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MegaFon is a Russian telecommunications company providing cellular and local telephone services, broadband Internet access and cable television.

Competitors: MTS, VimpelCom, Tele2

MegaFon Finance - 29,68%
USM Holdings - 70,32%
as of January 2020
Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub



+ MegaFon

MegaFon is one of the three largest mobile operators in Russia. MegaFon subsidiaries operate in Tajikistan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.


Main article: History of MegaFon

From the registration certificate signed by Vladimir Putin in 1993 to the present day.

Company executives

Board of Directors of Megafon

Main article: Board of Directors of Megafon


Company Strategy 2018

Group Companies

MegaFon PJSC is an all-Russian operator operating in all segments of the telecommunications market and at the beginning of 2020 developing the following companies:

  • MegaFon Retail - retail business, sales of communication services and equipment, customer service.
  • MegaLabs - innovative products and services, promising developments.
  • NETBYNET - broadband Internet access and fixed communication.
  • Yota is a federal operator of high-speed Internet, voice and SMS.
  • Gars Telecom is a universal telecom operator for the B2B market and commercial real estate.
  • 25% in the "First Tower Company" - tower infrastructure management.
  • "MF Technologies" - comprehensive innovative projects, digital solutions and platforms for the implementation of projects in the field of the digital economy.


Main article: 5G in Megafon


Main article: Megafon data centers

Performance indicators

Main article: Financial performance of Megafon

2023: Revenue growth by 11.4% to 444 billion rubles

In 2023, the revenue of MegaFon, an all-Russian operator of digital opportunities, increased by 11.4% to 444 billion rubles. The growth is due to the dynamic development of the B2B segment, the consolidation of new assets into the operator's business, as well as the expansion of the subscriber base. Such information was shared with TAdviser on February 29, 2024 by representatives of MegaFon. According to them, the increase in the indicator is due to growth: service revenue (+ 10.6%), which is formed by mobile services, fixed Internet, digital services and solutions, and revenue from sales of subscriber equipment (+ 15.7%) at retail and through a wholesale channel.

An important factor in the growth of service revenue was the increase in revenues from digital business solutions: the company noted a high demand for advertising, communication and cloud services, and cybersecurity services. The increase in service revenues is also associated with the consolidation of new companies in the Group's perimeter, which were acquired at the end of 2022.

Retail and wholesale sales of subscriber equipment showed steady growth (+ 15.7%). As noted in MegaFon, this dynamics is associated with the expansion of the assortment and the launch of its own brands on the market: Fontel phones and Stellar Way premium accessories. MegaFon-owned distribution center Revo Charge made a significant contribution to the growth in consumer equipment trade, which strengthened its position in the wholesale segment of the Russian electronics market.

MegaFon's net profit increased by 43.2% to RUB 39.9 billion. In general, according to the results of 2023, the company shows a high level of financial stability. OIBDA grew by 13%, reaching 181.2 billion rubles. OIBDA margin increased by 0.59 pp to 40.82%. Both indicators are improved due to effective cost management and integration of new companies into MegaFon with the accompanying transfer to the internal circuit of a number of services and tasks previously performed by external contractors, the company explained.

CAPEX in 2023 grew by 61.3% to 101.1 billion rubles. The main impact on this indicator was for trademark acquisition transaction Yota 27 billion rubles. After the transition to "" To MegaFon trademark rights, the costs of its use were reclassified from non-current non-financial assets to capital expenditures. CAPEX 2023 also included investments in the development of assets acquired in 2022. The growth of the indicator was influenced by the active development of the operator's infrastructure. According to to data an independent study by an international company, Ookla MegaFon continues to increase its mobile network coverage in. Over the Russia year, the Coverage Score increased by 5% compared to the same values ​ ​ in 2022.

MegaFon's subscriber base in Russia in 2023 increased by 1.9% and as of December 31 amounted to 76.7 million people. According to the operator, the growth is associated with the successful use of marketing tools throughout the reporting year and the development of the company's line of telecom products. In particular, the consumer reacted positively to the expansion of MegaForce's offer - options that allow subscribers to independently configure their own tariff plan.

Network upgrade

Main article: MegaFon's mobile network upgrade projects

Information Technology

Main article: Information technology in Megafon
