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Rosatom Digital Solutions (RCR)


Atomenergoprom - 100%



+ Rosatom Digital Solutions (RCR)
+ Rosatom Federal Atomic power Agency



Victory in the trial of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation: The company was able to return state accreditation

On October 15, 2024, it became known that Rosatom Digital Solutions (RCR) won the lawsuit against the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia. The company was able to judicially return state accreditation as an IT company, which was withdrawn in 2022.

According TAdviser to the press service of the RCR, the company appealed against the decision Ministry of Digital Development of January 23, 2024 to refuse to grant state IT accreditation. By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow August 5, 2024, the requirements of the RCR were satisfied, the decision of the Ministry of Digital Development was declared illegal. The court ordered the Ministry of Digital Development to carry out actions aimed at restoring the rights of the company by including information on accreditation of RCR LLC in the register within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the judicial act. Then the department appealed the decision of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow, but on October 15, 2024, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the court of first instance. The court decision came into force.

IT - Rosatom's "daughter" won the trial with the Ministry of Digital Development

The state accreditation of IT companies provides a number of significant advantages, including tax incentives, a simplified procedure for hiring foreign specialists and benefits for employees. Among them are a decrease in insurance premiums, a zero income tax rate until December 31, 2024, a moratorium on scheduled non-tax inspections and the possibility of obtaining a preferential mortgage for employees.

The reason for the withdrawal of accreditation from the RCR was not officially named. However, it is known that in 2024 more than 2 thousand companies lost IT accreditation. Among the most common reasons for the recall are incorrect representation of consent to the disclosure of tax secrets, failure to provide a certificate of income for 2023, lack of up-to-date information about IT activities on the company's website, non-compliance of the level of wages with the established requirements and zero revenue over the past year.

RCR is part of ROSATOM's digitalization Block and promotes ROSATOM's digital products on the open market. According to the service Kontur. Phocus, the company participated in only one public procurement, but acted as a customer in more than 100 contracts totaling ₽2,6 billion, notes CNews[1]

Renaming to Rosatom Digital Solutions

Rosatom has agreed with the Government of the Russian Federation to rename 21 companies that are part of the state corporation's management loop in such a way as to include the words "Russian Federation," "Russia" or their derivatives in their names. The corresponding order of the Cabinet of Ministers (of 22.01.2024 No. 109-r) was published on the official portal of legal information on January 23, 2024. According to the list approved by the order, RuSat - Digital Solutions LLC (RCR LLC) received the name Rosatom Digital Solutions LLC (RCR LLC).


Cooperation Agreement with MDA

On October 18, 2023, representatives of Rosatom State Corporation announced that, represented by RuSat - Digital Solutions (RCR LLC) and the country office in Belarus (RuSat Bel LLC), the company had entered into an agreement with one of the oldest Belarusian IT companies - International Business Alliance CJSC (MDA CJSC) on the implementation of joint digitalization projects based on digital products and Rosatom solutions. Read more here.

Start creating a distribution network

Rosatom Rusatom - Digital Solutions (RCR) has begun building a distribution network to present its digital products on the market. The work starts with ensuring the availability to consumers of the State Corporation's flagship software - the Logos engineering analysis and mathematical modeling system. RCR has concluded a number of framework agreements with partners and is starting to actively promote this software product in the Russian and foreign markets.

RCR forms a distribution network for the sale of licenses. In addition, technical support will be organized for users of the Logos system by specialists from the developer company.

Creating a large distribution channel for the Logos engineering package is a logical continuation of working with this digital product. Despite the fact that this software recently entered the Russian market, we see its great potential and prospects. It is especially important that Logos developers are attentive to feedback from consumers, adapt the product to specific customer needs, constantly update the software package, expanding its functionality and supplementing it with new modules, "said Alexander Vibe, CEO of RuSat - Digital Solutions.

As part of ensuring digital technological independence, Logos is actively used not only in the nuclear power, but also at more than a hundred enterprises in high-tech sectors of the Russian economy. At the same time, the plans for accelerated economic growth require the construction of a more efficient and convenient system of interaction between industrial consumers and manufacturers of a digital product.

{{quote "As of July 2023, a number of Russian industrial and scientific organizations use various Logos modules, but we need to reduce the path that this product goes from developer to enterprise, simplify it, make it as flexible and transparent as possible - convenient for manufacturers. This is the only way to count on the acceleration of import substitution of CAE-class software in various industries - concluded Alexander Vibe. }}

The created distribution network will allow, first of all, to optimize marketing-logistic activities aimed at promoting Logos to the markets - both domestic and foreign: the time for passing the software implementation procedure, user training, and technical support will be significantly simplified and reduced.

The RCR focuses on expertise and a clear understanding of work in various industrial segments. The "single window" principle provides industrial customers with well-functioning interaction processes, including operational communication with developers - in the end, individual features of implementation and further development of the digital product for the specifics of the consumer are taken into account.

A serious competitive advantage of Rosatom's Logos CAE system is the ability to take into account the needs of specific enterprises when using it. The distribution network will expand the user community, which will lead to an increase in product quality. In addition, the mass introduction of Logos will significantly increase the efficiency of digitalization of enterprises and, in general, speed up import substitution processes in this software class, "said Dmitry Fomichev, executive director of mathematical modeling at RuSat - Digital Solutions.

The development of Rosatom's digital products is carried out within the framework of ensuring the digital technological sovereignty of Russian industry. The Logos CAE system is a competitive offer for foreign consumers.


Rosatom bought 50% of the company "Security Code"

On December 27, 2022, it was announced the sale of 50% of the Security Code company to Rosatom State Corporation. Its participants did not disclose the financial side of the transaction. Read more here.

Rosatom acquired control at AT Consulting

Rosatom represented by RuSat - Digital Solutions LLC acquired a controlling stake in the AT Consulting group of companies. TAdviser was told about this in AT Consulting, which is now part of Rosatom, in early April. The state corporation received control in the group through JSC "ATI Group" - the holding company AT Consulting. Read more here.

2021: Participation in the creation of the CAD/CAE Consortium

On July 6, 2021, it became known about the signing of the Agreement on the Creation of consortium the Russian CAD System Developers/CAE, whose activities will be aimed at ensuring the technological independence industrial of enterprises and research organizations RUSSIAN FEDERATION in the field of systems (supercomputer mathematical) modeling and engineering analysis. More. here

2019: Decision to form a company

In January 2019, the Board of Directors of Atomenergoprom (part of Rosatom State Corporation) decided to create a new company - Rusatom-Digital Solutions. It will be 100% owned by Atomenergoprom, and the authorized capital of Rusatom-Digital Solutions will amount to 80 million rubles. Atomenergoprom announced this on the website of the corporate information disclosure center.

Atomenergoprom consolidates the civil assets of the Russian nuclear industry. The company provides a full cycle of production in the field of nuclear power: from uranium mining to the construction of nuclear power plants and electricity generation.

At the time of publication, Rosatom could not explain to TAdviser what the main areas of activity of Rusatom-Digital Solutions will be and how they will relate to digital projects of other divisions of the state corporation.

Rosatom is one of the participants in the Digital Economy national project "(photo -"

Prerequisites for creating a company related to digital solutions could be considered Rosatom's participation in the Digital Economy national project, digital transformation in Atomenergoprom itself, the beginning of which the company announced in its annual report for 2017, as well as Atomenergoprom's interest in diversifying its business. The latter is also mentioned in the annual report.

In the annual report of Atomenergoprom there is a mention of the company's digital projects. It says, for example, that in addition to the digital transformation program, "promising projects related to supercomputers, additive technologies, and life cycle management of complex engineering objects" were launched.

As part of business diversification, Atomenergoprom in 2017 signed a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science to create a digital production of precision products for medicine based on additive technologies (endoprostheses, implants and augments).

In the mining division belonging to Atomenergoprom, in particular, Khiagda (part of Atomredmetzolot, where Atomenergoproekt is a co-founder) developed intelligent methods for modeling underground leaching processes - the Smart Mine project. We are talking about an IT system based on a 3D model of the ore field. The system will be able to simulate and track production processes in real time using video surveillance and intelligent sensors.

Prior to the decision to create Rusatom-Digital Solutions, Atomenergoprom established another company related to IT - Berkut Monitoring Systems (Rusatom Monitoring Systems brand). It was created in 2016 and operates within the framework of the Digital Economy project.

Areas of activity of the Berkut Monitoring System: geoinformation systems (GIS), diagnostic services for roads and road infrastructure, comprehensive monitoring of protected facilities, the introduction of the Safe City agro-industrial complex.

Ekaterina Solntsevov, director of digitalization at Rosatom, told TAdviser that in 2018 the state corporation began to develop a full-fledged business out of sales of digital products and services to external customers. This includes digital technologies supplied jointly with nuclear power plants, software solutions for mathematical modeling of physical processes and to support the construction of complex engineering objects, supercomputers. In addition, in January 2019, Rosatom began providing cloud services based on its own mega-data center.

Within the framework of certain projects, Rosatom previously participated in the development of digital products, including those aimed at external customers. For example, in a project to create a domestic product lifecycle management system () PLM with. Rostec

See also


