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Баннер в шапке 2








Shackleton — the advertizing agency founded in 2004 specializing in promotion of brands. The company is based in Madrid (Spain), there is an office in Santiago (Chile). Number of staff is 160 people (for April, 2019). At different times such large companies as Coty, Campari, Aperol, Uber and Sony Pictures used company services. By April, 2019 Shackleton received in total 35 awards at  the festivals "Cannes Lions".


2019: Accenture purchased Shackleton

In April, 2019  the Accenture company rendering services in the field of management consulting, information technologies and  outsourcing announced Shackleton acquisition. Financial side of the agreement was decided not to be opened.

As soon as the transaction is closed, Shackleton will be a part of division  of Accenture Interactive which develops offers in the field of design, marketing, content management and e-commerce. This structure, according to information on the official site, helps the companies to create new client experience and to manage it at all stages of interaction with the buyer.

Accenture purchased the Shackleton agency which is engaged in promoting of brands
Accession of Shackleton confirms our serious intentions in encouraging creative talents and to expand our opportunities around the world that we could help our clients to create very creative and effective relations of consumers with a brand — the head of Accenture Interactive in the countries of Europe, Africa and Latin America Anatoly Roytman said.

According to the CEO of Shackleton Pablo Alzugaray, the company, having concluded the bargain with Accenture, gained an access to the international scene and opportunities for the best scaling of experience with clients, "what is very important to break in modern more and more competitive environment".[1]