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Aiteko Ai-Teko i-Teco


Ai-Teko is a Russian system integrator and provider of information technologies for corporate customers.

Shakirov Shamil - 74%
Aleksei Remizov - 25%


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ I-Teco (Ai-Teko, iTeco)
+ Aleksei Remizov

Companies in the Group

  • BI Partner specializes in consulting and providing professional services based on technologies and solutions in the field of business intelligence (BI)

  • I-Teco Multi-Service Support Center (ICP) is an outsourcing division of a system integrator whose tasks are to provide clients with the services of the TrustInfo corporate data center, including cloud services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), IT outsourcing, service management, maintenance. Support objects - users of business applications and IT services, engineering systems, IT and telecom infrastructure, application and system software, ATMs, cash registers and POS terminals, computer and office equipment. The key principles of the ICP: a single point of contact for customers, uniform quality standards (ISO certification) and methodology, a transparent service pricing policy, a common information space, a high level of data protection and fault tolerance of all systems.

Owners and Management

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue decrease by 21.2% to RUR 30,888 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of I-Teco decreased by 21.2% - to 30,888 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 19th place.



TAdviser interview with board member Vladimir Lvov

Vladimir Ivanovich Lvov, member of the Board of Directors of I-Teco, spoke about the financial results of 2024, the most popular services and promising areas of development in December 2024. Read more here.

Acquisition of controlling interest in IAR-Group

The I-Teco Group of Companies, as part of its overall investment strategy, acquired a controlling stake in IAR-Group, which manufactures automated equipment for industrial enterprises and robotics solutions. Representatives of I-Teco reported this to TAdviser on December 17, 2024. Read more here.

TAdviser interview with Development Director Victor Burlakov

As part of a conversation with I-Teco Group Development Director Victor Burlakov, we talked about trends in the software market over the past year, I-Teco approaches and principles when developing its own products, as well as possible strategies and recommendations for companies seeking import substitution. Read more here.


7th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector"

The company "I-Teco" took 7th place in the ranking "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the revenue of companies in custom development projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

8th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"

The company "I-Teco" took 8th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

4th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian telecom"

The company "I-Teco" took 4th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian telecom," prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

5th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian industry"

The company "I-Teco" took 5th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian industry," prepared by TAdviser in November 2024 based on the revenue of companies from IT projects in this area for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

9th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest IT suppliers in Russian banks"

The company "I-Teco" took 9th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian banks," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of IT projects in Russian banks, received at the end of 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

9th place in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT suppliers in Russian retail"

The company "I-Teco" took 9th place in the ranking of the largest IT suppliers in retail, prepared by TAdviser in July 2024 based on the revenue of companies in 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

TAdviser interview with Director of Unified Communications Arthur Koplik

In March 2023, Artur Koplik, Director of the Unified Communications Department of I-Teco, told TAdviser how rich a choice of opportunities is offered to Russian enterprises by suppliers of domestic communication systems. Read more here.


7th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"

I-Teco took 7th place in the ranking of the largest participants in the custom software development market in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in March 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the relevant services for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

6th place in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT suppliers in the Russian industry"

I-Teco took 6th place in the ranking of the largest IT suppliers in the industry, built by TAdviser in March 2024 based on companies' revenue from IT projects in this area for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

9th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex of Russia"

I-Teco took 9th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects in the fuel and energy sector in Russia in 2022 and published in January 2024. Read more here.

3rd place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT outsourcers in Russia"

The company "I-Teco" took 3rd place in the ranking of the largest - IToutsourcers Russia prepared TAdviser in 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the provision of outsourcing services for 2022. More. here

Data for 2022

5th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT service providers in Russia"

I-Teco took 5th place in the ranking of the largest IT service providers in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the provision of IT services for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

7th place in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT suppliers in Russian banks"

I-Teco took 7th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects in Russian banks in 2022 and published in December 2023. Read more here.

6th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest participants in the Russian unified communications market"

I-Teco took 6th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of projects in the field of unified communications in Russia in 2022 and published in December 2023. Read more here.

6th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector"

I-Teco is included in the rating "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and the public sector," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the companies' revenue from the development of mobile applications for 2022.

4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

The company "I-Teco" is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.B8.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of projects for the implementation and supply of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.

7th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in retail"

I-Teco is included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers in retail," prepared by TAdviser in August 2023 on the basis of companies' revenue from the implementation of IT projects in retail for 2022.

8th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest participants in the Russian VKS system market"

The company "I-Teco" took 8th place in the ranking of the largest suppliers of video conferencing systems (VKS), prepared by TAdviser in March 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of VKS projects in 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

Interview with Development Director Victor Burlakov

About changes in the Russian IT market and trends in custom development, the development of ecosystems and the value of portal solution designers in an interview with TAdviser, Director of Victor Burlakov Development, I-Teco Group of Companies. Read more here.

Launch of the brand "I-Teco.Cloud ud"

On October 24, 2022, I-Teco Group of Companies introduced the I-Teco.Cloud brand, which offers server equipment rental services and DSS consolidates the provision cloud services of services data center through a single window. The group of companies "I-Teco" united under a single brand "" cloudy provider and SBKleod the data center "."TrustInfo

Working together under the I-Teco.Cloud brand will allow you to quickly respond to changes in the market situation and offer customers more favorable conditions. The created brand combines the following products and services:

The integration of cloud and data center services takes place at the level of the commercial block, the presale block and strategic marketing. This approach optimizes the cost of services and pricing through an integrated approach to service delivery. We strive to support our customers and create conditions for the stable functioning of their business. All services are available on the I-Teco.Cloud website. We are also preparing to launch a speech analytics service, "said Konstantin Lopatkin, General Director of SBKLAUD LLC.

T1 Group buys 75% of IT integrator Servionica for 3.5 billion rubles

On July 6, 2022, it became known that T1 Group was buying 75% of IT integrator Servionica from I-Teco for 3.5 billion rubles. According to Kommersant, Servionica is needed by T1 Group as a structure that will serve computer equipment supplied to customers, especially in regions where the group is "planning expansion." Read more here.

The beneficiaries of I-Teco as of July 2022 were Shamil Shakirov (with a share of 74%) and Aleksei Remizov (with a share of 25%).


Revenue growth by 21.6% to 39,180 million rubles

At the end of 2021, the revenue of I-Teco amounted to 39,180 million rubles, an increase of 21.6% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 17th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.

Creating a consulting company "Witte Pro" to work with customers from the oil and gas industry

On September 2, 2021, I-Teco Group of Companies announced that a consulting company Witte Pro had been created in its structure to work with customers from the fuel and energy complex and industry. Read more here.

Interviews with experts of the group "I-Teco"

Extraordinary events of 2020 influenced development. IT market The transition "remote" to forced many companies to quickly rebuild their usual business processes and quickly look for IT solutions to normalize their activities. TAdviser Experts of the I-Teco group of companies told about which technologies were most in demand by customers in 2020, what risks increased during this period and what areas will be in trend in the near future:

Read more here.

Creation of the company "RASSE-Innovation"

On May 24, 2021, the I-Teco company announced the creation of the RASSE-Innovations company. The main activities of this business unit as part of the I-Teco group of companies include the creation of software platforms and development tools based on innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Read more here.

CWNE Certificate

In May 2021, Dmitry Altukhov, an I-Teco expert in building wireless data networks, completed a long process of obtaining CWNE (Certified Wireless Network Expert) status. This was reported on May 17, 2021 in "I-Teco."

CWNP (Certified Wireless Network Professionals) is the global certification standard for wireless professionals. The independent curriculum of CWNP is not based on the study of the equipment of individual manufacturers, but on the understanding of the technology family. 802.11

The managers of I-Teco and the Moscow DIT summon were arrested on charges of major fraud. Updated with "I-Teco" commentary

The Basmanny District Court of Moscow, at the request of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, arrested until May 16 the director of the I-Tec o department Igor Kolpakov, the head of the department for supporting projects of mobile services of the GKU of the city of Moscow "Information City" Oleg Filimonov and businessman Andrei Shmitko. All of them are accused of fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the Kommersant newspaper reported on March 19, 2021. The essence of the scam was not disclosed by the investigation.

The Moscow Department of Information Technologies (DIT of Moscow) and the Information City GKU subordinate to it are long-time clients of I-Teco. The company in the interests of the Moscow government is engaged in the development of a comprehensive information system "State services in the field of education in electronic form," with the help of which services for entering educational institutions work, providing free meals to preferential categories of children, and providing paid meals.

In "I-Teco" provided TAdviser comments on the current situation:

"The situation with the detention of Igor Kolpakov does not apply to contracts related to the group of companies. JSC "I-Teco" and its subsidiaries did not take part in these projects and were not executors of them. I-Teco and its management have not received any questions from law enforcement agencies. "

Kolpakov is employed in one of the subsidiaries of I-Teco, the commentary says. "However, in recent years, he has been actively engaged in independent entrepreneurial activities, conducted projects not related to Ai-Teko, to which the company was not devoted," it said. - Other persons involved in the case have nothing to do with Ai-Teko.

The company also added that the Ai-Teko contracts with the Moscow DIT and the Information City GKU subordinate to it have been executed in full or are under implementation, there are no complaints about any of them.

Ai-Teko sold its stake in Servionica to Technoserv owners

As TAdviser found out, in early 2021, I-Teco sold a 25% stake in Servionica to T1. "T1" combines the assets of "Technoserv" and is 30.5% owned by VTB, follows from the database of legal entities "Kontur. Focus." And 69.4% in T1 is owned by Sirocco Technologies. Read more here.


Decrease in revenue by 11.3% to 32.2 billion rubles.

At the end of 2020, I-Teco 's revenue amounted to 32.2 billion rubles, a decrease of 11.3% compared to 2019, which gave 18th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.

The revenue of Servionica was taken into account (For 2019 - 4712 million rubles, for 2020 - 4719 million rubles. Number of employees - 1110. Business Profile - Decentralized IT hardware support, IT hardware maintenance, IT infrastructure support, monitoring systems support)

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in Russian retail"

The company I-Teco"" is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers in" Russian retail by revenue for 2020, "prepared TAdviser in July 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT suppliers in banks"

I-Teco is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers in banks" by revenue for 2020, "prepared by TAdviser in July 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "IT suppliers in the Russian industry"

The company I-Teco"" is included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers the Russian industries in by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT outsourcers in Russia"

The company "I-Teco" is included in the rating "The largest IT outsourcers by revenue for 2020," prepared by TAdviser in December 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT Service Providers"

The company I-Teco"" is included in the rating "Largest suppliers IT services Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Top10 IT services 2021 1.png

Annual December Conference

The annual December conference of the company "I-Teco," which this year took place in an online format, was held under the sign of understanding events and trends. At the same time, as I-Teco President Shamil Shakirov noted, the online format made it easy to collect people separated by thousands of kilometers on one virtual platform. The result was a serious and thorough conversation on the topic "Who will be the winner in the battle of technology? Classic companies, new tech giants, rapidly growing startups. " Read more here.

Sergey Gavrenkov - Managing Partner of I-Teco

Sergey Anatolyevich Gavrenkov became the managing partner of the I-Teco group of companies. This was reported on December 1, 2020 by the I-Teco Group of Companies. Read more here.

TAdviser interview

In November 2020, experts from the I-Teco group of companies in an interview with TAdviser talked about how the world is IToutsourcing responding to new challenges. Read more here.


Inclusion in the rating "Largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex"

I-Teco is included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers in the fuel and energy complex by revenue in 2019," prepared by TAdviser in January 2020. Read more here.

Cooperation agreements with the Association of Electronic Industry Enterprises, Lanit and NCC

On December 12, 2019, the Association of Consortia, Design Centers and Electronic Industry Enterprises announced to TAdviser the conclusion of strategic agreements on joint and coordinated activities in the field of dynamic development of the Russian electronic equipment market with such IT companies as National Computer Corporation (NCC), Lanit and I-Teco. Read more here.

Appointment of Deputy General Director

On May 29, 2019, I-Teco (iTeco) announced that Sergey Vladimirovich Popov was appointed Deputy General Director for the Development of the Product Line and Services. Read more here.

Obtaining a limit of bank guarantees of Sberbank for 2 billion rubles

In May 2019, Ai-Teko Group of I-Teco reported that the Moscow Bank of Sberbank approved a limit of bank guarantees for her in the amount of 2 billion rubles. The limit is approved in connection with the dynamic development of companies' business as part of the group and the implementation of large-scale projects, including infrastructure ones, they say in I-Teco.

A guarantee is a written obligation of the bank to pay a creditor a sum of money if the debtor improperly fulfills its contractual obligations. Thus, the bank acts as a guarantor.

The financial resources provided within the framework of credit lines and bank guarantees provide I-Teco Group with an additional opportunity for the stable conduct of large and long-term projects - the construction of engineering infrastructure for office centers and data centers, gas generation systems for industrial enterprises, housing and communal services, real estate, - noted in "I-Teco."

The company could not promptly clarify TAdviser for which projects they plan to use Sberbank bank guarantees in the first place.    As of May 2019, the total amount of the limit on loans and guarantees opened by I-Teco by Sberbank is more than 5.5 billion rubles. At the same time, the company uses bank guarantees from other banks, TAdviser was told in I-Teco.

Ai-Teko and Sberbank have been cooperating for more than 20 years, including financing and interaction in the field of generating and introducing innovations in IT.

Obtaining GDPR Certification

On April 10, 2019, I-Teco announced the development of a consulting program on GDPR. Specialists working under this program have passed professional certification. Read more here.


TAdviser interview with the head of the 1C Competence Center of the Infrastructure Projects Department

At the beginning of 2018, I-Teco received the multi-brand partner status of 1C, which is infrequent in the practice of the Russian vendor. Andrey Borisov, head of the 1C competence center of the iTeko infrastructure projects department, told TAdviser why the company decided to introduce domestic solutions and what are the prospects for this area.

TAdviser interview with director of Center for Cognitive Technology

In August 2018, Ilya Kalagin, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Cognitive Technologies at I-Teco, in an interview with TAdviser, spoke about the peculiarities of creating ready-made business solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and the specifics of the market itself, formed by the massive introduction of AI-class systems.

Creating the SberCloud cloud platform

On April 2, 2018, Sberbank and the Russian system integrator Ai-Teko signed an agreement on the creation of a joint cloud platform SberCloud. It is assumed that the company will provide cloud solutions both for Sberbank and its partners and for external customers. Sberbank's participation in the joint venture will be 60%. Read more here.


Platinum partner Veritas Technologies

On July 17, 2017, I-Teco received the highest platinum partner status of Veritas Technologies, becoming the fifth company in Russia to reach Platinum level under the Veritas Partner Force Program. During the competence audit of the partners of the Russian representative office of Veritas Technologies, it became obvious that the qualification, professional, expert and project experience of I-Teco is enough to certify the IT company for Platinum partner status under the Veritas Partner Force Program.

As noted, the company "I-Teco" for the period met all the requirements for Expert partners: received accreditation Enterprise Backup and Recovery and Mid-market Backup and Recovery; technical specialists trained; demozone deployed; received positive customer feedback. All this together gave the vendor the reason to certify the I-Teco team to the level of a platinum partner of Veritas Technologies, which in Russia was awarded only five companies, including I-Teco.

"Putting forward rather serious qualification requirements for Platinum partners, we note that I-Teco, one of the strategic partners of Veritas Technologies in Russia, has all the necessary and sufficient relevant competencies, as well as significant experience and expertise of specialists to convey the advantages of using Veritas products to Russian customers," said Igor Minaev, senior regional manager of Veritas Technologies representative office in Russia

Cisco Gold Certified Partner

Confirmation of partner "gold" without passing a certification audit in 2017 became possible due to the fact that the team of the company "RASSE," which develops in the structure of the Group of Companies "I-Teco" specialized expertise on Cisco products in the field of creating networks of various levels based on manufacturer's solutions, has fulfilled all the mandatory requirements for the qualification of technical specialists of the "gold" partner. The specialization portfolio has been updated; extended cloud contract; training of specialists, including the Cisco Business Value Practitioner expert certificate; the staff was replenished with another high-level CCIE R&S specialist.

In the piggy bank of vendor achievements "I-Teco" - an award following the results of 2009 "Technological Partner of the Year in the field of optical systems" (Technology Excellence - Optical). According to the results of 2014, I-Teco received the Cisco Capital Partner of the Year award. Among the current Cisco Advanced level specializations are Collaboration Architecture; Data Center Architecture; Enterprise Networks Architecture; Security Architecture; Unified Access; Core and WAN. In addition, RASSE has Registered Partner authorization; Cisco Meeting Server Formerly Acano; Flexpod Premium Partner; Hospitality Solutions Partner; PSPP Local; Smart Care Registered Partner – Weight-Based.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Platinum Partner

Ai-Teco has an impressive array of certifications and specializations, including Platinum Converged Infrastructure Specialist, Platinum Software Specialist, Gold Cloud Builder Specialist, Gold IT Operations Management Specialist, Gold Server Specialist, Gold Services Specialist, Gold Storage Specialist, Gold Data Center Networking Specialist, Gold Laboratory Specialist, Gold Application Network

ISO 27001:2013 Certification

Ai-Teko confirmed the compliance of the information security management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 during the annual supervisory audit of the independent certification body - the British Institute of Standards (BSI Management Systems). Certification for compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 indicates a high level of security for the company's information assets and client resources, including those located in cloud environments and TrustInfo data centers.

Partnership with Project Practice

The Design Practice Group and the Russian system integrator I-Teco announced at the beginning of the year the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with the aim of combining the accumulated experience in the automation of project activities and the integration of business processes for the most complete solution of customer tasks.

2016: 3.9% revenue growth

In 2016, I-Teco 's revenue amounted to 29.755 billion rubles, an increase of 3.9% compared to 2015. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, the company "I-Teco" took 9th place.

2014: Partnership with Inspur

In September 2014 , I-Teco announced that it had received Inspur partner status and the authority of a dealer of a Chinese company in Russia. According to the cooperation agreement signed by the companies, I-Teco receives the right to sell a full range of Inspur solutions in the domestic market, including high-power Unix and Linux systems and corporate DSS . More details on the link.

2015: "I-Teco" creates a research center in Skolkovo

The Skolkovo Foundation and the Russian system integrator Ai-Teko signed a cooperation agreement in May 2015. The document involves the creation of the I-Teco research center at the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

The main research activity of the company in Skolkovo will be the implementation of a software platform and development tools aimed at creating software in the banking and financial sectors and focused on large data processing.

As a result of the scientific project, new products and technologies included in the complex will be created and tested:

  • A new domain-specific programming language, development environment, and tools that improve the efficiency of building software based on platform components
  • an application server that supports the Java EE specification stack and includes a set of necessary extensions to successfully solve the Big Data tasks of banks and financial institutions;
  • A large data storage and processing system that supports information consistency, availability, and distribution management.

It is planned that since 2015, more than 100 specialists will work at the I-Teco R&D center.

2013: Expansion of the data center network

I-Teco is designing a new large data center in Moscow, but along with this it may consider "interesting proposals" for the purchase of finished facilities, or facilities in a high degree of readiness, both in the capital and in the regions, the company told TAdviser in April 2013.

The new data center will be the sixth in a row at I-Teco. It will be certified for compliance with the Tier 3 fault tolerance level and will allow placing up to 1000 racks with customer equipment, says Mikhail Lukovnikov, director of the data center business at Servionica, an I-Teco company.

The main purpose of the company's data centers is commercial use for customer tasks - from placing client equipment and providing a highly available engineering subsystem to providing cloud services.

"The construction of a new data center is associated with the current trends in the development of the commercial data center market and forecasts of sales of existing resources," explains Mikhail Lukovnikov.

In December 2012, it was reported that the first module of the new data center is planned to be put into operation by the end of 2013. It will be designed for more than 100 racks and will be the first stage of construction of the facility.

"We plan that upon completion of the construction of a new data center, we will be able to transfer all capacities there without prejudice to anyone," said Yevgeny Shchepilov, director of the I-Teco service center, in December 2012 .

At the same time, representatives of the company said that construction was being carried out at its own expense. On average, the design and construction of a module for 100 racks takes about a year, of which six months are design, and the rest is directly installation and commissioning, explained in "I-Teco." Power consumption of the first module is predicted at the level of the company's data center on the Warsaw highway - about 7 kWatt/hour, although most likely this figure will not exceed 5.3 kWatt/hour per rack. The total usable area of ​ ​ the premises of the new data center will significantly exceed the largest existing data center, the area of ​ ​ which is about 3 thousand square meters.

The main services provided by the new data center will be co-location, DCaaS (Data center as a Service), IaaS and others...


  • In the summer of 2012, I-Teco became a certified participant in the Associate Consultant Program (ACP) in the CIS, initiated by British Standards Institution British Standard Institution (BSI). I-Teco received an Associate Consultant Program Membership No. CIS-002 certificate for services related to ISO/IEC 20000:2011 Information Technology. Management Systems (ITSM). " At the same time, I-Teco became the second company in the CIS to receive certification as a participant in the BSI Associate Consultant Program, and the first company providing consulting services related to ISO/IEC 20000:2011.

  • On December 5, 2012, I-Teco commissioned an additional two machine rooms in the main data center, bringing their number to 8, and the potential number of racks to about 1000 units.

Customers can restrict access to rental racks with bars
Modern fire extinguishing system of the data center "I-Teco"
A unique "copper room" through which electromagnetic radiation does not penetrate. It is sheathed with sheets of copper. The "copper room" stores the data of customers from the banking sector

"Now we have about 800 racks in operation, about 80-100 of the newly commissioned ones have already been ordered, 30-50 racks are in reserve for the client and about 70 are still free," Shchepilov said.

2011: Revenue growth of 34% in banking services

In 2011, the revenue I-Teco of "" from projects to provide services to the banking sector increased by 34% and amounted to 8.112 billion. rubles

2010: Turnover growth by 17%

The company's turnover in 2010 increased by 17% and amounted to 12.51 billion rubles.

The structure of the business by type of activity has not undergone major changes:

  • Services, including consulting and service services, accounted for about half (48%) of total turnover;
  • 47% occupied system integration and delivery of software and equipment, including within the framework of projects;
  • 5% - development of software solutions.


  • 40% of the company's revenue came from projects for financial structures (Revenue from projects in the financial sector amounted to 6.076 billion rubles, while increasing the percentage of projects in the total structure of the company's turnover),
  • 20% is realized in the public sector.
  • The share of the industrial segment rose to 11%.

The direction of service and IT outsourcing in the company showed more than double growth. A number of landmark contracts have been signed, including support and provision of services throughout the territory. of the Russian Federation The structure of IT services was also significantly expanded - due to "cloud" services. The company "" I-Teco entered into one of the first "cloud" agreements on the Russian market with a software developer, under Symantec which a number of the largest corporate customers are already provided with services under the model SaaS in the field of backup and recovery of data.

In 2010, the capacity continued to increase and the structure of service products of its own data center TrustInfo"" was expanded by 800 racks, one of the largest Russia in the commercial DPC level Tier III. Today, services on the basis of this site are provided not only to two dozen of the largest corporate customers of I-Teco, but also to such providers as RTCOMM, Tieto IBM and Global Services. Together, hundreds of companies around the world have become direct and indirect users of the data center services. Currently, the construction of a new data center is beginning.

Significant growth was demonstrated by the consulting direction of the company. The powerful development of business consulting practices (including SAP practices more than twice) and expertise in the field of ERP systems brought Ai-Teko to the same level with the Big Four companies in the Russian market, and in such an industry as metallurgy - in the lead.

One of the most developed expertise in the field of legal issues of information security, high competencies in the FZ-152 "On the protection of personal data" and vast practical experience became the main competitive advantage of the company in this market segment in the past period.

In 2010, I-Teco also actively developed new industry competencies, including the introduction of systems for managing operational and credit risks, treasury operations for financial institutions, solutions for metallurgical and telecommunications, fuel and energy enterprises. The areas of electronic document management, APCS, business analytics received significant development.

Large infrastructure projects implemented in the field of construction and modernization of data centers, file storage, server and desktop virtualization, implementation of complex solutions for resource and infrastructure management allow the company to occupy key positions in this segment.

The company's business in the field of custom development has doubled, a number of which have been transformed into completed industry products in the financial and industrial spheres. Information and analytical developments of I-Teco formed the basis for the introduction of a comprehensive patent search system PatSearch commissioned by FIPS Rospatent, which became one of the largest projects in the field. BI

In 2010, the list of its own software "I-Teco" was replenished with two new products. The company brought to the market a boxed solution - the corporate portal cSpace Portal, created by I-Teco specialists on the basis of the platform. As Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 part of the strategy to acquire expertise and niche practices (initiated by successful integration with the company) BI Partner , Ai-Teko acquired the rights to the system. TransBase The TransBase integrated vehicle control automation system included in the I-Teco product portfolio has already been implemented at 45 enterprises, including, GazpromNorilsk Nickel THK-BP SUAL",,,,,,,,,.ALROSA Lukoil Slavneft Sibneft Tatenergo TGC-1

Over a thousand large projects for more than 500 companies were implemented by I-Teco in 2010. The company's portfolio includes projects for twenty banks from the Top 30 leading banks in Russia, as well as for the largest state, industrial and telecommunications enterprises. The geography of the company's specialists extended far beyond the borders of Russia. In addition to the existing representative offices in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, an office was opened in Kyiv last year.

2009: Purchase of 51% stake in BI Partner

On October 21, 2009, I-Teco representatives announced the completion of the transaction on the acquisition of a controlling stake in BI Partner. According to I-Teco, more than 51% of BI Partner shares were bought; the amount of the transaction was not disclosed.

In 2009, the turnover grew by 5% to 10.65 billion rubles. In 2009, revenues from projects in the financial sector amounted to 5.697 billion rubles, allowing CNews to enter the top three IT suppliers in this sector.


In 2009, the company provided system integration, consulting, service support and outsourcing services, implements comprehensive integrated solutions in the field of IT infrastructure and informatization of large government agencies, industrial and telecommunications enterprises, banks, investment and financial and insurance institutions, small and medium-sized businesses.

In general, I-Teco offers a full range of products necessary to effectively solve the problems facing customers:


Storage devices

  • RISS Reference Information Storage System
  • Family disk arrays XP
  • Disk systems for departments and offices
  • Disk systems for departments and workgroups
  • Storage Networking Products. Extend the functionality of enterprise storage devices

Network and telecommunication equipment

System Software and Software Solutions


In 2009, Ai Teko provided services in the following areas:

  • Consulting
  • System integration
  • Automation and Data Processing Systems
  • Service and Technical Support

Ai-Teko offers business solutions in the field of informatization of large government agencies, industrial enterprises, banks and financial institutions.

Service Division

The service division of I-Teco Group of Companies was created for operational and professional support of infrastructure IT solutions for business and government agencies. Among the services of the Service Division are a multi-service support center and a contact center (provide technical support for IT solutions from various vendors in 24x7 mode in all time zones of Russia), IT service management, technical audit, IT staff outstaffing, outsourcing IT infrastructure support . The service division of I-Teco Group also provides customers with the capacity and services of the TrustInfo corporate data center (, the largest commercial data center in Russia that meets Tier III requirements. The high qualification of I-Teco Group specialists is confirmed by more than 1,500 certificates, including unique ones for Russia. The partner network of the Service Division of the Ai-Teko Group of I-Teco unites more than 170 companies in 83 regions: from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.


  • Building IT service management processes based on ITIL. Development and implementation of IT services management processes in the organization
  • Conduct an IT audit. Full or partial inspection and audit of systems or the entire IT complex in the organization
  • IT Strategy Development. Develop an IT organization development strategy or concept for the development of individual systems or IT complexes
  • Consulting and implementation of CRM solutions. Develop a customer relationship strategy for your company and implement a system that automates the CRM customer relationship management process

System integration

  • examination of existing telecommunication and information facilities and assessment of their use in solving new problems;
  • analysis and formation of requirements to the system on the basis of initial data on the structure, connections and the list of tasks to be solved;
  • formation of the structure of the information integrated network;
  • delivery, installation, installation, adjustment of process equipment, hardware and software;
  • training, consulting, and technical support.

Automation and Data Processing Systems

  • Storage and Data Centers
  • Development, implementation, maintenance of application systems
  • Real-time analytical processing (OLAP) systems
  • Information and Analytical Systems (DateWareHouse, DSS)
  • Testing Automated Systems

IT outsourcing for SMB companies

The service includes monthly maintenance of the IT infrastructure, technical consultations (both remotely and on the way to the customer), diagnostics of problems arising during the operation of the equipment, their elimination, installation and update of software, management of anti-virus protection and ensuring the health of servers, administration of mailboxes and Internet access.

2008: Launch of its own data center

In October 2008, Ai-Teko announced the commissioning of its own data center, which has no analogues in Russia in terms of protection against man-made disasters, the totality of characteristics and size. Located in the south of Moscow, the computing center is designed for 800 racks (more than 34,000 units), and its area is 3000 sq.m. The data center infrastructure meets the requirements of the Tier 3 + standard according to the classification of ANSI/TIA-942-2005 Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers, which assumes a level of equipment availability of more 99,982% and allows downtime of no more than 1.5 hours per year. Data center fiber links provide up to 10 Gbps throughput.

The sales volume of I-Teco exceeded 10 billion rubles in 2008.

1997 - 2007

Ai-Teko was founded in 1997.

In 2001, on the basis of I-Teco, with the participation of NR and Intel, the first joint Competence Center for promising Intel server platforms was created in Russia.

In 2003, I-Teco and HP established the OpenView Technology Center (HP Software since 2007), a unique collaborative project to familiarize potential customers with best practices in managing IT resources, practicing and demonstrating various solutions for building IT resource management systems based on HP OpenView technologies for heterogeneous information environments.

In 2004, the company established a Project Management Office, which developed methods for organizing the interaction of the company's divisions in the design approach to the execution of work. In the same 2004, the company became a member IPMA of the Project Management Association. SONNET

In 2005, new structural divisions of the company were identified - specialized centers. The creation of the Center for the Development of Infrastructure Solutions is associated with an increase in the share of design work on the audit and design of the architecture of corporate computing complexes. The center successfully develops end-to-end solutions that include building server, storage, and backup systems for projects of all levels of complexity. The Software Integration Center was created to optimize and improve the quality of the process of developing solutions in the field of IT management, data management, integration of processes and applications, as well as solutions for collaboration and integrated information security.

In 2006, the company opened the Competence Center for Banking Information Technologies. The formation of the center has become a natural stage in the development of I-Teco industry expertise in the field of solutions for financial institutions, which is associated with the increasing demand of large retail banks for specialized solutions and the need to comply with international business standards.

Another step in the development of the company's industry practices was the opening of the Competence Center for the Integration of ERP and Shop Systems and the Competence Center for the Integration of Industrial Systems in order to develop technologies for vertical markets in Russia, the first of which were oil production and metallurgy.

The company is actively developing both industry solutions, including MES EBS for the metallurgical and machine-building industries, and ERP practices on the basis. As SAP a result, the I-Teco product portfolio is replenished with solutions in the field of automated control systems for the entire production chain: from the purchase of raw materials to the release of finished products. In the field of technologies for supporting management decisions, financial planning tasks, consolidation and budgeting, solutions based on products are used. SAP&Business Object Oracle Hyperion

A portfolio of consulting services has been formed related to the implementation of the ISO/IEC 20000:2005 Information technology - Service management family of international standards. In the list of services: personnel training, audit, implementation of the information services management system in the customer's organization. The standard BS 25999 is used as a methodological basis in the field of implementation of business continuity management technologies.

The company is also improving and actively introducing its own analytical BI developments, including patented products: a system for extracting knowledge from Analytical courier texts "" and a dossier management system, X-Files the users of which have already become a number of state structures.


The fight against Technoserv for government contracts

In October 2016, TAdviser held a virtual duel between Technoserv and Ai-Teko, analyzing company clashes at tenders (Article: Duel: Technoserv vs. I-Teco - who is who? read more).