Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


This table shows IT systems, in the description of which it is specifically indicated that they can be used in companies in this industry.
ProductTechnologyDeveloperTotal projectsProjects in the industry
1C: Retail Trade Automation Systems, Accounting Systems 1C Joint Stock Company 166 124
GESTORI Pro Trade Automation Systems FIT 118 110
Astor: Retail chain stores of Smart Enterprise (SE) and Smart Prof Trading House ERP, trade Automation systems Astor 65 54
1C-Rarus: Shopping complex Trade Automation Systems 1C-Rarus 45 39
Forecast NOW Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management Program SCM, SRM - Vendor relationship management, WMS Ingenius Tim 59 39
Naumen Contact Center (formerly Naumen Phone IP Call Center) Call Centers, IP Telephony, SaaS - Software as a Service Naumen (Naumen Consulting) 173 32
Astor: Your Smart Enterprise Shop and your Smart Prof Shop Trade automation systems Astor 31 29
Alfa-Auto: Car dealership + Car service + Auto parts SaaS - Software as a Service, Accounting Systems 1C-Rarus 55 28
SuperMag (SuperMagician) Trade automation systems Service Plus 30 27
Avarda.RetailNetwork CRM - Loyalty systems, ERP, trade Automation systems Ansoft 25 23
ITender SRM - Vendor relationship management, trade Automation systems FogSoft (Fogsoft) 34 22
1C: Retail 8 Clothing store and footwear Trade automation systems, Accounting systems 1C-Rarus 23 20
Retail Instruments CRM - Loyalty systems, Wireless analytics (WiFi-analytics) NPO Analitika 35 20
1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management and customer relations (CRM) CRM 1C Joint Stock Company 43 19
Solvo.WMS WMS, Warehouse automation Solvo 81 19
SAP for Retail CRM - Loyalty systems, ERP, trade Automation systems SAP SE 20 18
InStock WMS (IsWMS) WMS InStock Technologies (Ying-Stock Tieknolodris) 51 15
Napoleon ASMT SCM, trade Automation systems Guild of developers 33 15
ABM Shelf SaaS - Software as service ABM Cloud 15 14
DALION: Management of shop. Missile defense Trade automation systems, Accounting systems SoftBalance 18 14
1C:Enterprise 8. Management of trade enterprise for Ukraine ERP 1C Joint Stock Company 22 12
Run-Retail Run 2010 ERP, OLAP, SCM, SRM - Vendor relationship management, WMS, trade Automation systems, Warehouse automation, Time recording Run-Retail 13 12
Avarda.WMS WMS Ansoft 16 11
DiAna: Digital Analytics Pro BI, OLAP, Trade Automation Systems FIT 12 11
Frigate Corporation ERP, trade Automation systems, Accounting systems Fregat 28 11
Manhattan Associates SCALE (ILS) WMS Manhattan Associates 35 11
POS-FIT-К Trade automation systems France Informatique & Technologie (FIT, ФИТ) 11 11
TopLog WMS WMS TopLog 33 11
BIT. Management of car service and car showroom ERP 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) 18 9
Folio of WMS WMS Folio 20 9
Papyrus Retail: Retail automation Trade automation systems, Accounting systems Petroglyph 9 9
TradeX CRM, trade Automation systems, Accounting systems Borlas Retail (Borlas Information Trading Systems) 10 9
1C: Trade Management for Ukraine 8 ERP, trade Automation systems 1C Joint Stock Company 14 8
Astor: RS.Loyalty&CRM CRM, CRM - Loyalty systems Astor 9 8
Astor: RS.WMS Distribution center SCM, WMS Astor 17 8
Frontol Trading Trade Automation Systems ATOL 11 8
LS Retail Navision ERP LS retail 11 8
Alfa system ERP Informkontakt consulting 42 7
DALION: Management of shop. LIGHT Trade automation systems SoftBalance 6 6
Rapid Retail ERP Ciber 7 6
Verme WFM Line Personnel Planning Automation Time recording Verme 7 6
Warehouse Management Suite (WMSuite) WMS IT Scan 17 6
Astor: RS.ShelfSpace Merchandising Trade automation systems Astor 6 5
Astor: Smart Enterprise boutique and Smart Prof Boutique Trade automation systems Astor 7 5
BeScan CRM, SaaS - Software as service Beorg (Biorg) 5 5
DALION: Management of shop. Network Trade automation systems, Accounting systems SoftBalance 5 4
Okdesk Application Accounting and Registration System for Small and Medium Service Companies CRM, ITSM - Management systems for IT service, SaaS is the Software as service Okdesk (Cloud Solutions) 15 4
POS-FIT-FR OSS/BSS, trade Automation systems France Informatique & Technologie (FIT, ФИТ) 4 4
Qguar WMS (Cougar) WMS Quantum International (Kvantum) 21 4
ST Mobile Trade. Chicago Trade automation systems System technologies (Kaliningrad) 14 4
1C: Retail 8. Bookstore Trade automation systems 1C-Rarus 5 3
1C: Retail 8 Shop of home appliances and means of communication Trade automation systems 1C-Rarus 3 3
1C: Retail 8 for Ukraine Trade automation systems, Accounting systems 1C Joint Stock Company 4 3
Alpha Car: Customer relationship management CRM 1C-Rarus 4 3
Competera the platform for pricing BI, SaaS - Software as service, trade Automation systems Competera 3 3
DIGI is a packing equipment --- --- 4 3
Expert Logistic RTW WMS, Logistics information system IT Scan 12 3
Fregat-Roznitsa Trade automation systems, Accounting systems Fregat 3 3
LS Trade ERP, trade Automation systems LuxSoft 3 3
Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Trade automation systems, Accounting systems Microsoft 3 3
Oracle Retail ERP, SaaS - Software as service, trade Automation systems Oracle 4 3
Papyrus Trade automation systems, Accounting systems Petroglyph 11 3
Profi-T Trade automation systems Pilot business solutions 3 3 SaaS - Software as service, trade Automation systems System technologies (Kaliningrad) 5 3
Smart Checkout CRM - Loyalty systems, trade Automation systems Open Retail (Oupen retail) 3 3
1C-Rarus: Plant of a power supply Accounting systems 1C-Rarus 11 2
1C:Enterprise 8. Management of trade enterprise for Kazakhstan ERP 1C Joint Stock Company 5 2
1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management alcoholic products Accounting systems KT: Alcohol (Computer technologies 2000) 3 2
1C: Retail 8. Building and finishing materials store Accounting systems 1C-Rarus 2 2
1C: Retail 8. Salon of optics ERP 1C-Rarus 5 2
Avarda.InventoryManagement Trade automation systems Ansoft 2 2
CRMSensor CRM CRMSensor (Sireem Sensor) 2 2
Custis: an information system for the trading companies Trade automation systems Custis 2 2
Dominoes 8: Trade Accounting systems Soft-West 2 2
Electronic money - KASSIR Trade automation systems Electronic money 2 2
GOODs Trade automation systems Hexarun Center of Shaped Coding 2 2
JewelcraftSoft: Jewelry salon Accounting systems JewelcraftSoft 2 2
KORUS Forecast BI, SaaS - Software as service Corus Consulting 2 2
Lasmart Retail Analytics BI Lasmart 3 2
Maconomy Distribution Solution ERP Maconomy (company) 3 2
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 CRM, SaaS - Software as service Microsoft 16 2
Oracle ATG Web Commerce Corporate portals, trade Automation systems Oracle 2 2
Oracle Retail Merchandising Analytics BI Oracle 2 2
RS-Balance Retail (Trade) Trade automation systems RS-Balance 2 2
SL Retail Trade BI, CPM, trade Automation systems Softline 2 2
SberPay payment by QR (formerly Pay QR) Remote Banking Systems Sberbank 3 2
Service-Desk Electronic money Trade automation systems Electronic money 2 2
SoftTime Time recording Bia Technologies 3 2
1C: Retail 8. Auto Parts Store Trade automation systems, Accounting systems 1C-Rarus 1 1
1C: Retail 8. Jewellery shop Trade Automation Systems 1C Joint Stock Company 3 1
2can: mPOS-terminal Trade automation systems Smartfin (2can&ibox) 7 1
ATC of QlikView for Retail BI ATK consulting group 1 1
ATOL: Easy POS lite Trade automation systems ATOL 2 1
Agent Plus: Management of mobile trade Trade automation systems Agent Plus 1 1
Agent Plus: Mobile trade Trade automation systems RightScan 1 1
Aldata G.O.L.D. Stock SaaS SaaS - Software as service, WMS, Logistics information system, Warehouse automation R-ID 2 1
Alphabet. Software (system) Trade automation systems Alphabet. Software 1 1
Anaplan: Marketing activities management PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service Anaplan 1 1
Aptos PLM PLM - Product lifecycle management Aptos (before Epicor Retail Solutions) 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12