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2023/08/29 14:46:26

Compatibility of Russian IT solutions with domestic and open source OS and DBMS

The material is included in the overview of TAdviser Import Substitution of Software in Russia.

2022-2024: Compatibility of Russian IT solutions with domestic and open source OS and DBMS

Since 2022, TAdviser has been collecting data on the compatibility of Russian IT solutions with domestic operating systems (OS) and database management systems (DMS). Some vendors in the compatibility graph, in addition to domestic systems, additionally indicate open source OS and DBMS. The final results can be seen below in the table updated in October 2024.

You can add other products to the table, as well as supplement the data on existing ones by filling out the questionnaire by link.

Compatibility of Russian IT solutions with domestic and open source OS and DBMS
(as of 2022-2024)

Class Product Name Compatible domestic or open source DBMS Compatible domestic or open source OS Developer
BPMVisary PlatformPostgres Pro/PostgreSQL,, MySQL MongoDBLinux, including Astra Linux, Alt, RED OSBusiness automatic equipment""
BPM Sunrise BPMIn accordance with the compatibility of the 1C Platform (PostgreSQL, PostgresPro) System requirements " 1C:Enterprise 8"In accordance with the compatibility of the 1C Platform (Alt OS, Astra Linux, RED OS, CentOS, Debian, Mint, RHEL , etc.) System requirements " 1C:Enterprise 8"BIA Technologies
ELMA365 UbuntuPostgreSQL, MongoDBAstra Linux, Elma
BPM ELMA4|[[Firebird (database server)FireBird]], PostgreSQLFor the Workplace Elma - Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, SuSe)Elma
[[Pravo Tech Manage.onemanage (one)Postgres ProAstra LinuxPravoTech]]
BPM ISCO AreopadPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, AuroraDigital Design
BPM Case PlatformPostgres ProAstra Linux, AltCase Studio
BPM / EAM BFT Asset ManagementPostgres ProRED OS, CentOS, Linux (Astra, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Oracle)|[[BFT-Holding, BFT (formerly Budget and Financial Technologies)BFT-Holding]]
BPM BFT.HEDPostgreSQLAstra Linux, Alt, RED OSBFT-Holding
BPM BFT.PlatformaClickHouse, PostgreSQL, Pgbouncer, Tarantool, Redis, PatroniRED OS, CentOS, Linux (Astra, Ubuntu, Red Hat)BFT-Holding
BPM ADC-PlanningOracle, Firebird, PostgreSQLAlt, RED OS, CentOS, ROSA (including Rosa Cobalt), Linux (Astra, Oracle, Red Hat , SUSE)BFT-Holding
BPM ADC-FinancePostgres Pro, Oracle, Firebird, PostgreSQL, RedBASEAlt, RED OS, ROSA (including Rosa Cobalt), Linux (Astra, Oracle, Red Hat, SUSE)BFT-Holding
BPM Case.onePostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS [[Pravo TechPravoTech]]
BPM ISCO AreopadPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, Aurora [[Digital DesignDigital Design]]
BPM ([[CPM - Corporate Performance Management| Optimacros CPM]] / EPM)Postgres Pro, ClickHouse, MongoDBAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОС, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOsOptimacros
EAM ATOLL PlatformPostgres ProAstra Linux [[OT-oilATOLLis]]
CMS"Digital Workspace"Postgres Pro, ClickHouseDigital Design
CMSDR PlatformPostgres Pro, ClickHouseAstra Linux, RED OS, ROSA [[I-Teco (Ai-Teko, iTeco)I-Teco]]
Contract Management Manage (one) Document BuilderPostgres Pro, MySQLPravoTech
CRMCM OceanPostgres Pro, Tarantool, Arena Date GreenplumAstra Linux, RED OS [[Data SapienceDate Sapiens]]
Data ScienceKolmogorov.aiPostgres Pro, Arena Date GreenplumDate Sapiens
EdTechOTR GURU is an online learning productPostgres Pro, MySQL, PostgreSQLAlt Linux, Goslinux, RED OS, Alma Linux, Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, Linux (any distribution of the family)OTR 2000 (OTP Brand)
EdTech Modum Education PlatformPostgres ProAstra LinuxModum Lab LLC
ERPVisary ERPPostgres Pro/PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDBLinux, including Astra Linux, Alt, RED OSBusinessAutomation
ERP Ma-3 ERP platformPostgres Pro, Jatoba, Lira-R, Arenadata Postgres, Tantor, Platform V PangolinNational Platform
ERP DataMobile[[AndroidAndroid]] [[ScanportScanport]]
[[ESB - Enterprise Service Bus|ESBHybrid Integration Platform (HIP) BercutPostgres ProAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОСBercut]]
HRMBOSS-personnel officer BOSS. Human Resources Systems|
[[Mirapolis Human Capital ManagmentMirapolis HCMPostgreSQLLinuxMirapolis]]
Directum HR ProPostgres Pro, PostgreSQL ОС Альт, Astra Linux Сommon Edition, UbuntuDirectum
HRM HR ProPostgres Pro, JatobaAstra Linux, Alt, RED OSDirectum
HRM Teal HRPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Elbrus, GosLinux, Runtu, AlterOS, AuroraYuztech Group of Companies
HRM, СЭД LDM.KEDOPostgres Pro, Postgres, MS SQLAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA [[LANIT SIESPILanit SeaPi]]
HRM, СЭД EmplDocsPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS [[Wiseadvice (Wisedweiss) (Intellis-Automation)Wiseadvice]]
HCM, TMS|[[Bobday soft (bobday)Бихайв (Beehive)Postgres ProAstra LinuxBobday]]
IoT InOne Integration IoT PlatformPostgres Pro, ClickHouseAstra Linux, RED OS, ROSAHeadPoint/OOO Head Point
MDMUnified ClientPostgres ProHFLabs
THEMISoftPostgres Pro, PostgreSQLAstra LinuxI-Teco
MDM / ECM BFT.ENSIPostgres ProAstra Linux, RED OS, CentOS, ROSA Enterprise Linux ServerBFT-Holding
MES I-DS Dispatching SystemPostrgreSQL, Postrgres ProLinuxInduSoft
MES I-DRMS Material Balance SystemPostrgreSQL, Postrgres ProLinuxInduSoft
MES I-DS/PS Scheduling SystemPostrgreSQL, Postrgres ProLinuxInduSoft
MES INFOPRO: Mode PlanningPostgreSQLOS Alt, Astra LinuxINFOPRO GC
MES, Decision Support SystemBFG Platform - IS including 2 products: BFG Simulation Decision Support System - Plant Simulator and BFG iMES Production Operational Management System - APS/MESPostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB|Linux|[[BFG GroupBFG Group]]
[[ZyfraZyfra Industrial IoT PlatformPostgres Pro, Apache Cassandra, PostrgeSQL, MInioРЕД ОС, CentOS, AlpineГК «Цифра»]]
MESZyfra IIoT Platform Oil&GasPostgres, Apache CassandraРЕД ОСGC "Zyfra"
MES Indusoft Digital ServicesPostgres Pro, ClickHouseAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Aurora [[InduSoftInduSoft]]
MES E-Passport istock.infoPostgres ProAstra Linux [[Istock (Compressor Gas)Istock]]
Process Mining OptimizingPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, SQLLiteAstra Linux, Alt, CentOSSystematics
SCADAAlpha.One +Postgres Pro, Alpha.HistoricAstra Linux, RED OSAtomic Soft
SCADA Alpha.SCADAPostgres Pro, Alpha.HistoricAstra Linux, RED OSAtomik Soft
SCADA Alpha PlatformPostgres ProAstra Linux, RED OSAtomic Software
Автоматизация закупок ProcessorPostgres Pro, 1COS Alt Isource
Автоматизация закупокReserve Postgres Pro, 1С, Yandex DatabaseОС АльтIsource
Автоматизация закупок ([[SRM - Управление взаимоотношениями с поставщиками|SRM] ]/SCM)BFTakupkiPostgres Pro[[BFT-Holding, BFT (formerly Budget and Financial Technologies)BFT-Holding]]
Автоматизация закупок (SRM)/ SaaS iStock.LinkPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Elbrus, Lotus, GosLinux, Runtu, AlterOS, AuroraIstock
Visary BI Electronic Document Management System Postgres ProPostgreSQL/, MySQL, MongoDB, LinterLinux, including Astra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AlterOS, Aurora, UbuntuBusinessAutomation
[[3i Data Plexus3i Data PlexusPostgreSQL, Mongo DBLinux (в т.ч. Astra Linux, RHEL, CentOS и др.)3iTech]]
[[3i Data Processing Platform (3i DPP)3i DPPPostgreSQLLinux (в т.ч. Astra Linux, RHEL, CentOS и др.)3iTech]]
Аналитические системы INFOPRO: TEI CalculationPostgreSQLOS Alt, Astra LinuxINFOPRO Group of Companies
Аналитические системы INFOPRO: Energy TradingPostgreSQLRED OS 7.3 Murom, Astra LinuxINFOPRO Group of Companies
Аналитические системы TriaflaiPostgres Pro and all Postgres-based DBMSs, Quantum HybridAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, Ubuntu v. 20.04, Debian 10"Triaflai" ("Trusted Environment," part of the Group of company Systematica)
Аналитические системы SMART SACPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Аналитические системы SMART Digital PassportPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Аналитические системы Forsyth. Analytics PlatformPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, Jatoba, Arenadata (DB, Postgres, QuickMarts, Hadoop), MongoDBAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, RockyLinux, CentOS7 [[ForsytheForsyth]]
Аналитические системы (DSS)Digital Platform "Management in Space" (CPU UoP)Postgres Pro, ClickHouse, MongoDB[[BIT - Bureau of Information TechnologyBureau of Information Technologies ("BIT]]")
Аналитические системы 3V PlatformPostgres Pro[[TriviumTrivium]]
Аналитические системы Luxms BIPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, Jatoba, Red DatabaseAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ElbrusLuxms Group of Companies
Аналитические системы OmegaBIPostgres ProAstra Linux, RED OS, Debian 11, Ubuntu 22.04Omega LLC
Аналитические системыFlyBIPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, Jatoba, ArenaData DB, ArenaData HadoopAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОС, RockyLinux, CentOS7Форсайт
Biometric Systems3i TouchPoint AnalyticsPostgreSQLLinux (including Astra Linux, RHEL, CentOS, etc.)3iTech
[[3i VOX Voice Processing and Analysis Platform3i VoxPostgreSQLLinux (в т.ч. Astra Linux, RHEL, CentOS и др.)3iTech]]
Биометрические системы ZIAX Dialog PlatformPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
ИБ DLP SearchInform CIB (including DCAP module SerchInform FileAuditor)PostgreSQL, PostgreSQLProAstra Linux, Red OS, GosLinux, ROSA, OS Alt, Runtu, etc. For FileAuditor - any domestic OS within the framework of network interaction using the SMB protocol.SearchInform
ИБ (DLP)StakhanovetsPostgres Pro, Red Database[[StakhanoviteStakhanovets]]
ИБ "SearchInform SIEM"PostgreSQL, PostgreSQLProAstra Linux, Ed OS, GosLinux, ROSA, OS Alt, Runtu, etc.SearchInform
[[BI.Zone BFP (Fraud Prevention)BI.ZONE Fraud PreventionPostgreSQL.]] In the case of cloud, compatibility is not requiredLinux, including Russian server distributions. No compatibility required for cloudBI.ZONE
ИБ BI. ZONE WAFPostgreSQLLinux, including Russian server distributions.BI.ZONE
ИБ BI.ZONE Secure DNSPostgreSQLLinux, including Russian server distributions.BI.ZONE
[[BI.Zone Def.ZoneBI.ZONE Def.ZonePostgreSQL.]] In the case of cloud, compatibility is not requiredLinux, including Russian server distributions. No compatibility required for cloudBI.ZONE
ИБ BI.ZONE Secure SD-WANPostgreSQLLinux, including Russian server distributions.BI.ZONE
ИБ BI. ZONE CESPPostgreSQLLinux, including Russian server distributions.BI.ZONE
ИБ BI.ZONE SensorsPostgreSQLLinux, including Russian server distributions.BI.ZONE
ИБ Security Vision: Center for Intelligent Monitoring and Management of Information SecurityPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition (Eagle release), Astra Linux Special Edition (Smolensk release), ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Security Vision]]
ИБ Security Vision IRP/SOARPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition, Astra Linux Special Edition, ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Security Vision]]
ИБ Security Vision SGRC/a-SGRCPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition, Astra Linux Special Edition, ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Vision]]
ИБ Security Vision TIPPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition, Astra Linux Special Edition, ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Security Vision]]
ИБ Security Vision SOCPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition, Astra Linux Special Edition, ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Security Vision]]
ИБ Security Vision CRSPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition, Astra Linux Special Edition, ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Security Vision]]
ИБ Security Vision CIIPostgres ProAstra Linux Common Edition, Astra Linux Special Edition, ALT Linux 10.0 and higher [[GC Intelligent Security (Security Vision Brand)Security Vision]]
ИБ OTR KriptoserverPostgres Pro, PostgreSQLAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, GosLinux, AlterOSOTR 2000 (OTP Brand)
ИБ (UEBA)|[[NGR Softlab: Dataplan Analytical PlatformDataplanPostgres Pro, ClickHouseAstra LinuxNGR Softlab]]
ИБ (Backup) Cyber BackupPostgres Pro, JatobaAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSACyberprotect
ИБ (PAM) InfrascopePostgres Pro, Synergy-DB, Lyra-R, ClickHouseAstra Linux, other RPM compatibleNGR Softlab
[[NGR Softlab: Alertix Event Analysis PlatformAlertixAstra LinuxNGR Softlab]]
ИБ (Межсетевой экран) InfoWatch ARMA Industrial FirewallPostgres ProAltInfovotch Arma
ИБ (СЗИ от НСД) PC "Universal Security Server" (CSS)Postgres Pro, PostgreSQL RedisAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, OsnovaOTR 2000 (OTP Brand)
ИБ (СЗИ) InfoWatch Traffic MonitorPostgres Pro, Red Database, ClickHouseAstra Linux, Alt, Red OSInfoWatch
[[SoftControlSoftControlPostgres ProARUDIT SECURITY]]
[[R-VisionR‑Vision Vulnerability ManagementPostgres Pro, JatobaAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОСR-Vision]]
[[R-Vision SGRCR-Vision SGRCPostgres Pro, Jatoba, Tantor 14Astra Linux, CentOS 7.5 - 7.9;]] RHEL 7.7 - 8.8, 9.0 - 9.2; Debian 10.x - 12.5; Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04; Oracle Linux 8.6 - 8.8; Rocky Linux 8.6 - 8.8; SberLinux 8.9 - 9.3; Astra SE 1.6; Astra SE 1.7; Astra CE 2.12; RED OS 7.3; RED OS 7.3c; ALT Server 10 (p 10.x); ALT 8 SP Server (c 8.2)R-Vision
[[R-Vision SIEMR-Vision SIEMPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, JatobaAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОСR-Vision]]
ИБ ([[Distributed Deception Platform (DDP)|DDP)R-Vision TDPPostgres ProAstra Linux, РЕД ОС, Cбер LinuxR-Vision]]
ИБ ([[Threat intelligence (TI) - Киберразведка|TI)R-Vision TIPPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, Redis, RocksDBAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОСR-Vision]]
ИБ ([[SOAR Security Orchestration Automation and Response|SOAR)R‑Vision SOARPostgres Pro, Jatoba;]] DBMSs compatible with Postgres, for example, Tantor; compatibility with a specific DBMS is checked on requestAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS; work is carried out on any Linux distributions where the necessary components are present, for example, SberLonux, Rocky Linux, Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS; compatibility with a specific OS can be checked on demandR-Vision
ИБ (ITM, EMS, UEBA, DLP) / HRM (учет рабочего времени и др.) Staffcop EnterprisePostgres Pro, ClickHouse, Jatoba, PostgresSQL[[Atom Security, Atom Security (formerly AtomPark Software, AtomPark Software)Atom Security]]
Engineering SoftwareKOMPAS-3DAlt OS, Astra Linux, RED OSASCON
Инженерное ПО VERTICALPostgres ProASCON
Инженерное ПО POLYNOME: MDMPostgres ProASCON
Инженерное ПО ([[PDM - Управление данными об изделии| SRM MDM SaaS PDM]]) / / / Postgres ProAstra LinuxIstock
Интеграционные платформы Unified Integration Platform ENERBASPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Интеграционные платформыUseBus|Postgres Pro, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Maria DB, Redis, MSSQL, Mongo DB, Oracle, Kafka, Rabbit MQAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Elbrus, Lotus, GosLinux, Runtu, AlterOS, Linux, Aurora, Debian GC Yuztech
Интеграционные платформы SiTex Integration ModulePostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSASystematics Consulting
Коммуникационные решения IVA Connect Enterprise MessengerAstra LinuxIVA Technologies
Коммуникационные решенияIVA MCUPostgres Pro, PostgreSQLAstra Linux, Альт, AlterOS, АврораIVA Technologies
Коммуникационные решения RTU Unified Communications PlatformPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Коммуникационные решения RTU-ConnectPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Коммуникационные решения Unified Contact Center AtmospherePostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Коммуникационные решения Vinteo Software ServerAstra LinuxVinteo
Коммуникационные решения Vinteo Desktop Software ClientVinteo
[[MTS Link Platform for Business Communications and CollaborationWebinar ServerAstra Linux Сommon EditionWebinar Group]]
[[Webinar MeetingsWebinar MeetingsAstra Linux Сommon EditionWebinar Group]]
Коммуникационные решения Corporate messenger ROSCHATPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, AlterOS, Aurora [[Informtechnika and CommunicationInformtechnika]]
Коммуникационные решения CommuniGate ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS|[[BCS (Safe Communications System)SBK]]
Офисные системы3i Search PostgreSQLLinux (в т.ч. Astra Linux, RHEL, CentOS и др.)3iTech
Офисные системы P7-OfficeAlt, Aurora, Astra Linux, RED OS, Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives, RPM-based distributionsR7
[[OSS/BSS| BSS OSS / BSS]]Convergent Postgres Pro, ClickHouseAstra Linux, РЕД ОСBercut
Cloud solutions and servicesVK CloudPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, Jatoba, Tarantool, ArenadataDBAstra Linux, Alt, Red OSVK
[[Облачные вычисления (Cloud computing)|Cloud Computing] ]/IaaSTimeweb CloudClickHouse, PostgresSQLcompatible Linux, Linux, 64
Облачные решения и сервисы SUPeR Hybrid Cloud Management PlatformPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSAOTR 2000 LLC (OTR Brand)
SaaS (Object Storage service) DEPOTPostgres ProAstra Linux, RED OS, Elbrus; integration on demand [[PlatformcraftPlatformcraft]]
IaaS / Виртуализация MIND Software Complex[[Mind Software (Mind Soft)Mind Software]]
VirtualizationVirtualization PlatformRosa VirtualizationAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSAIT ROSA NTC
Виртуализация HOSTVM Virtualization PlatformPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AlterOS, AuroraHOSTVM
Виртуализация Basis.DynamixPostgres Pro, Red Database, ClickHouse, JatobaAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA [[JV Cloud Platform (Basis)Basis]]
Virtualization]|vStack HCPPostgres Pro, Linter, Red Database, ClickHouse, Jatoba, Synergy-DB, Lyra-R, Quantum-Hybrid - all DBMSs are supported on and run within the virtualization platformAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA VStack| |
Виртуализация (VDI) Basiz.WorkPlacePostgres Pro, Red Database, ClickHouse, JatobaAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Aurora, Veda [[JV Cloud Platform (Basis)Basis]]
СУБД TarantoolAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSAVK Digital Technologies
СУБД Arenadata Analytical DB (ADB), Arenadata QuickMarts (ADQM), Arenadata Postgres (ADPG)AltArenadata Software
СУБД LINTER STANDARDAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AlterOS, Atlant|[[RELEX (GC Relational Expert Systems)RELEX NPP]]
СУБД LINTER BASTIONAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AlterOS, Atlant|[[RELEX (GC Relational Expert Systems)NPP RELEX]]
СХД / OLAP, EDW, DSSBFT HistoryPostgres Pro, PostgreSQLAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, RedHat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu Linux [[BFT-Holding, BFT (formerly Budget and Financial Technologies)BFT-Holding]]
DWS3 Object Storage DEPOT ()Postgres Pro, Linter, Red Database, ClickHouse, Jatoba, Synergy-DB, Lyra-R, Quantum-HybridAlt, Red OS, ROSA, Elbrus, Lotus, GosLinux, Runtu, AlterOS, Aurora, Linux, any systems Platformcraft| Astra
Операционные системы Alt Server 10Postgres Pro, Linter, Red Database, Picodata-BASEALT
Операционные системы COBALT ROSAPostgres Pro, Red Database, Jatoba, Influxdata, MySQL-IT ROSA Research and Development Center
Операционные системы OS ROSA CHROMIUMRed Database-IT ROSA Research Center
Системы [[ДБО|RBSiSimpleBank 2.0Postgres Pro, Red DatabaseAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, GosLinuxiSimpleLab]]
[[CrystalService: Set RetailSet RetailPostgres ProCSI (Crystal Service Integration)]]
Set PrismaPostgres Pro
Системы video analytics]Video analytics platform machine vision Vizorlabs andPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Системы мониторинга Accident Detection and Visualization System (SOVA)PostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Системы мониторинга SOVA ProPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Системы мониторинга SMART ASMDPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Системы управления мобильными сотрудникамиMobile CrawlerAuroraSIGMA
Системы управления мобильными сотрудниками SIGMA: AlcorAuroraSIGMA
Системы управления мобильными сотрудниками Digital AuditorPostgreSQL, MariaDBAstra LinuxSATEL Group of Companies
Системы управления проектами|Visary Project Project Portfolio Management System Postgres ProPostgreSQL/, MySQL, MongoDB, LinterLinux, including Astra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AlterOS, Aurora, UbuntuBusinessAutomation
Системы управления проектами N3 Project ManagementPostgres Pro, RedisAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Elbrus, Lotus, GosLinux, Runtu, AlterOS, Aurora [[Netrika (Netrika)Netrika]]
Системы управления проектами Visary TrackerPostgres Pro, LinterAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Aurora, Ubuntu [[Business Automatization SPCBusinessAutomation]]
[[BIA-Technologies Fleet TMSFleet TMSPostgreSQLLinuxBIA Technologies]]
Системы управления транспортом (TMS) GTRoutePostgres Pro, Jatoba, Pangolin, Tantor SE 1CAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, Elbrus [[GTLogisticsGTLogistics]]
Специализированные отраслевые решения EMAS.TEPPostgres Pro, ClickHouseNBI JSC
Специализированные отраслевые решения EMAS.TRADEPostgres Pro, ClickHouseEDOSNBI JSC
Специализированные отраслевые решения EMAS.OPTPostgres Pro, ClickHouseEDOSNBI JSC
Специализированные отраслевые решения "Mineral"Postgres ProAstra Linux [[OT-oilATOLLis]]
Медицинские информационные системы ECP.MISPostgres Pro Certified, PostgreSQL, MongoDBRED OS, CentOS [[RT MIS (RT Medical Information Systems)RT]] MIS
Средства интеллектуальной обработки информации и интеллектуального анализа business processes]Ario OnePostgres ProDirectum
[[AVACOR Automation of internal audit, control and risk assessmentАВАКОРPostgres ProAstra LinuxDigital Design]]
Средства моделирования BPLEXPostgreSQLLinuxBIA Technologies
Средства разработки Axiom JDK Pro RuntimeRed Database, Postgres ProAstra Linux, OS Alt, RED OS, ROSAAxiom JDK Team
Средства разработки LiberCat Application ServerRed Database, Postgres Pro[[Axiom JDK (BellSoft) formerly BellsoftBellsoft]]
Средства разработки TURBO PlatformPostgres Pro[[Consist Business GroupConsist of Business Group]]
Средства разработки Jmix PlatformPostgres Pro, Quantum HybridLinux (RED OS, OS Alt, Astra Linux, ROSA , Lotus OS).Haulmont
Средства разработки (MADP) Forsyth. Mobile PlatformPostgres ProAstra Linux, AuroraForsyth
Средства разработки TRS.EVA - low-code platform for enterprise infrastructure managementPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, AuroraTransset JSC
Средства разработки Universal Front Office System (UFOS)Postgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OSOTR 2000 LLC (OTR Brand)
СЭД|Visary EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) Postgres ProPostgreSQL/, MySQL, MongoDB, LinterLinux, including Astra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AlterOS, Aurora, UbuntuBusinessAutomation
СЭД TESSAPostgreSQLOS Alt, Astra Linux, RED OS, Alter OS, etcSynthellect
СЭД ED DELOPostgres Pro,OS Alt, Astra LinuxEOS
СЭД AIS MPSC DELOPostgres ProOS Alt, Astra LinuxEOS
СЭД Archiving Configuration for EOS PlatformPostgres ProEOS
СЭД Docsvision PlatformPostgres Pro[[Digital DesignDigital Design]]
СЭД ED THESISPostgres Pro, Quantum HybridLinux (RED OS, OS Alt, Astra Linux, ROSA, Lotus OS).Haulmont
СЭД Priority SDUPostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, AuroraDigital Design
СЭД LDM PlatformPostgres Pro, MySQLAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSA, Aurora [[LANITLANIT]]
СЭД Practice EDMSPostgres ProAlt, RED OS, Astra Linux, Elbrus, AuroraDocument Management Systems
СЭД Lanit Document Management (LDM)Postgres ProRED OS, Astra LinuxLanit CIP
СЭД / ECM LDM.ExpressPostgres Pro, Postgres, MS SQLAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, ROSALanit SeaPi
СЭД ContentCapturePostgres ProAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS [[Content AIContent]] AI
СЭД DocumentoPostgres Pro[[ID Management TechnologyID Management Technology]]
СЭД / ECM / BPM / CSP / [[Системы управления проектами|SUP] ]/SaaSDirectum RXPostgres Pro, Jatoba, Tantor, standard PostrgeSQL[[Directum (Directives)Directum]]
ECM EldokaPostgres Pro[[OT-oilATOLLis]]
Supply Chain ManagementInspectorMySQLthe OS does not matter to us, since Inspector is a web application and works through a browser (including Yandex Browser)Isource
[[ClickHouse - database management system (DMS)Radar Clickhouse Isource]]
Управление цепочками поставок LISADIn accordance with the compatibility of the 1C Platform (PostgreSQL, Postgres Pro) System requirements " 1C:Enterprise 8"LinuxBIA Technologies
Управление цепочками поставок TrafficPostgreSQLLinuxBIA Technologies
SCMSPOPPPostgres ProAlt [[Science (Nauka)Nauka]]
Учетные системы AIS "Omni-US" version 5.0PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Postgres Pro[[IServ (Internet Service) IServISERV Group of Companies]]
Цифровизация энергохозяйства / [[IIoT| SEDMAX IIoT]] Astra Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise LinuxMavismart
WMS WMS GTStockPostgres Pro, Jatoba, Tantor SE 1C, PangolinAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS, Elbrus [[GTLogisticsGTLogistics]]
Chatbotsmanage (one) platform chatbot builder moduleClickHouse, MySQLPravoTech
RPA Primo RPAPostgres ProAstra Linux, RED OS, ROSA [[Primo RPA (Primo RPA)Primo]] RPA
RPA|Sherpa RPAPostgres Pro, ClickHouse, MySQL, MariaDBAstra Linux, Альт, РЕД ОС, GosLinux, AlterOS, Ubuntu, DebianSherpa Robotics
RPA OneRPAPostgres Pro, ClickHouseAstra Linux, Alt, RED OS [[OneRPA (CRF Systems and Technologies)OneRPA]]
TAdviser 2022-2024