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2017/09/14 12:40:44

HP Affiliate program

*the List of partners of Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Russia



2017: Submitted to HP the training program of partners of HP University

HP Inc company. On September 14, 2017 provided HP University — the complete solution which will help 18,000 participants of the Partner First program to optimize income and to increase business performance. HP University provides training in sales, features of a product line of HP and certification. It will allow partners of HP to pass to such perspective business models as contract service.

HP University offers online training and occupations under the leadership of instructors in 170 countries. Before start the program was tested by strategic partners in three regions and now is available in 11 languages.

HP offers partners the training program directed to increase in their income — Thomas Jensen, the vice president for work with partners, HP Inc commented. — HP University allows our partners to be focused on development of sales. This simple and clear program will allow to optimize internal processes which will provide growth of business and the maximum profit.

Transition from the traditional scheme of sales to contract service is especially relevant in the market of high technologies. Applying this business model, the companies can adapt the computing environments to customer needs and the employees. However this system requires acquisition of new skills in the field of sales, and HP University is intended for the solution of this task.

More than 30 partners took part in HP University testing worldwide. Access to the program and its use are simple and clear that it allows partners to focus on training, but not on navigation according to the difficult portal. The program offers resident instruction under the leadership of the instructor, development of skills of sales and studying of core competencies of HP, including security, the concept "the device as service" (DaaS), mobility and services in outsourcing of printing.

Such rates as Sales strategy, will allow participants to develop strategies for determination of the main objectives of clients, creations of effective commercial offers and the correct communication taking into account needs of the specific customer. Rates are aimed at the development of sales, strengthening of partner relations, reducing costs of the conclusion of transactions and maximizing income.

HP will also continue program implementation of HP of Partner First directed to support of trading partners. HP University gives them additional competitive advantages thanks to comprehensive preparation in the field of sales, knowledge of technical aspects of products of HP and certification. The approach applied in HP University is beyond normal training in work with products and offers interaction in real time, with deep immersion and high degree of the involvement.

2016: HP optimizes the Partner First program

The updated program of HP Partner First is designed to improve results of cooperation due to simplification of interaction with HP. Within the program possibilities of sellers are more optimum used and the choice of solutions which they can offer customers is expanded.

From now on in the program only three main levels of participation: Platinum, Gold and Silver that will allow the company to pay attention to needs of all partners. Besides, distributors are given an opportunity to render services of support to business partners of HP in bigger volume. Thus, all parties can rely on competences, communications and possibilities of partners, working with in a uniform rhythm.

In the program there were new directions connected with wholesales, delivery of expensive solutions and their integration. The new structure will help partners to increase sales volumes due to the choice of the directions, it is the best of all answering them to specialization and requirements of customers. Within the wholesale direction sales of the personal systems, printing devices and supplies are performed. There was a direction and for global system integrators and also the Value Specialization direction allowing partners to expand competences in certain products, services and contract types. In the latter case knowledge of features of the solutions answering to current market trends is acquired.

The system of compensation payments became uniform for all regions. Besides, in the new simplified diagram there are no duplications less than the parameters by which partners are estimated. Payments are divided into three categories: the main, remuneration to specialists and payments for implementation of new business opportunities.

Acceleration of start of marketing programs

HP Inc. expanded possibilities of the marketing tools offered partners. Within the program it provides access to the Zone of joint marketing + (CMZ+) ― to the uniform portal for creation of interbranded promotional and informational materials. Partners can load the target list of customers into a system and start the international and local campaigns, using five modules, available on the website: interbranded promotional and informational materials, bulk mailings by e-mail, the microwebsites, event marketing and management of search marketing. Thanks to a new system terms of implementation of preparatory stages are cut by half, time and resources which the partner can spend for stimulation of demand are released. Before completion of a campaign he can monitor its course, efficiency and development of a global sales pipeline.

Besides, the user interface of the main online portal of the affiliate program ― is processed now it is possible to find the necessary content quicker: at run on HP Sales Central under an account of the specialist partner there is a readdressing on the corresponding pages to the simplified search form. In new design at first pages for printing specialists on A3 carriers, and the others ― within the next year will be submitted.

Sales increase using social networks

Growth of influence of social media on a sales cycle is indisputable. Nearly 75% of buyers look for information on products and solutions on social networks.

Working in line with this growing trend, HP opened on the portal of HP Sales Central the section of Social Media Center (SMC) which collected thematic industry information and news of the company which partners can share with the subscribers on large social networks. SMC provides and the varied content ― he will help partners to earn reputation as experts in the area. During the pilot tests which are carried out in the spring the number of subscribers of SMC significantly increased. The portal will become available to partners until the end of this year.


HP updates conditions of the affiliate program

On March 17, 2015 the HP company announced updates of the affiliate program for assistance to partners in implementation of new business opportunities and creation of a basis for long-term growth.

The program of HP Partner Navigator will help to do successfully business in the conditions of the forthcoming separation of the company. Additional programs, including alliance Partner One, will help partners to get even more advantages to clients.

"HP continues to go the way which will allow it to take at least two places in Fortune-50. At the same time we do not forget about our partners and we try to make our relations even more confidential — Meg Whitman, the president and the CEO of HP said. — HP helps partners to provide growth of their business and to sell the opportunities opening in the market, offering them the programs focused on real result".

Program of HP Partner Navigator

The program of HP Partner Navigator will help distributors and resellers to pass through a stage of conversions to HP companies successfully. In its structure specialized resources, like the Partner Support HP center which will allow the authorized partners of HP to continue to service clients at the highest level.

HP will provide to large direct partners the selected managers of HP of Partner Account Operations who will provide individual support on all questions.

Alliance Partner One

The alliance Partner One will help key partners to continue work after separation of HP company into two companies. Within alliance of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc company. will actively cooperate with partners, helping them to participate in industry actions successfully. Both companies will provide to partners the selected teams of specialists which will help with development of marketing plans for the solutions which are available in a portfolio of partners. Participation in alliance Partner One will be available to partners of the level Platinum, Gold, Silver and also distributors.

The new solutions and programs aimed at growth of HP presented a number of new solutions which will help partners to continue to do successfully business with HP and after separation of the company.

HP Helion Partner Marketplace is the new portal of public cloud services which allows resellers to sell, unroll and support various services for small and medium business.

The portal of HP Helion Partner Marketplace is available in the USA already today. In regions of EMEA and APJ it will be started in 2015.

In 2016 financial year of HP is going to provide new tools, programs and solutions for the large partners selling products of HP. Among them — business solutions, consulting services, programs of certification, the credits for training and the Datacenter Care Add-On program.

HP Software Managed Service Provider (MSP)

The program of HP Software Managed Service Provider (MSP) is focused on the integrators developing the direction of cloud IT services. Only participants of the MSP program can use more than 20 products HP Software for creation of own XaaS-solutions, such as infrastructure as service (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS), software as service (Software-as-a-Service, SaaS), the platform as service (Platform-as-a-Service, PaaS) or business process as service (Business-Process-as-a-Service, BPaaS).

HP Flexible Capacity Service

The program of HP Flexible Capacity Service works on the "IT Infrastructure as Service" model. Thanks to it customers can receive required computing powers, having leased as separate servers, DWH and network equipment of HP, and the whole complex at once. Monthly payment for operation of the equipment is adjusted depending on consumption volume. Under the terms of the program of times in 4 years all hardware systems with the same functionality are free of charge upgraded.

Before installation of the equipment in DPC of the customer or on the platform of the partner, audit of the developed infrastructure is booked, the forecast of need for IT proceeding from business plans is created. On the basis of this information of CROC offers the specific configurations of the equipment which are most full answering the client's purpose.

The system of billing working on the installed equipment allows the contractor of services to monitor loading in the automatic mode. If it begins to exceed the stipulated limits, possibilities of systems are increased. It is reached by installation of the additional hardware (for example, disks). At the same time the customer pays only actually consumed resources and due to flexibility of computing infrastructure ceases to worry about the possible shortage of capacities and need of urgent deliveries.

Thanks to this program large one-time investments into IT infrastructure are excluded, costs from category of capital are transferred to category of operating rooms, the cash gap between income from the customer service delivery and expenses on infrastructure is reduced.

HP submitted affiliate programs of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc

On October 13, 2015 submitted to HP affiliate programs of HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise - Partner First and Partner Ready, respectively. At the heart of initiatives of the company the HP PartnerOne program and the purposes - to help partners of both companies with the most effective business development.

The program of HP Partner First — the tool helping partners to develop surely business and to increase profit, proposing clients flexible and effective solutions.

"80% of our income fall on sales through partners therefore work with a partner network for us is extremely important — emphasized Dion Weisler, future president and the chief executive officer of HP Inc. — Separation of HP into two organizations is the key to success of this initiative. Today we create in a sense "new HP" therefore we developed special strategy which will allow our partners to provide the innovation products and solutions capable really to surprise and impress customers. We are sure: only together we will be able to master the new perspective markets and quickly to adapt to dynamics of the market and customer needs".


HP Inc. is going to offer partners necessary resources and materials to help them to seize necessary competences in the field of sales. In particular, services of Partner First Services will allow partners to use most effectively opening business opportunities. HP Inc. expands the directions of the program of HP Partner First Tracks and enters the direction — Integration Track.


HP Inc. offers partners the improved programs, tools and processes helping them to provide successfully the innovative solutions to clients around the world. HP Inc. starts HP Sales Central, the uniform portal providing access to all resources necessary for the conclusion of transactions. The company uses technologies, tools and processes to help partners to estimate efficiency of their business.

HP Inc. offers partners the new tools accelerating and facilitating creation of marketing campaigns.

Implementation of updates of the HP Inc program. Partner First will begin worldwide on November 1, 2015 and will proceed during 2016.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Partner Ready

The HPE Partner Ready program will help partners to deliver the solutions allowing their customers to implement the concept of "new style of business" (New Style of Business) in practice. Bases of this transformation - four technology areas, each of which is supported by solutions and expert knowledge of HPE:

  • transition to hybrid infrastructure,
  • protection of the digital enterprise,
  • analytics of data
  • increase in efficiency of personnel.

"In today's highly competitive business environment of the enterprise are most concentrated on a business ezultatakh — Meg Whitman who will hold a post of the president and chief executive officer of Hewlett Packard Enterprise noted. — Today, when Hewlett Packard Enterprise only begins the work, we are glad to emphasize once again commitment to success of our partners and to propose them the unique technological solutions meeting the relevant requirements of their customers. We begin new chapter in the history of the company, and we do it together with our partners".

In March, 2015 the Partner Ready program is announced, it offers the same models of membership, financial and other encouragement, as HP PartnerOne. In addition, in it a number of the innovations helping partners to increase demand and profit is implemented.

Stimulation of demand

HPE will provide a searching tool of partners, will start the Planned Marketing Development Funds (MDF) program which the company announced earlier, and will add cloud services on Helion Partner Marketplace (only for the USA).


Participants of the Partner Ready program will continue to receive compensation from $1 without the maximum restrictions. Additional encouragement is provided for the suppliers selling hybrid IT solutions for wireless networks of Aruba. HPE will also submit the new international Partner Ready International program providing the accelerated obtaining import permits, global pricing and other advantages to the partners servicing multinational customers.

Training in the field of sales and service

Helping sales departments of partners to reveal opportunities for business, HPE entered uniform certification of specialists in sales and the system of points for passing of new courses. Besides, HPE will provide the step-by-step training allowing sales departments and pre-sale preparation to accelerate conversion of business of the customers.

Financial services of HP

The portal of HP Financial Services (HPFS) Partner Connection allowing partners quicker and more simply to use different opportunities of income acquisition, now covers 18 countries. On this portal a number of improvements is implemented. Partners can accelerate the conclusion of transactions with the help of the automated scoring check executed within a minute. The partner can precisely configure the preferences concerning the price, profitability and a configuration of the solution (including the equipment, software and services).

For October 12, 2015 the HPFS Partner Connection portal represents the integrated function of the HP Unison portal available to partners of both the Partner Ready program, and the Partner First program.

201: HP ServiceOne 2.0

Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced in November, 2014 the program of HP of ServiceOne 2.0 which will help partners to pass to the IT new style with the increased lifecycle of sales and enhanced capabilities of delivering solutions and also the automated tools for increase in speed of deliveries and significant increase in profitability.

As clients are interested in service and models of payment in process of use of resources more and more, the partners proposing solutions based on a traditional infrastuktura along with hybrid solutions and cloud services win. They can provide to the clients broader spectrum of solutions and help to earn from the explosive growth of cloud computing.

The IT style means that the equipment, applications and data should be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. HP ServiceOne 2.0 allows partners to provide to clients the complex services anticipating them desires thereby increasing return from their investments into IT.

To help partners to earn from the current and future market changes and to create permanent sources of income, offered HP two unique products: HP Flexible Capacity and HP Datacenter Care.

HP Flexible Capacity will provide to users a public cloud with infrastructure of a local private cloud, payment for actually used resources and scaling depending on business needs. This magnificent solution for the partners who are going to expand a range of the services using functions of service providers which will be able to provide the long-term annual income increasing in process of growth of the client.

HP Datacenter Care is flexible and comprehensive approach to the personalized support and management of different types of data centers.

After considerable investment volume, enclosed for the last 12 months, offered HP the new automated tools accelerating selection of resources improving assets conversion cycle and reducing costs of partners for sales.

Also provided to HP the new options of delivery of Proactive Care and Datacenter Care services giving to partners competitive advantages and the chance to construct the profitable model of business allowing to win clients forever.

2011: HP CloudService

HP is going to start the new cloud affiliate program for service providers for participation in which the traditional status of the reseller will be not obligatory.

As Barbara Hallmanns reported, the top manager of HP EMEA to the IT Europa edition, HP actively studies different schemes of earnings for the partner channel in the cloud industry. "A year ago partners were not sure of such model of cooperation, but now they are sure of the forces and even offer some ideas. 70% wait for an initiative from our party", - she said.

In partner channel HP has different groups for promotion of cloud solutions. First of all, it is service providers who in the new program can act on the traditional partner bases. For example, it is Computacenter which opened in Germany the first cloud center HP recently - Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) - in EMEA region.

Real service providers are not the traditional channel for HP, but also are considered as one of components of the partner channel. There are also other similar companies in EMEA region so HP reflects now how to transform their business on the mutually advantageous bases.

The second group is cloud resellers which are engaged in sale of solutions for creation of both private, and public clouds. The third, and numerous group, is creators of cloud solutions: traditional partners who are engaged in implementation of cloud computing and consulting in this area, Barbara Hallmanns noted.

Participation in the program as service providers is open for the companies of the most different size. "We work with the key companies specializing in construction of convergent infrastructure, them there are about 125. In addition to them there are 30-40 more companies which move in vanguard of cloud solutions, and these are rather large players – 80% are comparable on business scale to Computacenter. Other 20% form from among new partners", - the representative of HP told.

However, the program is open as well for small partners. According to Barbara Hallmanns, for the companies wishing to become service providers a certain financial and steady base is necessary, but for a number of players it is the resolved issue. 

Distributors also should help with this process of HP. In particular, HP works with the leading Pan-European players like Ingram Micro, Avnet and Tech Data who in turn develop programs for the resellers and thus cultivate them. "They help the resellers to transform business", - said Hallmanns.

Ultimate goal of HP is creation of 13 Competence Centers until the end of May, 2012. They will belong to the partners having a demo equipment. And it which will be grounded not only from the technical point of view, but also in terms of sales of cloud solutions, speak in HP. Thus business of these companies will it is gradually transferred to service rails, and HP is intended to promote it actively.

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