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Yandex Data Analysis School (SHAD)





The Yandex School of Data Analysis is a free two-year program for students and developers who want to become leading experts in the field of Data Science. Already during training, SHAD students are immersed in real tasks and create significant projects that change the future: from the development of an algorithm capable of predicting abnormal natural phenomena, to the treatment of oncology, the development of unmanned vehicles and reducing the carbon footprint.


2024: Start of student recruitment

In early April 2024, recruitment to the School of Analysis starts. In 2024, the data Yandex School plans to recruit more than 400 students - a third more than in 2023. SAD trains specialists in the field machine learning and analysis, the data demand for which is constantly growing due to the development of technology. This was AI Yandex announced on April 2, 2024.

Machine learning solutions determine the development of services and products in various. industries economies Therefore, the demand for specialists who create artificial intelligence technologies and are engaged in fundamental research in this area is increasing. The School of Data Analysis is increasing the number of its students to provide an additional influx of ML professionals into the job market.

Among those who conduct classes at SHAD are experts in the industry: university teachers, researchers, current Yandex employees. Students are taught big data infrastructure and analysis, machine learning, and the introduction of artificial intelligence into applied science.

Yandex is the creator of its own AI models: YandexGPT and YandexArt. Training more specialists in this area is a logical way to share our expertise and experience. We solve this problem, including with the help of SHAD, - said Darya Kozlova, director of education at Yandex.

The company also develops partner training programs in universities. According to Daria Kozlova, 2026 thousand students will study on them by 12.

In addition to expanding enrollment, the SHAD in 2024 will enable the best applicants to enter according to the results of the full-time Olympiad. Acceptance of applications begins on April 1 and will last until May 12. The competition in the SHAD is traditionally high - usually 17 people per seat.

According to an internal study by Yandex, 63% of SHAD graduates, after training, changed their place of work to a more interesting one, every fourth is engaged in science, and every sixth starts their own business or startup after a while. 83% of respondents believe that they received all the necessary knowledge at the School for a successful career in data analysis and machine learning.

SHAD graduates are in demand in various areas of business: banks, e-commerce, advertising, streaming services, education, transport, food tech and more.


Opening of the Shad space in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg The space of the School of Data Analysis (SHAD) has opened in. The company Yandex announced this on December 6, 2023. The space is located in the Ferrum business center, next to the St. Petersburg office of Yandex. This is the second to the country in the SHAD site, which will become a center for the training and attraction of specialists in. By AI 2026, the SHAD intends to produce 700 high-class ML specialists, of which up to 200 people will undergo training in. St. Petersburg

In addition to the main program of classes for students of the School of Data Analysis, for the first time in the history of the SHAD, open lectures on AI, intensives and workshops from leading teachers of the School and Yandex experts, hackathons for development, competitions in machine learning and algorithms will be held on the newly opened site. Not only students of the SHAD will be able to take part in them, but also everyone who is interested in the field of AI and the possibilities of its application.

Students and guests of the SHAD will also be able to work together on educational projects in the field of Data Science, Big Data Infrastructure and AI in applied sciences: from forecasting stock quotes and natural anomalies to preserving Red Book animals using neural networks.

"We see that every year the demand for training at the SHAD is growing. This year, for example, the competition for correspondence training reached record values ​ ​ - 37 people per place, - said Alexey Tolstikov, head of the SHAD. - So that more students and specialists who are deeply interested in ML can get access to high-quality knowledge, we decided to create another platform - an open place for comfortable learning and development, implementation of ideas. Opening the doors of the SHAD, we share our expertise with everyone who wants to delve into artificial intelligence technologies and learn more about neural networks. "

In the SHAD space that opened in St. Petersburg, it will be possible not only to study, but also to spend your free time comfortably - a library with popular ML and Sci-Fi books, as well as entertainment areas with movie screenings, is organized for guests and students.


As of December 2023, SHAD has 5 branches in large cities of Russia and 1 in Belarus, as well as an absentee department. Since 2007, the SHAD has been replenishing the industry with the strongest experts - during this time 1,441 people graduated from the School.