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2024/03/01 11:23:55

Industry's Largest IT Providers

The article publishes ratings of the largest participants in the Russian industry digitalization market.

The article is included in the review "Digitalization of Industry."



Overall rating

Softline became the leader in the overall rating of the largest IT suppliers in industry, built on the basis of revenue from IT projects in this area in 2023. The top five also included Zyfra Group of Companies, Jet Infosystems, TerraLink and I-Teco. The total revenue of all participants in the rating exceeded 96 billion rubles.

The rating was prepared based on the results of the survey of companies. Some market participants participating in past rankings did not disclose their data for the new ranking.

Industry's Largest IT Providers
by revenue from the implementation of IT projects in this area

Company name Total revenue from IT projects in industry for 2023, RUB million, incl. VAT Total revenue from IT projects in industry for 2022, RUB million, incl. VAT Revenue dynamics 2023/2022,% Revenue dynamics forecast 2024/2023,% Largest customers in 2023
1 Softline Group of companies21518.41708026.0n/an/a
3 Jet Infosystems6 904.57 286.9-5.2n/an/a
4 TerraLink5,6135,3854.2n/an/a
5 I-Teco5 1243 397.650.8n/an/a
6 Proteus TL3916.51768.1121.5n/an/a
7ITPS3,638,11,658,4119.4n/aLukoil Group Enterprises, TNG-Group, Gazprom Group enterprises, Alrosa, Evraz Tekhnika
8 Digital Economy League271026671.6n/a [[RosatomRosatom]], Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel, KAMAZ, PhosAgro
9 К2Тех2 579.42 081.823.9n/aRosneft, Gazprom, Gazprom, Salym Petroleum
10 First Bit2 186.61 654.532.2n/an/a
11 Prof-IT Group2077135453.420.4MAZ Moskvich, UAZ, AZ Ural, International Tobakko, Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant
12 SATEL1962127953.430.0Gold of the Northern Urals, Kutyn Mining and Geological Company, Norilsk Nickel, MosOblGaz
13 Fort Dialogue1898.2644.9194.35.0SEZ Alabuga, Kamaz, Chromatek, Nefaz, Elara
14 GC Basic Solutionsn/an/an/an/a
15 KORUS Consulting1,6471,46512.4n/aEVRAZ, Ikon Tyres, Akkermann Cement, Vostokcement, Irkutsk Oil Company
16 Angara Security1641n/an/an/aALMAZ - ANTEY CONCERN VKO, NLMK, Siberian Industrial Group, AVANGARD MMZ, KARAT JSC
17 Innostage1425.8618.9130.4n/ado not specify
18 Raitek DTG137976480.5n/an/a
19 Maxima1,3301061154.7490.5n/a
20 Hi-Tech GC131693640.6n/an/a
21 IBS Group10702920-63.4n/aKalashnikova Concern, Gaz Group, MTZ Transmash, KAMA, Russian Helicopters
23 AMT GROUP981.4976.30.5n/aLukoil Technologies, Norilsk Nickel
24 Sitronics Group932.81,073n/an/an/a
[[Cloud NetworksCloud Networks859,4783,49,773,8н/д]]
26 InduSoft8021048-23.5n/aLUKOIL, URALCHEM, NLMK
27 Yuztech Group788.9204.3286.2n/an/a
28 Reksoft788N/AN/AN/AN/A
29 Simpl72063014.318.1Gazprom Neft, Transneft, NLMK, Rosneft
30 MAI Digital Integrator711.81130-37.0n/an/a
31 KAMAZ Digital702.2452.855.1104.7KAMAZ PJSC, Mosgortrans, Natcar, NEFAZ, Transmashpribor
32 Texnoprom573.6138315.6n/an/a
33 BARS Group534.3303.676.031.0KAMAZ IC LLC, Mosenergo PJSC
34 Optimacros505.5201.2151.220.0Akrikhin, NovaBevGroup, NPK UWC, Karelia Palp
35 Krayon50234645.1n/an/a
37 BusinessAutomation445N/AN/AN/AN/A
38 SimbirSoft35218788.2n/an/a
39 Infotactika33225032.820.5PJSC Gazprom, JSC NPP SVT, LLC HI-TECH, LLC ALABUGA DEVELOPMENT
40 Inline Group314365-14.0n/an/a
41 Gradum31126417.8n/an/a
42 Nord Clan30781279.0Pavlik JSC, Kama Technologies LLC, Soyuztehnok LLC, Alabuga-Fiber LLC
44 CorpSoft2427016860.722.6UralChem, HaloPolymer, Microgen, Fort, Metakley
45 Comindware247N/AN/AN/A
46 Knowledge Space24084185.771.7Gazprom Neft, NLMK, Salym Petroleum, Oil Industry of Serbia, Meretoyakhaneftegaz
47 SpetsTek218.148.9346.0Smolensk NPP, Kursk NPP, Biaxplen, Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port, Atomflot
48 Belka Digital215.5115.886.185.6Norilsk Nickel, UMMC, RMK, Evraz, Eurochem
49 ALPE Consulting212.9230.4-7.664.4Technonikol SV LLC (URSA Eurasia), FSOFT LLC, Rokvul LLC
50 RAMAX Group185.7266.1-30.2n/an/a
51 FTO Group178.7124.743.315.8Danon, Tatspirtprom, Onyip, Petroleum Trading, MKV
52 HOST Group169.9206.3-17.623.6VSMPO, BioVitrum, Sinara Group, IzhMeh, TransMash
54 Oxtorn155.726498.879.8JSC Sarapul Power Generation Plant, JSC Solikamskbumprom, PJSC Uralkali, OJSC KUMZ, JSC BHZ named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR, FKP Perm Gunpowder Plant
55 Arbyte149.7397.8-62.4n/an/a
56 Ai Ti Skan146.188.864.541.7Rosseti, Kazakhmys Koal, GRES Topar, AMC, Kazakhmys Energy
57Rubius142302-53.0146.5 Gazpromneft| |, Rosneft
58 Edith Pro13533309.125.9n/a
59 BFG Group130.4239.1-45.520.9JSC MSZ, JSC Concern Kalashnikov, PJSC UEC, JSC Penztyazhpromarmatura, JSC Izhevsk Mechanical Plant.
61 Tibbo Systems111.536.1208.9-12.7PJSC Gazprom Neft, JSC DCS
62 Flant105.214.2640.8n/aGazprom Neft PJSC, ATS, Greenatom, Technoavia LLC PV
63 Article1057441.9-18.1Alcon Pharmaceuticals LLC, Ruskan JSC, Orak LLC, Ilim
[[Digital DesignDigital Design99927,6н/дн/д]]
65 Innodata94.480.217.7n/an/a
66 Technocracy93.324.6279.01.8n/a
67 Bobday Soft64.5N/AN/AN/A
68 Digitalization of Production62.110.9471.8n/aUnirest LLC, Lab industries
[[KITT Systems (KITT - Tambov Key Information Technologies)KITT Systems48,728,769,3105,5н/д]]
70 VS Lab423520.028.6Danon, Norilsk Nickel, NLMK Group, Cerverstal
71 RKIT33.816.999.21.0Rosneft, Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk, GAZ Group, NTFF Polisan,
72 VEGA (Istock)33.711.4194.5n/a
73 Red Soft29.5N/AN/AN/AN/A
74 ForusN/AN/AN/AN/A
75 Umbrella IT28.4281.4n/an/a

Vendor Rating

The leader in the rating of the largest IT vendors in the industry, built on the basis of revenue from IT projects in this area in 2023, was the Zyfra Group. Its revenue increased by 27.5% and approached 7.3 billion rubles. At the end of 2024, the company expects revenue growth of 34.3%.

The top five also included Satel, InduSoft, Basic Solutions Group of Companies and KAMAZ Digital. The total revenue of all participants in the rating amounted to 15.6 billion rubles.

The rating of IT vendors in industry was also prepared based on the results of the survey of companies. It includes market participants who provided data on revenue from IT projects in industry based on their own solutions.

The largest IT vendors in the industry
by revenue from the implementation of IT projects based on own solutions

Company name Revenue from IT projects in industry based on its own solutions for 2023, million rubles. including VAT Revenue from IT projects in industry based on its own solutions for 2022, RUB million, including VAT Revenue dynamics 2023/2022,% Revenue dynamics forecast 2024/2023,% In-house solutions implemented in industry
1 GK CIFRA7282571127.534.3ZIIOT, ZIAK, ASU GTK Quarry, Dispechter Comlex
2 SATEL148892161.630Enerbas: integration platform; RTU: unified communications platform; VizorLabs: video analytics and machine vision; SOVA: IT infrastructure monitoring; SOVA Prom: monitoring of industrial facilities
3 InduSoft8021048-23.5n/aI-DS Digital Services: Production Management I-DS/PC, Data Reconciliation I-DS/DR, Laboratory Management and Quality Control I-DS/LDS, Scheduling I-DS/PS
4 GC Basic Solutions703n/an/an/anotebooks POWER NK2-3404, servers POWER SR1-6326, POWER SR2-6327, POWER SR2-5422, network equipment
[[KAMAZ DigitalKAMAZ Digital702,2452,855,1104,7MES, TMS, FMS, Челнок, KAMAZ Telematic Cloud]]
6 Yuztech GC594N/AN/AN/A
7 BARS Group5343047631JSCo Russian Railways, FAA Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, JSC Tatenergosbyt Kazan, LLC IC KAMAZ, PJSC Mosenergo
8 Optimacros GC505.5201.2151.220Optimacros
9 BusinessAutomation445N/AN/AN/AVisary Platform, Visary ERP, Visary Project, Visary BI, Visary EDMS, Visary GIS
[[ComindwareComindware247н/дн/д35,6Comindware Business Application Platform]]
[[IMS (Integrated Control Systems, IMS)Knowledge Space24084185,771,7Knowledge Space (сокр. KS)]]
12SpecTek218.148.9346.011 EAM| |/APM TRIM
[[Belka Digital (Squirrel Digital)Belka Digital]]215.5115.886.185.6PAC Integral (I&C add-on for automatic process control), Flovizhn PAC (smart sensor - flotation), Milvayb PAC (smart sensor - grinding)
[[Fort DialogueFort Dialog]]195.76n/an/a5Face ID, AutoGate, PAC Protocol
15 Ai Ti Skan146.188.864.541.7n/a
16 BFG Group130.4239.1-45.520.9BFG iMRP Volume and Calendar Modeling System, BFG Simulation System, BFG APS Operational Planning System, BFG iMES Internal Dispatching System
17 Innostage128.355.7130.3n/an/a
18 Agora11561.487.44.4SRM, ETP, B2B Marketplaces,
Tibbo Systems SCADA IoT111,536,1208,9-12,7AggraGate /HMI, AggreGate Platform, MES
20Flant105.214.2640.8 Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (DKP) RD
21 Nord Clan6316293.852.4MLSense - a system for controlling defects in conveyor production using machine vision and neural networks
[[SitronicsSitronics Group61,352,716,4н/дн/д]]
23 KITT Systems45.627.267.5119.5I&C Custom Development
24 VEGA (Istock)33.711.4194.551.3Istock Ecosystem
25 Red Soft29.5N/AN/AN/ARED OS , RED Virtualization
26 Umbrella IT28.4281.4n/an/a
27 RKIT25.616.951.11Management of Meetings (Investment Committee), Management of Powers of Attorney, Management of the Balance, Claims and Claims and Acts of Government Bodies, Basic workflow and Control of Executive Discipline.
[[PlatformcraftPlatformcraft21,214,150,9277,1DEPOT, DEPOT EDGE, DEPOT TRNSCDR]]
29 HFLabs3n/an/an/a


Softline became the leader in the rating of the largest IT suppliers in industry, built on the basis of revenue from IT projects in this area in 2022. The top three largest IT suppliers for industrial enterprises also included Isource and Jet Infosystems. The total revenue of all participants in the rating exceeded 94 billion rubles.

Compared to the same rating in the previous period, the number of companies increased by more than 30%, and the total revenue increased by 67%.

The most striking dynamics of revenue growth (more than 10 times) was demonstrated by SimbirSoft. GC Hi-Tech and Isource reported revenues exceeding previous results by more than 6 times. Umbrella IT, ICL HA, Sissoft - more than 4 times.

Revenue of Russian companies from IT projects in industry in 2021-2022 (total rating) *

Company Total revenue from IT projects in industry for 2022, RUB million, incl. VAT Total revenue from IT projects in industry for 2021, RUB million, incl. VAT Dynamics of revenue from IT projects in industry in% 5 largest customers in 2022
1 Softline17080n/an/an/a
2Isource159002517531.7%Gazprom neft PJSC, NLMK PJSC, EVRAZ LLC, Zarubezhneft JSC, Uztm-Karteks Management Company LLC
3 Jet Infosystems7286.94742.353.7%n/a
4 GK CIFRA5711361757.9%PJSC T Plus, PJSC Gazprom Neft, OAO BelAZ, RUSAL, JSC UEC
5 TerraLink5385.8340058.4%n/a
6 I-Teco3397.64063.8-16.4%n/a
7 ASCON3305.12486.132.9%n/a
8 Sissoft3269773322.9%n/a
9 IBS Group29203094-5.6%n/a
[[Tegrus - Merlion ProjectsTegrus280827372,6%н/д]]
11 VK Tech2654n/an/aAvtoVAZ JSC, PJSC Lukoil, PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Transneft
12 Borlas Group25872752-6.0%n/a
13 K2Tekh2081.8835.8149.1%PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Gazprom Neft, LLC RN-Kart, LLC Volga-Uralskaya NK
14 ICL GK1986.5459.6332.3%UNIREST LLC, IRB LLC, Regional Network of Food Enterprises LLC, AvtoVAZ JSC, Concern Sozvezdiye JSC
15 ITPS1658.41246.833.0%Lukoil Group enterprises, TNG-Group LLC, Gazprom Neft Group enterprises, AK ALROSA (PJSC), Evraz Tekhnika LLC
16 Korus Consulting14651497-2.1%JSC Petersburg Mill Combine, Evraz TK LLC, Vostokcement LLC, Rusagro Group of Companies LLC, APKh ECO-culture LLC
17 SATEL127912056.1%PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, PJSC Uralkali, JSC SGC
18 MAI Group113010874.0%Closed Information
19 Sitronics Group1073.21487.2-27.8%PAO Severstal, OOO Medvezhiy Ruchey, OOO Vyatka Plywood Plant, OOO APK DAMATE, JSC Multivershinnoye
20 Ventra IT986N/AN/AN/A
21 Hi-Tech Group936.4141.4562.3%n/a
22 Sedmax89268630.0%PAO Severstal, OOO Russdragmet, PJSC Seligdar, JSC AB InBev Efes, MKPAO OK Rusal, OOO Gazprom Methanol
23 MONOLIT-INFO8347806.9%Baltika Brewery Company LLC, Megapolis Group of Companies, Ochakovo MPBK JSC
25 Business Acceleration (tm "First Bit")77752448.3%n/a
26 Fort Dialog644.9412.856.2%SEZ PPT Alabuga, PJSC KAMAZ, CJSC SKB Chromatek, JSC Concern Sozvezdiye, JSC Elara
27 Raitek DTG478.8142.4236.2%NDA
28 X-Com43839411.2%Undisclosed under contract terms
29 UTSB428.6204.6109.5%PJSC Uralkali, PJSC NLMK, PJSC IL, PJSC Severstal, EVRAZ NTMK, JSC PNTZ, JSC SINTZ, JSC Azot-Explosion, JSC UTZ
30 FTO386.6222.673.7%Rusagro Group of Companies LLC, Cherkizovo Group PJSC, Danon Russia JSC, ROST Group of Companies, Novaport LLC
31 SPC Business Automation35596269.8%PJSC Gazprom, MMK, SAV LLC
32 Krayon346484-28.5%n/a
33 Impulse Telecom274.8271.31.3%n/a
34 RAMAX Group266n/an/an/a
35 BFG Group26318839.9%KAMAZ PJSC, Concern Kalashnikov JSC, IMZ JSC, Rimera-Alnas LLC, PTPA JSC
36 Yuztech GC204.3n/an/aNDA
37 WONE IT199466-57.3%JSC OKHK Uralchem, JSC Ammoniy, LLC Halopolymer Kirovo-Chepetsk, JSC BTK Group, JSC Packaging Systems
[[SimbirSoft (SimbirSoft)SimbirSoft187161068,8%NDA]]
39 Extyl18214525.5%EVRAZ LLC, NLMK PJSC, Gazpromneft NTC LLC, USC
40 Beltel156n/an/an/a
41 NFP154n/an/an/a
42 Technology Lab (tm "First Bit")1441412.1%n/a
43 IMBA IT142.5n/an/an/a
44 Texnoprom138N/AN/AN/A
45 Oxtron116.77653.6%Agat Organization JSC, Uralkali PJSC, BCT LLC, KUMZ OJSC, Transneft-Logistics LLC
[[RDN GroupRDN Group1128138,3%н/д]]
48 GC Digital Design927817.9%n/a
49 ADVANTA88.581.38.8%JSC SGMK, JSC TsNIIAG, AK ALROSA (PJSC), PJSC Irkut Corporation, Platformix LLC
50 red mad robot83.6160.3-47.9%NLMK PJSC, Kama JSC, Kursk AgroActive LLC, AK Engineering JSC
51 Nord Klan8125224.0%Naumen Consulting LLC, PAVLIK JSC, Krastsvetmet OJSC, Soyuztekhnokom LLC, Alabuga-Fiber LLC
52 Innodata80.2n/an/an/a
53 MOLGA Consulting78100-22.0%J.T.I. Russia LLC, Petro LLC, MMC NORILSK NICKEL PJSC, SIBUR, Efes
54 Atomik Soft6621214.3%Apatit JSC, Nizhfarm JSC, Kazanorgsintez PJSC, SAPSAN, Volma
55 BSL (Business Solutions Lab)585113.7%S7 Logistics (S7 CARGO LLC), Isolator Plant (Massa LLC), MASSA-K JSC
56 Trivium3551-31.4%Federal State Budgetary Institution "REA" of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation," Public Organization "Fund of the International Medical Cluster," LLC "CBT," LLC "BARS-RTS"
57 BIA Technologies34.1N/AN/AN/A
[[Umbrella Alliance (Umbrella IT)Umbrella IT286368,6%н/д]]
59 ICL Services23.668.1-65.3%n/a
60 Communication Telecommunication Service20.910.893.5%KAMAZ PJSC, GAS AUTOMATION SYSTEMS LLC, A.G. Shipunov Design Bureau of Instrumentation, August Firm
61 RKIT19.450.8-61.9%LLC IK Sibintek, LLC Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk, GAZ Group, LLC Irkutsk Oil Company, JSC SUEK
62 Modum Lab16.5N/AN/AN/A
63 Napoleon IT15.215.2-0.3%Zyfra Group of Companies
Sum94775.9 "'
* - Rating prepared on the basis of company questionnaires TAdviser 2024
' '

The company became the leader in the rating of the largest IT vendors in the industry, built on the basis of revenue from IT projects in this area in 2022. The Isource top three also included GK CIFRA and. ASCON The total revenue of all participants in the rating exceeded 30 billion rubles.

Revenue of Russian IT vendors from projects in industry in 2021-2022 *

Company Revenue from IT projects in industry based on its own solutions for 2022, RUB million, including VAT Revenue from IT projects in industry based on its own solutions for 2021, million rubles. including VAT Dynamics of revenue from IT projects in industry based on own solutions in% Native solutions implemented in industry (list key solutions)
[[Isource (Icors, formerly Digital Procurement Services, DCS)Isource159002517531,7%Reserve Isource, Processor Isource, Inspector Isource, Element Isource, Express Isource]]
2 GK CIFRA5711361757.9%Zyfra Industrial IoT Platform, ACS GTC "Quarry," complex "Dispatcher"
[[VK Tech (formerly VK Digital, VK Digital and Digital technologies)VK Tech2654н/дн/дVK Tax Compliance, VK People Hub, VK Cloud, VK Workspace]]
5 Sedmax89268630.0%ASODUE (Automated System of Operational Dispatch Control of Power Management), ASTUE (Automated System of Technical Accounting of Energy Resources), RAS (Registration of Emergency Events) and CKE (Quality Control of Electricity), Emission and Discharge Accounting, Calculation of Electrical Network Modes (Digital Network Twin), Operational Equipment Monitoring
7 SPC Business Automation35596269.8%Visary Platform, Visary ERP, Visary Project, Visary BI, Visary EDMS, Visary ETL
[[BFG GroupBFG Group26318839,9%BFG-IS, BFG-IS+, BFG-QRM+, BFG-CMT-Assembly, BFG-QRM-Assembly]]
[[Extyl (Extil)Extyl18214525,5%н/д]]
10 TerraLink119.50n/an/a
11 ADVANTA88.581.38.8%ISUP to manage industrial enterprise projects, ISUP to manage the digital transformation of state-owned companies based on Advant software
12 Atomic Soft6621214.3%Alpha Platform, Alpha.Platform, Alpha.SCADA, Alpha.Historic
13 GC Digital Design645125.5%ISCO Areopad, AVACOR, Docsvision platform
14 BSL (Business Solutions Lab)585113.7%Platform for delivering goods from door to door in Russia in 24 hours, Plant Isolator|MES-system, JSC "MASSA-K"|software for scales with interface
15 Trivium3551-31.4%Platform TriVi (3V)
[[Umbrella Alliance (Umbrella IT)Umbrella IT286368,6%н/д]]
17 Sitronics Group26.3n/an/an/a
18 Modum Lab16.5N/AN/APlatform-Based Development, Modum Education Platform
19 Nord Clan161060.0%MLSense - Defect Control in Conveyor Production with Machine Vision and Neural Networks
20 Napoleon IT15.1915.24-0.3%Core +
21 RKIT1047.7-79.0%Meeting Management (Investment Committee), Powers of Attorney Management, Tooling Management, Claims and Claims and Acts of Government Bodies, Basic workflow and Control of Performing Discipline
* - Rating prepared on the basis of company questionnaires TAdviser 2024
' '


CROC became the leader in the rating of the largest IT suppliers in industry, built on the basis of revenue from IT projects in this area in 2021. Its result compared to the previous year increased by 9.1% and reached 6.79 billion rubles. The top five largest IT suppliers for industrial enterprises also included Jet Infosystems, I-Teco, GK CIFRA and IBS Group of Companies. The total revenue of all participants in the rating exceeded 56 billion rubles.

Revenue of Russian companies from IT projects in industry in 2020-2021 *

Company Revenue from IT projects in industry for 2021, million rubles, with VAT Revenue from IT projects in industry for 2020, million rubles, incl. VAT Dynamics 2021/2020 Customers
1 * * * * (1)6 793.76 225.19.1n/a
2 Jet Infosystems4 742.33 412.339n/a
3 Aiteko4,063.82,555.359n/a
4 GK CIFRA3,334,72,296,945.2 [[Gazprom neftGazprom]] Neft, UEC, UMMC, BELAZ, EVRAZ, Atomenergomash
5 IBS Group3,0942,57720,1n/a
6 ICS Holding3,049n/an/an/a
7 Borlas Group2 7522 7021.9n/a
[[Tegrus - Merlion ProjectsTegrus2 7372 6911,7н/д]]
9 Digital Economy League2,6162,23017,3Norilsk Nickel, Fosagro, Uralchem, Polyus, Severstal, Rosatom
10 ASCON2 2401 71130.9NPK KBM, Mayak PO, Volgogradneftemash
11 Isource2,200n/an/aUZTM KARTEX, Volgogradneftemash, Nordgold, United panel group, Highland Gold, Gazprom Neft, UMMC
12 Maxima Telecom1,67095475.1n/a
13 KORUS Consulting1,49781982.8AKKERMANN cement, EuroChem, MC-Bauchemie, Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant, Cherkizovo
14 Prof-IT Group1 247.31 251.4-0.3 [[Russian helicoptersHelicopters of Russia]], SOLLERS, UAZ, SHCHL, AZ Ural, Grain Holding
15 ITPS1,246,81,815,5-31.3Lukoil Group enterprises, Ferghana Oil Refinery, TNG-Group, Gazpromneft Group enterprises
16 Satel1 205.1760.358.5Boksit Timana, MMC Norilsk Nickel, Uralkali, OHK Uralchem, Beringpromugol, YuVGK
17 Sonnet1 200.7686.574.9n/a
18 MAI GC1,08775743.6n/a
19 AMT Group1,0221,136-10Norilsk Nickel, Khundai, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Russian Platinum, Lukoil
20 ID Management Technology9961,073-7.2PJSC Rosseti, PJSC FGC UES, PJSC Rosseti Center, PJSC Rosseti Center and Volga Region, JSC Rosseti Tsygna
21 Lakhta.spb883138539.9Gazprom General Contractor Specialized Company for Construction Facilities
22 GMCS88073320.1Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, RUSAL, ALROSA, SUEK
23 Parus66856917.4JSC Network Company, Aviation Corporation Rubin, FSUE TsAGI named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky
25 RDTECH557.3352.358.2SIBUR, OTIS, Vyksa Metallurgical Plant
26 Business Acceleration521.5511.12n/a
27 FORS Group456687-33.6Norilsk Nickel, Evraz ZSMK, RUSAL, Volkswagen Group Rus
28 Organizational & Technological Solution440.2n/an/an/a
29 Abak2000 GC43030043.3n/a
30 Gazprombank ETP29322430.8n/a
32 FTO222.6198.2Cherkizovo, Danon, Mirogroup, RUSAGRO, ROST, Elinsky Food Processing Plant
33 UTSB204.63 067.3-93.3Nipigaz, Polyus Krasnoyarsk, MMC Norilsk Nickel, Uralkali, NLMK, PJSC IL, Severstal, EVRAZ NTMK
34 BFG Group18860.9208.7KAMAZ PJSC, Concern Kalashnikov JSC, Izhevsk Mechanical Plant JSC, Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant JSC, Penztyazhpromarmatura JSC and others.
35 Infopro GC183.4245.7-25.4Portenergo LLC, TGK-11 JSC, SGK LLC, TGK-14 PJSC, RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC
36 Raitek150.9144.84.3FSUE NAMI, JSC UZGA, JSC Solnechnogorsk Plant Europlast, JSC Sinara - Transport Machines, JSC UK Efko
37 Hi-Tech Group141.4258.4-45.3n/a
38 TerraLink9825292Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat, NLMK, Metalloinvest, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat, Salym Petroleum
39 BusinessAutomation96n/an/an/a
40 Digital Design Group78.373.7n/a
41 Oxtron GC7678.5-3.1n/a
42 RKIT50.89.2451.8GAZ Group, Rosneft, Verkhnechonskneftegaz
44 Selection33.636.2-7.2GPB, Nornickel, Sibur, Severstal, NLMK
45 BSL (Business Solutions Lab)312429.2Alaskar, Isolator
46 Globus-IT26.548.1-44.9NLMK Group (Novolipetsk Steel Mill), Restaurant Technologies LLC, NEWITI LLC
47 SimbirSoft15.8n/an/an/a
[[Napoleon IT (Napoleon Aichi)Napoleon IT129,230,4н/д]]
' 56 524'
* - Rating prepared on the basis of company questionnaires TAdviser 2022
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(1) - Company name is hidden due to information verification