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Witology - Vitologiya


The Witology company (Vitologiya LLC) is the startup created for development of the innovation system of technologies (software) for the sotsio-intellectual management of knowledge including: search of carriers of knowledge, extraction of knowledge (including, implicit), the organization of collective intelligence and increase in its efficiency by production of new knowledge.

Onexim - 41%
Sputnik - 8,94%
Control over Witilogy (50.06%) was retained by its founders Sergey Karelov and Alexander Oslon.

the Sputnik group of Boris Yordan. The companies which entered authorized capital received, respectively, a share of 41% and 8.94%. Control over Witilogy (50.06%) was retained by its founders Sergey Karelov (the independent IT expert, the chairman of LINEKS worked at the leading positions in IBM and SGI, then) and Alexander Oslon (the sociologist, one of founders of Public opinion fund).


+ Government of the Russian Federation


Witology is an online platform for collective problem solving with combined forces of the staff of the organization. It can be set as in data center of the client, and far off at developers.

Target markets of Witology are the markets of social platforms for innovations, marketing and corporate management.

It is supposed that for solution (for example, to increase profitability or to adopt successful experience) employees will discuss it on internal social network. Everyone will be able to offer the option and to receive a comment from colleagues. As a result there has to be a set of the best methods of achievement of the goal and also a pool of information on the users who directed the offers.

Career promotion of the employee will become the main incentive for participation in discussion of problems, Alexander Malyukov, the CEO of Witology considers: "The company management, using a system, will be able to estimate a contribution of each employee to the solution of this or that task, and on the basis of this information to make personnel decisions".

It is supposed also that each customer will be advised by the employee of Witology. In particular, it will stimulate discussions and to extinguish the conflicts.

Potential clients of the Witology platform Alexander Malyukov sees the large companies with number of employees over 1000 people. Malyukov found it difficult to call the scheme of payment and the approximate amount in which implementation of such system can cost the customer: "let's understand in practice".

In the world there are several schemes of payment of platforms of crowdsourcing: a fixed amount for the solution of a specific objective of the customer, a share from revenue, in case of achievement of its growth by target percent, and, at last, payment of the license for the platform.

The means received from investors, Witology is going to direct to Research and Development, completion of beta-testing and release of the final version of the platform. By 3rd quarter 2011 the startup expects to sign the first contracts with customers.


On February 8, 2011 it became known that Witology attracted $5 million from two Russian investors – "Oneksima" Mikhail Prokhorov and group "Sputnik" of Boris Yordan. The companies which entered authorized capital received, respectively, a share of 41% and 8.94%. Control over Witilogy (50.06%) was retained by its founders Sergey Karelov (IBM SGI the independent IT expert, the chairman of LINEKS) and Alexander Oslon worked at the leading positions in and, then (the sociologist, one of founders of fund "Public opinion").

The investor Boris Yordan expects to earn from the investment. "Witology - one of the very first manifestations of future global trend - specialized social networks for the solution of business challenges. It is interesting to catch the beginning of a trend not only, but also with high probability profitable", - he says.

In Oneksim set more global tasks. "We calculate that this project already in the short term will be able to provide high-quality break in development of both traditional, and innovation sectors of the Russian economy", - the CEO of Onexim Dmitry Razumov said.