Customers: Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development) Moscow; State and social structures Contractors: Rostelecom, Transproectineering Product: Integrated Telecom Infrastructure ProjectsSecond product: Telephony and Communication Services Project date: 2014/05 - 2025/01
Project's budget: 61.5 billion руб.
2025: Installation of a network of base stations in hard-to-reach settlements of Dagestan
Rostelecom"" installed seven mobile base stations communications under the program RCP 2.0 in hard-to-reach settlements. Dagestan The company announced this on January 30, 2025. Technical specialists of the national provider laid a 40-kilometer, optical infrastructure erected mast objects and mounted equipment in difficult conditions of the highlands. LTE 4G to the Internet More than 2.5 thousand residents of small villages in Akhtynsky, Dakhadaevsky, Tlyaratinsky, Tsuntinsky and Charodinsky districts received access to mobile communications using technology (), including fast ones.
Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Ruslan Yarakhmedov, director of Dagestan branch of Rostelecom.
{{quote 'author=noted Magomed Adamov, head of Duakar village council of Dakhadaevsky district. | Many of those villagers who used to be afraid of the digitalization process due to radiophobia are now really convinced of its advantages. Technologies allow you to remotely solve household and work issues, communicate more with relatives and acquaintances. To do this, you do not need to leave the village to the district center, the city, which saves money, time, strength. For the future, we hope that young people will gain a foothold in villages, having the opportunity to study on the ground, develop business, communicate through online resources,}
Completion of the project to eliminate digital inequality in Mari El
Rostelecom has completed the federal program "Elimination of digital inequality" (UCN) in the Republic of Mari E. Residents of 146 villages, in which from 250 to 500 people live, received the opportunity to go online for free in all municipal districts of the republic. The company announced this on January 25, 2025.
The provider began implementing the project in 2016. Over five years, more than 1,200 km of fiber-optic communication lines have been built. A support is installed in each settlement and a Wi-Fi access point with a coating within a radius of up to 100 meters is mounted.
At the end of 2024, residents of the villages of Sheklyanur, Korta, Turshi, Yenikeev, Yamolin received free wireless access to the network.
{{quote 'author=noted Venedikt Suvorov, Head of the Department of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Mari El. | The program "Eliminating digital inequality" allowed residents of remote settlements to access electronic services on a par with citizens. In 2021, it is planned to further develop the project: the Law on Communications has been amended to expand the list of settlements where access points are installed. It will include villages with 100 or more residents,}}
Launch of cellular stations in 22 villages of the Altai Territory
Rostelecom"" in 2024 launched communications 4G mobile base stations/in LTE 22 settlements Altai Territory with a population of 100 to 500 inhabitants. Voice communication and wireless under the Internet state program "" Addressing Digital Inequality 2.0 have become available to more than six thousand villagers. The operator announced this on January 29, 2025.
The company conducted the project together with the mobile operator T2, who was engaged in radio frequency planning, coordinated construction and commissioning. Rostelecom installed the first five stations in May, while the bulk of the work fell on summer and autumn. In a number of villages, the technical solution had to be complicated due to the peculiarities of the terrain, and somewhere temporarily "freeze" the construction site. So, for full coverage with the signal Karpovo and Lyutaevo, two cellular stations were installed in each village. And since part of the optical route to Troitsk passed through the farm fields, experts were forced to stop work for the time of harvest, and then continue them at an accelerated pace.
Most of the optics for the project were built by Rostelecom to Troitsk - 14.5 km, Mallorca - 13.8 km and to the village of Ulyanovsky - 13 km. And the operator mounted and launched the last base station in Green Grove in December.
Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Sergey Lavrenyuk, director of the Altai branch of Rostelecom.
{{quote 'author=noted Yevgeny Zryumov, Minister of Digital Development and Communications of Altai Territory. | More than 18 thousand residents of the region voted for the inclusion of these villages in the project. By 2025, the activity of the villagers turned out to be even higher - 21,469 votes were registered on the portal. 34 settlements are tentatively included in the list according to CCP 2.0. The leaders following the results of the popular vote were Khomutino of the Tselinny district, the village of Krasnoarmeysky of the German National District and Ananyevka of the Kulundinsky District. The final list will be approved only after they have been tested for a stable mobile signal,}}
Raising the rate of deductions to operators in the reserve of universal communication service twice. The money will go to connect villages of up to 100 residents to the Internet
On December 11, 2024, the State Duma adopted a law to increase the mandatory deductions of telecom operators to the universal service reserve from 1.2% to 2% of revenue. The new rules will come into force on January 1, 2025 and will provide the Internet with sparsely populated areas, including villages with less than 100 inhabitants.
According to Interfax, before the adoption of the new law, the annual volume of the universal service reserve was about ₽15 billion. These funds were directed to the implementation of a project to eliminate digital inequality, which provides for the organization of Internet access in settlements with a population of 100 to 500 people.
The Minister of Digital Development of Russia Maksut Shadayev stressed the need to connect settlements with less than a hundred inhabitants to the Internet, especially in the border zones. He noted that this is important for territories where special regimes operate, schools do not work for various reasons, and there is a need for distance learning.
According to the new version of the law "On Communications," the reserve funds will be used to create fiber-optic communication lines to settlements, the list of which will be determined by the Russian government. The upper bar for the number of residents in settlements to be connected has been increased to 1000 people.
Additional funds are also planned to be used to promote the development and implementation of promising technologies, including the development of the necessary material and technical base. The calculation of deductions will not include the income of operators from joining and passing traffic.
The law provides for the expansion of the list of facilities for financing from the reserve of universal service. After approval by the State Duma, the document was sent to the Federation Council for further consideration. The implementation of the new provisions of the law will significantly expand the availability of the Internet in sparsely populated areas of Russia.[1][2][3][4]
Internet connection to more than 4.7 thousand villages and villages
In 2023 voice communication mobile internet , 2,853 small settlements throughout received reliable and high-speed to the country - "" Rostelecom summed up the results of the second stage of the project. Addressing Digital Inequality (Draft CSP 2.0) Rostelecom announced this on February 15, 2024. The project is being implemented in accordance with a contract Ministry of Digital Development of Russia with Rostelecom.
In total, from 2021, when the second stage of the project started, high-quality mobile coverage of standards 2G/4G already provided in 4,709 villages, villages, villages, villages and villages, in which from 100 to 500 people live. More than 17 thousand km of new fiber-optic communication lines have been laid to connect base stations, which ensures high speed of mobile Internet.
Specialists who are engaged in the construction and logistics of the UTsN 2.0 project, as always in 2023, overcame not only technical, but also natural and climatic obstacles. To represent the scale: the distance between the westernmost and easternmost points of the project is 6,589 km, and between the north and south - 3,569 km. Helicopters, all-terrain vehicles and sleds, icebreaker-class vessels and boats had to be used to deliver equipment to the installation site. The joy and sincere gratitude of residents of small villages and villages when they have mobile communications and the Internet is what really inspires all project participants to work further, "said Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom. |
Project geography:
- the westernmost point is the village of Lesnoye in the Kaliningrad region;
- the easternmost point is the national village of Enmelen in Chukotka;
- the southernmost point is the village of Medzhakh in Dagestan;
- the northernmost point is the village of Rogachevo on the island of Novaya Zemlya;
- the highest-altitude base station is the village of Hebatli in Dagestan (2,035 m above sea level);
- the most remote point from the administrative center of the region is the national village of Ust-Avam on Taimyr, it is located 1,673 km from Krasnoyarsk.
In 2023, the implementation of the UCP 2.0 project in the Murmansk and Sakhalin regions was successfully completed. There, mobile services are already available in 100% of rural settlements from 100 to 500 people.
The list of settlements where base stations are installed is determined by the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia on the basis of open voting, which is carried out, among other things, on the Public services portal. The list of settlements already connected to the project is available on the Rostelecom website. The address list for 2024 according to the results of the vote is already ready - it includes 1,481 settlements. And by 2030, mobile communications should appear in 24 thousand settlements.
Mobile operator Tele2 acts as a competence center in the Rostelecom group of companies for the implementation of the UCP 2.0 project: it conducts radio frequency planning, coordinates construction and commissioning work on base stations.
In the most remote and inaccessible territories of the country, where laying ground-based fiber-optic lines is technically impossible, satellite communication, organized with the participation of RTCOMM, is used as an exception to connect base stations. In total, in 2023, 82 base stations were connected through satellite channels in the settlements of the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Districts, the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Tuva, Trans-Baikal, Kamchatsky, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Amur, Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Magadan, Murmansk, Tomsk and Tyumen Regions.
For the first time in 2023, Rostelecom, at the request of other mobile operators, provided them with the opportunity to provide services to their subscribers at base stations built under the UTSN 2.0 project.
Construction plan for base stations in 55 villages
In the Republic Tatarstan , work continues on. addressing digital inequalities This was Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development) reported on May 23, 2023. According to the program, base stations are installed in small settlements, where from 100 to 500 people live and where previously completely absent and. voice communication In mobile internet 2022, PJSC "" Rostelecom launched 43 base stations in small settlements in Tatarstan. Local residents gained access to a high-speed mobile to the Internet standard 4G and to voice communication.
In 2023, Rostelecom plans to build stations in 55 more villages. In May 2023, 47 objects passed the approval stage, 9 supports have already been installed.
How exactly residents of small settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan use the appeared communication, analyzed the mobile operator Tele2. It turned out that residents of villages and villages spend more time online than talking on the phone. The most "rocking" turned out to be the village of Semiozerka, Vysokogorsky district. Per month, villagers spend 26.7 GB per subscriber, and voice calls account for about 18 minutes per month. The second among the most Internet-active villages was Novy Musabai of the Tukaevsky district, here 16 GB of traffic and 14 minutes of conversations per subscriber. The top three in terms of mobile Internet consumption also included the village of Verkhnyaya Oshma in the Mamadysh district, where 1658 GB are downloaded monthly.
Also in the top ten most Internet-active small settlements were Maltsevo of the Elabuga district (1598 GB), Suksu of the Vysokogorsky district (1459 GB), Shadchi of the Mamadysh district (1347 GB), Tashly of the Bavlinsky district (1330 GB), Toiguzino of the Mendeleevsky district (1312 GB), Udmurt Tashly of the Bavlinsky district (1330 GB), Charlie KUkmorsky district (1240).
According to the latest data from Tele2, each subscriber of Tatarstan uses an average of 10.5 GB of mobile Internet every month. That is, the residents of Seven and New Musabai turned out to be more active users than the average resident of the republic.
The operator of the program is Rostelecom. Tele2, a member of Rostelecom, acts as a competence center, prepares technical solutions and implements them.
Launch of 34 base stations in the mountainous regions of Dagestan
Rostelecom"" will build and launch 34 base stations mobile communication in mountainous Dagestan areas by the end of March 2023. They will appear during the second stage of the implemented Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation project addressing digital inequalities in small and remote settlements. Within the framework of the so-called "UTSN 2.0," the high-altitude territories of the republic will receive the current one, mobile communication including by internet access technology (). This was LTE 4G announced by Rostelecom on October 27, 2022.
In Dagestan, there are many remote, inaccessible mountain villages where commercial ones providers are in no hurry to come: there are few consumers and those investments invested in communication will not pay off. On the other hand, remote work formats studies,,, and telemedicine banking simply online communication with relatives and friends in these villages are in demand even more than in cities. It is necessary that in any settlement of Dagestan there are equal opportunities for access information to resources. And this opportunity authorities gives residents, and, and business. state The implementation of the Federal Program "Elimination of Digital Inequality" creates conditions for both economic development individual districts and the whole. Republics Digital format, constructions land accounting, systems, " cloudy transport Smart, safe cities" - all this can be developed on the basis of finished, fiber-optic transport infrastructure noted Sergey Melikov, Head of the Republic of Dagestan.
telecommunication infrastructures Rostelecom will build facilities in 17 districts of Dagestan. Together with high-mountain villages, the project list also includes a settlement in the flat Tarumovsky district. Base stations will provide mobile communications to residents of settlements with a population of 100-500 people. The installation of equipment under the UTSN 2.0 project will take place in those territories where there was no previous one at all cellular communications and where it is to operators not cost-effective to develop it commercially.
The project "UTSN 2.0" started in Dagestan recently. A list of settlements in the region has already been determined. The construction of optical infrastructure for future communication stations is underway, four highland villages have already been covered: Unchukatl and Khuna Laksky, Bakhmakhi Sergokalinsky and Ayalakab of Levashinsky districts. The company is laying cables at distances of different distances of their installation places from the existing network, built as part of the first stage of the project "Eliminate digital inequality." There are even sections from 10 to 41 km long, for example, to the village of Mashatdy, Kaitag district. By the end of November 2022, fiber-optic infrastructure will be built to all 34 settlements and the installation of base stations will begin, told Ruslan Yarakhmedov, director of the Dagestan branch of PJSC Rostelecom.
In April 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media RUSSIAN FEDERATION () Ministry of Digital Development Russia and Rostelecom signed an agreement expanding the agreement on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services. In accordance with it, the company began the implementation of the second stage of the UCP 2.0 project. Until 2030, mobile communications will be available in 24,000 settlements. countries
In the current conditions, it is especially important to continue the digitalization of all sectors of the economy and the social and state sphere. The Company actively continues all our initiatives and commitments, including the implementation of a state project to eliminate digital inequality in the southern regions of the country. Internet and communication for the population, automated systems for the state and business, work with big data, cybersecurity and other areas of the digital sphere become the foundation for the development of the economy and well-being of the territories. The company has long been systematically engaged in replacing Western solutions with Russian developments, most of which were tested in many regions of Russia and are already working effectively both within the framework of integrated platforms and local solutions. noted Sergey Mordasov, vice president of Rostelecom in the South.
Launch of 13 base stations in Smolensk region
On September 30, 2022, the Press Service of the deputy State Dumas RUSSIAN FEDERATION Anton Nemkin announced that during the implementation of the second stage of the federal project elimination of digital inequality (SCP 2.0) PJSC "" Rostelecom announced the commissioning of another 13 base stations in, Smolensk region three of which have already begun full-fledged work. Each tower transmits data over the radio channel at a speed of up to 50 Mbps within a radius of one kilometer. The targeted plan of the program for constructions 2022 was formed on the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia basis votes of residents of the region, held in the second half of 2021 on. Public Services Portal
In April 2021, Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation and PJSC Rostelecom signed an agreement expanding the agreement on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services. In accordance with it, the company has launched the second stage of the project "Eliminating digital inequality" (UCP 2.0), which provides for the organization of mobile networks communications in small inhabited places (with a population of 100 to 500 people). In total, by 2030, mobile communications should become available in more than 24,000 villages, villages and towns.
After the base stations are put into operation and the necessary equipment is connected to settlements where there are no sales offices, Rostelecom specialists will leave to draw up contracts and issue SIM cards. The project competence center is the mobile operator Tele2 (a subsidiary of Rostelecom).
Ruslan Yusupov, director of the Smolensk branch of Rostelecom PJSC, said that the new base stations will provide communication for about two and a half thousand people living in remote parts of the Smolensk region.
Residents of 13 settlements will be able to use all the advantages of mobile communications, including high-speed Internet access via LTE (4G) technology, - Ruslan Yusupov emphasized. |
The list of settlements of the Perm Territory has also been published on the Public services portal, where cellular communications and mobile Internet of the 4G (LTE) standard will be carried out as a priority by the end of 2022. According to the results of the vote, within the framework of the federal project "Elimination of digital inequality," residents of 57 villages and villages will receive access to digital services. The list was compiled on the basis of the choice of Permians who took part in the voting, which was carried out on the portal at the end of 2021.
I want to note that the percentage of the population with access to digital services is growing annually. Thus, 97.5% of residents of Prikamye are provided with cellular communications. In the next three years, we must install all the necessary infrastructure in settlements from 100 to 500 people and continue to reduce the number of "white spots" on roads. Communication is not only comfort, but also safety, - said the head of the region. |
The federal coordinator of ER the federal project "Digital Russia," a member State of the Committee of the Duma of the Russian Federation on Information Policy, information technology and Communications Anton Nemkin , said that close work to eliminate digital inequality is carried out not only in individual regions - the project is designed for everything. Russia
The government of the Perm Territory, like many other regions, is actively working to solve this communication problem, which completely does not meet the requirements of life in the 21st century. In addition to life support and security issues, the elimination of digital inequality also solves another problem: after all, in sparsely populated and remote areas, there are many children who need to create equal opportunities for development and receipt. formations 85 coordinators of Digital Russia, selected in each region, will also take part in the work to create the most comfortable conditions for the implementation of the UCP program and promptly solve emerging problems, the parliamentarian stressed. |
Plan for providing mobile Internet to 4,000 residents of the Chelyabinsk region
National provider "" Rostelecom until the end of 2022 will provide mobile Internet voice communication and more than 4,000 residents of small inhabited points. This was Chelyabinsk region announced on September 7, 2022. Ministry of Digital Development of the Chelyabinsk Region Construction infrastructure is carried out as part of the implementation of the second stage of the project. elimination of digital inequality (CTN 2.0)
The program provides for the emergence of high-quality mobile Internet cellular communications and standards/in LTE4G small settlements with a population of 100 to 500 inhabitants. The availability of telecommunication services opens up the opportunity for the population to receive, distance education use telemedicine and other digital services, as well as send online appeals to the authorities.
{{quote 'author=said Igor Fetisov, Minister of Information Technologies, Communications and Digital Development of Chelyabinsk Region. | By 2030, up to 97% of households should be provided with broadband Internet access. This is one of the main indicators of the national goal "Digital Transformation." The program "Elimination of digital inequality" in conjunction with other infrastructure projects of the Chelyabinsk region brings us closer to achieving this goal,}}
Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Mikhail Sergeyev, director of Chelyabinsk branch of PJSC Rostelecom.
Base stations will appear in Argayashsky, Etkulsky, Kartalinsky, Kizilsky, Kunashaksky, Nyazepetrovsky, Plastovsky, Satkinsky, Sosnovsky, Troitsky, Uvelsky and Chebarkulsky districts, as well as in the Verkhneufaleisky urban district of the Chelyabinsk region. Work on the construction of facilities will be completed in December 2022.
The towers are connected via fiber-optic communication lines, which provides high-speed mobile data transmission, and also allows a significant increase in the coverage of the country's settlements with digital infrastructure.
Mobile operator Tele2 (a subsidiary of Rostelecom) acts as a competence center: it agrees on a design solution, plans a network architecture, accepts sites and supplies equipment for construction.
Launch of a base station in the village of Shilovo, Pskov region
On October 5, 2021, Rostelecom announced that it had put into test operation the first base station in the North-Western Federal District (NWFD), built as part of the second stage of the digital inequality elimination project (UCP 2.0). The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Media of Russia) and Rostelecom, it provides for the appearance of mobile communications in small settlements (from 100 to 500 residents), including high-speed Internet access using LTE (4G) technology.
Cellular communication appeared in the village of Shilovo, Pskov region, where about 300 people live in October 2021. Representatives of the administration of the Pskov region, "Rostelecom," municipal bodies, as well as local residents took part in the solemn launch of the base station.
In 2021, in the North-West, the largest volume of construction is planned just in the Pskov region. By the end of the year, base stations will operate in 12 villages in the region. UCP 2.0 is a large-scale social project designed to provide the population of villages with digital services. The significance of this project is difficult to overestimate. Public services, telemedicine, educational and entertainment content - all this becomes available to people living in remote areas, - said Alexander Loginov, vice president and director of the North-West MRF PJSC Rostelecom. |
Six regions of the North-West take part in the UTSN 2.0 project in 2021: Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov regions and the Komi Republic. Mobile communications by the end of the year will appear in 37 settlements of these subjects.
Next year it is planned to install another 30 base stations in the region. Thanks to the support of Prime Minister RFMikhail Mishustin, 200 million rubles have been allocated from the federal budget for these purposes. We expect that by the end of 2022, 90% of residents of the Pskov region will have access to high-quality mobile communications, which are very much expected in the village, - said the Governor of the Pskov Region Mikhail Vedernikov. |
In April 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia and Rostelecom signed an agreement expanding the agreement on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services. In accordance with it, the company began the implementation of the second stage of the UCP project. In total, by 2030, mobile communications should become available in more than 24,000 settlements of the country.
Base stations are connected mainly to fiber-optic communication lines, which ensures data transmission at high speed, and also allows a significant increase in the coverage of the country's settlements with digital infrastructure. Base stations use, among other things, a radio frequency range of 2,300-2,400 MHz - this provides a high mobile data transmission rate.
Completion of the network construction in 140 settlements of 23 regions
On September 16, 2021, Rostelecom announced the completion of the construction of base stations in 140 settlements in 23 regions as part of the second stage of the project to eliminate digital inequality (UTSN 2.0). The project is being implemented Ministry of Digital Development Russia and Rostelecom, it provides for the emergence of mobile communications, including high-speed Internet access using LTE (4G) technology, in small settlements (from 100 to 500 residents). By the end of 2021, mobile communications will appear in 1,198 villages, villages and villages.
For small settlements, the emergence of mobile communications is an important and long-awaited event. People dreamed of this for years, but it was not possible to build base stations there on general commercial conditions - there are few consumers and investments will not pay off. Therefore, the social significance of the project to eliminate digital inequality cannot be overestimated. With the help of state communications services that open access to the digital world will appear in small, remote and inaccessible villages and villages. There, even more than in cities, you need opportunities for distance learning, telemedicine, online banking, and simple communication with family and friends in instant messengers or social networks. Regardless of distances and inaccessibility, everyone should have equal digital opportunities, "said Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom . |
Among the settlements where mobile communication is already available is the village of Turnaevo in the Bolotnikovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. Far beyond its borders, a monument of wooden architecture is known - the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The single-throne church has a height of 29 meters and seven domes. It is believed that it was built by an artel from Perm without a single nail. Numerous guests come to get acquainted with the monument, who will now definitely be in touch and will be able to easily share photos of the attraction on social networks.
The first base stations were also launched in the homeland of the architects of the Turnaev church - in the Perm Territory. So far, the northernmost point of the region, whose residents received mobile communications, is the village of Serva, Komi-Permyatsky District, Komi-Permyatsky District. Including in those parts such an artistic phenomenon as Perm wooden sculpture was born. The "Perm Gods" have no analogues in Orthodox culture, where volumetric images of saints are prohibited. On the territory of the Komi-Permyatsky district, more than 200 best samples of Perm wooden sculpture were collected, which are available in museums in Perm, Kudymkar and other cities.
In April 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Media of Russia) and Rostelecom signed an agreement expanding the agreement on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services. In accordance with it, the company began the implementation of the second stage of the UCP 2.0 project. In total, by 2030, mobile communications should become available in more than 24,000 settlements of the country.
Base stations are planned to be connected mainly by fiber-optic communication lines, which will ensure data transmission at high speed, as well as significantly increase the coverage of the country's settlements with digital infrastructure. Base stations will also use a radio frequency range of 2,300-2,400 MHz, which will provide a high mobile data transfer rate.
Mobile operator Tele2 (a subsidiary of Rostelecom) acts as a competence center: agrees on a design solution, plans network architecture, accepts sites and supplies equipment for network construction.
Start of the second stage of the project to eliminate digital inequality
Rostelecom"" On April 14, 2021, it announced the start of the implementation of the second stage a project to eliminate digital inequality constructions in the village of mobile base stations. communications
The project includes the organization of mobile networks in small towns (from 100 to 500 people).
By the end of 2021, fourth-generation mobile communications (4G/LTE) will appear in 1,198 Russian villages, villages and villages. Both mobile voice and high-speed wireless internet will be available to residents . In total, by 2030, mobile communications should become available in more than 24 thousand settlements of the country.
We consider it important not only to create a technical opportunity to use mobile services, but also to solve related issues. In the village for 100 inhabitants, as a rule, there is no communication salon, but the issuance of a SIM card and the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of services are possible only upon presentation of a passport. Specialists will travel to all settlements where base stations are launched to draw up contracts and issue SIM cards. If you have a SIM card around the clock and free of charge (even with a zero and negative balance), calls will be available to emergency operational services and to numbers determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, for example, to short number 122 - a hotline for assistance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Expanding the project to address digital inequality is a time requirement. Regardless of the distances and inaccessibility of the settlement, citizens of our country should have equal digital opportunities. The emergence of mobile communications and wireless Internet is a very important and necessary step towards improving the quality of life in the countryside, "said Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom. |
Base stations are planned to be connected mainly by fiber-optic communication lines, which will ensure data transmission at high speed, as well as significantly increase the coverage of the country's settlements with optical infrastructure. Base stations will also use a radio frequency range of 2,300-2,400 MHz, which will provide a high mobile data transfer rate, as shown by field tests.
Mobile operator Tele2 (a subsidiary of Rostelecom) acts as a competence center: agrees on a design solution and forms a task for contractors, plans network architecture, accepts sites and supplies equipment for network construction.
The first pilot base station within the framework of the UTSN 2.0 project was launched in March 2021 in the village of Redkoye, Nazyvaevsky District, Omsk Region. Thanks to her, mobile communications appeared in neighboring settlements. In the course of public testing, the speed of mobile Internet in the village reached 50 megabits per second, which is enough not only for Internet access, but also for reliable video communication, distance learning or telemedicine. In urban settings, where there is a lot of interference for radio waves, such mobile data rates are not always available.
2015: Change of Contractor
On November 17, 2015, it became known about the change of the general contractor Rostelecom for the project of connecting Russian villages to. to the Internet The former participant in the All-Russian broadband access building received about one third of a billion for his services. rubles
As Vedomosti writes with reference to documents published on the Rostelecom website, the operator is changing the contractor for the construction of communication networks as part of the project "Elimination of Digital Inequality" (UTsN): instead of LLC "Energy Efficiency Center," an agreement with which until 2019 was concluded in May 2014, Transproectengineering LLC was chosen.
Rostelecom paid the CEF for the work that it managed to complete in a year, about 340 million rubles out of 61.5 billion rubles planned for the UCP project. Thus, the amount of Rostelecom's contract with Transproectengineering will amount to 61.15 billion rubles. Despite the change of contractor, the terms of the contract have not changed, although the macroeconomic situation has worsened, Valery Kostarev, a representative of Rostelecom, told the publication.
According to him, the reason for choosing another executor of the UCP project is related to the scheme of its financing. The operator pays only 20% of the cost of work in advance, and transfers 80% of the amount after they are completed. CEF, as a subsidiary of two state corporations, is very limited in the freedom to attract borrowed capital, especially in a crisis. After changing the macroeconomic situation, the CEF was looking for a partner who could raise the necessary funds himself. One of the conditions of the partner was the transfer to him of rights and obligations under an agreement with Rostelecom.
Valery Kostarev claims that Rostelecom was pleased with the quality of the execution of the contract by the CEF, even managed to overfulfill the plan. The change of contractor should not prevent the delivery of the next parts of the project on time, the representative of the state operator hopes.[5]
2014: Project Start
In 2014, Rostelecom was appointed the sole executor of the project "Eliminating Digital Inequality" (UCP), the purpose of which is to build in Russia one of the world's largest fiber-optic communication networks for organizing high-speed Internet access in more than 13.6 thousand small towns and villages with a population of 250 to 500 people. It is planned that by 2018 a network with a total length of 200 thousand km will be deployed in an area with a total population of 33 million people. Access to the Internet will receive schools, hospitals, post offices, various government agencies, etc.
In May 2014, Rostelecom chose Energy Efficiency Center LLC (CEF, a joint venture of Rosatom and Inter RAO Group) as the general contractor for the UCP project. Among the key requirements for the contestants were experience in building communication infrastructure and special personnel.
- ↑ State Duma increased deductions to the reserve of universal communication services to 2%
- ↑ [ of Shadayev's
- ↑ revenue
- ↑ : operator deductions will allow connecting points of up to 100 residents to communication]
- ↑ Rostelecom changes the contractor for the project of connecting villages to the Internet