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"Clouds" enable companies to automate operations, save resources, and protect data. They help solve business problems, manage projects, create IT products. Business owners are increasingly turning to cloud providers to deploy or migrate their IT resources to the cloud server.
At the end of 2021, domestic experts predicted that the volume of the Russian infrastructure cloud services market would grow annually by 27%, and its individual segments - up to 32% of the[1]. The main driver was the sector of public services and state organizations (B2G). But after February 24, 2022, the market began to rapidly transform. Both forecasts and growth points have changed.
TAdviser conducted a survey of Russian cloud service vendors and integrators, and found out the current state and prospects of this market segment. How did the sanctions and the departure of Western players affect him? How do the participants themselves now assess its volumes and trends? What are the plans for the future? Read about this in our review.

Over the past few years, the Russian cloud services market has shown stable growth. This was largely influenced by the pandemic, which accelerated the digital transformation of the business. The departure of foreign companies after February 2022 and the imposed sanctions made serious adjustments. If earlier the movement towards the clouds was associated with the digitalization of business and the tasks of providing remote or online services both within the company and to customers, now the continuity of business processes and services provided has been added to this.
Over the past 9 months, the market has undergone significant changes - the usual cloud services and part of the software on which the solutions were built were unavailable. In addition, difficulties arose with the supply of equipment, a change in supply chains was required. All this together gave a significant priority in the development of domestic service providers, as well as manufacturers of domestic software, on the basis of which it is possible to create cloud services.
For us, as a high-tech company providing cloud services, there were restrictions in terms of purchasing Western equipment, licenses, technical support from Western vendors. But also our business got a boost for development, because there were many companies that, realizing the real possibility of disconnecting services, losing data and even stopping business processes, began to transfer their data and systems from the clouds of Google, Amazon, Microsoft. Accordingly, additional demand has arisen for our cloud services. In addition, demand arose from companies that, before the vendors left, launched local IT projects on their site, involving the purchase of Western equipment. After changing the cost of implementing these projects, they began to use cloud services in order not to postpone their plans, "says Anton Zakharchenko, director of cloud business strategy at T1 Cloud. |
Hardware logistics challenges and software licensing renewal issues are forcing companies to move away from rigid binding to a proprietary model and increasingly turn to cloud providers that can provide near-instantaneous infrastructure scaling and a suite of platform services. In March, we observed the peak of the transfer of infrastructure to Russian services and at the moment the increased demand continues, - said Konstantin Ansimov, director of infrastructure product development at Selectel. |
Customers began not only to look towards Russian developments, but began to actively introduce them into their IT infrastructure. High demand now enjoys the rental of dedicated servers, ensuring information security in the cloud. There is a growing need for certified data centers (A-data centers), especially from government organizations or companies that work with government systems. Customers are also interested in cloud servers with graphics cards (GPUs), PaaS services and ML solutions.
We see an increased demand for virtualization, information security products and services. On the one hand, migrating to Russian counterparts, the business is reinsured from disconnecting foreign licenses and supporting Western software. Moreover, now new sanctions are still being introduced, and foreign developers continue to leave Russia. On the other hand, this is a desire to give the client the opportunity to choose different product options, because they ask how things are with platform support. For us, it turned out to be a surprise to the policy of Russian virtualization vendors, which sharply and unreasonably raised prices for their products. In our opinion, this is a flawed strategy with no long-term prospects. Now Russian software manufacturers have opportunities to seize the market, while vendors are trying to make money at the moment, - comments Valentin Sokolov, Chief information officer of the cloud platform RCloud by 3data. |
According to Roman Shulimov, sales director of Linxdatacenter, the Russian cloud market is now in a turbulent state. The demand for cloud services has grown sharply and significantly, as many companies with IT infrastructure abroad decided to "localize" it within Russia to minimize risks. Another driver of growth is the termination of cooperation between foreign hardware and software vendors with Russian business. This automatically causes a shortage of hardware, software solutions, and also increases the cost of maintaining and developing cloud platforms. The cost of services for customers is also growing along the chain. And they, in turn, find it difficult to quickly rebuild to something new, so most customers are just choosing which solutions to migrate to.
The inaccessibility of the usual foreign software and the impossibility of using foreign licenses make it extremely dangerous to operate the IT infrastructure in the same form. The way out of this situation is migration to Russian or free software. The process is very long and involves high risks, such as possible incompatibility of systems, insufficient functionality in comparison with the usual functionality, poor experience in using such products, etc. We can say that the market has faced problems that were not previously considered significant and were not fully worked out, so customers are looking for solutions "to the touch," Shulimov said. |
Cloud services based on domestic software are gaining a share. Further growth is expected in hybrid and serverless clouds, containerization. In general, there are more free niches for growth and development, and the players are striving to occupy them.
But often, going into new segments, companies offer rather "raw" solutions that cannot qualitatively replace the departed. Previously, such products had practically no chance to develop, but now it has appeared due to the lack of mature alternatives. I will assume that soon we will see a large number of ready-made high-quality services with significant export potential, - notes Vadim Sabashny, General Director of LANIT-TERKOM (part of the LANIT group). |

After February 24, 2022, security risks changed dramatically - today cyber attacks on the Russian IT infrastructure not only go unpunished, but are also actively encouraged by unfriendly countries. Providers are forced to spend their resources to stop these risks.
Network and computing equipment, data storage systems, security equipment, infrastructure for data centers - were also under sanctions.
Customers today are forced to rebuild their business as such, which sometimes entails a radical change in the IT landscape of enterprises. In March, there was a huge influx of those customers who transferred their infrastructures from abroad to Russian clouds. And this process is still actively ongoing. I note that not only Russian companies come to us, but also foreign ones that work and remain in Russia, "says Konstantin Anisimov, CEO of Rusonix. |
Customers are cautious about all cloud solutions available on the market, rebuilding their project planning models, assessing risks in a new way, and taking care to reduce risks in the application layer of the IT landscape. In total, this only gives a slowdown in growth and increases the decision time on the use of cloud services. This trend will continue in the first half of next year, - said Artem Yagovitin, head of cloud products at Reksoft. |
Companies are forced to decide for themselves how to place their business services. They either buy hardware for this, or purchase computing resources "from the cloud." The second option wins due to speed, as it helps to avoid difficulties with the supply of equipment, which parallel imports do not fully solve.
Vadim Kudrin, head of Cloud Services and Development, KORUS Consulting, notes that flexibility is more important for clients than ever, so they often choose to subscribe to an IT product instead of buying a license. This allows you to quickly scale capacity, for example, take into account the seasonality of the load. Therefore, new Russian developments will primarily be placed "in the clouds," in the marketplaces of cloud providers, and offered according to the subscription model.
The main incentive for the transition to domestic clouds was precisely the sanctions - it was necessary to replace foreign cloud services that became unavailable to Russian users. For example, a loud story was the disconnection of Mail and Clouds from Microsoft services, which made users unable to view attachments from emails and edit them in the cloud. So that they can continue to use their usual functionality, VK has built the Cloud MyOffice solution into Mail and file storage.
In addition, Russian companies faced a shortage of equipment for the implementation of on-premium projects and began to look for an alternative in public clouds. Market participants also record requests for creating clouds based on certified software.
In March, we saw a sharp increase in demand for cloud services due to the inability to place orders on physical servers. In this regard, customers began to turn to cloud resources more often, and organizations whose infrastructure was deployed in foreign clouds began to consider the possibility of moving to Russian platforms. However, closer to the summer, the rush demand has decreased, and the situation has relatively stabilized. At the same time, the demand for cloud resources remained higher than at the beginning of the year, - comments Dmitry Isaev, head of the cloud solutions department at Softline Group of companies. |
In the spring, many IT executives thought about switching to on-premiere solutions that are more resistant to sanctions. However, private implementations require time and capital investment. In conditions when it is difficult to make any forecasts, not all companies are ready to invest so significantly in the development of IT infrastructure. They are looking for alternative ways, such as considering cloud services from domestic providers or open source solutions.
The number of migration projects from foreign clouds to Russian ones is increasing. There are a growing number of partnerships between cloud solution providers and IT consulting companies. Thus, we have replenished the portfolio of analytical solutions with cloud products from all leading Russian cloud providers. In addition, domestic cloud vendors are starting to make customers more comprehensive offers. For example, combine cloud services with server hardware and DSS rental, IT consulting. This approach helps them optimize the cost of services and pricing, - said Maxim Shlyapnev, Development Director of BI, Navicon. |
Due to the complicated logistics, the construction of private on-premium clouds will be difficult in the near future. Small and medium-sized businesses may have their own servers in the back room in the past in the next five years. Also in the near future, against the background of a ban on the import of high-performance graphics accelerators into Russia, the use of cloud services for the implementation of large AI/ML projects will increase. Against the background of the departure of foreign providers of security solutions, the demand for SecaaS will grow, - comments Konstantin Ansimov, director of infrastructure product development at Selectel. |
At the same time, the cloud market, as before, remains the most crisis-resistant segment in Russian IT. But its structure is changing. Disappointment in the services of global vendors is growing, as Western corporations have limited access to cloud resources. A wave of blockages has passed, it has become impossible to receive updates and technical support from abroad, the usual payment conditions have changed. For Russian companies, this is an argument in favor of abandoning foreign clouds. Difficulties with the supply of servers also affect the choice of cloud technologies.
Now the active phase of migration to Russian clouds continues. We have several enterprise infrastructure migration projects in parallel. This situation is still developing due to the fact that the approaches to payment for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services are different. I admit that for many companies SaaS services are paid not monthly, but for a year in advance, so migration can be postponed a little while the services are functioning and their payment period has not expired. For IaaS, this is also possible if a model of reservation and appropriate payment was used, - explains Natalia Efimtseva, system architect of ICL Group of Companies. |
If you look at the offers on the market, you can safely note that Russian services are experiencing an increase and many of them are not inferior in quality to their usual foreign products.

In the PaaS and IaaS segments, customers have access to solutions from such cloud providers as Selectel, Cloud, Softline, CROC, MTS Cloud, Rostelecom, Yandex, Beeline, M1Cloud, T1 Cloud, VK Cloud Solutions, RCloud by 3data, CorpSoft24, Linxdatacenter and other market players.
They supply various services based on their own cloud platforms - CROC Cloud, SberCloud.Advanced, T1 SDP, Cloudmaster, Softline Cloud, National Cloud Platform, Yandex Cloud, BeeCloud, VK Cloud, Corpsoft24, LinxCloud, etc.
In the segment SaaS on the market there are solutions of developers,, Softline,, SKB Kontur,, Tensor,, Mango Telecom,, Rostelecom,,, and Evotor amoCRM SberKorus Astral B2B-Center other Mindbox My case MyWayhouse companies.
Cloud services and systems are available to customers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, amoCRM Kontur-Extern Kontur Marking GSI Mango OfficeMy caseMyWayhouse Digital cash desk SBERROST PRO CommuniGate Bitriks24 platform, and many Mindbox Megaplan others.

Most customers now require an almost complete restructuring of infrastructure consumption models, which entails transformational consulting, architectural and methodological expertise, consulting on the selection of vendors and services for the implementation of such projects.
The most popular services that most companies need, regardless of their area of activity, are communication tools (mail, applications for video conferencing and sending instant messages), solutions for personnel accounting and hiring, accounting, file server, CRM. In IT, team development tools are the most important. There are specialized solutions for each industry.
The largest customers are actively interested in AI/ML services, so a significant jump can be expected in this segment, since the current share of these services is not very large. In addition, the SaaS segment in terms of basic services (mail, VKS, instant messengers) should show serious growth. Customers are now conducting pilots in these areas, and will plan migrations upon completion. At the same time, the influence will be exerted by the position of Microsoft, whose cloud solutions are now very popular, - said Dmitry Isaev, head of the Softline Group of companies cloud solutions department . |
At the moment, the situation can be described as a "cautious choice." Due to the presence of subscriptions to foreign cloud services, companies are looking for alternative solutions from domestic vendors and draw up lists of backup solutions. There are also requests from state customers, many tests and pilots are carried out. Everyone compares domestic solutions with already familiar foreign services, waiting for the necessary improvements and updates, - notes Dmitry Shulga, sales director of VideoMost. |
Among cloud services, the most popular in both the Russian and international markets is IaaS, as it provides basic customer needs. There is a growing demand for services related to the deployment of Kubernetes clusters, the use of PaaS platforms, expert support in the field of CI/CD. The main reason is the lack of DevOps specialists and the growing popularity of IT development. DBaaS are no less popular - databases "in the cloud." The number of requests for DRaaS solutions, increasing infrastructure capacity and protection against DDoS attacks also increased.
In March this year, the number of new customers in Selectel's IaaS products increased 3.5 times compared to February. Rostelecom DPC recorded a fourfold increase in demand for IaaS in March-April compared to January-February. For some categories of SaaS products, the jump in demand was even more significant. In addition, there is interest in providing comprehensive services including SaaS from the largest telecom.
Along with the growth of the IaaS and SaaS market, PaaS is saturated with cloud platforms, including Yandex, VK, Gostech, which indicates investments in this segment and a high assessment of its potential, including in terms of solutions for government organizations.
The use of certain cloud services depends on the level of maturity of the company. It is now more difficult for those whose business uses many different PaaS services in its architecture, and is associated with IoT solutions and the development of artificial intelligence. The solutions offered by Azure, AWS and Google have not yet been found on the market. For most customers who have just started working with virtualization, there are alternative solutions. Also, now many companies are switching to microservice architecture, working with the DevOps stack - these cloud services are now also in great demand, - comments Alexander Kolesov, Director of Cloud & Infra iiii Tech. |

In addition to a significant increase in demand for cloud services, experts note difficulties with the supply of equipment for equipping data centers, expanding the infrastructure of companies in the cloud, or requesting a large quota for a significant amount of migration. Influence the market and price increases, increase supplier obligations, optimize technical capabilities and difficulties with licensing.
Among the trends that will give additional dynamics in the development of the market in the next few years, we can single out:
- Customers move from public to private clouds. This is more suitable for those customers who have an acute issue of information system security: they are more reliable due to the fact that a separate copy of the cloud is created under the customer.
- Infrastructure Management as Code (IaC) concept. The market and consumer demands are constantly changing, the software development cycle is accelerating, and this is causing large-scale changes in the infrastructure. IaC is invaluable when it is necessary to automate the infrastructure, and manage it with a minimum of manual intervention.
- Expanding the use of cloud services, including AI services in enterprise information systems.
- Support and support of high-load applications and services in the cloud. The development of digital business models leads to a sharp increase in the dependence of companies on the uninterrupted and high-performance operation of applications and services located in the clouds.
- Growing demand for customer virtual machine support and administration. In this concept, the client receives a working infrastructure platform, on which he simply deploys, supports and develops his applications, and the vendor is fully responsible for the infrastructure layer.
- Demand for deep IT expertise and experience in import substitution. Especially in demand are those providers who know how to assemble a comprehensive ecosystem in a short time, including a mail client, office and business applications, information security products based on solutions from Russian vendors.
- Demand for partner service services - already now customers are faced with the problem of the need to service the software and equipment of departed vendors.
- The interest of domestic companies in creating local IT infrastructures, building them with minimal dependence on the external environment.
- Demand for hybrid cloud. Customers faced restrictions in purchasing equipment for their data centers, due to the departure of Western vendors, and so far, the parallel import trend is not fully working.
- Consolidation. Market players began to absorb each other or unite. It is easier for large providers than for small companies to offer customers functional and affordable options, therefore, over time, the Russian cloud market may well become a monopoly of several giants.

According to iKS-Consulting and Cnews Analytics, in 2021 the cloud market in Russia amounted to about 130 billion rubles. Over the past few years, it has increased by an average of 15-25% per year. In 2022, a volatile environment will have a negative impact on growth rates, and migration projects from foreign clouds will have a positive impact.
The structure of the market will also change somewhat. The growth rate of the segment, IaaS which received a powerful incentive in a pandemic, will significantly slow down. The largest share, as before, will be the segment, SaaS especially Russian solutions. Many customers have already prepared for migration to domestic cloud services. In 2022, the segment of such products may increase by a third.
According to our estimates, in 2022 the volume of the cloud services market may grow by 25-35%, - said Denis Afanasyev, head of cloud solutions at CorpSoft24. |
The reports of the largest players are also indicative. Thus, in the first half of 2022, Yandex Cloud revenue amounted to 3.2 billion rubles - 2.9 times more than in the same period in 2021. The amount already exceeds the total revenue of Yandex Cloud for the entire 2021.
VK's revenue from B2B projects in the second quarter exceeded 1 billion rubles and VK Cloud Solutions remains its main source. Another example is Selectel, whose sales in the first half of 2022 increased by 63%.
It is important that the market is actively growing, according to my estimates, by 25-30% per year. Yes, we are full of challenges related to import substitution, but while there is a growing demand, we will successfully solve these problems, "says Konstantin Anisimov, CEO of Rusonix. |
Roman Shulimov, Sales Director of Linxdatacenter, notes that prices for cloud infrastructure services have increased by about 30% compared to last year. With the arrival of high-quality import-substituted solutions, technical problems can be solved, but the demand for them will remain high in the next couple of years, and this will not allow prices to go down.
The market development forecast directly depends on the geopolitical situation: if difficulties with logistics continue, sanctions will be tightened, parallel imports of "iron" infrastructure will stop working and the demand for "clouds" will grow even more.
The state of the market can be characterized by the number of customers at cloud providers. This year they entered into many new transactions and what was planned to be sold in 2-3 years was realized in 6 months, "says Vadim Kudrin, head of Cloud Services and Development, KORUS Consulting. |
Anton Kuntsevich, director of development of the dBrain containerized cloud platform, believes that the performance of players in the market will depend on the degree of flexibility and mobility of companies, the ability to quickly rebuild. Who will be able to do this, and who will not - will show summing up the results of the year.
Some experts express the opinion that the growth of the market in monetary terms will be higher than the growth of actual use and will amount to 20-30%. This difference is due to higher prices. It is likely that the market average will be so, but some players will clearly have higher indicators.
This can be influenced by various components: working through a technical audience, marketing strategies and positioning the provider as a leader in a certain segment, as well as consolidating IaaS, PaaS and SaaS offers for the client into a single channel to simplify interaction, as well as an extensive formed pool of customers and partners, - comments Natalia Efimtseva, system architect of ICL Group of Companies. |
The increase in the number of customers who transfer the IT infrastructure to the clouds of domestic providers will occur mainly due to local branches of foreign companies that have left Russia.
Based on our database of requests, I can note that the main flow of requests comes from customers from five industries: financial sector IT companies, including developers of online services, retail, industrial and logistics companies, - says the Sergey Zinkevich director of business development CROC Cloudy services. |

Even during the pandemic, the market began to consolidate in the hands of companies with large capital. According to the results of the previous year IaaS , the leaders in can include companies,, Softline Rostelecom Cloud (until 2022 SberCloud),. In MTS the SaaS first positions Softline, Contour, Tensor. PaaS В – Cloud, Yandex Cloud.
This year, experts do not expect any special changes in the balance of power. The largest players - Rostelecom, VK Cloud and Yandex Cloud - have more options than other participants. And this trend is likely to continue.
I think "hype on the clouds" will motivate new players to enter the market, but leaders will increase their gap from the rest due to more powerful investment costs, "says Denis Afanasyev, head of cloud solutions at CorpSoft24. |
At the same time, equipment suppliers and distributors began offering equipment under the HaaS model (for rent). This is a new type of business that they have not previously engaged in, and given their access to various equipment, it can open up a new market segment as a whole.
The share of foreign suppliers in the total volume of services provided by cloud service operators will change. This is due to the departure of Microsoft, VMware, RedHat and other major vendors. In turn, domestic developers who previously tried to compete with eminent foreign colleagues will be able to increase their share in the total revenue of cloud services.
Also, the presence of data transmission operators has grown in the market over the past few years. Therefore, it is possible that in the future it will be divided into two parts: one will be represented by operators, and the second by the largest IT companies.
It is in the second segment that more interesting offers should be expected in the near future. But I think that in a few years we will see new players who will successfully occupy free niches, grow into them and begin to offer comprehensive solutions, - says Vadim Sabashny, General Director of LANIT-TERKOM (part of the LANIT group). |

According to all surveyed experts, the cloud services market will continue to grow in 2023. Several factors will affect the situation at once:
- initiatives to consolidate the loads of state structures;
- Availability of technologies for local infrastructure management to commercial customers
- changes in regulatory requirements.
The growth will be affected by the tectonic transformations of the businesses themselves and security risks. For example, if earlier the issue of building reserve sites, reservation as such, was optional, today this is a mandatory story for each company, even for the smallest.
Cloudy business grows during any crisis. This is due to the specifics of the service itself and the behavior of companies. For example, during a pandemic, the cloud services market grew abruptly, providing support for the remote work format. With the development of artificial intelligence, many companies have projects related to machine learning, and this requires virtual machines with GPUs. Upward dynamics will continue in 2023 cumulatively across all segments, IaaS PaaS,. SaaS I believe that growth will be more than 40% in addition to the growth of the private cloud segment. At the same time, in 2023, the demand for PaaS and SaaS services will increase, - comments Pavel Kalyakin, General Director of MyOffice. |
Over the next five years, the Russian market for private, public clouds and PaaS services will grow by an average of 30% annually. The development of its own platforms is complicated by the rise in the cost of the technology stack and the shortage of qualified specialists, so the business will inevitably turn to cloud providers for such services. On the basis of ready-made platforms, application deployment will be much easier and faster, agrees Konstantin Ansimov, director of infrastructure product development at Selectel. |
The main generators of demand for PaaS will be IT systems of authorities and small development companies. In the SaaS segment, growth will be provided by comprehensive services based on domestic software, replacing foreign services that are not available in Russia. In the private cloud segment, large enterprise systems and systems with increased security requirements, in particular, on certified software.
We expect further growth in IaaS volumes in Russia, as the segment of companies that do not yet use cloud platforms and cost the purchase of their own equipment continues to face difficulties, as in limiting supplies, active problems with service and increasing prices, says Alexander Ivannikov, director of business development at mClouds. |
According to Sergei Krutilin, CEO of ActiveCloud, the rise in the cost of server equipment will also affect growth. After all, the more hardware the client has, the more often he needs to purchase equipment for new projects or to replace outdated servers.
The main consumers of services and solutions will be medium and small businesses that need a full IT infrastructure, but there is no way to maintain their IT department.
The cloud market will grow in all sectors of the economy. First of all, due to the fact that the threshold for entering the "clouds" in terms of prices and technologies is low, and computing power is not needed: there is no need to buy a server and contain IT specialists who will serve it, - said Vadim Kudrin, head of Cloud Services and Development, KORUS Consulting. |
Only companies with a sufficient monetary resource are able to survive a situation when, due to the departure of foreign suppliers, a repeated purchase of already new software and equipment is required. For medium and small businesses, changes can be extremely painful and sometimes impossible. Domestic operators got a chance to offer such enterprises to abandon their own infrastructure in favor of the cloud.
At the same time, enterprises of the CIS countries have always sought to have their own infrastructure. Now the question of choosing those software solutions that will allow companies to have minimal dependence on foreign products has become acute.
One of the most promising market segments is analytics based on domestic clouds. Few expected substantial growth in the sector in the spring. Companies cut budgets, projects were frozen. But now the situation is gradually changing: it becomes clear that in a crisis, data is the basis for business development and one of the most important factors in the company's competitiveness. Therefore, companies are in search of a "plan B" for the effective operation of corporate data warehouses and business analytics systems - and often the most profitable solution for them is moving to the Russian cloud, - said Maxim Shlyapnev, director of development of BI-direction, Navicon. |
We expect a gradual recovery in business activity and an increase in demand for service providers. We hope that soon we will see more requests for services from state-owned companies that previously had a limited choice of Russian software. Now the situation for them has changed, since now more domestic analogues of foreign solutions have appeared, - comments Valentin Sokolov, Chief information officer of the cloud platform RCloud by 3data. |

Despite the turbulence, market participants are optimistic about its future and are making plans to develop the business. Companies expect to strengthen partnerships, develop their own cloud products and offer customers familiar services and services. Many rely on multi-cloud and hybrid solutions.
Small providers in the struggle for a place in the sun will have to find their own unique niche in the market, customize products for industry requests. On their side is the flexibility and speed of decision-making that big market players so lack.
Experts also believe that in the next few years, not all cloud vendors will be able to grow and even remain in their previous positions. Those of them who cannot purchase equipment and expand capacity, rebuild internal processes will be forced to leave.
- Cloud computing: top definitions
- Cloud computing
- Cloud Services Economics
- Cloud Infrastructure Hardware (Global Market)
- Cloud Security Services (Security-as-a-Service)
- Cloud Data Security
- Cloud services (Russian market)
- Cloud Solutions for SMB
- Cloud services in retail
- How Cloud Technology Helps Scale Supply Chains
- Private cloud
- Top Trends in the Global Private Cloud Market
- Main trends in the private cloud market in Russia
- Public clouds vs Private clouds
- Creation of private clouds (Russian market)
- Private Clouds - Typical Customers
- Private clouds in the public sector
- Private clouds in the banking sector