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AlfaInsurance SG



Alfa Group
FinTech Association (AFL)
AlfaStrakhovanie Group's shareholders are the companies of the Alfa Group consortium.
Financial results
2020 year
Revenue: 204.9 millions Ths. rub
Net Profit: 15.3 millions Ths. rub



+ AlfaInsurance SG
+ Fridman Mikhail Maratovich
+ Khan German Borisovich
+ The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research
+ Government of the Russian Federation

AlfaStrakhovanie Group is one of the Russian insurers with a universal portfolio of services.


As of April 2019, the AlfaStrakhovanie group unites:

The Group's equity is RUB 14.3 billion.

AlfaStrakhovanie Group is a member of the Alfa-Group financial and industrial consortium (Alfa-Bank, Alfa-Capital, A1, Rosvodokanal, X5 Retail Group N.V.).

According to the license, the Group offers more than 100 insurance products, including to insurance life and accident insurance products. In the territory Russia , insurance activities are carried out by more than 270 regional representative offices. The Group's services are used by more than 24.8 million customers across the world. Russia AlfaStrakhovanie Group has a financial stability rating of BB Fitch on the international scale and the highest reliability rating of ruAA + rating agency. Expert RA

Performance indicators

2022: Growth of e-com fees for 9 months by 56% to 41 billion rubles

AlfaStrakhovanie fees e-com for 9 months of 2022 increased by 56% compared to the same period in 2021 and reached 41 billion. rub The company announced this on January 11, 2022. For, the to data CENTRAL BANK growth of e-com in the market as a whole for 9 months also showed a significant growth of 39%. AlfaStrakhovanie's share was almost 25%.

The growth of the company's fees in the online channel continued in the 4th quarter, direct commission-free insurance grew especially rapidly. Thus, fees for OSAGO increased by 40%, for CASCO - by 77%, for medical products - by 35%, for mortgages - by 72%, for property types - by 70%, for VZR - by 25%.

Despite the turbulence in the tourist market, sales of insurance traveling abroad on the site in November increased by 48%, and passenger insurance for the 4th quarter - by 34%.

The company managed to achieve such results thanks to the improvement of customer services for all types of insurance and the launch of classic product lines online, including on casco, to mortgage and. In to medicine general, despite the fall of the market in some segments in customers in 2022 (up to 5% in contracts), Internet the channel records positive dynamics, including by. MTPL Of course, we could not achieve such results without the help of our e-com partners, - said AlfaStrakhovanie, Tatiana Puchkova Deputy General Director, Director for to marketing Business Development and Development. - 2022 was a rather indicative year, when the competition of insurance companies, marketplaces, traditional sales channels intensified, which demonstrated the best dynamics in terms of traffic and service. However, by the end of the year, this trend was refracted. mobile application The company's usage rates are also breaking records thanks to improved medical doctor appointment services, new telemedicine capabilities for clients VHI with franchise policies, optimized clinic searches and a warranty letter service. In addition, in 2022 we did a great job to improve the quality of our online services thanks to the SDI360 team, which regularly evaluates the digital maturity of companies and various ones, for which industries special thanks to our colleagues. According to the results of the IV quarter, AlfaStrakhovanie increased its position in the digital rating among insurance companies by 75 points at once compared to the beginning of the year, strengthening both the indicators related to online sales and the brand's representation in the digital space, promotion and communications with customers.

IT infrastructure

The IT infrastructure of the Group is characterized by complete centralization, the main services and their support systems are concentrated in the Headquarters with remote access of users from all points of presence (including for sales and loss management partners).


  • 350 IT specialists
  • 30 Product Teams
  • 180 developers

Cloud StrategyPresentation [1]

  • An approach from simple to complex: first a server in a private cloud, then a server in a public cloud, then kubernetes in a cloud
  • Cloud quota must be integrated with the company's systems
  • The cloud should have a better performance environment than the private one
  • The service cost model is calculated based on the depreciation period of its own infrastructure

Cloud Service Requirements

  • integration with the company's network
  • availability of the required list of server images
  • entering an automatic process into a domain and allocating a DNS name
  • availability of API for working according to the model Infrastructure as code
  • creating a server 5 minutes
  • console admin response time <<=5 сек
  • read write disk ~ 100 μs
  • the cost of services does not contradict the valuation model

Current status by cloud

  • Number of commands with a quota in the private cloud: 25
  • Number of teams with a quota in the public cloud: 1
  • Number of non-infrastructure commands: 4

Further plans

  • Migrate 80% of commands to an external IaaS cloud
  • Integration with cloud kubernetes
  • Integration PaaS Saas with/Clouds



AlfaStrakhovanie Group bought the Moscow network of clinics MK Family Doctor

On December 3, 2024, it became known that the AlfaStrakhovanie group acquired a 100% stake in MK Family Doctor LLC. There is no official information on the value of the transaction as of the specified date. Read more here.

60% increase in cyber insurance contracts

AlfaStrakhovanie notes a significant increase in business interest in cyber risk insurance. Over the past two years, the number of contracts has increased by 60%. More often, requests for this type of insurance coverage began to appear from companies with large data centers (data centers), as well as from state-owned companies. The company announced this on May 28, 2024.

The product is of interest in all business sectors - from metallurgy to retail and even the hotel business. In addition, oil refining companies and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex faced cyber risks, which required new solutions. At the same time, as before, more demand is observed from banks and other companies in the financial sector.

Among the key incidents that customers face are DDoS attacks on web applications and hacking of company sites, phishing emails and further encryption of hosts, infrastructure hacking with further disruption of equipment, mail, and business applications.

The key risks that cyber insurance covers can be combined into three main groups: external (targeted computer attacks: hacker attacks, virus injection); internal risks (unforeseen technical failures in the client's IT system); fraudulent actions of employees that may lead to the above risks. The average limits of payments for cyber risk insurance are 250-500 million rubles, but under a number of programs they can reach 2.5 billion rubles.

The growing dependence of industries in all sectors of the economy on constantly updated IT, and as a result - a potential danger from cyber risks, also affect the growing interest of companies in cyber insurance as one of the tools for minimizing possible losses. More and more requests come from companies with large data center facilities, from provider-wide services that work with equipment of a few suppliers, for example, with network equipment, as well as with industry software and services that are used by almost the entire industry. For example, software for airports, - said Ekaterina Kryuchkova, head of the financial risk insurance department at AlfaStrakhovanie.

AlfaCyber AlfaStrakhovanie's policy protects against cyber risks and minimizes financial and information losses of almost any business. The company's line contains both standard products and individual programs, customizable according to the peculiarities of each client. For example, you can protect yourself from data loss, losses due to a break in commercial activities, theft of funds in electronic form, as well as in connection with the disclosure of personal data and cyber extortion. The cost of insurance is determined individually depending on the set of risks, the insured amount and deductible, as well as the type of company activity and the results of the risk protection assessment.

2023: AlfaStrakhovanie bought credit insurer Atradius Rus

On July 19, 2023, AlfaStrakhovanie announced the purchase of 100% of Atradius Rus Credit Insurance LLC, which specializes in trade credit insurance. The transaction is closed, its financial and other parameters are not disclosed. Read more here.


Completion of the receipt of the Chubb package for the insurance of clinical trials of pharmaceutical companies

Alfa and the Insurance insurance company Chubb completed the procedure for transferring the insurance portfolio for compulsory life and health insurance of patients participating in clinical trials of drugs of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. Now AlfaStrakhovanie fulfills all the company's obligations under such contracts. The company announced this on November 22, 2022.

According to the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines," all organizers of clinical trials of medicines, as well as research organizations during clinical trials, must necessarily insure patients in case of harm to their life or health. The insured event under this type of insurance is the death of the insured person or the deterioration of his health, including entailing the establishment of disability, due to participation in such studies.

AlfaStrakhovanie has long been active in the patient insurance segment of domestic and international pharmaceutical companies. We see prospects in the development of this direction of patient insurance. The market for medicinal products will develop constantly both due to the emergence of new diseases and due to the need to improve the old treatment protocols. Therefore, building work in this area, taking into account the scale of the existing tasks, is an important vector of our development, - said Victoria Morozova, head of the corporate customer accident insurance department at AlfaStrakhovanie.

Transfer of the insurance portfolio to Mango

On July 7, 2022, the closure of the Mango insurance company was announced. Her portfolio will be transferred to AlfaInsurance. More details here.

Becoming an IT Company

AlfaStrakhovanie and AlfaStrakhovanie-Life were included in the list of IT companies of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. This was announced on July 6, 2022 by AlfaStrakhovanie.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities has entered information on the additional type of activities of companies as "organizations operating in the field of information technology."

AlfaStrakhovanie was one of the first in the insurance market to begin digitalization of all business processes, launched a service mobile application. The further technological development of the Group's companies and the position in innovation is one of the priorities of our development. Therefore, obtaining this status is a logical step that will allow us to provide even more preferences and benefits to employees who ensure the development of companies in line with the times, "said Sergey Savosin, Deputy General Director for Financial and Operating Activities of AlfaStrakhovanie.

Launch of telemedicine service with remote opening of sick days in the framework of VHI together with Medsi

On March 2, 2022, AlfaStrakhovanie announced that, together with the federal network of private clinics, Medsi had launched a remote consultation service under the VHI with the possibility of opening and closing an electronic list of disability for symptoms of ARVI and COVID-19. Read more here.

2021:60% increase in demand for cyber insurance

The number of requests for quotations and insurance of cyber risks from large and medium-sized businesses in 2021 increased by 60% compared to 2020, the AlfaStrakhovanie study showed, the results of which the company shared on February 4, 2022. This is due to the increase in resonant cases of cyber attacks in Russia and the world and the increased requirements of large companies for their suppliers to protect confidential information. Read more here.

2020: Profit growth 4 times, up to 15.3 billion rubles, insurance fees - by 22.8% (up to 204.9 billion rubles)

AlfaStrakhovanie Group ended 2020 with a net profit of 15.3 billion rubles from this 12-month period of time, which is four times more than a year ago. At the same time, insurance fees increased by 22.8% over the same period and amounted to a record 204.9 billion rubles. The volume of payments for the year increased by 16.7%, to 98.7 billion rubles.

AlfaInsurance CEO Vladimir Skvortsov, commenting on the financial results, noted that the rapid growth in profits was due to a number of factors, including:

  • well-coordinated team work;
  • improving scoring in various types of insurance and individualization of tariffs in OSAGO;
  • high investment income against the background of the growth of the dollar and a reduction in unprofitability.

AlfaStrakhovanie fees for 2020 exceeded a record 200 billion rubles

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, cited by AlfaStrakhovanie, in 2020 the group showed the highest increase in market share among the largest players - to 13% from 11.2% a year earlier - and took second place in fees.

AlfaStrakhovanie Group also noted the following achievements in 2020:

  • the group took second place in terms of fees in the OSAGO market;
  • strengthened its position in the CASCO market, rising from fourth to third in terms of fees;
  • strengthened its leadership in corporate insurance. increased the market share in space insurance to 17%, taking * part in co-insurance of seven out of nine space launches.

The capital of the AlfaStrakhovanie group at the end of 2020 increased by 46.5% compared to a year ago and amounted to 47 billion rubles. Aktivs reached 341.3 billion rubles, showing an increase of 22%.

AlfaStrakhovanie noted that even against the backdrop of the coronavirus (COVID-19) economic crisis, the group showed good results in almost all types of insurance. Currency revaluation made a significant contribution to the increase in profits.[2]


More than 53% of OSAGO policies in the first quarter are issued online

In the first quarter of 2019, AlfaStrakhovanie entered into 1.24 million OSAGO contracts, 53.7% of which are electronic policies. The total number of policies sold increased by 16.5%, AlfaStrakhovanie reported on April 29, 2019.

In the first quarter, the company entered into 663.8 thousand eOSAGO contracts, which is 14% more than in the same period last year. The number of paper contracts, on the contrary, decreased by 1.8% - to 571.6 thousand units.

The company's fees in the OSAGO segment in the first quarter amounted to 7.2 billion rubles, which is 14% more than in the same period in 2018. The shares of fees from the sale of electronic and paper policies were divided approximately equally, while a little more than 50% of fees fall on eOSAGO.

Data of thousands of clients of Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Insurance put up for sale

On November 5, 2019, it became known that the data of about 3.5 thousand customers of Alfa-Bank and about 3 thousand customers of AlfaStrakhovanie were put up for sale. The corresponding announcement was found on one of the specialized forums. Read more here.

2018: 4.8 million gadgets and appliances insured

12 Apr 2019 AlfaStrakhovanie reported that in 2018 it insured 4.8 million gadgets and appliances, which is 17% more than a year earlier. The average price of the policy was 1.2 thousand rubles, calculated the Analytical Center of the company.

The Purchase Protection product allows you to protect gadgets (mobile phones and smartphones, navigators, e-books, laptops, tablets) from death, theft, and also covers the risks of mechanical damage associated with careless actions of both third parties and the insured himself. The cost of the policy depends on the size of the coverage, the list of risks for each specific gadget or device.

The bulk of gadgets are insured at the time of purchase in the store, this is the easiest way to insure both the buyer and the insurer. In this case, no additional inspection of the goods is required, and the contract conclusion process takes several minutes. 

The most frequent damage to equipment is traditionally a mechanical breakdown: the device can fall, and its parts can break. This is followed by water damage and theft. The number of loss statements in 2018 amounted to 35 thousand units, of which 89% of the complaints related to breakdown.

The "Purchase Protection" policy from AlfaStrakhovanie allows you to protect gadgets from various risks. If your pet ruined the phone, the child broke the screen, the device was stolen or you dropped it into the water yourself, the insurance company will pay a refund or help repair the expensive device. "

Irina Karnaeva, Director of the Property Insurance Department of AlfaStrakhovanie Individuals


Application for the use of the name and website of AlfaInsurance by fraudsters

On November 21, 2017, AlfaStrakhovanie reported that the company's IT security specialists in November faced multiple attempts to use AlfaStrakhovanie's name and website to commit potentially fraudulent actions to collect and steal personal information.

For example, on the morning of November 21, AlfaStrakhovanie IT security specialists recorded the spread of fraudulent spam mailing on the Internet on behalf of a certain AlfaStrakhovanie fund to an indefinite circle of people.

Recipients of letters and messages under the pretext of receiving a cash payment are offered to follow links on the Internet that have nothing to do with AlfaStrakhovanie, which lie outside the domain zone and do not belong to AlfaStrakhovanie JSC.

As the company's specialists managed to establish, fraudsters are trying to collect personal data (passport series/number, SNILS, date and place of birth, as well as data from any other documents that allow identifying Internet users) for the purpose of potential phishing.

In this regard, AlfaStrakhovanie stated that in accordance with the requirements of Russian law, the company does not use mass distribution tools or notification of customers and/or other persons without obtaining such consent from them.

AlfaStrakhovanie IT security specialists also warned Internet users that publishing or entering personal data on the Internet, including in response to such electronic messages with fraudulent offers, is dangerous for information and financial security.

AlfaStrakhovanie prevented the work of two fake sites for the sale of E-OSAGO

In 2016-2017, AlfaStrakhovanie twice encountered attempts to create phishing sites that issued their CTP calculator as our company's calculator in order to collect information about customer payment cards and further fraud with them. The company fully supports the decision of the FinCERTZentral Bank of Russia and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA) to track sites offering fake E-OSAGO policies.

Since the beginning of 2017, insurance companies have been required to sell E-OSAGO electronic policies on their websites. Together with the start of sales of electronic policies for compulsory vehicle insurance, fraudulent sites appeared, which, under the guise of insurer sites, offer to pay for the policy online in order to steal citizens' funds.

"Since the beginning of the year, our company has twice encountered phishing sites that passed off their CTP calculator as our company's calculator," says Alexander Prokopchuk, director of the AlfaStrakhovanie e-commerce department. - This issue was resolved through the security service "AlfaStrakhovanie." We welcome the cooperation of PCA and FinCERT and believe that this will help minimize the emergence of fraudulent sites and protect both car owners and insurers. "

Information exchange between FinCERT and RSA will help combat phishing sites by transferring RSA data to the Bank of Russia. As having the status of a competent organization with administrators of top and second level domains, the regulator will be able to achieve the closure of such sites.


Market share of the Group - 9.2%

In 2016, the Group's market share amounted to 9.2%, insurance fees - 250.9 billion rubles. Fees excluding compulsory medical insurance increased to 93.4 billion rubles, the market share was 7.9%, the company ranks 4th among the largest Russian insurers on the market (except for compulsory medical insurance).

4.1 million gadgets and appliances insured

In 2016, the company insured 4.1 million gadgets and appliances. The average price of the policy was 1 thousand rubles.

The Purchase Protection product allows you to protect gadgets (mobile phones and smartphones, navigators, e-books, laptops, tablets) from death, theft, and also covers the risks of mechanical damage associated with careless actions of both third parties and the insured himself.

The average tariff for the portfolio of contracts fluctuated in 2016 in the region of 7% of the cost and depended on the size of the coverage, the list of risks for each specific gadget or device. The bulk of the gadgets were insured at the time of purchase in the store, this is the easiest way to insure both the buyer and the insurer. In this case, no additional inspection of the item is required.

The most frequent damage to equipment is still a mechanical breakdown: the device can fall, and its parts can break. This is followed by theft and water damage. The number of customers who filed for loss in 2016 amounted to 44.1 thousand, of which 42 thousand complaints related to breakdown. In the period from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, AlfaStrakhovanie recorded 44.6 thousand losses, of which 42.4 thousand cases were related to the breakdown. Thus, clients for the specified period broke approximately 116 gadgets daily.

2011: Charter capital of two companies 5.5 billion rubles

For 2011, AlfaStrakhovanie Group is responsible for its liabilities through its own funds of two companies with a consolidated authorized capital of approximately 5.5 billion. rubles The high reliability of insurance operations is supported by reinsurance programs in the largest companies in the world: Munich Reinsurance Society (Munich Re), Swiss Reinsurance Society (Swiss Re), Hannover Reinsurance Society (Hannover Re), SCOR (SCOR), Cologne Reinsurance Society (GenRe), Partner Re (Partner Re), as well as Lloyd's Corporation of London Limited brokers

AlfaStrakhovanie Group has accreditation in the largest banks, including Sberbank of Russia, VTB, VTB24, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Bank of Moscow, MDM Bank, Unicredit Bank, and was included in the official list of insurers involved in property insurance of clients of these banks.

2008: Highest reliability rating A++ "Expert RA"

In December 2008, Expert RA confirmed the highest A++ reliability rating assigned to AlfaStrakhovanie Group in 2003. The Group also has an international financial stability rating of Fitch.


  • License of OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie: C No. 2239 77 dated 13.12.2006:: for the right to conduct insurance and reinsurance activities
  • License of AlfaStrakhovanie-Life LLC: C No. 3447 77 dated 03.04.2006:: for the right to conduct insurance activities


  1. Data "How to Improve Cloud Development Efficiency" Isanin Anton, AlfaInsurance Development Director, June 2019
  2. Net profit of AlfaInsurance under IFRS for 2020 exceeded 15 billion rubles