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Toystore (children's toy chain)


Since 2024



+ Mikhailov Alexander.
+ Restor Retail Group Limited (Virgin Islands, UK)


2024: Chain of stores launch

Part of Lanit, Inventive Retail Group (IRG) has launched a new toy chain under the Toystore brand. The first store with an area of ​ ​ 60 square meters. m opened in April 2024 in the shopping center "City of Lefortovo" in Moscow. This is a test project on the basis of which a decision will be made to further expand the network.

According to Ilya Lavrenov, Vice President for Corporate Sales of IRG, in the future it is planned to open stores with an area of ​ ​ up to 100 square meters. m in shopping centers of residential areas, where the main target audience lives - children from 3 to 14 years old. The stores will offer a wide range of toys, including international and Chinese brands, as well as own brands Kid Rocks and Brick Labs.

IRG launches new Toystore-branded toy chain

Lavrenov noted that Inventive Retail Group operates several retail chains, including World of Cubes, Streetbeat and others. In 2023, the group's revenue amounted to 78 billion rubles, and the number of stores reached 467. According to him, the Toystore concept is focused on providing shopping experiences, including consulting and the ability to test unpacked toys in the store.

Mikhail Burmistrov, General Director of Infoline Analytics, believes that the chosen format of small stores requires careful formation of the assortment. In his opinion, IRG is able to create an offer, but competition with marketplaces remains a serious challenge.

Antonina Tsitsulina, President of the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises, noted that the niche of toy stores in Russia is relatively free after the departure of brands such as Hamley's and the bankruptcy of Той.ру. Among the popular stores now stand out "Detsky Mir" and Rich Family, as well as specialized stores such as Hobby Games.

Boris Katz, owner of the Leonardo chain, added that specialty toy stores often fail to compete with marketplaces and their success depends on the availability of related products.[1]
