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2024/12/11 11:01:28

Artificial intelligence in Russian medicine


Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Artificial intelligence in radiology


In Magnitogorsk, oncology will be detected using artificial intelligence

In March 2025, the press service of TechLAB announced that the Chelyabinsk Region is expanding its capabilities for early diagnosis of oncology: Magnitogorsk began to use an artificial intelligence service from TechLAB in the medical unit (ANO TsMSCH). A pilot project to work with a service to increase onconference was launched on March 14, 2025. Read more here.

Sechenov.AI_nephro AI platform to help treat kidney tumor patients has been tested

neural network urology The Institute and Reproductive health Human Technology Center Sechenov University has developed a system for supporting medical decision-making Sechenov.AI nephro in the treatment of patients new growths with parenchyma. kidneys The web platform automatically combines four phases - the CT patient's examination into a single three-dimensional image in just a few minutes. Work on the creation of the product was carried out in 2022. This was announced on February 27, 2025 by representatives of Sechenov University. More. here

An AI service for monitoring and selecting care for cancer patients will be created in Russia

Doctors N. N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology , together Russian startup LUUK with the team, will create service for monitoring skin condition oncological patients, as well as a selection system based on cosmetics. artificial intelligence This development will help people undergoing chemotherapy care, as well as track changes in skin condition without additional visits to the clinic. Luuk announced this on February 18, 2025. Read more here. [1]

Neural network from scientists of Sechenov University and Neuromeda passed a certification exam for residents

Chat boat Neuromed AI on the basis, generative AI developed by scientists Sechenov University and specialists of the technological startup "," Neurohoney passed the state final certification, completing the process of training residents in the areas of cardiology and. The oncology university announced this on February 18, 2025. More. here

GigaChat MAX Becomes Human Assistant on Heart Health

GigaChat MAX can now help people on hearts health and cardiovascular issues. This became possible thanks to further training artificial intelligence at the dataset in the specialty "Cardiology" and passing the exam in. Volgograd State Medical University GigaChat MAX can be tested on the site, in - Telegram bot and "." social network Vkontakte Sberbank announced this on February 4, 2025. More. here


Sechenov University has developed a method for using artificial intelligence to train future doctors

Young scientists at the First Moscow State Medical University have developed a method for applying AI in education based on a socratic approach. With the help of a certain sequence of questions that AI asks on a virtual microdrug (a thin section of tissue placed on a slide for consideration under a microscope), students independently learn to recognize various pathological processes and diagnose diseases. This method will make it possible for future doctors to study morphological disciplines and prepare for exams in the most convenient chat format, and for teachers to allocate more time to analyze complex clinical cases with students. The university announced this on December 24, 2024. Read more here.

GigaDoc Medical Diagnostic Assistant Presented

On December 11, 2024 medical , a diagnostic assistant was presented. GigaDoc This service was also developed Sberbank Health Industry Center by scientists of the Laboratory. artificial intelligence Sberbank Read more here.

The Sensor-Tech laboratory has completed the development of the Surdo-Help platform

The Sensor-Tech laboratory has completed the development of the SURDO-HELP platform, which will help hearing impaired and deaf people communicate freely in everyday life. The company announced this on December 12, 2024. Read more here.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the Code of Ethics for the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Ministry of Health Russia developed and agreed upon a Code artificial intelligence of Ethics for Health Care Applications. This became known in December 2024. The document was created with the participation of the main freelance specialists of the Ministry of Health, representatives of the regions and the expert community.

According to RIA Novosti, the code was agreed by the Interdepartmental Working Group on the creation, development and introduction into clinical practice of medical devices and services using artificial intelligence technologies. The document regulates the ethical aspects of the development, implementation and use of AI in healthcare.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the Code of Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for use in medicine

The ministry emphasizes that the code reflects the position of the professional and academic community regarding the strategic development of the health care system. The document is developed taking into account the specific terminology of the medical industry and defines the roles, rights and obligations of all participants in the process.

The introduction of uniform ethical standards is designed to create a common terminology field for all participants in the process of applying artificial intelligence in medicine. This will take into account the needs of both medical professionals and technology developers.

The new code is aimed at increasing the confidence of Russian citizens in artificial intelligence technologies in medicine. The document is also intended to help developers create safe and competitive solutions necessary for the development of the industry.

The introduction of ethical norms in the field of artificial intelligence is an important step in the development of digital medicine. The Code creates a framework for effective interaction between technology developers, medical professionals and patients, providing a balance of interests for all parties.

The implementation of the provisions of the code will contribute to the formation of uniform standards for the use of artificial intelligence in Russian healthcare, which is especially important in the context of the active digitalization of the medical industry.[1]

Oncology will be detected in the Tyumen polyclinic of AI

Tyumen to policlinic In will detect oncology be with. AI

The pilot project for the use of a special service from the company TECHLAB"" was launched city polyclinic No. 8 in Tyumen in and will last six months. This was announced TECHLAB by "" on November 15, 2024. Read more here.

HSE has developed a tool to control AI technologies in medicine

A group of researchers from Center for Artificial Intelligence HSE developed index for determining the level of ethics of systems artificial intelligence () AI in. to medicine The tool is designed to minimize potential risks, ensure the secure development and implementation of AI technologies medical in practice. The HSE announced this on November 13, 2024. More. here

Skolkovo resident implemented risk search using AI for ECG analysis

Cardioquark has released an update for the CardioCARD telemetric monitoring system. The AI system of ECG analysis will determine the risks of developing a number of pathological conditions and heart diseases, as well as trends in their changes. Skolkovo reported this on November 6, 2024. Read more here.

GOST "Systems for Supporting Medical Decision-Making Using Artificial Intelligence" approved in Russia

On October 29, 2024, it became known that a new state standard GOST R 71671-2024 "Systems for Supporting Medical Decision-Making (SPPVR) Using Artificial Intelligence" was put into effect in Russia, aimed at regulating the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical systems. GOST is approved by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and will enter into force on January 1, 2025. The standard was developed by the Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Department of Health. Read more here.

GOST approved for AI analytics systems in clinical medicine

At the end of October 2024, GOST R 71672-2024 "Predictive Analytics Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Medicine" was approved in Russia. Basic provisions. " The document was developed by the State Budgetary Health Institution "Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Department of Health" (GBUZ "NPCC DiT DZM"). Read more here

Approved by GOST "AI Systems in Radiation Diagnostics"

In early October 2024 Russia , GOST R 71673-2024 "Artificial Intelligence Systems in Radiation Diagnostics. Algorithms for the analysis of medical images. Test methods for determination of measurement accuracy. " The document was developed by the State Budgetary Institution health care "Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the City Health Department" Moscow(GBUZ "NPCC DiT DZM"). More. here

A neural network was launched in Russia to assess the rejection of the transplanted kidney

Russian scientists have developed an artificial intelligence model to automatically assess kidney transplant rejection. The creation of an innovative neural network became known on October 17, 2024. Read more here

In Russia, using federated machine learning, a neural network was created to detect atrial fibrillation

Yandex, ISP RAN and, Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of Russia using a federated approach, created one neuronet that detects to data electrocardiograms atrial fibrillation - one of the most common heart pathologies. The technology does this with high rates of sensitivity and specificity. For training, two independent datasets with electrocardiograms were used: from Sechenov University and from the ISP RAS. Both partners conducted rounds of training on their side, and then transferred the results to the general circuit. More. here

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation named the number of registered AI-medical devices - 37

The Russian Ministry of Health in early September 2024 announced the registration of 37 medical devices based on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. These devices are already being applied in various health facilities across the country, and the number continues to grow. In 2024, the task was set to introduce at least three such products in each region of the country.

According to RIA Novosti, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Vadim Vankov stressed that the main attention in the development and implementation of AI medical devices is paid to the analysis of medical images. An important step was the recent introduction of the first device using AI to detect neoplasms during colonoscopy, which is a significant achievement in the field of diagnostics.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation reported on the number of registered AI-medical devices

The Deputy Minister noted that the further expansion of the use of AI in health care is aimed at reducing the burden on doctors, improving the accuracy of diagnosis and improving the interaction of the health care system with patients. In 2023, as part of the Federal Project to create a single digital circuit in healthcare, at least one product using AI was introduced in each constituent entity of Russia, and this work continues in 2024.

According to plans announced earlier, by 2030, at least 12 solutions based on artificial intelligence technologies should be introduced in each region of Russia. These measures aim to create an efficient and secure digital ecosystem capable of supporting physicians in their work and providing high-quality patient health care.

Artificial intelligence in healthcare has already become an important tool that is actively used in diagnosis and treatment. One of the key goals of introducing such technologies is to improve the accuracy of medical examinations and speed of decision-making. For example, thanks to AI, doctors can quickly and accurately interpret medical image data, which allows for improved treatment outcomes and reduced risks to patients.[2]

Named 10 largest medical AI startups in Russia

The artificial intelligence market for healthcare in Russia has significant potential for growth and development. Startups in the relevant area are given the opportunity to offer innovative solutions that will help improve the quality of care and improve the efficiency of the health care system. At the same time, there are certain difficulties, as stated in the EverCare study, the results of which were published on August 7, 2024.

The authors of the report highlight several key trends in the use of AI in Russian healthcare. One is telemedicine and remote monitoring: the introduction of AI helps improve access to care for patients, especially in remote and hard-to-reach regions. In addition, Russian researchers and companies are actively working on the creation of AI systems for the diagnosis of various diseases, including malignant formations and cardiovascular ailments. Another promising direction is personalized: medicine such solutions allow you to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient when developing treatments. AI can help analyze large amounts of patient health data and develop personalized recommendations. Plus, various international projects are being implemented.

EverCare analysts call Webiomed the leading AI startup in the field of health care in Russia. She specializes in systems for supporting medical decision-making and analyzing electronic medical records. The startup showed record revenue in 2023, and the volume of attracted investments reached 128.9 million rubles. Webiomed expands the geography of its presence by entering into large contracts with key regions of Russia. In second place in the ranking is Cels, a startup in the field of medical image analysis. The company has a record figure for attracted investments (252 million rubles) thanks to the acquisition of Botkin.AI. The Third Opinion platform closes the top three - a developer of systems for supporting medical decision-making and software products for managing the quality of AI-based medical care. In addition, the top ten AI startups in the field of health care in the Russian Federation include:

One of the main difficulties in introducing AI in the field of health care in Russia is the lack of investment: the market has not yet reached such a level of development as in some other countries. AI solutions require significant development and implementation time, the report said. However, the long timing of the launch of products on the market and the difficulties in monetization can scare off potential investors. In addition, there are legislative limitations: regulatory regulation in digital health may limit the ability to implement AI technologies. Plus, a high level of regulation in health care limits flexibility and innovation, creating additional barriers for startups and new projects.

Still, analysts say, startups offering innovative AI solutions are beginning to play an increasingly important role in developing domestic healthcare and improving the quality of healthcare services. In addition, in Russia there is a process of consolidation of companies working in the field of AI for medicine, since combining efforts and resources allows you to create more powerful and comprehensive solutions.[3]

Russian scientists taught artificial intelligence to write sick leave and fill out other documentation

MIPT taught artificial intelligence In to discharge sick leave. Recognising the doctor's voice in real time, AI the assistant MeMo: Meeting Moments not only records the reception, but also fills out the medical documentation: the patient's personal card, referrals to narrow specialists or a prescription. The solution proposed by students of the Landau School of Physics and Research, as well as the Department of BFC MIPT, will reduce the time that the doctor spends on non-core tasks by more than a third. Also, the use of automation will increase by 20% the number of patients that the doctor takes per working day. This was announced on August 13, 2024 by representatives of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. More. here

Artificial intelligence as a basic technology. Published strategy for the development of health care in Moscow until 2030

In Moscow, active work continues on the digitalization of the healthcare sector. This is primarily about the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence, which is expected to play the role of basic technology. This is stated in the strategy for the development of health care in the Russian capital until 2030. The document was released at the end of April 2024. Read more here

Sechenov University created and began to use a chatbot to select an antibiotic for patients before surgery

Ministry of Health Russia On July 8, 2024, Sechenov University announced the creation and start of using a chatbot to select antibiotics for patients before surgery. The innovative - Telegram bot, developed by a team of young scientists in the Digital Department, aims to help surgeons and clinical pharmacologists make informed decisions about the need to prescribe antibiotics during the preoperative period. More. here

How the state affects the development of AI in Russian healthcare

Russia faces numerous challenges in the field, health care requiring a transition to a preventive approach in the provision of medical care. Technologies can help solve a number of existing problems. artificial intelligence Moreover, the state plays a key role in the transformation of the industry, as stated in the study, the Kept results of which were published on June 21, 2024.

The review notes that in the Russian Federation there is an aging population and an increase in the burden on the compulsory health insurance system (compulsory medical insurance). Depreciation of fixed assets of clinics, hospitals, medical equipment and vehicles is recorded. In addition, there is a dependence on the import of raw materials and means of production. Additional information security tools are also required: it is estimated that in the second half of 2023, 15% of cyber attacks in Russia occurred in medical institutions. There is a need to attract private investment, since within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, enough funds are not formed, especially for the acquisition and development of new digital solutions.

The state plays a key role in transforming the industry with AI

In the Russian Federation, as of mid-2024, the Ministry of Health, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Central Research Institute for the Organization and Informatization of Healthcare are involved in regulating the use of AI in the field of health. Among the key initiatives in the field of AI are named:

  • Creating an industry model for introducing AI into healthcare;
  • Analysis of medical images using neural networks;
  • Implementation of AI assistants for diagnosis and error reduction;
  • Unification of methods of personal data depersonalization in order to train AI algorithms;
  • Implementation of measures to overcome cultural resistance in the application of AI in health care;
  • Development of interdisciplinary education (medicine, pharmaceuticals, AI);
  • Improvement of the regulatory framework for the use of AI;
  • Consolidation of public and private sources of funding to ensure advanced development of AI in health care;
  • Grant support for AI developer companies;
  • New measures of state support for the creation of supercomputers (including those with quantum technologies) for health care.[4]

Moscow Department of Health will pay 66.5 million rubles for research on medical AI technologies

The Moscow Department of Health paid 66.5 million rubles in grants to 19 companies engaged in research using computer vision technologies to analyze medical images. The relevant orders were published in April-May 2024.

The largest grant funds in total for 63.8 million rubles went to Medical Screening Systems, Ira Labs, Platform Third Opinion, SiVisionLab, Intel Diagnostic, Innopolis University, Oxide Technologies Rus, Airim, Imvizhn, ArtVision "and" Energy. " Ira Labs became the leader in the volume of grant funds received - this company was transferred 21.8 million rubles for conducting research in the field of computed tomography and low-dose computed tomography of the chest and abdominal organs.

health care Moscow The department paid 66.5 million rubles in the form of grants

The greatest cost was required for studies using artificial intelligence technologies to analyze chest radiographic images in order to identify various pathologies. The cost of one such study ranged from 660 to 28,600 rubles, depending on the executing company. The Third Opinion Platform and Medical Screening Systems presented their developments for appropriate diagnostics.

The department explained the structure of payment for grants for "computer vision." According to the ministry, the size of the grant was formed at a certain tariff: for example, the cost of one mammographic study, X-ray and fluorography of the lungs is 175 rubles, and chest CT for diagnosing COVID-19 is 290 rubles.

The price was formed on the basis of the technical and "computer-expert" costs of companies, explained Sergei Morozov, director of the Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Department of Health, chief freelance specialist in radiation and instrumental diagnostics of the Ministry of Health in the Central Federal District. He noted that the products of companies that received grants have not yet entered the market and often do not have registration certificates. A scientific experiment conducted in Moscow in 2020 gave developers the opportunity for clinical testing.

Earlier, in March 2024, the Moscow Department of Health distributed grants totaling 48 million rubles between 18 companies for 51 studies using artificial intelligence technologies, conducted in November-December 2023.[5]

ITMO scientists develop web platform that "calculates" ability to accelerate chemical reactions in nanozymes

Scientists ITMO developed a web platform that "calculates" the ability to accelerate chemical reactions in nanozymes - artificial enzymes. The built-in AI assistant based on helps to solve problems. ChatGPT The proposed tool will be useful in creating drugs for oncological diseases and detectors of dangerous substances. The results of the work are published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. This was announced on May 31, 2024 by representatives of ITMO. More. here

A digital assistant developed by Sberbank and the Moscow Government helped therapists of the capital's polyclinics to make 14 million diagnoses

The assistant developed by Sberbank and the Government of Moskvytsifrova helped the therapists of the capital's polyclinics to make 14 million diagnoses. Sberbank announced this on May 22, 2024. Read more here.

Sber and R-Pharm have developed an AI solution to increase the speed of drug development

Sberbank, together with R-Pharm, has developed an AI solution that significantly reduces the time required to create new promising biological drugs. Sberbank announced this on May 17, 2024. Read more here.

AI-technology of Sberbank predicts the development of malignant neoplasms

Artificial intelligence can assess the risks of potential diseases from electronic patient medical records (EMR). This hypothesis was confirmed by a retrospective experiment conducted by specialists from the Sberbank Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Ministry of Health of the Sakhalin Region. Sberbank announced this on February 28, 2024. Read more here.

"Sintelli" presented the Russian AI platform for solving the problems of organic and medical chemistry

The company Sintelli"" completed the refinement of the Russian chemo software complex information scientists for solving problems of organic medical and chemistry. A specialized SaaS platform based on AI will help users search, process and analyze 20 times faster. This was information RFRIT announced on February 21, 2024. More. here

Moscow opened free access to medical AI services to the regions

February 15, 2024 Moscow opened for the regions free access to their AI development in the field. health care Details about this told the metropolitan mayor. Sergei Sobyanin More. here

The neural network model of Sberbank passed the final certification for the qualification of "doctor"

Neural network the model Sberbank GigaChat passed the exam of a higher medical institution in the direction of training "Medical case," necessary for obtaining the qualification "medical doctor." Sberbank announced this on February 13, 2024. More. here

Russian scientists have created a neural network to help diagnose scoliosis

Perm Polytechnic scientists have created and trained a neural network to find key back points in the diagnosis of scoliosis. The application of computer vision makes the definition of disease more accurate and accessible to the patient. This was announced on January 29, 2024 by representatives of the Perm Polytechnic. Read more here.

A laboratory has opened in ITMO, where molecular machines for diagnosing diseases are created with the help of AI

The laboratory "Generative design of enzymes and aptamers" was opened in ITMO. The university announced this on January 29, 2024. In it, scientists are developing tools for creating molecular machines - nanodevices that are able to accelerate chemical reactions, selectively bind molecules and even act as bioprocessors. Read more here.

The Moscow Department of Health has released the world's first textbook on creating a dataset for medical neural networks

In the middle of January, 2024 the Center of diagnostics and telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Healthcare published the manual on preparation of a data set for artificial intelligence in health sector. The document is devoted to methods for the development, training and testing of artificial intelligence services in radiation diagnostics.

This is a kind of guide to creating correctly marked datasets that will be used to develop, train and test software based on artificial intelligence technology. There are no analogues of this textbook in the world, "said Yuri Vasiliev, director of the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine (his words are given on the website of the Moscow government).

The center of diagnostics and telemedicine published the manual on preparation of a data set for AI

According to him, the authors of the manual are Moscow scientists who organized and accompanied the world's largest experiment on the introduction of computer vision into healthcare, practitioners who created methods for marking data sets, tested algorithms, and developed the first GOSTs in Russia for working with artificial intelligence.

The manual contains information necessary for students who master medical specialties: "medical business," "radiology," "pediatrics," "dentistry," "medical biophysics," "medical cybernetics," as well as those who study the profession of tester in the field of information technology.

The manual also recommends the Health and Medical Sciences Education Coordinating Council for use in educational institutions implementing additional vocational education programs for physicians studying the Public Health and Health discipline[6]

Preparing a dataset for training and testing software based on artificial intelligence technology

The first service in Russia has been launched, which completely fills out medical records instead of a doctor

In January 2024, it became known about the launch of the first service in Russia AI the service, which completely independently fills out medical records for doctors. At least that's how the developers position their product. The platform was named LazyDoc. here More.


The growth of public procurement of software with artificial intelligence by medical institutions in Russia by 7 times

On June 20, 2024, it became known that government purchases of software using artificial intelligence (AI) by Russian medical institutions in 2023 increased sevenfold compared to 2022. Such data are provided by analysts of the Tenderplan system.

According to the study, in 2022, Russian medical institutions conducted 23 state purchases of AI products in the amount of 87.9 million rubles. In 2023, the number of purchases increased to 100, and their total amount amounted to 630 million rubles. In the first five months of 2024, 32 contracts were concluded for 177.6 million rubles, which is comparable to the indicators of the same period last year.

Government purchases of software using artificial intelligence have grown sevenfold

AI programs designed to support medical decision-making (SPPVR) are especially in demand. These programs help medical professionals at all stages of patient management - from collecting complaints to choosing a treatment regimen. According to Tenderplan, in 2021 there were only two tenders for SPPVR in the amount of 17.6 million rubles, while in 2023 there are already 23 tenders for 249 million rubles.

ArchiMed software solutions for radiologists and integration services with the MosMedII platform, which provides algorithms for analyzing radiation studies using AI, are also popular among medical institutions. Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko said that almost 30 medical devices using AI were registered in Russia, 18 of which were registered in 2023. The representative of the World Health Organization in Russia, Batyr Berdyklychev, noted the advantages of using AI in medicine, such as the accuracy of diagnostics and the processing of large amounts of data.

Deputy Health Minister Pavel Pugachev recalled that each region must purchase at least one medical device with AI by the end of 2024. According to Boris Singerman, general director of the association of developers and users of AI in medicine, the number of such purchases may increase 3.5 times by the end of the year. The digital transformation strategy of the Ministry of Health states that by 2030, 12 medical devices with AI should be introduced in each region.[7]

The volume of the Russian market for AI solutions for medicine reached 12 billion rubles

According to the Skolkovo Innovation Center, the volume of the domestic market for medical solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies at the end of 2023 amounted to 12 billion rubles. This assessment was announced in May 2024 by the managing director of the biomedical direction of the fund, Kamil Zarubin.

She noted that in the territory of Russia in 2024, about 75 different projects are being implemented related to the development and implementation of AI solutions in the medical field.

The volume of the domestic market for medical solutions with AI technologies amounted to 12 billion rubles

In our country, there are many different trends in the creation of systems for analyzing images, medical data, information from devices, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry, "Zarubina explained.

The Skolkovo Innovation Center emphasized that over 40% of all IT solutions for healthcare in Russia integrate AI technologies. They account for about half of all investment in digital medical development.

The portfolio of the innovation center itself contains about 50 startups specializing in creating products using artificial intelligence for the needs of medicine. At the same time, the financial performance of these companies demonstrates impressive growth dynamics at the level of more than 35% annually.

information technology Ministry of Health Olia Artemova, Director of the Department of Digital Development and Russia, noted that the active phase of the introduction of AI technologies into Russian health care started in 2023 at the initiative of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In 2024, 84 regions of the country have already acquired medical devices based on artificial intelligence for use in medical and preventive institutions of the health care system.

In her opinion, the national strategy laid down the main aspects of the ethics of using AI, but the ethical moment of using AI is acute.

Now there are many controversial points - the doctor perceives AI as an examiner, his behavior changes. And you need AI to be an assistant. The question of doctors' trust is a challenge for us. And we set the task in 2024 to release as many publications on the use of AI as possible in order to change the attitude towards this topic, "said the deputy director.[8]

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation estimated the annual purchases of medical AI solutions at 448 million rubles

In 2023, the Russian regions purchased 106 medical devices with artificial intelligence for a total amount of approximately 448.43 million rubles. Such decisions were introduced in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as stated in the materials of the Ministry of Health, published in mid-April 2024.

It is noted that in 2023, 14 regions acquired two or more medical devices based on AI at once. At the same time, a significant part of purchases fell on the second half of this year, and therefore only 58 regions managed to start operating the systems. In the total volume of purchased medical AI solutions, the products of K-Lab LLC accounted for 28 units. Another 22 systems were supplied by the company "Care Mentor AI" (Care Mentor AI), 21 complexes - by the enterprise LLC "MSS."

The Ministry of Health notes that thanks to the accumulation of large amounts of medical data and the rapid development of analytical methods based on machine learning, logical and statistical models, AI tools can radically change the situation in the health sector. In Russia, by the end of 2023, 22 million medical records were analyzed using AI tools. In six regions, voice filling services are used, and in 29 - virtual assistants with AI to make an appointment with a doctor.

By the end of 2024, three medical solutions with AI are expected to be introduced into practical healthcare in Russian regions. They will be purchased on co-financing terms: the federal part will come from the funds of the project "Creating a single digital circuit in healthcare on the basis of Uniform State Health Information System," the total budget of which in 2019-2024 is 113.8 billion rubles. AI technologies will help in the development of personalized medicine of the future, drug development, diagnosis and prediction of diseases.[9]

Public procurement of AI solutions for health care for the year reached 0.5 billion rubles

In 2023, Russian regions purchased 106 medical devices artificial intelligence with a total of almost 0.5 billion. rubles Of these, 368.8 million rubles amounted to the federal budget, while another 79.5 million rubles were allocated at the regional level. Such data was released on February 8, 2024 by the Department of Digital Development and. information technology Ministry of Health Russia

It is said that in 2023, 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation acquired two or more medical complexes with AI tools. Since a significant part of the state procurement of such systems fell on the second half of 2023, 58 subjects managed to start operating the acquired medical devices.

Russian regions purchased 106 medical devices with artificial intelligence

The Ministry of Health notes that digital technologies have found widespread use in the daily practice of health workers, which has formed the basis for training and the use of artificial intelligence. During 2023, more than 1 billion electronic medical documents were generated. The number of digital profiles based on compulsory medical insurance data reached 45 million.

It is noted that AI allows you to improve the possibilities of modeling pathological conditions, planning surgical operations and managing patients. Thus, in the initial assessment of a person's condition, AI identifies risk groups, and the doctor, taking into account this assessment and other data, makes a diagnosis, and also decides on treatment. In intensive care, AI is able to effectively record and analyze a large number of indicators.

By the end of 2024, it is expected that three AI-based solutions will be introduced into practical healthcare in the Russian regions. Subjects should prepare plans for the purchase of medical devices with AI, for the development of a regulatory framework governing work with them, for the publication of scientific articles and coverage of this media activity.[10]

How the digital transformation of medicine is taking place in Moscow. Results of 2023

At the end of December 2023, the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Health (DZM) summed up the digitalization of metropolitan medicine. The most significant IT projects in the city's healthcare are associated with the introduction of artificial intelligence.

So, in 2023, doctors of Moscow polyclinics began to use a neural network that determines pathologies in such areas as scoliosis of the spine, ischemic stroke, multiple sclerosis, rib fracture, intracranial neoplasms of the brain, ENT diseases, lymph nodes.

The most significant IT projects in Moscow healthcare are associated with the introduction of AI

Also, the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine announced the creation of standards. which will enter into force in January 2024 and which will help in the development of new neural networks and testing existing ones, as well as allow only the best practices to be introduced into practical medicine.

In addition, a reference center has been launched in Moscow, where about 400 doctors work, who describe mammograms, radiographs, CT and MRI studies of outpatient patients in Moscow remotely. If earlier the medical report on the picture had to wait more than a day, now the speed of preparation of the protocol has decreased on average to 1 hours - after which it immediately falls into the patient's electronic medical record.

One of the main directions of the experiment on the introduction of computer vision in Moscow healthcare in 2023 is the introduction of complex solutions. We are talking about neural networks that can recognize on one radiation study the signs of several different pathologies at once. The use of such tools improves the quality of analysis of studies and allows faster detection of deviations, even those that were not originally the purpose of the examination, emphasized in the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine DZM.

The first Russian neural network has been created to analyze scientific publications

In December 2023, Sechenov University announced the creation of the first Russian neural network to analyze scientific publications. The tool, called Sechenov DataMed.AI, makes it easier to work with large amounts of data when preparing scientific articles. Read more here.

The first domestic neural network was tested in Moscow to analyze scientific publications

Researchers at the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Health tested the first domestic neural network Sechenov DataMed.AI to analyze scientific publications. In addition to searching and filtering for works, viewing keywords, the domestic neural network allows you to highlight keywords from the search query in the annotation text, and cluster the found publications on topics. The Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine announced this on November 28, 2023. Read more here.

Sberbank scientists have created a system for modeling and predicting diagnoses

Sberbank's Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed a medical solution that simulates the health of patients according to their electronic medical records. Alexander Vedyakhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank, spoke about this on November 22, 2023 . Read more here.

Roszdravnadzor for the first time withdrew the use of a medical device with AI - it can harm patients

Roszdravnadzor for the first time suspended the use of the Botkin.AI medical system with artificial intelligence (AI) due to the threat of harm to life and health of people. This was reported in the department on November 21, 2023. Read more here.

MTUSI scientists have developed a deep learning method for segmentation of the capillaries of the eye

Scientists from MTUSI have developed a deep learning method that allows you to segment the vessels of the eye. This method will greatly simplify the work of specialists in the field of diagnosing diseases in the early stages of development, since the blood vessels of the retina are associated with many diseases: diabetes mellitus, blood clots (vascular occlusion), hypertension, stroke and others. The university announced this on November 15, 2023. Read more here.

Russia will use AI to rehabilitate stroke survivors

Scientists from MTUSI and the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies proposed using artificial intelligence and vision technologies to rehabilitate patients after a stroke. According to them, the development is especially relevant for remote areas of Russia, where rehabilitation centers are far from patients. MTUSI announced this on October 23, 2023. Read more here.

Ministry of Health: more than 70 regions of the Russian Federation purchased medical services with AI

More than 70 regions of Russia purchased an AI system totaling at least 367 million rubles. Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Pavel Pugachev cited such data on October 10, 2023.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to Pugachev's presentation, 32 regions signed a contract for the purchase of solutions for working with an electronic medical card, 21 subjects purchased solutions in the field of mammography, 17 - services for working with X-ray images of the chest organs.

More than 70 regions of Russia purchased an AI system totaling at least 367 million rubles
We have provided subsidies in agreements with the entities within the framework of our federal project to create a single digital circuit. This year it was already necessary to introduce at least one solution with artificial intelligence, next year - at least three centralized systems in which medical devices with artificial intelligence should be used, - said Pugachev, speaking at one of the forums dedicated to medical technologies.

He added that most of these developments are solutions for working with medical images.

By October 10, 2023, Roszdravnadzor registered 24 medical devices with AI. Among them, 17 are from 10 domestic developers and seven are from seven foreign companies. Such services, as a rule, help doctors make decisions and specialize in analyzing medical images, digital medical card data and video stream. For example, to detect neoplasms in colonoscopy in real time.

The Ministry of Health recommends that the regions introduce voice assistants in medical institutions to record patients, Pavel Pugachev said. According to him, when making an appointment with a doctor, the channels of the call center remain one of the most significant and popular. Pugachev also noted that "it is necessary to cover this topic as much as possible, since patients receive complaints that it is impossible to get through to the clinic and make an appointment.[11]

"K-Sky" patented a way to diagnose chronic diseases early with AI

K-Sky, a Skolkovo resident, has patented a method for early diagnosis of chronic diseases based on cluster analysis of big data using artificial intelligence. Skolkovo reported this on September 20, 2023. Read more here.

"Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Health" will be able to assess the performance of AI systems of the EAEU countries

The Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Health has the opportunity to conduct technical tests and studies of medical systems of artificial intelligence for registration within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Thus, developers can obtain permission to apply their developments simultaneously in the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. This will speed up the introduction of technologies into medical practice, and patients will receive faster and better diagnostics. This was announced on September 5, 2023 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova. Read more here.

Use of the Ministry of Health platform to control the implementation of AI systems in healthcare in the regions of the Russian Federation

In August 2023, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation announced a decision to use its new AI platform to control the introduction of artificial intelligence in Russian regions. According to the requirements, in 2023, subjects must introduce at least one AI-based medical device, and in 2024 - at least three such solutions. Read more here.

How artificial intelligence is developing in Russian healthcare

Technology artificial intelligence is increasingly used in biological sciences, medicine and national systems. health care Russia This is stated in the report of the Center for Competence of the National Technology Initiative on the basis, MIPT published in September 2022.

It is noted that at the level of a living cell, AI is used in bioinformatics, biotechnology and medical research, and drug design. Using neural networks, scientists and clinicians decipher the DNA sequence of organisms, look for harmful mutations in the genome, process various omix data, and create drugs that target certain biological targets in living organisms. AI tools help fight, among other things, malignant formations.

In the field of health care of the Russian Federation, computer vision technologies are increasingly used. They improve the accuracy of medical diagnostics and automate the analysis of medical images. Algorithms are able to distinguish images with a certain pathology, for example, with viral pneumonia and with healthy tissues. The most valuable are the data that contain the preliminary conclusions of the radiologist. AI tools help specialists detect pathology in CT scans, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound diagnostics.

As one example of the application of AI in medicine, the AI BoneView algorithm from researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine is cited: it speeds up the detection of fractures. The system automatically marks X-rays with a probable fracture and highlights areas to look out for.

The algorithm CT Lungs"" was also developed on the platform of the Medical Digital Diagnostic Center (MDDC) from the company. SberMed This tool processes CT images of the chest organs in order to detect nodular lesions on them. If the AI "sees" a neoplasm 4 mm in size, then it highlights all the nodules in the picture, regardless of their size. Then the MDDC doctor analyzes the obtained images and forms a conclusion.

AI is also used in neurorentgenology. In particular, research is underway to create interpreted models of artificial intelligence to solve various clinical problems and fundamental problems of neuroscience, based on multimodal biomedical data and using the entire arsenal of modern technologies.

AI tools aid in the implementation of predictive analytics in healthcare. The ubiquitous adoption of electronic medical records and the development of diagnostic technologies, including digital beam diagnostics, more accessible genetics, robotics, wearable medical devices, and other digital healthcare tools, are driving continued data growth. AI algorithms are used for their efficient processing.

At the level of the infrastructure of the healthcare system, software and hardware complexes under the control of AI carry out complex surgical manipulations, control the triage of patients, equipping hospitals, and logistics of drugs. In addition, computer AI models allow you to control the demographic and epidemiological situation, assess the risks of developing diseases in various groups of patients and make data-based medical decisions. Another area is the development of smart wearable devices - the medical Internet of Things: such gadgets allow patients to check symptoms, track various physiological indicators and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Research on AI in healthcare in Russia

Sechenov University created and posted its first dataset on the platform of the Ministry of Health for training artificial intelligence

On July 19, 2023, researchers at the Ivan Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Institute of Clinical Morphology and Digital Pathology prepared and posted the first task on datacets on the artificial intelligence platform of the Russian Ministry of Health.

This is the first national project that brings together medical institutions and developers of artificial intelligence to achieve the goals of the national project "Healthcare," the university noted.

Sechenov University created and posted its first dataset on the platform of the Ministry of Health for training artificial intelligence
Creating a datacet is a very laborious task, since it is necessary not only to select histological material, but also to carry out its accurate marking. On this date, scientists and IT specialists in Russia will be able to train neural networks in the field of dentistry, rheumatology, pathological anatomy and create systems that help doctors make an accurate diagnosis, "said Ekaterina Rudenko, deputy director for research at the Institute of Clinical Morphology and Digital Pathology. According to her, after obtaining a patent, dataset materials will appear in the public domain.

Medical data that is collected on the artificial intelligence platform of the Ministry of Health is intended to digitalize healthcare. This base will consist of tens of thousands of histological scans, the results of images of organs and tissues. Artificial intelligence algorithms will be trained on the processed and structured array of information.

As noted in Sechenov University, a system for supporting medical decision-making will be created. According to scientists, this will increase the accuracy of diagnostics, contribute to the early detection of diseases, help doctors in making a diagnosis, simplify the process of training specialists and advance the quality of medical care to a new level.[12]

32 regions of the Russian Federation purchase medical devices with AI for 1.5 billion rubles

On July 18, 2023, Minister of Health RFMikhail Murashko, speaking at a glider meeting of the State Duma, spoke about the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in national medicine.

This [2022] year, medical devices and products that are based on artificial intelligence will appear in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 32 regions have already been contracted, half a billion rubles have been sent to the subjects, - said the head of the Ministry of Health.

Medical devices and products based on artificial intelligence will appear in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation

According to him, in previous years, infrastructure has been created for this, "therefore, new technologies are actively going into the health care system today." In mid-July 2023, Mikhail Murashko, during a working trip to the Pskov region, noted that the introduction of digital technologies and artificial intelligence into the health care system has an important effect not only for a doctor, but also for a patient.

All the transformation of the health care system takes place with the construction of new technological processes. Thus, medical personnel have more time to work directly with the patient. This year, a pilot implementation of programs with artificial intelligence began in practice. Infrastructure has already been prepared for this, "the minister said.

In some regions, in particular, in Moscow, artificial intelligence is already actively involved in mass screening - this made it possible, in particular, during a pandemic, during numerous CT and MRI studies in patients with suspected COVID-19, to simultaneously diagnose tumors in the lungs at an early stage, when they have not yet shown themselves.

In June 2023, it became known that Moscow 12 Russian registered medical services with artificial intelligence technologies will be involved in the healthcare sector. According to the deputy mayor of the capital for social development, Anastasia Rakova they were approved - Roszdravnadzor this is 70% of all such programs registered in the Russian Federation.[13]

Artificial intelligence in orthodontics: what role neural networks play in treatment planning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the advanced and innovative technologies applied in various areas of life. It also finds its application in medicine and dentistry. With the development of algorithms and the capabilities of neural networks, their role in dental practice is becoming more and more significant, especially in the field of orthodontic treatment. For more information on what role neural networks play in planning such treatment, see the article.

Alliance in the field of AI will deal with ethical issues of the use of artificial intelligence in medicine

The Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics (AI) Commission, which operates on the basis of the Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence, is creating a working group on the ethics of artificial intelligence in the meditsinskoy̆ field. This decision was made on July 6, 2023 at a meeting of AI ethics commissioners and Code signatories.

We consider it correct and timely to create a separate working group, whose work will be devoted to the ethics of the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of medicine. This area of ​ ​ application of AI is both one of the most delicate and one of the fastest developing and most promising in terms of influencing the quality of life,
said Andrey Neznamov, Chairman of the Commission for the Implementation of the Code of Ethics in the Field of Artificial Intelligence.

Also, by the decision of the meeting, three new participants were accepted into the National Commission on Ethics in the Field of AI: co-founder of the MeDiCase information service, resident of MTP NEWDIAMED LLC Andrei Vorobyov, head of the ML department at Globus ITIlya Pomerantsev, head of the School of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities at the Higher School of Economics Anastasia Ugeva.

The Code of Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence was developed in 2021 and is being improved at the Alliance site in the field of AI together with representatives of the academic community with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the National Center for AI under the Government of the Russian Federation. As of July 6, 2023, the Code has already been signed by 187 representatives of business, development companies, the scientific community, and non-profit organizations.

A neural network has been developed that helps classify neoplasms in the thyroid gland based on ultrasound images

The development of neural networks, which, having trained on marked medical data, help doctors make diagnoses and even develop recommendations for treatment - one of the most advanced directions for using artificial intelligence technologies in medicine. A project of this kind was recently implemented by students of NRNU MEPhI, which announced this on July 6, 2023. Read more here.

In Moscow, with the help of artificial intelligence, 100 thousand mammograms have been analyzed since the beginning of the year

Since 2023, Moscow has introduced a special tariff within the framework of compulsory health insurance for the analysis of X-rays using artificial intelligence services. The first to be included in the compulsory medical insurance was an analysis of mammographic examinations. During this time, radiologists using neural networks analyzed more than 100 thousand mammograms. This was announced on June 29, 2023 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova.

Since the beginning of 2023, doctors have been analyzing mammographic studies of patients in Moscow using artificial intelligence as part of compulsory medical insurance. During this time, neural networks have already analyzed more than 100 thousand such images. Smart algorithms ones are able to describe a large number of medical images faster than a person. Research Moscow scientists has proven that artificial intelligence services reduce mammogram description time by more than 8 times, while maintaining high quality diagnostics. Thus, patients earlier receive research results, and doctors save significant temporary resources,
Anastasia Rakova told.

The innovation was implemented as part of the Moscow experiment on the use computer vision technologies of in, to medicine which has been carried out for 4 years on the basis. Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine by the Moscow Department of Health and the Department of Information Technology As of to data June 2023, more than 50 algorithms process research in 21 clinical areas.

Moscow has been engaged in the digitalization of the health care system for more than 10 years. Thanks to this, smart technologies are widely used in daily medical practice. This made it possible to speed up and simplify the processes of diagnosis and treatment, ensuring a high level of medical care for Muscovites. Every day, artificial intelligence services help in making a preliminary diagnosis based on a history or find signs of pathologies in medical images of patients.

The project meets the goals and objectives of the national project "Healthcare" and is aimed at improving the quality and availability of medical care for residents of Moscow.

On the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center named after V. A. Almazov" of the Ministry of Health, an AI center in medicine was opened

In mid-June 2023, on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center named after V. A. Almazov," the Ministry of Health opened a center for artificial intelligence in medicine. The project was implemented with the participation of Sberbank. Read more here.

In Russia, accelerated the diagnosis of epilepsy using artificial intelligence

In mid-June 2023, Russian scientists from the Baltic Federal University. Immanuel Kant, together with researchers from the National Medical and Surgical Center. N.I. Pirogov created a program that allows you to speed up the diagnosis of epilepsy and avoid errors in the diagnosis associated with the human factor. Read more here.

Roszdravnadzor published a list of registered medical devices with artificial intelligence

In April 2023, the Federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) published a list of registered medical devices (MI) based on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. It is available on the portal of operational interaction of Uniform State Health Information System participants and will be constantly replenished with new MIs.

The list was published after the agreements on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget received by the regions as part of a federal project to create a single digital circuit based on the Uniform State Health Information System were amended for 2023-2024. They provide for the introduction of domestic medical devices with AI technologies in the healthcare of subjects.

Roszdravnadzor published a list of registered medical devices with artificial intelligence

In 2023, the regions should introduce at least one medical device based on AI technologies in one of their centralized subsystems of the state information system in the field of health care, and in 2024 - at least three.

Zdrav.Expert publishes a list of domestic medical devices based on artificial intelligence technologies approved by Roszdravnadzor, which is up to date by April 10, 2023. The document will be updated by the department as new domestic solutions are registered.

Earlier, Roszdravnadzor began to classify software based on artificial intelligence technologies into the third class of risk of potential use of medical devices. In particular, the module "Third Opinion. Radiographs "for the analysis of X-ray and fluorographic images, developed by the startup" Platform "Third Opinion."

In April 2023, Roszdravnadzor approved 17 domestic solutions for medical software based on artificial intelligence.

List of domestic medical devices with artificial intelligence technologies approved by Roszdravnadzor

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: Most regions concluded an agreement on the introduction of AI in medical institutions

Agreements on the introduction of artificial intelligence in medical institutions have been concluded with most regions. This was announced on March 15, 2023 by the deputy head of the Ministry of Health of the FPM Pugachev.

According to him, the agreement with the regions for 2023 already includes a requirement that at least one centralized system in healthcare (out of 11, the list of subsystems is indicated on the slide below) use an AI product, in 2024 the regional health care system should use at least three such medical devices, as well as voice input services, video analytics.

For this, the regions can use the money of the subsidy provided by the Ministry of Health within the framework of the federal project.... Most regions have already formed such applications, - said Pugachev.

Pugachev noted that in Russia there is an increase in requests for medical help (life expectancy increases, new infections appear, etc.), and AI technologies are designed to relieve some of the burden on staff. We are talking primarily about the introduction of AI technologies when recording with a doctor (chat bots), the use of video analytics (notifying medical personnel about changes in the patient's condition), the introduction of medical devices with the function of AI (medical decision support systems), voice input documentation, etc.

For three years, the number of electronic documentation in medical institutions has grown 40 times, which means the creation of an array of data for AI training. It is planned to develop a government decree on equal conditions for companies to access structured data.

According to preliminary estimates, by March 2023, about 16% of medical organizations in Russia are artificial intelligence in one form or another.[14]

The Ministry of Health instructed the regions to urgently introduce at least one AI system in medical organizations

On February 7, 2023, it became known about the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regarding the introduction of artificial intelligence in regional medical organizations - they should launch at least one such decision.

The Ministry of Health of Russia is taking measures to accelerate the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into healthcare. To create new solutions, the ministry organizes the formation of specialized medical datacets. To stimulate the introduction of ready-made solutions with AI into clinical practice, within the framework of the federal project to create a single digital circuit in healthcare, the regions have been tasked already in 2023 to introduce at least one solution based on artificial intelligence in state medical organizations, - Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Pavel Pugachev told reporters (quoted by TASS).

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation instructed the regions to introduce AI systems in medical organizations

According to him, in 2024, the regions should already introduce at least three such centralized solutions using artificial intelligence algorithms.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health announced the launch of an "artificial intelligence platform in healthcare" with the participation of Rostec, in which it was planned to invest 3.49 billion rubles. By the end of 2022, it hosted several impersonal structured data sets from an unknown quality electronic medical record system.

In the fall of 2022, President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Health to pay special attention to the introduction of AI technologies in the healthcare sector, especially in the primary link. He said that it is necessary to apply new technological tools in standard procedures, and called on the Ministry of Health to adopt the experience of Moscow as soon as possible. In February 2023, at a meeting with the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, the head of state again called for the replication of the practice of "medical tips" using AI technologies.[15]


Ministry of Health: During the year, 500 thousand diagnostic studies using AI were carried out in Russia

In 2022, over 500 thousand diagnostic studies using artificial intelligence were carried out in Russia. This was announced by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko on May 18, 2023, speaking at one of the medical forums in St. Petersburg.

According to the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2022, about a third of patients under dispensary supervision suffered from cardiovascular diseases, a significant share were also patients with neoplasms. For the diagnosis of such cases, radiation, endoscopic and instrumental research methods are widely used, and AI, in turn, allows to increase the accuracy of diagnostics. For example, it was noted that artificial intelligence technologies when analyzing the results of colonoscopy increase the efficiency of detecting polyps by 44%, the minister noted.

During the year, 500 thousand diagnostic studies using AI were carried out in Russia

He also pointed out the high importance of focusing on developing innovations that will be introduced into practical health care in the future, as well as forming and strengthening an ecosystem for the interaction of science and production.

It is important to form a sustainable interaction between scientific teams of developers, the industrial sector, manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment, which will be paid special attention to the form. In this, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation also sees one of its functions. Today, within the framework of one of our subordinate institutions, the Medical Technology Transfer Center has been successfully operating for the second year. With its help, we will be able to quickly eliminate barriers when introducing innovations, "added Mikhail Murashko (quoted by TASS).

In his opinion, it is necessary that health care and science move along the path of innovation with concrete results of changing the technological structure of medical care, the development of advanced technologies.[16]

Russia has developed a method for controlling the quality of medical tomographs using a neural network

Specialists of the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine, together with mathematicians of Moscow State University, have developed a method for monitoring the quality of medical tomographs, which will allow timely detection of malfunctions of MRI devices in automatic mode. It is based on machine learning technology. This was announced on December 9, 2022 at the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of DZM. Read more here.

Scientists "Sberbank" presented MedBench - a platform for solving AI problems in medicine

Sberbank scientists presented an open Russian-language platform for solving problems in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine. Sberbank announced this on November 25, 2022. Taking into account the specifics of the subject area and the shortage of such data, this is an important project in the interests of the Russian-speaking community of researchers. Read more here.

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation launched a platform for developers of medical AI solutions

On November 25, 2022, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation announced the launch of a platform for developers of medical solutions using artificial intelligence algorithms by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Read more here.

Putin instructed the Ministry of Health to adopt Moscow's experience in introducing AI in medicine

On November 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to pay special attention to the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the healthcare sector, especially in the primary link.

As an example, Putin cited Moscow, where the use of AI technologies to support medical decision-making was included in clinical recommendations and tariffs for compulsory health insurance. According to him, as a result, the quality of a number of medical services, the accuracy of diagnostics and research have increased.

Vladimir Putin
That is, not only the health and life of people are preserved, but also a significant economic effect is formed, since the need for complex expensive operations is reduced, - said the head of state.

Vladimir Putin considers it necessary to quickly implement such approaches at the federal level. The President asked the Ministry of Health to pay special attention to digitalization and the use of modern technological solutions and promised to talk about this topic with the head of the department Mikhail Murashko in the near future.

I ask both Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin and Moscow Region Governor Andrei Yuryevich Vorobyov to use the State Council platform to extend their experience in using the latest technologies throughout the country, "Vladimir Putin said on November 24, 2022 at the conference" Journey to the world of artificial intelligence. "

In response, Andrei Vorobyov noted that the Moscow region "is trying to be friends with artificial intelligence" and introduce it into various spheres. As an example, the governor of the Moscow region cited the robot Svetlana, with the help of which residents of the region have the opportunity to sign up for certain medical services. By the end of November 2022, 10% of all doctor's notes go through Svetlana. In this area, AI replaces a call center of 345 operators.[17]

iCognito trains AI to recognize psychological disorders by message

The company -Skolkovo resident iCognito September 16, 2022 announced that on the basis of more than 50 million messages, users are trained AI to recognize shades of psychological frustration states and a person in order to data build recommendations for psychotherapy on the basis of these. The first version of the product with an advanced AI component is scheduled to be launched in mid-2023. More. here

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics will create a "Data Farm" based on AI to predict the spread of infections

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics will create a "Data Farm" by the end of 2022 to predict the spread of infections based on data from Sberbank and MTS. This became known on August 18, 2022. Read more here.

In Moscow, began to introduce artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of cancer

In Moscow, they began to introduce artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of cancer. This became known on August 15, 2022.

As of August 2022 oncological hospitals Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A.S. Loginov , two services are being tested on the basis of two city (and), neuronets said Anastasia Rakova the Deputy Mayor for Moscow Social Development. More. here

Smart Engines experts taught AI to recognize multi-layered microstructures of the human brain

On August 8, 2022, Smart Engines announced that, together with colleagues from Russia, Italy and Germany, for the first time, they automatically segmented a 3D image of a human olfactory bulb using neural networks. Read more here.

Heart surgeon St. Petersburg State University has developed a neural network for the treatment of patients with heart disease

The doctor Clinics of high medical technologies named after N.I. Pirogov St.Petersburg State University Gleb Kim created, neuronet which, on the basis databases encrypted of patients' medical histories, can predict the development of cardiovascular diseases, as well as give recommendations for their treatment. St. Petersburg State University announced this on July 13, 2022. More. here

Ministry of Industry and Trade launched a project for the development of artificial intelligence in medicine

In June 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade launched a joint project with Russian Railways to develop artificial intelligence in medicine. Within the framework of the agreement, the parties plan to develop domestic artificial intelligence technologies in medicine and healthcare, as well as advanced technological solutions developed on their basis, within five years.

The Federal State Autonomous Institution "Resource Center for Universal Design and Rehabilitation Technologies" (FSAU "RCUD and RT") will have to organize joint work within the framework of the concluded agreement. He is the leading scientific organization of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the development of domestic technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, medical "big" data, digitalization and introduction of information technologies in medicine and healthcare, as well as in the development of medical and rehabilitation equipment.

Ministry of Industry and Trade launched a project for the development of artificial intelligence in medicine

On the basis of the Resource Center, there is an artificial intelligence and medical data laboratory, which is equipped with modern equipment, supercomputers, high-performance GPU-computing servers and other technical means and software for developing current areas of medical diagnostics and supporting a medical solution.

The partners plan to start cooperation on the territory of the Central Clinical Hospital "Russian Railways - Medicine," where a separate digital pathomorphological laboratory and an intelligent digital operating room will be deployed. This is a high-tech complex of devices, consisting of medical and digital equipment, which allows you to control engineering systems and equipment in the operating room, receive data from medical devices, form data sets on the basis of which to create artificial neural networks.

We are actively connecting to projects using artificial intelligence in various fields. Since 2017, they began to develop and test unmanned vehicle control systems. Today it is time to launch cooperation in the direction of healthcare, - said the chairman of the board of RZHD Belozerov.[18]medicine

"SberMedII" presented a complex of mobile diagnostics based on AI

On June 16, 2022, SberMedII introduced Digital FAP, a hardware and software complex for mobile diagnostics. It is diagnostic equipment assembled in a compact case for safe transportation and storage, with an Internet connection and services based on artificial intelligence. Read more here.

Moscow Mayor's Office has opened a medical dataset for developers of AI systems. It includes CT, MRI and mammographic images

In early June 2022, the Moscow Mayor's Office opened a medical datacet to developers of AI systems. It included CT, MRI and mammographic images.

According to Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development, over two years of the experiment on the introduction of computer vision technologies in Moscow healthcare, a digital library of data sets was collected. It consists of impersonal X-rays, which are necessary for testing and further training of artificial intelligence.

Moscow Mayor's Office has opened a medical dataset for developers of AI systems. It includes CT, MRI and mammographic images

{{quote 'We open access to nine datacets for developers, startups and students, including from other regions. We hope that this step will help create and refine high-quality computer vision services for analyzing CT, MRI studies, mammography, for example, to identify signs of COVID-19, lung, breast cancer, osteoporosis or multiple sclerosis, she said. }} Datasets are sets of radiological diagnostic images created as part of a Moscow experiment to introduce computer vision technologies into medicine. The largest open dataset consists of more than a thousand unique studies of patients with signs of COVID-19. Other datacets can be used to look for signs of spinal osteoporosis, shimmering artifact, lung cancer, multiple sclerosis and heart disease.

By the beginning of June 2022, smart algorithms help find signs of diseases in nine areas of radiation research. Doctors use the conclusion of artificial intelligence as an additional source of information to make a diagnosis.

An experiment on the introduction of computer vision into medicine is carried out by the complex of social development of Moscow together with the city Department of Information Technologies on the basis of the center for diagnostics and telemedicine[19] of [20]

The speed of processing CT images by neural networks in Moscow polyclinics increased by 70%, and the definition of covid pneumonia reached 94%

By the end of April 2022, the speed of processing neuronets CT photographs Moscow in polyclinics for 2 years increased by 70%, and the exact definition of pneumonia caused by infection with coronavirus COVID-19 reached 94%. This was announced by the deputy mayor for social Moscow development. Anastasia Rakova More. here

Petersburg doctors taught the neural network to determine the risk of complications in patients with heart disease

Petersburg doctors taught the neural network to determine the risk of complications in patients with heart disease. St. Petersburg State University announced this on February 2, 2022. Read more here.

Celly.AI blood test device passed pilot launch and refinement

The accelerator medical startups of the Pirogovsky Center conducted a pilot launch and refinement blood test devices using. artificial intelligence Celly.AI This became known on January 24, 2022. More. here


Minek: Annual economic effect from the use of AI in Russian healthcare exceeded ₽13 billion

According to estimates by the National Center for the Development of Artificial Intelligence under the Government of the Russian Federation, 16% of companies use AI technologies in healthcare, which allowed them to receive a cumulative economic effect in 2021 that exceeded 13 billion rubles. The press service of the Ministry of Economic Development announced this on November 9, 2022.

She also cited data according to which almost 6% of companies use AI in the field of housing and communal services and the development of the urban environment. In 2021, thanks to this, they additionally earned 400 million rubles. In the construction industry - 3% of companies. The economic effect of this in 2021 amounted to 2.1 billion rubles.

Minek: Annual economic effect from the use of AI in Russian healthcare exceeded ₽13 billion

{{quote 'Our key goals of conducting strategic sessions are to determine the best industry projects for replication to implement artificial intelligence for replication and form a library of relevant solutions, as well as convey to all participants that artificial intelligence today is technology ready for replication, - said the Minister of Economic Development RFMaxime Reshetnikov. }} His department recalled that by November 2022, businesses already have access to various tools for introducing artificial intelligence technologies into the work of companies. For example, the provision of grants and subsidies, as well as support for developers of AI solutions. For the next two years, 18 billion rubles were allocated to support Russian developers. In addition, within the framework of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence," which is supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, programs are provided for the development of personnel potential and science.

According to Deputy Minister of Health Pavel Pugachev, over the past 2 years, by November 2022, Roszdravnadzor has already registered 18 medical devices with artificial intelligence technologies. These products are already used by medical organizations in the diagnosis of patients. The task of the Ministry of Health is to create conditions for expanding the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into clinical practice, he stressed.[21]

The volume of the medical AI market in Russia exceeded 500 million rubles

The market volume of artificial intelligence technologies used for medical purposes in Russia in 2021 exceeded 500 million rubles. Such data in mid-February 2022 were cited by Alexander Gusev, director of business development at Webiomed. He did not specify the dynamics in comparison with 2020.

According to Gusev, the revenue structure of companies operating in this market is either one major experiment with grant support, or grant support from development institutions - "that is, this is not entirely about sales and replication of business." However, the situation will change, the director of business development of the company Webiomed is sure.

The volume of the medical AI market in Russia in 2021 exceeded 500 million rubles

The source of monetization, in his opinion, will be the focus on the commercial healthcare sector and the B2B interaction of customers and manufacturers. Medical software is created for customers from research medical companies, it will speed up and reduce the cost of data processing. Other consumers will be private clinics, insurance companies and large employers interested in maintaining the ability of employees. In a few years, state customers will enter this market, which will ensure the rapid development of medical AI, the expert said.

In Moscow, by 2021, there were more than 40 medical tech companies specializing in the analysis of medical images for diagnostics (32%), predictive analytics (28%) and decision support systems (27%), with a total revenue of 1.7 billion rubles.

According to Deloitte analysts, big data and artificial intelligence in healthcare, in particular, open up opportunities for management decisions at the level of the entire population. AI, for example, in addition to automating manual processes, is actively tested to solve complex clinical and organizational problems.[22]

Neural networks have learned to determine mental disorders

On November 9, 2021, iCognito announced two studies to establish the possibility of recognizing psychological symptoms and disorders by text. For research, open messages from psychological forums and messages left by users in iCognito computer psychotherapy programs were used. Read more here.

The Ministry of Health is introducing AI to create a unified database of medical knowledge for 150 million rubles

In September 2021, it became known about the creation of a new hardware and software complex (APC) for the situation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which is designed to receive information in real time about various situations, indicators and reports (population incidence, number of patients, etc.) related to healthcare. As part of the update, it is planned to create a single base of medical knowledge using artificial intelligence. Read more here

Moscow has compiled a rating of AI services in the healthcare sector

Moscow compiled a rating of AI services in the field. health care This was announced in mid-September 2021 by the deputy mayor of the city for social development. Anastasia Rakova

According to her, the publication of the rating in the public domain will help stimulate competition between developers of artificial intelligence for the development of promising technologies and objectively assess existing solutions, for example, before introducing other regions into the healthcare system.

Also, patients themselves will be able to use the rating data outside the framework of the experiment: many developers allow users to download their research to obtain a second opinion from the AI service, and an independent comparison will help them adequately relate to the results obtained, she explained.

Assessing the work of AI, in addition to the main parameters - sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy - experts took into account the adaptability of the service to a single urban information system and the ability to work with large research streams.

The new method of assessing artificial intelligence includes comparing the results of the service with the protocols of radiologists, the consent of the doctor with the localization of pathological findings, the proportion of studies without defects and the speed of data processing. Some of the parameters are evaluated automatically, and the other is manually checked by a group of doctors.

Services for automatic analysis of radiation studies have been tested in the city health care system since spring 2020. Solutions based on artificial intelligence are connected to a system that unites all radiation diagnostics departments of Moscow polyclinics and hospitals - a single radiological information service of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (ERIS EMIAS).

It is noted that the rating of the best solutions appeared thanks to the initiative of the Moscow Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine, which is engaged in the experiment.[23][24]

The Ministry of Health creates a single database for AI systems that help doctors make diagnoses

In early September 2021, it became known about the creation in Russia of a unified database of medical data, including the results of research and analyzes. It is designed to train artificial intelligence used in the Medical Decision Support System (SPMS). Read more here.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation creates a federal AI platform for training algorithms in healthcare

On July 19, 2021, it became known about the creation in Russia of a federal AI platform for health care. The implementation of this project was carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by the joint Rostec. Read more here.

Moscow therapists choose the diagnosis proposed by the neural network in 50% of cases

In July 2021, the Moscow authorities reported that therapists in the capital's polyclinics choose the diagnosis proposed by the neural network in almost half of the cases. We are talking about the use of a system of support for medical decision-making, which was launched in all polyclinics in cities in September 2020. Read more here.

Moscow polyclinics begin to use artificial intelligence to detect osteoporosis and coronary heart disease

As it became known in June 2021, Moscow polyclinics begin to use artificial intelligence to detect osteoporosis and coronary heart disease from CT scans. The number of areas of research in the processing of which digital technologies will help doctors will increase to 13 by the end of 2021. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova.

The appearance in the capital's medical organizations of services based on artificial intelligence in new directions is the result of the systematic development of a single digital healthcare platform. Now technologies within the framework of the Moscow experiment help to analyze four types of research. By the end of 2021, we plan to offer doctors new tools that will facilitate their work, - said the vice-mayor (her words are quoted on the portal).

Artificial intelligence will help identify osteoporosis and coronary heart disease

AI will begin to be used to analyze CT and MRI of the brain to diagnose strokes, malignant neoplasms, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, chest CT/BAT, to detect pulmonary emphysema, thoracic aortic aneurysm and pulmonary hypertension, MRI of the lumbosacral spine for the detection of hernias, protrusions, stenosis, radiography of the musculoskeletal system for the diagnosis of arthrosis, flat feet, fractures of limbs and vertebrae, as well as chest images on CT/BAT for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and signs of coronary heart disease.

Rakova noted that third-party developers are invited to create medical computer vision systems. Then the developed technologies are integrated with a single digital platform, the accuracy of services is checked, and only the best of them are introduced into the daily practice of the entire network, she stressed.[25]

Artificial intelligence hired a hospital doctor for the first time in Russia

At the end of May 2021, it became known that Sokolskaya Central District Hospital she had used the technology artificial intelligence to find a new head physician from another region. More. here

NCI creates AI diagnosis system

On April 21, 2021, it became known that the National Center for Informatization (NCI) had created a technological system for making a medical diagnosis and prescribing treatment using machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms . Read more here.

AI in medicine will develop due to data from Russians

On March 16, 2021, it became known about the plans of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development to open private companies access to the medical data of Russians. The initiative is primarily focused on developers of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of disease diagnostics.

The Ministry of Digital Development wants to ensure access to impersonal medical data without the consent of citizens. It is assumed that the data will be in a specially created register of medical images and electronic medical records, writes Kommersant.

Ministry of Digital Development plans to open companies access to medical data of Russians

This Ministry of Digital Development proposal, supported by the Ministry of Health, is included in the "second package" of IT support. At a meeting with representatives of the industry, which will be held on March 18, 2020, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko will discuss the "second package" of measures and the implementation of each event of the plan. After that, the document will be finally approved.

The head of the presale practice of Forsyth, Alexei Vyskrebentsev, noted that private clinics are not connected to GIS, so IT companies may not receive complete statistics. In addition, now the permission of their subject is required to process even impersonal data, although they do not fall under the influence of medical secrecy.

In general, according to experts interviewed by the newspaper, medical data in Russia are collected separately and their collection is not systematized.[26]

Anonymized data is divided into two categories, explains Alexander Zhuravlev, chairman of the commission on legal support of the digital economy of the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association. The first category is impersonal information that can be personalized, and the second is impersonal data that cannot be tied to a specific person, he explains.

Both the first and second cases do not fall under the action of medical secrecy, so commercial companies have no barriers to using such data, "the expert explained, adding the consent of the subject to the processing of even impersonal data, which complicates the situation.

Start using the CT and X-ray AI1 system

In March 2021, the European Medical Center (EMS) announced that it was the first in Russia to use the AI1 medical imaging system (All-In-One) developed by the Israeli company Zebra Medical Vision. Read more here.


Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko recommended replicating the AI solution for the COVID-19 contact center throughout Russia

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko in December 2020 recommended that the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development and senior officials in the regions ensure the use of artificial intelligence (AI) elements in the work of the 122 unified information and reference service in Russian regions. This follows from the list of Chernyshenko's instructions, data following a meeting on the digitalization of key industries and the practical application of AI, which TAdviser got acquainted with.

One of the instructions is also to ensure the readiness to use the interfaces for connecting AI elements for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to reduce the load of employees involved in the work of the 122 service. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister demanded from the Ministry of Digital Development to study the decision on the use of AI technologies in the Moscow region and prepare proposals for its scaling in the interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Service "122" is designed to provide citizens with information support on issues related to the spread of coronavirus. Through it, citizens with coronavirus can, for example, call a doctor at home or an ambulance. At the end of November, Chernyshenko reported that at that time 27 constituent entities of the Russian Federation had joined this work[27]. In the future, the range of options available by the number "122" is planned to be expanded.

In the Moscow region, a voice assistant with AI is used in pilot mode to call a doctor at home in the governor's call center "(photo - Dmitry Feoktistov/TASS)"

Dmitry Chernyshenko gave an order to study the experience of the Moscow Region on December 16, and at the same time urged the regions to actively use the developed solutions of their colleagues[28]. And already on December 23, at a joint meeting of the State Council and the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, Chernyshenko said that in 12 constituent entities of Russia, a voice assistant based on AI was introduced for the 122 service, which records citizens with a voice[29]

We continue to implement solutions for artificial intelligence. Voice assistant of the service "122," he is already recording citizens for an appointment with a doctor, - the TASS agency quotes Chernyshenko. - Now we really use this service, the technology of the Moscow region in 12 regions, when a voice assistant communicates with people.

Which regions have already followed this call, Dmitry Chernyshenko did not specify. And in the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, the region, whose experience was referred to by the Deputy Prime Minister, in turn, they said that they use an AI-based service to arrange a doctor's call at home as a pilot project in the governor's call center[30]

We see how, due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the number of calls to the governor's call center has sharply increased in order to call a doctor at home. For the convenience of residents, in order to reduce the waiting time for the operator's response, we launched an artificial intelligence-based voice service, which will automatically accept the application and issue a doctor's call to the house, "said Svetlana Strigunkova, Minister of Health of the Moscow Region.

As of the end of December, digital robot operators in the Moscow Region process up to 30 thousand calls per day. During the peak load on the quantity center, the power of the digital system allows you to process up to 300 simultaneous connections, while automating at least 80% of all incoming calls, the Ministry of Health of the region cites data.

The Moscow Region department also said that "leaders in the digital and cloud technology market" were involved in the implementation of the pilot project. Thus, Rostelecom, within the framework of the federal project "Creating a single digital health care circuit based on Uniform State Health Information System," ensured the integration of the IT systems of medical institutions with the technological platform provided by (Neuro). 's partner, Fromtek, developed scenarios and logic for conducting dialogues of the digital voice assistant, and integrated the entire system with the medical information circuit. And cloud-based speech synthesis and recognition technologies are provided by the Yandex.Cloud platform.

A pilot project began in the Moscow region at the end of October. The general contractor in it is Rostelecom, and the is as a technological partner. Rostelecom clarified to TAdviser that the state contract was not concluded in this case.

The implementation of the pilot project does not imply the conclusion of a state contract. Everything is done at the request of all project participants who invest their efforts and resources to achieve the desired results. At least this is an experience. This is a standard practice when testing new technologies introduced in the public sector, the company explained.

Rostelecom also noted that voice robots have been used in Russia for many years. But this is a fairly simple technology: it makes it possible to scroll through voice messages to the subscriber, and the voice menu is controlled by pressing the phone buttons. In Russian healthcare, in particular, IVR (Interactive Voice Response, interactive voice menu) systems have long been used. They can also be called a kind of voice robots, the company notes.

But the introduction of advanced voice assistants based on AI in healthcare is not yet known to us, "said TAdviser in Rostelecom. - We were looking not just for an IVR solution, but for a full-fledged AI-based technology that can communicate with citizens as seamlessly as possible, providing better support by quickly finding the necessary information and not waiting on the line. The level of conversation in this kind of voice assistants is indistinguishable from a conversation with a human operator.
File:Aquote2.png co-founder Alexander Kuznetsov told TAdviser that when using their platform, less than 1% of callers understand that they are talking to a robot.

Our robots are almost indistinguishable from humans. They sound like a person, understand natural speech and build a dialogue with a person, "he said.

Kuznetsov explained that the platform provides a development environment on the basis of which final solutions can be created for building communications with clients, corresponding to the tasks of a particular organization in different industries. Final solutions based on the platform can be created by the itself, its partners, and internal IT services of customer companies, Kuznetsov said.

The says that as of the end of 2020, they already have about 10-15 partners, and their list continues to form. At the same time, says Alexander Kuznetsov, the company itself prefers to direct the main efforts to develop and develop its technological platform and involve in projects the expertise of the partner network, especially when it comes to niche tasks.

According to Kuznetsov, as of the end of 2020, a number of regions are in the process of launching pilot projects using the platform TAdviser has not yet provided more details about projects in the regions in either or Rostelecom.

In a press release from the Moscow Region Ministry of Health, the is called Russian companies. But it is worth mentioning that the only founder of its Moscow legal entity - Neiro LLC - since September 2019 has been listed Inc, based in the USA, in the state of California. Such data are indicated in the database of legal entities Kontur.Focus. " Previously, the founders were directly individuals.

According to the California Register of Companies, Inc was registered in California a little earlier, in August 2019. One of the co-founders, owners of the Nikolai Kravchuk is listed as its president and executive director. Kravchuk previously moved to the United States. The profile of Inc says that it works in the jurisdiction of Delaware. Businesses are often registered there due to favorable tax legislation.

The 's website also states that in addition to offices in Moscow and California, it has offices in Jakarta and Kazakhstan, as well as a development center in Nizhny Novgorod. Alexander Kuznetsov noted in a conversation with TAdviser that their company is aimed at the development of both Russian and international business.

Despite the fact that the headquarters is now located in America, remains a Russian company, says Alexander Kuznetsov: its main resources - development and operating activities - are located in Russia. In total, has more than 100 developers, TAdviser cited data in the company, the vast majority of them are located in a branch in Nizhny Novgorod.

Both the developers and co-founders of the company are citizens of Russia, Kuznetsov added. In addition to himself and Nikolai Kravchuk, the co-founder and co-owner is also Sergei Avanesov, who holds the position of general director of Neuro LLC. In addition, the first external investor, Powerry, has a stake in the company, which in 2019 invested $5.3 million in Its founder is Abdumalik Mirakhmedov. In 2016, he founded ATK Holdings together with Trafigura Group, one of the largest international commodity trading companies.

The plans to submit its platform to the register of domestic software of the Ministry of Digital Development, Alexander Kuznetsov also told TAdviser: "we are already on the way to this."

As of the end of the year, the use of a voice assistant with AI in Russian healthcare is still mainly in the nature of pilot projects and tests. But, we can say that with his instructions Dmitry Chernyshenko actually laid the prerequisites for the fact that soon the practice and decision of the Moscow Region can be replicated throughout the country.

Mishustin allowed the use of impersonal medical data to train AI systems

In December 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government decree "On Amendments to the Regulation on a Unified State Information System in the Field of Health," supplementing the subsystem of the Federal Integrated Electronic Medical Record Uniform State Health Information System with functionality for storing sets of impersonal medical data. Read more here.

Launch of a service to determine the severity of pneumonia by blood test

In mid-December 2020, Russia launched a free service for determining the severity of pneumonia by blood test - "CT calculator." It was developed by researchers at Lomonosov Moscow State University using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Read more here.

Sberbank launched a service for making a preliminary diagnosis using a neural network

In early December 2020, Sber announced the launch of a free service for making a preliminary diagnosis using a neural network. On the site, the user lists the symptoms in free form (you can write in free form: the system understands abbreviations and text with errors), after which artificial intelligence leads the three most likely diagnoses and offers to make an appointment with a doctor. The accuracy of recognition of the cause of malaise, according to the developers, ranges from 75% to 91%. Read more here.

Tomsk Oncology Dispensary introduced a neural network for the diagnosis of breast cancer

As it became known on November 9, 2020, the Tomsk Regional Oncological Dispensary introduced a neural network for the diagnosis of breast cancer. The artificial intelligence used is the development of Sberbank, the company said. Read more here.

"Geropharm" presented the speech diagnostic system "Spectrogram"

On October 30, 2020, it became known that the pharmaceutical company Geropharm presented the Spectrogram diagnostic system, which helps to detect speech disorders in children from 2 to 6 years old. All parents need to do is open a chatbot and ask the child to say a few phrases. Read more here.

Artificial intelligence began to process ambulance calls in Moscow

In Moscow, as it became known on October 22, 2020, artificial intelligence began to process ambulance calls. The new algorithm decides on the urgent or emergency status of the call, which speeds up the arrival of doctors to the patient. Read more here.

In Yakutia, developed an AI platform for detecting cancer in the early stages

More than two thousand Yakutans participate in testing the platform for identifying the risks of oncological diseases, developed by Viktor Bialostotsky, a master's student at the M.K. Mmosov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the SVFU in Yakutsk. This was announced on September 4, 2020 by the Press Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Moscow. Read more here.

2019: "International Medical Cluster" and "National Medical Knowledge Base" opened a laboratory for AI in medicine at Skolkovo

On August 29, 2019, the National Medical Knowledge Base announced that it had agreed with the Foundation of the International Medical Cluster to open a joint laboratory "Medical Knowledge" in Skolkovo. MMK became the customer of the Association's meta-project to create a national player in the global technological market in medicine and health care, and the creation of a basic landfill for the development of products and promising technologies is a natural step towards its implementation. Read more here.


  1. The Ministry of Health has developed a code of ethics for the use of AI in medicine
  2. To date, 37 AI-based medical devices have been registered in Russia
  3. Rating of Russian startups of artificial intelligence in 2024
  4. The role of the state in the development of health care using artificial intelligence
  5. Moscow Department of Health explained the structure of the grant tariff for "computer vision"
  6. Moscow scientists have released a manual on the development and testing of neural networks in medicine
  7. State purchases of AI technologies by medical institutions increased 7 times in 2023
  8. Skolkovo estimated the volume of the Russian market for AI solutions in medicine at 12 billion rubles
  9. Intellectual spending: what to focus on the regions when purchasing "smart" medical products
  10. The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference ITM-AI began in Moscow
  11. Russian Ministry of Health: more than 70 regions purchased medical services with AI technology
  12. Contribution to digitalization: Sechenov University created and posted its first datacet on the platform of the Ministry of Health for training artificial intelligence
  13. Medical devices based on AI will appear in all subjects in 2023
  14. The deputy head of the Ministry of Health announced the conclusion with most regions of agreements on the introduction of AI in medical institutions
  15. Ministry of Health takes measures to accelerate the introduction of artificial intelligence in medicine
  16. The Ministry of Health announced the involvement of AI in more than 500 thousand diagnostics in 2022
  17. Putin instructed the Ministry of Health to pay special attention to the introduction of AI in medicine
  18. medium=referral & utm The Ministry of Industry and Trade and Russian Railways will develop artificial intelligence technologies in
  19. [ , the Moscow Mayor's Office has opened a medical datacet to developers
  20. AI systems. It includes CT, MRI and mammographic images]
  21. Ministry of Economic Development: AI brought an additional 13 billion rubles to companies in the healthcare industry
  22. Revenue in the Russian market of medical artificial intelligence reached 500 million rubles
  23. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  24. Scientific study of the possibility of using decision support methods in the healthcare system of the city of Moscow based on the results of data analysis using advanced innovative technologies
  25. Artificial intelligence will help identify osteoporosis and coronary heart disease
  26. Good Doctor AIpain
  27. A single telephone number 122 for coronavirus was introduced in Russia
  28. Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting on the digitalization of key industries and the practical use of artificial intelligence
  29. assistant based on AI for appointment with a doctor was introduced in 12 constituent entities of Russia.
  30. Artificial intelligence will help call a doctor at home in the Moscow region.