Main article: Moscow
Third place among global megacities by number of startups
Moscow ranked third among world megacities in terms of the number of startups, sharing a position with Boston - about 5.5 thousand young companies operate in each of the cities. This was announced at the end of December 2024 by the Moscow Innovation Agency.
Over the past three years, about 1.5 thousand new startups have been launched in the capital of Russia. The average age of companies is 4.6 years, and the staff is 17 people.
The leaders in the number of startups remain London with 11.8 thousand companies and New York, where 15 thousand young enterprises work. In the structure of Moscow startups, more than 40% are engaged in the development of computer software, and 20% conduct scientific research in the fields of technical and natural sciences.
The total revenue of Moscow startups in 2023 reached ₽684,6 billion, with more than half of this amount accounted for 2% of companies specializing in import substitution of software for business and industrial development.
In the structure of total revenue, 24% were earned by business software developers, 14% - IndustrialTech companies, 10% - logistics and transport startups, 9% - fintech companies. Telecommunications and marketing projects accounted for 7% of revenue.
The cybersecurity sector turned out to be especially profitable - 123 companies of this profile earned an average of ₽71 million each. The share power of companies and startups in the region cyber security accounted for 6% of total revenue, and - EdTech startups earned 5%.
The success of Moscow startups is largely due to the active development of the technology sector and support for innovative projects. Many companies were able to effectively adapt to new market conditions and occupy vacant niches.
A significant role in the development of the city's startup ecosystem was played by import substitution policies, which created favorable conditions for the growth of technology companies in various sectors of the economy.[1]
Moscow rose from 5th to 4th place in the ranking of technological development
The Russian capital climbed to fourth place in the global Urban & Innovation Environment Index, beating Paris, Shanghai, Tokyo and Singapore, and also confirmed its leadership among the BRICS + countries. This became known on December 24, 2024.
According to Vedomosti, the rating was compiled by an international consortium including the Chinese University of Technology, Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences and Jendal Global University of India. The study evaluated the 50 largest urban agglomerations in the world.
The high positions of Moscow are due to the developed system of digital services, which includes more than 400 services on the portal, as well as the wide coverage of mobile Internet with 26 thousand free Wi-Fi access points.
As part of supporting innovation, the Moscow Innovation Cluster operates in the city, uniting business, science, universities and authorities. The platform provides more than 20 tools for developing high-tech products and has over 190 thousand registered users.
Particular attention in the ranking was paid to transport infrastructure. Moscow central diameters, launched five years ago, include four lines with a total length of 303 km with 137 stations. During the period of work of the MCD, 1 billion passengers were transported, the daily passenger traffic is 1.4 million people.
In September 2024, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin received the World Innovation Award 2024 in the nomination "Sustainable Cities and Communities" for the introduction of advanced technologies. The award was presented by former adviser to the UN Secretary General on Climate Change, Nobel laureate Rae Kwon Chung.
The rating evaluated 12 indicators, including the development of digital services, the level of innovation, the availability of infrastructure and the diversity of the urban environment. Particular attention was paid to the time spent by residents on movement around the city, and the quality of public services.
For the second year in a row, Moscow holds the championship among BRICS + cities, ahead of Shanghai, St. Petersburg, Beijing and Guangzhou in terms of technological and spatial development[2]
Moscow ranked first in startup ecosystems in Central and Eastern Europe
Moscow tops the rating of startup ecosystems in Central and Eastern Europe. This is stated in the report of the StartupBlink research center, which TAdviser got acquainted with at the end of November 2024.
StartupBlink ranks ecosystems for start-ups based on a vast database of more than 1,000 cities and 100 countries around the world. Such parameters as the number and quality of innovative companies, innovative infrastructure facilities, as well as the volume of investments are taken into account. StartupBlink provides all stakeholders in the global startup ecosystem with accurate information to help make decisions.
The Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2024 rated the activities of 1759 startups in Moscow. This accounts for about 85% of all young companies in Russia. It is noted that Moscow is the highest-ranking ecosystem of startups in the Russian Federation.
Despite the fact that Moscow holds leading positions in startup ecosystems both in the Russian Federation and in Central and Eastern Europe, on a global scale, the position of the Russian capital has somewhat weakened. In the 2024 ranking, Moscow dropped two lines - to 32nd place, thus dropping out of the Top 30. This decline turned out to be significantly softer compared to 2022, when Moscow moved from 9th to 29th place on the StartupBlink list. San Francisco is the leader in the world ranking, followed by New York and London.
Russia as a whole, as noted in the study, has experienced a slight decline since 2020, losing six places: the country ranks 35th, which is the lowest figure since the introduction of this index. Moscow is the center of Russian ecosystems and the only representative of the Russian Federation in the global Top 250.[3]
Moscow took first place in the number of museums in the world
Moscow reiterated the status of the museum capital of the world, taking first place in the number of museums among 156 cities in the Global Cities Index 2024, as announced by Mayor Moscow Sergei Sobyanin on November 18, 2024. More. here
Moscow took first place in the BRICS for technological development
Moscow topped the rating of BRICS cities in terms of technological and spatial development, according to the Urban & Innovation Environment Index. This became known in September 2024. The capital of Russia became the leader in this indicator for the second year in a row, bypassing cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, St. Petersburg and Guangzhou.
According to Vedomosti, Moscow was highly appreciated for the development of urban services, digital infrastructure and the introduction of advanced technologies. Also, the capital of Russia stands out for its efforts to improve the environmental situation and ensure the availability of green areas. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rae Kwon Chung said that Moscow can serve as an example for other cities in matters of technological development and solving environmental problems.
Particular attention in the study is paid to how the city uses new technologies in various areas, including the transport system and public services. Moscow is leading among BRICS cities in introducing digital solutions that are aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens. Services based on artificial intelligence, intelligent transport systems and environmental projects allowed the capital to take a leading position.
The analysis also considered Moscow's achievements in the field of sustainable development. The Russian capital is actively developing projects aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment, which helps the city to remain competitive against the background of other world megacities. This is confirmed by numerous environmental initiatives, including environmental monitoring and support for public transport on alternative energy sources.
According to a study by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow entered the top 10 world cities with the highest level of innovative attractiveness. The city received high marks in categories such as Technological Development, Creative Industries and Urban Environment. These indicators allow Moscow to compete with such world capitals as London, New York, Tokyo and Paris.[4]
Moscow entered the top ten most technologically developed cities in the world
The ranking of the most technologically developed cities in the world in 2023 is headed by London, while Moscow is in the top ten. This is stated in the review of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics, with which TAdviser got acquainted in early July 2024.
The study is based on an assessment of 74 indicators that reflect three key elements of the modern innovative metropolis: technological development, creative industries and the urban environment. The ranking covers 200 cities in 53 countries. When compiling it, experts analyzed where highly cited scientists, technological entrepreneurs, unicorn companies, venture investors, outstanding representatives of creative industries (from fashion and IT to architecture and cinema) live and work.
It turned out that almost 70% of cities - innovative leaders are in only 10 countries. It is noted that London, the leader of the rating, is a global center of high-tech and creative resources. An attractive urban environment and innovation support ecosystem attracts venture capital investors, angel investors and young companies. New York is in second place on the list, and Tokyo closes the top three. Next come Beijing, Paris, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Shanghai and Seoul.
Moscow is in 10th place. The Russian capital is one of the world centers of higher education and science. In Moscow, there are 25 universities included in the world rankings, which provided the city with the third place in this indicator. The urban environment of Moscow is one of the most attractive in the world for innovators (7th place). The high positions of the city are provided by a comfortable tax regime for businesses, especially small ones (5th place), and the development of cultural and sports infrastructure (2nd place in terms of the number of theaters, museums and art galleries, 3rd place in terms of attractions, 4th place in stadiums).[5]
Moscow topped 33 national rankings of cities and regions of Russia
At the end of 2023, Moscow took first place in 33 leading national ratings of cities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, confirming the high level of development of industry, technology, work in the field of environmental protection and improving the quality of life of citizens. This was announced by the Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Maria Bagreeva.
Ratings are an important tool for assessing the performance of authorities: they allow assessing the quality of implementation of regional or urban development policies in general and in individual areas. The ratings help us identify the most effective solutions, identify promising growth points and carry out high-quality adjustments to city management plans, - said Maria Bagreeva. |
A key priority for the Moscow government is to increase the quality of life of citizens, and this is reflected in the ratings. The capital confidently ranks first in this area, in particular in the ratings of the quality of life and socio-economic development of the regions of the RIA Rating agency, the quality index of the urban environment of the Ministry of Construction of Russia. In 2024, the third issue of the quality of life rating of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives is expected - in the previous two years, Moscow occupied the leading line in it.
Moscow industry plays a key role in ensuring the growth of the urban economy and strengthening the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Over the past year, the number of projects implemented in the field of industry, especially high-tech, has noticeably increased. These efforts were evaluated within the framework of the industrial rating of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (assessment of the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of industry). In 2023, Moscow rose to first place, while in 2021 it occupied only ninth place.
The work on investment attractiveness receives high marks from experts. For five years in a row, Moscow has been leading in the National Rating of the State of the Investment Climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, compiled by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, as well as 11 years in the rating based on the annual assessment of the investment attractiveness of the regions of Russia, which is carried out by the National Rating Agency.
The special economic zone (SEZ) "Technopolice Moscow" is recognized as the best in the national rating of the investment attractiveness of the SEZ of the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia and the Ranking of Industrial Parks and SEZs of the analytical center "Expert." Moscow ranks first in the ratings of the labor market, the involvement of the population in small and medium-sized businesses and others.
The development of Moscow's scientific and technical potential and the introduction of new technologies were also highly appreciated by experts. In 2023, the capital took first place in the Ranking of Creative Regions of Russia, HSE showing the best results in all assessment criteria. The scientific and technical leadership of Moscow is noted in the ratings Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the RIA Rating agency and others. For several years in a row, the capital has taken first place in the digitalization index of urban economy "IQ cities" and the National rating of the quality of provision of state and municipal services in electronic form.
One of the key topics in the future of the next few decades is sustainable development in cities, and here Moscow also sets an example of leadership. The result of an integrated approach to territorial development was the first place of the city in the Consolidated ESG Indicator of the INFRAGRIN Regions of 2023, which summarized the final values of 28 ratings and indices in the field of sustainable development. Moscow also acts as a developer of international ratings in the field of sustainable development: last year the capital prepared a rating report "The climate agenda of the world's cities," the presentation of which was held as part of the UN Climate Conference, as well as ESG-ranking of regions and cities of the EAEU. Both ratings were highly appreciated by Russian and foreign experts.
Maria Bagreeva added that an important event was the recognition of the Regional Center of Competence (RCC) of Moscow as the best national center of competence in Russia based on the results of the implementation of the national project "Labor Productivity." In 2023, the activities of the capital's RCC were assessed for the first time, but thanks to the high quality of work, it took a leading position immediately in both the six-month and final ratings of 2023.
Moscow for the fifth time topped the digitalization index "IQ cities"
For the fifth year in a row, Moscow became the leader of the Russian index of digitalization of urban economy "IQ cities." At the end of 2022, the capital scored a maximum of 120 points. The results of the rating were presented on July 27, 2023.
In 2022, the index methodology was updated in order to comply with the Standard Smart City"." The Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation updated edition adjusted indicators for the areas of digitalization HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES and the urban environment, and added indicators in new ones, industries including culture, science youth policy, feedback from citizens and others. The results of the index were calculated on 46 indicators assessing the degree of digital transformation in 18 sectors of urban economy.
As noted in the metropolitan Department of Information Technologies, Moscow managed to maintain a leading position and score the maximum score in the rating, despite a change in the calculation method and an increase in the number of indicators evaluated. For example, among the indicators that were evaluated when calculating the index are the quality and availability of electronic services, the ability to make an online appointment with a doctor at any polyclinic in the city, as well as the involvement of residents in solving urban issues using electronic services. When calculating the indicators, the presence of an automated waste accounting system in the city and the number of apartment buildings connected to an automated resource consumption accounting system were also taken into account.
As of July 2023, more than 400 electronic services and services are available on the portal to residents that allow them to solve almost any life situation online, including paying bills, making an appointment with a doctor at any polyclinic in the city, participating in general house meetings and voting, as well as directing their proposals to solve urban development issues using such platforms and projects.
In addition, since 2015, an automated resource consumption accounting system (ASUPR) has been operating in the capital, about 30 thousand residential buildings and social facilities have been connected to it. The system allows you to remotely take readings of hot water and heating meters and keep an accurate record of resource consumption. At the end of 2022, the ranking also took into account achievements in the fields of urban management, smart technologies in housing and communal services and urban transport, innovations for the urban environment, health care, ecology, tourism, social services, communications infrastructure and the economy.
The primacy of the capital testifies to the recognition of a high degree of digitalization of all sectors of the urban economy and a well-deserved assessment of the systematic introduction of technologies into the social sphere, development IT infrastructures and ensuring equal access to electronic services for each resident. Among the leaders among million-plus cities in the ranking are also noted,, and St. Petersburg Kazan. Ufa Krasnoyarsk
Moscow topped the rating of regional competence centers based on the results of the national project "Labor Productivity"
Moscow took first place in the ranking of regional centers of competence (RCC) according to the results of the implementation of the national project "Labor Productivity," on July 24, 2023, said the Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development Maria Bagreeva.
The Federal Competence Center evaluates the regional competence centers responsible for the implementation of the national project "Labor Productivity" every six months. The ranking, which has been compiled since 2020, involves regional centers that have worked for at least 10 months. In Moscow, the national project started in 2022, so the capital's RCC took part in the ranking for the first time and immediately scored a large score - 8.98 out of 10.
The rating is calculated on eight indicators, including staffing, implementation of plans to engage enterprises, train their employees and train instructors. In addition, the implementation of the schedule by the number of completed projects is assessed, as well as the level of satisfaction of enterprises with the work of the RCC and coverage of best practices on the Internet.
With the help of lean production tools, Moscow RCC experts help Moscow enterprises analyze internal processes, identify losses and eliminate them. As a result, companies are able to open up internal reserves and free up funds that can be used, for example, to update equipment or expand production facilities. So, in the first half of 2023, 38 enterprises that completed the first joint stage with experts from the RCC of Moscow demonstrate an increase in productivity by an average of 59 percent, a reduction in process time by 42 percent, and unfinished production by 34 percent. In addition, in the first six months of 2023, 39 more companies entered the national project, which will increase the efficiency of work by the end of the year, - said Maria Bagreeva. |
After the completion of the joint stage of work with the project experts, the companies enter the phase of independent distribution of the lean production method to all other production areas. It is expected that over the next three years, annual productivity gains for companies will be at least five percent per year.
Moscow has always been an advanced region, and leadership in our ranking once again confirms this: in just a year and a half, the capital's RCC has shown its involvement in the national project, the professionalism of experts, an individual approach to enterprises and, of course, coherence in its processes. We assess Moscow as a reliable partner and will continue to jointly implement large-scale projects of the capital, - said Svetlana Gorchakova, Deputy General Director of the Federal Competence Center. |
The capital joined the national project "Labor Productivity" in early 2022, and as of July 2023, more than 150 Moscow companies signed agreements with the city to receive state support measures. The main pool of companies belongs to the production sector, but there are also enterprises of other industry groups, including the food industry, the production of medical devices and equipment, mechanical engineering, radio electronics, transport, construction, trade and others.
The national project "Labor Productivity" is a measure of state business support that allows you to increase the volume of products and reduce production costs without additional costs. In Moscow, the national project has been implemented since the beginning of 2022. Until the end of 2024, 441 enterprises will be able to take part in it.
Since 2022, the implementation of the project in the capital is carried out by the Regional Competence Center of Moscow (ANO Mosstrategia), subordinate to the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city.
Moscow entered the top 10 cities in terms of the number of billionaires living in them
On April 8, 2023, the American financial and economic magazine Forbes published a world ranking of cities with the largest number of billionaires living in them. Reportedly, Moscow entered the top ten. Read more here.
Moscow became the leader in the ranking of world megacities in innovation
Moscow became the leader in the ranking of world megacities in innovation, which was compiled by the Institute of Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics." On April 3, 2023, the mayor of the Russian capital Sergei Sobyanin wrote about this in his Telegram channel. Read more here.
Moscow leads in the quality of the urban environment among Russian cities
Moscow topped the annual urban environment quality index for 2021, prepared by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. At the end of 2021, the capital scored 293 points out of 360 possible, which is 5 points more than in 2020. This was announced on April 16, 2022 by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow, according to the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city, which is part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations, Kirill Purtov.
St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don were also included in the TOP-5 of the largest cities in Russia in terms of the quality of the urban environment.
The index of 2021 includes 1117 cities of Russia, divided into seven groups by population: the largest - with more than a million inhabitants, large - from 250 thousand to a million inhabitants, large - 100-250 thousand inhabitants, average - 50-100 thousand inhabitants, three groups of small towns: with the number of inhabitants from 25 to 50 thousand, from five to 25 thousand and less than five thousand. The index is built on six indicators - housing and adjacent spaces, green spaces, a street and road network, public business and social and leisure infrastructure, as well as citywide space.
Creating a favorable environment is one of the main tasks of urban development, the solution of which in Moscow is paid special attention. The key role here is played by city programs, the implementation of which contributes to improving the indicators of the quality index of the urban environment. The anti-crisis measures adopted by the Moscow Government provide for the preservation of plans for the implementation of all development programs, which will allow the capital to support the economy and stabilize the situation both in its own labor market and in Russian regions, by preserving and creating new jobs, "said Kirill Purtov. |
For April 2022, Moscow will maintain high rates of development due to the diversification of the capital's economy, the presence of a large margin of safety and the ability of the city to adapt to difficult financial situations. The ability of the Moscow economy to overcome various crises and continue development is evidenced by tax revenues to the budget: according to the results of the first quarter of 2022, Moscow budget revenues amounted to 917.4 billion rubles - this is almost 33 percent higher than budget revenues for the same period in 2021.
Moscow topped the rating of the economic potential of the regions of Russia
Moscow took first place in the integrated ranking of Russian regions in terms of economic potential, compiled by the Civil Society Development Fund. The Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow (DEPiR) announced this on January 27, 2022. The rating is based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Tax Service. It includes 33 regions of the country, which are ranked by the volume of value added tax (VAT) transferred to the federal budget, the average monthly salary and the financial result of regional companies. The top 5 rating also includes the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrugs, St. Petersburg and the Moscow Region.
Moscow leads among Russian regions in terms of deductions in the form of VAT and the balanced profit of organizations. So, for 10 months of 2021, Moscow enterprises and organizations transferred more than 1.25 trillion rubles to the federal budget in the form of value added tax - 34 percent more than in the same period in 2020. A third of the revenues - 419.4 billion rubles - were provided by the trade sector. Moscow accounts for more than 26 percent of the VAT received throughout Russia, "said Kirill Purtov, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow (DEPiR). |
The financial results of Moscow companies are also at a high level. In 2021, almost all sectors of the capital's economy saw an increase in the balanced profit (profit minus losses) of companies after a decrease in this indicator in 2020.
The balanced financial profit of Moscow companies for 10 months of 2021 reached 5.45 trillion rubles, which is more than twice the figure for the same period in 2020. The growth of balanced profits is recorded in almost all sectors of the Moscow economy. The best result was shown by trade, whose companies received a balanced profit of 1.49 trillion rubles, manufacturing - 1.12 trillion rubles, the financial sector and insurance - 640 billion rubles, - added the head of the DEPiR. |
In turn, in terms of wages, Moscow is confidently in the top three, second only to two producing regions - the oil and gas Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the gold mining Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. According to the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow, in October 2021, the average monthly accrued wages in the capital increased by 7.8% compared to October 2020 and by 12.9% by October 2019.
Moscow climbed two positions in the ranking of global cities Kearney
Moscow climbed two positions and took 18th place in the authoritative annual Global Cities Index 2021, produced by the international consulting company Kearney. This became known on October 28, 2021.
In the Kearney rating, which estimates the level of globalization of 156 cities in the world, Moscow is located between Seoul Madrid and and bypassed such cities as, and Rome. Toronto The Amsterdam rating TOP-5 included,,, and New York London Los Paris Tokyo Angeles, said Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.
Moscow's position in the top twenty global cities of the world is the result of constant work to improve the business climate in the capital, attract investment, as well as the traditionally high level of development of culture and sports. For example, the capital holds the first place among world cities in terms of the number of museums. The authors of the report also note the success of cities in the development of the digital economy and advanced technologies, which in the context of the pandemic have become the main drivers of positive changes in the positions of cities in the ranking, - said Vladimir Efimov. |
So, during the active phase of the pandemic in the spring of 2020, the capital successfully used digital services and platforms, including digital public services for citizens and businesses, which are actively used even after the removal of the main anti-pandemic restrictions.
Moscow took the first place in the ranking of global cities in the development of the healthcare evolution sector and the number of university-sponsored incubators. These indicators are considered by the compilers of the rating as factors of future success in the development of global cities, "said Kirill Purtov, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city. |
Moscow climbed 2 places in the ranking of the most resistant cities to global shocks
Moscow climbed 2 places in the ranking of the most persistent cities in front of global shocks. Digitalization helped the capital of Russia. We are talking about the Global Cities Index, which is calculated by the consulting company Kearney. Read more here.
Moscow remained in 4th place in the ranking of the best cities in the world for living and business
Moscow For the second year in a row, it ranked 4th in The World's 100 Best Cities, which consulting the company compiles Resonance Consultancy based on indicators such as tourist attractiveness, living, working and doing business. The new study was released in September 2021. More. here
Moscow took first place in the ranking of Russian regions according to the labor market index
On September 16, 2021, it became known that the capital took first place in the ranking of Russian regions according to the labor market index for 2020, prepared by RIA Novosti. The index allows you to determine the level of employment, as well as the degree of attractiveness for employment and further work. Read more here.
Moscow ranked 151 in the world and 63 in the European update of the Cost of Living rating
Moscow ranked 151 in the world and 63 in the European August update of the Cost of Living rating of the Expatistan portal, improving its position by 2 points in the world and 3 points in Europe since the beginning of the year. This was announced on August 20, 2021 by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow.
The Cost of Living rating estimates cities by the cost of living in them - the higher the occupied space, the more expensive life in the city. In total, the world rating considers 204 cities, 68 cities are included in the European rating. Expatistan rating is based on a survey of residents of cities who indicate the cost of the most common goods and services - food, accommodation and arrangement of the house, clothing, transport, health care and entertainment.
The first three places in the world ranking were taken by the cities with the highest cost of living - Greater Cayman (Cayman Islands), Geneva and Zurich (Switzerland). In addition to Geneva and Zurich, London was included in the TOP-3 of the European ranking of the most expensive cities for life . The cities of the world with the lowest cost of living are named Indian Pune and Hyderabad, as well as Peruvian Arequipa, in Europe the cheapest to live in Bucharest, Kyiv and St. Petersburg.
The cost of living, according to respondents, in the Russian capital is in the world ranking at the same level as Budapest (Hungary) and Monterrey (Mexico), in Europe neighboring Moscow positions are occupied by Budapest, Warsaw, Belgrade.
Moscow is a metropolis with an attractive investment climate, a developed competitive environment and infrastructure corresponding to the world level, comfortable for work and living. This is confirmed by both official statistics and regular research and ratings, including international ones. Moscow not only stands on a par with such the largest megacities in the world as London,, New York,, Hong Kong, Paris but Berlin often significantly ahead of them, - said the minister, Governments of Moscow head of the Department of Economic Policy and City Development. Kirill Purtov |
So in the recently published ranking of the attractiveness of cities for moving and the life of foreigners Internations, the Russian capital rose from 54th to 17th place, bypassing Berlin, New York and Zurich, and in the Boston Consulting Group ranking, Moscow took third place among the 16 most attractive cities for residents, behind only New York and London.
A distinctive feature of all three ratings is that they are all formed on the basis of surveys and reviews of people and show an independent and objective assessment of the results of activities aimed at developing the city and improving the quality of life. As of August 2021, Moscow is implementing such important programs as "Metropolitan Health," "Metropolitan Education," "Social Support for Residents of the City of Moscow," "Sport of Moscow," "Development of the Cultural and Tourist Environment and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage," "Development of the Urban Environment," "Development of the Digital Environment and Innovations," "Safe City" and others. The total amount of financing for city programs in 2021 is 3.2 trillion rubles, or 93.77% of the total expenditures of the capital's budget for 2021, the minister added. |
Moscow became one of the world leaders in the number of startups, but few succeed
According to the report of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge (ISIEZ) published in early July 2021, HSE Moscow it is one of the world leaders in terms of the number startups and innovative economic activity. However, very few projects achieve great success due to problems with both market infrastructure and venture capital, as well as with personnel, universities and the state of science. More. here
Moscow telecom operators are among the leaders in providing convenient and useful services for subscribers
DIT of Moscow May 20, 2021 shared the results of the study "Ecosystems of services and services telecommunication of companies To Moscow in and other cities of the world." According to the results of comparing the capital's digital infrastructure with telecom ecosystems,,, New York,, New Delhi,, Singapore, and Seoul, Beijing Tokyo London it became one of the Berlin Paris Barcelona Moscow TOP-5 of cities in terms of the prevalence of ecosystem solutions among operators, in TOP-3 in communications areas and entertainment telemedicine and became the leader in the number of services offered by telecom operators. financial
{{quote 'The ecosystem approach is a global trend followed by many city governments, large IT and telecom companies, and the banking sector. Moscow companies are also moving in this direction, creating digital ecosystems in which users can get the full range of services they need on a single platform. Our study shows that Muscovites are becoming more demanding on the diversity and quality of digital services. This pushes the city and business to change, which has a positive effect on the quality of life in the capital. And availability and a high level of infrastructure development allows operators to quickly bring services to the market, which in turn stimulates the active development of the industry and the introduction of technologies, "said Eduard Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Information Technology Department. }}
The experience of 30 large telecom operators in 11 global megacities was grouped and evaluated in 9 areas: IT services for end users and for business, entertainment content, IT services for transport, educational IT services and services in the healthcare sector, fintech, smart home, services for business based on big data and 5G application. Moscow operators offer ecosystem solutions in all 9 categories, and in terms of the number of financial services and services offered, they lead among all the operators considered.
97% percent of all operators reviewed offer at least one health service. 40% of operators offer telemedicine services, 63% have services for medical institutions, 30% offer fitness applications to their subscribers and more than 90% - devices for monitoring health indicators. The leaders in the number of health services are Moscow and Tokyo operators.
93% of operators have at least one financial service in their portfolio, in 87% of cases it is possible to pay from a phone account, in 53% - the use of bank cards, 43% and 33%, respectively - these are mobile wallets and online banking services. Moscow is a leader in this category.
According to the study, 100% of telecom operators of major global megacities provide access to entertainment content. The shares of video and music exceed 90%, 77% are access to games, 50% of the book and 47% of the press. Operators of Moscow and Paris are the leaders in the number of services in the field of entertainment content.
According to the study, in 2020, the development of digital services for transport within the ecosystems of world telecom operators became the basic direction, along with IT services and entertainment content. The largest selection of transport services is presented by operators in Berlin, Madrid, Seoul and Beijing. The most popular solution in the telemetry package for the end user was the geolocation of the car (determining the location of the car). Moscow operators offer solutions in the field of transport mainly for legal entities, and services related to the city transport system - a single Troika pass, MCC and MCD, car sharing - the city provides residents.
Compared to 2019, in 2020, the percentage of prevalence of medical (by 30 pp), educational (by 11 pp) and music services (by 15 pp) increased in the ecosystems of world telecom operators. 87% of the considered operators are also actively developing solutions for the Smart Home (sale and rental of devices, special tariffs for the house). More than 80% of operators develop big data business solutions. The most popular services in this category remain the Internet of Things and audience analysis.
The capabilities of 5G technology stimulate telecom operators to create new services and change the way they consume content - for example, service packages include music subscriptions, cloud gaming, video content ARVR and/or capabilities. In 2020, most of the 30 operators included in the study had special tariff plans with 5G support and services available on 5G networks: AR/VR, streaming services,. internet of things
Moscow took first place in the ranking of Russian regions according to the labor market index
On September 16, 2021, it became known that the capital took first place in the ranking of Russian regions according to the labor market index for 2020, prepared by RIA Novosti. The index allows you to determine the level of employment, as well as the degree of attractiveness for employment and further work.
"Moscow's leadership in the ranking speaks of the high level of social economic development of the city, the large capacity of the labor market, its flexibility, and low level. unemployment Thanks to a set of measures aimed at supporting urban business, the capital managed to avoid a significant failure of employment during the pandemic. population By the end of 2020, the level of registered unemployment in Moscow amounted to 1.3 percent - almost 2.3 times lower than the maximum value in the same year. In addition, since the beginning of 2021, the number of employees has decreased by 10.2 percent, being idle, part-time and on leave without saving, and the salaries level of tension in the labor market has decreased not only relative to the indicator of 2020, but also relatively until pandemic 2019, "said Government of Moscow Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations. |
The labor market index for 2020 was calculated on the basis of data official statistics on eight indicators, combined into four groups: "Wage level," "Employment," "Working conditions" and "Labor market capacity." The Moscow index is 96.5 points out of 100 possible, which is 0.1 points higher than the 2019 index. The top five also included (St. Petersburg 92.7 points), (Moscow region 83.2 points), the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (78.2 points) and (Tyumen region 72.6 points).
"The stability of the Moscow labor market and the effectiveness of the measures taken that allowed most of the capital's employers to reconfigure work processes, preserve the staff and wages of employees, is also evidenced by the increase in revenues to the budget for personal income tax. For 7 months of 2021, they amounted to 757.3 billion rubles, which is a quarter higher than the indicators of the same period in 2020 and almost a third of 2019, "said Kirill Purtov, head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city. |
Another sign of the effective development of the Moscow labor market is the increase in the number of self-employed and individual entrepreneurs. For seven months of 2021, the number of self-employed increased by more than 40% - to 684 thousand people, the number of individual entrepreneurs increased by 6% - to 321 thousand.
Moscow took 18th place in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world for billionaires
Moscow in 2020 entered the top 20 most expensive cities in the world for billionaires. We are talking about the Global Wealth and Lifestyle Report rating, which is maintained by the Swiss bank Julius Baer (specializing in servicing and advising private wealthy clients). Read more here.
For the first time since 2014, Moscow entered the top 25 most attractive cities for investors
At the end of 2020 Moscow , for the first time in six years, Global Cities of the Future entered the top 25 most attractive cities for investors. The rating was compiled by fDi Financial Times Intelligence. More. here
Moscow has sharply improved the position of affordability for expats
Moscow has sharply improved the position of affordability for expats. We are talking about the rating, which is maintained by the consulting company ECA International. In mid-December 2020, its new edition was published. Read more here.
Moscow climbed to 4th place in the ranking of the best cities in the world for living and business
In October 2020, the consulting company Resonance Consultancy, which specializes in real estate and economic development, announced a new edition of the world's best cities for living, business and tourism, The World's 100 Best Cities. Moscow is in fourth place against the fifth line a year earlier. Read more here.
See also
- ↑ About 1.5 thousand startups launched in Moscow in three years
- ↑ Moscow rose in the ranking of technological and spatial development
- ↑ The Global Startup Ecosystem Index Report 2024
- ↑ Moscow recognized as the best BRICS city for technological development
- ↑ results Rating of innovative attractiveness of world cities - 2023