyed management companies are introducing smart home technologies, said Konstantin Mikhailik, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities. Standardization is expected to allow a shift from piecemeal implementations of smart home solutions to a systemic approach.

The biggest stage in the life cycle of a home is its exploitation. And it is very important that at this stage the house is as efficient as possible both from the point of view of the management company and the consumer: the consumer must receive the maximum number of services in the shortest possible time with minimal labor costs. But it is very difficult to work on a scale without having uniform rules of the game.

Today we are talking about solutions that are critical to us. This is the exchange of data with the entire line of the Internet of things, which we are now developing. We now have a colossal line of created Russian products in the field of final IoT devices. This is a mandatory integration with general house engineering systems and equipment: here are MCDS, video surveillance, intercoms and just housing and utilities management. And, of course, external information systems: we understand that the consumer should clearly receive data on how much he pays, for what he pays. And various information services - directories, applications, chats, - said Konstantin Mikhailik.

There are already quite a few Russian developers of solutions for the "smart home." Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak believes that companies are ready to scale production, and they will benefit from the standardization of the field of "smart homes." But the main beneficiary will be citizens living in apartment buildings, he believes.

As soon as the concept of "smart home" appears, requirements for information protocols, for interfaces appear, it becomes possible for everyone to work together on one platform, where all information is summarized, then a completely new quality arises, which allows you to use resources economically, avoid leaks, make repairs not according to regulations, but by condition, etc. That is, in addition to the market for us, for electronics, and in general the effect for the economy, technological sovereignty, this is also a completely different quality of life for our citizens, "said Vasily Shpak.

As noted by Andrei Zarenin, the Ministry of Digital Development, together with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in 2021, for the first time systematically approached the issue of digitalization of buildings and structures in Russia, including residential apartment buildings, and launched the Smart Apartment home project. In December of the same year, a joint order for three departments created a working group, which includes more than 90 people - representatives of authorities, developers, manufacturers of equipment and components, software developers, resource-supplying organizations and non-profit organizations. And in the summer of 2022, an intersectoral platform was created on which participants could discuss the needs and ways to close them - ANO "Smart Apartment home."

The concept of digitalization of apartment buildings was developed, and within the framework of this concept, priority guidelines were identified, such as amendments to regulatory legal acts, regulatory and technical documents and the development of national standards. Further, in May 2023, a promising standardization program in the field of smart homes, buildings and structures for 2023-2030 was approved, which involves the systematic development of new guests and the updating of outdated standards, as well as requirements for the construction of houses, buildings and structures.

This program provides for the updating of 77 documents, which include, among other things, GOSTs, codes of construction rules and a large revision of standards affecting construction, radio electronics and the introduction of smart technologies.

In the near future, says Andrei Zarenin, two more standards will be adopted, which were being worked on in 2023. And in 2024, work was launched to develop five more new GOSTs that relate to a smart apartment home in the field of architecture, services and building management, the general provision on the digital platform and its operation, etc.


Developing standards for the smart home

In November 2023, ANO "Smart Apartment home" presented two standards developed by the organization for a smart home:

  • "Cyberphysical systems. Smart home. Terms and definitions "(establishes terms and definitions of concepts in the field of the smart home, its systems, processes, typical infrastructure and characteristics);
  • "Cyberphysical systems. Smart home. General provisions "(introduces general provisions in the field of design, application, typical structure, interfaces and composition of smart home systems, as well as their compatibility with internal and external systems of a smart apartment home).

ANO "Smart Apartment home" presented two standards developed by the organization for a smart home

These documents, as stated by Nikita Utkin, General Director of the Smart MKD ANO, were the first in the development of a series of 77 smart home standards, which will find application both for apartment buildings and individual housing construction facilities, as well as for office premises and social infrastructure facilities.

These are the first two standards developed in the dense expert cooperation of market leaders, and determine common approaches to the further development of digitalization of the construction and housing and communal services. These standards not only fix a single terminology, but also lay the foundation for key areas of future regulatory work, including requirements: for digital architecture, a basic set of devices and equipment, classes of smart homes, functionality of ASUZ (automated building management systems), devices and equipment, and much more, - said Utkin.

According to him, the standards are planned to be approved by the end of 2023. By November 2023, relevant regulatory documents are being developed that establish requirements for the basic set of devices and equipment of smart MKD, typical information and digital architecture of smart MKD, ranking by classes of smart MKD. [3]

Russia approved a standardization program for the development and introduction of digital technologies in homes

Rosstandart, Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Construction approved a standardization program in the field of smart homes, buildings and structures for 2023-2030. The document was developed by the autonomous non-profit organization for promoting the development of digitalization of apartment buildings "Smart Apartment home" (ANO "Smart MKD").

According to the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the program includes seven promising areas. These include: general standards, requirements for the digital platform (ASPS), digital building and intelligent systems, elements of intelligent systems and devices such as sensors, actuators, etc., requirements for data exchange, test methods, power of attorney and security.

Russian government agencies approved a standardization program in the field of smart homes

According to the deputy head of the Department Vasily Shpak, the key goals of the project are:

  • creating conditions for the formation of a new and extremely capacious technological market;
  • ensuring priority conditions for the development of domestic producers on it;
  • fundamental improvement of the quality and safety of life of every resident of Russia.

As part of the program, it is planned to develop and update 77 standards, Shpak said. The head of Rosstandart Anton Shalaev says that the implementation of the program will contribute to the formation of modern digital solutions in this area, ensuring the security of technological solutions and software used for the digitalization of buildings, thanks to the use of modern technologies of the Internet of Things. In addition, the development of new and updating existing standards will allow harmonizing the requirements of regulatory technical documents of the Russian Federation with the best international practices and contribute to the achievement of import independence, he said.[4]

Production of Russian smart home control systems began on a fully automated line

On May 25, 2023, Rostec announced the start of production of Smart Home inSmart electronic control units. The devices were developed by the Chelyabinsk company InSmart (Insmartavtomatika) and are produced on the fully automated line of the Chelyabinsk Radio Plant Polet (part of Roselectronics, which, in turn, is part of Rostec). Read more here.


The interest of Russians in smart home devices over the year in quantitative terms increased by a quarter

The company M of Video El Dorado on January 20, 2023 announced the continuation of the trend to increase the popularity of products for. "smart" home At the end of 2022, interest in devices from the smart home ecosystem increased in quantitative terms by a quarter compared to the previous period and 3.9 times compared to 2020. The most popular manufacturers in M.Video Dorado for 12 months of last year were,,, and Yandex Xiaomi. Aqara VK Hiper

Among the drivers of the popularity of devices for a "smart" home and their active penetration into Russian households: a stable situation with an affordable assortment, a trend towards digitalization and automation of home space, strengthening its energy efficiency and security, as well as the variability of speakers with large capabilities of virtual assistants as a center for managing elements of a "smart" home and household appliances. Mainly in this category are solutions of companies from Russia and China.

In M.Video-Eldorado, among the most popular smart home products in 2022, in addition to speakers with voice assistants, the leaders were outdoor sockets, smart remote controls, adjustable lighting fixtures and automatic smart curtains, for example, for comfortable sleep. Security sensors and security systems, including IP cameras, also remain relevant. Kits from smart home solutions are becoming more widespread, that is, consumers purchase a set of devices for integration into home space at a time.

The choice of "smart" gadgets extends to other areas, for example, the variety of devices for monitoring health, recreation and sports, devices for animals is expanding - the top has smart watchers and feeders, special GPS trackers.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Sergey Sukhorukov, head of the Entertainment and Gadgets business unit of the M.Video-Eldorado Group.

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation estimated at 350 billion rubles the introduction of smart intercoms, cameras and sensors in 90 thousand houses

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation estimated at 350 billion rubles the introduction of smart intercoms, cameras, meters and sensors in 90 thousand houses over 2.5 years, starting from the third quarter of 2023. The deputy head of the department, Andrei Zarenin, said this in a letter to the Ministry of Construction, written as part of the development of standards for a smart apartment home. Such information was released in early July 2022.

In regions where active construction is underway, the cost of digital infrastructure of houses will not exceed 1-1.5%, the Ministry of Digital Development specified, referring to the assessment of the working group on smart homes.

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation estimated at 350 billion rubles the introduction of smart intercoms, cameras and sensors in 90 thousand houses

According to the letter of the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak to the Ministry of Construction, the GOST proposes to add provisions on the transfer of information from video cameras to law enforcement agencies, and to the joint venture for apartment buildings - a clause on the mandatory use of video cameras with recognition of license plates. In "Дом.РФ" noted that thanks to the standards, the cost of maintenance and maintenance of houses will decrease.

According to the source Businessman"," the project will require microprocessors of topologies above 65 nm. By the beginning of July 2022, they had already begun to be produced in the Russian Federation.

Deputy General Director of ESMART Alexander Novozhikin confirms that Russia already has production and all the necessary component base, "just until recently, domestic manufacturers remained in the shadows."

Manufacturers managed to partially localize production, but a significant part of components are produced abroad, he said.

The standards of the "smart" home will allow loading Russian electronics manufacturers, but it is unclear how comfortable it will be for residents, emphasizes MForum analyst Aleksei Boyko. He admits that the decision will affect both house prices and living expenses.[5]


Sales of smart home devices in Russia are estimated at $1.2 billion

In 2021, smart home devices worth about $1.2 billion were sold in Russia. This was reported in mid-February 2022 at the Scientific and Technical Center of the Main Radio Frequency Center (STC GRCC), subordinate to Roskomnadzor, which refers to data from Statista and PwC.

Sales of smart home devices in Russia at the end of 2021 are estimated at $1.2 billion

Experts divide the smart home device market into six main segments:

  • control and communication devices (smart speakers, hubs, consoles and sockets);
  • segment of smart household appliances, such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc.;
  • home safety systems (video surveillance, motion sensors, programmable locks, etc.);
  • various home entertainment systems;
  • lighting and comfort segment (smart bulbs, garage gate control, etc.);
  • power management.

These segments in Russia, according to experts, are developing at different rates. If you include speakers, sockets, sensors and other control systems directly to smart home devices, but do not take into account smartphones, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, large household appliances that can be integrated into a smart home, then this market is estimated at 12.5 billion rubles a year ($166.7 million), notes the head of the procurement division "Office equipment, network equipment and accessories" "Citylinka" Ivan Polikarpov. In 2021, this market grew by 150% and will grow by another 50-60% in 2022, possibly more, he said.

At the end of 2021, large retailers interviewed by Vedomosti also noted a multiple increase in smart devices. Sales growth was affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, when people began to spend more time at home and think about comfort.

Also, the growth of the market was affected by the massive move of buyers to summer cottages during isolation, which is why they "set up monitoring systems for the safety of their homes," adds a Tele2 representative.[6]

Standards have been set for smart homes

On December 6, 2021, information appeared that experts had identified the main functions for new buildings that would allow them to be called "smart home." For these purposes, a special methodology was developed, which also determines the class of "smart home." The working group of developers and IT specialists allocated 5 such classes.

The methodology contains 34 smart home features that are subject to assessment for class assignment. The minimum set of functions that allows you to assign an "E" class to a house includes:

  • Automated collection and transmission to the management company of data on the consumption of resources: electricity, cold and hot water;
  • General house video surveillance behind the yard. At the same time, the shelf life of video recordings should be at least 1 day, residents' access to the archive of video recordings should be implemented in any of the following ways: authorized through a web application or a request to the Criminal Code;
  • Remote control of people's access to the territory of the residential complex, to the entrance, to public premises;
  • Remote control of transport access to the territory of the residential complex and to the parking lot;
  • Automation of the management company's work with applications from residents through a web application.
  • The absence of at least one of these functions will not allow calling an apartment building "smart."

According to Alexander Korol, curator of the Smart Home project at the Institute for the Development of the Construction Industry, the first register of smart new buildings in Russia will be published at the end of 2021, based on the results of the survey. Special questionnaires were sent to developers immediately after the methodology was approved.

As of December 6, smart homes on the Russian market account for only 2-3%, but experts predict a rapid growth of this segment in the near future.[7]

Ministry of Digital Development has developed a standard for the construction of smart homes in Russia

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, together with telecom operators, has developed a roadmap for the development of the communications industry. The document refers to the creation of GOST for smart home systems, as well as amendments to building codes (SNiP) that fix adherence to the standard.

According to Izvestia, the initiative provides for the retrofitting of already commissioned residential buildings with smart systems. The owners will be offered to do this at the expense of major repairs.

Ministry of Digital Development presented the standard for the construction of smart homes in Russia

According to the newspaper, the Ministry of Construction has its own draft roadmap for the introduction of smart home elements. This is a plan for the use of information modeling technologies in the creation and construction of capital construction facilities.

The representative of the department, in a conversation with Izvestia, noted that, among other things, the roadmap stimulates the use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly materials, provides for measures to improve regulatory and technical regulation in construction to introduce elements of a "smart" home when using Russian equipment. The result of the work of the Ministry of Construction is GOST.

According to Alexei Kovalev, director of the Smart Home grocery office at Rostelecom, the new standards should take into account the creation of infrastructure at the stage of building a house to connect smart video telephones, barriers (while meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), resource metering devices with remote reading, as well as, possibly, requirements for fire alarm and "smart" controlled centralized engineering of the building.

According to Alexander Ruchev, President of Osnova Group of Companies, for modern new buildings of comfort class and higher, at least in the Moscow region, equipping with smart home systems has become an integral part of projects, but each developer and operator understands their set of functions by smart home[8]

Launch of the Sber Smart Home platform

On February 19, 2021, Sberbank announced the launch of a smart home platform and began selling devices (bulbs and sockets) for it under its own brand. Read more here.


Citylink: sales of smart home devices for the year increased by 64%

Experts Citilink"" studied the consumer demand for goods of the Smart home category "" for the four quarters of 2020. The company announced this on December 30, 2020.

The category includes Smart speakers, smart lamps, smart sockets, smart switches, relays, etc.

According to the results of almost 12 months, the total sales of all devices in online stores and points of sale showed an increase of 64% (in monetary terms, compared to the same period in 2019). In unit terms, the indicator reached an increase of 62% compared to the same period in 2019.

The TOP-3 of smart speakers included (from first to third place): Yandex Smart Speaker Station, Yandex Smart Speaker Mini Station with voice assistant Alice and MAIL Smart Speaker Capsule with voice assistant Marusya.

Smart sockets in piece terms were bought 185% more often than in the same period in 2019, sales of basic device control units in the house increased by 187%, smart lamps increased by 240% and the most massive turned out to be switches, snails and buttons - an increase of 671%.

The specialists of our company predicted the growth of the "smart home" category for a long time, and we are constantly expanding the range of such a popular area. The category "Smart speakers" is highlighted in a separate direction, which can be either part of the general infrastructure or be purchased as a standalone device. There is an understanding that the smart speaker is a logical stage in the evolution of portable and stationary acoustics - said Ivan Polikarpov, head of the procurement division of Office Equipment, Network Equipment and Accessories at Citylink. - In 2021, deliveries of SberPortal will begin, which should be an interesting alternative solution to Yandex and Mail products and will allow even more families to accept a smart device into their homes.

Smart home system entered the top 10 inventions of the XXI century - survey

The Russians named the system Smart home"" among the top 10 inventions that decisively changed human life in the 21st century. This was shown by the latest survey, VCIOM according to a statement on the official website of the sociological center. "Smart Home" was named by 15% of respondents, the system became the seventh in the top 10.

At the same time, bionic prostheses of arms and legs topped the rating. They were noted by 36% of respondents. Smartphones are in second place (31%), social networks are in third place (22%).

In the 1st quarter, the demand for smart home devices in Svyaznoy increased 23 times

On April 8, 2020, Svyaznoy announced an analysis of demand for smart home devices in Q1 2020. From January to March 2020, sales of smart home devices in Svyaznoy increased 23 times in physical terms and 33 times in monetary terms. Read more here.


Sales of smart home devices in Svyaznoy have grown more than 4 times in monetary terms

On January 17, 2020, Svyaznoy announced the results of its own sales of smart home devices in 2019. From January to December 2019, sales of smart home devices in Svyaznoy increased 3.5 times in physical terms and more than 4 times in monetary terms.

At the end of 2019, smart sockets became the most popular categories of household goods. Further in popularity are smart lamps and smart home control centers. The average cost of devices for 12 months of 2019 compared to 2018 increased by 16% and amounted to 1,400 rubles. Yandex became the leader among brands in terms of the number and amount of sales. In second place is the Chinese brand Xiaomi, the top three is closed by the Hiper brand.

Top 3 popular smart home devices in pieces and money:

  • Yandex smart outlet
  • Yandex Smart Remote
  • Xiaomi Mi LED Smart Bulb Smart Lamp

Every quarter, the interest of Russians in smart home devices is growing more and more. We associate high demand with people's desire for resource efficiency, savings and security. I note that demand is also growing for smart speakers with which you can control a smart home. So, in the second half of 2019, sales of smart speakers in our network in comparison with the first half of the year increased 4 times in pieces and 3 times in money. The most popular devices in 2019 were both Yandex.Stations models, which accounted for more than 90% of all sales of smart speakers,
comments David Borzilov, Vice President of Sales, Svyaznoy

Discovery Research Group: The volume of the smart home market in Russia will grow by 17%

In 2019, the volume of the smart home systems market in Russia in comparison with the 2018 indicator will grow by 16.5%. This is stated in a study by Discovery Research Group, commissioned by Elari. According to the results of the outgoing year, the volume of the Russian smart home market will reach 10.5 billion rubles, analysts say.

In the next four years, the figure will only grow, the authors of the study predict. In particular, in 2020 the market volume will be 12.5 billion rubles, in 2021 - 14.7 billion, in 2022 - 17.4 billion, in 2023 - 20.6 billion. The drivers of its growth, first of all, will be initiatives from the state, the material says. First of all, projects for the formation of the infrastructure of the "smart city" and "smart" housing and communal services systems.

In 2018, the volume of the smart home systems market in Russia amounted to 9 billion rubles, the study says. Compared to the same indicator in 2017, it grew by 12.5%. The main market share (56.9%, 5.1 billion rubles) was occupied by the sale of devices, the study says. Services accounted for 26.5% (2.4 billion rubles), installation and connection services - 16.6% (1.5 billion rubles).

Every tenth Russian spent more than 20 thousand rubles on smart home technologies

The Hi-Tech project learned from Russian users whether they know about a smart home, whether they use these technologies in everyday life and which manufacturers are considered leaders in this area.

According to the survey, 88% of Russians know what a smart home is, but in everyday life only 27% use such technologies. Of these, most chose for themselves the control of lighting systems (58%), video surveillance (50%), warm floor (41%), fire and emergency alarms (39%), as well as air conditioning and ventilation systems (36%). The introduction of these technologies for 40% of respondents cost from 5 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, more than 20 thousand rubles spent every third (33%).

Those who only dream of a smart home, and 69% of respondents turned out to be such, would like to have: monitoring of lighting systems from a smartphone (84%), warm floors "(81%), energy consumption control systems from gadgets (76%), air conditioning and ventilation systems using personal gadgets (73%), video surveillance (73%), control of security, fire and alarm systems from a smartphone or tablet (71%), systems for monitoring the operation of curtains, blinds, gates (59%), control systems for playing movies, video and audio (43%).

57% of respondents are ready to pay for additional comfort from 5 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. In the amount of more than 20 thousand, 24% could decide.

When asked which companies that produce products for the smart home you know, the majority of respondents noted the Chinese brand, in the assortment of which there is really a maximum of gadgets of this category Xiaomi (74%), as well as Google (39%), Amazon (25%), Redmond (25%), Rostelecom (19%), TP-Link (18%).

The survey was conducted from July 29 to July 31, 2019 among 4,620 users of the Hi-Tech project

Growth in sales of smart home equipment in Russia by 37% in money for six months

On July 1, 2019, the united company Svyaznoy - Euroset reported an increase in sales of smart home equipment by 29% in physical terms from January to June 2019 compared to the same period in 2018, in monetary terms the growth was 37%.

In the first half of the year, smart lamps became the most popular devices in the chain's stores, the growth of which amounted to 40% year-on-year in physical terms. In second place in popularity are "smart sensors" with an increase of 29% year-on-year. The top three most popular products are closed by smart sockets with an increase of 25%.

The most popular brands in physical and monetary terms were Xiaomi, Digma and Hikvision. The average price of a smart device increased by 5% and amounted to 3258 rubles.

{{quote 'author = notes David Borzilov, vice president of sales at the combined company Svyaznoy - Euroset|The growing popularity of smart home devices is associated with the penetration of technology into the sphere of human life, the desire of people for resource efficiency, savings, comfort and security. For example, a "smart lamp" can change color, and "smart sensors" ensure the safety of the room, help to receive timely warnings in case of intrusion, and also make it possible to create different scenarios for the system. All devices are controlled using a smartphone, which simplifies the processes of interaction with the "smart home, }}

The Svyaznoy-Euroset online store contains about 400 names of gadgets for the "smart home," while prices for this equipment start at 490 rubles, for example, a door closing/opening sensor from Redmond. And the most expensive "smart gadget" - the Hikvision IP network camera - will cost Svyaznoy - Euroset customers 110,880 rubles.

On the retailer's website, you can get acquainted with the full range of smart home equipment, with the characteristics of gadgets, compare models with each other. To order, you can use the online form, pay directly on the website with a discount or cash/card when delivering the goods by courier.


Discovery Research Group: 12.5% Growth in Market Volume

According to the calculations of the Discovery Research Group, carried out specifically for Elari, in 2018 the market for smart home systems in Russia grew by 12.5% compared to 2017 and amounted to 9 billion rubles.

As TAdviser was told in Elari on November 22, 2019, analysts call the growth drivers of the smart home solutions market initiatives by the state, namely, projects for the formation of smart city infrastructure, smart housing and communal services systems, etc.

The main share of the smart home systems market is made up of devices - 5.1 billion rubles in 2018 (26.9% of the market volume). The rest of the market is divided by the segments of service and services for installation and connection - 2.4 and 1.5 billion rubles, respectively (26.5% and 16.6%).

According to Discovery Research Group forecasts, the high growth rate of the market will continue until 2023. In 2019, the volume of the smart home systems market will amount to 10.5 billion rubles, which is 16.5% more than in 2018. The market volume in 2023 is projected at 20.6 billion rubles.

Elari considers 500 million rubles to be a realistic figure in the volume of sales of smart home devices for itself in 2010. According to the founder and managing director of Elari, Yosef Sachs, the greatest potential is concentrated in the B2B segment: together with developer partners Elari is preparing to launch new projects.

Smart buildings instead of smart homes

According to experts, the domestic smart homes market is in its infancy and in its classical sense (as in the USA and Europe) is unpromising. They believe that the market for smart buildings will develop in Russia - in apartment buildings. Experts estimate the volume of the smart home systems market in Russia at 9 billion rubles. At the same time, the market is growing by about 1 billion per year. It is based on smart large and small household appliances controlled through a smartphone, as well as smart speakers[9]

Anton Kuchma, head of the practice of new technologies at Accenture in Russia, estimated the volume of the smart home systems market in Russia at 9 billion rubles. At the same time, according to Discovery Research Group, the market is growing at about 1 billion rubles. per year. "Nevertheless, for Russia as a whole, smart homes are still a curiosity, the main reason is a lack of understanding of technology and the possible result from those investments that need to be made. Abroad, smart houses solve the problem of ensuring security and saving energy consumption, while Russians have comfort in the first place. In addition, in the Russian Federation, the technology is perceived to be more suitable for a country house, "says Anton Kuchma.

Russians have the ability to use technologies for remotely opening doors or turning on the light, but so far these devices work through different applications in different ecosystems with different data transfer protocols. According to Anton Kuchma, the Russian smart home market lacks complexity: devices for smart homes appear separately from each other, each solves a local problem. For more successful development, it is necessary to combine them into a single ecosystem of smart assistants.

Accenture examined the smart homes services market and found that manufacturers and sellers overlook the motives, concerns and emotions of users. As a result, companies choose an approach focused on the product, not on the person, and deprive themselves of part of the profit.

In the course of the Accenture study, "Putting Man at the Forefront of the House of the Future" in 2018 interviewed more than 6,000 people in 13 countries (in the USA,, Brazil,, Great Britain Sweden Denmark,,,,, France,,, and Germany Italy Spain China India Japan Australia).

Accenture is confident that smart home market players can create advanced devices, but on a fundamental level they do not understand who he is the future owner of a smart home, and what he wants.

The survey revealed several concerns among users. New technologies, on the one hand, provide a lot of opportunities for communication: with their help we can "visit" places that we can never see in person, or listen to our favorite music live without being present at concert venues. The downside: People become more isolated from each other.

Another distrust is due to the fact that users are afraid to become too dependent on technology, half of the participants aged 18 to 34 admitted to this. 43% of respondents aged 18 to 34 noted that they were concerned that smart devices knew too much about them. More than 70% of respondents admitted that technology makes life easier, from cooking and ordering food online to controlling the home climate and environment. At the same time, technology makes people lazy - almost 50% of respondents think so.

However, elderly people do not believe at all that they have become lazy.

One of the results of the study, for example, was the identification of the audience most loyal to smart home technologies - these are people over 65 years old. Only 31% of participants in this age group responded that technology was able to make them lazy, and only 25% expressed concern about dependence on technology. "People in this age group are confident that technology plays a positive role in their lives," the survey said.

The conclusion that the authors of the study came to: instead of concentrating only on products and trying to change the behavior of users for them, companies should take a closer look at what is happening to the user himself at different stages of his life.

Sales of devices for the "smart" home in Russia rose by a third

In 2018, Russians purchased 1.2 million smart home devices, which is a third more than a year earlier. In money, expenses rose by 11%, reaching 20.8 billion rubles, calculated in the analytical company GfK.

In their calculations, experts took into account audio and video equipment working with "smart" voice assistants, household appliances that can be controlled from a smartphone, as well as various surveillance cameras, bulbs and sockets with the ability to interact through mobile applications.

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Among devices for a "smart" home, Russians most often choose household appliances controlled by a smartphone

Russia accounted for 11.3% of sales of smart home equipment in Europe. Experts estimated the volume of the entire European market at 2.5 billion euros at the end of 2018.

Household appliances are in greatest demand in the Russian Federation, Andrei Timoshenko, head of the consumer electronics sector at GfK Rus, told Vedomosti. According to him, large devices such as refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners that can be controlled using a smartphone accounted for 70% of sales.

The share of small household appliances ("smart" vacuum cleaners, kettles, scales, etc.) amounted to 15%. Sales of various audio and video devices, including speakers with voice assistants, accounted for 10% of the market. The least in money on the Russian market is sold CCTV cameras, light bulbs and sockets (share - 5%).

According to GfK analysts, the main factors in the future success of the Russian market for smart home solutions are functional clarity and usefulness, accessibility and openness of systems so that the consumer can independently connect devices from different manufacturers to each other. If retailers want to make money on this segment, they need to at least develop the expertise of their consultants in the smart home segment. The greatest expectations are related to the development of AI assistants with support for the national language pack, the study said.

84% increase in sales of smart home equipment in money

January 23, 2019 Coherent-Euroset reported an increase in sales of equipment for smart home"" by 84% in monetary terms at the end of 2018 compared to 2017, in unit terms the growth was 16%. here More.

Smart home devices and robotic vacuum cleaners are gaining popularity in Moscow

In July 2018, analysts City Information Technology Department Moscow and private classifieds site Avito studied how Muscovites use digital devices, including where they listen to music more often, where they play games where they look for information. Also, special attention was paid to devices that are only gaining popularity and have not yet become truly massive: devices, "smart home" smart watches and bracelets, helmets and glasses, virtual reality game consoles and robots vacuum pads. More. here


Discovery Research Group: Market volume - 8 billion rubles (+ 11.1%)

According to the calculations of the Discovery Research Group, carried out specifically for Elari, the volume of the smart home systems market in Russia in 2017 amounted to 8 billion rubles, which is 11.1% more than in 2016. In 2018, the market grew by 12.5% compared to 2017 and amounted to 9 billion rubles.

Data from J'son & Partners Consulting

The industry in Russia is at the very beginning of development, in the greenfield zone; According to J'son & Partners Consulting (Jason & Partners Consulting), the share of households using such systems in 2017 was about 0.6%.

However, recently, trends have been determined to intensify activities in the Smart City, Smart Home markets, both by the state regulator and the initiator of the digitalization of the economy (including infrastructure formation projects, building Smart cities, Smart housing and communal services systems, etc.), and the main market participants, primarily telecommunications operators, IT companies, equipment manufacturers.

Despite the barriers (economic, social) that stand in the way of Smart Home development, with the development of product offerings, the implementation of government initiatives, and the reduction in the total cost of ownership of Smart Home systems, consumers will see opportunities to save resources and ensure the safety of family members and property when using Smart Home products and solutions, the advantages of the technologies used, which will become an additional market driver.

2014: Data from J'son & Partners Consulting

Over five years, the share of Russian households in which they will use consumer devices for a smart home will increase fivefold: from 1% to 5%. This forecast is contained in the latest study by J'son & Partners Consulting (Jason & Partners Consulting). The company estimates that about 2.8 million households will use smart home technology by the end of 2024.

Analysts at J'son & Partners identified four areas for the development of smart home consumer systems:

  • home automation systems (lighting, power, etc.);
  • safety systems (video surveillance and access control, security and fire alarm, leakage sensors, etc.);
  • entertainment systems (media systems management, smart speakers, etc.);
  • Climate management systems (control of heating, ventilation and air conditioning/purification).
