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Aquarius PC Aquarius



Revenue millions Ths. rub



+ Aquarius

Performance indicators

2024: Reaching production capacity of 2 million devices per year

By September 2025, Aquarius reached a production capacity of 2 million devices per year and plans to further increase production volumes. The company intends to increase production to 2.5 million units of equipment annually by the end of 2025, which reflects the growing demand for domestic computer equipment.

According to TASS, Oleg Marin, Deputy Director of the Aquarius Product Directorate, spoke about the company's production indicators and plans. "Aquarius" specializes in the development of hardware platforms for various services and works mainly in the regulated market, serving state customers, authorities and large companies with state participation.

source = Aquarius
Production of Aquarius products

The company pays special attention to the information security of its products. Marin stressed that all Aquarus products initially include information protection tools or opportunities for their expansion at the development stage. This makes the company's products especially attractive for critical information infrastructure facilities, including in the transport industry.

The production sites of Aquarius are located in Shuy and Tver, which allows the company to produce a wide range of products, including laptops, all-in-ones, servers, data storage systems and telecommunications equipment.

The growth of Aquarus production reflects the general trend in the development of the Russian electronics market. According to the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics, the market size is estimated at ₽6,1 trillion, and the share of domestic products is gradually increasing.

Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia predicts that by 2030 the share of domestic products in the electronics market will reach 70%, and the total market volume will grow to ₽6,3 trillion. This is facilitated by significant investments in the development of production facilities. In addition to Aquarius, companies such as Yadro Fplus ICL are also increasing their production capabilities. "[1]

2020: Revenue growth by 113.6% to RUB 22.80 billion incl. VAT

The revenue of the Aquarius group of companies at the end of 2020 amounted to 22.80 billion rubles with VAT. This is 113.6% more than in 2019, when the group of companies raised 10.67 billion rubles with VAT. This allowed her to take 25th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021. This "Aquarius" reported TAdviser on April 30, 2021.

Aquarius doubled its revenue in 2020
Photo story:

In 2020, the Aquarius company increased production capacity from 400 thousand to 800 thousand devices per year due to the commissioning of additional workshops with a modern belt conveyor and high-speed surface and pin installation lines. Earlier, Aquarius already manufactured a number of motherboards for its products, memory modules, specialized controllers, and trusted loading modules at the Shui plant. The modernization of production allowed the company to install most of the motherboards (including server boards) at its enterprise, as well as double production volumes.

In 2020, the company produced more than 17 thousand servers, 94% of which are of its own design. The number of personal computers produced amounted to 143 thousand units, which is 47% more than in 2019. According to Aquarius estimates, the company's share in the Russian PC market was 2.43%, in the server market - 12%.

2020 brought challenges for the entire industry, companies around the world were forced to rebuild, logistics look for new ways to organize workflows, change plans and look for new sales markets. financial Our results showed that we chose the right strategy: we had extensive plans to expand production, and we implemented them in full despite the pandemic COVID-19 and a number of other adverse factors. We have doubled the staff of engineers developing motherboards software and devices, including using domestic "" processors and Elbrus"." Baikal Thus, the company laid the foundation for growth in the future, and I am sure that in 2021 and in the next we will continue to grow faster than the market,
comments by Vladimir Stepanov, President of the Aquarius Group of Companies.

The most significant contribution to the revenue growth of Aquarius in 2020 was achieved through the implementation of large state contracts, including the production of 256 thousand tablet computers for Rostelecom, a partner of Rosstat at the All-Russian Population Census 2020-2021. As part of the implementation of the national project "Healthcare," the company "Aquarius" provided the production of more than 33 thousand computers for regional health authorities and supplied more than 13 thousand units of computer equipment as part of public procurement related to the national project "Education."

The most significant contribution to the growth of Aquarius revenue in 2020 was achieved through the fulfillment of large state contracts

Aquarius expects a further increase in orders from large Russian corporations state companies and, in particular, as part of the implementation of the program for the transfer of facilities critical information infrastructure to the Russian equipment. According to plans, by Ministry of Digital Development of Russia 2024, companies and structures belonging to this category - including oil and gas sector power large ones - banks should begin to use Russian-made computers (except when foreign equipment cannot be replaced with a domestic analogue). During the reporting period, Aquarius obtained opinions Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia on more than 10 units of branded products, including proprietary motherboards, servers tablets laptops, graphics stations and other products. All of these devices are approved for use at critical facilities. information infrastructure



Transition of the company from LLC to JSC

In October 2024, Aquarius turned from LLC into JSC. This is evidenced by the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL).

Aquarius transformed Aquarius Group LLC into the same name JSC, which became the successor in the reorganization in the form of transformation, "for more flexible corporate governance," Aleksei Kalinin, chairman of the board of directors of Aquarius, explained to Interfax.

It will also help to make our activities more transparent, here we also want to be in the trend of best management practices, "he added.

Agreement on the supply of servers to the public sector of Vietnam

The Russian manufacturer of computer equipment "Aquarius" has reached an agreement on the supply of server equipment to the state sector of Vietnam. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2025. This became known in mid-October 2024.

According to Vedomosti, the chairman of the board of directors of Aquarius Aleksei Kalinin confirmed his work with the Vietnamese side. According to him, the company is also considering cooperation with partners in Nigeria, the Philippines, South Africa, Congo and other countries.

source = Aquarius
Aquarius entered into an agreement on the supply of servers for the public sector of Vietnam

Pham Thi Xuan, director of the Institute for Sustainable Development and the Digital Economy of Vietnam, confirmed the interest of the country's authorities in partnering with Aquarius. She noted the importance of Russia's role as Vietnam's partner in the field of information technology and interest in the development of high technologies that are impossible without modern server equipment.

Aquarius specializes in the production of a wide range of computer equipment, including personal computers, servers, storage systems and switches. The company has production facilities in Tver and Shuya (Ivanovo region) and is actively working in the B2B segment, supplying solutions to state customers.

According to estimates by the analytical company Univdatos, the server market in Vietnam in 2022 was estimated at $165 million, with a projected annual growth of about 14% until 2030. However, experts note that the Russian company will have to face fierce competition from Chinese manufacturers already present in the Vietnamese market.

Kirill Semion, General Director of the National Competence Center for Holding Information Management Systems, believes that the success of Aquarius in the Asian market will depend on an accurate assessment of the specifics of the markets of specific countries and the working conditions for them.[2]

TAdviser interview with Vice President of Operations Sergey Kornyakov

Russian electronics manufacturers are developing more rapidly than ever. In the absence of foreign competitors, domestic IT companies are intensively increasing efforts to develop business and production capacities, opening their own development centers. The period of sanctions pressure requires not only an increase in the technical capabilities of companies, but also the active participation of highly qualified personnel. The questions of the TAdviser editorial board are answered by Sergey Kornyakov, vice president of operations at Aquarius. Read more here.

Jonathan Sparrow's appointment as company adviser

In August 2024, it became known that Aquarius had attracted Jonathan Sparrow to manage the company. As the representative of the group clarified to Vedomosti, Jonathan Sparrow is an adviser to the shareholders of the holding company AK Holding, which also includes the Aquarius group of companies. This is a new position in the holding, Sparrow's entry into work does not in any way affect the structure or the staff of the holding and its member companies, the representative of Aquarius emphasized. Read more here.

The court ordered Aquarius to pay 153 million rubles to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation due to the departure of Dell from Russia

The Moscow Arbitration Court ruled that Aquarius pay the Central Bank of Russia ₽153 million in connection with the termination of technical support for data storage systems by the American company Dell, which left the Russian market in 2022. This became known on August 2, 2024 from a published court decision.

According to Kommersant, in early 2022, Aquarius entered into an agreement with the Central Bank to sell three annual certificates of technical support for Dell EMC storage systems. The total value of the contract amounted to $5.9 million in ruble equivalent at the exchange rate at the date of payment. In early February 2022, the Central Bank paid the company ₽150,5 million ($1.9 million) for the first year of service.

source = CBR
Moscow court rules on Aquarius to pay ₽153 million to the Central Bank of Russia

However, already in March 2022, Dell EMC stopped providing any services in Russia and stopped responding to requests for technical support. In May 2022, the Central Bank demanded that Aquarius either resume services under the contract or return the funds paid. The regulator believed that technical support certificates were not a product, but a service for providing access to support.

Aquarius refused to pay the funds, arguing that after the activation of the certificate, Dell EMC, and not the Russian company, is directly responsible for providing technical support. However, the court disagreed with this position, ruling that Aquarius was responsible for fulfilling its obligations under the contract.

As a result, the court decided in favor of the Central Bank, obliging Aquarius to pay ₽138,5 million of the principal debt and ₽14,6 million percent for the use of other people's money. This amount covers the period from March 2022 to January 2023, when technical support under the contract was not provided.

Representatives of "Aquarius" announced their intention to appeal the court's decision on appeal. The company believes that the court of first instance reflected only one of the two opposite positions that have developed in the current law enforcement practice.[3]

Purchase of 60% of Nemifist computer developer

Russian computer manufacturer Aquarius has acquired a controlling stake in Nemifist, a developer of gaming PCs and workstations. As a result of the transaction concluded in June 2024, Aquarius Industry received 60% of the company that owns the Nemifist trademark. The remaining shares are owned by Nemifist founder and CEO Nikolai Polishchuk (24%) and early investor Artem Kumpel (16%). Read more here

Rosatom, GS Group and Aquarius create a joint venture for the production of printed circuit boards

On June 5, 2024, information appeared that the Scientific and Production Association "Critical Information Systems" (NPO CIS), which is part of the Rosatom state corporation, the Aquarius group and the GS Group holding intend to form a joint venture (JV) for the production of full-cycle printed circuit boards. Such products will be used in a wide range of devices and equipment - from telecommunications and computing equipment to industrial automation platforms and data storage systems. Read more here.

Aquarius rushed to the consumer electronics market. More than 10 brands created

In early March 2024, it became known that the Russian manufacturer of IT equipment "Aquarius" filed applications for registration of more than 10 new brands under which it is planned to sell consumer electronics. Products will be offered on marketplaces and in online stores. Read more here.

Creating a mobile OS based on Android

On February 12, 2024, it became known that the Russian manufacturer of IT equipment "Aquarius" had begun to develop its own mobile operating system based on the open source AndroidOpen Source Project (AOSP). The platform is planned to be used on a wide range of devices for the consumer, public and commercial sectors.

According to the Kommersant newspaper "," referring to information received from knowledgeable persons, "Aquarius" plans to install its own OS on its smartphones own and tablets. In addition, it is suitable for some types of computers and another. electronic engineers The company intends to add the platform to the register, software Ministry of Digital Development which will allow it to receive preferences on public procurement.

source = Aquarius
"Aquarius" has begun to develop its own mobile operating system

As of February 12, 2024, it does not disclose investments in the Aquarius project. One of the sources among Russian electronics developers notes that creating your own mobile OS based on Android "does not take much time and money." In particular, an order from Chinese partners to assemble AOSP without Google services may require about 1 million rubles, and the term of work will be from three months. At the same time, independent work requires from 10 million rubles and at least six months. Advisor to the Director of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund Dmitry Altukhov believes that other domestic electronics manufacturers will also begin to develop their own mobile OS using the AOSP code.

However, market participants say that creating an OS based on AOSP can be dangerous, since the code is owned and controlled by American Google and can "have software bookmarks." Earlier, Rostelecom provided a legal opinion that Russian companies developing solutions based on AOSP may face civil, administrative and criminal cases due to a violation of Google's licensing agreement.[4]

Oleg Vlasov and Nadezhda Blanket - two new minority co-owners of the company

At the end of January 2024, it became known that Smart Holding LLC, which consolidates the assets of the Aquarius group of companies (GC), included two new minority co-owners. They were the vice-president of Aquarius Oleg Vlasov and Nadezhda Blanket.

According to CNews, before the organizational changes, the sole owner of Smart Holding was A-Holding, a joint-stock company owned by Alexei Kalinin and Vladimir Stepanov, chairman of the board of directors of Aquarius Group of Directors. From February 1, 2024, Vlasov and Blanket received shares in the company in the amount of 15%. Moreover, Blanket previously owned a stake in Aquarius through Smart Technologies: thus, her inclusion in the holding company completes the restructuring of the group's property.

source = Aquarius
Smart Holding LLC includes two new minority co-owners
Oleg Vlasov is a long-time partner whose contribution to the business of Aquarius for a long time resulted in a share of ownership, says Kalinin.

In November 2023, information appeared that Aquarius and Smart Technologies, which were previously part of Smart Holding (until December 2021 - the National Computer Corporation, or NCC) will continue to work as independent structures. On November 11, 2023, the assets of the Aquarius Group of Companies were transferred to A-Holding, whose general director is Vladimir Dunaytsev.

According to Kalinin, thanks to the restructuring, the new structure "will allow responding to any requests and challenges from the industry, market and economy, and maintain the necessary speed of development of the group of companies." Aquarius plans to organize its own development and production of equipment, the parallel import of which has risen in price. At the same time, an expansion of the staff is being prepared, which will be replenished with about 100 new employees.[5]

Opening of software development centers for smartphones

At the end of January 2024, Aquarius announced the opening of two development centers in Russia. One of them is located in St. Petersburg (there is automation of testing software for server management), the other in Nizhny Novgorod (specialists in the field of software development for mobile devices work there).

The St. Petersburg R&D Center employs a group of employees of the Department of Automation and Quality Assurance of Software Products. Aquarius planned to expand the team and hire employees who automate the testing of other system software.

"Aquarius" announced the opening of two development centers in Russia

Until the end of 2024, it is planned to automate the maximum possible number of processes in the center of St. Petersburg to increase the accuracy and speed of work. The task of the team is to arrange the process so that from the moment the product is assembled to the issuance of a report on its quality, the intervention of the engineer is required only in cases where it is impossible to do without it.

By the end of January 2024, a team of 25 people was working in Nizhny Novgorod, which was developing the entire software stack for PDAs and Aquarius tablets based on the Android and Aurora OS. By the end of 2024, it is planned to significantly increase the number of center engineers and attract new employees in the development of system software, OS, equipment, performance and power consumption research.

The Nizhny Novgorod office is creating a UI shell, a wide range of libraries, services and applications, as a result of which it is planned to create an adapted OS for Aquarius mobile devices.

By January 2024, the company has three development centers: in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Its production complexes are located in Shuya (Ivanovo region) and Tver, and 250 service centers operate in 135 cities of Russia.[6]

Central Bank demands 165 million rubles from Aquarius due to Dell's departure from Russia

On January 19, 2024, it became known that it Central Bank of Russia (CB) had sued the manufacturer of domestic computing equipment and IT solutions "PC Aquarius." The reason for the proceedings was the failure to fulfill the agreement on the provision of technical support for the equipment of the company, Dell which left the Russian market due to the current geopolitical situation.

According to CNews, the claims are related to the contract for the transfer of technical support certificates for software manufactured by Dell EMS. Under this agreement, PC Aquarius acted as a certificate seller. However, in fact, support services were not provided to the Central Bank for several months of 2022, since Dell curtailed its activities in the Russian Federation. On this basis, the Central Bank requires PC Aquarius to return unjust enrichment in the amount of 138.6 million rubles, as well as pay interest for the use of other people's funds from March 2, 2022 to December 29, 2023 in the amount of 26.3 million rubles. Thus, in total, the plaintiffs want to receive 164.9 million rubles.

Central Bank sued "PC Aquarius"

The company "PC Aquarius" does not agree with the claims against it. She declares that she is responsible only for the transfer of goods (technical support certificates), while the obligation to properly provide services lies entirely with the copyright holder. Thus, PC Aquarius believes, the Russian representative office of Dell should respond to the lawsuit.

It is noted that in May 2022, the Moscow Arbitration Court arrested over 778 million rubles in the accounts of Dell LLC, the Russian daughter of the American corporation. The decision was made at the suit of the system integrator Talmer. In addition, accusations against Dell in connection with non-fulfillment of obligations were put forward by the Russian authorities, as well as Sberbank[7]


Evolution of HR: from the operational routine to the center of organizational development

Digitalization has changed the face of the traditional human resources department, turning it into a corporate human resources management service. The Aquarius group of companies told TAdviser how the HR Directorate has become a real driver of serious organizational changes. Read more here.

Presentation of the line of client devices to the head of the EMERCOM of Russia

As part of his working visit, the head MINISTRY OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Russia Alexander Kurenkov visited the production logistic complex of the Aquarius group of companies, Tver which was opened a year earlier. The ministers were held on the main production lines and showed client devices produced at the enterprise: PDAs, monoblocks, - laptop transformer tablets and Aquarius. The company announced this on November 30, 2023.

source = "Aquarius"

The production tour included a display of the printed circuit board surface mounting line, high voltage electrical safety checks, as well as a conveyor assembly line for client devices and test benches for finished equipment. Printed circuit boards are the own development of the R&D center of the group, which were previously made only in the first production in Shui. Later, similar equipment for soldering boards of any complexity was purchased and installed in Tver as part of a project with the Industrial Development Fund. After a long training of Tver specialists by Shuy masters, the first line in Tver was established for the visit of Alexander Kurenkov.

After inspecting the production, guests were invited to the demonstration stand, where Aquarius client devices were presented: Aquarius NS M11, M12, M21 PDA; monoblocks; Aquarius Mnb Pro T904 и T907- laptop transformer;. Aquarius Cmp NS483 Execution 2 Aquarius Cmp NS208RH tablet and NS220RE All products are included in. Unified Register of Russian Radio Electronic Products Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia

All the activities of our company are aimed at achieving the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the production of computer equipment, one of the most important and most technological sectors of the domestic economy. We have a lot to offer the public sector, where information security becomes a key criterion. Based on almost 35 years of experience in the production of computer equipment and taking into account the requirements of our customers, the company is ready to create custom solutions for specific requests, including those of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, "said Alexey Kalinin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aquarius Group.

At the Aquarius plant with an area of ​ ​ 27 thousand square meters. m Tver region in is implementing a second project with the Development Fund industries for the further development of domestic production server of equipment, software and storage systems hardware systems and all types of client devices, including for use at facilities. critical information infrastructure

The son of the founder of the NCC Aleksei Kalinin became the owner of Aquarius

In mid-November 2023, information appeared that the Aquarius group, a Russian developer, manufacturer and supplier of computer equipment and IT solutions, had changed owners. Its owners were the son of the founder NCC Aleksei Kalinin and president of the group Vladimir Stepanov.

Until November 2023, the owner of Aquarius assets was Smart Holding LLC, in which a 97 percent stake belonged to Smart Technologies, and a 3 percent stake belonged to Aquarius Group of Companies LLC. Smart Technologies itself is 40% owned by Alexei Kalinin, while Oleg Kot, Nadezhda Blanket and Anton Efremov own three shares of 20% each.

Aleksei Kalinin, son of the founder of the NCC Alexander Kalinin

According to CNews, from November 11, 2023, the assets of Aquarius were transferred to A-Holding JSC. Kalinin and Stepanov own shares in this joint-stock company in different proportions. At the same time, Blanket, as part of the deal, completely leaves Smart Technologies and will focus on the Aquarius group. Cat and Efremov remain the owners of Smart Technologies. The general director of A-Holding is Vladimir Dunaytsev, who has also been the general director of the Aquarius group since November 2022.

After changing the ownership structure, Aquarius and Smart Technologies will continue to operate as independent organizations, but will carry out joint projects. The reorganization is expected to allow "flexibility to respond to any requests and challenges from the industry, market and economy and maintain the necessary speed of development of the group of companies." Smart Technologies will focus on the most promising areas of growth: the company develops and implements infrastructure solutions, provides service support for IT systems for government and corporate customers.[8]

Plans to expand electronics production for 40 billion rubles

On November 9, 2023, it became known about the decision of Aquarius to invest about 40 billion rubles in the development of the production of smartphones, laptops, tablets and other equipment, as well as in the creation of its own smart TVs, watches and speakers.

According to Kommersant, back in August 2023, the Russian company sent the Russian Gadget project to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, in which it indicated that it needed 4.5 billion rubles to increase capacity in Tver and Shuya. Aquarus is going to spend another 3 billion rubles each on entering the capital of an Asian IT developer to access technologies (which one is not specified) and a Russian distributor. The company asks to provide these funds to the state. The remaining 29.5 billion rubles will be invested in development, production and marketing.

Aquarius invests 40 billion rubles in its Russian Gadget project

As a result, Aquarius expects to occupy 20% of the laptop market and 7% each in the smartphone and tablet market in the consumer segment. Gadgets are proposed to be released on Android OS, and computers on Astra Linux OS.

According to the interlocutor of the publication, the Aquarius project looks unrealistic, perhaps the company decided to demonstrate its readiness for mass production of devices in this way. Experts interviewed by newspapers believe that the state should not invest in one specific manufacturer, but it is possible to expand lending tools to all Russian developers. electronic engineers Domestic consumer electronics should develop without targeted subsidies, states as "this makes the market uncompetitive," another source added. Kommersant

The head of RDW Technology Sergey Akopov believes that Aquarius plans to release smartphones and tablets on Android OS, since most of the Russian market is occupied by this system.[9]

Acquisition of 67.8% stake in Aerodisk

One of the developers and manufacturers of computer equipment and IT solutions of the Aquarius Group acquired 67.8% of Aerodisk, a developer and manufacturer of solutions in the field of data storage and virtualization. This "Aerodisk" reported TAdviser on June 26, 2023. Read more here.

"Aquarius" will receive a state loan of 2.26 billion rubles for the development of the production of computers and servers

The Industrial Development Fund (FRP) signed an agreement on the provision of a preferential loan to Aquarius PC for 2.26 billion rubles at 1% per annum under the Priority Projects program to launch serial production of server and computer equipment, the fund told TAdviser on June 15, 2023. The document was signed by the director of the FRP Roman Petrutsa and the president of PC "Aquarius" Vladimir Stepanov in the presence of the governor of the Tver region Igor Rudeni.

Signing an agreement on the provision of a preferential loan to Aquarius PC (photo - FRP)

As part of the funded project, Aquarius plans to launch serial assembly production of server and computer equipment under the Aquarius brand at the production complex in Tver. The new site will produce servers, all-in-ones, PCs and workstations, convertible laptops, tablet computers, smartphones and other equipment. Total investments in the project will amount to 2.85 billion rubles.

After reaching full capacity, the company plans to produce up to 1.5 million devices per year on this site. The computer and server equipment produced is primarily intended for use by employees of public and private companies, in authorities and educational institutions.

1025 jobs will be created at the Tver enterprise, of which 878 are high-performance.

FPM Director Roman Petrutsa noted that the creation of such industries is especially important for the Russian consumer market in the context of the departure of foreign brands.

The Industrial Development Fund plays a key role in the implementation of technological sovereignty projects in the electronic industry. For Aquarius, this is the second agreement with the FRP. With the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Industrial Development Fund, regional authorities and management, the new investment loan will allow Aquarius to ensure the further development of modern production of servers and computers in the Tver region, thanks to which employment, the tax base, and the technological level of the Russian radio-electronic industry as a whole will increase in the region, "said Aleksei Kalinin, chairman of the board of directors of Aquarius Group of Companies.

The agreement between the Federal Industrial Development Fund and Aquarius is of great importance for ensuring the technological sovereignty of our country in the electronic industry, - said the Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya.

Aquarius already has production in the Tver region. In 2022, it was reported that Aquarius acquired in the region a production and logistics complex with an area of ​ ​ 27 thousand square meters. m[10]. It was planned to deploy production on this site, including conveyor assembly sections, robotic assembly lines for equipment, as well as automatic assembly and installation lines for printed circuit boards. Before this transaction, the plant in Shuya, Ivanovo Region, was the company's only operating production site.

Serial production of Aquarius products at production facilities in the Tver region began in the fall of 2022. The first to come off the assembly line was a convertible laptop, capable of turning into a tablet and being controlled by touching sections of the touch screen[11].

Launch Updated Partner Program

On April 1, 2023, Aquarius launched an updated partner program that opens up additional opportunities for partners and improves the quality of interaction with customers.

The updated partner program "Aquarius" makes it possible to integrate into the changes taking place on the market and use new trends to grow your own business. Cooperation with a reliable technology supplier will strengthen partnerships, increase the number of mutually beneficial joint activities, as well as gain access to the resources and expertise of Aquarius, increase the competence of the team, increase business efficiency and bring significant financial results.

The company has been operating in the information technology market since 1989. Aquarus experts have extensive experience and have accumulated expertise in the development and operation of IT solutions. And the flexibly built production process at two production complexes in Russia, which is adapted to the needs of the market, will allow you to offer unique solutions for customers in a short time.

{{quote 'For March 2023, we are building an ecosystem of partners to create the most effective and profitable interaction. The key principle of the company is the creation of a trusting and long-term relationship. And we will make every effort to ensure that this partner program develops, evolves and adapts to the needs of the market and our partners, - said Irina Shevyakova, vice president for partner business and marketing at Aquarius. }}


Developing RISC-V Processors

On October 10, 2022, it became known about the plans of Aquarius to develop processors based on the open RISC-V architecture. The company intends to receive subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to Kommersant, back in 2021, Aquarius was "negotiating with Russian suppliers of IP blocks for RISC-V and recruiting a development team." Direct production can be organized at Zelenograd "Micron," which recently announced its intention to expand the production of chips.

Aquarius to develop processors based on the open RISC-V architecture

Aquarius confirmed work on two projects related to the development of service chips on RISC-V. As for cooperation with Micron, Aquarius believes that it will be possible to work with the plant when it has a readiness to "interact on the production of products using 90 nm technology."

According to the publication, domestic companies are switching to the development of processors on this architecture against the background of increasing technological sanctions that complicate the production of Russian microelectronics. Projects on RISC-V do not require any authorizations to develop and release electronics with this architecture.

Interest in chips on RISC-V is also shown by F + tech and Open Mobile Platform, the developer of the domestic mobile OS Aurora.

The source of the newspaper in the Russian electronics market says that in the current conditions, under which international cooperation with foreign companies (ARM, Imagination Tech, etc.) is impossible, RISC-V has become the most promising architecture for domestic chipmakers. The fact is that developments on RISC-V, as on an open architecture, do not require obtaining any permissions to develop and release electronics with this architecture, the source notes.

{{quote "Any company can download the specification for the command system available on the site and develop its own processor with it, or use ready-made implementations of RISC-V, for example, from Alibaba, published in the public domain," he added[12] }}

Server and DSS Production 3X Increase Plan

On September 20, 2022, it became known that the Aquarius group is increasing the production area of ​ ​ its plant in Shuy (Ivanovo region) by 1.5 times. The area of ​ ​ the complex is 14 thousand square meters. m and will be increased to 21 thousand square meters. m. Investments in development will amount to 1.5 billion rubles. Read more here.

Inclusion in the sanctions list of the US Treasury

On September 15, 2022, the US Treasury once again updated the Russian segment of the sanctions list, including dozens of individuals and legal entities. Among them are companies related to the development and production of microelectronics and computer technology. Read more here.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), in particular, included in the SDN (Specially Designated Nationals) list such companies as Baikal Electronics, ICST, SPC, Multiclet, Angstrom, Yadro Fab Dubna (a full-cycle plant for the production of computer equipment and telecom equipment), manufacturer of computer technology "Aquarius," International Center for Quantum Technologies.

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the Aquarius company. The article about the map can be found here.

Those dismissed from the telecom equipment production plant in Tver moved to Aquarius

Those dismissed from the factory owned by the American company Jabil for the production of telecom equipment in Tver moved to Aquarius. This is reported by TASS with reference to the statement of the regional government. Read more here.

Plan to invest 5 billion rubles in the production of computers and office equipment in Tver

On March 31, 2022, the domestic IT manufacturer Aquarius announced to TAdviser that it had bought a production and logistics complex from RVM Capital, where it plans to launch new production in the coming months. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed. According to the company's calculations, this acquisition will increase the production capacity of Aquarius Group by 2.5 times by the end of the year - up to 2.5 million devices. Total investments in the project will amount to about 5 billion rubles.

Aquarius will invest up to 5 billion rubles in a new production of computers and office equipment in Tver

In particular, in the coming months, the company plans to deploy production at the Tver site, which includes conveyor assembly sections, robotic assembly lines for equipment, as well as automatic assembly and installation lines for printed circuit boards. The technological capabilities of the plant will allow Aquarius to produce equipment from the existing product portfolio: servers, DSS systems, personal computers, laptops, tablets, monoblocks, PDAs, printers and MFPs.

"Thanks to our partners from RVM Capital, as well as the government of the Tver region, we got the opportunity to purchase a high-quality asset. The launch of the full-cycle production complex on the basis of the existing site will give the company the opportunity to increase production capacity as soon as possible. In addition, this will allow you to fulfill more orders and reduce the production and delivery of equipment to partners and customers, which, in our opinion, is extremely important in the new realities, "said Aleksei Kalinin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aquarius Group of Companies.

The total area of ​ ​ the production complex in Tver is 27,000 m2, which is 2 times more than the Aquarius complex Ivanovo region in (14,000 m2). An important role is played by the location of the site, which is located a few kilometers from Russian the city, Tver a large transport junction at the intersection of the railway line St. Petersburg - Moscow located on the banks of the Volga River. Good transport accessibility and proximity to large cities will allow the company to quickly deliver devices to the warehouses of partners and distributors.

Thus, the Aquarius Group of Companies will eventually have two equivalent production sites. The company's factory in Shuya produces all the products produced by the group of companies - laptops, all-in-ones, PCs, tablets, PDAs, servers, DSS, information equipment, as well as proprietary motherboards.

"The rapid establishment of production and business processes from scratch in production in Tver will be helped by the extensive experience of Aquarius employees in developing the company's functioning production complex in the city of Shuya," said Vladimir Stepanov, President of the Aquarius Group of Companies.

According to him, in 2022, the plant in Shui has already modernized the installation workshop of electronic modules, due to which the productivity of the workshop has doubled. The company intends to continue investing in the development of the Shuya site, including in the modernization of other workshops.

It is in Shui that the first robotic assembly line will be launched. The same line will appear in Tver, "added Vladimir Stepanov.

Answering a question from TAdviser about where the company is going to take enough processors for production amid the cessation of their supplies to Russia amid Western sanctions, Aquarius said they have large balanced stocks of necessary components and equipment for production.

The company has always cared about stocks, and at critical moments it pays off. In addition, we expect that the situation will sooner or later stabilize. The state, together with market participants, is actively developing an anti-crisis plan. In addition, there are a sufficient number of neutral countries in the world that are ready to cooperate with Russia. We are launching a new production facility, because we are confident in the need to continue to develop the industry even in the most difficult times for it, - noted in "Aquarius."

It is expected that after the launch of the production and warehouse complex in Tver, more than 500 new jobs will appear, in the future - up to 1500.

"Our task is to provide investors with the most favorable conditions so that all projects are implemented, jobs have been created for our residents," said Igor Rudenya, Governor of the Tver Region.

Launch of a training program for young engineering specialists

On February 10, 2022, Aquarius launched a training program for young engineering specialists.

According to, to data Ministry of Digital Development the deficit - IT frames Russia in is from 500 thousand to 1 million people (data for February 2022), and, as experts predict, may increase to 2 million by 2027. IT specialists involved in technical support and the development of new services are in demand in, for banks, retailers telecom operators and in large holdings with large-scale IT ecosystems.

At the same time, the state stimulates the development of domestic microelectronics. This creates a need for development engineers of motherboards and other electronic components, the number of which is very limited on the Russian market.

Aquarius has its own international production complex in the city of Shuya. In parallel, the company is conducting 72 development projects of varying degrees of complexity - from client devices (PCs, all-in-ones, laptops, tablets, PDAs) and a large range of server equipment to specialized devices and components. Technical specialists of the company's Development Center design motherboards, expansion boards, electronic modules, cases, cooling systems, elements of the critical information infrastructure (CII) and develop embedded firmware.

As of February 2022, 248 engineers work on the company's staff in Moscow, 173 of which are at the company's Development Center. It is noteworthy that since 2019 the company has already increased the staff of development engineers by 2 times and is conducting an additional set 2022 year. We create new jobs and need young professionals.

To attract young specialists of technical specialties for internship and work, "Aquarius" has developed a program called "More than a start."

This is a system for finding and training students with whom the best specialists of the company work, who have extensive experience in their field and are ready to share their accumulated knowledge. It is also a mentoring system: each student is assigned a leader who gives tasks, helps to cope with emerging difficulties and monitors the fulfillment of tasks. From the very first day, practitioners are fully involved in the workflow and participate in the performance of complex tasks, daily receiving and practicing new knowledge. The program works both in the Ivanovo region, where the company's production complex is located, and in Moscow, where the Development Center is located.

There are four steps in the program "More than a start."

The first is working with schoolchildren. For students of the 10th grade of the Ivanovo region, a lecture course was organized with the involvement of experts from the production complex. Also, the plant's specialists conduct "Technology" lessons for high school students. The children participate in master classes on the assembly of computer equipment and perform practical tasks as part of project activities. Such work allows you to introduce schoolchildren to Russian technology, gives them the opportunity to plunge into the profession and feel like engineers, technologists and developers. The program is designed to popularize microelectronics, and the company expects that interested schoolchildren will connect their future with this industry. And after graduating from universities and colleges, they will come to work at our production complex.

The second stage is interaction with colleges and technical schools of the Ivanovo region (Ivanovo Industrial and Economic College, including its Shui branch, Ivanovo Energy College, Ivanovo Radio Engineering College, Shui Multidisciplinary College). The company participates in job fairs and organizes open days at the plant. These activities make it possible to attract young specialists to the production complex to work on automated lines and assembly conveyors.

Within the framework of the third stage, cooperation was established with universities in the Ivanovo region (Ivanovo Polytechnic University, Ivanovo University of Chemical Technology, Shui branch of Ivanovo State University) and with universities in the capital, which train process engineers and technical specialists (RTU MIREA, MSTU named after Bauman, NRU MPEI, MISIS and Moscow Polytechnic). Thanks to the cooperation agreement, university students have the opportunity to practice at Aquarius in the departments of architectural and technical solutions, technical management, the department of design, information security and the department of architecture of industry and embedded solutions. Take part in interesting projects and feel like part of the development team. And after successfully completing the practice - get a job in the company.

The fourth level is designed for graduate students of technical specialties. For them, the opportunity was organized to take an internship at the Development Center and participate in the current projects of the company. As of February 2022, specialists from MAI, RUDN, MSTU named after Bauman, RTU MIREA, RGGU are interned at the company. The paid internship lasts 3 months, after the successful completion of which the student has the opportunity to find a job in the company at the Engineering Development Center.


Completion of the shareholder conflict in NCC. Sale of Aquarius to Smart Technologies

Shareholders of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) Alexander Kalinin, Leonid Goldenberg, Evgeny Lachkov and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aquarius Group Aleksei Kalinin announced the termination of the conflict over NCC and Aquarius Group of Companies. The Gro up of company Systematica announced this to TAdviser on December 22, 2021.

The conflict between NCC shareholders was resolved by the sale of Aquarius to Smart Technologies
Photo source:

As a result of the settlement agreement, NCC sells the Aquarius Group of Companies to Smart technologies, 40% of which is owned by Alexei Kalinin.

Leonid Goldenberg and Yevgeny Lachkov own all other assets of the NCC holding - the manufacturer the Russian ERP of the platform Ma3 National Platform"," the "National Energy Platform," the international branch of the National Computer Corporation Middle East holding (NCC ME) with headquarters Dubai in and a multidisciplinary IT holding of the Group of company Systematica (JSC "Systematics Group"), uniting 11 independent companies.

The service IT integrator Smart technologies and the Russian manufacturer of IT equipment of the Aquarius Group of Companies will be independent companies in the structure of the created Smart Holding holding.

Alexander Kalinin will head the supervisory board of the Aquarius Group of Companies, Aleksei Kalinin will focus on the development of the business of the Smart Holding holding.

Leonid Goldenberg and Evgeny Lachkov will continue to lead the NCC and Group of Company Systematica holdings.

All parties confirm that the commercial relationship between their assets, including Aquarius Group and Group of company Systematica (Systematics Group JSC), remains in force. They also confirm to their partners the fulfillment of all previously undertaken obligations.

As of December 22, 2021, legal documents are being drawn up for the transfer and registration of property rights in accordance with the signed agreement.

Doubling the area in Moscow to accommodate the Center for the Development of Electronic Equipment

The production company "Aquarius" on November 10, 2021 announced that it was doubling the area in Moscow to accommodate the Center for the Development of Radioelectronic Equipment.

The company's development center is moving to a spacious room, which is 4 times more than the area occupied for November 2021. This will allow the company to increase the number of jobs, expand the staff of highly qualified specialists and accelerate the comprehensive development and design of more modern competitive devices.

The Aquarius company is actively developing and growing. In 2020 alone, more than 500,000 pieces of equipment were produced and delivered to the domestic market, including computers, tablets and server devices. According to the publication TAdviser100 "Aquarius" became the 7th in the top 10 fastest growing companies in 2020.

Thanks to its own engineering resources, Aquarius offers a large range of products and innovative solutions designed to meet the needs of the Russian IT market.

In 2021, the company continues to develop and increase the volume of the full development cycle of its own devices. This becomes possible, among other things, thanks to the relocation of the Development Center to a spacious room located in the Rumyantsevo business center, in the immediate vicinity of the company's headquarters in Comcity.

As of November 2021, the design center of the Aquarius company (special unit - Development Center) in Moscow covers an area of ​ ​ 700 m2. The move to the premises, which has an area of ​ ​ more than 3000 m2, has already begun.

The new Development Center will have equipped engineering workplaces necessary to expand the staff of specialists, additional laboratories and test benches. This will allow Aquarius to accelerate the comprehensive development and design of a large number of modern and competitive devices. The company's Development Center employs more than 150 specialists. The company plans to increase the number of employees of the design center to 250 people, announced the recruitment of highly qualified personnel.

Technical specialists of the Development Center conduct research and development work in the field of creating both finished products and individual components and elements.

The company's design center is simultaneously developing more than 30 projects of varying degrees of complexity - from client devices (PCs, all-in-ones, laptops, tablets, PDAs) and a large range of server equipment to specialized devices and components. We design motherboards, expansion boards, electronic modules, cases, cooling systems, elements of the critical information infrastructure (CII), develop embedded firmware. And we accompany our developments at all stages - from idea to serial release.

The company is confidently moving along the path of import substitution, develops and manufactures computer equipment and IT solutions for government and corporate customers.

The redistribution of assets began in the NCC. A special battle unfolds for the manufacturer of "iron" "Aquarius"

Logo in 2021

The owners of NCC, after years of partnership, had disagreements over the division of the corporation's assets. So, on April 12, the representative of the vice-president of NCC Alexei Kalinin (the son of one of the shareholders of NCC Alexander Kalinin) distributed a message that the corporation plans to invest 20 billion rubles within 5 years in a key asset - Aquarius. Read more here.

Logo change

On April 8, 2021, Aquarius presented an updated logo that emphasizes the evolution of the brand and meets the current development strategy in the IT market. The reason for the rebranding was the radical changes in the scientific, technical and production base implemented by the company over the past few years.

Over thirty years of its existence, Aquarius has gone a long way from computer a equipment collector to a vendor and developer of an electronic component base, hardware and software modules and IT equipment included in. Unified Register of Russian Radio Electronic Products Ministry of Industry and Trade of russia The company is actively developing complex solutions that rely on its own ROC capacities and, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT implements IT federal-scale projects and is a system-forming enterprise. radio-electronic industries

"The previous design of the Aquarius logo was created back in the 1990s," said Vladimir Shibanov, senior vice president of Aquarius. - The visual emphasis in it was on the letter Q (quality), which meant quality, which remains our top priority. Three wavy lines on the trademark denoted product groups - processors, boards and components. In the updated version of the logo, these elements have turned into four pixels that symbolize digital technologies and personify the modern positioning of Aquarius in the IT market - as a developer, manufacturer, vendor and service company. "


Inclusion in the rating "Largest IT companies in Russia 2021"

The Aquarius company is included in the rating "The largest IT companies in Russia 2021 by revenue in 2020," prepared by TAdviser in June 2021. Read more here.

Cooperation with Systematics and Omnik in order to develop contactless self-service systems for buyers in the Russian Federation

Aquarus logo in 2020

On November 2, 2020, the Systematics company announced that, together with OMNIK and Aquarius (Systematics and Aquarius are part of the National Computer Corporation), they announced cooperation in the development of contactless self-service systems for buyers in the Russian Federation in order to import substitution of these products. Read more here.

"Aquarius" doubled the capacity of the plant for the production of Russian PCs, servers and laptops

On August 5, 2020, it became known that the Russian manufacturer of computer equipment "Aquarius" doubled the production capacity of its plant in the city of ShuyaIvanovo region - from 400 thousand to 800 thousand devices per year - by putting into operation additional workshops with a modern belt conveyor and high-speed surface and pin installation lines. Read more here.

Appearance in the case of the cartel conspiracy of the vice-president of "Aquarius" Vladimir Piskunov

In the case of a cartel conspiracy for the supply of computers for the CEC, the vice-president of Aquarius Vladimir Piskunov and the co-owner of Business Computers Group Dmitry Kuvshinnikov began to appear. Two [13]This was reported to RBC by two sources familiar with the situation on July 21, 2020. Read more here.

Detention of NCC President Alexander Kalinin in a cartel conspiracy case

On July 14, 2020, NCC President Alexander Kalinin was detained by law enforcement agencies, a TAdviser source said and his son Aleksei Kalinin confirmed. One of the interlocutors of TAdviser named the cartel conspiracy as the reasons for the searches and detention. This information was confirmed to TAdviser by the FAS Russia.

On July 16, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow sent Alexander Kalinin under house arrest.

Details of the case of the cartel created by NCC, Aquarius and computer suppliers HP are set out in a separate TAdviser article.

Participation in the creation of the Computer Engineering Consortium

On April 9, 2020, Yadro informed TAdviser that leading Russian companies, developers and manufacturers of computer technology announced the creation of the ANO Consortium Computing Technology (ANO VT) with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The founders of the organization were PK Aquarius LLC, Business Office LLC (iRU), Depot Electronics LLC, KNS Group LLC (Yadro), Craft Corporation PLC JSC, National Technologies LLC (part of the Automatics concern of Rostec state corporation). Read more here.

2017: FAS found Aquarius and T-Platforms guilty of cartel

In November 2017, the FAS found T-Platforms and Aquarius guilty of a cartel conspiracy[14]. The department opened a case against companies on suspicion of a cartel in August. T-Platforms and Aquarius entered into and participated in an agreement that led to maintaining the price at an electronic auction for the supply of equipment for a supercomputer computing complex for the Kurchatov Institute in 2014, the FAS concluded, having studied the case materials. Read more here.


Growth in the volume of computer equipment sold by 17%

The volume of computer equipment sold compared to 2014 in monetary terms increased by 17%. The distribution of sales in monetary terms in 2015 by product segments is as follows: personal devices (computers, laptops, all-in-ones and terminals) - 45%; servers and - storage systems 55%.

The share of sales of server hardware and storage systems increased by 9% compared to 2014 and exceeded the share of personal devices. This is due to the active development of this area and the growing competence of Aquarius in the field of data processing and storage solutions, as well as an increase in demand for domestic equipment in this segment. In quantitative terms, server sales amounted to 16,246 units. The entire segment of the Russian server market is estimated by experts at 106,749 servers (Servers (Russian market)).

Alexander Kalinin, President of Aquarius: "Taking into account the data of the leading international research agency, Aquarius's share in the server segment of the Russian market reached 15.2%. It turns out that our company is in second position, overtaking not only domestic manufacturers, but the world's leading brands. "

The share of channel sales of the company in 2015 amounted to 37% (in 2014 - 26%). This includes sales through distributors, direct integrator partners and second-tier authorized partners, which totaled 840 companies in 2015. Distribution geography of channel sales of Aquarius: Central Federal District - 23%; Southern and North Caucasus Federal Districts - 22%; Volga Federal District - 24%; Northwestern Federal District - 8%; Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts - 11%; Ural Federal District - 12%.

A large share in the sales of Aquarius, namely 63%, was sales directly to customers. Among them are large projects for such clients as Sberbank, Russian Post, Rosstat, Yandex, VKontakte, Mail.Ru Group, Odnoklassniki, InfoTeCS, TsNII EISU, Gazprom Gazomotornoe Fuel, Transneft, Mosenergo, Thunder (Magnit trading network). Some projects have long implementation periods 2015-2016.

Aquarius will produce routers and switches

Aquarius plans to expand the business of localizing the production of equipment of world brands to include telecom equipment, Vladimir Piskunov, vice president of the company for commercial activities, told TAdviser . First of all, we are talking about products such as switches, routers and other most popular equipment.

Piskunov refused to clarify with which telecom vendor it is planned to establish cooperation, as well as the timing of the start of localized production, citing the fact that NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is signed with the "participants" in this process.

In the list of world companies for which Aquarius is already a production localization partner, there is a telecom equipment supplier - Cisco. Cooperation with it previously concerned servers: representatives of Aquarius reported that in 2013-2014 a program was implemented to localize Cisco production in Russia, under which the latter certified the Aquarius server production for the release of its products. Other partners with which Aquarius cooperates in localizing computer and DSS production are HP , EMS, Asus and Fujitsu.

Производство собственной техники и оборудования партнеров «Аквариус» осуществляет на своем plant in the Ivanovo region. Its production capacity is more than 400 thousand devices per year.

The production of equipment of foreign vendors is carried out according to the OEM-model: "compared to other types of relationships, this model wins by the fact that this is a fairly deep technological partnership, which makes it possible not to copy technologies, but to develop the competencies obtained within the framework of cooperation in the necessary areas," said Vladimir Piskunov in a conversation with TAdviser.

Aquarius also has OEM partners through software - Microsoft and VMware. Since the last in October 2015, cooperation has been expanded. As TAdviser explained in VMware, earlier Aquarius could supply its solutions with a limited set of their software , and the new agreement applies to the entire product line. In addition to Aquarius, similar "full-scale" agreements with VMware have been concluded only by a number of global vendors: Lenovo, HP, Dell, EMC, Cisco and Fujitsu.

The expansion of cooperation with world brands, including the localization of production, Vladimir Piskunov calls one of the strategic directions for the development of Aquarius.

Strategic directions of development

Vice President of Aquarius for Commercial Activities Vladimir Piskunov in October told TAdviser about the strategic directions of the company's development. In addition to expanding OEM production (see more about this above), another strategic area it means the development of IT services: outsourcing (mainly in terms of support and technical support of IT projects), as well as information security services.

Regarding the first, Vladimir Piskunov explains that earlier manufacturers of computer equipment were mainly engaged only in assembly, and integrators - in the supply of this equipment to customers, primarily to the state. Now integrators have grown to the level of consulting, design work and research, building IT infrastructures, and work related to setting up, deploying equipment, with technical support is becoming unusual for them, they are striving to be outsourced to production companies, he says. That is why here "Aquarius" sees for itself one of the growth points. To do this, the company is developing its service network, the level of technical support, a call center designed not only to support Aquarius equipment, but for a wider range of services, says Vladimir Piskunov.

As for the direction of information security services, Aquarius notes that it already offers customers secure solutions under the Bastion brand. The company is also a member of the Information Protection Association and works with all leading developers of information security solutions. The accumulated expertise should allow Aquarius to provide, for example, services for retrofitting the products of various vendors with information security tools.

Another important vector of the company's development is the increased focus on corporate clients. According to Piskunov, earlier state customers accounted for about 80% of sales, and now - about 60%. "It is impossible to live in the local public procurement market, it is necessary to develop more broadly. We want to be present in markets where we were previously little represented, "he said.

Vladimir Piskunov added that the further development of the basic competencies of Aquarius related to servers and DSS systems, including by attracting expertise from partners within the framework of OEM agreements, also includes strategic areas.

Aquarius "services are certified according to the international standard in the field of IT

In February 2015, Aquarius received a ISO/IEC-20000-1:2011 certificate, which confirms the compliance of the quality management system of the IT services provided with high international requirements.

Over the past three years, Aquarius has been actively developing the IT services area in order to offer the customer an effective solution to his tasks and guarantee the maximum benefit from the implementation of IT solutions. In addition to service maintenance, maintenance and technical support (Service Desk), this is the development and preparation of standard software and technical complexes of a high degree of readiness in factory conditions or the creation of complex specialized IT complexes for individual customer requirements, as well as a wide range of information security services . In the corporate market, an integrated approach to IT projects is increasingly in demand, which involves the purchase of solutions and additional services instead of purchasing equipment: customers are increasingly forming their requirements in the form of tasks, and not a list of necessary equipment.

Thus, as part of the project to create a unified medical information and analytical system of the city of Moscow (EMIAS), Aquarius delivered an IT system consisting of 22 thousand automated workplaces. The company's specialists introduced and configured equipment and software at the customer's geographically distributed sites and trained users, among whom not all had experience with computers. An industrial integration project was implemented for one of the law enforcement agencies: equipment complexes ready for installation at the customer's site were assembled and configured at the company's Shuisky plant. These were optimized solutions, including data processing and storage systems, switches, UPS, automated workstations with already installed software and information protection tools. Also, customers of industrial integration services are often companies from the telecommunications industry, when a quick massive collection of typical infrastructure solutions is required. For example, Aquarius made such a project for Yandex.

2014: Aquarius expands production

On June 24, 2014, Aquarius announced a planned expansion of production at its enterprise in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo Region.

The opening of a new workshop made it possible to increase the production capacity of the plant. Thus, the company will reduce the production time of equipment, which is especially important in the implementation of large-scale projects, and will also create prerequisites for the further development of cooperation with leading world manufacturers within the framework of contract assembly and OEM-agreements.

The area of ​ ​ the new production premises is 1572 m ² - the total area of ​ ​ the plant increased to 9782 m ². The workshop is a separate, specially prepared room for slipway assembly of computer equipment and specialized electronic equipment, which is required, for example, in complex IT solutions for the medical industry. If necessary, part of the room can serve as an additional storage space, which allows you to scale the production facilities depending on the seasonal load.

"Our plant meets all world standards both in terms of equipment and in terms of personnel qualification. The increase in production capacity will allow us to gain an additional competitive advantage by reducing the production time of equipment, as well as further develop the direction of contract production, "said Vladimir Shibanov, Senior Vice President of Aquarius

Along with the production of its own line of products under the Aquarius brand and industry IT solutions based on it, contract assembly is one of the important areas of the company's activity. Aquarius has extensive experience in production cooperation with leading world vendors. So, in 2001, the first PC was assembled at the company's production site Russia. As Hewlett-Packard part of this project Production Management Systems , quality integration was carried out at Aquarius with a similar system of the plant in HP France Grenoble. In 2003, the company became the first AVVID partner of Cisco in the server production category in Russia, and in 2005 - the first local OEM partner of EMS Corporation in. In To Europe 2006, as part of an agreement Fujitsu Siemens with Computers, more than 20 thousand personal computers under the FSC brand were produced at the Shui Plant and replication with the ERP partner system was implemented. In 2013, as part of Cisco the Configure-To-Order global project, a server production site was opened. Cisco

Today, Aquarius has four production partners whose products are produced at the Shuisky plant. These are the world leaders in the IT industry Asus (manufacturing PCs and server platforms), EMC (disk arrays), Cisco (manufacturing servers), Tyco Electronics (AMP patches).

The Aquarius Plant is a major employer in the city. The opening of another workshop creates new jobs for residents, - said Pavel Konkov, acting Governor of the Ivanovo Region. "It is gratifying that such a modern high-tech enterprise operates in our region."

2010:28% business growth

Compared to [15], the company's business volume increased by 28%. According to the results of 2010, the volume of Aquarius computer equipment sold compared to 2009 in monetary terms increased by 9.4%. The distribution of the company's sales in 2010 by product lines is as follows: personal computers - 58%; servers storage systems and 36%; monitors - 3.5%; laptops - 2.5%. According to the company, the share of sales of server equipment storage systems and Aquarius increased by 17.4%, which is due to an increase in project supplies of Aquarius, as well as a general trend in increasing computing power both in the corporate sector and in the SMB segment to solve the problems of operational management of business processes and making management decisions.

Channel sales of the company (distributors and direct partners) in 2010 amounted to 62% (in 2009 - 71%), and 38% fell on direct customers of Aquarius, the total number of authorized partners of the second level - 1130 companies. Of these, at the end of the year, the status of a platinum partner was assigned to six companies: Verysell Projects (Moscow), GC 'Systematica' (Moscow), STC KAMI (Yaroslavl), 'Nienschants' (St. Petersburg), 'InfoTeCS' (Moscow) and CROC (Moscow). The title of gold partner was received by 18 companies, silver - 40 companies, bronze - 55 companies. The relative increase in the share of direct customers (29% in 2009) is due to internal regulations of large industry structures, which prescribe cooperation within the framework of projects directly with equipment manufacturers, as well as an increase in the design component in the company's total business.

As for the geographical distribution of Aquarius sales, it remained the same compared to 2009: Central Federal District - 45%; Southern and North Caucasian federal districts - 18%; Volga Federal District - 21%; Northwestern Federal District - 8%; Siberian Federal District - 6%; Ural Federal District - 2%.

In the second half of 2010, Aquarius launched the Start Partner program. Its essence is to provide companies that do not have basic status with additional opportunities for business development through various additional services. As a result, over the five months of the program's existence, 54 companies joined it, three of which subsequently received the status of a silver and 19 - a bronze partner.

In addition, in 2010, partners specializing in the implementation of Aquarius products and solutions in certain industries (Solutions Partner) were authorized. According to the results of 2010, 111 partners are authorized for education solutions, 36 - in the field of medicine, 33 - for data storage systems and 38 are authorized to carry out projects in the field of information security.

Aquarius is a Russian company that is part of the NCC holding, one of the largest Russian manufacturers of computer equipment.

2009: Revenue increase by a third

While the Russian computer market fell throughout 2009, the Aquarius group managed to increase revenue by a third. Government contracts and equipment of third-party manufacturers helped, whose share in their supplies Aquarius significantly increased.

Against the background of a decrease in the total revenue of the National Computer Corporation (NCC) in 2009, the Aquarius group of companies included in it showed growth, the president of the corporation Alexander Kalinin told CNews about this. "All three groups of companies included in the NCC - OCS, Systematics and Aquarius, remained in the profit zone, the dollar revenue of Aquarius in 2009 increased by 31% compared to the same indicator in 2008," he said.

In 2009, Aquarius significantly increased the share of third-party equipment (HP, Cisco, etc.) in its revenue. It is used in complex complex replicated projects along with in-house production equipment. "If in 2008 the share of non-our products in the group's revenue was at the level of 5%, then in 2009 we brought it to 25%," says Vladimir Shibanov, senior vice president of Aquarius. Thus, if we compare the revenue from sales of our own products, then its growth is not so great at all - about 3%.

In 2009, Aquarius significantly increased the share of revenue from direct customers - from 20 to 29%. "We work directly with the client only if such a requirement is clearly contained in the state contract," says Vladimir Shibanov. "The share of sales through distributors and direct partners decreased due to the requirements of state customers." Aquarius received 70% of revenue in 2009 from such clients, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), the Social Insurance Fund (FSS), Russian Post, Russian Railways and Roscosmos.

The number of Aquarus employees, according to Shibanov, decreased slightly - by 2-3%. Specifically, no one was fired at Aquarius, but staff costs were reduced due to the fact that in the first half of 2009 a four-day working week was introduced in Moscow (a 20% drop in salaries), and in Shuya - a three-day (- 40%). In the second half of 2009, the group again began to hire employees.


Aquarius is expanding the range of computers based on quad-core processors. The Aquarius laptop ranks first in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) survey ("Intelligent Enterprise/Enterprise Systems," No. 1 2007). The solution for the medical industry AquaMed has been successfully tested at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. The company "Aquarius" opens the first in Russia Competence Center for Intel vPro processor technology.


The company's product strategy is to create complete integrated solutions for vertical and horizontal markets. Registration with the Federal Communications Agency of the Russian Federation of the Declaration for Compliance of Aquarius Servers with the Requirements for Telematic Service Servers for Public Networks of the Russian Federation. The creation of the Institute of Regional Representatives has been completed.


Opening of a new production module at the Aquarius plant in Shuya. The beginning of the development of complex hardware and software solutions based on Aquarius technology. Terminal access solutions and the AquaCart mobile class have been created.


Aquarius was the first Russian manufacturer to launch a mass production of 64-bit graphics stations and bring a certified 64-bit cluster solution to the market.


Aquarius became part of the National Computer Corporation (NCC). Aquarius-Service appeared in the Aquarius Group. Aquarius was the first Russian manufacturer to receive a certificate from the State Technical Commission for the development and production of means of protecting confidential information.


Creation of a scientific and technical center. The company "Aquarius" entered the hundred leaders of the competition "1000 best enterprises in Russia - 2002." Aquarius was among the participants in the Intel server leader 1000 + program. The company "Aquarius Finance" was formed. The Aquarius group of companies entered the stock market by issuing the first tranche of bills under the external financing program for a total of 1 billion rubles.


The opening of the second production on the territory of the Voskhod Research Institute (g Moscow.). The Aquarius brand was awarded the Brand of the Year/Effie - 2001 National Marketing and Advertising Award.


Two new distribution agreements have been signed with the Russian companies Verysell and Landata. An international quality certificate of development, design and production ISO 9001 was obtained. The construction of the second production line began - on the basis of the Voskhod Research Institute in Moscow.


Received the status of an official supplier for Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Received the status of an official supplier for the Moscow Government. Received a license of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation for the production of computer equipment. Aquarius begins production of servers.


Expanding the list of large corporate customers of equipment under the Aquarius trademark. Among them are the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Ministry of State Property Management, RAO UES and the Central Bank. Conclusion of a general contract with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, within the framework of which a single all-Russian information system "EIIS Sotstrakh" is being created. An agreement was signed for the distribution of Aquarius equipment with one of the leading Russian distributors - OCS. For the first time in the history of Russian personal computers, Aquarius certified the production quality system for compliance with the international standard ISO 9002.


The production of specialized models of increased reliability for use in extreme conditions (vibration, dust, gas pollution, etc.) has been launched. Organized military receptions and special inspections of equipment for special customers. The number of orders from the main power ministries of Russia - the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs - has increased.


Experimental production and a specialized test laboratory have been created, which is engaged in the development of new models.


The Company improves the quality system of its products taking into account the experience of the world's leading manufacturers of personal computers, certifying its equipment for compliance with the requirements of standards for equipment safety, electromagnetic compatibility and industrial radio interference. Aquarius becomes an official supplier to the Department of Defense and the Federal Border Guard.


As part of the diversification of production, the Aquarius company, the first in Russia, begins production of cash registers and new generation system cash registers of the Electronics-Aquarius series.

1992 — 1993

Restructuring of the company, as a result of which Aquarius becomes 100% Russian enterprise. The development of production continues, the production of personal computers is increasing, the list of customers is expanding. The company is still focused on supplies for government agencies and government agencies.

1991: Contract for 40 thousand PCs

The first major contract was signed for the supply of 40 thousand computers of the state organization Soyuz-Computer-Kit, which was engaged in centralized supplies of computer equipment for state structures of the USSR.

1990: Construction of a plant in the Ivanovo region

Spring is the beginning of the construction of its own plant in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo region.

1989: Creation of joint venture "Aquarius Systems Integral"

The beginning of the history of "Aquarius." The German company TEB Impex, which promoted the PC of the Taiwanese company Aquarius, seeing a high demand for PCs in Russia, decided to open production in our country. The Russian Aquarius was born in April 1989, when the joint venture Aquarius Systems Integral was created - the first non-state company in the USSR to open a factory production of IBM-compatible personal computers. The founders of the company were five legal entities from the USSR, including Microinform (then it owned 10% of the shares) and the Ivanovo NPO Informatics. The foreign co-founder was the West German TEB Impex. NPO Informatics provided the new joint venture with an unfinished module on the territory of the Radiopribor plant in Shuya.


Computer factory in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo region. In the main production in Shui, 190 people work (March 2010)[16]

The dealer network "Aquarius" has more than 1,500 companies throughout Russia. Aquarius has the largest service network in Russia - 365 service centers in all regions of the Russian Federation, which, along with warranty and post-warranty services (including on-site), provide comprehensive services for commissioning, maintenance and modernization.

Aquarius has all the necessary licenses, certificates and permits for the production of high-tech equipment and the development of solutions and services, including solutions for information security and personal data protection.

The product portfolio of the Aquarius production company includes a wide range of computer equipment: personal computers, laptops and netbooks, monoblocks and thin clients, graphics stations, servers, data storage systems.

The priority area of ​ ​ activity of the Aquarius Group of Companies is the creation of complex solutions based on its own equipment for the public sector and key sectors of the economy: industry, transport, communications, financial and banking system, research sector, health care, social protection, education and culture.

Aquarius solutions cover the entire range of information protection tools and services - from confidential information and personal data to information constituting a state secret. "Aquarius" has all the necessary licenses, including licenses of the FSTEC of Russia and the FSB of Russia, certificates and permits for the production of high-tech equipment and the development of industry and technological solutions based on its own protected equipment.

The partner network "Aquarius" has more than 1300 dealer companies throughout Russia and the CIS countries. Aquarius Group of Companies owns the largest service network in the IT market - more than 300 authorized service centers in 135 cities of the Russian Federation.


The main areas of activity of the Aquarius Group of Companies:

  • Production company "Aquarius":

Production of computer equipment under the brand name Aquarius;

Creation of integrated infrastructure and industry solutions;

Development and support of the partner network.

  • Shuisky plant "Aquarius":

Mass production of computer equipment under the brand name Aquarius.

  • Aquarius-Service:

Development of regional service infrastructure;

SERViceAQ Advanced Service Program [1]


The product portfolio of Aquarius presents a full line of computer equipment for corporate and government customers: personal computers, laptops, graphics stations, servers, monitors, data storage systems, "thin clients."


Aquarius offers industry and technology solutions, including information protection, developed in partnership with leading Russian and foreign manufacturers of software and hardware platforms.

Education Solutions

  • Digital School is a comprehensive solution for automating the educational process in educational institutions;
  • AquaCart - mobile computer class;
  • "Electronic Teacher" - software and technology complex;
  • Solutions for universities.

Healthcare Solutions

  • AquaMed is a comprehensive solution for automating medical institutions;
  • "AQUARIUS-ECO" - Medical computing complex.
  • Healthcare Solutions Based on Aquarius Terminal Client Devices
  • The Replication module is a tool for sharing health and financial information and consolidating it at the central office level.

Information Security and Personal Data Protection Solutions and Services

  • aQua-CryptoAll is a personal laptop of a manager with a reliable data protection system.
