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Moscow can now use road cameras according to its own rules, different from federal ones

Customers: Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT)

Moscow; State and social structures

Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow
Moscow; Government and social institutions

Product: Comprehensive video surveillance projects

Project date: 2014/11  - 2020/10


Main article: Moscow Smart city Information technologies in Moscow

Safe City Program

Main article: Safe City (federal concept).

Facial recognition system in Moscow

Main article: How the facial recognition system works in Moscow

How the city video surveillance system is arranged in Moscow


Moscow can now use road cameras according to its own rules, different from federal ones

In August 2024 Moscow , it received special powers to install and configure road cameras according to its own rules, different from federal ones. This opportunity was provided to the capital thanks to amendments adopted State Duma Russia on the last day of the spring session. The new rules will come into force on September 1, 2024 and will allow the Moscow authorities to independently determine the locations of road cameras, as well as establish additional norms not provided for by federal legislation.

According to Kommersant, the new rules will allow Moscow to install cameras not only in traditional places, such as intersections, dedicated lanes, pedestrian crossings and stop ban zones, but also near kindergartens, schools, clinics, as well as in places with increased accidents. These changes are aimed at improving safety on the roads of the capital and will allow a more flexible response to the road situation in the city.

Moscow can use road cameras according to its own rules

The adopted changes will also affect the mechanism for punishing violators through the application. In "Assistant to Moscow" particular, the functionality of the application will be limited due to new requirements for the independence of cameras. Earlier, with the help of this software and hardware complex, caring citizens could record violations of parking rules and send data to the Moscow Administrative Road Inspection or TRAFFIC POLICE for the subsequent imposition of fines. However, from the beginning of September 2024, violations will be recorded only by automatic cameras, which will lead to a significant reduction in the role of the "Assistant." Moscow

At the same time, the Moscow authorities must develop and approve their own procedure for making decisions on the installation, disconnection and dismantling of road cameras by September.[1]

Photos of Muscovites and their voices from CCTV cameras will be collected and processed in an impersonal form for the development of GIS and artificial intelligence

On July 30, 2024, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill according to which photographs of Muscovites and their voices from video surveillance cameras will begin to be collected and processed in an impersonal form. These data arrays are expected to help develop technologies, particularly intelligent systems.


According to the Kommersant newspaper, referring to the comments of the Ministry of Digital Development, it will be impossible to identify a person from impersonal information. In addition, it is not planned to collect information about the health of citizens and their biometrics. Within the framework of the project, the creation of several systems-aggregators of personal information of Russians is being prepared - Moscow and federal. Government agencies will receive access to them, and in the future, other organizations that will be approved by the government commission.

Impersonal data can be used for AI platform analytics, forecasting and training. Director and partner of IT-Reserve Pavel Myasoyedov cites the introduction of smart traffic lights, flight planning tools, logistics optimization tools, etc., as examples. As of mid-2024, more than 225 thousand surveillance cameras have been installed in Moscow, and since 2017 they have been using the face recognition function. The collected data, according to market participants, will make it possible to carry out socio-economic forecasting.

At the same time, experts emphasize that cyber security neuronets they learn to recognize a person, therefore, "thanks to the accumulated arrays of information, deanonizing impersonal data will not be difficult." The bill also assumes that businesses must independently depersonalize data and transfer it to the state: and this can result in large additional costs. In addition, there are issues related to ensuring the protection of new information systems.[2]

2022: Moscow signed contracts for 12.7 billion rubles to expand urban video surveillance

In early December 2022, the Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT) signed three contracts to expand the video surveillance system in the city. The total value of the contracts is 12.7 billion rubles.

The most expensive contract worth 4.45 billion rubles went to Moscow Telecommunications Corporation JSC. A contract worth 4.23 billion rubles was concluded with Rostelecom, and the third contract for 4 billion rubles - with JSC Sitronics. All agreements are designed for five years - until the end of 2027.

Moscow signed contracts for the expansion of urban video surveillance

The Moscow Department for Competition Policy on October 19-20, 2022 placed six tenders for the provision of services for the provision of information on video surveillance facilities in a single data storage and processing center for five years.

The Department of Information Technology (DIT) of Moscow explained to Kommersant that purchases are carried out in connection with the expiration of contracts concluded more than four years ago.

The new contracts will last for five years. Within the framework of these contracts, video surveillance will be provided at the entrances, in courtyards and in public areas, - added to the DIT of Moscow.

According to the official data of the mayor's office, by the end of 2022, there are 213 thousand video surveillance cameras in Moscow, access to which, among other things, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have access.

In 2022, LLC Special project"" became the winner of an electronic auction held by the Department of Competitive Policy of Moscow. The company will have to build a video surveillance complex controlled by a neural network. The project is estimated at 4.24 billion rubles, the initial trading price was 4.29 billion rubles.

Earlier it was reported that the Government of the Russian Federation wants to reduce all video surveillance cameras in the country into a single information system. To do this, you will need to install smart cameras that will independently recognize suspicious situations. The creation of the platform will cost 250 billion rubles and will take five years.[3]

2021: Moscow - in the top 30 megacities of the world in terms of the number of CCTV cameras per square kilometer

On March 29, 2021, it became known that Surfshark published a rating of the largest cities in the world by the number of cameras per square kilometer. The capital of Russia took 30th place. About 77 CCTV cameras are located on one square kilometer, the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of Moscow reported. Analysts also included Seoul and Barcelona in the thirty.


In the first place is the Indian city of Chennai. There are 8.5 times more CCTV cameras installed here than in Moscow. The second place in the ranking also went to the Indian metropolis Hyderabad (480 cameras per 1 km2). The five leaders also included two cities in China - Harbin (410 cameras per 1 km2) and Xiamen (385 cameras per 1 km2). In addition, the capital of Great Britain, London, got into the top 5 with a result of 399 CCTV cameras per 1 square kilometer.[4]


Insurance companies ask for access to the Moscow video surveillance system

As it became known at the end of November 2020, large insurance companies and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are asking the Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT) to provide them with access to a video surveillance system in the city in order to fight fraud and reduce the time for settling losses. The initiator of these negotiations was the Central Bank.

According to Kommersant, companies are asking to provide them with access to cameras not only from the Center for Traffic Management (TsODD), but also from the Department of Information Technology (DIT). In the future, insurance companies expect to view the data of the Safe City complex, the cameras of which are installed throughout the country. So far, only "authorized officers of the authorities and law enforcement agencies" have access to the cameras, the DIT explained to the newspaper.

Insurance companies at the initiative of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ask for access to the Moscow video surveillance system

In AlfaStrakhovanie"" Kommersant confirmed participation in the negotiations. In "" Rosgosstrakh noted that they got access to cameras in several regions and would like to expand such a project. In "" and Renaissance insurance"" Ingosstrakh expressed interest in the project.

Sarkis Darbinyan, partner of Digital Rights Center, said in an interview with the publication that insurance companies can still receive footage from cameras controlled by DIT by drawing up a request to the mayor's office describing the situation. This process, as he specified, takes about three days. However, insurers, as the companies surveyed said, are interested in unhindered access to video recordings.

Owners of video monitoring systems transmit data via secure channels to the operator, who provides access for players in the insurance market. Direct access of insurers to cameras is a huge burden on infrastructure, a high risk of disruption on the side of the CODD and DIT, - said Softline Digital economy Sergei Soshnikov, director of business development at the national project[5]

28.5 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of the Moscow city video surveillance system until 2023

28.5 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of the urban system video surveillances Moscow until 2023. This became known on November 11, 2020.

In 2021, 9.3 billion rubles are provided for these purposes. Funding will be directed, including the maintenance of 176 thousand video surveillance cameras, as well as the transfer of data from devices to a single data storage system.

Also in the draft budget of the capital for 2021-2023, 14.6 billion rubles were allocated for the purchase of software. Moreover, half of this amount will be spent on the purchase of equipment and software for healthcare institutions .

In addition, 2021 billion rubles 1.5[6] will[7] the [8] security[9].

Moscow City Hall is ready to sell recordings from CCTV cameras

On August 24, 2020, it became known about the readiness of the Moscow City Hall to sell recordings from city video surveillance cameras. Also, the authorities have the right to broadcast footage from such cameras on the Internet.

According to Kommersant, the Department of Information Technology (DIT) announced a contract for the installation of 4 thousand cameras in hospitals. It was won by the Moscow Telecommunications Corporation (Akado Telecom), which will place equipment on the territory of 539 hospitals, and then organize the transfer of video to a single data storage and processing center (ECCD). According to the terms of the contract, it is possible to "provide access to information to ECCD users, including on a reimbursable basis," as well as "broadcast information in the public domain" on the Internet. The same is indicated in nine other DIT contracts for the transmission of video from at least 25 thousand cameras, the newspaper notes.

Moscow City Hall is ready to sell recordings from CCTV cameras

DIT told Kommersant that they are not going to broadcast from cameras on the Internet and provide access to ECCD data. The requirements announced in the tender documents, officials called standard for state contracts.

Nevertheless, the wording aroused interest among specialists in the field of personal data protection. The head of legal practice Roskomsvobody"" Sarkis Darbinyan indicated that they threaten the security of personal data of Muscovites and pose a threat to access sensitive information from an indefinite circle of people. They can use this information for fraud, surveillance or social engineering.

The collection, storage and provision of such information is regulated by the order of the DIT, according to which video recordings are stored for a limited time and can be provided to law enforcement agencies, state organizations and lawyers in the event of a confirmed offense, indicates the head of the department "Resolution of IT&IP disputes" of the company "Rustam Kurmaev and Partners" Yaroslav Shitsle.[10]

Video surveillance systems in places of mass stay of people will be connected to the agro-industrial complex "Safe City"

Video surveillance systems in places of mass stay of people will be connected to the agro-industrial complex "Safe City." This became known on August 4, 2020.

Video surveillance systems in places of mass stay of people will be connected to the agro-industrial complex "Safe City

The corresponding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. In particular, the document makes changes to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of places of mass stay of people and objects (territories) subject to mandatory protection by the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and forms of safety passports of such places and objects (territories)."

The Resolution states that the video surveillance system, taking into account the number of installed video cameras and their locations, should provide information interaction with the regional video surveillance subsystems of the Safe City segments of the agro-industrial complex, that is, the transmission of real-time video image, video image in the archive, the results of the video image and video identification[11]

CCTV cameras monitor the content of the capital's courtyards and streets

On February 27, 2020, DIT of Moscow reported that daily cameras of the City video surveillance system help to identify more than 500 violations in the maintenance of the capital's courtyards and streets. Remote control allows you to monitor the cleanliness of adjacent territories and roads in real time, promptly signaling to utilities about emerging shortcomings.

The cleanliness of roads and courtyards is monitored by the operators of the Center for Automatic Recording of Administrative Offenses (CAFAP). He earned in Moscow in 2014. The first task of the CAFAP was to control cleanliness in front of the entrances. As of February 2020, the center's operators can use the cameras of the City video surveillance system to record more than 80 different violations: uncleared garbage in the courtyards, pits, fallen trees and much more.

The video surveillance system allows specialists to control the maintenance of territories directly from their workplace. This helped to increase the efficiency of task execution, since remote verification takes much less time. Analysis of data obtained from cameras allows not only to record violations, but also to find the causes of their occurrence and identify possible system failures,
Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Information Technologies Eduard Lysenko told

The system algorithms analyze screenshots from CCTV cameras - up to 100 thousand personnel per day. On each of them, the system records the presence or absence of a violation. Screenshots of the neural network detecting the discrepancy are viewed by operators to eliminate the possibility of error.

We do not stand still and try to find various sources of photo and video materials to assess the state of landscaping facilities. Incident control is an advantage of the video surveillance system. And thanks to screenshots, we can assess the quality of cleaning work in all areas of Moscow at the same time,
emphasized the head of the State Institution "New Management Technologies" Alexander Pishchelko

As of February 27, 2020, the neural network can recognize violations in 12 categories. For example, algorithms look for uncleaned snow, graffiti, traffic sign pollution and holes on the roads.

In the future, the capabilities of video analytics to solve urban problems will expand. We will continue to train the neural network so that algorithms can recognize other types of disorders. In addition, together with partners, we are working on the introduction of mobile devices for fixing violations,
noted by the Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Information Technologies Eduard Lysenko

For example, such devices can be equipped with cars, public transport or communal equipment. Cruising around the city, they will be able to automatically identify holes on the roads, marking violations or garbage at stopping pavilions. Information about possible shortcomings will be instantly brought to the utilities.

As added to the DIT of Moscow, the townspeople themselves can signal to public utilities about certain violations. You can leave an application to the Unified Dispatch Center using the mobile application "Moscow State Services" or by phone. In addition, you can report certain shortcomings on the Our City portal. Within eight working days, the user will receive a report on the elimination of the violation or, if it takes more time, an answer indicating the deadline for solving the problem.


Update of 89% of city video surveillance system cameras

On April 19, 2019, the Moscow Department of Information Technology announced that 89% of city video surveillance system cameras had been updated in Moscow. Old devices with 4cif characteristics (resolution 704 by 576 pixels) are replaced by HD cameras (1280 by 720 pixels). The resolution of such cameras is more than twice as high.

Of course, security and the search for offenders come first. Special algorithms video analysts ones also help to automate control over the cleaning and improvement of local areas, - said Dmitry Golovin, head of the city video surveillance department of the Moscow Information Technology Department.

According to DIT, as of April 2019, the city video surveillance system has more than 167 thousand cameras. The devices are installed in courtyards, entrances, parks, schools, clinics, trade and construction facilities.

Video recordings from cameras are used by law enforcement officers in the investigation of about 70% of violations. Law enforcement officers can receive the necessary information upon request within the framework of the current legislation, and employees of state institutions are allowed access only to video cameras installed in the territories and routes for which they are responsible.

In addition, cameras with high image quality help broadcast mass events on the Window to the City portal and show Muscovites and tourists different parts of the capital.

Citizens can also request video materials by calling the hotline of the city's video surveillance system and reserving camera footage for 30 days. The operator will give the number of the application, which then needs to be handed over to the police. A law enforcement officer will receive the archive either through personal access to a single data storage and processing center, or by contacting the Information Technology Department.

Rostelecom has completed work on replacing access video surveillance cameras

On February 7, 2019, it became known that Rostelecom completed the first stage of work to modernize the capital's video surveillance system, created as part of the Moscow Government's Information City program. In January 2019, the digital provider completed work to replace the PVN cameras of the outdated model with high-definition cameras. During the second stage, work has already begun on the installation of additional cameras with a circular view (360 degrees) in the courtyards, as well as cameras with a fixed view for entrances and exits.

Rostelecom ensures the functioning of the system according to the service model: the city pays only for video transmission services, and the purchase of cameras, installation, configuration and subsequent operation of equipment lies on the shoulders of a digital provider. The signal from all cameras via the operator's communication channels is transmitted to the Unified Data Storage Center of the Moscow Department of Information Technologies (ECCD DIT of Moscow). In turn, ECCD acts as a single data storage center, as well as an access portal to video cameras and data archives for users of the video surveillance system.

author '= Alexander Abramkov, Vice President - Director of the macro-regional branch of Center PJSC Rostelecom
IP cameras transmit high-quality digital images, which makes it possible to relatively reliably analyze video content in many respects. The system can be configured to respond automatically in situations that require human attention. Rostelecom provides secure transfer and centralized storage of content in the ECCD for 5 days. Employees of city departments and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have access to the data.

The second stage of modernization of the city video surveillance system

On January 30, 2019, AKADO Telecom announced that it had begun the second stage of work to replace street analog video cameras with digital ones. In 2019, the operator will install about 13 thousand video surveillance devices in the northern and eastern administrative districts of Moscow. Video cameras at entrances and courtyards, as well as in crowded places, are subject to replacement. The project is being commissioned by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

Digital video cameras compared to analog cameras give a clear HD image and have a wider viewing angle (+ 10 °). Such characteristics provide a high quality video analytics function, in particular, allow you to recognize faces and car numbers. The devices are resistant to external influences and work effectively even with strong temperature drops.

Digital video cameras in the courtyards will be located in such a way as to provide not only a wide general view (360 ° horizontally and 180 ° vertically) of the territory, but also observation of a specific object, for example, a playground or sports ground. The Moscow authorities have allocated 250 crowded places, where AKADO Telecom will additionally install 233 video cameras for increased control over the situation.

The video image is broadcast via the main and backup channels of the AKADO Telecom L3 VPN network to the Unified Data Storage and Processing Center of the DIT of Moscow. For data transfer high-speed GPON, DOCSIS and Ethernet technologies are used .


27 thousand times Muscovites turned to the records of the city video surveillance system in 2018

On February 14, 2019, the Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT) reported that more than 27 thousand times Muscovites turned to the records of the city video surveillance system in 2018.

Archives of records help Muscovites to understand an accident, identify hooligans and criminals, as well as find a pet. In 2018, the number of requests increased by 20%

Most often, residents of the Central Administrative District use the capabilities of the city video surveillance system: in 2018, they received about 4.6 thousand requests for unloading archives, while in total there are 15.5 thousand city cameras in the district. In second place, residents of the South-Western Administrative District - 4 thousand requests (15.7 thousand cameras), closes the three active districts of the Southern Administrative District - 3.4 thousand requests (15.8 thousand cameras). Least often, the archives are requested by citizens from TINAO - 434 requests (2 thousand) and ZelAO - 215 requests (2.8 thousand).

The cameras of the city video surveillance system help in the search: whether it is a criminal who wants to get to a mass event, a stolen object like a recently stolen picture of Kuindzhi or an ordinary stroller from the entrance. We have a successful experience with the search teams' Lisa Alert 'and Dogpower. Camera footage can be accessed in the'Smart City' pavilion.

In total, 27,338 requests were received from Muscovites in a year. The service is gaining popularity: in 2017 there were 22 thousand, in 2016 - 17.6 thousand, and in 2015 - only 8 thousand. The fact is that the city video surveillance system is expanding, as of February 2019, it includes 167 thousand cameras, and more and more Muscovites will learn how to use this resource for their tasks.

Most often, video archives are applied for due to damage to property - about 35% of cases in 2018 and a third of requests in 2017. Road traffic accidents are in second place: about 30% and 34%, respectively. And on the third - theft: 10% in 2018 and 14% a year earlier. In addition, recordings of city cameras are requested in case of administrative and legal violations, fights and hooliganism.

To request recordings, you need to call the hotline of the city video surveillance system (tel.: 8 (495) 587-00-02) and reserve the archive from the cameras for 30 days. During the appeal, the resident receives the application number from the operator, which then passes it to the police. And a law enforcement officer unloads the archive using his personal access to the Unified Center storages and processing, data or applies for it with a corresponding request to the Department. information technology

Urban video surveillance system modernization

On October 26, 2018, DIT"" announced that To Moscow the city system is being modernized - video surveillances installed cameras are being replaced with high-resolution cameras. As of October 2018, almost a third of access cameras were updated - 29 thousand, and more than 38% (660) of cameras in crowded places. In parallel, additional 360-degree circular cameras are installed in the courtyards, as well as fixed-view cameras for entrances/exits.

Improving the image quality of cameras helps to increase the efficiency of using video analytics tools that allow you to count people, as well as identify faces from search databases during large mass events.

In total, as of October 2018, 167 thousand cameras were installed in the city, their main task is to ensure the safety of citizens. The city's video surveillance system helped monitor more than 17.5 thousand mass events with the participation of 49 million people. With its help, the crime rate decreased by 19.4% compared to 2016.

In addition, the city video surveillance system helps housing and communal workers assess the quality of cleaning courtyards and adjoining territories. violations. Also, cameras are used in health care, education, road traffic, advertising, trade and construction sites.

Citizens can also apply for recordings from city cameras. To do this, you need to call the round-the-clock Citywide contact center and reserve the archive from the cameras for 30 days. During the appeal, the resident receives the application number from the operator, which then passes it to the police. And a law enforcement officer unloads the archive using his personal access to the ECCD. In 2018, the hotline of the city video surveillance system has already received more than 19 thousand requests.

Replacing cameras was made possible thanks to the service model. The Department of Information Technology of the city of Moscow orders a service for providing images from determined points. And responsibility for the installation of CCTV cameras, the organization of communication channels and services is borne by telecom operators with whom government contracts have been concluded. At the same time, the department pays only for the received video content and ensures its centralized storage for 5 days. In 2018, government contracts were concluded in which the requirements for image quality became higher.

2017: DEPO Computers introduces new ECCD infrastructure

Main article: GIS ECCD (Unified Data Storage and Processing Center of Moscow)

In November 2017, it became known that DEPO Computers will ensure the modernization of the State Information System "Unified Data Storage and Processing Center" (GIS ECCD) within the framework of fulfilling the conditions of the electronic auction "Supply of data storage, processing and transmission equipment for the needs of the Unified Data Storage and Processing Center of the city of Moscow." Read more here.

2014-2019: Contract with Rostelecom

OJSC Rostelecom provides video surveillance services in Moscow for five years (2014-2019). The metropolitan government will conclude a state contract with the operator for 8.2 billion rubles. for the transfer of video image from city cameras to the Unified Data Storage and Processing Center (ECCD)[12]

The fact that "Rostelecom" won three competitions of the Moscow government for the provision of video surveillance services was reported in December 2014 by the operator's press service. The company and the capital management will sign a contract for the provision of services after the board of directors of Rostelecom will consider the terms of tenders at a meeting at the end of December 2014.

Under the terms of the contract, from January 2015, Rostelecom will transmit video images to the ECCD from 49,797 cameras installed in the entrances, from 10,111 cameras located in the courtyards, and from 423 cameras located in crowded places.

Elena Novikova, press secretary of the Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT), recalled that until 2012, video surveillance in the capital was carried out separately. "Schools, houses, state organizations - each had separate video cameras. Now a single video surveillance system is being created within the framework of the city state program "Information City," - said Elena Novikova. This program overlaps in part with the federal Safe City program. Thus, law enforcement agencies use recordings from video cameras to solve crimes.

Rostelecom began installing video surveillance cameras in Moscow and providing services for transferring images from them to the ECCD since 2013. "Through Rostelecom's secure data transmission channels, video from tens of thousands of cameras enters the Unified Storage Center, from where it can be transferred to police representatives and city structures," said Alexander Abramkov, vice president, director of the macro-regional branch of Moscow.

Deputy Head of DIT Moscow Alexander Gorbatko believes that the city video surveillance system helped improve the work of contractors in the field of housing and communal services and supervisory services. "The city as a whole has become safer," he said.

Moreover, on the basis of the city system of video cameras, Rostelecom and DIT offer additional services, for example, replacing outdated locking devices with video telephones. "Residents of Moscow online can see on their TV everyone who enters the entrance," said a representative of the Rostelecom press service.

The project for the installation and maintenance of cameras is being implemented by DIT and the largest telecom operators of the capital - Rostelecom, Moscow City Telephone Network OJSC (MGTS), Akado Group of Rostelecom and MegaFon OJSC. Elena Novikova recalled that DIT, together with MGTS, are creating a video surveillance system in kindergartens. In 2015, the operator will install video cameras at the entrance to kindergartens. In addition, within the framework of another project, video surveillance will be carried out in kindergarten groups.

PJSC Rostelecom provides the functioning of the video surveillance system of the city of Moscow PVN (49,797 cameras), DVN (10,111 cameras), MMS (736 cameras). The volume of work performed is about 50% of the total number of cameras installed.

The video surveillance system is built on the basis of the "Service Model"

  • The city orders video transmission services from telecom operators and pays for receiving video image from cameras to a single data storage center (ECCD)
  • ECCD is built by the city on a separate order and performs the functions of access to video cameras and data archives for users of the video surveillance system
  • The purchase of cameras, installation, configuration and subsequent operation of equipment is paid by the operator

2016: Installation by Rostelecom of more than 46 thousand access video surveillance cameras in 6 years

As part of the project to modernize the capital's video surveillance system, Rostelecom in 2011-2016 installed more than 46 thousand access video surveillance cameras (PVN), more than 10 thousand courtyard (DVN) and 423 cameras in crowded places (MMS).

HeadPoint - Situational Video Monitoring System

Head Point, part of the Systematics group of companies, took an active part in the creation of a single data processing center (ECCD) in Moscow. See more about the project here.

2011-2014: CCTV on Netris CCTV

The Moscow government is transferring the city video surveillance system from the software of the American corporation Cisco to its Russian counterpart. In the fall of 2014, the system was transferred from American Cisco software to Russian from Netris, Artem Ermolaev, head of the Moscow department of information technology, told ITAR-TASS. "From the point of view of software, we have already abandoned foreign software for this project by 80-90%," he explained.

See more about the project here.

Video monitoring of construction facilities

More than 300 construction objects got into the lens of video cameras:

  • road interchanges;
  • metro stations;
  • sports complexes;
  • residential buildings;
  • educational and administrative institutions.

Additionally organized:

  • own web portal;
  • User authentication
  • integration of the web portal with information systems and resources of the city of Moscow.

Video surveillance in kindergartens (preschool institutions in Moscow)

As part of the implementation of the approach to providing video surveillance cameras for kindergartens and centralized video processing, Rostelecom organizes a comprehensive service for the service model.

Within the framework of the project, Rostelecom is working:

  • for the installation of two HD cameras on the entrance groups to the building and
  • signal transmission to the ECKD

The safety of children in educational institutions for preschoolers is now monitored by video cameras. According to the requirements approved by the Moscow Department of Education and the Moscow Department of Information Technology, all buildings of these facilities must be equipped with modern video surveillance systems . In 2016, the installation of video surveillance systems on the territory of 794 buildings of preschool departments of educational organizations of the Northern, Eastern and Southeastern administrative districts was carried out by COMCOR (AKADO Telecom trademark), one of the leading telecom operators in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

AKADO Telecom has connected at the facilities of 1612 IP-surveillance cameras of domestic production. The devices have the maximum broadcast resolution of a video stream and can operate under conditions of a strong temperature difference. To ensure round-the-clock tracking, the cameras are equipped with infrared illumination designed for a range of up to 30 meters, as well as a mechanical infrared filter - it provides accurate color transmission in good light conditions and high sensitivity in low light.

Video cameras are integrated into the city video surveillance system, the image from them enters the Unified Data Storage Center. At the request of the city authorities, there must be at least two video cameras on the territory of the facilities where the preschoolers are located: one of them is directed to the entrance, and the other to the exit from the territory. Educational organizations independently choose a service provider on the Moscow Supplier Portal and conclude a service agreement with it. Under the terms of the agreement, the telecom operator undertakes the organization of communication channels, the installation of cameras and their maintenance.

Over the years, the provider has already participated in the implementation of large-scale projects in the interests of the Moscow government. In particular, AKADO Telecom organized video surveillance and serves video cameras in the courtyards (2845 cameras), in the entrances (18786 cameras) and in crowded places (684 cameras).

Video surveillance in polyclinics and emergency rooms

More than 4 thousand CCTV cameras will be installed in polyclinics and emergency rooms in Moscow by the end of 2017. Video control will appear in 642 buildings of medical institutions subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health. As explained in the department, cameras are needed in order to monitor queues in the halls of polyclinics, therapeutic and pediatric departments, at doctors' offices.

Information from the cameras will be broadcast to the DZM situation center, which, based on data from the EMIAS monitoring center, also shows queues in clinics, waiting time for admission, patient survey results and other indicators in real time.

"The Situation Center of the Department of Health and directly the head of the department, Alexei Khripun, will be able to receive video information online. We will monitor how doctors and medical staff organize work with patients, whether routing is correctly built in the clinic. The video will give a quick understanding of why queues are formed, why the reception is delayed. And we will immediately be able to eliminate these reasons together with the chief doctors of the clinics, "said Alexei Pogonin, deputy head of the Moscow Health Department

According to him, now the department is conducting field inspections to monitor the situation and resolve such problems.

It is assumed that the review of the cameras in each clinic will include a hall with infomats for recording with a doctor, as well as corridors with the offices of therapists, pediatricians and doctors on duty. Video cameras will also be equipped with waiting areas for a doctor in emergency rooms.

"Cameras in polyclinics will become part of the city's video surveillance system. The image will go to a single storage and processing center and be stored there for five days. In the event of an incident, the shelf life can be extended to 30 days. The video will be available to the managers of the health care complex directly from their jobs, "the press service of the Moscow Department of Information Technology, which oversees the development of the city video surveillance system
, noted.

So, if a conflict situation occurs in a polyclinic or emergency room, then the video will allow the administration with the involvement of the patient to objectively consider each precedent and improve the quality of service.

Earlier, the head of the Health Department, Alexei Khripun, announced the appearance of a video surveillance system in the capital's polyclinics. He also noted that the introduction of this system is carried out under the Moscow Standard Polyclinic program, aimed at improving the quality of medical care and patient satisfaction.

Combination of access video surveillance and locking device

  • PJSC Rostelecom provides the service of ZU + PVN to more than 40 thousand residents of the city of Moscow (more than 1000 entrances). Thanks to this service, the city receives a signal for free from cameras installed inside the entrances of residential buildings.

Organizational chart of interaction

The cameras are approximately evenly distributed throughout the city, the overall task was the maximum carpeting of the city so that at any time you can see what is happening. Access cameras are usually located on the front door next to the intercom so that the face of the incoming person can be seen. Previously, cameras were hung under the trump card of the entrance, and it was watching the hoods and baseball caps of those who come to the door.

There are approximately 110 thousand entrances in Moscow, and only 10% of them were left without video surveillance (data from the summer of 2016). This is due to different reasons. At the first stage, some residents were against hanging a camera on the front door. There are no cameras on houses preparing for demolition, as well as near business-class residential complexes, which already have their own video surveillance.

There are almost no entrances that refuse the access cell. Apparently, they realized that there was nothing wrong with this, and this, on the other hand, is the help of the district police officers, because when they come to report the incident, they are immediately interested in recording from the crime scene. But in general, you can refuse. It is necessary that there are two-thirds of residents against the installation of cameras. If someone really, really does not like that there are video surveillance cameras near the house, he must arrange a meeting of the residents of the entrance, submit this issue for consideration, take a decision on the protocol to dismantle this camera, send it to the owner of the camera (the executor of the state contract), and then this camera will be removed. At the same time, it happens that people, seeing the installation of the camera, begin to say "but I did not give consent to the installation of the camera." But according to our legislation, video shooting in public places does not require special permission from a person. And the place in front of the entrance and the staircase of the first floor is a public space, so you do not need permission to shoot.

Where and what camera to put, Rostelecom learns from the information technology department: it sends us and the rest of the executors of the state contract a list of objects. But this is not decided by the department, employees only collect this information from users, that is, functional customers. The location of the cameras is determined by OATI and other government agencies that need video surveillance to work. The two largest state consumers of video images are the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the housing and communal services complex. If the first is interesting so that there are no offenses, then the second is important that everything works well in the city and, if something breaks, see it and quickly fix it.

For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated the cameras to hang at the exits from the metro, as these are potential risk zones. Access cameras are also their initiative. Usually, a passing patrol car does not see what is happening inside the yard, and what is called "pre-entry" offenses often happens while a person stands and dials the code on the intercom: they can run up to him and grab a bag, for example. It is important for housing and communal services enterprises to see the yard - whether the garbage is taken out, whether it is taken out on time, whether the path to the playground is in normal condition, whether the light in the yard works.

2011: Akado-Telecom

OJSC COMCOR (AKADO Telecom trademark) announced in December 2011 that it had won an open competition for the organization of yard and access video surveillance, the customer of which was the Moscow Department of Information Technologies. The contract is designed for 3 years and involves provision of services since January 2012. The contract price is 1,702 million rubles (1 702 041 808,50 rubles).

As part of the contract, until April 1, 2012, AKADO Telecom will install 18786 video cameras for organizing access video surveillance in 5405 Moscow residential buildings, as well as 2845 video cameras in the courtyards of residential areas of the city. will Video surveillance be carried out in three administrative districts of the capital: East, Southeast and North. The operator AKADO Telecom will also carry out the service of transferring data from surveillance cameras to a single data storage center. The project is being implemented in order to increase the level of safety of residents of the city of Moscow through the introduction of modern technologies. telecommunication

Video monitoring in public services centers

In November 2013 , the Moscow IT Department (DIT) announced the launch of a video surveillance service in district multifunctional service centers (MPSC) on the Moscow portal of public services

The first territorial units where the service was launched were the centers of the most densely populated areas of the city, in which the largest queues were observed: Maryino, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Yuzhnoye Butovo, Lyublino, etc.

DIT told TAdviser that it is planned to launch a video surveillance service for queues via the Internet in all MPSC in Moscow.

"The greatest benefit of the service is that most of the services in the MPSC have already been transferred to the extraterritorial principle of provision, and people by habit go where they are closer," the DIT explains the essence of the practical benefits of the service for citizens. "Instead, you can see where there are free specialists - most often it can even be a neighboring area, and spend a little more time on the road, but pass the documents without a queue."
In MPSC in South Butovo on Mondays in the afternoon you can observe large queues

Taking into account the fact that the average service time of one user in the MPSC is about 30 minutes, during the time it takes to get to the center, the queue situation does not change dramatically, add to DIT.

To view the video image, you need to enter the Moscow portal of public services under your account, select the MPSC of interest in the corresponding section and turn on the video surveillance mode. The image is available when working in browsers Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10, Opera and Yandex.Browser. The user can use several cameras for viewing, depending on how many of them are installed in a particular MPSC.

The image from the cameras can be correlated with the statistics of attendance and download of individual services, which is also updated online on the portal. The video broadcast is available according to the MPSC schedule mode - from 8:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, as well as on Saturday.

Video surveillance in places of mass gathering of citizens (MMS)

Yard cameras and cameras in crowded areas (MMCs) of people are quite similar. Only courtyards usually hang from the inside of the courtyard and look at the courtyard, and MMS cameras hang either on pillars or on the wall of a residential building. Both cameras are rotary, that is, the camera can be viewed from wall to wall of the house or lowered down or lifted up. You can configure it automatically, or you can through the interface: there are buttons in the browser that allow you to spin the camera. The courtyard chamber has a tenfold zoom. The one that works in crowded places is 30 times. Do not be afraid that the cameras hang too high: the image can be enlarged so that the car number, a hole in the asphalt or the facade illegally sealed with ads will be visible in the courtyard chamber.

2011-2012: MGTS

The Moscow City Telephone Network (MGTS) became one of the winners of the Moscow City Hall competition for the provision of video surveillance services in crowded places, and will provide service in the Central Administrative District, CJSC, South Administrative District and ZelAO of Moscow.

Until the end of 2011, 608 video cameras will be installed, which will transmit around the clock, seven days a week images of squares, parks, squares, playing areas and playgrounds, leisure and recreation areas of citizens, as well as approaches to urban infrastructure. The cameras will be connected using fiber-optic GPON technology at speeds up to 100 Mbps.

Data from surveillance cameras will be transmitted via MGTS data transmission channels at a speed of 10 Gbps to a single data storage center of the Moscow Government Information Technology Department (ECCD DIT), where information will be analyzed and stored. The ECCD means will allow for operational control of the equipment. The purpose of the video surveillance service is to increase the level of security of the population and the city infrastructure of Moscow.

Each of the cameras can carry out a complete circular view of the observed area and a 30-fold optical increase in the observation object. Surveillance cameras will transmit color video in 704x576 resolution in real time at 25 frames per second.

Uninterrupted operation of the service will be carried out by the MGTS service center.

According to the terms of the tender, MGTS will provide video surveillance services for crowded places for three years from the date of signing the contract.

The level of threats to human life and health has grown significantly in recent years, and the realities of the modern metropolis impose additional complexity on ensuring security. The time for simple solutions has already passed, and unified complexes based on high-quality communication channels must correspond to new challenges.

The objects of increased risk from the point of view of safety are schools. Video surveillance was organized in a number of Russian educational institutions thanks to the initiative of the management and parent committees. Unfortunately, many embedded systems no longer meet modern requirements, representing outdated analog solutions with low recording speed and fuzzy images on monitors. Someone, reading these lines, probably remembered the school guard, who painfully peers at the shimmering blurry picture on a small monitor. It is not difficult to install a video surveillance system in a single school, the main thing is to provide a high-quality service. On the other hand, only large service companies with debugged expertise can implement a large-scale solution.

In July 2012, the Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT) announced a competition for the organization of a video surveillance system in all secondary educational institutions of the capital. In addition to ensuring security, the video surveillance system should contribute to order on the territory of schools, it can be used to control the USE.

According to the results of the tender, the MGTS company was declared the winner. The amount of the contract is 816, 27 million rubles.

MGTS is already implementing two projects to provide video surveillance services in order to increase the level of security of Moscow residents. The operator transmits an image from crowded places - squares, parks, squares, playgrounds and playgrounds, leisure and recreation areas of citizens, as well as approaches to urban infrastructure. MGTS also installed about 20 thousand video cameras in Moscow entrances and 3.5 thousand cameras to monitor the courtyards. Both projects are being implemented in the Central, Western, Southern administrative districts of Moscow, as well as in Zelenograd.

In December 2011, MGTS won a tender of the Moscow authorities for the provision of Internet access services using fiber-optic communication technology (GPON) for 4.5 thousand schools, colleges, kindergartens and educational institutions. The three-year contract also provides for protection against malicious Internet content, the implementation of an online quality control system for the provision of services, individual work with each institution and a number of other conditions.

Now, on the basis of the same fiber-optic network, the range of services for schools will be expanded through video surveillance. "Optical communication channels will provide schools with modern telecommunication services and increase the level of safety of children," said Andrei Yershov, First Deputy General Director of MGTS.

"MGTS became the winner of the competition due to several advantages. The main one of them is the wide experience of the company in the field of comprehensive implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects, the introduction and use of communication lines based on fiber optic lines, as well as the installation, operation and service maintenance of video surveillance systems. Since 2011, MGTS has been replacing copper communication cables with optical ones throughout Moscow, with each subscriber of the company. The company plans to fully complete this project in 2015, "recalls Irina Berezhnova, head of the MGTS public relations department

Directions of development

Current tasks are

  • creating an open platform for receiving a signal from cameras to user video devices;
  • forming image packets, etc.
  • automation and optimization of system users' activities by means of video analytics

In the field of security:

  • face recognition
  • recording of emergency situations

In the field of housing and communal services:

  • territory cleaning control,
  • control of garbage collection,
  • recording cases of vandalism

How city video cameras appeared

Almost 140 thousand video cameras have been installed in Moscow. They film passers-by on the streets and people entering the entrance, courtyard, school or kindergarten, as well as what is happening at construction sites. These cameras are maintained by the winning companies. They transfer images to a single center, from where representatives of different government agencies can get access to them. The Village found out how the city's video surveillance system works and how much it costs the budget to maintain all these cameras (data from August 2016 presented)[13].

Ilya Liskovsky: Director of the Additional Services Department of Rostelecom:

THE CITY VIDEO SURVEILLANCE PROJECT, as it now exists, was launched in 2012 when a new IT team led by Artyom Ermolaev came to the Moscow government. Then the city already had an old video surveillance system built in the mid-2000s. But by 2010, it was outdated both mentally and physically: some of the equipment was out of order, and there was nothing to change it for. In 2011, they decided to transfer it to a service model, while completely updating the technical architecture and improving the quality of processed video images.

In the terms of reference, the information technology department indicated three types of video surveillance: access, yard and video surveillance in places of mass gathering of citizens. Everything began with this, and later several more types of video surveillance were added: in educational institutions (plus preschool educational institutions), at weekend fairs and at facilities under construction.

Now in Moscow, more than 140 thousand video surveillance cameras have been installed, of which more than 98 thousand are at the entrances, more than 20 thousand are in the courtyards, more than 2,500 are in crowded places. Also, cameras are installed in educational institutions (more than 6 thousand), at trade and service facilities (more than 900 cameras) and construction sites (more than 200 cameras). Of these, Rostelecom installed more than 51 thousand cameras.

Money from the city budget is spent on video surveillance, and every month it is a different amount, since the very fact of receiving the service is paid. There is also a system of fines that are imposed on operators serving the video surveillance system: if the camera breaks down and it is not repaired on time, then the city does not pay money for such a simple city, but deducts it from the account to the operator. But approximately video from the access camera costs about 900 rubles a month, 7-9 thousand rubles the city pays video from the courtyard, and in the region of 12 thousand rubles - for shooting crowded places.

Who's watching it all

All cameras and communication channels belong to the executors of the state contract - Rostelecom, MGTS and Akado. The cameras between them are distributed among the districts. Companies are engaged in installing, maintaining cameras, creating a video card and transferring it to the Unified Data Storage Center (ECCD). About 140 thousand video streams from all over the city flock to it via fiber-optic networks. This is a closed data center, I can't even say where exactly it is located, except in Moscow. It has servers and software that saves the video archive and distributes this video to the end consumer. All this already belongs to the Department of Information Technology.

Video cards go further along special protected gateways. The level of protection is about the same as in banks in personal accounts - this is the HTTPS protocol, an encrypted data channel with the latest certificates. Cameras are present in an isolated segment of the Network, that is, they cannot be accessed directly from the Internet, only through a special VPN.

The very formation of pictures from all over the city is supported by several hundred people, and several dozen people are involved in the operation of a single data storage center.

Of course, it will be crazy to watch all these streams and monitor what works and does not work. To do this, a special mechanism has been created that controls the receipt of video streams in automatic mode. If suddenly the video from some camera stopped arriving or the technical characteristics of the video stream changed, then an application is automatically created to the round-the-clock monitoring service.

The time of repair is very dependent on what exactly broke. Often cameras suffer from accidental vandalism in the form of spring painting of doors: they paint the door, and at the same time the lens. But all this is quickly treated by wiping with a solvent. It happens that there are just problems on the network, the equipment fails or the cable is damaged during repair at the entrance. The vast majority of applications close in less than a day, and network problems are usually resolved within two hours.

Worst of all, if the camera was stolen. Unfortunately, we cannot mount a new camera in place in five minutes, because law enforcement agencies will not accept a theft statement from us. So that we can complain about the theft, you need to show the district police officer that there really is no camera. Now, by the way, they are not stolen so often. After several criminal cases, people learned that the cameras really work and shoot. And if you try to unscrew the camera, then they can put you in.

Video is distributed from the Unified Data Storage Center to the internal network of the Moscow government. Access to the city video surveillance system is managed by DIT. That is, almost all officials, from housing and communal services, school principals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special services, can gain access to video cameras. To log in, they use their login and password of the city unified data accounting system. But there are restrictions: you can only allow watching videos from certain cameras - for example, only from driveways or courtyards of the Southern Administrative District. There are also levels of priority for users: if representatives of the special services went into the viewing and want to twist the camera installed on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, then, for example, an employee of housing and communal services in this territory cannot prevent them, even if he is interested in whether the garbage is taken out. There is no need to install special software on the computer, all this works through a browser, on smartphones and tablets.

If an incident occurs, then any citizen can request video from the desired camera. To do this, you need to call the hotline of the city video surveillance system by phone +7 (495) 587-00-02, name the address and period of time in which the emergency occurred. The operator in real time, focusing on the point you named, will mark all the cameras from which it would potentially be possible to observe what happened on this site. It will book the video - the default retention period for recordings is five days - and issue an application number. The retention period of the reserved video recording is 30 days. With this application number, you will need to contact the police so that they, in turn, download the record and attach it to the incident case.

If you want to find out how many cameras on average go on the way to work, then calculate the number of entrances and courtyards by which you are walking, and add a couple of cameras that you can catch at the exit from the courtyard and at the subway.

Projects for the installation of a video surveillance system in Moscow
