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Family Doctor MK



AlfaInsurance SG - 100%



+ Fridman Mikhail Maratovich
+ Khan German Borisovich
+ The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research


2024: AlfaStrakhovanie bought MK Family Doctor

On December 3, 2024, it became known that the AlfaStrakhovanie group acquired a 100% stake in MK Family Doctor LLC. There is no official information on the value of the transaction as of the specified date.

According to Telegram the Novosti channel M&A , by the end of 2024, MK Family Doctor has five polyclinics and an on-site medical service in. The company To Moscow was founded together with the owners of another network of Family Doctor clinics (15 multidisciplinary clinics in the capital of the Russian Federation), formed after a corporate conflict and business division in 2002.

AlfaStrakhovanie Group bought the Moscow network of clinics MK Family Doctor

The sellers of MK Family Doctor LLC were individuals, including the founders of the organization and its general director, as well as the former chairman of the board of Absolut Bank Andrei Degtyarev (share of 28%). As a buyer, Alfa Insurance Medicine LLC is listed as part of the Alfa Insurance group.

The SPARK-Interfax database says that MK Family Doctor LLC was registered in Moscow in 2002 with an authorized capital of 314 644 769 rubles. The general director of the organization is Alexander Shlychkov. The main activity is general medical practice.

The M&A Novosti channel adds that the owners of MK Family Doctor LLC have been looking for a buyer since at least 2021. According to reports, this metropolitan network of clinics could be estimated in the range from 600 million to 700 million rubles, which approximately corresponds to its annual revenue.[1]
