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2025/02/20 15:35:34

Information technology at Sberbank

The article is devoted to the issues of digital transformation and development of Sberbank information systems, as well as the impact of technologies on the business of the largest financial organization in Russia.


IT funding

Main article: Sberbank's IT budget

List of Information Systems

Main article: Sberbank Automated Systems


Corporate Telephone Network

Artificial intelligence

Blockchain projects

Information protection

Main article: Sberbank (information security)

Sberbank Digital Business

Main article: Sberbank (digital business)

Everything about new businesses that turn Sberbank into a high-tech corporation.

Innovative laboratories

Main article: Innovative laboratories of Sberbank

Development of IT in Sberbank


Named 4 main tasks for IT import substitution for the year

On February 19, 2025, Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President, Head of the Technologies Unit of Sberbank, spoke about the bank's plans for the development of IT infrastructure. In 2025, the organization intends to implement 4.5 million changes in the IT landscape.

According to Menshov, the bank has already revised the architecture and switched to a platform bigtech landscape, which was not only built, but also import replaced. The new architecture includes about 200 microservice-based business abilities instead of several large monolithic systems.

Sberbank named 4 main tasks for IT import substitution for 2025

Sberbank's main IT objectives for 2025 are:

  • Acceleration of DevOps process cycles using artificial intelligence.
  • Ensure reliability of the new IT landscape.
  • Import substitution of the peripheral IT landscape.
  • Improvement of equipment performance.

Kirill Menshov stressed the importance of ensuring 100% fault tolerance and continuity in the design and transition to a new IT architecture: "What we have built gives us the foundation for moving forward. We see what the whole world is focusing on. This is agent, process autonomy, the next technological cycle. "

In 2024, the bank implemented 3.5 million changes in the IT landscape. In the transition to a new architecture, a gradual load transfer was used with the identification and elimination of bottlenecks, which avoided incidents.

Sberbank's new technology platform allows you to manage each business ability separately, which makes it more flexible and reliable. According to the head of the Technologies block, such an architecture is necessary for the transition to the era of GenAI and multi-agent processes, which is impossible without the complete digitalization of basic processes.

The bank has developed mandatory reliability requirements for critical systems to ensure uninterrupted operation. The introduction of new technologies will allow the organization to comply with global trends in the banking sector and maintain competitiveness at the international level.[1]

Reduce IT staff

On January 22, 2025, it became known that Sber began mass layoffs of IT specialists. The reductions are carried out in the division, which unites the developers of Cooper, MegaMarket, SberLogistics and Scooter.

According to the Telegram channel "Trade Union of IT Workers," layoffs will affect from 30% to 50% of specialists, depending on the company. Employees are offered to leave by agreement of the parties. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, employees of Instamart Technologies LLC, which manages the IT component of the Cooper grocery delivery service, and employees of Smart Space LLC, which unites the IT divisions of MegaMarket, SberLogistics and Samokata, fell under the so-called "optimization" of personnel.

Between 30 and 50% of employees will be laid off." Sberbank began to reduce IT staff

The head of one of the recruiting companies, referring to a source in the top management of, said that Sber suspended investments in the IT division in January 2025. "Optimisation" is said to affect up to 50% of staff, including trainees and entry-level professionals.

Tops [top managers] are ready to leave almost everything, but it is important for them to take teams with them, - said knowledgeable persons.

It is known that some of the leaders of Cooper left of their own free will, refusing to dismiss their subordinates. A former employee of Samokat said that those who left by agreement of the parties are paid two or three salaries. Top managers leaving the company receive up to five to six salaries.

The general director of Infoline Analytics Mikhail Burmistrov believes that the reorganization carried out in Sberbank is aimed at increasing efficiency. And Maria Rukavishnikova, a technology entrepreneur, founder and CEO of the Russian company Getmobit, says that the main reason for the layoffs is the unpaid costs of overvalued IT specialists caused by the fall in business.[2]


Sber removed Avaya software and switched to the Russian business service system

In December 2024 Sberbank , he completed the transition to his own SmartContactPlatform (SCPL) to serve corporate clients, completely replacing the foreign one, software Avaya Bright Pattern and. Nice More here

Mishustin left Sber and Rostelecom as executors of work on the development of Gostekh for 2025

On November 30, 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved an order, according to which two organizations were identified for the further development of Gostekha, a cloud platform solution for federal and regional authorities. The work will be carried out by PJSC Sberbank of Russia and PJSC Rostelecom. Read more here.

Transition to Russian Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

in Sberbank September 2024, he began the process of transferring 150 thousand of his employees to the Russian infrastructure of virtual desktops, abandoning the use of foreign ones. software Citrix The domestic solution Termidesk, developed by the company that UVEON - Cloud is part of PJSC, replaced. "Astra Group" The goal of the project is to ensure the stable work of the bank's employees on the Russian virtualizations platform of works. more here

Transfer of credit card issue and service to own processing platform

Sberbank has completely transferred the issue and maintenance of bank cards to its own processing platform. The press service of the credit institution announced this on September 2, 2024. Read more here.

Sber has created a new IT company for the development of HR projects

On July 3, 2024, it became known that Sber had created a new IT company - Pulse LLC. This enterprise will develop HR projects, helping partners to "quickly meet the challenges of time." Read more here.

FTS disconnected Sberbank and VTB from the service for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLC due to the imposition of services

At the end of May 2024, the Federal Tax Service of Russia temporarily suspended access to the electronic registration system for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for a number of major banks, including Sberbank and VTB. As it turned out, credit organizations violated the established rules for using this service by imposing services for opening settlement accounts on citizens who applied for business registration directly to the tax authorities. Read more here.

Sber divided the IT unit into two parts and hired Rostelecom CIO to lead one of them

Sberbank on May 13, 2024 informed TAdviser about structural changes in the technological direction of the business. In particular, to solve ambitious tasks and quickly move forward, the bank has created two technological blocks.

Thus, the Technologies unit will be engaged in the development and support of business and the Platform Platform V (). The Technological Development Block will work to create a new Platform based on. AI It will include areas on which the implementation of the Sberbank as an Assistant strategy will be based, representatives of Sberbank said.

According to them, the teams of technological units will work in close synergy, jointly overcome the challenges of time and achieve priority goals, namely:

  • transform the IT landscape: provide the technological foundation of Sberbank, which combines high reliability with high flexibility to create deeply customized Sberbank products and services;
  • develop breakthrough technologies and new AI-based products.

The block "Technological Development" will be headed by Senior Vice President of Sberbank Andrei Belevtsev. The Technologies block as senior vice president will be led by Kirill Menshov, who since 2017 has been responsible for the development of the IT ecosystem, the development and implementation of digital services and products in the position of senior vice president for information technology at Rostelecom.

Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President for IT at Rostelecom and Senior Vice President of Technologies at Sberbank

"We are moving into a new phase of strategy implementation: we need to create products and technologies that did not exist before. We should not just keep up with the times, but play ahead of the curve. AI becomes our focus, and our technological base should be the fastest, most flexible, most reliable, - said German Gref, President, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank. - Andrey and Kirill - leaders of high maturity and bright experts. I wish the professional teams of our technological units of creation and creative success in solving innovative problems. "

Sberbank is developing an ERP system to replace SAP products

On April 15, 2024, information appeared that Sber, within the framework of the import substitution program, was developing its own ERP system (enterprise resource planning). It is assumed that it will become a full-fledged analogue of the products of the German corporation SAP, which left the Russian market due to the current geopolitical situation.

According to RBC, Sber intends to create several applied systems for financial management, procurement, real estate and personnel. They will be combined on a single ERP platform. The project is being implemented primarily to meet the needs of Sberbank itself, but in the future, the possibility of releasing products based on new solutions that "will be available to the entire market" is not excluded.

"Sber" within the framework of the import substitution program is developing its own ERP system

As of mid-April 2024, Sber does not disclose either the volume of investments in the project or the timing of its implementation. CorpSoft24 CEO Konstantin Renzyaev estimates the cost of creating the platform "at billions of rubles." Anton Malkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Galactica Corporation (ERP developer), believes that Sberbank's decision will be focused on a large corporate sector. According to Malkov, all enterprises that previously implemented SAP show "genuine interest in mature domestic counterparts."

To consolidate the competencies of Russian companies to create a single national ERP platform, in 2023 the National Competence Center for Holding Management Information Systems (NCS ISU) was created. T1 Holding and Rosatom are also working on their own ERP. According to the NCC ISU, the volume of the ERP market in Russia in 2023 amounted to about 90 billion rubles. According to estimates, Russian ERP solutions account for approximately 55% of the industry, of which more than 80% are provided by 1C products. At the same time, the share of foreign products continues to decline against the background of import substitution.[3]

Sberbank began to produce servers

At the end of February 2024, it became known that Sberbank organized the production of servers for its own data centers (data centers). At the same time, the bank is completing the decommissioning of proprietary software and hardware systems from third-party suppliers. Read more here.

Sberbank plans to expand IT development team of its Indian branch to 500 people

As TAdviser found out, Sberbank plans to expand the development team of its Indian branch to more than 500 people in 2024. This is stated in the vacancies of Sberbank, published in February. At the beginning of the year, the team has about 90 IT specialists, some of whom are based in Russia, and some in India. Read more here.

Refutation of the conclusion of researchers from China about the possibility of hacking quantum algorithms

A team of scientists from MISIS University, RCC and Sber conducted an in-depth analysis of the calculations used by researchers from China to simulate hacking a cryptosystem using a 400 + qubit quantum computer, and questioned their conclusion about the revolution in cryptography. Russian scientists believe that the algorithm of colleagues is not working due to "pitfalls" in the classical part and the complexity of the implementation of quantum. MISIS announced this on January 10, 2024. Read more here.


"Sber" took up the development of chips

On October 9, 2023, it became known that Sberbank is developing specialized software that will speed up the production of microelectronics in semiconductor factories. The software will be based on artificial intelligence technologies, and its appearance will help to force import substitution in the IT sphere, which is important in the current geopolitical situation.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, we are talking about developments related to inversion lithography (ILT) technology. Thanks to the use of large computing power and AI tools, it is possible to speed up the process of designing photomasks - masks with a pattern of microcircuit elements formed on the surface. Calculations for mask preparation are performed in special computer-aided design (CAD) systems. The difficulty lies in the fact that as the complexity of the process technology increases, the number of optical distortions that need to be taken into account during design increases. And this gives rise to the need for large computing resources.

Sberbank develops specialized software that will speed up the production of microelectronics in semiconductor factories

Sberbank engineers are working on an algorithm that will allow them to design masks and calculate optical distortions using neural networks, and not the standard methods used in existing CAD systems. It is assumed that this approach will improve the efficiency of calculations and reduce the requirements for the hardware component of computing platforms. As a result, it will be possible to accelerate chip development.

It is known that domestic specialists who previously worked at Intel are involved in the Sberbank project. In addition, as noted, Sber is interested in the open RISC-V processor architecture. However, some experts are skeptical about the initiative. The fact is that inversion lithography technology is being introduced at factories that operate with thin topological standards - 14 nm and below, and in Russia "there are no such factories [as of 2023] and is not expected in the foreseeable future."[4]

Sberbank wants to sue tens of millions of rubles from Dell, which escaped from Russia

At the end of September 2023, information appeared that Sberbank had filed a lawsuit against Dell LLC, a Russian legal entity of the American corporation Dell. According to the file cabinet of the Moscow Arbitration Courts, the amount of claims is 57.6 million rubles. The third party in the proceedings is VMware International Unlimited Company. Read more here.

On October 4, Sberbank will take part in the TAdviser Banks IT Day 2023 conference

Andrei Balles will present his report "The next big thing in data platforms." The speaker leads the research and innovation team at the SberData department. More here [1]

About 200 new employees will be included in the team of the Center for Robotics of Sberbank following the results of a joint corporate master's degree with ITMO

About 200 new employees will be included in the Center's team robotics Sberbank following the results of the corporate master's program "Robotics and," artificial intelligence which ITMO Sberbank has been implementing since 2019. Sberbank announced this on July 4, 2023.

The created team will be engaged in advanced research and development on the international frontier of embodied intelligence (the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in physical agents) with the potential to form a new high-tech market for service robotics in the country.

The goal of research is quite ambitious ― to create a universal "brain" and a smart body for a robot, to implement a software stack that can work with various mobile platforms and manipulators. Developments will be conducted at the intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence, including current methods for designing robotic systems, sensor technologies and computer vision, algorithms and control and machine learning systems.

To implement the project, it is planned to attract up to 200 new employees to the Sberbank Robotics Center, including graduates of the ITMO and Sberbank corporate magistracy, who, during the training process, receive popular competencies and intensive practical training. The selection of promising candidates will be carried out among the current applicants and future students of the master's degree "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence." As early as July 2023, vacancies were opened for Middle-/Senior-developers of control and optimization systems, algorithms and models of deep learning, in particular, reinforcement training, computer vision, localization and mapping.

As part of a partnership strategy with ITMO, Sber plans to develop a joint robotics training system based on project training motivated by research.

We managed to build a mutually beneficial partnership, and taking into account the new ambitious tasks for the development of robotics in Sberbank, we expect it to deepen. The task is not just to preserve, but to scale the experience of training a new generation of qualified specialists at ITMO, who will strengthen the team of our center in the near future and in the future. This implies the implementation of joint research projects involving undergraduates, graduate students and leading ITMO employees, as well as the development of an internship program,
said Alexey Gonnochenko, head of the Center for Robotics of Sberbank.

From July, the head of one of the key areas will be Ivan Borisov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Control and Robotics Systems at ITMO, and the core of the team will be graduates of the corporate master's degree with Sberbank "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence." For July 2023, ITMO graduate students: Mahmoud Jaafar, Dmitry Ivolga, Malik Mokhrat and Kirill Nasonov. All of them will work in the positions of leading developers.

As Ivan Borisov emphasizes, this stage of cooperation with a large industrial partner, when the university and the company not only implement a joint educational program, but also work together to develop new technological directions in the market ― a natural result. Joint development of universities and IT corporations is a global practice, but in Russia it is only gaining momentum. In ITMO, the development of such partnerships ― one of the key goals of the Development Program.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=noted Ivan Borisov, manager of the master's program of ITMO "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence," group leader.

Sber buys Chinese and American servers and DSS for $158 million

On June 26, 2023, information appeared that Sberbank purchases Chinese and American servers and storage systems (DSS) in the amount of almost $160 million. Relevant requests are sent to electronics suppliers and integrators. Read more here.

Developer of the HR platform "Pulse" - official partner and participant of TAdviser SummIT

With the support of Cloud, the Pulse HR platform will become an official partner and participant in the main event of the year in the field of information technology - TAdviser SummIT "Best IT Practices in Russia." Read more here.

Sber began to switch to laptops of its own brand. 10 thousand devices have already been purchased

In mid-April 2023, it became known that Sber began to switch to laptops of its own brand. 10 thousand devices have already been purchased. Read more here.

Gref spoke about foreign technologies on which Sberbank depends

On April 12, 2023, the head of Sberbank German Gref spoke about the dependence of the credit institution on foreign information technologies. First of all, this applies to equipment.

We depend on technology. First of all, this applies to hardware, hardware. And probably the most critical position is video cards... microelectronics for high-performance computing... Almost all problems can be solved except for the one that I said is high-performance maps for artificial intelligence, "Gref said, speaking at the Federation Council.

Head of Sberbank German Gref

According to him, the last six to seven years have been invested in "getting away from dependence on imported technologies as much as possible." This was done almost throughout the spectrum of the company's activities "in terms of creating software."

We have created our own unique platform. And inside it, our localization of our products is 100%, - said Gref.

However, the software also has some products that will take another two to three years to localize. These are complex systems such as SAP (System Analysis and Program Development).

But we have already partially solved this problem. SAP is a very complex system... but I think we will close this topic for a maximum of two years, "Gref said.

Nevertheless, Sber began to fully produce its software for ATMs, smart devices, TVs.

We even built our computer with our operating system. Today in our offices we do not supply "apples," we are sitting completely on our equipment, - said the head of Sberbank.

Earlier, Gref said that Sberbank is not going to abandon its main direction - the development of technologies.

The basis of our competitiveness is technology. Not only have we not reduced our technology investment. But they also increased them, - he said.[5]

A pilot project for the provision of public services in Sberbank branches through the AIS MFC Delo has started in the Khanty-Mansi MPSC Okrug-Yugra

KhMAO-Yugra In started a pilot project for the provision of public services in departments Sberbank through. AIS "MPSC DELO" The company ECM Systems EOS announced this on April 11, 2023.

So far, public services can be obtained only in Surgut. This became possible thanks to the pilot project of the Regional Government in cooperation with Sberbank. Not only employees of multifunctional centers of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, but also Sberbank operators now work with the MPSC DELO AIS system (this is an EOS software product specifically for MPSC).

Technologies in automation of state and municipal services are one of the most important areas of regional digitalization in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Since 2018, AIS "MPSC DELO" has been used here to provide state and municipal services. For five years, the region has achieved noticeable results in increasing the availability of public services and their quality. Thus, in 2022, more than 1.6 million services were provided MPSC Ugra, and the satisfaction of the JSC population with their quality amounted to almost 99.5%. Paper document flow within the MPSC network and with departments has been minimized. In addition, Ugra became one of the first regions to launch cryptobiocabins - devices for obtaining foreign passports - in integration with AIS MPSC DELO.

The pilot project to organize the provision of state and municipal services at the sites of Sberbank branches was another step towards improving the availability of services. For this, resources (including software) of the MPSC are involved.

Technically, this looks like this: Sberbank operators in Surgut have been granted remote access to AIS MPSC DELO. Over a dozen services (mainly related to the provision of various compensation and other payments to citizens) can now be issued at Sberbank branches without visiting the MPSC office. Visitors to Sberbank can hand over all the necessary documents right at the branch, and the bank itself will send them to the right department to make a decision. At the same time, it remains possible to receive services on an extraterritorial principle (it is practiced at the MPSC) - that is, regardless of the place of registration and the stay of Russians. At a meeting with German Gref in early April, the Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova agreed on the further development of this project.

The network of Sberbank branches is much wider and has more offices than the MPSC network. They are closer to the end user, and this significantly reduces the total time to receive the service. It takes a person's time to get to the MPSC - even with an extraterritorial approach, the MPSC is far from every quarter. In addition, having received the payment to the card (the result of the provision of the service), a citizen can immediately cash it (if necessary), pay the child a kindergarten or section, pay a mortgage, in the end, i.e. carry out any banking operation without leaving the "window." It will not be difficult for Sberbank operators to master work in AIS "MPSC DELO" - the software product is quite simple in its interface, plus it has a built-in system of expert "tips." I believe that the pilot project will be successful, and it has great prospects, supported by social significance and the desire to increase the convenience of receiving services to the end consumer, i.e. the population, - said Andrey Korol, head of the department for the development of SMEV and public services of the EOS Group of Companies.


Sberbank asked employees to remove Telegram from work computers

At the end of August 2022, it became known that Sberbank employees were being asked to remove the Telegram messenger from their work computers. Instead, the bank proposes to use the Sberbank corporate messenger.

According to the Telegram channel Baza, the security service "Sberbank" will monitor the execution of the order. It is reported that the demand to get rid of Telegram came to employees from the HR department of Sberbank, who asked them to remove the application from computers in case of possible checks. Shortly before that, a few weeks ago, managers just hinted to workers about the need to remove the messenger. According to the source of the Telegram channel, Sberbank employees kept working chats in the messenger, which the management wants to transfer to the corporate Sberbank.

Sberbank asked employees to remove Telegram

A few months ago, the bank banned the use of WhatsApp and Zoom on corporate devices, and Telegram about a month ago, one of the sources told Forbes at the end of August 2022.

According to two Forbes sources, the company explained the ban by the fact that through services "they can steal information." The Bank checks the implementation of the ban using automatic monitoring of programs. The source explained that if you do not remove the messenger, it will still disappear.

You will not delete yourself, they will delete, but there will be nothing for it. A message will simply appear on the computer "banned Telegram software has been detected: remove it, or after 72 hours we will remove it ourselves," the source said.

Earlier in 2022, it became known that employees could not work at Sberbank from abroad. As one of the company's employees said, Sber is afraid of compromising bank data, so it makes it possible to work only with corporate computers in the office and with laptops issued by the company from home in Russia.[6]

Sberbank will invest 720 million rubles in outsourcing software development services on Hadoop and Python

Sberbank announced [7] for the purchase of services for the development and modification of applied banking software. The maximum tender price is more than 720 million rubles. Information about the tender on the public procurement portal appeared in February 2022.

The contract with the winner is concluded for two years. The results of the tender should be announced no later than May 31, and the contractor must begin work no later than the second half of June 2022.

Sberbank declined to comment on the purchase.

In accordance with the terms of reference, services for software development and modification using technologies and tools Hadoop Python are purchased to solve the problems of Sberbank's corporate investment business.

Only developers who already have experience in projects in the largest are allowed to participate. banks Russia The contractor's project team shall consist of at least 16 specialists of various qualifications.

Software development and modification includes:

  • analysis of requirements and modeling of the solution of the task;
  • development and selection of the algorithm for solving the problem, design of the overall software structure, design of data structures and methods of information storage;
  • Software coding;
  • debugging and testing of developed software;
  • analysis of results;
  • transfer of developed software to the customer;
  • making changes to the created algorithms, data structures, codes;
  • Install software on customer or third-party servers.

Implementation of electronic interaction with Rosreestr

On February 3, 2022, Sberbank announced the introduction of electronic interaction with Rosreestr on letters of credit in real estate transactions.

Under typical transactions, without additional conditions in settlements, the bank can independently receive information on the transfer of ownership rights to the buyer or on the registration of an agreement for participation in shared construction. The parties to the transaction no longer need to come to the bank and bring supporting documents to complete the settlements under the letter of credit.

This decision significantly speeds up the process of payment of funds to the recipient, and also completely eliminates the risks of unfair behavior of the parties to the transaction.

{{quote 'author=said Evgeny Kravchenko, Senior Managing Director, Director trade financings of Sberbank Management. |

The letter of credit equally protects all parties to the transaction. Individuals are increasingly using this method of settlement, especially when selling or buying real estate. In 2021, 237 thousand of our clients used a letter of credit to purchase real estate totaling more than 1.1 trillion rubles. The demand for a letter of credit has been growing 1.5-2 times annually over the past 5 years. The letter of credit is universal and applicable both in simple standard transactions and in complex ones - for example, transactions with several participants, with notarization, with minors, and so on. We also implement online services for the convenience of our customers at all stages of the transaction,}}

Earlier, Sberbank introduced a service for remote opening of a letter of credit for settlements between individuals in the SberBank Online mobile application. Now settlements in real estate transactions using a letter of credit can be carried out completely in remote service channels without visiting the office. Participants of the transaction receive SMS notifications about all stages of the transaction.

Sber held exercises in case of disconnection from foreign IT infrastructure

On February 1, 2022, it became known that Sber conducted technological exercises in case of disconnection from foreign IT infrastructure due to possible US sanctions. According to Kommersant, citing sources in the Government of the Russian Federation and in the computer technology market, the pilot simulated the disconnection of the bank from supporting foreign software and electronics manufacturers, including Microsoft, Nvidia, VMware, SAP, Oracle and Intel. In addition, Sber checked the possibility of switching to Russian software, servers and data storage systems.

A Nvidia spokesman explained to the publication that he was not ready to comment on the exercises. The company added that its business is out of politics and it will support users of its technologies around the world, including Russia.

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Sber held exercises in case of disconnection from foreign IT infrastructure

The newspaper recalls that earlier the US authorities warned microelectronics manufacturers about a possible ban on the supply of these products to the Russian Federation if Russia attacks Ukraine. According to newspaper sources, these reports worried the Russian government and now the Cabinet is working on possible scenarios for responding to such sanctions. Moscow is preparing both for restrictions on the supply of microelectronics to Russia and for the disconnection of Russian enterprises working with foreign software from its support.

According to Irina Zinovkina, director of consulting at InfoWatch Group, by February 2022, many foreign solutions have analogues from Russian developers. But for companies that have not yet begun replacing them with foreign IT products, the abrupt transition will cause embarrassment.

The head of the board of directors of "BASEALT" Alexei Smirnov, however, notes that Western suppliers themselves, like SAP and Oracle, will resist sanctions.

They have a fairly wide range of clients in the country among private and public structures. Leaving Russia will be a loss of a fairly large market, "he told the publication.[8]

The executive director of the ARPP "Domestic Software" Renat Lashin, in a conversation with the publication, noted that against the background of the aggravation of the foreign policy situation, we have to talk not just about the need for import substitution, but about how much time remains for this. You can mitigate risks through a series of infrastructure tests, exercises and verification of the readiness of operational response scenarios, and after understanding the problems, you need to create backup mechanisms based on Russian software and electronic solutions, he said.

Sber pays 80 thousand rubles to those who bring Java developers to the bank

In January 2022, Sberbank launched an open referral program to search for Java developers for vacancies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. For a candidate who will undergo a probationary period in the company, the person who recommended him will be able to receive 80 thousand rubles. Read more here.

Sberbank increased software testing costs by 2.3 times

In 2021, the volume of purchases of software testing services increased from Sberbank 2.3 times compared to the previous year - up to 5.4 billion rubles. For comparison, in 2020 Sberbank acquired services for functional and load testing of software products for 2.3 billion rubles, a year earlier - for 3.1 billion rubles.

Purchases of software testing services by Sberbank, million rubles.

Customer 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Сбербанк649,4 2 090,7 1 782,6 1 297,3 3 092,7 2 308,7 5 420,2

Together with the increase in the volume of purchases, the bank changed its approach to them. If in 2019 he announced 58 tenders, including a total of 78 lots, then next year there were significantly more complex tenders, including two or more lots. So, in 2020, 14 purchases were announced, which included 33 lots, and in 2021 only 9 tenders were held, including 84 lots.

The largest providers of software testing services at Sberbank: IBS AppTest, Witte Innovation (part of the I-Teco Group of Companies), Performance Lab, iFellow, Plex Task, Lanit Expertise, Bell Integrator, Infotera. It is worth noting that after the bank switched to electronic document management when making purchases in the spring of 2021, the results of tenders became less public. Sberbank ceased to indicate the tender participants and the names of the winners, limiting itself to the announcement of the application number.

It has become much more difficult to analyze the bank's purchases, it is not possible to name the main suppliers and winners of the largest purchases in 2021. At the same time, you can analyze the contests of previous years, as well as the most significant purchases of the beginning of 2021. Including, the tender of December 30, 2020, consisting of 18 lots, totaling 616 579 513 rubles, which was updated on January 26, 2021. And also, the competition announced on December 29, 2020, including 10 lots, totaling 1 111 123 058 rubles, updated on January 29, 2021. Such purchases are collected by most of the leading players. So, following the results of two purchases in 2021:

  • Witte Innovation - 3 lots for almost 437.7 million rubles;
  • Lanit Expertise - 4 lots for 247.2 million rubles;
  • Performance Lab - 3 lots for 228.8 million;
  • IBS AppTest - 2 lots for 224.1 million rubles;
  • iFellow - 4 lots for 194.7 million rubles;
  • Bell Integrator - 3 lots for 180.4 million rubles;
  • Plex Task - 1 lot for 172.4 million rubles;
  • "Laboratory Numerator" (branch of "Jet Infosystems") - 1 lot for 44.8 million rubles;
  • Infotera - 2 lots for 30.2 million rubles.

In 2020, the largest suppliers of Sberbank were Witte Innovation, which received about 764.1 million rubles for its services and IBS AppTest, which earned 596.9 million rubles from testing the bank's software. In 2019, the most projects with Sberbank brought Aichi Innovations to Aplana (IBS 2019 acquired in November) - 1,424,6 million rubles. Also, a large portfolio of orders was collected by Performance Lab, signing contracts for more than 576.3 million rubles.

As the press service of Sberbank commented to TAdviser, over the past few years, the bank has taken a huge step forward not only in terms of business, but also technology. Sberbank brought many solutions to the market and the acceleration of their development naturally entailed an increase in testing volumes.

Sberbank is looking for software testers for SberDevices. The photo is

A significant amount of software testing services is acquired not only by Sberbank, but also by its subsidiaries. At the end of December 2021, the next large-scale tender[9] was announced, and in January 2022 it was updated[10], including 9 lots, totaling about 1.2 billion rubles. The purchase is for the benefit of SberDevices. The project will be tested: biometric recognition system, virtual assistants, integration of KFOR into mobile applications.


Sberbank decided to oblige to purchase Russian software and equipment

As it became known at the end of April 2021, the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the field of ICT will send a letter to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to include Sberbank in the list of joint-stock companies in federal ownership in order to take control of the strategy of the credit institution for import substitution in the field of equipment and software.

Sberbank is a system-forming bank, so it is important that its activities comply with the general logic of state policy, "Ilya Massukh, director of the center, told Vedomosti. - Formally, "Sberbank" now does not violate anything. Only morally.

Sberbank proposed to oblige to purchase Russian software and equipment

By the end of April 2021, Sberbank is not on the list of state-owned companies, which by 2024 will be required to purchase Russian digital solutions in the amount of at least 70% of the total, the newspaper notes.

According to Ilya Massukh, until April 2020, Sberbank belonged to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and therefore was not formally a state-owned company, so it was not included in the list. After the sale of Sberbank to the state, there were no corresponding adjustments to the list of companies, he added.

Sberbank, like many other companies, is in no hurry to introduce domestic solutions, because it does not want to make efforts to ensure their compatibility with already implemented foreign solutions, Ivan Pokrovsky, director of the Association of Russian Developers and Electronics Manufacturers, told the publication.

In the short term, it is more profitable to purchase foreign software and equipment, since these are ready-made solutions that can be quickly implemented, he said.

According to Polina Karpacheva, an expert at the Moscow Digital School, by April 2021 there is a policy of import substitution and, most likely, "the nuts will continue to tighten." It is possible to introduce administrative responsibility and large fines for non-compliance with quotas in the IT part, she said.[11]

Sberbank creates a legal entity for the IT division for the sake of benefits

In early April 2021, it became known that large Russian companies began to create individual legal entities for their IT divisions in order to take advantage of those introduced in January. In tax relief particular, "," VimpelCom MTS"," "" and "" resorted to business restructuring. Russian PostRosatomSber More. here

Rosatom and Sberbank jointly engaged in quantum technologies

Rosatom and Sberbank jointly engaged in quantum technologies, which they announced on March 30, 2021. The partners see great potential in several areas, including the use of quantum computing systems to solve practical problems related to finance and banking. Read more here.

Over 150 intellectual property patents in 4 years

Since 2017 Sber , he has received more than 150 patents intellectual property on the basis of projects of 15 thousand employees involved in the development of technological solutions. In total, more than 420 patent applications were filed during this time, according to February 20, 2021 in. Sberbank

Four patents of Sberbank were included in the ratings of Rospatent for 2017-2020s, which indicates the novelty of the created solutions and their technical non-obviousness, noted in the bank. Such patents include: "Method and system for creating facial expressions based on text," "Method and facial recognition system and building a route using augmented reality," "System for sonifying cybersecurity events," "Method and system for finding IP address belonging to a territorial cluster based on transaction data."

Russia The culture of protection of intellectual property rights is still being formed: for example, if USA approximately 600 thousand patent applications are registered annually, in - China 1.5 million, then in - Russia only 50 thousand. To build the right approach to intellectual property protection in Sberbank, we develop and popularize this area - we conduct training and introductory programs, webinars, master classes, and so on. Of course, when we first started patenting Sberbank's solutions, many did not understand what it was for. But now the question "Why?" No longer sounds, because for a mature - IT or - R&D company, the protection of intellectual property is a natural stage in the development of any product, - said Alexander Lavrov, Head of the Department of Legal Support of Intellectual Property and Technologies of Sberbank.

Sberbank collectors began to use a system for recognizing the emotions of debtors

In February 2021, it became known about the beginning of the use of the debtor emotion recognition system by Sberbank collectors. The program can determine the joy, surprise, neutral state, fear, despondency, irritation and anger of the interlocutor. The system issues a spectrum of subscriber emotions in percentage ratio and on its basis offers further actions in conversation. Read more here.


Results of technological transformation in 2020

The report for Q1 2021 summarizes the results of the technological transformation for 2020.

In 2020, Sberbank completed the creation stage of Platform V and launched a large-scale migration of its core business to a new platform. Platform V is a fundamental component of the new strategy, on which all plans for the development of financial and non-financial businesses are based. As part of the new strategy, Sberbank will complete the transfer to the platform of the main part of the current business, and the share of the IT landscape in the target state will be 80%.

Not only the banking business, but also subsidiaries will use Platform V components. This applies to the main link of the ecosystem - unifying elements, such as a single customer identifier (SberID), a single product catalog and others. There are already more than twenty of them, and all are built on the basis of the platform, the document says.

Improving infrastructure efficiency is another of Sberbank's main IT tasks. Over the past few years, serious steps have been taken in this direction. Sberbank has created its own internal cloud, in which developers are already provided with more than 90% of the infrastructure. This not only radically reduced the time to receive capacity from a few weeks to 5 minutes, but also changed the experience of using it. Sberbank has implemented a tariff model for IT management that ensures maximum transparency of costs, including in terms of infrastructure, and covers more than 80% of all IT costs.

Another important part of the infrastructure involves remote access for employees. In connection with the pandemic in 2020, Sberbank faced a new challenge - to quickly transfer employees to work from home and organize remote interaction of teams. Production process tools have been specially adapted for development teams.

As a result, tens of thousands of IT employees work productively remotely. If necessary, Sberbank will be able to transfer its entire technological team to a remote mode, the bank's report says.

Most of Sberbank's strategic initiatives are based on a deep understanding of the client's needs. As part of the development of the corporate analytical and AI platform "Data Factory," the time for obtaining access to subscription data in self-service mode has been significantly reduced - now this is no more than one hour. For quick and convenient work with AI models, Sberbank has implemented a single workplace for internal data specialists, which includes all the necessary tools for creating and training models. As a result, the output of the model to the execution environment is no more than 4 hours.

Also an important focus of development is the cost of storing huge amounts of data. Sberbank has planned a number of initiatives that will reduce the cost of storing information by up to four times in the next three years.

Based on the subsidiary SberCloud, a cloud platform is developing that provides its services for the effective development of companies' businesses. In this case, companies do not spend resources on creating their IT infrastructure, but focus on their profile activities.

On the horizon of the 2023 strategy, Sberbank aims to offer technological solutions at the federal and regional levels, in particular, with a focus on digital industry solutions for transport, social sphere, safety, energy efficiency and other areas.

The market for virtual assistants continues to grow rapidly, and Sberbank becomes an active participant in it. In September 2020, Sberbank released a virtual assistant "Salute" with three characters who have different characters. Clients can choose an assistant in spirit and change it at any time.

The capabilities of the Salyut family are much wider than those of ordinary mobile applications, according to Sberbank:

By connecting the services of the Sberbank ecosystem to Salyut, Salyut will become part of the daily life of customers. With it, you can turn on a film or music, order food, make an appointment with a doctor and talk about different topics. "Salute" perceives voice, text, touch and even gestures

Especially for virtual assistants, Sberbank began to create smart devices. The SberBox set-top box and the SberPortal smart display have been released. These devices extend the interaction with the assistant. If in the Sberbank Online mobile application the Salyut assistant is optimized for working with finances, then SberBox and SberPortal will be more convenient for viewing recipes, learning languages, games and much more. Sberbank also plans to embed the assistant in partner devices.

In 2020, Sberbank's costs for technological transformation reached 118.8 billion rubles, having changed by 6.9% upwards compared to the previous year (7.7 billion rubles in absolute terms), according to the bank's statements approved by German Gref on May 17, 2021.

Appointment of Pavel Voronin as Vice President for Technological Development of the SDC

On September 8, 2020, Sberbank informed TAdviser about personnel changes in the management of the Technologies block. Pavel Voronin has been appointed Vice President for Technological Development of Subsidiaries and Affiliates (CIO SDO). Read more here.

Conclusion of electronic employment contracts

Sberbank on July 17, 2020 announced that it had joined the state initiative (122 FZ), which allows signing documents related to labor activities in electronic form. Including the employment contract that is concluded between the employer and the employee when hiring.

Until July 2020, the employment contract was one of the documents, for the signing of which, according to the requirements of the law, an employee's signature was required on paper. This can now be done using a digital signature.

Electronic document flow is represented in all areas of professional activity of Sberbank employees, additional services are constantly being introduced and existing ones are being improved. More than 80% of the most popular HR services have already been transferred to a mobile application, which is used by more than 90% of the bank's employees.

Natalia Dudina, Senior Vice President, Head of HR Unit of Sberbank:

HR tools and processes are changing digitally - this happens naturally and very quickly. It happens that the law lags behind life, as it was with the execution of employment contracts. Now, with the introduction of this important innovation, there will be more order, convenience, transparency. In addition, electronic registration for work on the scale of Sberbank will save about 7 million sheets of paper per year.

Participation in the preparation of a plan for the development of legislation for unmanned vehicles

and Sberbank Yandex"" together with "" and GAZ Group PJSC "" KAMAZ prepared a plan for improving the regulatory framework in the development of automated transport means. The plan includes the implementation of about 30 technological and regulatory measures for a phased transition from testing to full operation of highly and fully automated vehicles. This was announced on April 30, 2020 by Sberbank. More. here

Expanding Foreign Exchange Liquidity Supply through Integral OCX Platform

On April 28, 2020, Sberbank announced the expansion of the possibility of gaining access to its foreign currency liquidity through cooperation with the international company Integral. Now large foreign banks, brokerage and management companies will be able to use foreign exchange quotes from Sberbank on the Integral OCX trading platform. Read more here.

Connect to Express Checkout

On April 1, 2020, Sberbank joined the Fast Payment System, but first this service became available to a limited number of customers. Read more here.

Sberbank avoided hiring almost 1,000 new employees thanks to robotization of processes

Due to the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platform, which allows you to create autonomous software robots on a virtual machine to perform routine work, Sberbank automated 103 processes and received 2.8 million robo-hours of labor costs, according to the bank's annual report, published in March 2020. According to Sberbank estimates, this is equivalent to a non-hiring of 930 people.

The number of processes performed by software robots in Sberbank almost doubled over the year: at the end of 2018, there were 53 of them, according to the previous annual report.

In the retail business of Sberbank, for example, now 100% of decisions on applications for credit cards are made online without the participation of underwriters, 40% of customer issues are resolved automatically by the chatbot, indicated in the annual report. A voice robot based on a neural network prolongs mortgage real estate insurance by phone.

Sberbank has increased the number of processes where less participation of people is required "(photo - Kirill Kukhmar/TASS)"

In Sberbank's corporate business, robots form and register contracts, make decisions on issuing bank guarantees.

After the online signing by the client of one document for banking services, software robots independently draw up contracts for 11 products: settlement and cash services, a package of services, a business card, SBBOL, self-collection, trading acquiring, QR payments, SmartPos, Evotor +, salary project, foreign currency rubles.

In 2019, a "robot assistant" based on Robotic Desktop Automation technology was put into trial operation. Robots help an employee perform routine work on a personal computer, thanks to which 12 pilot processes are automated. The increase in employee productivity in pilot processes was 27%.

And the robot for analyzing Eurobond auctions has improved the quality of the trading information environment by collecting, analyzing and structuring data, according to the annual report of Sberbank. In the near future, the focus will be on implementing more complex behavioral models.

Also in 2019 PaaS , the RPA (Robotic Process Automation Platform as a Service) cloud platform was launched through SberCloud. It provides external customers with a complete cycle of development and maintenance of RPA algorithms. The client does not need prior investment in equipment and - software everything necessary is provided by the provider.

In addition, in 2019, Sberbank conducted 4 pilot projects with the "reading robot" tool using Auto Named Entity Recognition technology. This tool allows you to extract the necessary information from scans of semi-structured and unstructured documents.

Sberbank launches a single workplace of its own-designed operators

On February 26, 2020, Sberbank informed TAdviser about the launch of a circulation of its own development - a single workplace (ERM) for operators of the first lines serving corporate clients. The launch of the ERM is planned for March 1, 2020. Pilot operation of the development showed that it saves 17-20 seconds (approximately 6%) of the average contact processing time. It's 2900 hours a month. Read more here.


The function of returning forgotten money appeared in Sberbank ATMs

At the end of December 2019, the function of returning forgotten money appeared at Sberbank ATMs. Thanks to her, according to the credit institution, she was able to reduce the number of cases by 30% when people lost money, forgetting to take it after withdrawing cash.

As explained to RIA Novosti in the press service of Sberbank, if the client requested the issuance of a certain amount at the ATM, however, then he was distracted and left without taking the money, then the car will almost immediately take them back. In this case, the funds will be automatically credited back to the client's account.

Sberbank ATMs for absent-minded will reduce the loss of money by customers

If the client forgot to take the card or the money issued by an ordinary ATM, as a rule, a protracted investigation of the bank begins in the sense that it is necessary to watch the control tapes of the ATM, watch videos, etc. Based on the results of the check, a decision is made that is not always in favor of the cardholder. Sberbank solved this problem.

The bank also recalled that they introduced the function of informing a client who forgot a card at an ATM using an SMS message. This led to the fact that customers began to forget their cards at ATMs twice as often, Sberbank said.

By the end of 2019, Sberbank replaced 40% of ATMs with new ones with a recycling function, which allows you to use money contributed by customers to issue cash. Such equipment works 15% compared to devices without such technology. The entire network is expected to be updated in 2021. In total, the bank has 77 thousand ATMs.

An ATM with a cache recycling function allows you to deposit and receive up to 300 bills at a time. Such devices operate in a closed-loop cash circulation system: that is, an ATM can give money deposited by one client to another - without collection from the bank.[12]

Sberbank received the TAdviser IT PRIZE award in the nomination "Digital Ecosystem"

On November 27, 2019, as part of the TAdviser SummIT conference, the TAdviser IT Prize winners were awarded. Sberbank received an award in the nomination "Digital Ecosystem." Read more here.

WhatsApp Service Presentation for Entrepreneurs

November 19, 2019 Sberbank announced the service - service in. WhatsApp Now entrepreneurs can exchange bank messages for quick and convenient advice on the design of products and services in - Internetmessenger WhatsApp.

The most common topics of requests are the registration of a loan for business, as well as the opening of a current account and the selection of a suitable package of services for settlement and cash services.

Since its launch, calls to the channel have risen to 200 daily and the figure continues to rise, signalling the interest of entrepreneurs and business owners in using WhatsApp to engage with the bank.

You can contact the bank through this channel using a shortcut on the pages of the mobile version of the site or by writing in WhatsApp.

{{quote 'author=said Sergey Lekhanov, Director of the Corporate Solutions Center of Sberbank Sberbank strives to use all the most convenient and accessible channels of interaction for customers. It is important for us to understand that our clients receive all the necessary information and answers to their questions efficiently and promptly. Thanks to this communication channel in the WhatsApp messenger, our cooperation with customers has become even more effective, }}

Transition to electronic mortgages when making a mortgage

Sberbank on October 30, 2019 announced the transition to the registration of electronic mortgages when registering mortgage transactions.

As noted, the transition took place within the framework of the federal project Mortgage"," which is part of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment. The federal project is aimed at transferring the mortgage market to electronic form. In particular, it is planned to switch to servicing the borrower online - from issuing a loan to registering real estate rights.

Sberbank supported the initiative Federal Registration Service in the development of digital technologies and was the first among banksRussia those to switch to issuing mortgages in electronic form. Already more than 3 thousand mortgages for mortgage loans of Sberbank are registered in electronic form. The project operates throughout Russia when buying apartments on a mortgage in the secondary real estate market (except for the Military Mortgage program).

Electronic interaction with credit institutions allows you to reduce the time for obtaining a mortgage and increase the safety of real estate transactions. This is undoubtedly an important stage in the digitalization of public services, - said Victoria Abramchenko, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia - head of Rosreestr.

The adopted changes on mortgage transactions are designed to simplify the process of issuing, accompanying a mortgage loan and state registration of real estate collateral without additional actions by the borrower. By the end of 2019, Sberbank plans to issue more than 25 thousand electronic mortgages, in 2020 - more than 200 thousand, - said German Gref, President, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank.

Thanks to IT, Sberbank reduced paper consumption by 292 million sheets

On October 24, 2019, Sberbank informed TAdviser about a decrease in paper consumption in business processes - in just nine months of 2019, the bank used 27% less paper compared to the same period in 2018. The savings amounted to more than 292 million sheets. In recalculation for trees - almost 25 thousand pcs. (or 60.7 hectares of forest).


Sberbank began to actively withdraw paper from its processes in 2013. One of the first projects in this direction was the introduction of an electronic digital signature for customers. This function is performed by a bank card. You can sign transaction documents, for example, using a code from SMS.

Another refinement of the bank is designed to reduce the use of paper. In the summer of 2018, the section "Extracts and Certificates" appeared on Sberbank Online. Here you can get six types of documents: a debit card statement, a credit card, a deposit; details for translation; a certificate of the available balance and information for civil servants.

Android users overtake iOS owners in the number of issued statements and certificates. For example, only a debit card statement in the Sberbank Online mobile application was issued in September by 944.5 thousand Android owners and 444 thousand iOS owners. The peak of issuing an extract and a certificate of the available balance fell on March, it is during these months that Russians are actively preparing for vacation and apply for visas. Activity on the certificate for civil servants falls on April - the time of filing income declarations.

Since 2015, Sberbank, together with its subsidiary SberKorus (formerly Korus Consulting CIS), has been proposing the transition to paperless document management for legal entities - corporate clients of the bank. As of October 2019, the Document Management service is integrated into the Internet bank for entrepreneurs and is available to all users of Sberbank Business Online. Corporate customers can send more than 160 different types of documents electronically through the service. Electronic exchange through this service has the same legal weight and value as the exchange of signed and printed documents. Another service - "Reporting to state bodies" - allows entrepreneurs to submit reports to state bodies in electronic form.

The Document Designer service is also available at Sberbank Business Online. It stores templates of more than 1,400 documents. It is enough to fill in several fields to get a legally correct document that can be signed with an electronic signature and sent via the electronic document management system.

The Electronic Archive service allows you to systematize all documentation and store it electronically. This makes it easier to find the right document and allows you to optimize archive storage.

710 thousand of the 2.5 million companies operating in Sberbank Business Online have already switched to electronic document management. For nine months of 2019, nine million documents were sent to Sberbank Business Online through Document Management.

In 2019, Sberbank's transaction services retained more than 5,000 trees. Already more than 80% of key services are available "in numbers." So, thanks to the remote service "Making changes to a legal case," which allows you to make popular changes to the company's dossier online without a visit to the bank, about 2,000 trees were saved in nine months of 2019.

Another service - "Electronic Check" - made it possible to save more than a thousand trees. With its advent, entrepreneurs do not need to issue a paper checkbook in a bank to withdraw cash. Instead, you can use the Electronic Check service - create an application for issuing cash to Sberbank Business Online and receive cash at the bank's office.

Microsoft and Sberbank agree on joint research in the field of robotics

On October 15, Sberbank and Microsoft announced the launch of a joint research program in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Microsoft says that the first in its history their research center in Redmond (USA) will open the door for the Russian company. The partners will work together to create artificial intelligence algorithms to control robots in banking. Read more here.

The evangelist of robotization of Sberbank has reduced the staff of the operating unit by 5 times and is quitting herself

On September 24, 2019, Sberbank announced that Senior Vice President, Operating Director Natalya Dirks decided to end her career at the bank. Read more here.

Implementation of Real-Time Decision Manager in the corporate segment

Sberbank on August 29, 2019 announced the introduction of RTDM (Real-Time Decision Manager) in the corporate segment. According to representatives of the bank, RTDM allows you to process large amounts of data, analyze them and develop solutions that are most important for a particular client at a particular time, followed by routing to the service channel priority to the client.

As noted, the capabilities of RTDM are already actively used by Sberbank in service communications with corporate clients. When contacting the bank, the client not only solves his question, but also receives additional information: RTDM informs the operator of the Contact Center, for example, about the authority ending with the client in the Internet bank or about the emergence of new services that simplify the work of the client. The technology also notifies customers about the accrual of funds to them in cases when they are collectors, and informs them about the compensation they are entitled to.

When making payments, RTDM gives the client "tips," offering more profitable ways to make transfers. The technology can also track covenants in loan agreements on the targeted use of credit funds, which allows you to quickly respond to their violation, and, as a result, avoid the situation with the need to increase reserves.

In conditions of high competition, it is no longer enough to know everything about the client - it is important to anticipate his expectations. With the help of tools such as RTDM, we can better understand customers and offer what is relevant for them at this moment, if a specific situation arises, even before they thought about it, "said Stanislav Kartashov, Vice President, Director of the Corporate Clients 360 division of Sberbank.

Sberbank carries out the development of technology on its own and relying on its own IT. Sberbank's RTDM architecture for the corporate segment is a platform that includes a large number of components not only commercial (manufactured by SAS and Oracle), but also Open Source (such as Kafka), as well as components of its own Java developments, which is a distinctive feature of Sberbank's RTDM, the financial institution emphasized. As of August 29, this platform is capable of supporting 3000 TPS (transactions per second) with an average processing speed of one event in 100 ms. The mechanics of the system support throughput throughput of over 10 million events from the data source system per day. In the future, the platform is planned to be integrated with adjacent systems and connect additional channels (such as IVR, a mobile application), which will allow you to take into account new data when analyzing and choosing the preferred channel of interaction with the client.

Personalization of ATM menus

Sberbank on July 26, 2019 announced the personalization of the menu of its ATMs. Now, as soon as the client passes the identification, the menu items that he most often used before will appear on the main screen, as well as personal offers of the bank that are relevant for him.

In particular, the system itself will offer the client the most often used amounts of cash withdrawals, transactions regularly performed by him and even congratulate him on his birthday by offering a gift.

The functionality is already available in 44 thousand Sberbank ATMs, and by the end of 2019 it will be replicated to the entire network of bank self-service devices with a touch screen.

Demonstration of the operation of the inter-corporate quantum network

On June 6, 2019, Sberbank, Gazprombank, PwC and the Russian Quantum Center demonstrated the work of the first inter-corporate quantum network. Read more here.

Sberbank plans to algorithmize 99% of foreign currency transactions during 2019

On February 25, 2019, Sberbank announced its plans to algorithmize 99% of foreign exchange transactions during 2019.

Automation of standard processes saves the most valuable resource - the time of our customers and employees. It will also allow you to devote more time to large transactions, operations in illiquid hours, transactions with rare currencies, which will still require manual operations, - Andrey Shemetov, Vice President of Sberbank, Head of the Department of Global Markets.

As noted in the bank, during 2018, the number of client transactions with currency, which are processed by robotic algorithms, increased from 50% to 90%. In 2019, it is planned to increase this figure to 99%. At the same time, there was no change in the number of traders, but in the territorial divisions the bank achieved a significant optimization of the labor costs of employees engaged in the establishment of "manual" transactions.

As of February 2019, Sberbank is also actively using algorithms in stock transactions and is considering the possibility of developing into other assets.

Development and testing of Auto ML machine learning algorithm

Sberbank has developed an Auto ML machine learning model. This was announced on February 14, 2019 by Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank. As he explained, Auto ML is an algorithm that can create other models. And they, in turn, are already solving applied tasks - for example, they predict the solvency of the client when issuing a loan or help separate law-abiding clients from violators. Read more here.

Appointment of Konstantin Kruglov as Director of SberData

The team of Sberbank's Technologies block has undergone personnel changes: Konstantin Kruglov has been appointed Senior Managing Director, Director of the Data Management Department (SberData). This was reported on February 11, 2019 by Sberbank. Read more here.


New head of the Unified Front System program - Alexey Poddubny

At the end of 2018, Alexey Poddubny became the head of the Unified Front System (EFS) program. According to TAdviser, he was appointed to this position after Elena Baturova, who previously led the EFS project, and Vadim Sharobaev, who under her leadership was responsible for this project in Sber Tech, left Sberbank. Read more here.

Gref became the curator of the technological development of Sberbank

On December 10, 2018, Sberbank announced an increase in the role of technological and marketing divisions of the bank. In this regard, David Rafalovsky was appointed executive vice president and became subordinate to the President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref, continuing to perform the functions of the service station of the Sberbank group.

Participation in the creation of the Association of Big Data Market Participants

On October 16, 2018, MegaFon, Mail.Ru Group, oneFactor, Tinkoff Bank, Yandex and Sberbank established the Association of Big Data Market Participants. Anna Serebryanikova, operating di⁠rektor of MegaFon, was elected President of the organization. The Board of the Association included representatives of all founding companies. The main goal of the organization is to create conditions for the development of technologies and products in the field of big data in Russia. Read more here.

The first electronic mortgage for mortgages

Sberbank issued the first electronic mortgage with a mortgage. This is stated in the message of the credit institution dated July 2, 2018.

Sberbank prepared and sent an electronic mortgage to Rosreestr after the corresponding amendments to the Federal Law of 16.07.1998 No. 102-FZ "On Mortgage (Real Estate Pledge)" came into force on July 1, 2018 . According to them, the mortgage can be issued in both paper and electron format. In this case, the electronic mortgage must be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the borrower and the bank.

In Russia, began to issue electronic mortgages with mortgages

The storage, accounting and confirmation of rights under the electronic mortgage is carried out by Sberbank depositories. Mortgage buyers will be able to fill out an electronic mortgage form on the State Public services portal, on the official website of Rosreestr.

The possibility of issuing an electronic mortgage allows you to speed up the registration of collateral for home lending without additional actions on the part of the client. An electronic mortgage is undoubtedly an important stage in the digitalization of mortgages, "says Nikolai Vasev, director of the DomClick division of Sberbank.

Earlier, the chairman of the board of Sberbank, German Gref, announced plans to issue 80% of mortgages online by 2020-2021. 

According to the law, the electronic mortgage will have to contain information about the pledger, the original pledgee and the debtor of the secured mortgage obligation, the name of the loan agreement or other monetary obligation, the execution of which is ensured by a mortgage, indicating the date and place of its conclusion, the amount of the obligation secured by the mortgage and the term of its payment, the name and description of the property, on which the mortgage is established, as well as the monetary assessment of the property on which the mortgage is established confirmed by the conclusion of the appraiser.[13]

Product and Service Integration Agreement with 1C

On May 24, 2018, Sberbank and 1C entered into a cooperation agreement on the integration of their products and services for corporate lending, financing investment and export activities, as well as other banking operations and services. The agreement was signed by Senior Vice President of Sberbank Anatoly Popov and Director of 1C Boris Nuraliev.

The agreement defines the long-term strategy of the parties to provide customers with secure electronic document exchange technologies, which allows optimizing and developing user access to Sberbank's banking services directly from 1C accounting and ERP systems.

The Bank considers 1C as one of the strategic partners in providing software solutions for accounting and other types of accounting, in which we want to see our banking services and services integrated. Electronic transfer of documents to the bank directly from 1C programs allows you to increase the convenience of customer interaction with the bank and corresponds to the bank's strategy for transferring financial statements of corporate borrowers to electronic form, "commented Anatoly Popov, Senior Vice President, Head of the Corporate Block of Sberbank.

As noted, Sberbank and 1C cooperate in the integration of their products and information systems. Thus, many Sberbank clients use the possibility of making payments and receiving statements directly in 1C:Enterprise 8 programs, which increases the security of data exchange between 1C programs and the Sberbank Business Online Internet bank. Also, Sberbank clients have the opportunity to submit the reports of borrowers from 1C: Accounting 8 to the bank "in one click," automatically generating the necessary reports from the accounting system and sending them to the bank through secure communication channels.

Sberbank joined the consortium for the development of the Internet of Things

Sberbank joined the consortium of the Center for Competence of Wireless Communications and the Internet of Things. Among its participants are the Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Atomstroyexport, Gazpromneft, Russian Space Systems, Phillips and others. The consortium also included about 10 universities and research centers leading relevant developments.

The competence center will initiate research in the field of the Internet of things, introduce the results of scientific developments into business, promote the launch of products and services on the international market, as well as develop industry standards and educational programs. The consortium plans to invest 90 million rubles in scientific research in 2018, and up to 200 million rubles in 2022.

Among the potentially interesting areas for Sberbank are the following areas of development of Internet of Things technology: "smart building," "smart store," "smart city" and eHealth. Several branches of the bank have already implemented projects for collecting telemetry data and remote control. Sberbank is also interested in the development of the concept of the Bank of Things - automatic payments that can be made by various devices without human participation.

To provide the market with personnel, the Center will develop training programs in the field of the "Internet of Things" for bachelors, masters and graduate students. Some programs will be implemented jointly with foreign universities: a cooperation agreement has already been signed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and the Technical University of Munich (Germany).

Agreement with Huawei on cooperation in the field of ICT

On April 3, 2018, Huawei and Sberbank signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of information and communication technologies based on Huawei OpenLab and their further implementation in the banking industry. Companies intend to jointly develop network solutions using free software. The agreement was signed as part of the official opening of Huawei OpenLab Moscow. Read more here.

Plan to create a cloud platform SberCloud in conjunction with I-Teco

On April 2, 2018, Sberbank and the Russian system integrator Ai-Teko signed an agreement on the creation of a joint cloud platform SberCloud. It is assumed that the company will provide cloud solutions both for Sberbank and its partners and for external customers. Sberbank's participation in the joint venture will be 60%. Read more here.

Development of a neural network for the assessment of commercial real estate

As it became known in February 2018, Sberbank developed a service based on deep machine learning algorithms for mass assessment of commercial real estate, which is one of the most popular types of collateral. To select the most suitable analogues, a neural network is used that processes information about the characteristics of the object, its location, pedestrian traffic, price zoning, as well as proximity to more than 200 POI categories (point of interest, points of interest).

The service automates the routine process of selecting analogue objects, leaving specialists with a greater margin of time for expert work. As a result, the timing of the assessment is reduced from several days to minutes while improving its quality. In addition, through the use of a single platform, the methodology and approaches to assessment are unified.

As of February 9, the service covers 36 largest cities in Russia with a population of more than half a million people and is used to evaluate objects such as street retail. Sberbank plans to expand it to other segments of commercial real estate.


Digitalization helped Sberbank reduce the number of employees by 24 thousand people

The staff of Sberbank from 2014 to 2017. decreased by 24 thousand people, to 251.7 thousand employees, follows from the annual report of the bank. This represents 8.7% of the initial headcount in 2014.

Digitalization plays a significant role in reducing the staff at Sberbank.

Sberbank is consistently implementing Strategy 2020 to create an ecosystem and digitalize the bank's products and services. We improve the performance and quality of our services. The bank has a practice of optimizing the number, within the framework of which vacant positions are reduced, employees retire and new ones are not accepted in their place, - explained TAdviser in Sberbank

The bank added that, in addition, employees are undergoing retraining, they are offered employment in the Sberbank system in other positions. The decline in numbers is organic.

Sberbank systematically reduces the number of staff "(photo -"

Due to which personnel, first of all, the number of people is reduced in Sberbank was not specified. In the presentation of the 2017 annual report, the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref pointed out that Strategy 2020 assumes a decrease in back-office staff from 8 to 4 thousand people in 2017-2020.

The key objectives of the strategy are to increase the scale of the business, increase profitability and efficiency, while increasing flexibility, speed and customer focus based on the introduction of new technologies and the development of new skills of people.

Earlier at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Gref said that by 2025 the number of Sberbank employees could be halved. Prior to that, the chairman of the bank's board also noted that Sberbank intends to consistently move towards a digital mode of operation and accelerate the closure of the network of its branches. According to him, in 5 years from 30% to 50% of all Sberbank offices will be closed[14] will[15]. And in the process of digital transformation, the bank expects to offer employees involved in the main business jobs in the divisions of the created digital ecosystem[16].

Against the background of a decrease in the total number of Sberbank continues to update staff. In 2017, the bank hired 53 thousand people, according to its report.

Sberbank's new technology platform - more DevOps, Big Data and artificial intelligence

In its 2017 annual report, Sberbank reported on the development of its new technology platform. The platform, which began development in 2015, consists of three main components: "Unified Front System" (EFS), "Business Support Platform" (PPRB) and "Data Factory." Read more Sberbank's technology platform.

Software update brought down Sberbank card platform

On December 12, the head of Sberbank German Gref spoke about the reasons for the failure, which occurred four days earlier. On December 8, the bank observed difficulties when performing some operations in offices and in remote service channels.

According to Gref, technical problems were associated with the installation of a new patch, which was finalized with a large number of changes[17].

We are talking about updating the Smartvista system - a technology platform for processing plastic cards. She was tested twice in night mode, the transition was made at night. At the peak of the load at 20:00 there was a failure, as a result we lost up to 40% operations on the bank for 50 minutes, "Gref said following a meeting of the Supervisory Board of Sberbank.

Gref spoke about the reasons for the failure in Sberbank "(photo -"

Gref noted that the 40% of losses of operations is a big failure, and 50 minutes is a fairly long period for such an incident. According to him, during the failure, the system went into standby operation mode.

On December 8, in the evening, Sberbank warned that some customers could face restrictions when conducting "some transactions" on cards.

Prior to that, Sberbank warned its customers about similar difficulties in conducting card transactions on November 30. The credit institution then explained the incident by technical reasons.

Sberbank presents a new IT strategy at TAdviser SummIT

Senior Managing Director of the Technologies block of Sberbank Pavel Khodalev at the TAdviser SummIT conference, held on November 29, 2017, spoke about the current state of IT at Sberbank and the new technological strategy.

In 2017, Sberbank was building a trimodal organization. Khodalev explained that Gartner has a concept of bimodal organization: when a cascading development methodology and Agile approaches are combined. In turn, Sberbank highlighted the areas Run (support for current processes and operations), Change (replace current banking processes with more efficient ones) and Disrupt (create new processes and products for a competitive advantage). To manage all this, the direction of Governance was also allocated.

In the Run direction, Sberbank is completing a large strategic program to increase the availability of critical IT systems. For four years, the bank has invested in ensuring that technological and downtime windows of such systems are measured for hours a year, Khodalev noted.

Pavel Khodalev on TAdviser SummIT "(photo - TAdviser)"

An important area was the development of Agile practices at Sberbank. The bank's goal is to transfer the entire direction of Change to Agile, and in 2017 there was an important milestone - about 7 thousand people from IT and business now work together in Agile mode, closing the retail business, corporate business and what relates to the construction of strategic platforms.

In 2017, Sberbank also began the development of sites in the direction of Disrupt: 3 innovative laboratories were built.

Of the other significant things - on the way to the bank becoming a technology company, it creates the CDO Institute (Chef Data Officer) and the CDS Institute (Chief Data Scientist). These are centralized institutions - one works to manage corporate data models and synchronize how data flows from system to system, and the second is responsible for creating models that are then used in artificial intelligence projects.

Not without some sad discoveries in 2017:

We realized that the level of automation in our IT at the development level, what is called the buzzword, DevOps is in the Stone Age. And this year we made a significant breakthrough, and now we are building basic tools, standard pipelines for DevOps, and also actively began to invest in engineering practices and requirements for our engineers who are developing so that they are 100% DevOps people, - said Pavel Khodalev

Sberbank conducts a strategic cycle for three years, Khodalev noted, and as of the end of 2017, the bank is approving a new strategy until 2020. It also provides for the development of Run, Change and Disrupt blocks. The Run block has a robotization location for workflow automation and machine learning. These technologies, Sberbank expects, will give the greatest exhaust in both the back office and IT in order to free people from inappropriate operations - "monkey labor."

About two years ago, Sberbank centralized banking systems and created a centralized banking system, but when this project was completed, it turned out that it would not be enough for growing business volumes and plans for further business development, Khodalev said.

Then the bank began to create its own banking platform. In the near future, Sberbank expects to reach the stability of this platform at the level of 99.99% availability.

Among the plans of the Change block are the launch of its own banking platform, the introduction of new versions of the online bank and mobile application. The plans also include total DevOps and the transition from highly specialized work to team work.

We believe that it is in the work of teams that is the next level of efficiency that we cannot get now, just giving people different rules of the game. That is what we are going to Sbergile with, - said the representative of Sberbank.

From the point of view of the Disrupt block - piloting the sites and services of the Sber# ecosystem and creating 8 laboratories with a new focus. Previously, laboratories were focused on the study of new technologies, and if something attractive for business came out, then technologies were offered to give to business to create technological solutions. Now each laboratory will have a specific task - to produce an industrial result.

In part of the Governance block, there are plans for the development of data management - the development of competencies that the bank has never had, and bringing the direction of data to a single model.

Regarding the development of employees at Sberbank, they follow the path of the concept of "T-Shaped people" - in fact, this is a synonym for a "universal soldier," Pavel Khodalev explained.

We are trying to move away from highly specialized engineers and specialists to more universal soldiers, because only such universal soldiers can be effective in a team, "he explained.

Speaking about the near future, Khodalev noted that for 2018 one of the key projects is the launch of a new data center at Skolkovo, which will become a key location for Sberbank's infrastructure. It is also planned to completely transfer the development to Sbergile by the end of 2018. The development of 8 laboratories mentioned earlier is among the priorities for 2018. With the development of an innovative component, the bank will approach the emergence of a new position at the level of board members - Chief innovation officer.

The TAdviser SummIT conference was held in Moscow on November 29, 2017 and attracted more than 400 participants. The main topics of the event are the IT plans of the largest companies and government departments of Russia for 2018, the prospects for the development of the digital economy, IT products and services. Within the framework of the plenary part and five thematic sections, more than 60 reports and public discussions were heard. The event was held in 5 halls of Digital October.

Transition to electronic interaction with government agencies

The Government of the Russian Federation supported the proposals of Sberbank PJSC on the transition to electronic interaction of banks with government agencies.

Amendments to Government Order No. 1471-r adopted on behalf of First Deputy Prime Minister I.I. Shuvalov provide banks with access to 20 new types of documents and information about individuals and legal entities using the interdepartmental electronic interaction system (SMEV). The relevant documents are published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

"We are talking about tax reporting, constituent documents from the Tax Service, information about real estate from Rosreestr, accounting reports from Rosstat. This will allow bank customers to not request paper documents from government agencies next year in order to open a bank account and get a loan. Banks will receive documents directly from government agencies, while information containing personal data will be provided to the bank with the consent of the client. This is a big step towards fast paperless business lending, "said Sberbank Vice President Andrei Sharov

Andrei Khlyzov replaced Alisa Melnikova as general director at Sber Tech

On June 9, 2017, Sberbank announced the appointment of Andrei Khlyzov to the post of senior vice president of Sberbank - general director of Sber Tech. In this position, he replaced Alisa Melnikova, who has worked for the company since 2013. More about the appointment - in the profile of Andrei Khlyzov on the TAdviser portal.

Sberbank employees received developer status in the Apache community

The creation program team "Business Support and Development Platforms" Sberbank received the status of developers of the open-source community. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Sberbank announced this in its annual report for 2016, released in April. They were able to develop open source components of the Apache platform technology stack.

The company's Business Development Support Platform Sberbank-Technologies provides for the revolutionary transformation of all Sberbank applications included in the Core Banking circuit. The development uses the latest technologies for distributed computing in memory and applications with large amounts of data in real time - In-Memory Data Grid.

Sberbank told TAdviser that in total about 1,500 developers are involved in the projects of the support and business development platform, but not all of them participate in open source projects. How many developers are involved in them, the bank preferred not to specify. In the Apache community, members are contributors, the bank explained to TAdviser.

Sberbank is interested in participating in global open source projects - Apache and a number of others

Sberbank noted that open source projects as a whole are a relatively new direction for them, so while the bank determines the strategy, format and volume of participation in each specific project.

Among the Apache projects that Sberbank focuses on as of spring 2017 are Apache Ignite (a universal platform for distributed in-memory computing), Kafka (a distributed platform for streaming and data transmission).

The bank also participates in the WildFly project (Java EE-application server), which is being developed with the support of Red Hat.

Sberbank considers participation in open source projects Spring Framework, ZeroMq, Akka, Hadoop, Ceph, ReactJs, Activiti and some others.

Some of these projects have a high degree of maturity and a strong community, so the issue of Sberbank's participation formats will be discussed in them, Sberbank added.

Our main contribution to the community is reliability, performance, integration with products that are in the company's technology stack. We believe that in these areas the contribution may be most significant in connection with our experience in implementing Sberbank's requirements for these parameters, - noted in Sberbank.

Savings of more than 1 billion rubles at competitions for testing automated systems

In late February - early March 2017, Sberbank summed up the results of two tenders for the performance of work on functional and load testing of automated systems. In total, both purchases consisted of 20 lots, and their total initial cost was almost 3.5 billion rubles[1][2].

Sberbank summed up the results of two contests for testing automated systems

Participants in the competitions became known back in November 2016. The tender for load testing of critical systems (Mission & Business Critical) was submitted by Luxoft Professional, Aplana, IC I-Teco, TechnoServ AS, Performance Lab. Bell Integrator, A.T. Consulting and Jet Infosystems.

In different lots of this competition (a total of 9 lots), the performers were asked to check the operation of kernel automated systems, systems on the BPM platform, systems such as CRM and BI, automated systems for managing loans, risk and investments, processing, etc. The total maximum maximum cost for all lots was 1.34 billion rubles.

For 11 lots of the competition for functional (manual and automated) testing of systems, 13 companies applied: Aplana, TechnoServ AS, BFT, IC I-Teco, Smart Group, Quality Technologies, Performance Lab, Epam Systams, Lanit, Auriga, A.T. Consulting, Diasoft and Beltor.

In this competition, performers were invited to conduct checks of automated kernel systems, automated systems such as FrontEnd, processing systems, CRM and BI systems, credit automated systems, automated systems on the SAP platform and others. The total marginal cost for all lots was 2.13 billion rubles.

For each lot, the documentation stipulated the necessary number of specialists in functional or load testing. So, for example, for load testing of automated credit management systems, the contractor had to have at least 40 relevant employees on staff, and four specialists were enough for functional testing of BI systems.

At the end of February 2017, the bank identified the winners for most lots of both contests. The remaining lots were played in early March.

Results of the competition for load testing of automated systems
Lot name Winner Final offer of the winner, million rubles. including VAT
Лот 1: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию, ядровых автоматизированных систем Jet infosystems170,990
Лот 2: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию систем на платформе BPM Technoserv AS41.15
Лот 3: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию систем типа CRM и BI ATI Consulting49.20
Лот 4: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию ядровых автоматизированных систем на платформе ППРБ Jet infosystems30,25
Лот 5: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию Автоматизированных систем по управлению кредитами Performance Lab76.54
Лот 6: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию автоматизированных систем по управлению рисками и инвестициями банка Performance Lab21.02
Лот 7: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию систем Remote Banking (Front End)"IC I-Teco" and "I-Teco"167.61
Лот 8: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию систем на платформе ЕФС Technoserv AS158,12
Лот 9: Услуги по нагрузочному тестированию автоматизированных систем управления процессингом Jet Infosystems82,141
Results of the competition for functional testing of automated systems
Lot name Winner Final offer of the winner, million rubles. including VAT
Лот 1: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем ядра Performance Lab147.25
Лот 2: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем типа FrontEnd IC Ai-Teko and Ai-Teko226.98
Лот 3: Услуги по функциональному тестированию процессинговых систем, а также систем с интеграционной логикой на базе корпоративной сервисной шины (КСШ) и связанных с ними систем Bell Integrator93.03
Лот 4: Услуги по функциональному тестированию систем типа CRM Performance Lab87.93
Лот 5: Услуги по функциональному тестированию систем типа Bussiness Intelligence (BI) Bell Integrator8.39
Лот 6: Услуги по функциональному тестированию кредитных автоматизированных систем "IC Ai-Teko" and "I-Teco"197.62
Лот 7: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем по управлению рисками Performance Lab17,32
Лот 8: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем по управлению инвестициями Performance Lab32.97
Лот 9: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем на платформе SAP Aplana75.56
Лот 10: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем платформы BPM Aplana51.15
Лот 11: Услуги по функциональному тестированию автоматизированных систем, связанных с обслуживанием клиентов в удаленных каналах Aplana493.15

Within the framework of two tenders, the largest amount of contracts was recorded at Aplana - about 620 million rubles. This company managed to win three lots for functional testing of systems. This is followed by "I-Teco" - 592 million rubles, the amount of three lots. In third place is Performance Lab - 383 million rubles, the amount of six lots.

The term of the master agreement for each lot is 12 months from the date of its conclusion.

The total decrease in all purchases amounted to more than 1.2 billion rubles. About 543 million rubles were saved at competitions for load testing and almost 700 million rubles at competitions for functional testing of systems.

Sberbank held similar contests for testing information systems in 2015. Then, the total initial amount was about 1.9 billion rubles.

Almost half of this amount was then won by the Aplana company - it won in eight lots for 940 million rubles. In five lots totaling 520 million rubles, Ai-Teko won. Bell Integrator won in four lots worth 203 million rubles. Luxoft (Luxoft Professional) won 144 million rubles in two lots. Jet Infosystems won the lot worth 89 million rubles.

Change of leaders of the IT block: Nikita Volkov instead of Vadim Kulik

In early 2017, the Kommersant newspaper, citing several sources, told[3]that Deputy Chairman of the Board Vadim Kulik was leaving Sberbank. According to the newspaper, he was removed from the supervision of the Riska direction. In the technological block, for which Kulik was also responsible, there were no worthy tasks for him.

After Kulik's departure, the Technologies block is globally supervised by Lev Khasis, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank. Nikita Volkov, who had previously led the development and maintenance of banking information systems in the Technologies block, was appointed head of the Technologies block instead of Kulik.

In addition, Teymur Sternlib, Vice President of Sberbank, was appointed Senior Vice President, Head of the Directorate for Digital Business Development since February 2017. He replaced Mikhail Ehrenburg, who has worked at Sberbank since 2013.


IT Development Results in 2016

Sberbank's Q1 2017 reports on the main results of the development of information systems in 2016. The Bank is successfully implementing strategic initiatives aimed at building a technology platform and transforming into a technology company by the end of 2018, the document says.

In particular, Sberbank has done a lot of work to ensure the high reliability of its systems. Among the important milestones of this work are the organization of georeservation of contact center services, the creation of a core of a new highly reliable local area network, the work of client services when performing operations in online stores, transfers, issuing loans, servicing through remote channels in Stand-In 24 × 7 mode during incidents and technological work.

Downtime of critical automated systems South Port Data Center does not exceed 1.6 hours per year. This is DPC certified Tier under the Certification Operational Sustainability Program, Uptime Institute, GOLD level.

Highly critical data transportation services between Sberbank's automated systems have been put into 99,999% operation mode, that is, the simple system is no more than 5 minutes per year. This ensures the continuity of the provision of essential services to private and corporate customers.

A pilot block for employees was allocated in the Sberbank Online system, in which new versions of Sberbank Online are tested before large-scale replication, which minimizes risks and reduces the implementation time.

Sberbank introduced an end-to-end production process and resource planning, which increased control over the launch and implementation of projects, and reduced the average duration of projects from 30 to 18 months. The new process of implementing non-project tasks made it possible to reduce the period of their implementation by 1.9 times. The satisfaction of internal clients in the implementation of the IT component of projects increased by 3.8 times, the implementation of non-project tasks - by three times.

Sberbank has begun an agile transformation, which consists in the transition to a flexible development method called Sbergile. Sbergile commands are provided with basic automation, an iterative service development process has been developed.

Sberbank has created a unified process for managing operational and IT production, incidents and technological standards.

The number of client operations support functions has been reduced by 13%. Regional support centers for client operations in Khabarovsk and Voronezh have been transformed. IT operations are supported in all time zones.

The basis of Sberbank's changing IT landscape should be a technology platform that will act as an environment that ensures the functioning of the business and allows ecosystem participants to interact and create value. The technology platform will include infrastructure, data and means of their processing and analysis, applications, development tools, APIs, the bank said in its statements.

Sberbank actively uses the latest technologies to create innovative services and services. In particular, methods of working with Big Data were used in the development of a universal chat platform for Telegram Messenger and Facebook messengers. A retinal-based biometric identification system pilot was conducted for self-service devices.

When launching the project "Payment for biometrics in the Azbuka Vkusa retail chain," closed testing was carried out for Sberbank employees by fingerprint. A pilot has been implemented to develop a mathematical model for managing collection and cash in Sberbank self-service devices, which is designed to reduce the downtime of devices and save on optimizing the amount of cash stored.

The Program "Automation of Risk Management Systems in Financial Markets," launched 4.5 years ago, has been successfully completed. Systems have been created to control market and credit risk limits and set limits on financial institutions. Systems of market control and independent price verification have been implemented. The uniqueness of this IT program for Russia is that until now there has been no positive experience in solving similar problems, according to the bank. As a result, when creating a risk infrastructure, about 360 million rubles were saved.

Sberbank has introduced an automated system for monitoring loan applications to identify fraudulent actions by corporate clients. The system processes large amounts of in memory data, allowing real-time checks.

The Bank automated the underwriting quality control system. The creation of risk analysis tools planned by the end of 2017 will improve the quality of the loan portfolio and ensure the maintenance of a high level of expertise.

A pilot for the deployment of an international card processing center was successfully completed. The first client was BPS-Sberbank of the Republic of Belarus.

Sberbank introduced a system that automates the collection of overdue debts at the stage of late collection, including using the collector's mobile application.

The "Investor's Personal Account" was created, which gave them access to viewing balances on brokerage accounts, margin indicators, a register of transactions, information on the entry/withdrawal of funds, the movement of securities between client accounts.

The Data Base of the SMS service "Mobile Bank" has been transferred to a new high-performance resource to withstand the load of 18 million incoming SMS from customers per day.

A prototype portal for Sberbank's external partners has been created, an open interface service (API) has been published and an API lifecycle management tool has been deployed to connect Sberbank-Messenger partners, as well as publishing APIs for corporate services and attracting new partners.

A new multimedia message processing channel has been created in the contact center - "Text Chat," which will reduce the cost of paying for telephone traffic and reduce the growth rate of the load on operators.

Sberbank has introduced the technology of "direct settlements," which made it possible to make payments in the settlement system of Sberbank in real time. Thus, the payment time between Sberbank customers was reduced from 45 to 6 minutes.

A simplified scheme for considering corporate customer requests was introduced, as a result of which up to 50% of financial claims are resolved in one day, self-collection requests are resolved within an hour. The maximum time for reviewing corporate customer requests does not exceed two days.

A policy on data quality management has been created, a data training program unique to the Russian market has been developed, which was the first to pass 80 top managers of Sberbank.

Sberbank has a new business - data monetization. The basic portfolio of Sberbank products based on aggregated data has been formed. The first deals with external customers were concluded for products to build a model of inclination to buy and segment the customer base for targeted campaigns.

The Open Data portal was launched - a unique information product based on Big Data technologies, which presents aggregated data of economic activity of the population and business.

Sberbank has created innovation laboratories that currently have an average development period of a prototype of an innovative product of no more than five months.

As key plans for the development of the technological landscape for 2017, Sberbank outlined the implementation of all the basic technology services of the IT platform and business services for private customers, the development of the Open API technology partnership ecosystem, the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for Sberbank's tasks, and the connection of at least two ecosystem businesses.

Data Factory Development: Data Monetization Systems

As of November 2016, Sberbank is developing a technology platform for processing and monetization of data in the following areas.

Internal monetization

  • Cost optimization
  • Increase productivity
  • Detection of fraud patterns
  • Reduction of regulatory [4]

External monetization

  • Enrichment by processing external data
  • Modeling and data discovery
  • Info market

How data monetization products are created
Sberbank creates and applies different types of models
Pilot "Predictive model of ATM and terminal breakdowns"
Why is the old platform not capable of solving data monetization problems?
New Platform Requirements
Place of the Data Factory in the Bank's common platform
Data Factory Architecture
Creating a Data Factory requires new calls and solutions

TAdviser SummIT: Sberbank spoke about the revolutionary transformation of IT systems

Mikhail Khasin, Senior Managing Director of the Technologies Block of Sberbank, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 31, 2016, spoke about the program for creating a "Business Development Support Platform" implemented by the bank. It provides for the technological modernization of all applications included in the Core Banking circuit. The development uses the latest technologies for distributed computing in memory and applications with large amounts of data in real time - In-Memory Data Grid. More details - at the link.

Agile transformation start

In March 2016, Sberbank chose McKinsey as a consultant on the principles of bimodal and Agile software development-organization. The company will conduct trainings and prepare a description of possible organizational models, approaches to the transformation of the management model and the structure of the bank (more details here).


The main results of informatization in 2015

The reports of Sberbank, published in May 2016, report on the main results of the bank's informatization in 2015.

The Bank worked to simplify the IT landscape, shorten the time for launching banking products on the market, ensure the reliability and necessary performance of systems, and optimize the Bank's project activities. Added to these tasks: ensuring the quality of the programs being implemented; reducing the cost of IT support; development of a business development support platform to ensure the group's strategic advantage in the banking market.

Key systems in 2015 operated under ever-increasing load - the transactional load in the bank's systems increased by about 1.5-2 times compared to the previous year, which is associated with the development of system functionality and the growth of the client base. At the same time, the system reliability goals are fulfilled through the 99.99 program, which implements redundancy and focuses on proactive work with operational risks.

Sberbank managed to provide at least a six-month margin for the performance of critical systems, which made it possible to withstand the traditional peak load at the end of 2015 without significant failures.

There is still a high level of DDoS attacks on bank resources. Attacks are becoming more intelligent, their power is growing. Thanks to the measures of the 99.99 program in 2015, none of the attacks achieved their goal; for comparison, in 2014, as a result of DDoS attacks, the provision of client service in full with a total duration of about an hour was disrupted. The bank has its own center for countering Internet attacks.

In order to achieve a technological breakthrough as the main basis for the implementation of the bank's development strategy until 2018, at the end of 2015, the Technologies unit was created on the basis of the IT unit and the Operational unit.

In 2015, the Centralization 2.0 IT centralization program, unprecedented in scope, was completed, which was implemented for four years by a team of 32 thousand people. As a result, 15 thousand systems of territorial banks were consolidated, databases were centralized. One of the world's largest centralized IT platform has been created. Due to the creation of a single information space, the timing of the launch of new banking products for customers has been reduced.

Within the framework of the 99.99 Reliability program, more than 60% systems, the total downtime was no more than 52 minutes per year. There is a duplication mode, in which customer service continues in the mode of limited functionality in case of failure or technological work, which made it possible to avoid downtime with a total duration of more than 275 hours per year.

In 2015, work began on the program "Creating a platform for supporting business development (18 +)" with the involvement of world experts in the field of architectural issues. The goal is to ensure the group's strategic advantage in the banking market by creating a platform that will meet the business requirements on the horizon of 2018-2023, reduce the time for launching new products on the market, reduce the cost of owning IT infrastructure, and increase the efficiency of the back office.

As part of the Centralization 3.0 program, 118 non-target systems and one data center were decommissioned, the plans include the withdrawal of another 410 non-target systems and the replacement of IT equipment to obtain cost savings. The goal is to complete the centralization of the landscape, significantly increasing the economic efficiency of IT assets.

The transformation of the organizational structure of IT support units within the framework of the Everest program has been completed. End-to-end verticals of service management and support have been created. The effect of the events was 650 million rubles. Successfully implemented plans for the process and technological transformation of the operating function, which made it possible to free up 3,708 full-time units.

As part of the work on the "Supermassives of Data" direction, a Laboratory Cluster of Supermassives was created, a portfolio of 55 data monetization initiatives was formed, 4 of them were implemented in the form of prototypes of commercial solutions.

Sberbank's personnel management is conducted in a single SAP HR system. This is the world's largest SAP HR implementation project, which covers all bank employees working in 11 time zones in 82 regions of the country. 89 disparate historical systems have been decommissioned.

For employees of all regions, it is possible to plan 100% of operating expenses in a single centralized system with a significant acceleration of operations.

A complete up-to-date reference base of Sberbank customers in all segments of the retail business has been created by connecting the systems of territorial banks to the system of a single client profile in on-line mode.

SMS informing customers about the status of the release and delivery of cards has been launched. The client can now receive a card in any region of Sberbank's presence, regardless of where his account is kept.

The payment of state and municipal payments in favor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Bailiff Service, Rosreestr in real time throughout the country has been unified.

In order to promptly identify those involved in terrorism and extremism, counter illegal financial transactions, within the framework of the implementation of Federal Laws No. 115-FZ, No. 134-FZ and No. 152-FZ, the interaction of STOP-List NPP with banking ASs was transferred to real time. This will make it possible to quickly identify unreliable clients when they make transfers to deposit and bank card accounts and stop the financing of terrorism and the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime.

A centralized OptiCash/OptiNet system has been implemented in all regions: based on historical data on cash balances and turnover at cash registers and ATMs, optimal recommendations for backing up and handing over cash are automatically created.

An industrial fraud-monitoring system has been introduced for remote banking channels for individuals. The system reduces the risk of theft of customer funds and reduces reputational losses of the bank resulting from fraudulent transactions.

A solution has been implemented that shortens the time for bringing changes in interest rates on deposits to the market, which accelerates the bank's reaction to changing economic conditions.

Interaction with SWIFT has been finalized, which will allow SWIFT documents to be exchanged with other banks when Sberbank is disconnected from SWIFT Alliance Access.

The technology of issuing housing loans issued through the "Credit Factory" has been implemented, which allows you to change the selected product at any stage before issuing a loan. Customers apply for home loans in any VSP without the participation of a mortgage manager, while when the client changes the type of real estate object or type of transaction, there is no need to obtain bank approval again. The number of customers who refused the deal will be reduced.

An automated credit history assessment process has been introduced in the Credit Conveyor and Credit Factory technologies for the Micro Business and Small Business client segments.

A Wi-Fi network for employees and customers has been organized in 6 thousand Sberbank branches throughout the country. More than 10 thousand employees of these branches use corporate tablets to serve customers and connect their products and services to the bank.

The new version of the corporate portal united all territorial banks on one site - up to this point there were 15 disparate portals.

A technological solution for electronic document management with government agencies has been introduced, which allows bank employees to verify the fact of issuing a notarial power of attorney through the corporate business portal.

Sberbank's MegaData Center has created a data center for SberbankEurope. This is the first IT support project in Russia for European banks, which saved subsidiary banks about 50 million euros in the cost of IT support.

The subsidiary banks of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have implemented the solution of Hummingbird online, which will reduce the time for issuing international transfers by 40%.

The sale of welfare products through Sberbank Online has been launched. The possibility of purchasing the products of the group's insurance companies via the Internet has been implemented.

The emphasis is placed on high-quality development of projects in terms of IT infrastructure. This made it possible to fully satisfy the projects with IT resources, while reducing the initial resource requirements by 11 billion rubles.

Intermediate results of the "Reliability" program

Sberbank's "Reliability of Critical AS" program was launched in 2013. Its goal is to increase the availability of critical systems to 99.99%, which means no more than one hour of downtime of each of them per year. The program is strategic and has the first priority at Sberbank. More than 1,000 bank employees are involved in its implementation.

At the end of 2015, Sberbank increased the availability of a number of critical systems to 99.99%, said Senior Vice President of the Bank Nikita Volkov in December. Before the start of the reliability improvement program, as Volkov told TAdviser, each of the critical systems was idle for an average of 7-8 hours a year, including technological downtime and incidents. For those systems where the target of 99.99% has not yet been achieved, downtime has also been reduced since the start of the program.

Sberbank explained to TAdviser that the system availability level of 99.99% is achieved through the implementation of the StandIn mode - another client service protection loop in addition to traditional backup in the second data center. StandIn is used for the period of system health recovery in the main or standby data center. In this mode, only the most critical services for customers are provided and the IVS operates in the mode of limited functionality.

In 2014, StandIn implementation work was completed on such Sberbank as the integration layer connecting all critical bank systems, mobile card bank, retail Internet bank, part of the processing system responsible for servicing cards issued by Sberbank. For each of these systems, the interruption of client services since the beginning of 2015 amounted to less than one hour.

In 2015, work on the Stand In regime was carried out in the eData Center and Sberbank Branch systems, which are responsible for conducting deposit operations. Sberbank expects that it will feel the effect of the implementation of these works in 2016. In the same year, Sberbank plans to complete the implementation of the StandIn mode in all its critical systems.

The largest total time for interrupting client services in 2015 was recorded in the AS eCS (Unified Corporate System), the main functions of which are settlement and cash services and payments of corporate clients (11.5 hours since the beginning of the year), TAdviser was told in Sberbank. The maximum delay time for customer payments was 2 hours 18 minutes during the incident in early February 2015. In general, all the time client services in eCS were unavailable in the first half of 2015. In the second half of the year, the work of the AS eCS is completely stabilized, they say in Sberbank.

As the most common reasons for the downtime of critical systems, Nikita Volkov named TAdviser problems with application software (errors made during programming, but not identified in testing), as well as database failures.

Volkov notes that Sberbank always tests its systems very carefully before commissioning: regression, functional, load testing and acceptance tests are carried out. When the system goes into commercial operation, it begins to interact with the entire landscape of systems: "Banking systems are now very complex and joints arise."

"Any application software shows bugs all the time, from smartphone software to complex systems. There have been, are and will be failures, it is inevitable. Errors arise in both processing and core banking, in almost any system. The question is whether their client notices or not, and how quickly we can get out of the situation, "said Nikita Volkov

Sberbank also explains the occurrence of system failures by the fact that some systems are unique and have no analogues in the world. For example, no one else has such a processing configuration as Sberbank, Volkov notes: "This is a whole consortium of Oracle and IBM, a configuration that no one in the world has used before us."

He added that in many cases, customers do not notice that an incident has occurred, but the bank records them anyway.

"Bonuses" for failures for customers

Sberbank is considering the possibility of introducing compensation for customers experiencing inconvenience due to system failures, said Nikita Volkov in December 2015. According to him, the bank is working on this idea and may develop a system of compensation processes in 2016.

The bank does not yet have a preliminary list of compensation options and cases in which customers will receive them, Volkov notes. As an example of a situation in which compensation could be applied, he cited the situation with duplicated transactions on customer accounts, when funds are debited twice. True, such a problem usually arises on the side of the payment system, added Nikita Volkov, noting that he would not like to outline the situations on the examples of the systems of Sberbank itself.

Volkov has not yet been able to give specific examples of "bonuses" for failures, but said he liked the "encouragement" that one of the German banks introduced for its customers during the World Cup. The bank announced a special deposit, when the interest rate on the deposit increases by a fraction of a percent depending on the number of goals scored by the German team.

Sberbank borrowed the idea of ​ ​ compensating customers for inconvenience due to the fault of the bank from world practice. Sberbank's senior vice president for IT noted that this is not very widespread, but he classifies this as the best practice of banks.

Selection of Information Systems Testing Contractors in 2015 - 2016

On October 30, 2015, Sberbank determined the winners of two tenders (20 lots) for the services of functional and load testing of automated systems (AS). Their total initial amount was about 1.9 billion rubles.

Almost half of this amount was won by the Aplana company - it won in eight lots for 940 million rubles. Aplana will be engaged in load testing of the analytical solutions management system and credit management system, as well as functional testing of kernel systems, processing and corporate service bus, CRM, risk management systems, internal business and personnel, customer service systems in remote channels.

Ai-Teko won in five lots for a total of 520 million rubles. The company will be engaged in load testing of BPM, CRM and RBS (front end), as well as functional testing of credit and front end systems.

Bell Integrator (Bell Integrator) won in four lots worth 203 million rubles. It will test the load of remote banking applications and processing management systems. Functionally, the company will test BI and the investment management system.

Luxoft (Luxoft Professional) won 144 million rubles in two lots. The company will conduct load testing of the risk and investment management system, as well as functional testing of the BPM.

"Jet Infosystems" won the lot for 89 million rubles and will be engaged in load testing of the core systems of Sberbank.

Tenders to select suppliers for testing automated systems used at Sberbank were announced in June 2015. As part of the contracts for the first[5] them with a maximum price of 1.29 billion rubles. functional testing of systems in the context of 11 functional areas was assumed. As part of the second[6] of the contract with a maximum price of 605 million rubles. It was planned to conduct load testing of systems in the context of 9 functional areas.

Collectively, lots in both contests include more than 100 systems that need to be tested. The term of the master agreement for each lot is 12 months.

Sberbank will conduct large-scale testing of automated systems

As the purposes of functional testing of systems in the TA for performance of works, the following are indicated: reduction of the share of functional errors in industrial operation, checking the NPP for compliance with the declared functional requirements, confirmation of the NPP functionality preservation after modernization, as well as identification of the maximum share of functional errors at earlier stages of testing.

Load testing is carried out in order to increase the reliability of systems, determine the maximum system performance, reduce the likelihood of errors associated with industrial performance, as well as check fault tolerance.

Sberbank told TAdviser that these tenders are not related to the start of large-scale testing work in their bank. Testing of critical (Mission Critical and Business Critical class) and less critical systems (Business Operation and Office Productivity class) is carried out as planned in accordance with the deadlines for the implementation of projects by Sberbank-Technologies or with the involvement of external suppliers. The volumes indicated in the tender documents are indicative and Sberbank reserves the right not to place orders to the supplier for the entire indicated volume within the specified period of time.

Representatives of the bank added that, meanwhile, the approach to conducting procurement procedures for work and testing services has changed: "Aggregation of volumes and holding two tenders for the entire need of the bank is associated with the transition from a tactical format for holding tenders to a strategic one, with the conclusion of long-term agreements and building partnerships with suppliers."

In addition to the winning companies , Auriga, S&T, Performance Lab, Cinimex, Epam, Technoserv and Quality Technologies took part in the tenders for testing.

Sberbank's IT systems are centralized

On September 21, 2015, Sberbank announced the completion of the IT centralization program.

Main article: "Centralization 2.0": Sberbank's unprecedented IT project is completed

Migration to PostgreSQL

In September 2015, the chief architect of Sberbank IT told TAdviser that his bank is very carefully considering the use of free software (SPO), including the transfer of a number of systems to PostgreSQL DBMS.

In November 2015, Sberbank told TAdviser that the bank is testing PostgreSQL in order to study its capabilities for optimal positioning in its infrastructure.

2014: The start of the implementation of the technological development strategy until 2018

In 2014, the Bank launched a new Technology Development Strategy until 2018.

In the bank's statements, the following were distinguished as the main focus of the transformations:

  • Simplify the IT landscape

  • shortening the timing of the launch of banking products on the market, the completion of work on the transfer of 16 territorial banks to centralized systems;

  • ensuring the reliability of automated systems and the margin of their performance required for business growth;

  • optimizing project activities, increasing the productivity of projects with an IT component, dramatically improving the quality of project management.

As part of the strategic program "Creating a single centralized IT platform for the bank" in Moscow, Central Black Earth and Northern banks, an automated system for servicing legal entities was introduced into industrial operation.

"This is an important milestone in creating an effective centralized banking platform that will optimize the cost of ownership of the bank's IT landscape and increase the speed of introducing new products and services," the bank said in its statements.

Moscow, Central Russian, North Caucasus and Central Black Earth Banks were transferred to an automated system of lending to individuals.

Seven territorial banks were transferred to the Unified Deposit Processing Center system. As part of the Green Street service, customers were able to make deposit transactions regardless of the point of opening a deposit within any territorial bank, as well as in both territories of Moscow and Central Russian banks.

the framework of the centralization program, IT costs were reduced due to savings in equipment (servers and data storage systems) and data center premises in territorial banks, savings in benefits from the implementation of AS and system application software, development of systems by Sberbank-Technologies employees, development and support of target systems - more than 2.5 billion rubles.

Sberbank has opened a new strategic program "Creating a Business Development Support Platform (18 +)," under which innovative technologies will increase productivity, reduce the total cost of ownership of the group's IT infrastructure, and shorten the launch time for new products.

In 2014, both Sberbank and the group actively worked in these areas, despite the influence of changed external circumstances and a number of other difficulties, the bank said in its statements:

  • In 2014, Sberbank did a lot of work to improve the reliability of automated systems. Compared to 2013, the downtime of critical systems due to incidents was reduced by 20%, the interruptions of critical systems due to technological work were reduced by more than 2 times, and the margin of system performance required for business growth was provided.

  • Key systems operated under ever-increasing load conditions. Thus, in 2014, the number of transactions to Sberbank OnL @ yn increased by 2.5 times, which is associated with the development of system functionality and with an increase in the client base. In the context of increased workload, the Bank fulfilled its goals of improving system reliability thanks to the "Reliability 99.99" program: special redundancy and optimization technologies were implemented, and the focus was placed on the proactive operation of IT services with operational risks.

  • In mid-December, there was a sharp increase in the burden on all the Bank's systems due to the unstable financial situation and the information attack on Sberbank. All systems worked stably.

  • The frequency and power of DDoS attacks on the bank's Internet services has significantly increased (42 such attacks were recorded in 2014). Thanks to measures under the program "Reliability 99.99" attacks did not have a significant impact on client services. The safety margin of the Sberbank system is several times higher than the current capacities of DDoS attacks recorded on the Russian Internet.

In 2014, according to the reporting, a huge step was taken to improve the services of Sberbank OnL @ yn and Mobile Bank for different platforms, and the capabilities of self-service terminals were expanded.

The bank has launched an application for social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, in which customers can make money transfers from their card to a Sberbank card by phone number, pay for mobile communications without leaving their personal account on the network.

In the reporting year, work was carried out to organize and maintain payment infrastructure at the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Created the largest To Europe CRM platform in the number of products and users.

The automated personnel management system in 11 regional banks was put into commercial operation. Thus, the largest implementation of a centralized system on the SAP platform in Russia has been completed.

Шаблон:Main 'Sberbank of the Russian Federation (SAP ERP HCM)

Шаблон:Main 'Sberbank of the Russian Federation (SAP ERP)


Vadim Kulik replaces Victor Orlovsky as the curator of the IT block

In early 2013, Sberbank changed the curator of the IT block. Instead of Victor Orlovsky, he became the head of the "Risks" block Vadim Kulik. At the same time, Orlovsky did not leave the bank, but retained the post of senior vice president and, as the president of the bank, German Gref, said, was supposed to "focus on innovation"[7] is[7].

The bank called the approval of Sberbank's technological development strategy until 2018 the most important IT result in 2013:

"The mission of IT services in the new strategy is to support the bank as an effective and reliable provider of traditional banking services and a leader in the implementation of innovative products. The main principles of the new IT strategy are an industrial approach to the production of IT services, the creation of a factory for the development and operation of IT services, which ensures the most efficient and transparent use of investments in the development and support of technologies. "

The principles of the strategy also included maximum simplification of the IT landscape, maximum concentration of financial and human resources to solve the most priority tasks for the bank, attracting, retaining and developing key IT specialists, the Sberbank report said.

To ensure the reliability of automated systems in the context of the dynamic development of the business and the growth of operations in Sberbank, a program was opened aimed at ensuring the required level of reliability of all key automated systems. Within its framework, IT systems architecture was reengineered, which made it possible to radically increase their scalability.

Within the framework of the program of standardization and integration of the IT infrastructure of subsidiary banks, a targeted automated banking system was selected and uniform standards of the targeted IT architecture of Sberbank Europe were determined.

The report also said that in order to improve the efficiency of investment in IT, agreements were reached with key IT solution providers to reduce the cost of equipment and move to a new model of interaction with the bank - direct supply of equipment. The total effect of these events in Q4 2013 amounted to savings of more than 5 billion rubles.

Among other key results in the direction of informatization at Sberbank were the start of accepting Visa payWave contactless cards, which allow customers to pay for purchases in seconds: for this, you need to bring the card to a terminal equipped with contactless payment technology .

Together with Insurance House VSK, SCCP and Visa, a pilot project on mobile POS acquiring was launched in 2013, under which insurance agents of VSK in Moscow and the Moscow Region were able to accept customer payments by bank cards using their smartphone or tablet.

In addition, since 2013, the Sberbank OnL @ yn mobile application for smartphones has become available on three leading mobile platforms : iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The list of online stores that support payment for purchases using the Sberbank OnL @ yn online bank was also expanded.

Strategic Partnership with IBM

At the end of October 2013, Sberbank of Russia and IBM signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation aimed at optimizing the supply of equipment and software, as well as finding possible ways to modernize the bank's IT infrastructure. In accordance with the agreements reached, IBM decided to change the format of interaction with Sberbank in 2013, which will allow moving to direct supplies of equipment and software (software ).

In addition to significantly optimizing prices for IBM products, the signed memorandum takes the relationship between the two companies to a fundamentally new level. Under the agreement, IBM intends to authorize Sberbank-Service, a subsidiary of Sberbank, to supply a wide range of IBM hardware and software. At the end of the authorization process, Sberbank will be able to significantly increase the efficiency of purchasing IBM products by making them through Sberbank-Service (SberService) directly from IBM logistics partners.

According to the memorandum, Sberbank also gets the opportunity to use the latest IBM technologies, and specialists from both companies will jointly participate in the bank's IT infrastructure modernization program.


Bank, according to the statements:

  • He included a new service in the Internet banking system - personal financial planning, which allows you to increase customer loyalty and increase sales of banking products.

  • He integrated his remote service channels with Aeroflot's system, "which made it possible to provide the bank's customers with a convenient service for purchasing air tickets."

  • Introduced a money transfer service through its own information and payment terminals to repay loans received from other banks.

  • Implemented a self-learning fraud monitoring system that controls financial transactions and authorizations in real time.

  • Another new product of the bank was SMS acquiring. This is a payment system that allows sellers to receive payment for their services through SMS messages without presenting a bank card to the client. "This service is especially in demand by small businesses, since it does not require the purchase of terminal equipment," Sberbank believes.

The centralized purchase of IT infrastructure components significantly reduced the bank's expenses, the statement said: "Territorial banks have reduced expenses on the services of international and long-distance operators by 36% and reduced the cost of purchasing personal computers in the regions by 50%."


Creation of Sberbank-Technologies

In November 2011, Sberbank-Technologies was created, which took up the informatization of the bank.

ERP Implementation Agreement with SAP

In September 2011, Sberbank entered into an agreement with SAP on the supply of licenses as part of the ERP system implementation project. Its amount, according to CNews, amounted to about $36 million. "The conclusion of the agreement will allow Sberbank to more effectively implement plans for the large-scale implementation of the ERP system," Sberbank said.

Шаблон:Main 'Sberbank of the Russian Federation (SAP ERP)

In October 2011, the bank, together with three Internet companies - Профессионалы.ру, Wikivote and Witology - implemented a large-scale crowdsourcing project. The project participants were invited to express and discuss ideas for the development of the bank for the next 10th anniversary. Sberbank intended to implement some of these ideas, and hire distinguished participants.

All processes must be rebuilt. We need to turn ourselves inside out, we are absolutely not ready for this. We need a flexible platform, not as huge as today. If we are now changing some part of our platform, we need to test for two to three months, it is not clear where and what will get out at the same time, this is a disaster
President of
'Sberbank German Gref, January 2016 '

IT passport of projects in Sberbank of the Russian Federation

{{# ITProj: Sberbank of Russia}}

{{# ITProj: Sberbank Technologies (Sber Tech)}}


  1. Purchase No. 31604202807
  2. Purchase No. 31604202791
  3. Sberbank that it was redistributing the risks
  4. risks From the presentation "A new look at the technological platform for processing and monetization of Sberbank data," Moscow, November 10, 2016, CNews FORUM
  5. Functional testing of
  6. Load Test
  7. 7,0 7,1 [ German Gref: Orlovsky