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2025/03/04 13:00:59

Digitalization in the agro-industrial complex of Russia

The article is devoted to the use and development of IT in agriculture in Russia. Agribusiness in Russia has reached a certain maturity, as evidenced by the stabilization of the level of investment in agriculture and the growth of competition among agricultural producers. The agro-industrial complex is growing the volume and quality of application of modern technologies, including data collection, storage and processing systems. Data from satellites, sensors, operating and transactional systems are used. This increases both the amount of data and the need for high-quality processing and reliable conclusions that can be relied on to make decisions. As a result, the demand for industrial analytical systems and, in particular, in-depth analytics is formalized..


For a long time, agriculture was not a business attractive to investors, due to the long production cycle, exposed to natural risks and large crop losses in cultivation, collection and storage, the inability to automate biological processes and the lack of progress in increasing productivity and innovation. The use of IT in agriculture was limited to the use of computers and software mainly for financial management and tracking commercial transactions. Not so long ago, farmers began using digital technology to monitor crops, livestock and various elements of the agricultural process.

Technologies evolved and a sharp jump in attention to the segment occurred when technology companies drew attention to agriculture, which, together with partners, learned to control the full cycle of crop production or livestock production through smart devices that transmit and process the current parameters of each object and its environment (equipment and sensors that measure soil, plant, microclimate, animal characteristics, etc.)as well as seamless communication channels between them and external partners. By integrating facilities into a single network, sharing and managing data on the basis Internet of things, increased computer performance, development software and cloud platforms, it has become possible to automate the maximum number of agricultural processes by creating a virtual (zfifra) model of the entire production cycle and interrelated links of the value chain, and plan the work schedule with mathematical accuracy, take emergency measures to prevent losses in the event of a fixed threat, calculate the possible yield, production cost and profit.

IT in the agro-industrial complex in the world


  • The world's population is growing. In 30 years, humanity will need 1.7 times more food than it produces now. To do this, it is necessary to seriously modernize agriculture.
  • According to UN forecasts, the world's population by 2050 will reach 9.8 billion people in order to feed it, it is necessary to increase food production by 70%.
  • This means that  a soybean farmer in Iowa or a corn farmer  in Russia must change their production processes, make them as effective as possible.

The Second Green Revolution

"The analogue period in agriculture is over, the industry has entered the digital era." - Goldman Sachs predicts that the application of next-generation technologies could increase global agricultural productivity by 70% by 2050.

Agriculture is on the cusp of a "Second Green Revolution." Experts estimate that thanks to precision farming technologies based on the Internet of Things, there may be a surge in yields on a scale that humanity did not see even during the advent of tractors, the invention of herbicides and genetically modified seeds.

Technologies have evolved, fallen in price and advanced to such a level that for the first time in the history of the industry it became possible to obtain data on each agricultural object and its environment, mathematically accurately calculate the algorithm of actions and predict the result.

The industry, which was the most distant from IT, began to receive data. And with them requests for vacancies of specialists in the field of Big Data, Data Science, mathematics, analytics, robotics.

Digitalization and automation of the maximum number of agricultural processes is included as a conscious need in the development strategy of the largest agro-industrial and machine-building companies in the world.

By 2010, there were no more than 20 high-tech companies in the field of agriculture in the world, and in the period 2013-2016. investors have already invested more than 1,300 new technology startups totaling more than $11 billion in 4 years. A new investment segment AgroTech (Agrotech) was formed, which in 2014 overtook FinTech (Fintech). Moreover, in addition to the United States, Canada, India, China, Israel are showing significant activity .

The long value chain of agricultural products and the large number of outstanding industry challenges that can be addressed through IT automation is one of the main reasons for the investment attractiveness of the industry.

The value chain in agriculture is characterized by a complex structure of participants and is more horizontal than vertical.

In addition, different types of crops and products form their distinctive and often fragmented supply chain.

Agricultural production is the most vulnerable business because it is highly dependent on weather and natural phenomena. Unlike traditional agricultural production, all business processes cannot be structured in advance.

Closed cycle of HA production "Agroindustrial complex"-" field to counter "

The standard treatment schedule (continuous watering, fertilization, chemization) does not take into account local features and natural variability and leads to an inefficient result - resource overruns or undetected problems. Drought or excess moisture, lack or excess of fertilizer, weeds and insects require immediate intervention. An outbreak of the disease may appear unexpectedly and it is not always easy to determine its cause; with late detection and improper handling, the disease is able to destroy part of the crop.

During the season, the farmer has to make  more than 40 different decisions: what seeds to plant, when to plant, how to process them, how to treat a sick plant, etc., how to cope with situations that threaten the well-being of the field.   Lack of information for decision-making leads to the fact that in the process of planting, growing, caring for crops, up to 40% of the crop is lost. Another 40% is lost during harvest, storage and transportation. At the same time, as scientists have revealed, in addition to the weather, 2/3 of the loss factors today can be controlled using automated control systems (Hi-Tech Management).

The task of IT is to maximize automation of all stages of the production cycle to reduce losses, increase business productivity, and optimize resource management.   However, even in this case, the result applies only to plants ready for harvest or animals, but does not guarantee profit, since the crop still needs to be harvested, stored, primary processed and transported to the customer/consumer.   Further automation represents a higher level of digital integration, which affects the most complex organizational changes in the business, but their implementation can radically affect the profit and competitiveness of products and companies as a whole.   The integration of the resulting data with various intelligent IT applications that process it in real time  makes a revolutionary shift in the  decision-making of the farmer, providing the results of the analysis of multiple factors   and the basis for subsequent actions. At the same time, the more sensors, sensors and field controllers are connected to a single network and exchange data, the smarter the information system becomes and it is able to provide more useful information for the user.

Based on scientific calculations, the information system is able to create recommendations for the processing and care of plants or instructions for automatic execution by robotic technology.   For example, a predictive analytical model helps determine that a 2-degree increase in temperature contributes to insect hatching, or an increase in humidity above the optimal boundary can lead to a disease outbreak. The management of these factors creates the real value of modeling microclimatic conditions: if it is a greenhouse, then it is possible to prevent an increase in temperature, and if the field, it is prudent to observe the site and act as a chemical when parasites appear.   For the first time in the history of agriculture, a farmer has the opportunity to control natural factors, design accurate business processes, and, in addition, predict the result with mathematical accuracy.

There are many changes in animal husbandry. Taking into account the duration of the livestock cycle, systems for proactive analysis of advanced production indicators are developed and implemented. This allows you to transition from incident control of the production process to proactive.

Chronicle of events


Entry into force of the law on agricultural aggregators

In Russia, on March 1, 2025, a law on aggregators of farm products entered into force, aimed at creating additional mechanisms for its sale and developing the digitalization of agriculture. The corresponding document was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The law introduces a separate direction of state support for the development of the infrastructure of the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food. This support is intended for agricultural producers of small forms of farming, individuals who conduct personal subsidiary farming and apply the special tax regime "Tax on professional income," farms and agricultural consumer cooperatives. Digital technologies play a key role in the work of agricultural aggregators, allowing you to create online platforms for interaction between manufacturers and buyers, use supply chain management systems, apply data analytics and implement electronic document management systems.

In Russia, the law on agricultural aggregators came into force

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management Sergei Mitin noted that the document received the support of the farming community. He also explained that state support in the field of agriculture will be provided to agricultural aggregators, which are agricultural consumer cooperatives and organizations, 51% of which belong to agricultural producers.

The law defines four main activities of agricultural aggregators:

  1. Purchase agricultural products
  2. Initial and subsequent processing of products
  3. Product Storage
  4. Product Sales

The law also establishes the requirement for the competitive selection of organizations for the right to obtain the status of an agricultural aggregator. The procedure and rules for holding such contests will be determined by the subjects of Russia.

In February 2025, a draft government decree was developed defining the conditions that agroaggregators must meet in order to receive state support. The document establishes that the number of suppliers of agricultural products for the agroaggregator should be at least five, while at least half of them should be registered and work on the territory of the subject where the organization is registered.[1]

Ministry of Agriculture launched FSIS "Seed Production"

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia announced the launch of the Federal State Information System "Seed Production" after the completion of the test regime. This became known on February 28, 2025. The operator of the platform was appointed FSBI "Center for Digital Transformation in the Agro-Industrial Complex." Read more here.


Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin approved the launch of a single FSIS of agricultural land

In December 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the creation of a unified federal state information system (FSIS) for agricultural land, which will combine data from the existing Zerno and Semenovodstvo platforms. Read more here.

FGIS is launched in Russia to protect plants from pests

At the end of November 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the rules for registering citizens, legal entities participating in the receipt (provision) of public services in the field of plant quarantine. The corresponding FSIS will be launched on March 1, 2024. Read more here.

4 main trends of digitalization of the Russian agro-industrial complex

One of the main directions of development of the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex) in Russia is digitalization. The appropriate technologies allow you to automate time-consuming processes, as well as improve the quality of management, planning and monitoring at all stages of the production chain. Modern agricultural holdings invest primarily in solutions such as digital fields, automatic crop rotation planning, digital agricultural scouting to identify problem areas, livestock management, optimization of product sales terms. The material of the consulting company Strategy Partners, published on October 18, 2024, cites four main trends in the digitalization of the Russian agro-industrial complex.

1. Internet of Things (IoT)

It is about using sensors to collect, transmit and analyze data in various aspects of agriculture. Special sensors are able to track the health and condition of plants and animals, the efficiency of equipment, etc. With mapping systems, field heterogeneities can be detected and decisions made based on accurate data. The collection and analysis of all kinds of indicators in real time makes it possible to optimize operations and, therefore, reduce costs. In particular, IoT technologies allow you to dose fertilizer application, regulate water consumption and track other resources. IoT's smart agricultural platform can control cattle by preventing the spread of possible diseases. Technologies for smart processing of agricultural land include the use of satellite navigation, unmanned and robotic equipment, as well as special software for automated machine control, crop mapping, monitoring the state of equipment.

2. Artificial intelligence

AI algorithms automatically plan and regulate the work of equipment and the actions of employees, form reports, predict the situation. The application of AI technologies in crop production helps to assess the state of soil and plants, control the process of sowing areas and harvesting, and increase the productivity of agricultural land. In the field of animal husbandry, AI makes it possible to select feed, monitor livestock, monitor movement, and predict possible health problems. All this helps to increase the efficiency of enterprises, minimize costs and increase competitiveness. According to forecasts of the Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the Higher School of Economics, the market volume of AI systems for the agro-industrial complex in Russia by 2030 may reach 86 billion rubles.

3. Robotization

The use of robots in agriculture opens up wide possibilities for improving production efficiency and optimizing technological processes. Specialized machines can be used in various fields of agriculture, such as planting and planting plants, harvesting, maintenance of warehouses and transportation of goods. Robots do physical work faster and more accurately than humans. In addition, cars do not need a break for rest - they can function around the clock. The promising direction of development of robotics in agriculture is precision farming systems. Through the implementation of automated solutions, farmers can improve efficiency and productivity, increase yields, reduce costs and eliminate the impact of the human factor in many processes.

4. Geoanalytics

These technologies help make management decisions on farms with spatial data. Geoanalytics allows you to predict yields, calculate optimal traffic routes, etc. Information on crop growing conditions is strategically important in agricultural decision-making. Geoanalytics tools are in demand in the field of precision agriculture: we are talking about determining the optimal planting time, soil cultivation parameters and modes of operation of irrigation systems to obtain the maximum harvest. In addition, maps of air temperature and humidity, pressure and precipitation are formed. All this helps to optimize land use, maximize harvesting and increase profitability.

In general, as noted in a study by Strategy Partners, it is digitalization that will have the greatest impact on the Russian agro-industrial industry - due to increased labor productivity and increased value added. This trend will primarily affect crop production, industrial processing and animal husbandry. The digital technology market in the agro-industrial complex, according to analysts, will grow by an average of 13% annually until 2035 and will reach 856 billion rubles.

Domestic enterprises need to take into account megatrends and their impact on business: put digitalization in priority, update strategic plans, including export strategies, pay attention to personnel development programs. In the agro-industrial complex of the future, most business processes will be automated, the number of sustainable development initiatives and products with new properties will grow, "says Valeria Plotnikova, Managing Partner of Strategy Partners.[2]

The largest turkey producer in the Russian Federation "Damate" for 60 million rubles has introduced equipment for automatic capture of birds

The Damate Group of Companies, a leading turkey producer in Russia, has invested ₽60 million in automating the process of catching poultry at its Indyushkin Dvor enterprise in the Rostov Region. This became known in September 2024 as part of the ongoing modernization of production. Read more here.

Russian satellite system "Gonets" began to help track fish accumulations

In September 2024, it became known about the use of the Gonets satellite system to effectively track fish accumulations. The new area of ​ ​ application of the system will allow fishing vessels to receive data on places of concentration of fish directly in the fishery, which will significantly reduce fuel costs and time, as well as increase the productivity of the search for biological resources. This decision is aimed at optimizing the operation of ships in Russian waters, especially in areas of the Far East. Read more here

Harvest on autopilot. The Steppe agricultural holding invests hundreds of millions of rubles in digitalization. What are the results

In mid-September 2024, it became known that the Steppe agricultural holding was investing hundreds of millions of rubles in cloud services, drones and unmanned combines. One of the main goals is to create a digital ecosystem to optimize harvesting processes. Read more here.

Greenhouses with satellite control began to be produced in Russia

In September 2024, greenhouses with the possibility of satellite control were presented in Russia, which became a new stage in the development of automated agricultural technologies. It was created at the Korolev Samara University (SamSTU). Read more here.

Digitalization covers up to 30% of agro-industrial complex enterprises in Russia. Billions of rubles will be spent on it

In August 2024, the Russian government allocated more than ₽3 billion for the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex). These funds will be used to develop modern technologies in agriculture and fisheries. This decision was made in order to improve the efficiency of food production, which is necessary in the context of a growing world population.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by August 2024, digitalization covers no more than one third of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises

Associate Professor of the Financial University Petr Shcherbachenko noted that by 2050 it will be necessary to increase food production by 70% in order to provide food to 9.8 billion people. This requires significant investments in the modernization of the agricultural sector, which is actively switching to digital rails.

Key areas of agro-industrial complex digitalization include crop production and precision agriculture. More than 60% of large agricultural holdings and medium-sized farms already use such technologies, which allows increasing yields by 15-20%. In the Voronezh region, for example, the introduction of the precision farming system by AgroTekhnika led to an increase in the grain harvest by 17% while reducing the cost of fuels and lubricants by 12%.

Digitalization covers other segments of agribusiness, including logistics and product sales. 55% of agricultural producers use digital platforms to sell their products, and 47% use them to manage logistics, which reduces costs by 8-12%. At the same time, small and medium-sized farms face serious obstacles to the introduction of digital technologies - among the main barriers are the lack of financial resources and qualified specialists.

However, the government is actively increasing support for such initiatives in order to close the gap between large and small enterprises in digitalization. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by August 2024, only 25-30% of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises had introduced digital technologies. The problems associated with the insufficient development of digital infrastructure in rural areas also remain relevant and require solution at the state level.[3]

Collection of reports, electronic applications for subsidies, control over support measures. The law on the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex comes into force in Russia

In early August 2024, the president Russia Vladimir Putin signed a law that allows speeding up the use of digital services when providing state support in the field, agriculture including to farmers. The initiative is aimed at introducing digital technologies in the field of agriculture, which, in turn, should increase the efficiency and transparency of the distribution of subsidies.

The document assigns to the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the authority to create an information system for digital services in the field of agriculture. The operator of this system will be the Ministry of Agriculture. The platform will allow providing state support in the area under consideration in electronic form, reducing the time for document management when receiving it and increasing awareness of services. Cooperation between the two departments is designed to ensure the integration of various processes related to the provision of state support.

A law on the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex comes into force in Russia, which includes collection of reports, electronic applications for subsidies and control of support measures

The Government of the Russian Federation will determine the procedure, timing and specifics of the creation and commissioning of a new information system. In addition, a list of information that should be contained in the system, rules for registration and interaction of participants will be formed. This "will create a transparent and understandable environment for all participants in the process."

Andrei Anikeev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, believes that the main goal of the law is to launch mechanisms for providing federal, regional and municipal measures of state support to farmers in electronic form as soon as possible. The document provides for the following measures:

· Electronic applications for subsidies: farmers will be able to apply for subsidies in electronic form. This will greatly simplify the procedure, eliminating the need for paperwork and reducing waiting times;

· Control over support measures: the system will ensure monitoring and control over how state support measures are communicated to the final recipients. This will minimize the risks of fraud and misuse of budget funds;

· Collection of reporting: the new information system will accumulate and process data on the implementation of state support measures. This will not only simplify the reporting process for farmers, but will also allow government agencies to more effectively analyze results and make the necessary adjustments;

· List of support measures: the system will form and maintain an up-to-date list of all available state support measures, which will allow farmers to be aware of all the opportunities that they can use;

· Socio-economic information: the system will be able to collect data on the socio-economic state of settlements related to rural territories. This will make it possible to more accurately assess the needs of farmers and adapt support measures to real conditions.

Vladimir Putin also signed a law on state support for the sale of farm products, including the creation of aggregators in this area. The latter refers to organizations whose main activities relate to the circulation of farm products. At the same time, they must meet the criteria that will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that such organizations, in particular, will be engaged in the storage and delivery of farm products to stores, including chain ones. Agroaggregators, at least 51% of whose shares (shares) belong to small businesses in the agro-industrial complex, will have access to state support in the form of ensuring the availability of credit resources. The new norms begin to operate on September 1, 2024.[4]

Hundreds of agricultural machines with autopilots left for the fields of Chuvashia

As of the beginning of August 2024, hundreds of agricultural machines equipped with satellite navigation equipment/, GPSGLONASS as well as self-government tools, are operating on the fields of the Chuvash Republic. This is stated in the materials of the Ministry of Agriculture of the region, published on August 5, 2024. More. here

Why the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex is subsiding in Russia. Top issues - TA opinions

According to analysts at the Yakov & Partners consulting company, Russian agriculture has exhausted its easy opportunities for growth, and it faces an acute issue of digitalization. But in the development of information technology, the agro-industrial sector faces a number of barriers. Market participants told TAdviser about them.

One of the main problems preventing the agro-industrial sector in Russia from introducing digital technologies is the lack of affordable infrastructure, says Anton Balanov, professor and adviser on economics and sociology at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. According to him, the lack of broadband and incomplete Internet coverage in the regions limits access to digital solutions to improve production efficiency.

With the
help of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, it is possible to perform complex process analytics and predict specific technological indicators with a given accuracy, optimize the costs of growing various agricultural crops, keeping cattle and poultry, and predict the demand for products

The equipment of the agro-industrial complex with PCS and dispatching systems is very low, says Sergei Mukhantsev, director of product development at AiLine of Softline Digital.

And even where these systems are, they are used mainly only for creating reports and as an operational management tool. Basically, their potential is not being revealed, so companies are not looking to invest in them, but this is a big mistake, "he said.

For small manufacturers, digitalization often remains unattainable, says Vyacheslav Kogan, director of business development at the e-commerce department of Korus Consulting Group. Some don't have the time and money to adopt technology, while others don't have the confidence in the technology itself, he added.

Kogan also pointed to such a problem as the strong regulation of the industry. Instead of making processes and management in the industry more transparent, agrarians are added reporting tasks, he explained.

Small farms lack not only financial resources, but also information about digital transformation tools and its effects, believes the director of the holding's competence center. T1 Konstantin Shadrin In his opinion, the link between the IT industry and the sector of small agricultural enterprises can become. agrodrones They are a more budget alternative to expensive ground equipment. Thanks to this, farmers can gain access to advanced technologies and increase the efficiency of their business, said the source TAdviser.

Many experts called insufficient personnel qualifications a serious problem for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex. Often, agricultural workers do not have enough knowledge and skills to work with digital technologies. Staff training plays a key role in the successful implementation of new innovations, according to TAdviser interlocutors.

Roman Pavlenko, General Director of the Agroplem Laboratory and Research Center, stressed that digitalization requires large investments at the start. Without investments, nothing can be built significantly, many agricultural enterprises survive on about zero balance sheets and it is difficult for them to find funding.

Priority issues are added to all identified problems. According to Maxim Vlasyuk, director of the department for work with the industrial sector of Arenadata Group of Companies, often digital solutions in the agro-industrial complex are focused on control and monitoring, and not on supporting the development of enterprises. This can slow down the digitalization process and limit the sector's potential.

According to Vyacheslav Kogan from Korus Consulting, to stimulate the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, it is important to shift the focus of the state from regulation to supporting its own technologies, grow the attractiveness of the industry for personnel and improve the quality and efficiency of infrastructure. Konstantin Shadrin from T1 also sees the need to create training centers for agrodrons operators and special conditions for lending and leasing drones for agrarians. And SberDevices is confident that the future of digitalization of agriculture lies with artificial intelligence.

We see the role of artificial intelligence in the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex as rather assisting, strengthening the existing automation processes. It's kind of a superstructure. You can create and integrate chat bots into any messengers or sites that will issue notifications on the necessary parameters in real time, providing quick analytics, giving statuses or even predictive analytics, for example, on equipment wear risks or climate threats, "said Svetlana Safronova, Managing Director, Head of the Department for AI Solutions for V2V SberDevices.

As for state support for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, measures are already being applied. So, in July 2024, the State Duma adopted a law on agricultural aggregators, which will allow organizations to develop and implement IT solutions for order planning, transport management and solving other management tasks. The implementation of such initiatives should significantly facilitate and accelerate digitalization in the Russian agro-industrial complex.

"Digitized" cows and automatic scabies. How the digitalization of animal husbandry is taking place in Russia

Russian meat and dairy enterprises are actively introducing digital technologies into production processes. We are talking, in particular, about monitoring complexes, systems based on artificial intelligence, automation tools, etc. The digitalization of animal husbandry is described in the materials published in early July 2024.

According to analysts at Strategy Partners, the digital transformation of animal husbandry is not just cost optimization based on an automatic milking room and the use of selected breeding animals, but a necessary condition for integration with consumers and suppliers, as well as the key to long-term sustainable development. The introduction of smart technologies is carried out comprehensively across all production chains. Farms and enterprises of the industry become integral structures where all business processes can be connected through electronic communications and platform solutions.

Russian meat and dairy enterprises are actively introducing digital technologies into production processes

Automation systems

According to experts, automated systems for fattening, milking and monitoring the health of livestock can increase milk yield by 30 − 40%. One example of the introduction of such technologies in Russia is the Triticum peasant farm in the Omsk region. All processes are as automated as possible on the farm - from feed and water supply to manure harvesting. Steamed milk is supplied through pipelines to cooling tanks, and from there it is pumped into the approaching machines. Automatic scabies are also provided on the farm.

Each cow is wearing a collar with sensors that track the state of the animal by a number of parameters in real time. The data obtained are analyzed using special algorithms, which allows us to conclude about the health of a cow. Even if she has just begun to get sick, she will no longer get into the milking room.

In Russia, a platform for automated control of the milk yield of each individual cow has also been developed. It can be integrated into the livestock accounting system. The system helps to organize different amounts of nutrition for high-impact and low-impact animals. This approach reduces feed costs and increases productivity. In the event of a reduction in utilization, the program may recommend checking the serviceability of drinking, timeliness and portions of food, assessing stress factors, etc.

Digital twins

The concept provides that the genetic profile of the animal will be fully digitized, and even at the stage of birth, the cattle will be verified, determine which feeding and production schemes each head falls under. Ilnur Khairullin, General Director of Smart Assistant JSC, spoke about the digital doubles of cows. Individual animal profiles contain information about the pedigree of an individual, its offspring, veterinary activities, aspects of animal science, etc. AI-based algorithms provide recommendations on how to increase and increase production efficiency and profitability, reduce herd maintenance costs, increase safety, increase milk yield and establish reproduction.

Since 2018, the divisions of the EcoNiva group have been using the proprietary software and hardware complex Eko.Feed. Thanks to it, animal feeding has been debugged, the process of interaction between the holding's feeding department, livestock feeding technicians, and operators has been optimized.

Artificial intelligence

AI tools help to make management decisions, as well as optimize the work of enterprises. For example, video cameras installed in the premises allow you to track the sequence of actions of milkmaids. A specially trained neural network analyzes the process, then issues information about possible violations and forms a report. AI can also be used to select the most effective candidate for mating - at the request of farmers, it will be possible to strengthen the "dairy" or "meat" characteristics of the offspring.[5][6][7]

Agromarketplay "Price of Grain" began systematic work in Russia

The Russian market has launched a free digital product for agribusiness - "Price of Grain" (in the working version the name "Silk"). The new agromarketplace is mobile also a web application that allows players to buy and sell agricultural products in a transparent environment. The platform covers everything from business process contracting to signing reconciliation acts. The application works in, on and browser. phones Android iOS Read more here. [1]


How Tatarstan digitalizes agriculture and makes billions from it

With the help of digitalization of agriculture, it was possible to involve 3.5 billion rubles in the economy of Tatarstan. This was announced by the head of the republican Ministry of Agriculture Marat Zyabbarov in mid-November 2023.

According to him, such an economic effect was achieved thanks to the introduction of only one module of the information system of the agro-industrial complex and the systematic work of the ministry, Rosselkhoznadzor and districts.

Digitalization of agriculture brought Tatarstan 3.5 billion rubles

In 2022, the information system of the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture was assigned state status. In the first year of the project, nine modules were developed that are actively used by agricultural producers and control and supervisory authorities, Zyabbarov said.

It is difficult to estimate the full economic effect that has been achieved as a result of certain activities within one short period of time. However, already now we can say that the practice has had a positive impact on the economy, - stressed the Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan.

He added that when testing the module for monitoring the liming of acidic soils, inconsistencies were found between the project documents and the actual performance of the work.

This led to a loss of income of enterprises in the amount of about 30 million rubles due to incorrect lime application. These mistakes were made due to the banal human factor and lack of control, - explained Zyabbarov.

According to him, using artificial intelligence, the digitalization of agricultural land was carried out, which "made it possible to obtain complete information about each hectare in the region." Thanks to the joint work of the Ministry and the Rosselkhoznadzor in 2022, 35 thousand were involved in the turnover. ha of land, concluded the minister.[8]

Russia has developed technology to determine the place of origin of grapes in wine

Russia has developed technology to determine the place of origin of grapes in wine. Vladimir Likhovskoy, director of the All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking "Magarach" of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Republic of Crimea), spoke about this development in November 2023. Read more here.

Pigs in Russia began to weigh video cameras. How it saves 50 million rubles a year

The Lazarevskoye agricultural complex, the largest breeding farm in the Tula region (has 60 thousand pigs, a meat processing plant for 10 thousand tons of meat per year, a crop production workshop with an area of ​ ​ 25 thousand hectares, a feed mill) has developed a technology using artificial intelligence algorithms that weighs pigs using video cameras and determines their level of health. The company claims that the system helps to save about 50 million rubles annually. The successful implementation of the project pushed enterprises to its commercial launch, Leonid Komionko, project manager of Lazarevskoye TECH, said in August 2023. Read more here.

Russian agrotech startups attracted only $5 million in investments over the year

At the end of 2023, the volume of venture financing for agrotech startups in Russia amounted to approximately $5 million. At the same time, 17 public transactions were carried out among agrofudtech companies. In the current geopolitical situation, the most popular are projects related to import substitution, as stated in the materials published on April 26, 2024.

As the director of AgroTech Hub "Skolkovo" Natalya Chernysheva notes, in 2023, quite large investments attracted several Skolkov startups. They include the Moscow company Osnova Tech with its own laboratory and production. The company supplies the basics for the quick and easy preparation of drinks: these products allow you to replace some of the imported concentrates. Since its foundation in 2021, the company has received a total of 104.37 million rubles of investments.

The volume of venture financing of agrotech startups in Russia for the year reached $5 million

Sergey Kanzerov, director of Dsight, says that in 2023 Russia increased demand for point farming technologies, solutions based on drones and satellites, as well as automation tools in the field of finance and logistics. At the same time, large corporations are beginning to show interest in the agrofudtech market.

Rosselkhozbank Natalya Mendus, Managing Director for Work with Startups of JSC "," among the main trends in the development of the industry names digitalization. As part of agricultural holdings, their own startups appear, which are engaged in the development of technologies. According to the Rosselkhozbank Center for the Development of Financial Technologies, in 2023 almost every third (30%) agrotech startup in Russia was founded by women. Another trend in agrotechnological development is the change in personnel in: agriculture the traditional labor force is replaced by equipment and digital solutions, as well as professional competencies and skills.[9]

64% of agro-industrial enterprises plan investments in software automation, while 27% do not have a dedicated IT structure

First Bit"" September 21, 2023 presented a study of the state of the level of digitalization of AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX regions. Russia The study showed that 71.4% of agricultural companies plan to automate accounting, production accounting and settlement in 2024. wages

Experts from the Sportivnaya IT-integrator First Bit office interviewed about 60 companies in the agro-industrial sector from 17 regions of Russia. The survey was conducted among the top management of enterprises of poultry meat-processing and sectors, enterprises, dairy industry the crop sector, elevators, feed and oil extraction plants. Geography covered companies from,,, and Central. Volga Ural Siberian Federal Districts The focus of the study was large agricultural holdings (50%) with more than 1000 employees, as well as medium-sized companies for 500-1000 people (20%), medium-sized enterprises (21%) with a staff of up to 500 people, as well as small businesses (9%) - up to 100 employees.

According to the survey, 64% of the surveyed companies are planned to invest in IT. This is a good indicator, given that agriculture is traditionally considered an underestimated industry in the Russian economy. However, considering that almost every third (36%) company still does not plan to digitalize in 2024 - this is an alarming bell for the entire agro-industrial complex of the sector as a whole,
commented Kirill Vorobyov, curator of the agro-industrial complex of the First Bit company.

It is noteworthy that more than half of companies (59%) have an IT department headed by an IT director. There is also a trend - the emergence of digitalization directors (14%). These are separately identified people who are responsible not so much for the content of the current IT architecture as for the implementation of technological approaches. If we compare agriculture with other types of business, for example, with retail or the fuel and energy complex, then in all large companies the director for digitalization already has a more mature approach. At the same time, 27% of the surveyed agricultural companies still do not have a dedicated IT structure: a system administrator, chief accountant or general director can be responsible for digitalization there.

Among the companies that planned investments in software automation in 2024, the most famous circuit was accounting in production (71.4%), which is indeed an industry trend. Other options that companies also chose: automation of accounting and tax accounting (52.4%); salary and personnel management (47.6%); maintenance and repairs (42.9%); budgeting, treasury, IFRS and management accounting (42.9%); purchasing, sales, warehouse (38.1%).

If we pay attention to the automation of accounting and wages in other sectors of the economy, then for most of them this issue has long been resolved, while in the agricultural industry it is very acute and creates a certain market. However, we expect that in the coming years the demand for such services will fall, but at the same time the need for automation of maintenance and budgeting will grow,
commented Kirill Vorobyov.

As for the effects that agricultural companies expect to receive from digitalization, this is mainly a reduction in manual operations, this is how 85.7% of respondents answered. In addition, 52% hope to get an increase in profit, and this is not surprising, given that the first persons of companies who understand the real value of business automation took part in the survey. Meanwhile, 9% replied that digitalization would not change anything. Among the factors hindering early digitalization, most companies named "Low level of awareness about the features of IT solutions" (66.7%), as well as "Low priority of IT technologies over other forms of investment" (33.3%) and "Lack of support from the state" (28.6).

Summarizing the data above, we can say that the digitalization of agriculture is very heterogeneous: there are industry experts who have been using ERP class systems for many years, and are already looking towards RPA and BI; and there are enterprises that, even for 10-15 years, did not get close to this level of digitalization and still keep their records in MS Excel. Small and medium-sized companies often do not even have an IT department and the value of IT implementations is not obvious to them. Business owners also do not always understand the advantages of automation and prefer, say, to invest in Dutch equipment than in IT. It is difficult to convince them here, because the general level of awareness of the features of IT solutions for business in the agricultural sector is very low. As an IT integrator, we wanted an objective view of the state of the industry and now have a better understanding of the pain and concerns of our customers. Our next goal is to educate and train companies to work with automated systems to maximize the use of all automation features,
said Kirill Vorobyov, curator of the agro-industrial complex of the First Bit company.

Implementation of satellite technology for agricultural data collection

In early September 2023, it became known about the decision of the Federal state Statistics Service (Rosstat) to introduce satellite technologies for collecting data in the field. agriculture It is assumed that this approach will allow you to receive information more quickly and spend less money on this. In addition, the quality of the primary data and the accuracy of the final figures will significantly increase. More. here

The first robotic leasing deal in the agro-industrial complex took place in Russia

On March 24, 2023, the state leasing company Rosagroleasing announced to TAdviser the launch of Russia's first robotization system for leasing transactions in the agro-industrial complex, in which a person is connected only to sign documents. With the help of this system, the company has already carried out its first deal, concluding seven leasing agreements with an agricultural enterprise from the Republic of Tatarstan, ALGA LLC. Read more here.


Russian agro-industrial complex has exhausted easy opportunities for growth and needs digitalization

By 2023, Russia's agro-industrial complex has exhausted easy opportunities for growth. In the current situation, the issue of digitalization has become acute, which could become a "trunk road" for the further development of the industry. This is stated in the study of the company "Yakov and Partners," the results of which were published in August 2023.

The report says that the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation was actively expanding and demonstrated significant success until the start of a special operation in Ukraine. So, from 2016 to 2022, the volume of production in the country increased by 69% - from $76 billion to $129 billion. At the same time, Russia managed not only to improve the situation with its own food security and reach most self-sufficiency targets, but also to start providing food to other countries. Exports of the agro-industrial complex increased from 2016 to 2022 by 134% - from $18 billion to $42 billion.

However, after the February events of 2022, despite the record harvest of the 2022/2023 season, the food security index of the Russian Federation decreased to 69.1% against 74.8% a year earlier. Experts attribute this to several factors, including the rise in price of production facilities, a slowdown in the introduction of innovative technologies, violation of supply chains and sanctions.

The authors of the report highlight three main features of the Russian agro-industrial complex in terms of digitalization. One of them is that work in this direction is carried out mainly by large vertically integrated agricultural holdings. At the same time, small and medium-sized agricultural producers practically do not introduce digital technologies. The second difficulty is associated with a significant lag in Russia from advanced countries in terms of the volume and effectiveness of investments in agricultural science: for example, compared to the United States, the indicator is almost 60 times lower. The third feature of the digitalization of the Russian agro-industrial complex is associated with the targets set by the state. In practice, the priority was the introduction of tracking systems, while the creation of a single digital platform, which will allow in real time to receive the information necessary for making management decisions, is planned no earlier than 2030.

The study says that the digitalization of agriculture contains huge opportunities, but Russia, while maintaining these features, will not be able to realize its potential. Among the key measures to increase the level of digitalization of the country's agro-industrial complex are the creation of a specialized platform for processing, storing data and making decisions based on them; formation of a single anonymous information bank in the agro-industrial complex; changing the vector of the Ministry of Agriculture's digitalization program in order to expand support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Small and medium-sized farms cannot do without state support. Today, it is more important than ever to create innovative services that will close the daily problems of farmers and help them increase the efficiency of farms, the authors of the report note.

According to estimates, by 2030 digitalization can provide an increase in labor productivity in Russian agriculture by 15.6% (accumulated total), increase production by 3-5% (depending on the type of enterprise), as well as reduce cost by 5-20%. At the same time, the annual increase in income may amount to 800 billion rubles or more. In general, the successful development of the Russian agro-industrial complex will depend to a decisive extent on the results of measures to introduce digital technologies, and, in particular, on state policy in this area.[10]

The number of agrotech startups in the Russian Federation has grown by 30%

By the end of October 2022, there are more than 220 startups in Russia developing technologies in the agro-industrial sector. This is 30% more than a year earlier. This was reported in Rosselkhozbank.

Such dynamics confirms the fact that there are relevant niches and demand for agricultural technologies, which is satisfied by startups ready to develop and offer appropriate optimal solutions, the credit institution said in a statement.

In its statistics, the bank includes a startup that are at least at the MVP stage (in the phase of successful development of the "minimum viable product"). The most popular agricultural management was biotechnology (more than 24% of all startups) - technologies that provide for the use of living organisms, cultured cells and biological processes for the production of substances and products.

In 2022, Rosselkhozbank experts identified more than 220 startups operating in the domestic agricultural sector and having innovative solutions from the level of a working prototype

In this area , projects are highlighted that provide for the processing of organic waste with the help of insects, alternative methods of protein production, as well as the production of innovative biologics to increase agricultural efficiency.

The second most common (more than 13%) is the solution of Internet the sphere of "things" (), IoT which is based on the installation of devices and sensors capable of measuring, transmitting and accumulating data, as well as interacting with each other over the network. Startups offer agricultural enterprises intelligent monitoring systems and video analytics for analyzing animal behavior, sensors for tracking soil temperature and moisture.

In third place are technologies of "precision agriculture" (about 12%), which help to control the application of seeds, fertilizers, herbicides and other substances to different zones of the field based on data obtained from satellites, drones and other devices.[11] 

Rostec has developed a cloud platform "Your Harvest"

The Roselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation announced on September 26, 2022, the development of a cloud platform for smart crop production, Your Harvest. Due to the use of digital technologies, the solution is able to form task maps for agricultural machinery, plan sowing work, and also give recommendations on the use of fertilizers. The introduction of the platform will increase harvest, reduce the downtime of equipment, as well as reduce the cost of seed and agrochemical products. Read more here.


Rostelecom and Naretrends will jointly develop services for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex

On September 2, 2021, Rostelecom and Naretrends Inc., a precision farming company in the Republic of Korea, signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) in agriculture. The parties agreed to study the possibilities for the development of ICT in the field of the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex) for the subsequent conclusion of the agreement. Read more here.

California satellites will help Russian farmers monitor crops

In July 2021, it became known about the improvement of quality satellite data in the agrotechnological platform. " Interra To do this the Russian , the company began using the technology of the California company, Planet Labs which allows you to take photos with an increase in resolution to a level of 3x3 meters. More. here

In Russia, began to use drones with a laser for processing crops

At the end of June 2021, it became known about the creation of pilot aircraft in Russia equipped with a laser plant for processing crops. This product was developed by Novbiotech from Veliky Novgorod. Read more here.

Ministry of Agriculture named 5 main projects for the digital transformation of agriculture in the regions

At the end of June 2021, it became known about the digital transformation projects of regional agriculture proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture. The initiatives are as follows:

The use of specialized training programs in agricultural universities

According to the plans of the Ministry of Agriculture, by the end of 2021, 30 agricultural universities will use specialized educational programs, including for the training of specialists in Innopolis. 50 thousand people will undergo training in specialized educational programs.

Creation of platforms for farmers in the field of crop production and animal husbandry

The department expects that by 2024 information on 100% of agricultural land should be stored in digital format. By using open data, labor productivity in the industry will increase by 15%.

The Ministry of Agriculture sounded 5 main projects of digital transformation of agriculture in the regions

Creating Digital Twins

As predicted in the Ministry of Agriculture, by 2024 the technology of selecting an effective model and forecasting for 10 main production processes in the field of crop production will be implemented to increase investment in the agro-industrial complex.

Creating Digital Crop and Livestock Production Online

By 2030, according to the ministry's plans, full control of field processing processes using unmanned equipment and artificial intelligence on 80% of agricultural land should be ensured, as well as a 20% increase in yields due to the use of trained AI and drones.

Control of targeted use of budget funds and implementation of control and supervision activities

According to the plan, by 2024, control over the effectiveness of the use of budget funds, agricultural land, safe production and turnover of products will be carried out exclusively online.[12]

Announcement of the cow recognition system in the face

In early June 2021, the Modern Agricultural Technologies (STSH) company based in Izhevsk introduced SAIC cow and goat recognition technology . It allows you to identify cattle by nose pattern - a dermatoglyphic pattern, which, according to the developers of the system, is unique in each animal and does not change during life. Read more here.

Manufacturers of smart agricultural machinery ask to connect them to the tax maneuver in IT

In early April 2021, it became known about the request of the Russian Association of Manufacturers of Specialized Equipment and Equipment (Rosspetsmash) to expand the actions of the tax maneuver in the field of IT to the technological divisions of domestic plants. The corresponding letter was sent to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. Read more here.

Wheat and barley in the Ryazan region begin to remove combines without drivers

In March 2021, Agro-Industrial Complex Rus LLC agreed to introduce the Cognitive Pilot unmanned control system for agricultural machinery. Read more here.

More than 50 Russian agricultural producers have created a platform for the exchange of experience in the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex

More than 50 Russian agricultural producers have created a platform for the exchange of experience and promotion of initiatives in the field of digitalization of the country's agro-industrial complex - Smart Farming Club (SFC, "Smart Farming Club"), which the latter announced on January 19, 2021. Read more here.

2020: Almost half of Russian farmers boycott the introduction of automated agrotech solutions

Analysts of the company for monitoring the state of plants on AI Fermata the Russian the basis conducted a study and found that almost 48% of farmers decided not to implement automated agrotech solutions even after the dismissal of employees during. pandemics 136 owners of agricultural enterprises (farms, garden associations) took part in the survey: the main core of the audience is men and women 35-55 years old, Fermata reported on December 17, 2020.

Experts found that during the pandemic, the most acute problem for 37.5% of respondents was a decrease in supply volumes. 32.3% of respondents identified job cuts as a key difficulty, for 23.5% the problems were the most critical logistic.

Due to restrictions related to coronavirus infection, the turnover of 69% of companies decreased several times. 24% of enterprises retained the previous revenue indicators, and only 7% of respondents managed to increase them.

During the pandemic, 45% of farmers did not cut their employees, while 15% of enterprises laid off up to 50% of the state. Despite the layoffs, 48% of respondents decided not to introduce automated agrotech solutions, 25% plan to add new technologies to internal processes. At the same time, 20% of farmers already use innovative solutions - the pandemic has become the driver for their implementation.

According to World Bank experts, in order to support the Russian agricultural sector during the pandemic, the state increased tax deferrals and reduced credit rates, but new technological solutions were not presented. According to the results of the survey, 55% of respondents introduced disinfection systems due to sanitary and epidemiological requirements, 27% of respondents began to use remote monitoring for remote process control, and access systems became part of only 10% of enterprises.

"In the next three years, Russian farmers are likely to see technology not as help, but as a potential threat. Nevertheless, foreign experience will push them to more active use of new automated solutions, "says Valeriya Kogan, founder of Fermata.

State regulation of digitalization of agriculture

Agriculture Digitalization Program


In Russia, launched the state program "Smart Bread" for the introduction of robots and AI in agriculture

In Russia, the state program "Smart Bread" has been launched, aimed at introducing robots and artificial intelligence in agriculture. The initiative, which started in July 2024, is an all-Russian information platform for digital development and education in the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex). Read more here

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin allocated 3 billion rubles for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex and fisheries in 2024

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced the allocation of more than 3 billion rubles for the digital transformation of the agro-industrial and fisheries complexes of Russia. This decision, which became known in July 2024, is aimed at increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic agriculture in the context of modern technological challenges.

According to Interfax, the funds will be used to implement a number of strategic directions in the field of digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex. The government has prepared an order supplementing the roadmap with concrete steps to introduce new technologies, including artificial intelligence, in the agro-industrial sector.

Mikhail Mishustin announced the allocation of more than 3 billion rubles for the digital transformation of the agro-industrial and fishery complexes of Russia

Among the promising areas of application of digital technologies are the development of automatic irrigation and irrigation systems, the use of unmanned vehicles for field treatment, as well as the collection and analysis of satellite data on the state of the soil and reserves of aquatic biological resources.

The process of digitalization of services in agro-industrial and fisheries complexes is planned to be carried out in stages. By 2026, it is planned to achieve 50% digitalization, by 2027 - 75%, and by 2028 it is planned to completely translate the registration of all support measures into digital format.

An important stage in the implementation of the program will be the completion of work on a digital platform for agro-industrial and fisheries complexes in December 2024. The launch of the platform is scheduled for March 2025. By December 2030, the system should become a single point of integration of information resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency for Fisheries, which will automate calculations for subsidizing farmers and agricultural insurance.

Mikhail Mishustin stressed the importance of this initiative for the development of agriculture: {{quote 'Entrepreneurs will be able to use modern technologies to increase yields, optimize costs, establish effective distribution channels for products and, accordingly, gain a number of other competitive advantages for agriculture, the development of which will contribute to improving the quality and diversity of food[13] }}

How Gostech will be used in the digitalization of agriculture

On May 8, 2024, it became known that in Russia, on the Gostech platform, it is planned to launch a number of services to digitalize the functions of regional authorities in the field of agriculture. We are talking about four platforms: "Digital profile of an agricultural producer," "Network of digital weather stations and push notifications," "Accurate accounting of agricultural land" and "State support for agricultural producers." Read more here.

How Russia will undergo digitalization in the field of crop production. Road map approved

In May 2024, it became known about digitalization projects in the field of crop production in Russia. They are mentioned in the roadmap "New Industrial Software," which was previously approved by the Government Commission for Digital Development.

As CNews writes with reference to this document, one of the initiatives involves finalizing the "History of the Field" system (developing the Rusagro holding) to manage agricultural production. As part of updating this solution, it is planned to solve the following problems:

  • choosing the optimal cultures for the season; selection of optimal cultivation technologies;
  • selecting suitable seeds; recommendations on the timing of sowing;
  • recommendations on the timing of field work and field inspections;
  • weed identification and herbicide treatment recommendations;
  • disease prediction and definition and recommendations for fungicidal treatments.

It became known about digitalization projects in the field of crop production

The next project is a crop management system based on artificial intelligence and a complex of autonomous ground-based robots (developed by Econiva-APK Holding). This complex allows you to create schemes for the scheme of crop rotation, soil treatment, sowing, application of fertilizers and plant protection products.

The document also refers to the introduction of the 2AgrCloud phytoomonitoring system, which is engaged in the "Greenhouse Complex Sosnogorsky." Due to the implementation of this project, its initiators expect to get an increase in the yield of cucumber in the amount of 10 kg/sq. m. m, an increase in tomato yield - 20 kg/sq. m. m.

In addition, by digitalization in the field of crop production, Cognitive Technologies, which presented a robotic complex of agronomic soil analysis (RKAAP). The system is able to evaluate fertilizer application rates, as well as other indicators that characterize the potential growth of crops. The robot agronomist will be able to contribute the required amount of fertilizers so as not to disrupt natural processes.[14]

In Russia, create GIS for digital services in the field of agro-industrial complex

On March 29, 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development would create a state information system for the Ministry of Agriculture for digital services of the agro-industrial complex (IS TS APK). The formation of the platform will begin in June 2024. Read more here.


Approval of the strategy for the digital transformation of agro-industrial and fishery complexes

At the end of November 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving a new strategic direction for the digital transformation of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes in Russia.

According to the document, the digitalization of state support services will go in several stages. By 2026, this figure should reach 50%, in 2027-75%, in 2028, the registration of all support measures will be completely translated into a "figure."

Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving a new strategic direction for the digital transformation of agro-industrial and fishery complexes

The objectives of the strategic direction of digital transformation of agro-industrial and fishery complexes:

  • achievement of the established indicators of "digital maturity" of the agricultural sector, which are part of the indicators characterizing the implementation of the target indicator "digital maturity";
  • achievement of the "intellectual maturity index";
  • ensuring the level of food independence of the Russian Federation;
  • increased efficiency of production processes; Increase the availability of industry products through digital solutions training of highly qualified personnel with digital competencies; improving approaches to the development and use of digital products;
  • ensuring the completeness and reliability of industry data of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency for Fishery;
  • improving the quality of planning process measures of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency for Fishery;
  • reducing the shadow turnover of industry products; increasing technological independence from foreign software by stimulating demand for domestic technological solutions and introducing competitive domestic software and software and hardware systems, including those created on the basis of end-to-end technologies and artificial intelligence.

Among the promising areas of application of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex, the authors of the document call the development of automatic irrigation and irrigation systems, the use of affordable unmanned vehicles for field treatment, the collection of satellite data on the state of soil or reserves of aquatic biological resources.

In total, more than 3 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of new and already planned measures for the digital transformation of agriculture in the budget of next year, - Mishustin said in early December 2023.

Digitalization of state support services will go in several stages

The new version of the strategic direction is supplemented by a "roadmap," which spells out the main stages of its implementation. According to this document, in December 2024, work should be completed on a single digital platform for agro-industrial and fisheries complexes. Its launch is scheduled for March 2025. The emergence of the platform will allow faster and more efficient analysis and forecasting of industry indicators of the complexes.

By December 2030, the new system should become a single point of integration of all information resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency for Fishery with electronic systems of other departments. Thus, all calculations necessary for subsidizing farmers and agricultural insurance will be automated.

Another point of the roadmap is the creation of a situational digital center for the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency for Fishery. Its functionality will allow monitoring the information security of all digital resources of these departments. It is expected that it will begin its work in December 2025.

Government of the Russian Federation Order of November 23, 2023 No. 3309-r

Mishustin launched a program for the development of agrobiotechnoparks and allocated 1.5 billion rubles for it

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree by which he launched a program for the development of agrobiotechnoparks and allocated 1.5 billion rubles for it. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on July 3, 2023. Read more here.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation introduces standards for the exchange of data in agriculture

In June 2023, it became known about the development by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of standards for the exchange of data among market participants. The department believes that it is impossible to build an ecosystem and introduce comprehensive solutions in agriculture without uniform data formats.

According to the participants of the agricultural market, there are several key problems in working with industry data. For example, in different registries, the boundaries of agricultural land are indicated in different units of measurement. There is no monotony in parameters such as the date of shipment, and even in terms - developers of technological solutions often enter them on their own, without consulting experts, so there is confusion in definitions. There is also a problem of data exchange between technology and software. If a manufacturer of agricultural equipment wants to switch from one system to another, then it will have great difficulties in transporting data.

Standards for the exchange of data among agricultural market participants are being developed

According to Ekaterina Potonova, Deputy Director General of the Center for Digital Transformation of the Agro-Industrial Complex under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, all these problems become the cause of the so-called functional wells, when a conditional enterprise turns into a closed system. One way to solve this problem is to create a single glossary and set of standards for the exchange of data between all market participants. Thanks to these standards, farmers will be able to turn to vendors in order to get chains of solutions and an understanding of how technically they can be introduced into production.

As an example of the successful implementation of such solutions in the world, Ekaterina Potapova cites the initiative of the international organization for ISO standardization, where the strategic group is engaged in standardizing interfaces and working with data: from obtaining them to creating a processing protocol.

In Russia, create FGIS in seed production

At the end of March 2023, it became known about the creation of the Seed Production State Information System (FSIS) in Russia. All participants in the turnover of seeds who are engaged in testing, production, quality control, storage, sale and use of seeds of agricultural plants will be obliged to provide information in this system. Her testing began in February 2023. Read more here.

Federal GIS "Zerno" put into full operation

On March 1, 2023, the Zerno Federal State Information System (GIS) was put into full operation. From this day on, information on grain processing products must be entered into this platform without fail. Read more here.

Mishustin approved the launch of a unified digital register of agricultural land

In early February 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the procedure for maintaining a register of agricultural land. This state information system will contain the full volume of reliable systematized information on the state and use of agricultural land, on the plots and buildings located there. Read more here.


The Ministry of Agriculture will spend 716 million rubles on the redesign of the IT system for accounting tractors and its transfer from Windows to Linux

In the summer of 2022, AT Consulting won a tender for the development of the federal state information system for accounting and registration of tractors, self-propelled vehicles and trailers to them (FSIS USMT). Modernization of the FSIS USMT will cost the Ministry of Agriculture 716 million rubles. The project is due to be completed in December 2023. Read more here

The Ministry of Agriculture asked large agricultural companies to finance the purchase of Russian software

On July 21, 2022, it became known that the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation asked the country's largest agricultural companies to finance 20% of the import substitution cost of the production software they needed.

Such a measure was discussed at a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the companies EkoNiva, Rusmoloko, Tavros, Agropromkomplektatsiya, etc. According to Kommersant, citing a source who took part in this meeting, officials stressed that it is necessary to "quickly import substitution of solutions that are insanely important for production chains." In particular, we are talking about Smartbow programs (allows you to monitor the health and movement of livestock), Cloudfarms (analyzes and manages data for pig farms) and BigFarmNet (allows you to remotely monitor the livestock of pigs).

Ministry of Agriculture asks agricultural companies to finance domestic software

The Ministry of Agriculture proposes to start migration to Russian solutions for managing agricultural enterprises. But they still need to be developed, tested, implemented, as well as promptly organize technical support. This takes several years and big investments in projects, the newspaper writes.

Representatives of agricultural companies, which already have their own IT divisions and developers, asked the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Digital Development to consider the possibility of being copyright holders of software for which they will allocate money, even if the state then compensates for most of it. This is necessary for the operational support and development of software in-house by agricultural companies.

information technology Nikolai Komlev, executive director of the Association of Computer and Computer Enterprises (APKIT), calls compensation for up to 80% of investments "a good incentive for enterprises to join the project," and predictably supports the preservation of rights software to developers.[15]

Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex will ensure food security of the Russian market

Government of Russia announced on June 7, 2022, the allocation of 907 million rubles for the introduction of digital technologies in. This agro-industrial complex Russia statement was made by the Prime Minister during a working meeting with the Deputy Prime Ministers. countries Mikhail Mishustin To improve the accuracy of crop estimates, technologies artificial intelligence will primarily be introduced in and, Perm Territory Tatarstan as well as in,,,, and Voronezh Kurskaya Bryansk Tula areas Nizhny Novgorod. Moscow Government Decree No. 1403-r of RUSSIAN FEDERATION June 2, 2022 was signed, the funds necessary to implement these government decisions are provided for under the subsection Ministry of Finance of Russia "section" Agriculture and fishingNational economy of the classification of expenses. budgets Mikhail Mishustin noted that on behalf president countries of the government, he is working on the development of the agro-industrial complex, including using those information technology that meet the requirements for 2022.

As a result, the state system for monitoring and predicting food security will become more accurate,
noted the head of government Vladimir Putin

It is also planned to launch the work of the register of federal property of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, which will allow combining disparate information, simplifying analytical work in the industry and quickly making the necessary decisions. In accordance with paragraph 14 of part 1 of Article 21 of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2022 and the Planning Period of 2023 and 2024," 507 million rubles are allocated for the development of the state information system for collecting and analyzing industry data "Single Window" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, an automated information system of registers, registers and regulatory reference information, a system for monitoring and forecasting food security of the Russian Federation will be created . This part of the budget also includes the implementation of a comprehensive information system for collecting and processing accounting and specialized reporting of agricultural producers, digitalization of the formation of consolidated reports, monitoring and control. No less important for the industry will be the system of analyzing subsidies to support the agro-industrial complex, as well as to create conditions for the interaction of information systems of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with the Unified Information Platform of the national data management system.

400 million rubles were allocated for the development of the Unified Federal Information System on agricultural lands and lands used or provided for agriculture as part of lands of other categories, as part of the State Program for the Effective Involvement of Agricultural Lands in Circulation and the Development of the Reclamation Complex of the Russian Federation.

Experienced testing of an artificial intelligence system for the accuracy of forecasting and assessing crops in the Perm Territory is very important for the region. We will be able to be at the forefront of the introduction of multifaceted digital technology, which will help the development of one of the most important industries - the agricultural and industrial complex. The introduction of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex, allowing to control the entire production process and maintain adequate and timely control over the accounting of products, will create conditions for a multiple increase in production volumes and food security of our market. In general, this government decision will make the data of the Ministry of Agriculture available in real time to all participants in the industry, which will help quickly respond to emerging problems, modernize the system of production planning and forecasting crop volumes,
emphasized the coordinator of the federal project "United Russia" "Digital Russia," deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Perm Territory Anton Nemkin.

Mishustin approved the creation of a scientific center for the introduction of technologies in agriculture

At the end of May 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the creation of a Research and Production Center to ensure the introduction of advanced scientific and technical results in agriculture. Read more here.

Mishoustin approved the creation of GIS traceability of pesticides and agrochemicals

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the creation of a state information system (GIS) for the traceability of pesticides and agrochemicals. The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers announced this on May 13, 2022. Read more here.

In the Moscow region, farmers and agro-industrial complex companies will be checked online

The Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Moscow Region announced on April 25, 2022 that Farmers of the Moscow Region will report for using grants online. Read more here.


Mishustin approved the strategic direction of digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex and fisheries

At the end of December 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the strategic direction of digital transformation of Russia's agro-industrial and fisheries complexes for the period 2030.

In accordance with this document, it is planned to introduce the following technologies:

Mikhail Mishustin in the Republic of Kalmykia in February 2021

These technologies will be used for use in the framework of public administration, as well as to increase the efficiency of production and sales processes of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and the fishery complex.

In addition, the implementation of the strategic direction provides for the introduction of electronic products (including data storage systems and server equipment, automated workplaces, software and hardware systems, communication equipment, video surveillance systems) of Russian origin.

The strategy signed by Mishustin is aimed at achieving high "digital maturity" in the fields of agro-industrial and fishery complexes, as well as increasing investments in domestic solutions in the field of information technology by 4 times compared to 2019. Other goals are to reduce paper flow and deadlines for the provision of public services, reduce illegal turnover of products and increase the quality of planning measures in the industry.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 3971-r dated 29.12.2021

Sberbank held a pilot deal of concessional lending in the information system of digital services of the agro-industrial complex

Sberbank together with Control TuGo. Ru. On December 2, 2021, he announced a pilot transaction of concessional lending in the information system of digital services of the agro-industrial complex. Read more here.

50 billion rubles for digital twins, AI and drones. Ministry of Agriculture presented a program for the digitalization of the agricultural industry

In early October 2021, it became known about the program for the digitalization of the agro-industrial and fisheries complex of the Russian Federation developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation until 2030.

As he writes Kommersant with reference to this document, it talks about the introduction in the industry of,, digital twins artificial intelligence Internet things, unmanned aerial vehicles, remote sensing technologies. Lands It is also planned to develop an online platform for promoting Russian agricultural products and launch a modeling and forecasting system. The implementation of these projects in the Ministry of Agriculture was estimated at 50 billion. rubles

Digitalization of the agricultural industry will cost 50 billion rubles

The document explains that forecasting technologies will make it possible to build predictive models of the yield and probability of animal diseases, the use of robots and drones will simplify production processes, and solutions in the field of remote sensing of the Earth - collecting data on agricultural land and their use for their intended purpose. Among the risks of implementing the strategy are dependence on foreign technologies, insufficient funding, as well as the reluctance of agricultural companies to introduce digital technologies.

The Ministry of Agriculture told the publication that the digital transformation of agriculture is aimed at "increasing investment attractiveness, ensuring the completeness and reliability of data on the situation in the industry and in the food market, reducing the cost of production and the cost of entering the agribusiness of new agricultural producers." 

PwC partner in Russia Mikhail Frolov noted that large agro-industrial holdings with sufficient resources are engaged in the most active implementation of digital solutions. According to the expert, in agriculture, companies are actively introducing ERP, satellite positioning technologies, equipment monitoring systems, field digitization and drones.[16]


Russia is creating an IT system for subsidies in agriculture

In early September 2020, it became known about the creation in Russia of a unified information system for applying for state support in the field of the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex ). The corresponding project was supported by the FAS Russia. They also noted that the system will ensure the openness and transparency of the provision of subsidies and the assessment of their effectiveness. Read more here.

Sberbank will help automate the process of issuing preferential loans to farmers

On August 28, 2020, Sberbank announced that it would develop a concessional lending module for the Ministry of Agriculture. Sberbank's subsidiary SberKorus (formerly Korus Consulting CIS) will carry out work on the design of client scenarios and the user path in the concept of the future system. The general contractor of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is FORCE - Development Center LLC. The development of a concessional lending module is part of the process of digital transformation of agriculture and the creation of a system of digital services for the agro-industrial complex. Read more here.

Cattle in Primorye began to implant chips

On July 7, 2020, it became known about the start of chipping farm animals in Primorye. The main goal of the livestock identification and automation project of the livestock industry is to ensure the anti-episootic and food security of the agro-industrial complex. Read more here.

"Lanit-Integration" by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia has developed the conceptual foundations of the national platform "Digital Agriculture"

February 12, 2020 LANIT announced the development of the conceptual foundations of the national platform "Digital" agriculture by order. Ministry of Agriculture Russia The main goal is to ensure digital transformation and development AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX through the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions. The main driver of such acceleration should be a different format of interaction between industry participants using services developing in the digital space of the national platform. More. here

2018: The Ministry of Agriculture expects to approve the Digital Agriculture program at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation

By the end of 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture expects to approve the Digital Agriculture program at the government level for its inclusion in the Digital Economy program. Igor Kozubenko, Director of the Department for Development and Management of State and Information Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture, told TAdviser about this at the TSIPR conference in June 2018.

Ministry of Agriculture has developed a program for the digitalization of agriculture

According to him, in June the department came to the government with this initiative, and now the task is to protect the events and budgets of the new program.

How much is the implementation of Digital Agriculture estimated, Kozubenko refused to clarify TAdviser. Based on the numbers that he announced as part of his speech at the CIPR, it can amount to hundreds of billions of rubles. So, he cited data, the volume of the IT market in the agro-industrial complex in 2017 amounted to 360 billion rubles. He did not identify the source of this assessment.

The proposed program is designed for 6 years - until 2024. It includes many events. Among them are such "fundamental activities" as the construction of "serious infrastructure" in agricultural areas. "According to statistics," 20% of such territories in Russia have 3G. This is catastrophically small, said Igor Kozubenko. At the same time, there is no communication at all in many territories, he added.

It is necessary to provide a high-quality signal to combines, tractors and other equipment. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed to the government an "ambitious task" together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Communications, Rostelecom and others to provide good coverage of agricultural land, possibly 5G, Kozubenko said.

This will make it possible to qualitatively introduce robotics and automate all processes, "he said.

Also, according to the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, the department proposed to the government to revise the schemes of state support and subsidies for the informatization of the industry:

We proposed not to subsidize part of the costs of purchasing some technologies, but to subsidize the transmission of "numbers," including Internet of Things technologies. This will make it possible to objectively see the picture, collect data and really predict what is happening in our country and what will happen, "said Igor Kozubenko.

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture added that the implementation of all this first requires an audit of what is already there. For this, a "powerful analytical center" was created in the Ministry of Agriculture, which the department considers as a basis for collecting those technologies that work effectively and promoting these technologies into the industry, training specialists and much more.

Among the existing problems in the field of IT in the agro-industrial complex, Igor Kozubenko noted an acute shortage of personnel: there are not enough specialists, the IT specialist today receives a salary more than the chief agronomist. Another problem is dependence on imported technologies. The Ministry of Agriculture calculated that about 95% of technologies in agriculture are foreign.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to implement the state scientific and technical policy in the interests of agricultural development"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2016 No. 350 "On measures to implement the state scientific and technical policy in the interests of agricultural development[17]

In order to provide scientific and technical support for the development of agriculture and reduce technological risks in the food sector, I decide:

Develop and implement a set of measures aimed at creating and introducing by 2026 competitive domestic technologies based on the latest achievements of science and ensuring:

  • production of original and elite seeds of agricultural plants, breeding products (material) in the areas of domestic crop production and breeding livestock, which currently have a high degree of dependence on seeds or breeding products (material) of foreign production;
  • production of high-quality feed, animal feed additives and medicinal products for veterinary use;
  • diagnostics of plant pathogens, production of pesticides and agrochemicals of biological origin for use in agriculture;
  • production, processing and storage of agricultural products, raw materials and food;
  • quality control of agricultural products, raw materials and food and examination of genetic material.

FoodNet Roadmap (Smart Agriculture)

  • Intelligent market for the production and distribution of food and products with individual logistics

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), together with the business community, presented in September 2017 a roadmap for the development of the food market FoodNet, which is part of the National Technology Initiative (NTI).

As follows from the prepared "roadmap" (at the disposal of RBC)[18]2035 Russian companies should occupy more than 5% of the world market in five priority segments. These include "smart" agriculture (automation, artificial intelligence, big data are used in production), accelerated selection, affordable organic matter, as well as "new sources of raw materials" (we are talking about processing, for example, biomass of algae and insects, the introduction of pseudo-lacquer crops, etc.) and personalized nutrition.

See the National Technology Initiative (NTI) for more details

Artificial intelligence in the agro-industrial complex

Main article: Artificial intelligence in agriculture (agro-industrial complex)

Internet of Things in Agriculture (IoTAg)

Main article: Internet of Things in Agriculture (IoTAg)

Robots in agriculture

2024: A robotic dairy farm was launched in the Leningrad Region for 400 million rubles

A robotic dairy farm worth ₽400 million was opened in the Luga District of the Leningrad Region. The new complex, launched in July 2024 on the basis of the Rapti breeding plant, will increase milk production to 18 thousand tons per year. Read more here

2022: Weed killing robot released on 40Ha area per day

On August 30, 2022, development agricultural robotics company Solinftec announced the expansion of its range. It included the Solix Sprayer robot, designed to detect and spray weeds. More. here

2021: RoboProbe and Trimble build robotic platform for land-based agrochemical surveys

On September 17, 2021, RoboProb and Trimble announced joint work on a project for automated sampling systems. The goal of the project is to create an effective robotic platform for ground agrochemical surveys. Read more here.

2020: Financial University and FNAC VIM create a smart robot for collecting apples based on Microsoft AI

November 24, 2020 Microsoft reported that the scientific group of the Department of Analysis data machine learning Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Department of Intellectualization, Automation robotizations agricultural and Production Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM in a technological partnership with Microsoft created. smart robot for harvesting apples Pilot tests of the development will be held in horticultural enterprises in Russia the spring of 2021. More. here

UAVs and Autopilot in Agriculture

Drones are developing in the industry agriculture and in our country, even despite not very favorable regulatory regulation. Among the most active market participants are such players as Unmanned Technologies (g.), Novosibirsk Geoscan (g.), St. Petersburg Autonomous Aerospace Systems - GeoService (g.) and [ Krasnoyarsk Zala Aero]] (g.). Izhevsk The range of services provided by these companies for agriculture is quite large. For example, the Geoskan company offers agricultural producers the following services:

  • Inventory of farmland, creation of electronic field maps and cadastre
  • Monitoring of equipment, condition of crops and fields under pairs, calculation of NDVI and other indices
  • Support and control of agrotechnical measures

Drones in agriculture

In Russia


Russian Cognitive Pilot introduced a completely unmanned cab-free tractor

Cognitive Pilot, a subsidiary of Sberbank and Cognitive Technologies, developed and demonstrated in May 2024 a fully autonomous cab-free mini-tractor controlled by artificial intelligence. This is the first unmanned agricultural robot of this kind in Russia, the manufacturer claims. Read more here.

In Moscow, launched the production of autopilots for agricultural machinery

In April 2024, Itelma launched mass production of autopilots for agricultural machinery at its plant in Moscow. New devices can be installed from a tractor, sprayers, combines, etc. Read more here.


Tractors with AI processed more than 2.3 million hectares of land in the first year of use in Russia

On December 12, 2023, Cognitive Pilot announced a summary of the work of tractors equipped with the Cognitive Agro Pilot artificial intelligence (AI) autopilot system in Russia in 2023. In total, more than 2.3 million hectares were processed by smart equipment. Read more here.

How the digitalization of agricultural machinery in Russia helps to fight hogweed

On August 23, 2023, Galileosky announced the introduction of its satellite monitoring terminals in agricultural machinery in the Perm Territory to combat hogweed. In particular, the devices are installed on mowers with tractors for clearing fields. Read more here.


Cognitive Agro Pilot has a navigation module

The company Cognitive Pilot (a subsidiary of Sberbank and), Cognitive Technologies on October 25, 2022, announced the implementation Cognitive Agro Pilot navigation of a module in the system of autonomous management of agricultural machinery satellite , including a receiver and an inertial navigation system. More. here

In the Urals, mass production of autopilots for agricultural machinery began. They increase harvest by 30%

At the end of August 2022, JSC Scientific and Production Association of Automation named after Academician N.A. Semikhatov (part of the state corporation Roscosmos) announced the start of mass production of autopilots for agricultural machinery. According to the developers, the new system installed on a combine, tractor, sprayer, etc., is able to increase harvest by 20-30%. Read more here.

Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy has introduced the Nebosvod platform

The digital platform for unmanned air traffic Firmament"," developed by the resident, Skolkovo Foundation will help agricultural to drones in the work. The transition to "smart" farming is already being carried out in. Yaroslavl region The project is already being implemented on the basis of the Yaroslavl state agricultural Academy together with the company Agros-Expert and a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, the Aeroscript Research Center. More. here

Unmanned combine will work on the fields of the Volgograd region

The unmanned combine will work on the fields of the Volgograd region. This was announced on April 16, 2021 by Cognitive Pilot, which entered into a deal with the agro-industrial company Fermaland LLC. Read more here.

Combine harvesters with Cognitive Agro Pilot harvested 720 thousand tons of crop

Harvesters with artificial intelligence collected 720 thousand tons of crop. Sberbank announced this on November 3, 2020.

The Cognitive Agro Pilot system for autonomous management of agricultural machinery using artificial intelligence, developed by Sberbank and Cognitive Pilot, part of its ecosystem, was used industrially in 35 regions of Russia during the 2020 harvest season. Read more here.

Sberbank and Cognitive Pilot introduce autonomous management of agricultural machinery in the Kaliningrad region

On July 10, 2020, it became known that Sberbank and Cognitive Pilot (Cognitive Robotics) introduced autonomous management of agricultural machinery in the Kaliningrad region. Read more here.


Rostec and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia will deal with the digitalization of agriculture

On April 17, 2020, the state corporation Rostec reported that, together with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, they entered into an agreement on cooperation in the field of introducing digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex. Read more here.

Rostec tested a satellite geodetic system for unmanned agricultural equipment

Holding "Schwabe State Corporation" Rostec conducted tests satellite geodetic equipment to control pilotless agricultural equipment. This was reported on November 6, 2019 TAdviser in Rostec. More. here


Roscosmos presented an unmanned tractor

At the Innoprom-2019 International Industrial Exhibition (July 8-11 ), a presentation of an unmanned tractor developed by the Scientific and Production Association (NPO) of Automation (part of Roscosmos) took place. The tractor does not have a cab, steering wheel and pedals. While driving, it is autonomous, but it can not only move independently, but also determine its location. The route is calculated by a special controller with artificial intelligence, which receives and processes information from the satellite.

Tests of an integrated system for combating hogweed were held in the Moscow region
"A comprehensive system of destroying a poisonous plant using drones took place on the territory of the Naro-Fominsk district. After processing, the territory was in constant monitoring mode to assess the effectiveness of the applied means. As a result, two weeks later, experts agreed that the tests were successful. Herbicides were selected that showed maximum effectiveness even with single processing, "said Andrei Razin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region.

The integrated system for the destruction of Sosnovsky's hogweed, according to the minister, includes the use of satellite information, shooting using unmanned aerial vehicles and processing infected areas using robotic drones with ultra-solid spraying technology.

"The treatment used targeted drugs, which make it possible to save most of the vegetation, selectively destroying malicious weeds, and reduce the environmental burden. In some areas, it was possible to destroy the hogweed almost completely, "said Andrei Razin.

The technology allows you to identify areas infected with hogweed in real time, determine the weed density, automatically transmit information and lay treatment routes with effective herbicides. Hogweed treatment with herbicides is effective during the period of active weed growth in May-June, and then in early autumn. If necessary, spraying drones can reprocess the remaining weed specimens.

Processing maps with data on the growth density of Sosnovsky hogweed are compiled on the basis of satellite information and surveys from unmanned systems to accurately calculate the number of required agrochemicals and processing intensity. This data is automatically transmitted to the spray drone control system.

In general, according to Andrei Razin, the applied set of technologies allows to save 20-30% of agrochemistry, weed control in hard-to-reach areas, determine zones for additional processing, and also create a soil screen that does not allow weeds to germinate.

After summing up the results of the test in the Naro-Fominsk district, the treatment of areas infected with hogweed with a total area of ​ ​ 50 hectares will be carried out. Mass use of the technology is planned to begin in the Moscow region in 2020.

Tests of the hogweed control system were carried out by specialists from, the All-Russian Institute for Plant Protection, the Roselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation and the largest Russian manufacturer of plant protection products, August.

Cognitive Technologies will introduce an unmanned driving system in some agricultural facilities of the Tomsk region

On May 13, 2019, Cognitive Technologies, a developer of artificial intelligence systems for unmanned vehicles, announced the signing of agreements on the introduction of unmanned driving systems for agricultural machinery with a number of leading agricultural enterprises in the Tomsk Region. Among them are LLC Agro Tomsk Region, OJSC Agro Tomsk Regional Holding Tomsky, LLC Siberian Milk, SEC Mezheninovsky and others. Read more here.

Roselectronics: Navigation and communication equipment for controlling agricultural machinery

Specialists of the Roselectronics holding made prototypes of navigation and communication elements of onboard and dispatch equipment for the unmanned agricultural equipment control system. The work is carried out by the Moscow Research Institute of Microelectronic Equipment "Progress" in the interests of the Rostselmash group of companies.

Cognitive Technologies conducted field tests of an unmanned combine

On August 15, Cognitive Technologies announced the first field tests of the combine in unmanned mode. The work was carried out in the Rostov region together with the company's partner - Rostselmash. An experimental example of the RSM 181 TORUM combine was equipped with the Cognitive Agro Pilot automatic driving system.


Program "Ural Cognitive Agro"

The Ural Federal University (UrFU) and the Cognitive Technologies group of companies (developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems and unmanned vehicles) launched the Ural Cognitive Agro program in the summer of 2017. The program is international, it will be implemented in Brazil and Argentina. According to the plans of the parties, Ural Cognitive Agro will attract up to 3 billion rubles, RIA Novosti reports . About 800 million of this amount are partners' own money. The program will last until 2022[19]

AI system for unmanned combine harvester

Cognitive Technologies announced in April 2017 computer vision technology for automatic driving of a combine harvester.

"It is assumed that our system will first be installed on an experimental sample of agricultural machinery," said Olga Uskova, President of Cognitive Technologies. - We spent more than three years on its development and got excellent results. Having the function of automatic taxiing during harvesting, Russian combines will be able to compete on equal terms with world agricultural brands that already have similar functionality. "
Tests of Russia's first unmanned tractor

In mid-September 2016, a series of tests of the Agro Tomsk OblastBot unmanned tractor began at one of the agricultural complexes of the Ryazan region. Over the next year, the company expects to conduct a series of test implementations of AgroBot and work out the main operations in unmanned mode through the use of battery life scenarios.

Market estimates

2019: Russian agrotech solutions market reaches RUR 360 bln

The volume of the Russian market for information and computer technologies in agriculture in 2019 reached 360 billion rubles, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. According to the department's forecasts, this figure will increase at least 5 times by 2026. This means that precision farming technologies will be used on every farm in the foreseeable future.

According to experts, 10% of the global arable land fund and leadership in terms of fresh water reserves are concentrated in Russia. At the same time, a significant share (44%) of Russian arable land is in the zone of risky agriculture. Experts state the technological lag of the Russian Federation from the countries of North America or Asia in terms of yield and productivity, largely due to the fact that only 5% of Russian agro-industrial complex enterprises use modern technologies.

The Russian market for agrotech solutions rose to 360 billion rubles
Over the past five years, the technological landscape of agricultural companies has changed significantly, "says Elena Baturova, director of the Center for the Development of Financial Technologies of Rosselkhozbank. - Every day, thousands of companies and startups around the world are trying to attract the attention of investors and get funding for projects in the field of digital agrotechnology. And if three years ago the main emphasis was placed on technologies in the field of food delivery from store counters to the end consumer, then the last year the most promising directions among foreign investors are technologies that automate the stages of production, processing and delivery of products from an agricultural company to counters

Among the most promising agrotechnological solutions were the following developments:

  • Agrobiotechnology uses new highly productive externally resistant plant varieties and animal breeds. The increase in productivity is provided by the use of modern high-tech fertilizers, feed additives and plant protection products. The growth of the company's financial results is achieved by increasing the yield (20-30%), improving the quality characteristics of products (20-40%), reducing the cost of agricultural production (30-40%).

  • Farm management technologies optimize the use of fertilizers, plant protection products, and also reduce the costs of sowing and harvesting companies by automating manual labor. The growth of the company's financial results is achieved by reducing the cost of production (by 25-40%) and increasing yields (by 10-15%).

  • Processing and logistics technologies make it possible to optimize the consumption of fuels and lubricants, use new, more efficient methods of storage and packaging of products, as well as reduce losses during transportation and storage. According to global experience, the introduction of such technologies allows you to get an effect of 10 to 40%. New farming systems improve production efficiency by creating agroclimatic-independent farms (e.g., vertical-type urban farms).

The most promising agrotechnological solutions are named, among which: farm management technologies, logistics and processing, robots and robotics, bioenergy and biomaterials
  • E-commerce platforms for the agro-industrial complex allow you to exclude intermediaries from the value chain. Interaction between the manufacturer of agricultural products is carried out directly with the Client-user of the electronic platform, with a minimum of intermediaries.

  • Bioenergy and biomaterials make it possible to obtain an economic effect through the use of non-food products of the agro-industrial complex in areas related to agriculture - construction, power, etc.

  • Robots and robotics allow, through the use of machines, mechanisms and automatic systems in agricultural work, to increase the productivity of the agro-industrial complex and reduce the costs associated with the human factor.

  • Innovative food allows you to get an economic effect by creating and using cultured meat, vegetable protein, and other innovative products.

Animal labelling

Main article: Animal labelling

Space imagery (remote sensing of the Earth)

The Russian Space Systems Holding (RKS, part of the ROSCOSMOS State Corporation) and Rusagro GK-Invest LLC (part of the Rusagro GK group of companies) signed a memorandum of cooperation in the development and implementation of digital technologies in the agricultural industry at the end of 2017. The parties plan to jointly develop software solutions for assessing and modeling the development of crops using streaming processing of land remote sensing (remote sensing) data. The created technologies will be used for precision farming with automatic control of agricultural machines combined in the Internet of Things (IoT) network.

RKS and Rusagro-Invest intend to coordinate the implementation of targeted programs and projects using technologies for processing data from the FAR, analyzing meteorological data, calculating spectral indices for assessing the state of vegetation. The parties agreed to jointly develop technologies for visualizing space data on the map, prompt access to high-detail images with a high refresh rate for any section of the Earth for accurate mapping of the boundaries of fields and crop rotations, fertility zones, as well as monitoring the state of vegetation.

Distributed registries (blockchain) to track seed material

With the help of distributed register technology, the Ministry of Agriculture expects to cope with the gray seed market.

This market today accounts for about 40% of the total market; "gray" seeds are far from always of high quality, which directly affects yields. Igor Kozubenko, director of the agro-industrial complex department of the Ministry of Agriculture, spoke about his intention to use blockchain technology to track seed material all the way from breeders and suppliers to agricultural producers in March 2018. "The share of 'gray' seed material is almost 40%, which leads to a decrease in the quality and amount of harvested crops"[20]

The yield of agricultural crops can be increased by 20-30% due to the use of high-quality certified seed varieties, and the development of breeding will increase the harvest per hectare by another 15-20%. Such results, Kozubenko clarifies, just allow achieving a blockchain-based system. In the future, efficiency will become even higher - up to 40%.

Communication Technology for Agro IoT

J'son & Partners Consulting (Jason & Partners Consulting) presented in 2017 the results of the study "Communication Technologies for the Internet of Things in Agriculture (Agro IoT) and the Role of Telecom Operators." According to experts from J'son & Partners Consulting, Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for agriculture are a promising market for telecom operators in the process of finding new business models as part of the digital transformation of businesses[21]

Agro IoT ecosystem and the role of telecom operators in it

In Russia, the formation of the Agro IoT ecosystem is at an early stage. Basically, its elements are born in large agro-industrial complexes with private capital and state support. At the same time, solutions for small farms and private amateur gardeners are developing in the world. This creates broad prerequisites for the formation of a mass market for the Internet of things in agriculture, according to J'son & Partners Consulting.

At the same time, the role of telecom operators in this ecosystem is not limited only to the provision of communication services for connecting a variety of sensors to collect information about the weather, humidity of mail, etc. Operators actively participate in the AIoT segment, offering specialized wireless equipment, sensors and sensors, analytical platforms and platforms for managing SIM cards, solutions for diagnosing M2M/IoT devices, etc. Thus, the functions of operators as telecom service providers (connectivity) in the IoT ecosystem are significantly expanding - in fact, they become a key link in ensuring the availability of applications and the security of their use. At the same time, cooperation and integration with full-scale IoT platforms gives the operator access to new markets and new customers.

The Internet of Things (AIoT in particular) is gradually becoming a carrier business, representing a classic example of value added value services (VAS). Overseas operators as a whole are more inclined to purchase services from specialized providers and resell them to consumers under their own brand.

As for domestic operators, MTS according to J'son & Partners Consulting, it occupies a strong position in the field of monitoring, transport including agricultural technology. To a greater extent, the operator is engaged in geo-monitoring of commercial vehicles used in the logistics of agricultural products. With the development of industrial IoT platforms, operator solutions and accumulated experience will scale. "," VimpelCom according to market participants, involves focusing on monitoring livestock farms. "" Megaphone together Huawei with in 2017 launched the technology, NB-IoT this year, as expected, it will be possible to see the first results of its application in agriculture.

Source: Harvard Business Review Russia
Analysts estimate that up to 100 million connected IoT devices are expected in agriculture by 2020 (see figure below). The role of operators will expand from providing communication services to providing complete end-to-end solutions for the agricultural sector in the field of IoT through partnerships and vertical integration with other participants in the ecosystem.
Source: NEC based on Gartner and GSMA data

Communication technologies in AIoT

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, agriculture will predominantly use technology to transfer data over long distances, in LPWAN /NB-IoT some cases - 2G and, satellite communications while the use of 3G/4G and fixed-line technologies is in question.

In Russia, LoRaWAN technology is used, in particular, in the project using the IoT platform Tibbo AggreGate. The main features of LoRaWAN, compared to ZigBee technology (used earlier): longer communication range and wider coverage - less LoRaWAN base stations are required to cover the same area; Lower power consumption more affordable cost of production.

According to Statista forecasts, the number of LPWAN connections used in agricultural agriculture worldwide will grow to more than 117 million by 2024, compared with 160 thousand compounds in 2015. Exponential growth is associated with a sharp decrease in the cost of individual sensors and operating costs for the network.

In the future, after 2020, smart agriculture will use fifth-generation 5G network technologies, for example, in the field of autonomous driving and monitoring/management of agricultural machinery, robotics - where short latency and/or high data transfer rates are required, unattainable in modern cellular networks.

Control systems for agricultural enterprises

Farm management technologies optimize the use of fertilizers, plant protection products, and also reduce the costs of sowing and harvesting companies by automating manual labor. The growth of the company's financial results is achieved by reducing the cost of production (by 25-40%) and increasing yields (by 10-15%).

Real-time enterprise control systems are especially useful for farmers. For example, the Russian project "Agrosignal" shows everything that happens to technology: this is reflected in monitors - any malfunctions are easy to notice and quickly fix. The company's main focus is crop control. More than 150 farms are connected to the system, cultivating more than 2 million hectares of land. "Agrosignal" allows you to plan the entire production cycle, adjust plans in the course of their implementation: instruments and sensors automatically record the fact of work[22]

File:Российский проект «Агросигнал».jpg

ExactFarming offers an online field monitoring and agriculture management service. The system reflects weather data, vegetation index, crop rotation for all years, soil condition, information on expenses and product balances in warehouses. The service also allows you to keep records and control the progress of field work. ExactFarming helps banks make decisions about issuing loans to farmers thanks to a more accurate assessment of various risks. In September 2017, ex-co-owner of Technosila Mikhail Kokorich and partners invested $2 million in the project.

Smart4agro is a cloud geo-information and analytical service to support management decisions in the field of agriculture, control, analysis and forecast of the state of farmland, providing reliable information about what is happening in each field at the moment, what happened in these fields before, and provides an opportunity to predict what will happen in the future.

ANT is the developer of a set of specialized software solutions in the field of crop production for agribusiness and the public sector. The company was founded in 2008 and has accumulated industry competence and practical experience in automating agricultural management processes. One of the solutions that SAS and ANT have already worked on is an accounting system with built-in business analytics. It allows you to keep records, optimally plan work, including the transport and elevator chain, predict yields, use interactive dashboards in real time to monitor the progress of work - sowing and harvesting, track deviations from the plan and see the causes of deviations and factors affecting the final results. The solution provides a unified information environment for the management personnel of agricultural enterprises and production units and is ultimately aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of agricultural technologies and making the production process in crop production transparent. In fact, the dependence on local specialists is reduced and the manageability of the business "from the head" is increased.

Cognitive Agro Control is a software and hardware complex that allows you to organize online exchange of the main parameters of the grain harvesting process, their transfer to the server of the harvesting control center, as well as their accumulation for statistical analysis. To do this, sensors and RFID tags are installed on the working elements of combines, trucks, point of shipment of grain crops (storage bunkers), elevator.

In the world, no more than 5% of such farms are automated, and for fish farms of the Russian Federation this percentage is even lower. Aqual created a system that allows you to control 50 parameters of the fish farm - temperature, stiffness, acidity of water, the operation of pumps, heaters, oxygen supply systems, feed feeders, etc. Many Aqual solutions have no analogues in the world, so they have the potential to enter the global market.

kSense from Component:

  • Search for missing animals
  • Monitoring of zootechnical operations
  • Animal Behavior Controls
  • "Individual" approach to animals
  • Continuous monitoring of the location and condition of animals
  • Animal passport - "always with you"
  • Monitoring of personnel activities
  • Zootechnical operations - strictly "individually"
  • Up to 20-30% resource savings
  • Unified and optimal technological processes, "stitched" kSense

Also see:

Grain Quality Measuring Devices

The company GrainSense introduced a portable device for measuring grain quality in 2017. Farmers, seed growers and breeders will be able to instantly measure the basic parameters of their crops and make the necessary decisions to improve profitability. The portable device measures protein, moisture, oil and carbohydrates in cereals and other crops. The device uses - GPS positioning and offers processing services large amounts of data based on. cloud environment See more. GrainSense: A portable device for measuring grain quality

This will allow farmers, seed growers and breeders to quickly measure the basic parameters of their crops and make the necessary decisions to improve profitability. The device will also allow meat producers to monitor and adjust the protein content of feed in real time, which can have a significant impact on profitability.

Bioferms for pest control (biopesticides)

Crop production is becoming more and more technological, and the actions of farmers are becoming more and more verified. Cases of crop failure or - on the contrary - a rich harvest are explained not only by the weather. In fact, in addition to the weather, many factors affect the final result: timely or untimely application of fertilizers, a set of selected agricultural technologies, compliance with agricultural crops, a system of crop rotation, etc. At the moment when you need to make decisions on investments or corrective measures, analytics helps to calculate many more factors and scenarios for the development of situations than can be done manually, even with excellent training, experience and intuition. The introduction of a comprehensive accounting and analytical system allows business owners and managers to quickly identify factors affecting the result, assess the effectiveness of resource allocation and the work of individual farms, make balanced decisions on corrective measures and achieve planned financial results. At the same time, agronomists and field leaders can take on other important tasks, experiment more and conduct testing.

In Russia, about 4-5 institutes are developing biopesticides - drugs for biological pest control. They are safer than chemical pesticides, but less effective. According to Roman Kulikov, head of the Biotechnology in Agriculture and Industry section of the Skolkovo biomedical technology cluster, in order to increase their stability, our specialists have developed a special microcontainer where a biopesticide is placed to protect it from moisture, the sun and other factors that destroy it.

To combat pest insects, predatory and parasitic insects are also used - they are grown on special farms. They reduce the use of chemicals to ¾ from the general need to protect agricultural crops.

The development of organic biologics for plant protection is carried out by the Russian project "Green Technology Manufactory."

The accelerator also involved a development that allows you to reduce damage to seeds during their treatment with protective equipment against harmful bacteria and viruses - "EcoMix mixer-inlayer." Another company - "DNA test systems for the food industry" is engaged in the determination of microbiological pollution and allows you to quickly check food products for the content of pathogens through DNA analysis.

Examples - Information technologies in agricultural enterprises

Agriculture and Fisheries Catalogue


  1. The law on agricultural aggregators has been launched in Russia
  2. Agricultural development: trends that determine the world and Russian agenda
  3. Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex allows to increase the efficiency of agriculture by 15-25%
  4. New law on digitalization of state support for farmers
  5. Digital doubles of cows, AI on guard of the herd: what helps the figure of the agricultural industry
  6. Omsk "Triticum": "digitized" cows and automatic scabies
  7. World trends in the digitalization of the meat and dairy industry
  8. Zyabbarov: digitalization of agriculture helped to involve 3.5 billion rubles in the RT economy
  9. Agrotech market trends discussed at the Russian Venture Forum
  10. Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex of Russia: problems and proposed solutions
  11. The number of agricultural start-ups in Russia in 2022 increased by 30%
  12. Digital transformation of agriculture - proposals for regions from the Ministry of Agriculture
  13. 3 billion rubles will be allocated for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex and fisheries in 2024
  14. Artificial intelligence will help Russian peasants fight weeds and pests
  15. Softyard
  16. Ministry of Agriculture starts field robots
  17. " Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2016 No. 350 "On measures to implement the state scientific and technical policy in the interests of agricultural development"
  18. , the Agency for Strategic Initiatives will be engaged in "smart" agriculture, by
  19. Robots will be engaged in agriculture in Russia.
  20. the Ministry of Agriculture will transfer to blockchain... seeds
  21. Communication Technologies for the Internet of Things in Agriculture (Agro IoT) and the Role of Telecom Operators
  22. Agricultural business masters drones and the Internet of things. How is high tech changing the market?.