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Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (MEA)

Developers: Rostelecom
Last Release Date: 2022/08/10
Branches: State and social structures
Technology: EDMS,  EDMS - Streaming Recognition Systems


SMEV is a secure system that allows its participants to exchange data and electronic documents necessary to provide public services to citizens and organizations.

Why SMEV is needed

The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV), which has been under construction in Russia for several years, should help the authorities comply with federal law 210. According to one of the points of this document, since July 1, 2012, officials have no right to demand additional certificates from citizens who applied to them for public services, which are already at the disposal of other officials. The authorities should receive this information from each other through the CMEV.

SMEV is a federal state information system that includes information databases, containing information on software and hardware used by bodies and organizations, providing the possibility of access through the interaction system to their information systems and electronic services, as well as information on the history of movement in the system of interaction of electronic messages when providing state and municipal services and performing state and municipal functions in electronic form.

In addition, SMEV includes software and technical means that ensure the interaction of information systems of bodies and organizations. This solution makes it possible to ensure the provision in electronic form of state and municipal services and the execution of state and municipal functions.

The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction allows federal, regional and local authorities, control and supervision in electronic form to transfer and exchange data necessary for the provision of public services. The system allows you to implement the principle of "one window" when providing public services to the population. A citizen applies for a service to a specialized department, and the specialists of the department get the necessary data in other departments using SMEV.

How SMEV works

The authorities should exchange data through SMEV in two directions. If the applicant requests a federal service, then the territorial division of the federal authority, if necessary, should be able to obtain information from the regional authority and (or) the local government authority. If the applicant applies for a regional or municipal service, then officials should be able to receive information from the federal body.

The information that federal authorities must provide to regional and local authorities as part of the provision of public services was determined by experts from the Ministry of Economic Development. In total, 135 such information (in the terminology of officials) was selected. Of these, 110 should be provided electronically via SMEV.

For transmission in electronic format in the opposite direction - from regional to federal authorities - 38 information was approved for each region.

Physically, SMEV is a set of 84 Oracle buses (nodes) located at 7 Rostelecom data centers in different parts of Russia. One SMEV node is used by federal authorities, and one each by 83 regions. Local information systems (financial, medical, statistical, etc.), public services portals, a unified identification and authentication system, a certification center, a regulatory reference information system and other components are connected to each regional node.

Thus, through SMEV, numerous federal and regional information systems are integrated. In this case, each integration point is a separate mini-project. "In order for the entire system to work stably, it is necessary that all these systems do not contradict each other and correctly interact with each other," says Kozyrev.

The service-oriented architecture of SMEV assumes that the information provider (it can be both the federal authority and the region) outputs a certain electronic service through its system to this bus, which, if the information is correctly requested, correctly issues it. And the consumer of information (also, a region or a federal body), through his system, integrates an adapter into the bus, which is able to correctly request information and receive an answer.

"SMEV itself is essentially not a system. This is such a state closed network, a kind of state Internet, to which different resources are connected, explains Kozyrev. - The more such resources are connected and the more functionality they have, the more functional the state back-office system will be.

The SMEV infrastructure, which is 7 physical data centers, according to Alexei Kozyrev (January 2013), is redundant: "When we have 7 data centers to which 83 regions are connected, the federal service needs to be proxied for each of the 83 regional nodes. This procedure is repeated every time some changes are made to the service. This is a huge amount of work, and it greatly increases the complexity of supporting the system. "

The way out, according to Kozyrev, is to simplify and move from a fragmented infrastructure to an enlarged one. "We look at different optimization options," he says[1].

System tasks

"On average, we have up to 81 million applications for state municipal services per year. At the same time, applicants must independently collect documents by contacting seven to eight departments. As a result, about 560 million appeals are collected during the year "- Vyacheslav Volodin at a meeting in Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on September 26, 2011.

The main function of SMEV is the transfer of data necessary for the provision of public services between departments. Not only federal information systems, but also regional SMEVs will have to connect to the system, the decree says. The connecting departments are obliged to comply with the deadlines set in the October (2009) order of the government on the transition to electronic public services (see the section "History of the development of SMEV" below).

The main purpose of the system is "ensuring the execution of state and municipal functions in electronic form." SMEV must transmit citizens' requests to the departmental information systems of government agencies connected to it, which are responsible for the provision of these services. And in the opposite direction - to transfer data to a single portal after their processing in departmental IS and information on the progress of requests.

Massukh Ilya Issovich, Deputy Minister of Communications: "The main task is to create an effective system of interaction between the state and society. At this stage, electronic public services have become a reality, they are in demand by society. This is evidenced by the statistics of attendance at the website of public services. " Ilya Massukh clarified that the largest number of personal accounts of citizens on the portal of public services is activated in remote regions, such as Kamchatka, the Far East, Khabarovsk Territory, Karelia, Murmansk Region, which, in his opinion, is explained by the insufficiently convenient and accessible location of department offices in these places.

SMEV place in the Electronic Government of the Russian Federation

The full-fledged work of e-government is unthinkable without established mechanisms of interdepartmental electronic interaction. Indeed, if in the case of an "ordinary" government, recipients of public services, citizens and legal entities, are forced to personally collect all the necessary documents, bypassing numerous institutions and offices, then the Electronic Government should save them from any problems of this kind, and, ideally, make the process of obtaining a public service no more difficult than the process of obtaining a communal service (water supply, electricity, etc.). But for this it is necessary that the departments themselves, their information systems interact with each other, exchanging all the necessary information automatically.

However, everyone knows that automation of various government structures took place at different times, at different levels, and using a wide variety of solutions. Each department is dominated by its own workflow regulations, with all the ensuing problems. In one place, a full-fledged electronic document flow is already working, in another place, manual input of data and documents is still used. But even if we are talking about an implemented and working EDMS, there is a complete "zoo" of standards, formats, etc. Therefore, as soon as the all-Russian portal was launched, the creation in the near future of the System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV) became an urgent need. In fact, SMEV is just a set of standards and solutions that allow the information systems of federal and municipal departments to freely interact with each other, as well as with the Unified Portal of Public Services. Another important function of SMEV is to ensure the functioning of state information systems of information and analytical support for public administration.

The scale of the task

The introduction of SMEV without exaggeration can be called the largest integration project that has ever been implemented in Russia before.

The following figures indicate the scale of the task. At the federal level, 320 services should be provided electronically, the consolidated register of state services of the regional level already has about 13 thousand positions, and the municipal one - more than 25 thousand.

"We have 67 executive bodies participating through 237 services in SMEV" (Elvira Nibiullina, at a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on September 26, 2011). The number of executive authorities of the regional and municipal levels, which should be covered by electronic interaction, is hundreds of times more.

Role of the Ministry of Economic Development

"Now out of 900 services, 337 of us require interdepartmental interaction[2]. 337 services - and for each of these services you need to get some kind of information from other bodies, - said Elvira Nabiullina, Minister of Economic Development (September 2011). - On average, for legal entities, this is five to six certificates, sometimes it reaches more - up to 10 or more certificates. As a result of the work - and the work went on for each service - 337 services were drawn up with technological charts, all information exchange technology. "

According to the minister, 988 documents are being transferred to interdepartmental interaction. In the process of translation, it turned out that 311 documents were redundant, she said: "That is, when the authorities demanded from citizens, the business had these documents, they did not even use them to provide public services. It turned out that these documents are simply not needed, they can be eliminated. This is an indirect but positive effect in document management. "

Nabiullina also noted active participation in the interdepartmental interaction of Roseestr. This department, according to her, annually receives about 26 million requests for registration, 68 million requests or requests for information, and for a significant part of these requests, certificates from other departments are needed, primarily from the Federal Tax Service.

"If we take even the average figure of such appeals - 10 million and a very conservative estimate of how much each handling of temporary transport costs can cost, on paper... Even if you take 100 rubles for each appeal (this is minimal), it turns out that we save about 1 billion rubles for citizens and businesses. This is only for one type of appeal, "the minister boasted.

"We already had to - I mean the departments - do a lot of work to set up information systems, because different departments have their own information systems, they had to interact with each other. We had to change 70 laws in order for this system to work. This, of course, is a very important step, and we hope that it will really be embodied and citizens and businesses will feel the effect of removing bureaucratic barriers for their activities, just for life, "Nabiullina concluded.

Basic Information Resources

At the federal level, work was carried out related to the adoption of a resolution on basic information resources, which will provide the most demanded information to both federal executive authorities and regions and municipalities.

In September 2011, a draft regulatory legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation was discussed, providing for approaches to the formation of basic information resources of regions and municipalities. According to experts, the most popular data that regions and municipalities could provide are data from registry offices, data related to the issuance of construction permits, data related to the issuance of social benefits and benefits, and a number of others.

SMEV participants

Monitoring of the connection of federal departments and regions to SMEV is carried out on the website of the Higher School of Economics.

Federal Tax Service

As of January 2012, the Tax Service (FTS) is one of the largest data providers required to provide more than 235 public services to 51 federal departments.

On its own, the Federal Tax Service of Russia provides nine public services requiring the organization of interdepartmental electronic interaction. This is first of all:

  • state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs,
  • accounting of organizations and individuals as taxpayers,
  • 6 public services of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the licensing of certain types of activities and
  • registration of cash registers of the[3].

The government defines 11 basic information registers, of which 4 are the registers of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:

  • EGRUL,
  • EGRIP,
  • USRN and
  • Federal Information Address System.

From October 1 to December 30, 2011, more than 120 thousand requests of federal executive bodies were recorded during the provision of public services to the services of the Federal Tax Service of Russia located in SMEV. The most popular of them are services for providing information and extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The most active users of this information are the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rosreestr, Rosselkhoznadzor, FSS of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor and Rostekhnadzor.

Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, at the request of other authorities in electronic format, must issue documents confirming the fact of service or dismissal, certificates of obtaining a pension for those who served in the internal affairs bodies, certificates of the total duration of service, etc.


The FSB must electronically provide data on the death of unreasonably repressed persons, information about the death of its employees in the performance of duties, etc.

Fines for officials

  • The reaction time of each department to an electronic request is five days. And if the automated system fails, then the "office" must have time to process the order manually and send the information to the customer at least with a courier. And officials will be responsible for non-fulfillment of their functions within the framework of interdepartmental interaction. Relevant amendments will be made to the legislation.

  • In September 2011, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering a bill introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses are envisaged. These amendments relate to the establishment of administrative responsibility for officials who violate the procedure for the provision of public services.

"This rule is necessary because the administrative regulations adopted by the authorities are not always implemented properly. But also these norms are necessary from the point of view of establishing responsibility related to the organization of interdepartmental interaction. In particular, the bill provides for responsibility for violation of the deadlines for the provision of public services, and in this sense, if the deadlines are violated through the fault of an official who did not respond to an interdepartmental request, then it should be held accountable, "said Savva Shipov, director of the department of state regulation in the economy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

From the point of view of the measure of responsibility, it is assumed that these will be fines for officials who violate the deadlines for the provision of public services. In the above bill, there is an approach when these fines will range from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. There is also one nuance here. It concerns the possibility of establishing measures of responsibility in regional laws. Now regional authorities are developing similar legal acts at the local level, providing for the responsibility of regional and municipal administrative regulations.

Two articles are added to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The new articles are Art. 5.60. "Violation of the rights of citizens and organizations in the provision of public services" and Art. 19.33. "Failure to provide information necessary for the provision of state or municipal services, unreasonable request for information within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction."

Excerpts from the project



Name of the violation



Violation of the rights of citizens and organizations in the provision of public services  

One-time violation by an official of the deadlines for the provision of state (municipal) services

Official Warning

Commission by an official of an offense previously subjected to administrative punishment for a similar offense, if the deadlines for the provision of state (municipal) services are violated


case of violation of the term for less than five working days - a fine of  up to three thousand rubles, in case of violation of the term for more than five working days - a fine of from three thousand to five thousand rubles

 Requirement by an official of a body providing public services of documents and/or fees not provided for by regulatory legal acts

Fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles

Unjustified refusal of an official to accept documents from the applicant submitted for the purpose of obtaining a state (municipal) service

Fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles

Gross violation by an official of the deadlines for registering applicants' requests for state (municipal) services.

Fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles

Violation by an official of a federal executive body empowered to consider administrative complaints provided for by law

Fine in the amount of ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles

Refusal of an official of the federal executive body providing the state service to correct typos and errors made by officials, or violation of the deadline for such corrections

Fine in the amount of one thousand to three thousand rubles

Failure to provide information necessary for the provision of state or municipal services, unreasonable request for information within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction

Unlawful refusal to provide to the authority providing the state service ( municipal)  service, at the interdepartmental request of such authority, including in the form of a document, or provision of deliberately inaccurate information

A fine of three thousand to five thousand rubles.

One-time untimely submission, or one-time failure to provide the requested information, including in the form of a document upon  interdepartmental request

Official Warning

Commission by an official of an offense previously subjected to administrative punishment for a similar offense, without timely provision or failure to provide the requested information, upon interdepartmental request


case of violation of the term for less than five working days - a fine of up to three thousand rubles, in case of violation of the term for more than five working days - a fine of from three thousand to five thousand rubles

An official of the federal executive body, the state extra-budgetary fund of the interdepartmental request for the provision of a document and information, if such a direction is not due to the applicant's request for the provision of a service or the maintenance of basic state information resources, or if the body providing the state service receives such a document and information, including in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction, is not provided for by legal acts.

Fine in the amount of five thousand to ten thousand rubles


Dirty data problem

  • According to the Chief information officer of the Russian government, Aleksei Popov, after the official launch of the MEV system, it will take several more months to "clean up the data," which, however, will not indicate that the state is not ready for electronic document management.

The mixing of data in departments into an electronic database based on the available documentation probably led to errors, the official believes: "Many electronic data simply did not have, and they had to enter them with their hands."

He says that a telephone service center has been created in each federal authority to handle errors, where citizens and organizations can apply, suggesting that their data has been entered into the database with errors.

September 22, 2011 Aleksei Popov speech at the CNews conference

  • September 26, 2011: "We understand that when transferring from paper to electronic media, the so-called 'dirty data' may appear," said Vyacheslav Volodin. "Therefore, we consider it right to open a hotline and track in detail how the system will work in order to respond quickly in case of failures."

The government does not exclude that when forming electronic databases, there may be certain overlays, for example, incorrectly indicated names or information that do not correspond to reality. "I would like, on the one hand, the authorities to take this more carefully," said Mr. Volodin. "On the other hand, citizens, when they see that there are inaccuracies, notify the relevant authorities through the hotline so that the database is cleaned and the data is true."

Cryptographic protection of SMEV

To protect the systems that support the processes of information interaction of all subjects of the Electronic Government, Rostelecom chose a solution based on the software and hardware systems of information protection ViPNet of InfoTeCS.

ViPNet Coordinator HW hardware and software complexes are successfully used to provide firewall and cryptographic information protection when connecting federal executive bodies, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal institutions, banks and payment systems operators to the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (CMEV). The project started in 2010. Over the past year, it was possible to build the federal segment of SMEV. Now the regional segments of e-government (RIEP) are being connected.

Implementation of SMEV in the regions

Шаблон:Main 'SMEV in the regions of the Russian Federation

Connection to the SMEV of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (RSMEV) is the second after the federal stage of system deployment.

E-Government Infrastructure Identification System

Шаблон:Main 'Unified identification and authentication system in the Russian e-government infrastructure

Government Decree No. 977 of November 28, 2011 approved the requirements for a unified identification and authentication system in the e-government infrastructure, which is part of the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form.

The system will not only provide citizens and legal entities with access to electronic government, but will also be used by officials in the exchange of information, as well as information systems in the automatic exchange of information.

History of SMEV development


Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation will increase the effectiveness of interdepartmental information exchange. Document approved

At the end of November 2024, Prime Minister RFMikhail Mishustin signed a decree aimed at improving the effectiveness of interdepartmental information exchange and ensuring the quality of state data. In addition, the adopted document is designed to ensure the implementation of a policy for the management of state data on a single digital platform "Gostech."

As noted in the explanatory note, in Russia, interdepartmental information exchange and related data management procedures are carried out using a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) and the federal state information system "Unified Information Platform of the National Data Management System" (FSIS EIP NSUD). At the same time, data management tools are distributed between the two platforms, which creates certain inconveniences. At the same time, there are difficulties with improving the quality of state data transmitted within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction: this is due to the lack of clarity of the established standards. The adopted resolution is designed to solve these problems.

Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation will increase the effectiveness of interdepartmental information exchange

The document is aimed at synchronizing data exchange processes through SMEV and data management processes using the FSIS EIP NSMS. The Regulation on SMEV shall include instructions on the use of the FGIS EIP NSMS when monitoring information interaction, when checking access rights to data and when controlling the quality of information transmitted as part of information exchange.

The regulation on the FGIS EIP NSUD is supplemented by rules for managing types of information - registered formats of information transmitted through a single electronic service SMEV - which continue to be used as part of interdepartmental information exchange along with data storefronts and a single service for accessing information.[4]

The Central Bank transfers banks and the Federal Tax Service to direct interaction through SMEV

In May 2024, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced the phased transfer of banks and the Federal Tax Service (FTS) to a direct channel of interaction - through a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV). It is assumed that the innovation will help increase the reliability of the work of tax and credit institutions, as well as speed up the delivery of documents twice, the regulator said.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the project developed by the Central Bank, it has developed a mechanism for exchanging documents on the suspension of operations on the accounts of legal entities and the cancellation of the suspension, as well as with the indicated deadlines for such an exchange. The mechanism should work from January 1, 2026.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation reported on the phased transfer of banks and the Federal Tax Service (FTS) to a direct channel of interaction

The new procedure assumes that the tax authority will send decisions to banks through the SMEV to suspend account transactions and cancel such suspensions. Documents must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKEP), and banks must verify their authenticity and compliance with the format.

If the bank does not detect errors, the date and time of receipt of the decision will be considered the time of completion of the audit. In case of detection of errors, the Federal Tax Service corrects them and re-sends documents.

The transition to SMEV will ensure increased reliability and speed of document exchange. Banks praised the initiative, noting that this would simplify the automation of exchange and reduce costs.

According to experts interviewed by the newspaper, the new mechanism will reduce the number of errors and increase the efficiency of interaction, but emphasize the importance of ensuring information security and transparency of the process.[5]


Rostelecom received contracts for the development of GIS for 1.7 billion rubles

Rostelecom has signed contracts with Ministry of Digital Development for the development of state information systems (GIS) for 1.7 billion rubles. This became known in mid-October 2022. Read more here.

Receipt of public services accelerated due to the transfer of documents on the basis of an interdepartmental request in electronic form at the time of appeal

From October 1, 2022, several new laws, which were previously adopted by the State Duma, begin to operate on the territory of Russia. One of them involves simplifying the receipt of state and municipal services due to the fact that the documents and information necessary for the execution of the appeal will be submitted on the basis of an interdepartmental request in electronic form at the time of the appeal. Read more here.

By a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the official status of the fourth version of the SMEV is enshrined

The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) has been significantly optimized. By a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the official status of the 4th version of the SMEV is enshrined, the Ministry of Digital Ministry of Digital Development of Russia reported on August 10, 2022.

The purpose of the changes in the system is to increase the speed and quality of the provision of public services, the quality of public administration by transferring information interaction online.

When creating the fourth version of SMEV, the experience of using previous versions was taken into account and advanced technologies were used.

What changes will give citizens:

  • automatic pre-filling of forms on public services
  • instant receipt of information
  • public services "in one click"

All this directly affects not only the quality and speed of the provision of public services, but also the quality of life of citizens, the security of their data and much more.

In order to provide services instantly, SMEV uses the technology of the so-called "data storefronts."

As of the end of July 2022, shop windows have already been created Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in (transport funds), (), Federal Registration Service (real estate Rosobrnadzor results), (USE information Federal Treasury about budgets).

By the end of 2022, they plan to create showcases of the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Sports, Rostrud, the FIU, the Ministry of Transport, Rosleskhoz, the FMBA, the Russian Emergencies Ministry and a number of other departments.

The regions also have experience in introducing storefronts. For example, in 2021, a showcase was created in the Moscow region. In 2022, as part of the improvement of the "Appointment to the Doctor" service, showcases were created in:

The list of departments, regions and services available online through the use of windows and SMEV4 will constantly expand.

On behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, all departments and entities must identify those responsible for the execution of roadmaps for creating storefronts at a level not lower than the deputy head. Only personal responsibility for the result will be the key to successful implementations.

2020: Mishustin signed a decree on improving the quality of electronic public services by improving the work of SMEV

On September 8, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers announced a resolution signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to improve the quality of electronic public services. The corresponding document is published on the government website.

In accordance with the decree, the work of the interdepartmental interaction system (SMEV) will be improved, as a result of which departments at the federal and regional levels will quickly exchange documents in electronic form. In particular, regional departments will be able to interact with each other directly through SMEV, and not only through their regional interaction systems.

Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on improving the quality of electronic public services

In addition, the system will be supplemented with additional means of routing and automatic execution of sequences, which will significantly speed up the exchange of documents.

The decree signed by Mikhail Mishustin also implies another change - authorities and extra-budgetary funds will have to use SMEV in accordance with the technical requirements established by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

All this will help reduce the load on certain segments of the system, reduce the number of failures and significantly increase its reliability, the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reports.

They also added that the purpose of the reform of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is to increase the efficiency of the work of state bodies and the quality of electronic services that they provide.

By September 8, 2020, the transition to the third version of SMEV continues, which allows information to be transmitted between departments much faster and makes it possible to implement a project of super services - complex public services "tied" to certain life situations. SMEV 3 is designed to increase the functionality of superservices, increase the speed of transmission and processing of data on the portal of public services and in regional state information systems, as well as reduce the share of failures in the provision of priority public services and services.[6]

2018: SMEV Development Plan

At the end of August 2018, at a meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services, a development plan for the Unified System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV) for 2018-2020 was approved.

The key areas of SMEV development in the coming years will be associated with improving the efficiency of the system by minimizing costs and reducing the time required to join the SMEV and adapt types of information when changing regulatory legal acts, as well as by reducing operating costs. In addition, the development of the system will be aimed at improving the quality of interdepartmental interaction and the security of information exchange.

The plan of improvements to SMEV has become known

The list of modifications includes 7 main points. The first concerns the provision of computer-aided design, testing and output of types of information to the SMEV production circuit, as well as automation of the implementation of individual routine procedures.

As part of SMEV, the subsystem "Catalog of data types and attributes" (KTDA) was created. Catalog tools allow you to create, coordinate and use standard documents, data types and attributes, thereby forming a single model of government data subject to interdepartmental interaction.

As part of the development of KTDA funds, a number of improvements are planned:

  • Provision of the possibility of loading into KTDA sets of diagrams of versions of types of information and their automated verification
  • Ensuring the automated passage of the procedure for checking the technical readiness of the information system of the interaction participant for interaction in SMEV.
  • Ensuring the possibility for the interaction participant to register independently in the development environment, test and product environments of SMEV and re-register certificates of electronic signature verification keys, which he owns.
  • Provision of the possibility for the participant of interaction of self-management of status notifications in SMEV.
  • Automatic creation of accounts in KTDA for representatives of interaction participants in accordance with the data given in the ESIA.
  • Enabling interaction participants to independently assign criteria to access types of information.
  • The development of KTDA tools in terms of the formation of a unified data model participating in interdepartmental cooperation in order to ensure the transfer to the Federal Register of State and Municipal Services of information on the commissioning of types of information.
  • Development of KTDA tools in terms of ensuring centralized display of versions of types of information, as well as notifications related to the change in the state of other SMEV objects.
  • Creation of tools to automate notification of interaction participant about decommissioning of information type version

The second point concerns the development of the SMEV adapter. In order to reduce the time and cost of connecting information systems to SMEV, interaction participants widely use free-of-charge libraries of the SMEV client, which implement methods of synchronous sending of requests and methods of sending confirmations of receiving responses to requests.

In addition to SMEV client libraries, the SMEV adapter is developed and freely distributed, which implements full functionality for generating, sending, receiving SMEV messages in accordance with the current version of the Methodological Recommendations for SMEV work.

In order to further minimize costs and reduce the time required to join the SMEV, as well as to improve the quality of interdepartmental interaction when using the adapter, the following improvements are planned:

  • The development of the adapter in the direction of creating the functions of the aggregator system, which has an open web interface for use in the structural units of interaction participants without the need to protect communication channels.
  • Create tools to alert the user to a new version of the adapter that can be installed and preserve all user input to the installed adapter instance
  • Providing the possibility of forming printed forms of the message, including with the imposition of an electronic signature impression.
  • Providing the possibility of creating, saving, editing message templates in order to reuse them repeatedly in the adapter.
  • Create the data required by the user in the SMEV message in the adapter.
  • Ensuring the possibility of forming departmental registers through an adapter with their subsequent unloading and distribution through the Unified System of Regulatory Reference Information.

The third point affects the development of the functions of managing message queues, routing messages and delivering them to recipients.

The SMEV delivers requests, responses, broadcasts, as well as messages containing a registry consisting of the same type (registry) records. At the same time, the message containing the register including the values of mnemonics of the recipient information systems is delivered to the incoming queue of the recipient system in whole or in part (as part of separate register records) in the form of messages generated by the SMEV. For one information system, one incoming request queue and one incoming request response queue are created in CMEV. For one call to the Unified SMEV service, you can extract only one message from the incoming request queue or response queue of the information system.

In order to improve the quality of inter-agency interaction in terms of developing the functions of managing message queues, routing messages and delivering them to recipients, the following improvements are planned:

  • Create a multi-order mechanism and upgrade privileged access to the version of types of information - Enable automated creation of multiple request and response queues for a single information system for a single type of information. for example, in order to separate the flow of messages depending on the intensity of calls to certain types of information, serviced information system, with setting priority and performance parameters in the context of each of the queues.
  • Provision of the possibility to extract several messages from the queue for one call of the Unified SMEV service in the form of an archive file placed on the SMEV file storage.
  • Upgrade the queued message filtering mechanism to increase the number of messages that can be filtered.
  • Providing the ability to transmit as part of a push notification not only information about the number of messages in queues, but also the meaningful business part of the message.
  • Provides format and logic control of identifiers transmitted by the broadcast subscriber for compliance of identifier values with the information provider requirements.
  • Provision of automatic response to incoming requests to the supplier's information system during preventive maintenance.

The fourth point of improvements is the optimization of the SMEV architecture in terms of improving the performance, reliability and scalability of SMEV subsystems.

In order to increase the availability of SMEV by reducing the time for putting into commercial operation of the new SMEV functionality, speeding up the FLK (format and logic control) of messages, as well as expanding the SMEV throughput in terms of the number of messages simultaneously received by SMEV and the size of investments transmitted through SMEV, the following modifications are planned:

  • Increase the speed of message verification in SMEV by transferring the format-logical control of attachments from message processing to the stage of loading the attachment to the SMEV file storage.
  • Ensuring the possibility of transmitting large size attachments (up to 64 GB or more) in one message through the CMEV file storage, as well as modernizing the mechanisms for controlling quotas allocated by HC to the CMEV file storage.
  • Ensure the ability to reuse attachments placed on file storage (attachments will have a retention period).
  • Enables distribution of registry information larger than 5 MB using SMEV file storage.
  • Transfer of the SMEV transport subsystem to the microservice architecture, as well as replacement of the intermediate software of individual modules of the SMEV transport subsystem in order to eliminate the technological limitations available in the software of the Unified SMEV service.
  • Provision of intermediate storage of increments by types of information of the "distribution" type during periods of unavailability of the consumer information system, as well as provision of the possibility of receiving increments of distribution from the intermediate storage of SMEV after restoration of the system operability.
  • Buffering the list of certificates of qualified keys for verification of electronic signatures of interaction participants successfully verified in the information system of the head certification center (IS HTC) in SMEV.
  • Creation of SMEV self-regulation mechanism, which allows automatic control of the request flow rate, as well as notification of unpredictable abnormal load jumps.

The fifth point is related to the provision of end-to-end monitoring of life cycle processes of SMEV information types from their design to output to the SMEV productive circuit, as well as monitoring and forecasting of the intensity of message exchange between consumers and suppliers, monitoring and self-diagnostics of SMEV.

During the design, development, as well as the implementation of interdepartmental interaction, interaction participants, means of interaction - information systems of interaction participants, types of information and, in fact, messages can be in various statuses, information about which must be received by interaction participants in order to monitor interaction, identify and eliminate the causes of incidents arising during interaction.

In particular, when outputting a type of information to the SMEV production loop, the supplier, as a rule, proceeds from a certain planned value of the intensity of polling the SMEV request queue and generating responses to incoming requests by type of information, including taking into account the performance of its information system. At the same time, the actual intensity of sending requests by consumers may exceed the planned intensity established by the supplier, which leads to overflow of the supplier queue and denial of service to consumers.

There are cases when the interaction participant rarely polls the queues of his system, which can lead to the placement of messages in the archive after the line established in the Guidelines for working with SMEV.

In order to improve the quality of interdepartmental interaction and reliability of SMEV by ensuring end-to-end monitoring of the life cycle processes of SMEV information types from their design to output to the SMEV production circuit, as well as monitoring and forecasting the intensity of messaging between consumers and suppliers, monitoring and self-diagnostics of SMEV, the following improvements are planned:

  • Provide message tracing between consumers and suppliers with access to trace information (status and timing of information message in CMEV) to interaction participants via KTDA.
  • Expansion of the content of information published in the KTDA information type card in terms of permitted load parameters of the type of information and actual load for a certain period of time.
  • Ensuring continuous monitoring of SMEV functioning in terms of compliance with the quality standards for the functioning of information systems of interaction participants, automatic detection of violations of quality standards and transfer of data on detected violations to KTDA, as well as automatic restriction or termination of access of information systems of interaction participants violating quality standards to the Unified SMEV service.
  • Ensuring the development and transfer to the Federal Situation Center of e-government of additional primary data related to the new functionality of SMEV.

The sixth point is the development of unambiguous identification of authorization of interaction participants in order to exclude the risks of illegal access to versions of types of SMEV information.

To obtain information through SMEV, the consumer must send an application to the Federal Situation Center of Electronic Government, attaching documents confirming the possibility of obtaining information to it, and the SMEV technical support service, after carrying out the necessary verification measures, provides access to the type of information, indicating the mnemonic of the consumer information system in the access matrix. In this case, each type of information can have several versions intended, for example, for different consumers, which requires delimiting access at the level of versions of the type of information. Moreover, types of information often include several request-response pairs designed to provide various information in accordance with the arguments passed in the request.

In addition, in some cases, when providing information, suppliers establish a requirement for signing requests sent to them not only by an electronic signature of a body or organization, but also by an electronic signature of official use, including in order to provide access to this information to authorized consumer specialists. At the same time, the access matrix, which defines employees of interaction participants authorized to request information from suppliers, is maintained by suppliers in their information system.

Considering this, in order to improve the safety of information exchange through SMEV by excluding the risks of illegal access to versions of SMEV types of information, the following improvements are planned:

  • Enabling the supplier to use KTDA to set and change the conditions for access to types of information.
  • Enabling the supplier to independently use KTDA to assign access rights to its types of information at the level of individual versions of types of information, as well as at the level of individual request-response pairs of one version of types of information in accordance with regulatory legal grounds that determine the access of a particular consumer.

The seventh point is the creation of a single subsystem for ensuring information security of the SMEV and the Unified System of Regulatory Reference Information (ESNSI) and its certification.

The software components of SMEV and ESNSI responsible for ensuring information security are located in various modules, which increases the scope of work carried out during the certification of SMEV and ESNSI for compliance with the security class in accordance with the order of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control dated 11.02.2013 No. 17 "On approval of Requirements for the protection of information that is not a state secret contained in state information systems." In this regard, it is planned to separate the information security components of SMEV and ESNSI into a separate subsystem, its certification and certification. This will reduce the cost and timing of certification.

2017: Rosstat connection

On December 25, 2017, it became known about Rosstat's plans to disclose the companies' statements to banks around the clock.

By the end of December 2017, Rosstat's connection to the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) is being completed. As a result of the innovation, the amount of data transfer in the system will grow from 5 MB to 1 GB. Read more here.


In 2015, the number of requests to SMEV increased by 171%

On February 15, 2016, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation summed up the work of the Unified System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV) in 2015.

The number of requests from both authorities and credit institutions increased by 171% compared to 2014 - from 4.3 billion to 7.4 billion. As of February 15, 2016, more than 12 thousand participants were connected to SMEV. Of these, about 100 are federal authorities, 1.5 thousand are regional, 9.5 thousand are municipal and more than 900 are credit organizations. In 2015, SMEV was most actively used in Moscow, as well as in the Saratov and Tyumen regions.

author = Vladimir Averbakh, Director of the Electronic Government Development Department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia
The system daily confirms its importance for citizens and the state. It allows you to significantly save budget funds for the provision of services and provides citizens with access to all electronic services of the country without intermediaries. We strive to ensure that public services do not require the participation of officials at all and turn out to be completely automatic.

The most active information providers in SMEV in 2015 were the Federal Treasury,, Federal Registration Service, and Federal Migration Service of Russia. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation The most active consumers among federal and regional authorities and credit institutions are the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia city and OJSC Moscow (Sberbank in terms of interaction with). Federal Treasury

As of February 15, 2016, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia is introducing SMEV version 3.0 technology. According to the developers, it will help reduce the cost of developing and supporting services, remove existing technological restrictions.

In 2015, by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, a technical solution for the interdepartmental electronic interaction system for the regions of the Crimean Federal District (KFO) was developed.

The regional electronic government system will be placed in the National Fund of Algorithms and Programs, which will provide the opportunity to use the obtained developments in other regions, reducing the costs of the regions for the use of ICT.

SMEV serves 12.5 thousand participants

On July 18, 2016, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation announced the results of the work of the Unified System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV) in the first half of 2016: the number of requests reached 3.8 billion, compared with the first half of 2015 - 2.8 billion.

According to the ministry, more than 12.5 thousand participants were connected to SMEV. According to[7]About 100 - federal authorities, 1.4 thousand - regional, 9.5 thousand - municipal. Among the participants of the SMEV:

  • 152 Civil Registry Departments,
  • 390 multifunctional centers (MPSC),
  • 76 certification centers,
  • 924 credit institutions.

For half a year, participants in electronic interaction from Moscow, the Moscow Region and the Republic of Tatarstan acted most actively in SMEV.

The most active information providers in SMEV in the first six months of 2016:

The most active consumers among federal and regional authorities and credit institutions:

According to the statement of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the department is introducing SMEV technology version 3.0. Its use will help reduce the cost of developing and supporting SMEV services, and improve the quality of public services provided. As of the beginning of July 2016, 65 constituent entities of the Russian Federation completed integration with the interagency electronic interaction system version 3.0.


The Ministry of Communications of Russia conducted successful testing of SMEV 3.0 in a productive environment

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation conducted the first testing of the modernized system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) in a productive environment. Interdepartmental requests for the provision of a taxpayer identification number according to passport data in the productive environment of SMEV 3.0 were successfully worked out with four subjects of the pilot group: Tyumen and Yaroslavl regions, Moscow and the Republic of Mordovia[8].

On January 1, 2015, a gradual transition to a modernized version of SMEV began, which excludes the possibility of launching new non-compliant services. However, the other existing ones will not be turned off yet. The need to modernize the system is due to the fact that its previous version did not solve problems with overloads and failures of supplier services, and consumers of information were forced to wait for their recovery.

In the new version of SMEV, message queues have been created, as well as their guaranteed delivery. Now, if the supplier's information system is not available to the consumer of information, SMEV will receive the message, and the response to it will come after the system is restored. The response to the consumer is returned in the same way. In addition, SMEV 3.0 adopted a unified format for information exchange, created a technical possibility of information interaction between the subjects of the Russian Federation, and also increased the size of transmitted messages from 5 MB to 1 GB.

"The modernized SMEV will not only increase the effectiveness of interdepartmental interaction in electronic form, but will also significantly save time and money on the formation, sending and processing of interdepartmental requests by suppliers and consumers of information. A significant reduction in labor costs for connecting to services in SMEV 3.0 is expected, "said the director of the e-government development department Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia Averbach Vladimir.

The pilot project for the implementation of a modernized version of the system involves four departments that are the most popular suppliers of information in SMEV: the Federal Tax Service, Rosreestr, the Pension Fund of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. And also eight constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl and Tyumen regions, Primorsky Territory, the republics of Tatarstan, Mordovia and Bashkortostan.

FSSP initiated the connection of credit history bureaus to the SMEV

On June 22, 2015, a meeting of the Sub-Commission on the Use of Information Technologies in the Provision of State and Municipal Services of the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technologies to Improve the Quality of Life and Business Conditions was held, which considered, in particular, the organization of electronic interaction, with the help of SMEV, between credit bureaus (BKI), the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia (FSSP) and the Bank of Russia[9].

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Credit Histories" No. 218-FZ of December 30, 2004, the FSSP of Russia is entitled to send to the BKI data on the presence of citizens in arrears in payment for utilities, communications services, alimony, its duties include the transfer of information on their performance.

According to the law, in case of prolonged interaction, sources of credit history formation are obliged to send information to the BCH in the form of an electronic document. In addition, the FSSP of Russia has the right to request credit reports from the BKI. To organize electronic interaction with the FSSP of Russia, the meeting participants decided to connect the BKI to the SMEV, and approved the list of information submitted by the FSSP of Russia, which will be transmitted through the SMEV.

It is assumed that the possibility of simplified access to the FSSP databases will contribute to the connection of various credit bureaus to the SMEV. In addition, the implementation of electronic interaction will help Russia advance in the world ranking of favorable conditions for doing business.

The Ministry of Communications of Russia submitted to the Sub-Commission a report on the main indicators of the functioning of the e-government infrastructure (IEP). As of the beginning of June 2015, 15.9 million users were registered on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (EPGU). In total, 6.7 thousand points for registration of citizens in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA) have been opened in Russia. In May 2015, 1.3 million federal and 194 thousand regional and municipal services were received through the portal of public services. Federal executive authorities (FOIV) sent 47 million requests for federal and 9.7 million regional information to SMEV. The availability of federal IEP services amounted to 95%.

As of June 22, 2015, they are connected to the system, Federal Registration Service Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (), MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS and. Federal Migration Service (FMS) The share Federal Tax Service (FTS) of positive assessments of the work of these departments as of June 1, 2015 ranges from 88% to 98.2%, or from 4.5 to 4.9 points on a five-point scale.

By June 22, 2015, technical work was completed on the test connection of departmental information systems of Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Property Management Agency, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS), work is underway to connect to the system of the Pension Fund of Russia and the FSSP. There is also a connection to the IAS MKGU multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services.


The readiness of the regions to work in SMEV reached 99%

The readiness of the regions of the Russian Federation to provide information within the framework of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (CMEV) reached 99% as part of the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1123-r according to 18 regional information. This was announced in March 2014 at a meeting of the Subcommittee on the information technology use of state and municipal services, head Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia Nikolai Nikiforov.

As the minister noted, the readiness of regional information in the productive environment of SMEV is 99%, but there are still a number of lagging regions. "We already know exactly where to refine. I ask you to achieve 100% readiness in April, "the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications emphasized.

Director of the e-government development department Averbakh Vladimir noted that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to test information in a productive environment in 13 more regions. In total, in February 2014, more than 3 million requests for regional information were sent within the framework of the SMEV.

According to the head of the department, the total number of requests from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation registered in the system has reached more than 252.6 million. At the same time, this information is most actively used in the Jewish Autonomous Region, Moscow, the Republic of Tuva, the Republic of Kalmykia and the Kemerovo Region.

According to Vladimir Averbakh, over the past month, the number of citizens registered in the unified identification and authentication system has also increased by 500 thousand people: their total number has reached more than 7.9 million. "The largest increase in the share of citizens in the system, about 2% per month, is provided in three leading regions of the rating: Primorsky Territory, Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, as well as in the Tula Region," said the director of the department.

In addition, during the meeting, an updated list of measures was approved to connect executive authorities and state extrabudgetary funds to the information system for pre-trial appeal of decisions and actions taken in the provision of public services. It is assumed that such a system will be fully launched by the end of this year.

The meeting participants also considered the status of the functioning of State the information system on state and municipal payments and the development of electronic services for the provision of information necessary for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the status of readiness for information exchange of information in electronic form FCS from Russia in order to implement the order of the Government of the Russian Federation 1125-r.

The transition of government agencies to interaction through SMEV 3.0 begins

Interaction between federal executive bodies and state extra-budgetary funds in the provision of public services from January 1, 2015 should be carried out exclusively using a single electronic service - the third version of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (SMEV). It is also prohibited to independently develop new services, the Ministry of Communications announced. The [10].

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were recommended to switch to a single electronic service from January 1, 2017, the ministry added, referring to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1222 "On the further development of a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction."

"The updated service will provide a unified format for mutual exchange of information, guaranteed delivery of messages, a mechanism for queues of electronic messages, which allows solving the problem of congestion of popular services, an increase in the size of the transmitted message from 5 MB to 1 GB, as well as integration with the main certification center for checking electronic signatures," the Ministry of Communications said in a statement. "The new version of the system involves interaction between the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and not only with the authorities of the federal level, as it was before."

The transition to the latest version of SMEV is planned to begin with the most demanded information. The remaining existing services will not be disabled yet, but the launch of new ones that do not meet the requirements will stop on January 1, 2015.

The Ministry of Communications decided to abandon Oracle DBMS in SMEV

One of the main directions of the development of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) in 2015 will be the transition to a free database management system (DMS). This is stated in the materials of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications prepared for the advisory council on the development of e-government infrastructure of the Ministry of[11]

The goal of the transition is "to reduce costs and risks when using foreign commercial databases in SMEV."

"It is proposed
to investigate the current market for freely distributed databases and make a transition from using Oracle in favor of industrial freely distributed open source databases," the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications said in documents.

The system of interdepartmental electronic interaction was created for the authorities so that officials could exchange information when providing public services. Thanks to the SMEV, citizens are removed from the obligation to provide departments with documents that officials can request independently from their colleagues from other departments.

"The SMEV database stores permanent tables - service parameters, operation log, queue of undelivered/delivered messages, etc. Usually this is invariant to a specific type of DBMS - so it Diasoft will be easy to transfer, "says Sergey Dobridnyuk, Research and Innovation Director, Business Development Department, in 2009-2012. worked as a consultant at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Summed up the results of SMEV in 2014

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation summed up the work of the Unified System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV) for 2014. Compared to 2013, the number of requests from both authorities and credit institutions increased by almost 2.5 times and amounted to 4.3 billion.

The system, created in 2009, is actively developing: the number of requests is growing, the number of SMEV participants is growing, and the functionality is constantly expanding.

The activity of credit institutions has increased most noticeably. Over the past year, the number of requests has quadrupled and reached 1 billion. For comparison, the number of requests from federal authorities increased 2.3 times, from regional authorities - 3.3 times.

More than 11 thousand participants are connected to SMEV. Of these, 85 are federal authorities, 1.3 thousand are regional, 8.6 thousand are municipal and more than 900 are credit organizations.

"In 2015-2016, it is planned to introduce a new functionality of the system that ensures interaction between authorities in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which will significantly increase the quality of public services provided," said the director of the e-government development department. Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia Averbach Vladimir

So far, the Federal Treasury, the Federal Registration Service Federal Migration Service of Russia, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation remain the most active providers of information in SMEV. The most active consumers in 2014 among federal and regional authorities and credit organizations were the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, the city Moscow and OJSC "" (in Sberbank terms of interaction with the Federal Treasury).


Why SMEV fell: the Ministry of Communications will conduct an investigation

On August 27, 2013, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications announced its intentions to investigate the causes of the failure in the interdepartmental electronic interaction system, which led to its temporary inoperability a few days earlier.

A large-scale system failure occurred on August 23 during routine maintenance. As a result of the failure, 90% of the SMEV functionality was unavailable from 02:30 to 18:00 Moscow time for all participants in information interaction, the Ministry of Communications said in a statement.

In order to investigate the causes of the failure, the department created a special working group under the leadership of Alexei Kozyrev, director of the e-government development department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. In addition to representatives of the ministry, it also included representatives of Rostelecom, which is the executor of work on SMEV.

is a key element of the e-government infrastructure, and therefore the system should work as stably as possible, and each case of inoperability should be carefully studied," the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications notes.

Based on the data received by the working group, measures will be taken to prevent such failures in the future and refine the system in the long term. In addition, based on the results of the working group, changes in technical maintenance regulations or adjustments at the SMEV architecture level are possible.

Minek and Minsvyaz spoke about the development plans of SMEV

On September 26, 2013, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev and Director of the e-Government Development Department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexey Kozyrev spoke at the CNews conference about plans to modernize SMEV.

"We propose to extend the system beyond electronic public services," Oleg Fomichev told CNews. - This is a very convenient infrastructure in order to ensure interaction, for example, on issues of control and supervision. And just to perform functions involving interagency exchange. " He proposes to expand the number of SMEV participants at the expense of subordinate budgetary institutions, the Union of Insurers and other[12] and the Ministry of[12]
"It is important after some time to look at the architecture as a whole, because the design, when we need to connect a point with a point, while there are a lot of these points, is poorly working," says Fomichev. "We need to move to the register of access rights when there is a register of state authorities and positions in them with the establishment of rights for them." With such an architecture, according to the deputy minister, the process of exchanging information itself and control over the authorship of actions in the system will become easier

When asked about the timing of the appearance of a new version of SMEV, Fomichev said that the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Communications have already begun to develop its ideology, but it is premature to carry out technical work before the version of SMEV that is now is "fully implemented."

soon as we start to change the rules of the game a lot, the whole system goes into disarray," he noted. - Neither the regions have time to adapt, nor the federal authorities. Therefore, now it is counterproductive to seriously change something. Now it is important to ensure the effective operation of what is, and then the next stage about a year after the pilot implementation, discussion with the regions, etc., you need to switch to the new 3.0 system. "
"SMEV is constantly being finalized," adds Alexey Kozyrev. - In 2013, there will be significant changes in terms of system functionality. A guaranteed delivery queue will appear - this is a key factor that affects the stability of the system. When they say that many services work unstable, in fact, we are talking about the fact that at the time of peak load it is impossible to reach the service. The ability to buffer these messages and keep them in this buffer before the service is released is an important change. "

In addition, according to him, the architecture of the system changes so that integration with it becomes an order of magnitude easier. "If now the developer needs to separately implement a unique specific adapter to connect to each service, then in the new ideology the adapter will be one and inside the adapter it will be possible to access various information."

Until the end of 2013, Rostelecom will remain the contractor for the revision of SMEV as the only contractor for the development of e-government infrastructure. In the future, says Kozyrev, the strategy of the Ministry of Communications is to ensure the independence of the e-government infrastructure from the operation operator - the ability to place it where the state needs it. "We, putting in the terms of reference the requirement of system portability, ensure this," he said. "When the appropriate decision (to transfer the infrastructure to the power of another operator - approx. CNews) is made, then we will be able to quickly, painlessly and without influencing the participants in electronic interaction, place the infrastructure where necessary."

The initiative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to appoint the only executors for the development of the electronic government of the Russian Post and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute Voskhod was supported by President Vladimir Putin.

Medvedev approved a change in the architecture of SMEV

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the concept for the development of mechanisms for state and municipal services in electronic form, developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications together with the Ministry of Economic Development[13].

It, in particular, deals with the redesign of the SMEV architecture and the introduction of new functions into the system: message routing, dynamic event monitoring, attribution of incoming and outgoing messages, status monitoring.

This did not come as a surprise, earlier both departments that developed the concept had already talked to CNews about the planned changes. Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev, speaking at the CNews conference, suggested abandoning the idea of ​ ​ transferring all public services to electronic form and limiting themselves to popular ones, since the costs of transferring rarely used services do not pay off. [1] And Deputy Minister of Communications Alexei Kozyrev spoke about plans to modernize the SMEV architecture.

The signed concept provides for the development of the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services and the simplification of registration on it, as well as the creation of a unified system of directories and classifiers for state information systems. Citizens, according to the concept, will be given the opportunity to pay duties and charges online, a remote entry for visiting departments and the possibility of obtaining the result of the provision of the service by a special state courier. This document also indicates the need to form a single space of trust in electronic signature and the development of a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

In addition, the concept defines a list of the most popular services subject to priority optimization and translation into a fully electronic form. Among federal services, state registration of real estate rights and transactions with it was made a priority; provision of information from the Unified State Register of Taxpayers; registration of motor vehicles and trailers to them; issuance and replacement of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation and others. In total, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, together with the Ministry of Economic Development, allocated 15 of the most demanded federal services in the concept, which will first of all have to be translated into electronic form.

The departments also introduced into the concept 20 priority public services provided by regional and municipal authorities and budgetary organizations. Among them are the issuance of a building permit, the approval of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of the residential premises, the appointment and payment of childcare benefits, an appointment with a doctor, and others.

For all selected services, uniform decisions will be worked out for all stages of their provision: registration, application, appointment in the queue for a visit, payment, informing, appeal.

According to the decree of President Vladimir Putin No. 601 of May 7, 2012, by 2018 the authorities need to ensure the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form for 70% of citizens. At the same time, 90% of residents should be satisfied with the quality of the provision of public services.


The launch of the system failed. Its alteration began

The further history of the implementation of SMEV is related to the connection to the system of regions. See the SMEV article in the regions of the Russian Federation.

  • On May 21, 2012, after the approval of the new composition of the government, Aleksei Popov, who was rumored to take the post of Minister of Communications, left the IT department of the government of the Russian Federation.

  • "In fact, as of July 1, 2012, when Article 210 of the Federal Law on the prohibition of the requirement of documents from citizens entered into force, the system did not work," says CNews Alexei Kozyrev, since November 2012 - Director of the Electronic Government Department of the Ministry of Communications and the head of the project office of SMEV. - The infrastructure was formed, but no one understood how to use it. It's like buying a car and not getting a right.' To "learn how to ride and get a license," i.e. start an exchange and start real work, and a project office was formed.

The main complexity of the project, according to Kozyrev, was that when the infrastructure was built, specific issues related to its scale and the order of interaction of distributed users were not taken into account.

"In Russia, there are more than 24 thousand local self-government bodies that participate in interdepartmental cooperation, plus federal bodies. It's a huge system that includes thousands of users, "he explains. - At the same time, it cannot be said that this is an enterprise class system. Our system differs from those created in large commercial organizations living by vertically standardized processes. In the regions and in federal departments, both the regulatory framework and business processes differ significantly. "
  • On October 8, 2012, on his Twitter, the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolay Nikiforov said: "To move to manual project management according to the Intervedic System. electronic interaction (CMEV, - approx. CNews) assign 20 regions of the Russian Federation to each deputy. Minister. "

This statement was made a few days after the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov, which noted the low technical readiness of the subjects to interact electronically.

Surkov instructed Nikiforov "to take under personal responsibility the solution to this issue and strengthen the administration of the process of transition of executive authorities to electronic interdepartmental interaction."

Not counting Naum Marder, who announced his intention to resign, but is still on vacation, Nikolai Nikiforov has four deputies.

Denis Sverdlov (ex-head of Yota) is responsible for telecommunications, Mark Shmulevich (previously worked in the Russian Space Systems and the Russian Quantum Center) - for the development of the IT industry, Alexey Volin (former president of the A3 payment company) - for the media, Alexander Maslov (works in the Ministry of Communications since 2006) - in the rank of state secretary performs representative functions.

On what principle the regions were divided between the deputies, and which of them went to whom, the minister did not inform the Ministry of[14].

To the remark that those responsible for the "manual regime" should be in each region, Nikiforov replied: "There is already. By lieutenant governor in each region. But success is not everywhere. "

The approach chosen by the Ministry of Communications differs from the principle of managing the creation of SMEV used earlier. Before the change of government in May 2012, the director of the government IT department of Aleksei Popov took an active part in the project. Only one deputy Igor Shchegolev, responsible for departmental informatization, Ilya Massukh, oversaw the SMEV ministry.

Earlier, Nikolai Nikiforov said that he plans to appoint a deputy who will oversee the direction of informatization of the authorities, but this has not yet happened.

Nikiforov called the heads of regions where they are not ready for SMEV "on the carpet"

On December 13, 2012, the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov announced the results of the preparation of the implementation of the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (SMEV). In particular, he noted the high readiness of SMEV.

According to him, as of December 10, 2012, the SMEV tested all priority federal services of the main information providers (Rosreestr, FTS, FMS, PFR and other federal executive bodies), which provide more than 80% of all information within the system. At the same time, out of 89 non-priority federal information, 51 are already functioning, the rest are at the final stage of launch.

To ensure guaranteed access to the SMEV of all regional executive bodies, a "Regulation Execution System" has been deployed in all regions, which allows sending and processing interdepartmental requests. According to the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography is the best prepared for interaction with the regions of the Federal Migration Service.

At the same time, the minister drew attention to the fact that some regions have not yet sent requests for access to federal information, there are regions where civil servants still do not have an electronic signature. On December 18, 2012, a face-to-face meeting will be held for representatives of 10 regions with the lowest degree of readiness for work in the SMEV. Moreover, the minister summoned both responsible vice-governors and local communications ministers to the carpet.

The minister also noted that in 2013 a single contract will be concluded by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation with Rostelecom for e-government infrastructure, which will include the federal segment, regional e-government segments and the necessary communication channels. Due to this, the Ministry of Communications will ensure the functioning of the system of interdepartmental interaction both at the regional and federal levels. The use of the regional SMEV infrastructure will be free for the regions, they will pay only for the development of their own systems and for the informatization of their own services.

Regional officials are in no hurry to launch SMEV

Regional governments of some subjects of the PF are in no hurry to launch a fully functional SMEV ahead of schedule, reserving the right to demand from citizens in addition to a passport one or more personal storage documents. This conclusion was reached by the participants of the forum "Priority informatization of regions is what citizens are waiting for," held on November 30, 2012 in Novosibirsk.

According to the representative of the Department of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), local registry offices are ready to provide data only at the request of internal law enforcement agencies, while the rest of the departments will have to wait on January 1, 2015, when, according to the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society of the Russian Federation, SMEV must be earned in Russia at all levels when providing public services to the population.

The refusal to early launch the CMEV is motivated by the fact that such actions will lead to a violation of 210 FZ on electronic interdepartmental interaction.

According to 210 FZ SMEV, from July 1, 2012, it should replace the provision of citizens of any type of certificates to state authorities, if the requested data is already in the databases of other departments. However, there are more than a dozen personal storage documents that the authorities have the right to demand for presentation when providing some services.

In accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society of Russia, from January 1, 2015, the registry office will be obliged to provide data on citizens when requested from departments, i.e. only an official expression of will in receiving public services or other services from the state will suffice. Up to this point, each region has the right to independently decide when to launch SMEV between the registry offices and other departments, according to the degree of readiness of the system.

Andrei Lipov, head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for the Use of Information Technologies and the Development of Electronic Democracy, said that such an attitude to the priority tasks of informatization by the region can only speak of the reluctance of the heads of subjects to deal with this problem. "The first of January 2015 is the deadline. By this point, everything should be ready and working. But if the region is ready earlier, then the launch is not a violation of 210 FZ, "he commented on the audience.

According to the Minister of Informatization and Communications of the Republics of Tuva Organ Natsak, now in Russia the full-fledged version of SMEV is used ahead of schedule in 3-4 regions. "If data on citizens of the region are entered into all systems at all levels, then test operation can be started. During the year, see how and what works, correct mistakes, and put into commercial operation in January 2014, "she said.

The audience noted the all-Russian tendency to bureaucratize the introduction of SMEV.

Anatoly Rozhkov, Deputy Governor for Territorial Development and Interaction with Self-Government Bodies of the Tomsk Region, noted that the information disseminated by the media that only one passport document is required to obtain public services misleads citizens. "For some reason, people are not informed about other personal storage documents that they must still provide when providing certain services. At such moments, there is a misunderstanding between the population and departments, "Rozhkov continued. "Given the difficulties that arise, I think that the early launch of SMEV would be relevant."

From January 1, 2015, according to the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society of the Russian Federation, all subjects of the country, when citizens apply for state or municipal services, will present only a passport.

Now, in addition to the passport, the list of personal storage documents includes about 18 papers, including a birth/death certificate, marriage/divorce certificate, certificates and diplomas. Citizens are still obliged to present these documents when receiving certain services related to a request to the registry office.

2011: Roadmap and 5 Steps to Implement 210-FZ Requirements in CMEA

  • To facilitate the task of transferring state and municipal structures to the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, on May 16, 2011, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation posted on its website packages of documents intended for federal executive bodies, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The package includes a standard action plan for methodological and legal support of the transition to interdepartmental and interlevel interaction in the provision of state (municipal) services and a standard form of technical readiness for the transition to interdepartmental and interlevel interaction.

From the point of view of the methodology for designing interdepartmental interaction at regional and municipal levels, representatives of federal authorities in particular focus on the following aspect: "In our opinion, it is very important to describe the roles of project participants in organizing interdepartmental interaction at the regional level. On the one hand, the regions should have a project curator, deputy top official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, who will head the collegial body. In addition, in our opinion, it is imperative to highlight the role of the project methodologist: a government body that could bring together the whole picture according to information and data that should be transmitted within the framework of the SMEV from municipalities and regions to federal bodies and vice versa. Also, when implementing the project, it is necessary to determine the technologist of the project, that is, the body responsible for the technical support of interdepartmental interaction, "says Savva Shipov (Ministry of Economic Development).

  • According to the 210-FZ, from July 1, 2011, the state should have lost the right to claim from citizens information, documents and data that it (the state) already has, but this did not happen.

According to Aleksei Popov, Director of the Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Government of the Russian Federation, the main problem was the long-term coordination of the procedures for interaction between various departments at the federal and regional levels. The project clearly lacked a system architect capable of designing a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV), and then coordinating work on its implementation in practice. In fact, until recently, citizens themselves acted as the architect of the process of providing public services, each time organizing the collection of the necessary certificates and their provision to the relevant state institutions.

  • The case got off the ground in April 2011 thanks to the creation of a special government subcommittee on the use of information technology in the provision of state and municipal services, which took over, in particular, the functions of the aforementioned SMEV architect. The first most important result of its activities was the emergence of a road map, which provides for five stages of the implementation of the requirements of the 210-FZ.

The first stage, which was virtually out of the question until April 2011, consists in detailed design, or preparation, of a technical map, interdepartmental interaction, including a description of business processes of interaction between executive authorities in the new conditions.

The second stage, responsible for the implementation of which is the Ministry of Communications, includes the development, testing and implementation of web services of interdepartmental interaction. On the basis of these services, a system of structured electronic document management will be built, which will allow information systems of different departments to exchange data with each other without the participation of civil servants. This, however, will not mean a complete rejection of the traditional document turnover, that is, the exchange of unstructured documents in electronic and even paper form, but the total number of documents and requests that circulate "in the corridors of power" will decrease by orders of magnitude in the future.

In addition, for citizens who have not fully mastered modern computer technologies, the previous scheme for obtaining public services will be preserved. It is for their service that a network of multifunctional centers (MPSC) is being deployed in Russia, implementing the so-called one-window principle. In 2009, there were 94 such centers in the country, by the end of 2012 their number should exceed 800. At the same time, the exchange of information between the MPSC and the departments will still be carried out through the SMEV.

Third stage. The upcoming changes require bringing the regulatory framework in line with the new architecture of interdepartmental electronic interaction, which is the essence of the third stage of the roadmap. A significant part of this work has already been completed thanks to the entry into force on July 1, 2011 of the Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation," nevertheless, it is too early to consider it completely completed.

The fourth stage is associated with the construction of an infrastructure of electronic public services and interdepartmental interaction, including the deployment of a system of certification centers. To date, this work has been practically completed, load testing of the built infrastructure has begun, however, according to Popov, the government still does not have complete confidence that this infrastructure will be able to "digest" the load that will arise after the commissioning of the SMEV. According to the project executors, there are no technical problems related to infrastructure at the federal level today, but the connection to it of individual entities has not been fully debugged.

The fifth stage of the project proposes a set of measures to train employees of numerous departments to work with the new system.

The implementation of interdepartmental electronic interaction is not so much a technical problem as an organizational one, because it is not just about transferring public services to electronic form, but about changing the complex chain of business processes that ensure their provision. In other words, a noticeable simplification of the procedure for obtaining public services is just the tip of the iceberg, which hides a fundamental change in the interaction schemes of executive authorities throughout the vertical, right up to the municipalities.

Video May 2011

  • The active work of the government subcommittee made it possible to establish new deadlines for the introduction of SMEV into operation. Federal services should be completely transferred to electronic form on October 1, 2011, for regional services "hour X" shifted to July 1, 2012. According to Aleksei Popov (September 2011), compliance with the first term is quite realistic, since of the 320 federal services mentioned above, about 300 have already been agreed and approved at the level of working groups of interested departments.

As for the second date, the readiness of the regions to switch to SMEV has territorial specifics. Thus, three pilot regions have been allocated in the country (Samara and Volgograd regions, as well as the Republic of Bashkiria), which, in terms of the pace of introduction of new principles of interdepartmental electronic interaction, are practically not inferior to federal departments and by October 1 of this year may show a degree of readiness close to the federal one.

The coverage of other regions should be significantly simplified due to the standardization of regulations and typification of public services provided at the regional and municipal levels. Such unification will be supported infrastructurally: regional CMEVs are being deployed in each region, which will ensure the interaction of the relevant departments.

  • On September 26, 2011, a meeting on the topic of SMEV was held with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin[15].

"From July 1, 2012, all regions, as well as municipalities, should switch to electronic interdepartmental interaction," Putin said at a meeting in September 2011. "That is, we will form by this time or must form a truly integral system throughout the country, and then this system will have to work in full."

'We believe that many regions can do this much earlier, 'said Vyacheslav Volodin, chief of staff of the Russian government.

To make the innovations easier to understand, departmental telephone service centers have already been created when citizens contact. "Hot" lines will work all the time both on the portal of public services and in each department.

The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev noted that the creation of SMEV required a lot of organizational and engineering work. Information systems in each department have been built for decades, each according to its own technologies. SMEV was supposed to combine these ICs with each other. According to the minister, the new system does not replace the databases of different departments. 'The departments that stored the data will store them,' he stressed. 'And there will be no opportunity to go in and immediately collect all the data, just their exchange will be carried out between departments'. According to the minister, SMEV is already withstanding two million daily appeals, so the throughput of the system exceeds the existing needs of the country's population.

The Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Elvira Nabiullina noted that SMEV is a major step towards reducing administrative barriers both for citizens and for business. During the implementation of the system, the regulations for the provision of a number of public services were revised. For 150 services, the number of required certificates has decreased. About three hundred documents will not be transferred to SMEV, but will simply be liquidated as unnecessary.

A number of documents that are usually in the hands of citizens themselves and business representatives, they will have to submit to the state body on their own. These are, in particular, documents certifying the identity of a citizen, military registration documents, medical certificates, driver's licenses, archival documents - there are only eighteen such categories of documents.

Vyacheslav Volodin even predicts that the transition to electronic document management will lead to the optimization of the number of officials and the release of part of the areas currently occupied by departments.

Another four departments at the same time found incomplete readiness to launch SMEV: 75% from Roskomnadzor, 67% from the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, 50% from the Federal Tax Service and 40% from the Pension Fund. The remaining 41 departments recognized readiness as zero.

  • The next stage of implementation of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction in Russian government bodies will be completed on October 1, 2011. By this date, all federal departments should switch to this system, said Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media Massukh Ilya. Now web services for the interdepartmental electronic interaction system are being created and tested. "Web services are small programs that snatch what is needed to provide public services from the information systems of departments," Ilya Massukh explained. At the moment, 42 web services have been tested, by October 1 they will be launched about 80.

The final completion of the creation of an interdepartmental electronic interaction system is scheduled for July 1, 2012. All regional and municipal departments should also switch to this date.

  • On Saturday, October 1, 2011, Article 7 of Clause 2 of Federal Law 210 "On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services" of the 27.07.2010 entered into force, according to which, according to the legislators, the authorities do not have the right to demand information from citizens and organizations that is at the disposal of other authorities.

To exchange information between departments, the Interdepartmental Document Management System - SMEV was designed, uniting, according to Aleksei Popov, director of the Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Government of the Russian Federation, more than 60 departments. Information on the success of departments before the launch of the system was updated every Monday on the monitoring page of the Interfax SMEV.

  • On October 3, 2011, the first working day passed after the launch of the Electronic Government element - the federal segment of the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (SMEV). By this day, 24 departments included in the system showed incomplete readiness for work.

According to monitoring data, by October 3, 2011, 18 departments completely lacked services approved for industrial operation for the exchange of information within the framework of the SMEV. Six more federal departments, including the Tax Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have partially commissioned SMEV services. 27 federal departments, according to monitoring data, by October 3 managed to fully cope with the development of services[15]to[15]

It can be noted that in the last week before the official start of the SMEV, all departments - project participants showed extremely high activity in working on it.

Progress in the work of federal executive bodies to develop web services for interdepartmental interaction in the provision of public services

Name of the federal executive body - information supplier Total number of Web services in accordance with interagency flow charts The share of developed web services from the total number of web services that need to be implemented within the framework of the organization of interdepartmental interaction  Share of web services approved for industrial operation, which must be implemented within the framework of the organization of interdepartmental interaction
Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia 5 100% 100%
Ministry of Agriculture of Russia 5 100% 100%
Rosmorrechflot 5 100% 100%
Roskomnadzor 4 100% 100%
Rospotrebnadzor 4 100% 100%
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 3 100% 100%
Rosobrnadzor 3 100% 100%
FMBA of Russia 3 100% 100%
Ministry of Culture of Russia 3 100% 100%
Rosprirodnadzor 3 100% 100%
Rosvodresursy 2 100% 100%
Roszdravnadzor 2 100% 100%
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia 2 100% 100%
Rosreestr 1 100% 100%
Federal Treasury 1 100% 100%
FMS of Russia 1 100% 100%
Ministry of Regional Development of Russia 1 100% 100%
Rosalkogolregulirovanie 1 100% 100%
Rosleskhoz 1 100% 100%
Rosnedra 1 100% 100%
Rospatent 1 100% 100%
Rospechat 1 100% 100%
Rosrybolovstvo 1 100% 100%
Rostransnadzor 1 100% 100%
FSS of Russia 1 100% 100%
Ministry of Finance of Russia 1 100% 100%
Federal Drug Control Service of Russia 1 100% 100%
Federal Tax Service of Russia 6 100% 83%
EMERCOM of Russia 4 100% 50%
FSB of Russia 2* 50% 50%
Russian Foreign Ministry 5 100% 40%
FIU 5 100% 40%
Ministry of Defense of Russia 4 75% 25%
FCS of Russia 5 100% 0%
Rosavtodor 2 100% 0%
Rostekhnadzor 2 100% 0%
Ministry of Transport of Russia 1 100% 0%
Roshydromet 1 100% 0%
Federal Property Management Agency 1 100% 0%
Rosmolodezh 1 100% 0%
FAS Russia 1 100% 0%
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia 1 100% 0%
FSSP of Russia 1 100% 0%
FSFM of Russia 1 100% 0%
Ministry of Energy of Russia 5 80% 0%
Rosstandart 9 78% 0%
Rosaviatsia 2 50% 0%
Roscosmos 1* 0% 0%
Rosoboronzakaz 1* 0% 0%
FSTEC of Russia 1* 0% 0%
FSO of Russia 1 0% 0%
* - expert assessment based on the number of documents provided to other federal executive bodies Source

: Interfax, October 3, 2011

  • On December 28, 2011, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1184 approved the rules for ensuring the transfer of federal executive bodies and bodies of state extrabudgetary funds to interdepartmental information interaction in electronic form when providing public[16].

According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the task of the document is to streamline the work of departments on the transition to interdepartmental electronic interaction when providing public services.

In accordance with the approved rules, government agencies must develop technological charts for each state service. The map should contain a list of documents and information necessary to provide public services that are at the disposal of other government agencies. Based on the flow charts, electronic services will be developed to provide these documents and information using a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV). The rules determine the procedure for the development and approval of technological charts, the same for all federal executive bodies and bodies of state extra-budgetary funds.

Until February 1, 2012, the Ministry of Communications of Russia will develop guidelines for government agencies on the transition to the provision of public services using SMEV, including rules for the development of electronic services for the provision of documents and information. In addition, the ministry will advise government agencies on all issues arising during this process.

2010: FZ-210, Resolution 697 "On unified SMEV" and Order 190

  • The next milestone in the documentary development of the SMEV can be considered the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 No. 697, approving the "Regulation on a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction." According to this document, SMEV will be used for "information exchange carried out with its application between the information systems of federal executive bodies, state extra-budgetary funds, executive bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions, multifunctional centers, other bodies and organizations (hereinafter - bodies and organizations) in order to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form. " Paragraph 6 of this document clearly and thoroughly describes what functions the SMEV should perform:

a) ensuring the transfer of requests, other documents and information necessary to receive state and municipal services and submitted by applicants through a single portal to the information systems of bodies and organizations connected to the interaction system, obliged to provide the requested state (municipal) services;

b) ensuring the exchange of electronic messages between bodies and organizations whose information systems are connected to the interaction system, when providing state and municipal services and performing state and municipal functions;

c) ensuring the transfer to a single portal of requests, other documents and information processed in the information systems of bodies and organizations, as well as information on the progress of requests for the provision of state or municipal services and the results of their provision.

  • Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated 27.12.2010 No. 190 "On the approval of technical requirements for the interaction of information systems in a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction" has become the next stage of development. This is a large-scale technical document that defines the standard for connecting departmental information systems to SMEV, as well as their interaction through SMEV. Soon after publication, this regulatory act caused bewilderment and even criticism from some IT industry experts.

The fact is that it prescribes the mandatory use in federal, regional and municipal information systems for the provision of electronic public services to citizens and businesses and the execution of state functions of standards of web services and protocols, many of which, although developed by international organizations, are nevertheless not approved by the only official standardizing organization, which is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Moreover, in Russia there is not a single organization in which professional translations into Russian of all the services and protocols mentioned in the order are available, not to mention the agreed terminology.

2009: Ordinance 478

One of the first regulatory legal documents governing the creation of the SMEV can be called Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 478 of June 15, 2009 "On a unified system of information and reference support for citizens and organizations on issues of interaction with executive authorities and local authorities using the information and telecommunication Internet ." This Resolution records that a unified system of information on state services will be built, which includes the federal, regional and municipal levels - transactionality will fall to the level of departments and regions. Plus, which is important, it determines the exact list of information on public services for provision in the consolidated register and on a single portal.

This document enshrines several important points, namely, the appointment of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation as a single operator of the "Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services" and the "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services," a two-level system architecture (register and portal), a strictly defined period for publishing the service on a single portal (5 months).

2007-2010: OGIC

The first mention of the need to "automate data exchange processes between individual departmental information systems" can be found in the concept of forming an electronic government in Russia until 2010. It was prepared in 2007-2008 by the Ministry of Information Communications under the leadership of Leonid Reiman.

The launch of SMEV is not the first attempt to create such a segment for the exchange of electronic documents between departments. Earlier, the All-Russian State Information Center (OGIC) was already created on the basis of the FSUE NII Voskhod. For its launch in December 2007, Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov signed a similar government decree No. 931.

OGITS was developed by Voskhod at a time when the institute was subordinate to the already abolished Federal IT Agency (FAIT). It was with the interdepartmental segment that the scandal of the summer of 2009 was associated, when Voskhod did not agree with the victory of Open Technologies and appealed the results of tenders for SMEV maintenance. With the help of security officials, Voskhod managed to preserve these works for itself, but then the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications first reassigned the institute from FAIT directly to itself, and then transferred the work on creating an electronic government to Rostelecom.

According to an expert familiar with the work of the OGIC, who wished to remain anonymous, as of September 2010, the center was decommissioned. "Any GIC developments are not used in the newly created system," he tells CNews. "The total cost of creating the center amounted to about 600 million rubles."

Roman Kruglyakov, technical director of the Armada company, which participated in its creation, knows that the design of the new interdepartmental segment (SMEV) used the experience of a similar Moscow solution. "De facto, during the work of the federal portal of public services, SMEV has been used to connect departments to the federal infrastructure of electronic government since the launch of the portal's personal account in April 2010, but de jure right now a document has been issued defining the rules for working with this system. The issued decree enshrines the status of the federal SMEV, officially sets the standard of architecture. "

Useful links

Portal of methodological support for the implementation of federal law N210 FZ

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