47Line Technologies
Company is the private company located in Bangalore (India) and registered in the State of Delaware (USA). Software solutions are intended for determination of strategy of cost optimization by the analysis of the tasks placed in a cloud and the nature of resource consumption. They help customers to improve a configuration of cloud tasks, to minimize reservation of resources and not to pay for resources which do not work for increase in business value.
Cisco Systems
2017: Cisco intends to purchase company
In December, 2017 it became known that Cisco intends to purchase company which is also known as 47Line to Technologies. Within multicloud strategy customers need to change approaches to budget making, purchases and consumption. In combination with existing solutions of Cisco the technology will help to optimize consumption of cloud resources and to provide the maximum business value.
The group, using the technologies created by the company, will continue work on development of Cisco CloudCenter and will accelerate creation of functions of cost optimization necessary for customers.
It is going to close the deal in the second quarter 2018 financial year.