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2022/10/20 14:37:07

Moscow - Smart City Information Technologies in Moscow



2019 data

Smart cities

Artificial intelligence in Moscow

2023: Neural networks will help metropolitan utilities monitor the condition of roads

In Moscow, they began to use mobile complexes that help city services identify shortcomings in the maintenance of road facilities using artificial intelligence technologies. The neural network already knows how to find holes, erased markings, damage to the onboard stone, pollution of stops and road signs and other violations. The use of AI will help city services to quickly learn about shortcomings in order to quickly eliminate them. DIT of Moscow announced this on February 21, 2023. Read more here.


The State Real Estate Inspectorate will choose an AI solution for monitoring the state of city property

Satellite images will be used to control city property. This was announced on July 19, 2022 by the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in the city of Moscow (State Inspectorate for Real Estate). Read more here.

Special project on artificial intelligence technologies launched in Moscow

In Moscow, launched a special project[1], Dedicated to the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This became known on April 13, 2022. Everyone will be able to learn about what projects using AI are already being implemented in Moscow, and the developers will be able to study examples of impersonal data sets (datacets) that the city is ready to provide for training algorithms. It is also proposed to apply for them.

Sets of impersonal data are the basis for training artificial intelligence algorithms, so Moscow is ready to provide data sets for the development of AI solutions that can be applied for the benefit of the city under the same conditions for all. The launch of such a project is another way to help developers create new breakthrough projects in all areas of urban economy. This will make the life of Muscovites even more comfortable and safe, as well as ensure decent competition for the Russian IT industry at the world level, "said Eduard Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Information Technology Department.

The project page contains detailed examples of datacets. Among them are information on urban sports and cultural events, which can be used to create various useful services for citizens, data on courtyards, container sites, roads and other urban facilities, which make it possible to develop solutions for more effective management of the industry, as well as information on the state of atmospheric air, water and soil. It is needed to help artificial intelligence give more accurate analytics and forecasts in the field of ecology.

To get access to datacets, the company needs to fill out an application, describing the corresponding project for the development of the urban environment. It is also necessary to talk about the current developments of the company in terms of AI models for the project and legal barriers (if any). All projects will be peer-reviewed by the Department of Information Technologies and specialized city departments.

By introducing such technologies, the city makes sure that projects comply with the basic ethical principles of working with artificial intelligence, generally accepted in the global community. Eduard Lysenko stressed that artificial intelligence should benefit the city and the townspeople.

Projects supported and implemented by Moscow help to quickly receive information, solve routine problems and form high-quality analytics for making management decisions. All datacets that the city is ready to share should be used exclusively to solve such problems, and we are especially carefully approaching the selection of developers with whom we cooperate in the development of artificial intelligence, he added[2].

Smart City of Moscow project portfolio


2018: Principles, Goals and End-to-End Technologies

The Russian capital should reach a new level of development of electronic services and services, said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin in April 2018 at a meeting of the presidium of the city government.

The state program "Information City," which ends in 2018, will be replaced by a new program - "Smart City," the development of which has now begun on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The new strategy will be based on key modern technologies. Among them, DIT highlights artificial intelligence to automate decision-making based on data analysis, blockchain technology for paperless contracts, big data for targeted services.

End-to-end technologies

In addition, the basic principles of building a "Smart City" were determined, including the involvement of residents of all ages in managing the city, the availability of all services around the clock from any device, the primacy of an electronic document over a paper document, reliance on domestic solutions and the development of the city together with business.

As of June 2018

The development of artificial intelligence technologies will ensure the transfer of a significant part of routine operations to machines and the robotization of many processes. In particular, technologies such as speech/image/video recognition and synthesis, as well as machine translation and others will become widespread, according to materials to the presidium of the city government.

Blockchain technology will allow the introduction of the practice of paperless contracts. With Big Data, it will become possible to provide citizens and businesses with targeted services that meet the personal needs of everyone.

Artificial intelligence automates decision-making based on data analysis. The Internet of Things and 5G will open the possibility of introducing a large number of connected devices and sensors into the urban infrastructure.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies will change areas such as tourism and education. And the response to numerous challenges will be to strengthen the direction associated with cybersecurity and threat monitoring.


Information City. The Department of IT (DIT) of Moscow was responsible for the implementation of the city program, and two related departments acted as co-executors: media and advertising, as well as transport and the development of road transport infrastructure.


City target program "Electronic Moscow."

Innovative infrastructure of Moscow

Video surveillance and facial recognition

One of the world's largest video surveillance systems:

"Social monitoring"

The Moscow authorities developed in March 2020 a mobile application "Social Monitoring" for patients who are being treated for a new coronavirus infection at home. This was announced by DIT of Moscow on April 1, 2020. The application will allow law enforcement agencies to make sure that a citizen complies with the isolation regime and does not leave the house. This will help ensure the safety of others and avoid the further spread of the coronavirus, according to DIT.

The application will automatically track the user's geolocation. At the same time, it is not the moving track that is recorded, but exclusively the fact of leaving the self-isolation address, which the user indicated in his questionnaire. To ensure that the user is near the phone, the application will periodically send push notifications to the user requesting additional identification using the photo. In case of violation of quarantine, the application will notify law enforcement agencies about this, - explained the principles of the application in the DIT of Moscow.

Moscow sets trends for the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of infrastructure development

  • Interdepartmental working group (DIT, Ministry of Communications, Roskomnadzor, telecom operators)
  • Mechanism for accelerated placement of BS at city facilities
  • Non-discriminatory access to urban communication infrastructure (IPTC CP)
  • Increasing the volume of urban communication infrastructure within the framework of the "My Street Program" to meet the future needs of 5G, IoT, Smart City
  • Increasing the volume of urban communication infrastructure within the framework of the "Housing Renovation Program" and the development of the territory of New Moscow - cable sewerage, places for placing BS and equipment of telecom operators
  • Dual purpose supports
  • Total income of operators from cellular communications 220 billion rubles.
  • 44.5 million SIM cards on the air
  • Cellular penetration 225%

Moscow - implementation of more than 300 digital projects

Selection of projects for implementation taking into account all components of the urban digital economy

Moscow's infrastructure is ready to change in accordance with the requirements of the digital economy

5G adoption challenges

What will give Moscow 5G technology - prospects

  • 5G technology will require participants in the cellular market to multiply the number of base stations and a completely different principle of network planning, which will entail large [3].
  • This means that operators, in fact, will once again have to build a large infrastructure, and this is quite difficult.
  • Therefore, in order not to deprive the 5G project of investment attractiveness, DIT Moscow proposes to unite the efforts of all interested parties (operators, infrastructure companies, equipment manufacturers, etc.).
  • The Moscow government is considering creating a consortium-type association on the basis of which cellular operators will be able to comfortably and at lower costs develop 5G communication in the city.

Moscow Innovation Cluster

Moscow Government established the fund Moscow Innovation Cluster"," from which the capital's innovation cluster will be financed. The powers of the founder of the fund will be assumed by the government Moscow in the person. Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow The innovation cluster should contribute to the creation of conditions for the implementation of priority areas of scientific and technical development of the Russian Federation, the development and introduction of innovative technologies, ensuring scientific, technical and production cooperation and coordination of interaction between its participants.

Technoparks of Moscow

lot of enterprises, organizations of the city of Moscow, tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people participate in innovations, ranging from academic institutions to startups. Industry institutions, private, state, technoparks, such scientific and industrial clusters as space, aviation, atomic, medical are involved in innovation, "said Sergei Sobyanin. He stressed that innovation is the basis of the future economy of Moscow

The innovative infrastructure of Moscow includes about 1.5 thousand objects, which house more than three and a half thousand units of modern high-tech equipment. This includes:

  • special economic zone "Technopolice' Moscow '";
  • 31 technoparks;
  • "Digital Business Space" - the updated Central House of the entrepreneur;
  • 76 coworking spaces - an average of 100 workplaces are equipped in each of them. Users rent premises, services related to doing business, and much more. All this speaks of the demand for coworking spaces among young companies;
  • five centers for the development of production technologies - they support small and medium-sized technology companies. Any entrepreneur can work out the technological process in detail, study the properties of samples of manufactured products, and certify new products. This year, 354 high-tech companies used the services of such centers. Enterprises provided more than 2.6 thousand services related to technological development, testing, product standardization;
  • two innovative territorial clusters in Zelenograd and Troitsk - the first specializes in microelectronics and instrumentation (190 participants, over eight thousand employees). The second cluster is in Troitsk. He specializes in new materials, laser and radiation technologies (58 participants, about six thousand employees);
  • children's technology parks (quantoriums);
  • business service centers and other organizations.

The most important infrastructure facilities for innovative companies now are Technopolice Moskva and technology parks, the number of which has grown fivefold over the past four years (in 2014 there were six, this year - 31). The number of companies - residents of technology parks also increased almost four times (from 450 to 1748), and the number of jobs - 6.5 times (from 6.8 to 44.1 thousand). Residents of technology parks can rent premises at attractive prices, gain access to high-tech equipment and services such as clean rooms, experimental laboratories.

For innovative companies, the city subsidizes the purchase of equipment (up to 200 million rubles), develops the appropriate infrastructure (up to 300 million rubles), provides tax benefits to technology parks and their residents (reduces taxes to 25 percent). In addition, the capital provides support to startups. The Moscow Fund for Industry and Entrepreneurship Support provides affordable loans for development work and engineering (up to 50 million rubles at five percent for five years). The Fund for Assistance to the Development of Venture Investments gives venture loans to startups (up to 30 million rubles). Young scientists receive prizes and grants for the development of their projects (33 prizes of one million rubles each).

Main article Technoparks of Russia# Technoparks of Moscow

Unified Automated Trading Information System of Moscow (EAIST)

EAIST ensures the automation of the entire procurement cycle, including the stages of planning needs, preparing documentation, conducting procedures, concluding and executing contracts. At the same time, the tasks of analysis and statistical observation are solved, the processes of monitoring and control in the field of procurement are provided.

See also Moscow Suppliers Portal

2019: Unified Digital Procurement Management Space is presented, integrated with "Supplier Portal"

The unified digital procurement management space, created on the basis of the Unified Automated Trading Information System (EAIST) of Moscow and integrated with the Supplier Portal Internet resource, was presented on June 7, 2019 by the head of the Moscow Department for Competitive Policy Gennady Dogtev. Read more here.


15 percent of Russia's purchases

"15 percent (about 1 trillion rubles) of the volume of purchases of Russia carried out under the 44-FZ falls on customers of the city of Moscow. Thus, according to the results of 2018, almost every seventh ruble in the total volume of purchases of Russia falls on the Moscow customer, "said Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations in April 2019. According to him, representatives of business throughout the country participate in the procurement procedures of the capital, their number is constantly growing. "This became especially noticeable in the last year, when the regions began to actively join the supplier portal. To ensure effective procurement management, taking into account their number and volume, a single digital procurement management platform based on the EAIST system has been formed in Moscow, "Vladimir Efimov emphasized

Publication of the first electronic contests in the EIS

Customers Moscow published the first electronic contests in the Unified Information System. This was announced on July 23, 2018 by the vice-mayor of Moscow for economic policy and property and land relations Natalya Sergunina. According to her, the procedures are still being held in pilot mode, but these are real contests in which representatives of the business community can take part.

From July 1, for state customers, holding tenders, requests for quotations and proposals in electronic form is a right, and from January 1, 2019 it becomes a duty.

The first two contests in electronic form have already been announced, so market participants can study the tender documentation and start preparing the documentation, explained Gennady Dogtev, head of the Moscow Department for Competition Policy.

The massive transition of the capital's customers to the electronic format of procedures is expected in September, the head of the Department said.

In case of successful "piloting" of the project for the transfer of contests to electronic form, we plan to recommend the transition to this format to metropolitan customers in mass order from September. This will be preceded by a lot of explanatory work, which, in fact, is already being carried out through training formats and individual consultations, "added Gennady Dogtev.

90 percent of Moscow purchases converted to electronic form

"90 percent of the capital's procurement procedures take place in electronic form. In addition, "small volume" purchases have also been transferred to electronic form - the supplier portal has been successfully operating and developing in the city for more than five years. Converting the remaining ten percent into electronic form is not particularly difficult. The regional information system of the city in the field of procurement is fully ready for the changes that occurred in the contract system of the country on July 1. The changes planned by the end of the year will also be taken into account in the next updates of the Internet platform, "said Natalya Sergunina, Deputy Mayor for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.

The vice-mayor called the effects received by the city contract system from procurement in electronic form.

"Over the past six years, the dynamics of e-procurement in the capital has amounted to 30 percent. As a result, competition has increased - today, on average, 4-5 companies participate in electronic auctions, the decrease in the initial maximum contract price is 10-12 percent, "N. Sergunina noted.

Artificial intelligence helps protect auction participants

Machine learning technologies began to be used on." This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Natalya Sergunina.

"The use of machine learning in electronic bidding is already yielding the first results - 73 malicious attacks have been prevented since the beginning of the year. This was preceded by a serious comprehensive modernization of the current information security system of the electronic platform, a controlling stake in which belongs to the Moscow Government, "said Natalya Sergunina.

The need to use artificial intelligence is associated with cyber threats to which financial organizations are exposed, the vice mayor said.

"The improvement of the technological base today is a challenge to the time for all financial institutions without exception, and among them the electronic platform from which electronic trading began in Russia.

The site information security system, based on modern methods of machine learning using neural networks, automatically records all incoming and outgoing requests, simultaneously separating the requests of bona fide users of the site from malicious attacks and actions of "auction robots," which are extremely popular among fraudsters and unscrupulous procurement participants, "N. Sergunina noted.

Moscow standardizes and centralizes joint procurement

Standardization and centralization of joint purchases of Moscow customers brings tangible economic effects for the capital's budget. This was announced in May 2018 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on economic policy and property and land relations Natalya Sergunina during the work of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"Moscow has developed a basis for introducing rationing in the field of procurement in terms of standardizing the requirements for goods, works and services purchased by Moscow. The automated system allows you to form more than 100 procurement items in one click. By the end of the year, 70 percent of recurring urban needs will be standardized. This is necessary to form uniform procurement requirements for all Moscow customers and today it has a favorable effect on increasing competition in the field of procurement and allows you to use budget funds as efficiently as possible, "said Natalya Sergunina.

Along with standardization, the capital is actively centralizing joint purchases, the vice mayor emphasized.

"The pilot project to centralize joint procurement among city customers showed its effectiveness at the initial stage. It was important to do this not to the detriment of competition, but in order to optimize budget funds and simplify control in the organization and implementation of tenders. Among the first positive effects of the pilot project is a decrease in starting prices during centralized purchases by 10 percent. On average, five applications from representatives of small businesses are submitted for one centralized purchase, "said Natalya Sergunina.

Joint purchases among budget customers are carried out in the following items - the supply of paper for office equipment, fuel on fuel cards, drinking water, the provision of motor transport services, explained Gennady Dogtev, head of the Moscow Department for Competitive Policy.

"The centralization of joint procurement ensured a significant decrease in contract prices compared to similar purchases even three years ago. For example, in 2018, centralized procurement of motor transport services cost city customers 13 percent less than if similar services were purchased in 2014. Competition in trading allows to achieve a tangible decrease in the initial maximum prices of contracts. First, joint purchases reduce the initial price by increasing the order volume - previously, the business was reluctant to participate in the procedures due to the insignificant volume of goods or services supplied. At the same time, in value terms, such purchases do not exceed 20 million rubles and representatives of small businesses can take part in them. Secondly, the joint procurement reduces any corruption risks, the documentation is agreed and brought under one standard, "said Gennady Dogtev

Over 7 thousand questions on the work of the Unified Automated Trading Information System (EAIST) for customers of budget organizations in Moscow have been helped by a special mobile group of technical support service since the beginning of 2018.

The mobile group has been operating since November 2017 and has already proven its effectiveness, said Gennady Dogtev, head of the Moscow Department for Competitive Policy.

"About 50 visits to users of the Unified Automated Trading Information System of the city of Moscow (EAIST) have been made by a mobile group since the beginning of the year. City customers are helped online to solve issues related to working in the EAIST, eliminate and explain what the user's mistake is. On average, one consultation takes three to four minutes. For a system that employs more than 13 thousand users, this format of work is a necessity. Not always and not all problems can be solved remotely, "said Gennady Dogtev

Information about the main user errors is posted on the system and is available for review by all registered users, Gennady Dogtev emphasized.

"The unified automated trading information system in Moscow is constantly being improved and requires certain knowledge, which, among other things, helps to consolidate the mobile group. It provides serious assistance in normalizing the work of customers. Today, 2.7 thousand enterprises and institutions of Moscow are registered in the system, "Gennady Dogtev stated


The leaders in the procurement of innovative products among the executive authorities are the departments of construction, health, information technology, transport and housing and communal services. "Open Requests" and "Sessions of Manufacturers" are important tools to stimulate demand for innovative products.

What is Open Requests? Within their framework, executive authorities are looking for innovative solutions to the current needs of the city economy. The best are implemented in. In To Moscow turn, the "Sessions of Manufacturers" allow manufacturers of innovative products and technologies not only to present their products to potential customers, but also to receive the opposite from them. communication

By October 2017, 40 open requests were made: 859 companies offered 1,051 solutions. 80 events were held for manufacturers of innovative products, at which 340 manufacturers were able to present 444 promising products or technologies.

"90 thousand contracts in the amount of 600 billion rubles conclude about 2.6 thousand customers through the regional IT platform of Moscow annually. This is 10 percent of the total volume of contracts concluded in Russia. The created control system ensures the automation of all the necessary technological operations for the placement of procurement procedures - planning, unified classification of procurement objects, price expertise, control at all stages of the procurement cycle according to unified rules, as well as the possibility of joint and centralized procurement, "said Gennady Dogtev, head of the Moscow Competition Policy Department

According to him, the standard procurement documentation is formed automatically, by the system itself.

"Documentation generation
is automated and covers about 51 percent of purchases today. Standardization has significant effects: the number of participants increased from 4 to 5-6, due to competition, the indicator of a decrease in the initial price of the contract at auction increased - by 15 percent or more, "said G. Dogtev.

He drew attention to the fact that during the procedure, the customer chooses products, not a supplier. "Thanks to remote impersonal participation in the auction, the customer does not choose a supplier, but products. Today, more than 80 percent of purchases are carried out in electronic form, "G. Dogtev emphasized.

He called the Moscow Suppliers Portal (, the navigator for the innovative capital ( and the Moscow Investment Portal ( as tools for dialogue with business.

"To inform business representatives, Internet resources are widely used, including targeted notification of purchases through MosRobot. 60 thousand entrepreneurs receive personal messages about published procedures. This allows them to save time searching for information and have equal access to it. Thus, the number of participants in procurement procedures is increasing, "said Gennady Dogtev

"Moscow customers present procurement procedures" live "within the framework of the" Trading Exchange "project, where it is possible to ask questions and clarify the terms of reference, conditions for participation in the procedure," said G. Dogtev.

The introduction of standard technical specifications into the contract system will increase the level of competition at the auction. This conclusion was made by Maria Kobyakova, head of the Department for Formation and Placement of Orders of the State Committee of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for Regulation of the Contract System in the Field of Procurement, following a discussion with representatives of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.

"Moscow experience in standardizing procurement can be safely called the driver of the development of the contract system of Russia. Firstly, the introduction of standard procurement documentation, terms of reference and draft contracts will make the contract system of the republic more understandable and comfortable for potential suppliers. Secondly, the creation of a transparent environment in the procurement sector will attract more representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Thirdly, the standard documentation will facilitate the work of contract managers, "Maria Kobyakova emphasized
"Moscow has standardized more than 90 procurement items and this work will definitely continue next year. The effects of standardization are indicated by the figures - the volume of purchases of Moscow from small businesses in 2011 amounted to 26.7 billion rubles. And in 2017, this figure reached 200 billion rubles, "said Alexei Danilov, deputy head of the Moscow City Department for Competitive Policy

Export of Moscow industrial products

Main article: Moscow Export Center (MEC)

Investments in Moscow

2020: Moscow entered the top 20 most promising cities for IT investments in Europe

At the end of June 2020, fDi Intelligence magazine and the technology publication The Next Web published a rating of European cities with the highest prospects for investing in IT. Moscow is located in 18th place. Read more here.


Moscow is the most investment attractive region of the Russian Federation

The capital once again topped the consolidated rating of investment attractiveness of the regions of Russia, compiled by the agency RAEX ("RAEX-Analytics"). The [4] Moscow ranked first in terms of the investment potential of Russian regions and the quality of social infrastructure, and also became one of the regions with the lowest investment risks.

"One of the drivers of investment activity is a large-scale program for the development of the city," commented Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations. - The volume of the Targeted Investment Program of Moscow for 2020-2022 is more than 2 trillion rubles. These funds will be used to implement priority projects in transport, the social sphere, landscaping, etc. "

From 2010 to 2018, investments in fixed assets in Moscow more than doubled in comparable prices. At the moment, the capital accounts for 14% of the all-Russian volume of investments in fixed assets and about half of Russia's foreign direct investment. For three quarters of 2019, the volume of investments in fixed assets amounted to 1.6 trillion rubles, which is 10.6% higher than in the same period in 2018, the WTC-mayor added.

"The favorable investment climate is largely facilitated by the support measures provided to business by the Moscow Government," explained Alexander Prokhorov, head of the Investment and Industrial Policy Department. - For example, actively investing enterprises, which are assigned the statuses of a technopark, an industrial complex, an anchor resident of a technopark, as well as new investment projects can reduce the regional tax burden by 17-25%. To date, 109 Moscow companies have the right to various benefits: 53 industrial complexes, 36 technology parks, 10 anchor residents, 9 investment priority projects, 1 manufacturer of vehicles. "

Moscow is implementing a set of measures to reduce investment risks, improve the business climate and simplify administrative procedures in the field of investment. The government of the capital is in constant dialogue with the real sector of the economy, knows its needs and tries to provide entrepreneurs with everything necessary, the city authorities emphasize.

"Following regular meetings with business, decisions are made on the development of mechanisms for supporting enterprises in the real sector, expanding existing benefits and preferences: for example, a bill on investment tax deduction was adopted in the fall. Today, conditions have been created under which it is profitable for entrepreneurs to invest in the capital's economy, to create new companies in Moscow, "said Leonid Kostroma, director of the City Investment Management Agency.

A favorable investment climate in Moscow was noted in other authoritative ratings. Thus, Moscow is the leader of the National Rating of the State of the Investment Climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. In addition, for the fourth year in a row, the capital tops the rating of regions in terms of the development of public-private partnership in Russia (compiled by the Ministry of Economic Development and the National PPP Center).

Moscow accounts for half of the foreign investments of the Russian Federation

Main article: Foreign direct investment in Russia

The volume of accumulated foreign direct investment (FDI) in Moscow, according to the Bank of Russia, as of July 1, 2019 amounted to $247.6 billion.

"Today, Moscow accounts for half of Russia's FDI. The largest investors in the capital are countries such as Germany Finland,,,,. France Italy Austria Most often, foreign business invests in companies that are engaged in financial and insurance activities, in the field of trade, in the industry and high technologies sector, as well as in real estate, "explained Vladimir Efimov, vice mayor for economic policy and property and land relations.

Investment portal of Moscow

Main article: Moscow City Investment Portal

Smart transport - ITS using the example of Moscow

The intelligent transport system of Moscow is one of the most important components of Smart City. In Moscow, these are more than two thousand traffic lights, three and a half thousand traffic monitoring detectors and two thousand video surveillance cameras. Data from them goes to the situation center of the data center, where they are analyzed in real time, which helps to manage the situation on the roads. In the future, this information allows the data center to make a forecast of the road situation, if it is planned to block the street, introduce one-way traffic or open a dedicated lane for buses and trolleybuses.

More than 160 electronic displays on the main highways of the city promptly inform drivers about the weather, estimated travel time (for example, to the Moscow Ring Road or the Third Transport Ring) and traffic congestion. They also display information about a motion constraint or overlap. With the introduction of an intelligent transport system, the number of accidents on the roads of Moscow decreased by almost half. And the average speed has increased by 13 percent, despite the fact that there are much more cars.

The Center for Traffic Management (TsODD) and the Department of Transport and Communications of the city of Moscow have been developing ITS since 2011. ITS consists of two models - static and dynamic.

Static model

The static transport model was created to predict the options for changing the road situation for a long period.

STM takes into account the following introductory:

  • the population of the city;
  • the population of the district;
  • the age of the inhabitants;
  • gender of residents;
  • social status;
  • employment of the population.

STM algorithms divide each area into transport sections. To study the activity and time of movement of people from one area to another, to clean up the volume of flow, Big Data analysis technologies and sociological surveys are used.

Dynamic model

The dynamic transport model (DTM) tracks many parameters, such as:

  • speed and intensity of traffic flows;
  • movement of public transport;
  • Accident by the degree of significance;
  • locations of social facilities;
  • road closures.

In addition, using DTM, it is possible to monitor the operation of mobile photo and video recording complexes, etc.

DTM uses data from GLONASS sensors, cameras, transport detectors. The DTM is responsible for the control of traffic lights, analysis of accident foci, etc.

The situation center is an important element of the IT of Moscow.

The Situation Center is responsible for:

  • traffic light control;
  • control of television viewing cameras;
  • monitoring of traffic conditions;
  • visual informing of road users;
  • photo and video recording of violations.

2022: Traffic lights with contactless buttons appeared in Moscow

At the end of April 2022, traffic lights with contactless buttons appeared in Moscow. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the Moscow Department of Transport.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to introduce technologies that make moving around the city more convenient for residents. The new buttons are very easy to use - to cross the road, you need to walk with your hand next to the device placed at the traffic light, the department said.

Traffic lights with contactless buttons appeared in Moscow

The new technology will be appreciated by pedestrians with busy hands who no longer have to put their phone in their pocket or put bags on the ground to press a button. Now it is enough to hold your hand next to the device placed at the traffic light, and he will switch.

As noted in the Moscow Department of Transport, contactless buttons at traffic lights are a completely domestic development. It is planned to scale it within Moscow, and by April 25, 2022, the technology is available at five addresses:

  • Berezhkovskaya nab. d.22, 24
  • Lesnaya st. - 2nd Lesnoy per.
  • Georgievsky Prospekt, Letchitsy Tarasova Street
  • Kosygina str. D.9
  • Zelenograd, Central Avenue, building 128,241.

By introducing contactless buttons, the Moscow authorities continued to improve traffic light systems in the city. Earlier, traffic lights with a combined phase appeared at several intersections of Moscow, allowing pedestrians to cross the road and cars to turn right at the same time.

In accordance with international traffic safety experience, for pedestrians making the crossing, the green signal will light up a few seconds earlier than for drivers, - explained in the Center for Traffic Management (DPC).

In addition, an additional section of white-lunar color with the image of a pedestrian and an arrow will appear at traffic lights. The new solution, explained in the data center, should simultaneously increase the throughput of streets by 30% and reduce the waiting time for the transition for pedestrians and cyclists by 40%.[5]

2021: From August 2021, a digital profile system for taxi drivers will be launched in Moscow and the Moscow region

The Department of Transport of the capital announced the completion of testing of the electronic registration system for taxi drivers. You can register in the system and receive an individual identifier from May 12, 2021, the press service of the capital's Transport Department reports in May 2021.

The digital profile is a kind of electronic portrait of the driver. It will contain information about whether the driver has a valid license, permission to transport passengers, information about fines, the presence of criminal records, the number of hours worked.

Electronic registration will exclude processing from drivers, restrict access to orders of illegal carriers. First of all, the service will increase the safety of passengers.

All taxi drivers, taxi companies and individual entrepreneurs should be connected to the system, as well as health workers who conduct a pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of taxi company personnel and taxi technical condition controllers.


More than 3,300 units of equipment for intelligent transport control system installed in Moscow

Rostec is ready to scale up the experience of servicing the intelligent transport system (ITS) of Moscow, as well as the implementation of the Svetly Gorod system in Nizhny Tagil to other regions of Russia. This became known on July 8, 2020. Read more here.

Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications: the data of those who issued digital passes will be destroyed

All personal data of those who issued digital passes will be destroyed. This was announced on May 26, 2020 by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia Maksut Shadayev.

We have all personal data, with the exception of those whose accounts were created by users on the public services portal who did not yet have them, in order to issue digital passes, all personal data related to movements, restrictions, addresses, for the purpose of exit, everything will be deleted and destroyed, and, accordingly, will not remain with us in state information systems, - quotes "Interfax" the words of Shadayev.

All personal data entered by citizens for issuing digital passes will be removed from state systems as soon as the special passes regime ends, said Minister of Digital Development and Communications Maksut Shadayev

The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications stressed that digital passes were initially declared as a temporary measure effective for the period of quarantine and isolation in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Digital passes in Moscow and the Moscow region were introduced in mid-April 2020. When issuing such a document, citizens are asked to indicate passport data, personal car number or transport card number, sending and destination address, purpose of the trip. In the Moscow region, the access control was canceled on May 23. In the capital, it remains by May 26.

On May 25, it became known that the Moscow Road Inspection canceled almost 2.5 thousand fines for drivers for incorrectly issued passes for movement in Moscow.

Earlier in May, the AnalogBytes Conference blog analyzed the text of the agreement on the processing of personal data, which citizens agree with when issuing passes. It says that a citizen gives permission, including the transfer of data to third parties. The Moscow authorities called such an agreement typical and stated that the information of citizens is strictly protected by law.

Digital pass holders who agree to data processing will receive only information materials from the Moscow government and event announcements, and not advertising, the press service of the Moscow Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development assured.[6]

Mosgortrans drivers complain about the anti-sleep driving system created for 1.7 billion rubles. It causes pain and impairs vision

On March 10, 2020, it became known about the complaints of Mosgortrans drivers about the sleep control system at the wheel. It causes pain and impairs vision.

We are talking about the Anti-Son system, consisting of  an infrared camera and a speaker. She identifies "signs of falling asleep or loss of vigilance." A warning sound and light signal is turned on if the driver rides with his eyes closed for more than two seconds or does not look at the road for more than five seconds. This is achieved by controlling the "mobility of the ten facial points of the driver" and some manifestations of facial expressions: yawning, blinking, mixing of brow arcs. "Anti-son" reveals indicators of behavior indicating fatigue, and sends data about this to the dispatcher - and he can remove the driver from the route.

Smart underground parking will be created in Moscow

On January 27, 2020, it became known about the upcoming appearance in Moscow of car parking lots of a new type - with mechanized two-level lifts. The project will be implemented by the Technodinamika holding (a subsidiary of Rostec).

The new parking system will use a two-level lift P-100 and a puzzle parking SNM-100 - a rack with built-in movable slots for cars. An independent type of parking is realized by moving the car storage pallets along the parking levels up-down and right-left to free the desired cell.


Systems for monitoring passenger traffic and searching for stowaways will appear in Moscow buses

On December 13, 2019 , it became known that Mosgortrans would purchase from the companies Maxima Telecom (operator of the WiFi network in the metro Moscow and) St. Petersburg and Itelma (developer of automotive components, previously began to supply Mosgortrans with driver assistance systems) solutions to control passenger traffic and identify stowaways in buses.

Installation of more than 2.5 thousand LED traffic lights

On March 13, 2019, Rostec announced that the Shvabe holding in 2018 installed more than 2.5 thousand LED traffic lights in Moscow with a countdown. About a thousand of them are also equipped with a sound tracking device. In particular, the central intersections of the capital are equipped with this equipment. Read more here.

Since 2015, Moscow authorities have been buying data on the movements of citizens from mobile operators - media

information technology Moscow Since 2015, the Department (DIT) has been buying data from mobile operators on the movement of citizens in the movement of their SIM cards. As they write in March 2019, "" Sheets geoanalytics cost the capital's authorities 516 million, rubles including 101.8 million rubles in 2018. Data processing and storage is carried out by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. The terms of reference on the public procurement website refers to impersonal statistical data of people.

The reports cover Moscow and the Moscow region. The territory is divided into sections 500 by 500 m, where a known number of people live (spend the night) and work (spend the day). If a person moves around the city, it is believed that he has a traveling job, if a person enters the region on weekdays and leaves it, he is considered a labor migrant. The operator informs the authorities how many summer residents in the region who spend a lot of time outside the city on weekends and holidays, as well as tourists who are in the region for a short time and do not work. Officials also receive data on movements on public transport.

DIT transfers operator data to the Moscow General Plan Institute for individual projects. So, they were used during the revision of the Moscow railway junction and Moscow central diameters in 2017-2018, as well as during the development of the transport infrastructure of the Trinity and Novomoskovsky districts of Moscow. The data of operators about the townspeople revolutionized transport planning and made it possible to abandon expensive and very approximate models that have been used for decades, Mikhail Blinkin, director of the Institute of Transport at the Higher School of Economics, told the publication.

Transition to sustainable transport

The capital signed a life cycle contract (KZhC) with PJSC KamAZ for the supply of 100 electric buses and 36 ultra-fast charging stations to them.

The RCC in the transport sector accounts for more than half of the volume of all projects of public-private partnership (PPP) of the capital: over five years it amounted to 435 billion rubles. The LCC has a long-term character, so the city, as a result of its conclusion, receives the best value for money for vehicles. In addition, budget expenditures are evenly distributed.

Cars from PJSC "KamAZ" will be equipped with equipment for transporting passengers with disabilities, a climate control system, satellite navigation, USB connectors for charging mobile devices. In addition, passengers will be able to use free Wi-Fi in electric buses.

The life cycle contract, which was concluded with KamAZ, provides not only for the purchase of electric buses developed in full accordance with the requirements of the city, but also for further service and supply of components within 15 years. The contract price amounted to 6.57 billion rubles.

In the future, LCCs may become a promising PPP mechanism: for example, in the housing and communal services sector - when installing common house metering devices and purchasing communal equipment, in healthcare - for the purchase of medical equipment.

The capital entered into the first two LCCs for the supply and service of electric buses in the spring of 2018 with Russian Buses - GAZ Group LLC and KamAZ PJSC. The total price of the two contracts amounted to 12.7 billion rubles. Electric buses began plying the streets of the city last fall. In 2019-2020, the Moscow authorities plan to purchase 300 electric buses a year.


Launch of a neural network for fixing traffic rules

On December 26, 2018, it became known about the launch in the Moskveneyron network to record traffic violations. The new technology will automatically check the compliance of the brand and the number of the car and will exclude situations when the camera incorrectly recognizes the license plate, Yevgeny Legler, head of the Directorate for Photo and Video Recording of the Moscow Center for Traffic Management, told reporters.

A neural network has been launched in Moscow that identifies traffic offenders

According to him, the neural network launched by the data center will help calculate fraudulent actions to replace numbers when the car in the picture does not correspond to what is entered into the database under the corresponding state registration mark. If the system finds such a discrepancy, it sends a picture to the data center employee, who decides whether there is a technical error (incorrect number recognition) or the number itself is replaced by a car. Naturally, in the latter case, the data center transfers material to the traffic police for prompt response.

By external features, electronics will be able to recognize cars of the most popular and common brands in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as rare and no longer produced cars: in total, it is planned to upload data on 103 brands to the system. In addition, the neural network will distinguish cars from trucks, and taxis and emergency vehicles from ordinary cars. This will allow you to determine, for example, whether a particular car has the right to move along a dedicated lane.

Legler explained that earlier the complex of photo and video recording recognized the number of the car, from it the car brand was unloaded from the traffic police database. During the initial processing of information, the data center specialist checked that this data corresponds to the car recorded in the photo. After the introduction of new software, this process became automated.[7]

A new ticket system will appear in the city transport of Moscow

transport Moscow A new ticket system will appear in the city. It provides for the personalization of Troika cards and the ability to integrate with ticket systems in other regions. The new ticket system will handle more than 6 billion transactions per year. Read more here.

Road cameras launch OSAGO inspection system in Moscow

In early September 2018, it became known about the launch in Russia of a system for automatic verification of OSAGO policies from motorists. The project starts in Moscow in November, and then it can be extended to the whole country.

The IT system should unite several participants in the process at once - among them are the capital's Traffic Management Center (TsODD - including the maintenance of photo and video recording cameras in the capital), the traffic police and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA). Each of them has its own resources for organizing an instant check for the presence of an OSAGO policy, and, as a source familiar with the situation told Kommersant, the main difficulty lies in synchronizing all available databases.

Cameras in Moscow from November 2018 will begin to fix cars for which OSAGO policies are not issued

By the beginning of October 2018, databases are being combined, which will allow determining motorists without an OSAGO policy, "in order to understand who has insurance and who does not," the data center said. Fines to drivers for driving cars without an OSAGO policy will begin to be issued by decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The project to check the availability of compulsory insurance policies for motorists using road cameras was supposed to be launched back in 2016, but subsequently, for various reasons, it was postponed more than once. According to the results of the experiment in 2018, if it is recognized as successful, the fleet of cameras connected to the system will be expanded, but before that a thorough analysis of law enforcement practice and appeals will be carried out.

According to the RSA, by the beginning of October 2018, about 6% of Muscovites moved without OSAGO policies. After the launch of the project, the Union expects to reduce this figure to 0%.

Earlier, the RSA planned that drivers without a policy would be issued one fine per day (it is 800 rubles), but the option of a fine was also discussed after the offender passed under each camera.[8]

Novikombank will allocate 5 billion rubles to Shvabe for servicing ITS Moscow

Novikombank will allocate 5 Shvabe Rostec billion to the holding "" of the State Corporation rubles for the implementation of the maintenance project. intelligent transport system Moscow The corresponding agreement was signed by the general director of the Schwab holding Alexey Patrikeev and the chairman of the board of Novikombank, Elena Georgieva Schwab reported on August 21, 2018.

The funds will be used to support the implementation of the state contract to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of equipment that is part of the intelligent transport system in Moscow. According to the results of the victory in the open competition, the organization responsible for the implementation of the ecosystem project "Smart City" - "Schwabe - Moscow" was appointed its executor.

Over the past few years, Schwabe has accumulated extensive experience in the field of introducing "smart" and energy-efficient technologies in Russian cities. The development of the intelligent transport system in Moscow is a big and responsible task, for the solution of which we intend to use all the available resources of the holding. The implementation of this project will not only benefit the city, but can also have a positive impact on industry and the economy as a whole. And the support of Novikombank - the corporate bank of Rostec - here is the guarantor of the timely fulfillment of our obligations, - said Alexey Patrikeev.

The contract for the development of the transport infrastructure of the capital was concluded with the Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government (TsODD). According to the terms of the document, the holding will also repair the equipment in case of emergency.

Yandex agreed with the Moscow authorities on the development of unmanned vehicles

On July 17, 2018, Yandex announced the conclusion of an agreement with the Moscow authorities on the development of unmanned vehicles in the city. The contract for a period of five years with the possibility of extension was signed at the Moscow Urban Forum.

The parties will discuss the details of the agreements later, but it is already known that joint work with the authorities will prepare a legislative framework for the introduction of unmanned vehicles on the streets of Moscow. As a result, testing prototypes of robomobiles in real conditions will become easier.

Moscow connected Yandex to the development of unmanned vehicles

As explained in the capital's mayor's office, within the framework of the agreement, it is planned to create standards that, in particular, will determine responsibility for an accident, so that it is clear who is to blame for the accident: the programmer who wrote the software, or the robot itself under some number, or the manufacturer. It is also necessary to determine technical standards, for example, at what frequency the traffic light signal should be transmitted directly to the car.

The signed document provides for the development and implementation in Moscow of unmanned control technologies on all types of urban passenger transport and the formation of business models when providing services using self-driving machines.

In addition, technologies for telematic transport and intelligent automotive systems and services based on them will be developed. Personnel will be trained in this area, as well as the development and testing of solutions related to cybersecurity in the operation of unmanned vehicles.

It is assumed that highly automated and unmanned vehicles will be developed using mainly Russian technologies. The safety of testing unmanned vehicles will be ensured by a comprehensive traffic management scheme and an intelligent transport system.[9]


Mosgortrans will buy 300 electric buses

At the end of 2017, the authorities Moscow represented by the State Unitary Enterprise "" Mosgortrans officially relied on the development of electric public: transport a tender was announced for the supply of 300 (electrobuses with service for 15 years) and charging systems for them. According to the deputy mayor for transport, Maxim Liksutov a total of three auctions of 100 cars will take place (with a starting price of 10.5 billion rubles each). Manufacturers are also required to supply 98 ultra-fast charging stations. And this is just the beginning: it is planned to purchase 300 cars a year annually, and from 2021 Moscow only electric buses will begin to be purchased. The capital is already refusing traditional trolleybuses: in the city center they are removed from the routes[10]

Ground metro project in the capital region

In November 2017, Vladimir Putin supported a large-scale project to create a new ground metro based on commuter train routes in Moscow and the near Moscow region. The President discussed its implementation with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and the head of RZHDleg Belozerov.

The main idea of ​ ​ the project is to launch railway passenger trains at minimal intervals between the cities of the near Moscow region through Moscow. According to the data provided by the capital's mayor's office to Vedomosti, we are talking about at least five and a maximum of fifteen radial routes. They received the working title "Moscow Central Diameters."

Commuter trains are already running on two of them, but irregularly. These are "Odintsovo - Belorussky station - Savelovsky station - Lobnya" and "Nakhabino - platform" Rzhevskaya "(next to the Riga station) - platform" Kalanchevskaya "(next to three stations - Leningradsky, Yaroslavl and Kazan) - Kursk station - Podolsk." It is planned to start trains here with an interval of six minutes for about a year and a half. Additional costs for this are tentatively estimated at 20 billion rubles, a representative of the capital's mayor's office said. They will be divided equally among themselves by the city budget and Russian Railways.

It is also planned to open up to thirteen Moscow Central Diameters. Among them:

  • Zelenograd - platform "Rzhevskaya" - platform "Kalanchevskaya" - Ramenskoye, "
  • "Pushkino - Mytishchi - platform" Kalanchevskaya "- Ramenskoye,"
  • "Korolev - Mytishchi - platform" Kalanchevskaya "- Ramenskoye,"
  • Zelenograd - Rzhevskaya platform - Kalanchevskaya platform - Kursk station - Podolsk,
  • Nakhabino - platform "Rzhevskaya" - platform "Kalanchevskaya" - Kursk station - Reutov - Zheleznodorozhny, "
  • "Odintsovo - Belorussky station - platform" Savelovskaya "(next to Savelovsky station) - platform" Rzhevskaya "- platform" Kalanchevskaya "- Kursk station - Reutov - Zheleznodorozhny."

The implementation of this project will take about five years. Preliminary costs Moscow estimated another 20 billion rubles. They will also be divided between the capital and Russian Railways. Thus, the entire project will cost 40 billion.

Moscow is the second in the world in terms of downtime in traffic jams

Moscow took second place in the world in terms of the duration of traffic jams. This is the conclusion reached by experts from the Inrix research group, analyzing 1,068 cities in 38 countries. According to the company, over the 2016 year, metropolitan drivers spent 91 hour 24 minutes in congestion. At the same time, the study notes that over the year the duration of traffic jams in the capital has decreased.

Los Angeles topped the world ranking with a similar figure of 104 hours 6 minutes. Two other U.S. cities - Nyo York and San Francisco - were in third and fourth place, respectively. In 2016, the duration of traffic jams increased in all three American cities.

But in the overall standings of the "plug" countries, Russia, represented by 103 cities at once, bypassed the states. On average, Russian motorists lost 2016 hours in congestion in 42 years. Only Indonesia (47 hours), Colombia (47 hours) and Thailand (61 hours) have more.

Smart buildings

2021: Sensors will be installed at Moscow sports facilities to control their workload

At the end of September 2021, it became known that sensors would be installed at Moscow sports facilities to control their workload. Thanks to such a project, the authorities want to better navigate the design of infrastructure. Read more here.

2018: Opening of a business center in Skolkovo with a built-in Smart City system

On October 6, 2018, the Amaltea business center with the Smart City built-in system was opened on the territory of the innovation center, which automatically controls lighting, ventilation and power consumption. A large-scale pedestrian zone has been created inside the business center under the dome. The building is built according to the LEED level eco-standard Silver. The concept was designed by the French architectural company Valode & Pistre, and the Safmar industrial and financial group was the investor in the construction. Read more here.

Urban Wi-Fi, mobile Internet LTE and 5G

WiFi in Moscow, 2017

There are many access points to free Wi-Fi on the streets, parks and pedestrian zones of Moscow. Within the Garden Ring and in Moscow parks there are over two thousand of them. Internet is also available in public transport. The seamless zone applies to the metro, MCC, aeroexpress, as well as buses, trams and trolleybuses. This means that when switching from one type of transport to another, you do not have to re-pass authorization.

Mobile Internet still costs Muscovites eight times cheaper than New Yorkers. In terms of the availability of fixed communications among all cities on the planet, Moscow ranks second[11] of[12].

The project of free wireless Internet access was launched in the capital in 2012[13]. At first, the city's Wi-Fi network was created in recreation areas - parks, pedestrian zones, cultural spaces. And now you can connect to the Internet for free in the metro, and by ground transport, and in student hostels. Now, in terms of the number of Wi-Fi access points, Moscow ranks second in the world[14].

The city network covers 24 open areas: Moscow Zoo, VDNKh, parks and pedestrian streets; 14 public spaces - libraries and cultural centers; as well as 150 student dormitory buildings. In total, there are more than 8.5 thousand access points (hot spots) in the capital. Free Wi-Fi is also available on the subway and ground public transport.

Internet wherever you need it

Initially, the city's Wi-Fi network was deployed in recreation areas - parks, pedestrian zones, cultural spaces. Now wireless Internet is moving towards areas of mass concentration of people. In particular, a pilot project is being launched to develop an access network inside the Garden Ring until 2018. The city will actively interact with investors and telecom operators to improve the infrastructure, create and test various services for citizens and business users[15].

The study of geoanalytics - impersonal statistics of cellular operators on the movements of subscribers around the city - made it possible to determine the points where Wi-Fi is most in demand. In two years, about a thousand new hot spots will appear in Moscow, for example, on the Kremlin embankment and Gogolevsky Boulevard, Mokhova, Myasnitskaya, Bolshaya Bronnaya and Bolshaya Nikitskaya streets.

An important feature of the new network will be "seamless" authorization. That is, once gaining access to the network, it will be possible to freely move around the signal range without reconnecting. As now, it will be possible to log in in three ways: using SMS notification, the account of the Moscow portal of public services or the Unified Mobile Platform of Moscow.

The Moscow WiFi Free city network has quite high technical characteristics. Each access point provides signal reception at a speed of 5-15 Mbps within a radius of 20 to 50 meters and supports up to 100 user sessions.

To connect to city Wi-Fi, users must go through the identification procedure. This is a requirement of federal legislation. The first way is via SMS. The user connects to the network, gets to the page where he needs to enter his phone number, which will receive an SMS message with a code. After that, the user gets to the start page of the city Wi-Fi network. According to statistics, no more than five percent of users log in to Moscow networks. The second is identification on the portal To log in to a city Wi-Fi network, you need to enter the login and password from one of these systems at the user's choice. The same login and password for Wi-Fi on Moscow streets, in parks and student hostels. In the network of Moscow transport, it is necessary to register separately.

In land transport

The wireless access network in urban land transport Mosgortrans_Free launched in 2015. At first, stops were equipped with equipment (now there are about 450 such hot spots), then they began to install it in vehicles. Wi-Fi is distributed by about four thousand buses, trolleybuses and trams; by the end of 2016, coverage will double.

The service is clearly in demand: according to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure Development Maxim Liksutov, more than 250 thousand people used Internet access over the year, and the total number of connections to the network exceeded one million. The potential audience is much higher: statistics show that Moscow's ground transport carries more than 5.5 million passengers every day.

Wi-Fi in city parks

In 2016, the number of parks with free Wi-Fi doubled. Wireless Internet last year became available to Muscovites in 12 more green zones. Among them are Kolomenskoye, Victory Park, Vorobyovskaya Embankment, Moscow Zoo and others. In total, free Wi-Fi operates in 24 parks and pedestrian zones (see the list below), including VDNKh, Gorky Park and Muzeon, Sokolniki and other[16].

Only from December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2017, Muscovites connected to free city Wi-Fi in the capital's parks about 125 thousand times. The leaders in the number of authorized users were VDNKh and Sokolniki. For all the holidays, their visitors connected to free Wi-Fi 25 thousand and 19 thousand times, respectively.

"The leader in terms of downloaded traffic - 1744 gigabytes - was the Kuzminki park. The largest loading of channels was recorded in Sokolniki. For high-quality Internet communication, 165 access points have been installed in this park, "the Department said. In second place in terms of coating density is VDNH with 128 hotspots.

Are these networks safe to use?

The main task of free urban Wi-Fi networks is to give residents and tourists access to the Internet. These are public networks, and they do not encrypt the data that you transfer from your tablets or smartphones, so the rules of caution must be observed. If you use public networks to access the Internet, you need to protect your smartphone or tablet with security programs so that attackers do not intercept your data. But now most sites and services independently encrypt traffic (that is, data exchange), so you should not worry too much about security.

Do not worry about the safety of your personal data: login, password and other information that you indicated on the city's websites. They are protected, are not transferred to third parties and are stored encrypted in the Moscow unified mobile platform, experts from the Moscow Department of Information Technology say.

What happens next for the city's wireless networks?

Now experts are studying the possibilities of various wireless technologies, for example Li-Fi, LoraWAN, NB-IoT, and are finding out whether the city needs to use them.

All these technologies can be used on the "Internet of Things" - to exchange information between different devices in automatic mode. Thus, the water supply accounting system can automatically request data on water consumption from the meters that are in the apartment, and smart city transport will automatically receive data on traffic jams and changes in traffic lights.

To ensure efficient interaction, data transfer technologies and reliable cost-effective devices are needed. Let's say that the sensor transmitting information works on one battery for ten years. Such options are now being selected by specialists.

Perhaps the elements of the "Internet of Things" are used in the new city project "Smart Quarter of Lublin." For example, the entrances of houses will be equipped with systems that will turn off the light if there is no one in the stairwell. Now we are preparing a competition for the development of the draft quarter, and it should start in the first quarter of this year.

The immediate plans are to increase the number of street access points within the Garden Ring. This will expand the seamless access area, in which the smartphone will not lose the network while you walk in the center of Moscow.

2020: Broadband load rises 53% as pandemic begins

In 2020, Muscovites began to spend more time on the Internet and use mobile communications: according to estimates of mobile operators, with the beginning of the pandemic, the volume of voice traffic increased by an average of 15 percent, and mobile Internet - by 20 percent. This was announced on January 12, 2020 by DIT of Moscow. The load on broadband networks rose by 53 percent. In the context of an increase in the load on the network, operators promptly took additional measures and ensured a high quality of services. The Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow told about how the communications industry developed in 2020.

With the beginning of the pandemic in the Moscow region, the load on cellular networks and the demand for home Internet increased significantly. In these conditions, the operators did everything so that Muscovites had the opportunity to work and study comfortably at home, communicate with their loved ones and use all the digital capabilities of Moscow. Moreover, the telecom industry has maintained high interest in projects for the development of cellular communications, including piloting 5G networks, "said Eduard Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Information Technology Department.

Cellular operators communications worked to expand coverage areas, increase network capacity and transfer rates. data Moscow area Base stations were built on the territory of Moscow. In addition, the modernization of communication networks in the metro was completed. A stable standard signal appeared at all stations and metro stations. According to LTE DIT estimates, the total investment of operators in infrastructure for the year amounted to about 23 billion - rubles almost a third more than in 2019.

The subscriber base of large mobile operators in 2020 increased by 8 percent - mainly due to those who connected new devices for remote work and IoT devices to the network. In addition, large telecom operators began to issue virtual SIM cards. In total, at the moment in Moscow, residents have about 50 million active SIM-cards.

The cost of typical cellular and home Internet services in 2020 remained almost at the same level, according to DIT. At the same time, mobile Internet in Moscow is still one of the most affordable among megacities in the world: the price of it is 2-4 times lower than in Barcelona, ​ ​ London and Stockholm, and 5-10 times lower than in New York. The average Internet speed in Moscow by mid-2020 increased among all mobile operators and ranged from 16 to 48.5 Mbps. In 2019, the average mobile internet speed ranged from 15.8 to 41.9 Mbps.

During the spread of the pandemic, mobile operators offered customers unlimited Internet packages and other benefits. Communication services were provided even with a negative account balance. Moscow subscribers over 65, who were especially important to stay at home and take care of their health, were able to use cellular communications even if they were in debt and call numbers inside the Moscow network for free.

In 2020, projects aimed at developing communication networks were also continued. So, in October, a 5G demo center was opened in the Smart City pavilion at VDNKh. This is the first 5G laboratory in Russia to solve urban problems, where large companies, startups and scientific institutes can test their developments, and the city can decide on the possibility of their implementation, "said Alexander Gorbatko, Deputy Head of the Moscow Information Technology Department.

In addition, in 2020, with the participation of specialists from the Research Institute named after Mizmetov, fundamental scientific research began on the impact of communication networks on human well-being and the urban environment. Also in Moscow, architectural criteria for the placement of mobile communication equipment have been developed. They will be applied to antenna feeder devices, communication base stations, radio relay equipment, repeaters that are located on the roofs and facades of buildings. The concept of "Urban aesthetics of communication" spelled out the recommended dimensions of the equipment and its format, as well as the location from an aesthetic point of view.


Four 5G experimental sites to be launched in Moscow

On May 31, 2019, it became known about the statement of the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin that by the end of 2019, four experimental platforms for the introduction of a mobile connected generation will be launched in the city. Also, the mayor of the capital proposed to give Moscow additional legal opportunities to create breakthrough solutions in the field of information technology and artificial intelligence.

For the deployment of Russian 5G networks, it is planned to allocate a range of 3.4-3.8 GHz. Operators that operate in this range are supposed to compensate for the loss of frequency resource. But neither the mechanism nor the amount of compensation has yet been determined even approximately[17].

Main article: Development of 5G networks in Russia

76% of Moscow libraries are already connected to a free Wi-Fi network

Since the beginning of this year, free Internet has been launched in 55 more libraries in Moscow. Now you can use the Wi-Fi network in 336 city reading rooms. To do this, select a Moscow_WiFi_Free in the list of available networks, open a browser and log in.

percent of city libraries are already equipped with free wireless Internet. They have more than two thousand access points - about six in each building. Therefore, Muscovites can work with large amounts of information, watch videos, listen to audio materials. This expands opportunities for training and research, "said Natalya Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow

The vice-mayor also noted that libraries with free Internet are in all 11 districts of the capital. More of these are read in the east (50), southeast (44) and south (41) of the city.

To connect to the Internet, you need to select a Moscow_WiFi_Free from the list of available networks, open a browser and log in. This can be done in two ways: using an account on the or via SMS. In the first case, to connect, you need to enter a login and password, in the second - specify the phone number to which the message with the code will come.

In 2019, more than 15 thousand points of access to wireless Internet will be united on a single platform - on the streets inside the Garden Ring and locally within the Third Transport Ring, in parks, libraries, houses of culture, museums, Moskino network cinemas and university hostels. Thus, you will not need to reconnect to Wi-Fi while moving around the city. In addition, a single technical support service will start working for users, whose employees will help when using a wireless network.

Today, more than three thousand access points to the free city Wi-Fi network operate on the streets within the Third Transport Ring, more than 1.1 thousand in 40 metropolitan parks, and 880 in 199 houses of culture. Another 336 points are in 14 city museums, 62 - in 13 cinemas of the Moskino network and the Eldar film club-museum. In addition, urban Wi-Fi is available in 151 university dormitories (more than 8.1 thousand points) and at VDNH (147 points).

According to statistics last year, approximately 24.3 million times connected to the city's Wi-Fi network, which is 27.5 percent higher than in 2017. The peak in the number of connections was in May, when 4.8 million times used wireless Internet. The total number of unique devices with which they went online in 2018 exceeded 5.4 million (in 2017 there were more than 3.7 million).


EY study

An EY study found that Wi-Fi networks are still the most popular way to access the Internet wirelessly. In particular, in Moscow, there was an increase in the number of public Wi-Fi access points by more than 10 times in 2 years. However, there is also an outflow of users to the mobile Internet segment: in particular, 65% of respondents in certain situations did not risk connecting to public Wi-Fi for reasons of data security and the complexity of the connection process.

The Wi-Fi network in the Moscow metro has 20 million registered devices. For more than two minutes, if you take into account interruptions in communication, after connecting to a Wi-Fi network in the subway, the user is forced to view ads. The cost of disabling advertising ranges from 170 rubles. up to 350 rubles. per month.

Ernst & Young notes that the number of users of Moscow Wi-Fi is growing largely due to visitors who save on roaming with public Wi-Fi.

With an increase in the number of access points, Ernst & Young records a decrease in the number of sessions and traffic volume. In particular, from December 2016 to July 2017, the number of sessions on public Wi-Fi increased by 269%, but then by January 2018 it decreased by 49%.

According to the study, if a Wi-Fi network does not require identification, 70% of users switch to it from the mobile Internet, and 20% will continue to use a 3G- or 4G connection. About 5% of users do not connect to Wi-Fi at all, using cellular communication on all devices.


Mobile Internet in Moscow is one of the most affordable among major cities in the world

Analysts of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow (DIT) compared the cost of mobile Internet in Moscow and large foreign cities in 1 - 3 square meters. 2017.

The subject of the study was 3 types of tariffs for mobile data transmission (not including voice, SMS and other communication services): "minimum data package" (up to 4 GB, inclusive), "average" (5-12 GB) and "maximum" (13 GB or more) in Moscow, Barcelona, ​ ​ London, Stockholm, New York, Singapore and Dubai.

According to DIT experts, the cost of 1GB mobile data transmission in Moscow for tariffs with a small included traffic package in the 3rd quarter of 2017 amounted to 84 rubles per 1 GB, while for tariffs with a large package of mobile data transmission - 41 rubles per 1 GB. The purchase of a large tariff package for mobile data transmission turned out to be more profitable. So, the savings for the user range from 1.4 times in New York, to 5 times in Stockholm. In Moscow - 2 times.

The average cost of traffic in Moscow is the lowest. In comparison with New York, mobile Internet will cost 5-8 times cheaper (depending on the volume of the package, the maximum difference is for the largest mobile data packets), with London - 3-4 times.

Experts also noted the stability of the mobile Internet price market over the past year. For comparison, about 2-3 years ago, traffic fell in price every year at times.

See also: Mobile broadband access of internet (world market) and Mobile broadband access of internet (russian market)

Moscow will expand the zone of free Wi-Fi network

The coverage area of ​ ​ a free Wi-Fi network in Moscow will be expanded. According to the Moscow Department of Information Technology (DIT) in November, the network will appear in 12 parks, 70 museums and 151 cultural centers of the capital.

Installation of equipment at some facilities has already begun. By the end of December 2017, more than 400 access points will be installed in 78 cultural centers and about 50 more in five parks. It is planned to connect all points by the end of 2018.

"In each urban area, specialists determine the optimal places to install Wi-Fi access points. They will provide users with a stable signal within a radius of up to 50 meters, and switching between them will not require re-authorization, "the DIT noted

Wi-Fi points will work in Vorontsovsky Park and Fili Park, Mitino Landscape Park, as well as in Sadovniki and Severnoye Tushino Parks. In total, more than 200 access points will be installed in 12 recreation areas. Wireless Internet will also appear in the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Manezh Museum and Exhibition Association, the ZIL and Stimul cultural centers.

By the end of this year, free Internet will also be held in all cinemas of the Moskino network of the Moscow Department of Culture. Access points have already been launched in nine sports schools, and in 2018 another 18 will be connected to Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi began to equip boarding houses for pensioners and veterans. In addition, the Internet is available on 200 streets in the center of Moscow and in 24 city parks, as well as in public transport. Each access point provides a signal within a radius of up to 50 meters. Up to 15 thousand devices can work on the network at the same time.

2016:175 million rubles for free Wi-Fi inside the Garden Ring

The city authorities plan to spend 175 million rubles to install equipment inside the Garden Ring, which will provide citizens with a free wireless Internet connection, according to the radio station "Says" Moscow[18]

It is noted that such equipment will be installed in 425 places, in particular on Neglinnaya, Mokhovaya and Myasnitskaya streets, Tsvetnoy, Tverskoy and Chistoprudny boulevards, as well as on Red Square and the Kremlin embankment. At the same time, urban Wi-Fi will be available not only on the streets, but also inside buildings.

To use the network, Muscovites will necessarily need to go through the identification procedure.

Earlier it was reported that in Moscow, by the end of summer, free Wi-Fi in the metro and ground transport will be combined. In Moscow, [19].

Portal of public services of the city of Moscow

Moscow was the first of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to launch an online service for payment of various duties and services, transferred most of the construction documentation to the cloud and made it possible to receive several services in one package.

In just a few minutes, you can check and pay fines for traffic violations, make an appointment with a doctor, replenish Troika, pay for utilities, enroll a child in a section and much more. In total, 170 services and services are now on the portal.

Data from the beginning of 2018


Moscow robot

Healthcare in Moscow

Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (EMIAS)

The Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (EMIAS) was launched in Moscow in 2011. With its help, you can find the nearest clinic, make an appointment with a doctor online, get a certificate. For several years of operation, the electronic registry has reduced queues in polyclinics by 2.5 times.

EMIAS is deployed in 678 medical institutions of outpatient care, unites 21.5 thousand doctors, 9.5 million patients, contains more than 359 million records to doctors and provides more than 500 thousand different transactions daily. Through remote recording channels, about 700 thousand people are recorded weekly to see a doctor. With its help, you can appoint a visit to the doctor not only in the registry of the medical institution, but also via the Internet, mobile application, by phone or in the clinic through the infomat. The system also allows you to write electronic prescriptions, receive certificates for the traffic police and maintain a medical record of the disease in electronic form.

The priority for the near future is the introduction of EMIAS in hospitals and integration with ambulance services and Moscow schools.

In 2015, the audit company KPMG in the study "" Smart cities recognized EMIAS as the leader in the use of smart technologies in the field. In health care 2016, the agency's ranking PricewaterhouseCoopers Moscow was the first among megacities to actively use the analysis of accumulated data in health care management. EMIAS is the winner of the English MobileGov World Summit 2017 award in the field of mobile public services and electronic services.

Video analytics and city video surveillance system

Moscow is one of the ten world leaders in video camera coverage. There are more than 146 thousand cameras in the city - in entrances, in courtyards, in crowded places and in educational institutions. Records from them are used in the investigation of 70 percent of offenses and crimes. And cameras also help control the work of public utilities.

Records are delivered to a single data center. In the case of an emergency, you can reserve archived information from the desired camera for 30 days. To do this, you need to leave an application by calling the 24-hour citywide contact center by phone: 8 (495) 587-00-02. With the application number received from the operator, you need to contact law enforcement agencies at the scene or a lawyer. Archive information is stored for five days without backup.

PJSC Rostelecom provides the functioning of the video surveillance system of the city of Moscow PVN (49,797 cameras), DVN (10,111 cameras), MMS (736 cameras). The volume of work performed is about 50% of the total number of cameras installed.

The video surveillance system is built on the basis of the "Service Model"

  • The city orders video transmission services from telecom operators and pays for receiving video image from cameras to a single data storage center (ECCD)
  • ECCD is built by the city on a separate order and performs the functions of access to video cameras and data archives for users of the video surveillance system
  • The purchase of cameras, installation, configuration and subsequent operation of equipment is paid by the operator

Modern mechanisms of urban management

"Our City" and "Active Citizen"

Muscovites can directly interact with the Moscow City Government and influence the life of the capital. The portal "Our City" is a channel for receiving feedback from citizens. With its help, you can complain about the work of officials and utilities.

On the portal, you can report the absence of an urn in the park, damage to the stairs or littering of the territory, talk about broken paving slabs, poor care for trees and shrubs or a hole on the road. More than a million users are registered on Our City. By the fall of 2017, with its help, it was possible to solve about 1.8 million problems.

The Active Citizen electronic referendum system allows you to express your opinion on a variety of urban issues - from creating additional bus routes and mowing the lawn to choosing a name for the new metro ring. "Active citizens" save bonus points and receive branded souvenirs, tickets to a theater or museum. By the fall of 2017, more than 1.9 million participants were registered in the project, more than 2.6 thousand votes were held and more than 81 million opinions were adopted.

Unified Dispatch Center (EDC)

One of the main results of the work of DIT in the field of housing and communal services was the launch of the Unified Dispatch Center (EDC), through which all applications of residents on public utilities pass today. The emergence of the EDC has already allowed the city to effectively coordinate the work of all utilities. At the beginning of 2018, about 700 operators work in the EDC, receiving more than 900 thousand calls per month. Ilya Demin, head of the Information Technologies in Housing and Communal Services department of the DIT of Moscow, in addition to the advantages of the EDC, spoke in April 2018 about the ASUPR (Automated Resource Consumption Accounting System) project, which allows you to control the consumption of resources in the house and warn about a deviation in indicators. One of the promising areas of informatization of the housing and communal services sector is the introduction of smart meters, which will automatically send readings of resource consumption metering devices to the system. In addition to automatically transmitting readings, smart meters will be able to pay attention to too much consumption and report a potential leak.

Citywide Contact Center


Always ready: the robot will talk about the status of documents

To find out if the document is ready, just call the Unified Reference Service of the Moscow Mayor's Office and click on '1'

Paperwork takes some time. To find out if the document is ready, Muscovites contact the Unified Reference Service of the Moscow Mayor's Office. Previously, calls were distributed chaotically: they were recorded, then a person got into a virtual queue, after that someone switched to a robot, and someone got to the operator.

You can find out about the readiness of the document quickly and without a queue. To do this, you need to dial the 8-495-7777777 number, then, if you get into the queue at the operator, then in order not to expect, you can press the number '1' in tone mode and switch to the robot, then dictate the application number and get an answer.

out of an old habit, are trying to switch to a person, but we are trying to teach Muscovites how to communicate with a robot. Because this way they will receive information faster than from the operator: the process takes less than a minute on average. But it is worth emphasizing that the status of readiness of the document should be specified only after the period announced at the MPSC, "comments Andrei Savitsky, project manager for the Citywide Contact Center.

The robot has been working on the hotline of the Unified Reference Service of the Moscow Mayor's Office since July 2017. The virtual operator processes 53% of incoming calls on 22 topics. The robot accounts for about 325 thousand calls per month. A hundred people daily thank the virtual operator for their help just like the present.

The citywide contact center of the capital is recognized as one of the best among the world's megacities

According to the results of the study "Analysis of the use of advanced digital technologies in the work of the contact center of Moscow and other megacities of the world," the Russian capital, along with New York and Hong Kong, took first place. This was reported to TAdviser on August 28, 2018 by the Department of Information Technology of the city of Moscow (DIT).

As part of the study, DIT analysts analyzed 20 "smart" cities with the most developed contact centers, including,, Angeles,, Atlas,, Toronto,, etc London Paris Madrid. Barcelona Berlin Cape Town Experts considered issues on which you can contact city contact centers, city communication channels with residents, quantitative indicators of efficiency and completeness of the functionality of contact centers.

The use of smart city technologies was separately studied. In the Citywide Contact Center of such technologies 6: omnichannel (mutual integration of disparate communication channels into a single system), robot operator, voice identity identification, artificial intelligence, big data analysis, voice emotion recognition. The city contact center of Moscow, along with New York, is the leader in the level of introduction of digital technologies, since it uses 6 out of 7 studied technologies, noted in DIT.

Every month we receive more than 3 million calls for a wide variety of life situations, and an increasing number of calls are processed by a virtual operator. For example, a robot is already receiving 95% of requests to receive readings from individual water meters, "said Andrei Savitsky, project manager at the Citywide Contact Center of the Moscow DIT.

Together with Seoul, Moscow has become the only city where you can contact the city contact center with any life situation regarding key areas of city life. The Russian capital also showed high results in customer satisfaction (90%), solving the problem the first time (96%), average call service time (3 minutes) and waiting for a response (45 seconds).

The city contact center is potentially one of the key links in the receipt of services and services by city residents, not only urban, but also commercial. Contact Center - a single entry point for a resident to get an answer to any questions. Therefore, world megacities pay great attention to this channel of communication with their residents. It is pleasant to realize that Moscow occupies a leading position among the "smart" cities of the world in the development of an urban contact center, "said Ivan Buturlin, head of Analytics at DIT Moscow.

Digital platform for automation of economic processes in Moscow

On January 30, 2020, it became known that economic process automation control technologies Moscow are aggregated on the basis of the SEZ "." Technopolice Moscow This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Land and Property Relations Vladimir Efimov. More. here

Information modeling technologies (BIM) in Moscow

Moscow Electronic School (MES)

The project "Moscow Electronic School" started in September 2016. Its main elements are an electronic journal and diary and a library of electronic materials, where tutorials and lesson scripts are located. The scenarios have replaced lesson plans and are similar to a presentation with visual materials and tasks. Teachers around the city can take a suitable script from the library, supplement an existing one, or create a new one and share it.

Such a system allows you to exchange experience and creates healthy competition between teachers, because scenarios evaluate and track the number of downloads. To date, teachers have created about 50 thousand electronic lesson scenarios.

Interactive whiteboards - an 84-inch touchscreen - make lessons more interesting. Using a finger or stylus, you can draw, drag elements, paint areas, and so on on the board. Modern children who are used to gadgets like to work in this format. For example, studying history, students go to the board and gladly draw trade routes or circle the territories of habitation of certain tribes. Some items, such as stereometry, particularly benefit from the ability to display volumetric images. Thanks to the Internet connection, you can quickly display visual information on interactive whiteboards - law, scientific article, video, and so on.

Also in the schools of the capital there is an electronic journal and diary and the system "Passage and Food." The diary in electronic form allows parents to monitor the child's academic performance and the educational process as a whole: to see what topics took place, what they asked at home. "Passage and Food" provides an opportunity to learn about when a child came to school and what he ate for lunch.

Until the end of 2018, 1840 schools Moscow will work, Wi-Fi covering the entire territory of the educational institution. It will be one of the largest networks in the world, if we talk about educational institutions, says DIT. 646 schools will be able to start using wireless Internet in 2017.

2019: Sobyanin: Big Data will help form an individual approach to teaching schoolchildren

One of the tasks being worked on in Moscow is the creation of tools for analyzing big data in education, the city government portal reported in February 2019, citing Mayor Sergei Sobyanin [1]. With their help, teachers in schools will be able to assess the educational results of each student, predict his achievements, identify a lack of knowledge and skills. Read more here.


Installing sensors on trees that warn of falling

As it became known in October 2022, in Moscow, sensors are installed on trees that warn of their fall. At the first stage, about 20 plants are equipped with devices.

{{quote 'Trees fall during anomalous phenomena and damage cars, billboards and cafes. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen control over green spaces, - said Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the department of nature management and environmental protection of the capital. }}

In Moscow, sensors are installed on trees that warn of falling

The sensors used are needed to transmit information about the presence of pests and co-movement inside the tree. Thanks to this data, the system concludes about the state of the tree.

According to Kulbachevsky, the first sensors were installed on the territory of RUDN University. In the future, they can be used to monitor the condition of trees in the city center and in the courtyards of residential buildings.

In the summer of 2022, a powerful hurricane hit Moscow, then two people died, another 18 were injured. Trees were knocked down and streets flooded. Also, during a thunderstorm, lightning hit the dome of the Moscow church, which is why it caught fire.

Earlier it was reported that scientists of the laboratory "Smart Technologies for the Sustainable Development of the Urban Environment," created at RUDN University with the support of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, are developing a system for online monitoring of green spaces.

To monitor the condition of trees, scientists use unique Tree Talker devices, or tritokers (from the English tree - "tree" and talker - "chatterbox"). Built-in sensors allow them to measure how much the tree is tilting. If too much, they send alerts.

In addition, tritokers include radiometers that measure the intensity of solar radiation and reflected light in the crown; temperature and humidity sensors of wood that conducts water and nutrients; air temperature and humidity sensors; infrared distance sensors for measuring barrel diameter increase.[20]

Moscow is the fourth year in a row the leader of the Russian rating of digitalization of urban economy "IQ cities"

Moscow for the fourth time became the leader of the Russian index of digitalization of urban economy "IQ cities." At the end of 2021, the capital scored 117 points out of 120 possible, improving its performance by almost 15 points. This was reported on July 21, 2022 in the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

"Moscow has been taking a leading position in the ratings of cities for several years. This is, among other things, the result of large-scale work on modernization and constant development of the urban economy. In accordance with modern trends, digitalization of this key industry for the Russian capital is being carried out. New "smart" solutions are introduced annually and production processes are automated. In Moscow, intelligent systems for controlling outdoor lighting, accounting for the consumption of communal resources in apartment buildings, online monitoring of the quality of drinking water are effectively functioning. In 2022, the Management Center of the Municipal Economy Complex began work: its unified automated system receives information on the state of the municipal and engineering infrastructure for about 1,000 parameters. This allows our specialists to manage life support systems in real time, maintain their high-quality, well-coordinated and stable work, "said Petr Biryukov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow.

When calculating the index, each city is evaluated by 44 indicators, which are divided into 10 areas: urban management, smart housing and communal services, innovations for the urban environment, smart urban transport, intelligent public safety systems, intelligent environmental safety systems, tourism and service, intelligent social service systems, economic condition and investment climate, communication network infrastructure.

"In 2021, Moscow made a real breakthrough and scored the maximum score in half of the directions. This was achieved thanks to the systematic introduction of technologies in all sectors of the urban economy and the development of the digital ecosystem of the capital. For example, one of the important indicators that was evaluated when calculating the index is the number of views of the city portal. Over the year, the number of visits to the increased from 800 to 946 million, which confirms its demand and convenience, "said Eduard Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Information Technology Department.

In addition to Moscow, St. Petersburg (98.13 points) and Nizhny Novgorod (88.26 points) were also among the top three among million-plus cities.

The index "IQ cities" was developed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation in 2019 together with Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov as part of the departmental project "Smart City."

Moscow presented the digital twin of the city and the management platform "Mos.Cloud"

The Moscow government has presented several large-scale projects in the development and management of the metropolis. Among them are the digital twin of the city and the Mos.Cloud information system. This was announced on June 2, 2022 by the press service of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, according to the deputy mayor of the capital Natalia Sergunina.

The management of the metropolis is impossible without the use of current technologies. Projects such as "Digital Twin" help plan the development of the city and constantly improve the quality of life. Thanks to a high-precision three-dimensional map, you can understand in advance how this or that object will fit into the existing infrastructure and architectural appearance of the area, how to ensure transport accessibility, and so on. The system allows you to analyze each step to the smallest details, "said Natalya Sergunina.

The Digital Twin project is based on the photogrammetric model of Moscow (photogrammetry is a way to create three-dimensional images using photographs taken from different angles). It took 16 million aerial photographs for her. The virtual map displays over 3.2 thousand square kilometers of the capital.

The model is complemented by panoramas of Moscow roads and streets with a total length of more than 13 thousand kilometers. To see how the new object will fit into the existing development, its 3D model is placed in a digital twin. The map consists of more than five thousand thematic layers with different information - from issued building permits to organizations that are located in buildings. All key figures are updated regularly.

The second major technological project that Moscow presented at the conference was the ERP platform "Mos.Cloud" (Enterprise Resource Planning). It unites and automates the workflows of city departments. In the information system, you can plan a budget, maintain accounting, and manage personnel and property. At the same time, key information and analytics are accumulated and sent to managers.

2021: Moscow recognized as a smart city according to the international standard

On May 28, 2021, it became known that Moskvyumny was recognized as a city according to the international ISO standard. Metropolitan Mayor Sergei Sobyanin wrote about this in his blog.

Moscow received certificates of compliance with international standards ISO 37120 "Sustainable development of communities - indicators of urban services and quality of life" and ISO 37122 "Sustainable cities and communities - indicators for smart cities." The ISO 37122 standard was approved quite recently, and Moscow has successfully passed certification on it among the first 10 cities in the world, Sobyanin said at the end of May 2021.

Moscow recognized as a smart city according to the international standard

As for the ISO 37120 standard, it appeared in 2014. By May 2021, the group of cities that meet this standard has more than 100 megacities in 32 countries - in addition to Moscow, these are Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, London, Dubai, Johannesburg, Oslo and Warsaw.

ISO 37120 is an international standard that establishes the main indicators of the quality of life and service provision in cities. Obtaining this certificate allows you to apply for ISO 37122 - a standard for smart cities. The availability of a certificate according to the ISO 37120 standard is taken into account in significant international ratings that assess integrated development, for example, in the rating "Cities in Motion" of the business school of the University of Navarre.

Sobyanin noted that during the certification, experts assessed 80 indicators that reflect the effectiveness of introducing smart technologies to improve the quality of life of citizens.

Why is this important? Because a smart city is not about the future, but about today... And of course, obtaining an ISO certificate is not an end in itself, but simply a current assessment of the work of the city authorities to implement Smart City technologies, which does not stop there, the mayor explained.

According to the mayor, such an assessment is also very important, since it allows you to determine the current level of urban development.[21]


Moscow will spend 135.6 million rubles on monitoring objects using laser scanning and drones

As it became known on November 9, 2020, the Moscow authorities will spend about 135.6 million rubles to monitor objects using laser scanning and drones. This is evidenced by information about the relevant tender, which is conducted by the metropolitan Department of Information Technologies (DIT). Read more here.

Moscow climbed 25 positions in the ranking of world innovative clusters

In 2020, Moscow took 32nd place in the ranking of 100 leading innovative clusters in the world, according to the Global Innovation Index report. This was announced on September 22, 2020 by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow (DEPiR). The rating of innovative clusters has been published since 2017, during which time the capital has improved its position by 25 points, said Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.

The Global Innovation Index is compiled by the World Intellectual Property Organization at the UN in partnership with Cornell University (New York), the INSEAD French business school.

Innovative clusters in the ranking include both individual cities and agglomerations. The top 5 rating of innovative clusters in 2020 includes Tokyo Yokohama, Hong Kong Shenzhen-Guangzhou, and Seoul Beijing San Hose-. San Francisco Moscow in the ranking is adjacent to such cities as Singapore Minneapolis, Philadelphia, while the Russian capital is ahead of,,,. Stockholm Melbourne For Toronto Zurich three years, Moscow has improved its position in this rating by 25 positions, this became possible thanks to systemic measures to support the development of innovative companies and projects, including subsidies, training, business incubators, business and scientific sector partnerships, the deputy mayor emphasized.

Moscow pays special attention to the development of innovation. Since 2018, the Moscow Innovation Cluster project has been implemented in the capital, which has combined more than 17 thousand organizations as of September 2020, more than 90% of them are small and medium-sized innovative enterprises.

When compiling the rating, the authors of the Global Innovation Index analyze the number of patent applications and the number of scientific publications that each cluster has in the databases of the World Intellectual Property Organization and Web of Science. Moscow has 2060 patents and 58153 publications in these databases. The largest number of patents and publications in Moscow falls on physics, 17%, and the majority of authors represent the Russian Academy of Sciences, "said Kirill Purtov, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city.

The authors of the study also included Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the top 10 universities of countries with a growing economy (excluding China) due to its high places in the world rankings of QS World University Rankings and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for 2019.

Moscow ranked 56th in the Smart City Index

Moscow took 56th place in the Smart City Index of the Swiss business school IMD. DIT of Moscow announced this on September 18, 2020. During the year, the Russian capital climbed 16 positions and overtook Brussels, Paris and Tokyo, said Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations.

In the IMD rating, which was released for the second time in 2020, residents of 109 cities rated the quality of life in them and its improvement due to digitalization. The top 5 rankings included Singapore, Helsinki, Zurich, Auckland and Oslo. Riyadh, Kuala Lumpur, Warsaw, Ankara, Tallinn are adjacent to Moscow in the Smart City Index, "said Vladimir Efimov.

Digitalization is one of the main directions of the national project "Digital Economy of Russia." In recent years, Moscow has been introducing advanced digital technologies in all areas of economic activity and everyday life. Many city services can be obtained online, a smart ticket system for transport has been created, and various electronic payment services operate. This makes the life of the townspeople convenient and saves time. The change in the position of the Russian capital in the Smart City Index rating is another confirmation of the effectiveness of the Moscow Government's policy in the field of digitalization, said Eduard Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the City Department of Information Technologies.

{{quote 'Improving the quality of life and doing business is a key task that the Moscow Government is guided by when introducing IT solutions in the urban economy, economy and social sphere. Technologies make the capital more comfortable and safer, give citizens the opportunity to receive all the necessary services and services online, simplifying interaction with the city. Therefore, it is especially important that residents see and note the positive changes that are taking place in the city thanks to digitalization, "said Eduard Lysenko. }}

Compared to 2019, Muscovites higher assessed the impact of digitalization on everyday life in almost all respects. In particular, they noted the high level of online services that help entrepreneurs create a business. In addition, it has become easier for citizens to find work thanks to online employment services and get medical services using an online appointment with a doctor.

During the acute phase of the pandemic, citizens and businesses could electronically apply for subsidies and receive other government support. The development of car-sharing services reduces traffic congestion, and applications for finding parking spaces reduce the time to travel around the city, and according to the latest indicator, Moscow occupies the leading positions in the ranking, "said Kirill Purtov, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the City Department of Economic Policy and Development.

According to Alexander Pishchelko, head of the New Management Technologies State Institution, the Moscow Government is constantly improving the provision of electronic services and services for entrepreneurs.

This is one of the most digitalized categories of applicants, since most already have a qualified electronic signature, which is necessary to receive services on the portal As of September 2020, more than 93 thousand personal accounts of legal entities are registered on the, more than 190 electronic services and services in various spheres of urban economy are available to them, including the full cycle of services in the field of construction is implemented in electronic form. Also, 96 percent of property and land relations services, 80 percent of transport services, 100 percent of advertising services and many others have been transferred to electronic form. In addition, we do not forget about the quality of these services and constantly increase it by modernizing them, "said Alexander Pishchelko.

Moscow climbed 5 places in the ranking of digital transformation of cities

On August 4, 2020, TAdviser became known that Moscow took 18th place in the rating of digital transformation of cities Services Globalization Index of the international consulting agency Tholons, improving its position by five points over the year, said Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

Moscow climbed 5 places in the ranking of digital transformation of cities
The first three places in the ranking, which analyzes the digital transformation of the 10 most developed metropolitan areas of the world, were taken by Bangalore, São Paulo, Toronto. Over the past years, Moscow has been actively developing the digital environment, introducing innovations in various areas of the city's life, creating electronic services for citizens and businesses. The success of the Russian capital in this direction is confirmed by progress in this rating, where Moscow is on a par with Los Angeles, Johanessburg and Santiago and is ahead of Dubai, Tokyo and Seoul, the vice mayor emphasized.

Cities in the ranking are evaluated according to five groups of indicators: "Human Capital," "Development of the Business Environment," "Costs and Infrastructure," "Safety and Quality of Life," as well as "Digitalization and Innovation." "The largest weight in calculating the final rating is held by the Digitalization and Innovation group - 40% of the total estimate, while previously it was 25%. It was in it that Moscow's indicators increased 1.5 times. In addition, Moscow's indicators in the Safety and Quality of Life group have seriously improved, "said Kirill Purtov, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city.

The Russian capital competes with the most developed cities of the world in attracting investments and introducing innovations, said Eduard Lysenko, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Information Technology Department. {{quote 'Positions in international ratings once again confirm the effectiveness of the consistent policy of the Moscow Government aimed at digitalizing all spheres of the city's life. At the same time, the main principle of digitalization for us is that we are introducing technologies not for the sake of the technologies themselves, but for the sake of the townspeople, so that the city becomes even more comfortable for life and doing business, - said Eduard Lysenko. }}

Tholons Agency's Services Globalization Index has been released since 2017. Moscow began its promotion in it from 38th place, in 2019 it has already entered the top 30.

Moscow has developed requirements for the appearance of cellular communication equipment

In Moscow, architectural rules for the placement of telecommunications equipment have been developed. The draft concept "Urban aesthetics of communication," which spells out the requirements for the appearance of the communication infrastructure, is presented for expert discussion. This was announced on July 10, 2020 by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies (DIT), which is developing the concept together with a specialized organization. Read more here.

Moscow - 18th place in the ranking of European cities (Tech Cities of the Future)

At the end of June 2020, fDi Intelligence magazine and the technology publication The Next Web published a rating of European cities with the highest prospects for investing in IT. Moscow is located in 18th place.

The Tech Cities of the Future study looked at 76 cities that were evaluated in terms of raising capital, having qualified employees and developing infrastructure. In addition to the overall rating, separate categories are highlighted: "Economic Potential," "Innovation and Attractiveness," "Level of Foreign Direct Investment," "Startup Ecosystem" and "Profitability." 

Main article: Tech Cities of the Future

An experiment to replace passports with QR codes is planned in Moscow

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation proposed an experiment to replace paper passports with the mobile application "Mobile Identifier." According to the draft resolution published on the portal of regulatory legal acts, the experiment should be carried out in Moscow from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. This became known on May 26, 2020.

  • 1 XLIFFService: Error in XliffFile2XliffString method.

(on page 27, issued an error message 505 "Project Deleted") -- >. When asked about the reasons for the removal of the project, the representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications replied that the working version of the resolution was first published and then deleted. The finished version should appear on the portal soon.

Based on the working project, which was published on the website within a few hours, it follows that by December 1, 2020, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications should develop a mobile application designed to replace the physical identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In addition to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development, the FSB, FSTEC and other government agencies, the Moscow government, the Multifunctional Centers for the Provision of Public Services of the City of Moscow, Rostelecom, ANO Digital Economy should also be among the participants in the experiment.

The Mobile Identifier application will contain a QR code that citizens can present as an identity card. With the help of the application, it will be possible to confirm your identity during a personal or remote appeal for state, municipal and other services[22].

Adopted a law on the metropolitan experiment with artificial intelligence

The State Duma approved in April 2020 a bill on an experimental legal regime in order to develop and introduce appropriate technologies.

The bill on an experimental legal regime for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in Moscow was approved by the State Duma in the third final reading. The document was developed in pursuance of the President's message to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020 to ensure the creation of its own standards and the development of technologies that determine the future.

It is envisaged to conduct an experiment in Moscow to establish a special legal regime from July 1, 2020 "in order to create the necessary conditions for the development and introduction of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as the subsequent use of the results of its application." The conditions, requirements, the procedure for the development, creation and implementation of relevant technologies, as well as the mechanism for processing impersonal personal data will be regulated by the metropolitan government. The duration of the experiment is five years.

The participants in the experiment will be legal entities and individual entrepreneurs entered in the register of participants in the experimental regime at their request.

The right of the participants in the experiment to process impersonal personal data is established on the basis of an agreement with Roskomnadzor[23].

72.2 billion rubles allocated for the implementation of the state program "Smart City"

On January 30, 2020, it became known that the planned budget of the Department of Information Technologies of the Moscow Government (DIT) for 2020 is 80.006 billion rubles. Of the aforementioned 80 billion rubles. most of it is natural, as in previous years, will go to the implementation of the state program "Development of the Digital Environment and Innovation" ("Smart City") - 72.2 billion rubles. Read more here.


38th place in the Innovation Cities Global Index

On November 15, 2019, it became known that Moscow took 38th place in the global Innovation Cities Global Index from 2thinknow agency for 2019, although in 2018 it was only in 48th place. The latest version of the rating as of November 15, 2019 has not been published on the 2thinknow website, there is only an index for 2018.

The international 2thinknow agency, based in, Australia has produced the Innovation Cities Global Index since 2007, and as of November 2019, it covers more than 500 cities around the world. In the edition of the rating for 2019, the top five included,, New York, and Tokyo. London Angeles Singapore Vice Mayor Moscow Vladimir Efimov said that the capital scored Russia the same number of points in 2019 as Osaka, the Japanese Canadian Vancouver and located in Portland USA and. At the same Vegas time, Moscow was ahead of,,,,,, and. Istanbul Oslo Rome Copenhagen Dublin Hong Kong Helsinki Brussels

Denis Tikhonov, head of the Moscow Department of Economic Policy and Development, noted that over the past seven years, Moscow, which occupied only 192nd place in the list in 2012, has risen by more than 150 positions.

In total, in 2019, 20 Russian cities were included in the rating. St. Petersburg took 109th place, Kazan - 393. The rest are located in the fifth hundred, where Novosibirsk they took 405 lines, - Yekaterinburg 416, - Rostov-on-Don 419, - Nizhny Novgorod 421, - 437 Kaliningrad , - 438, Krasnoyarsk - 440, Samara - 441, - Perm 444, Volgograd - 447, - Vladivostok 449, - Omsk 460, - 463, - 473 Tomsk , Saratov - 475, Orenburg - 476, - Togliatti 482. Barnaul Izhevsk

The assessment is made according to 162 criteria, divided into three categories: infrastructure for human capital, market potential and cultural heritage. Among other things, experts assess the government's IT policy, as well as the development of wireless networks and card payments. They are also interested in gross regional product, the level of material well-being and education, corporate income tax, the level of development of industrial production, the number of headquarters of multinational corporations in the city, the presence of industrial clusters in it and the strategy for promoting the brand of the city of[24].

TAdviser interview: Head of the Moscow DIT Eduard Lysenko - about the key lines of the IT budget and the firm position of the mayor

Information technologies have become key tools for managing Moscow, so decisions on their implementation are made by the mayor "quickly, clearly and without options." In an interview with TAdviser editor-in-chief Alexander Levashov, the head of the capital's IT department, Eduard Lysenko, spoke about the priorities for the digital development of the city, the structure of the IT budget and the peculiarities of Moscow in terms of informatization in comparison with other regions. Read more here.


Moscow in first place in the UN e-government rating

On July 19, 2018 [1] , the next edition of the ranking of countries with the highest level of development was announced#.2A_2018:_.D0.A0.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.81.D0.B8.D1.8F_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.BD.D1.8F.D0.BB.D0.B0.D1.81.D1.8C_.D0.BD.D0.B0_32-.D0.BC.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BE._.D0.94.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8.D1.8F_.D0.B2.D1.8B.D1.88.D0.BB.D0.B0_.D0.B2_.D0.BB.D0.B8.D0.B4.D0.B5.D1.80.D1.8B._.D0.9C.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BA.D0.B2.D0.B0_-_.D0.BB.D0.B8.D0.B4.D0.B5.D1.80_.D1.81.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B4.D0.B8_.D0.B3.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.BE.D0.B2. in e-government Russia this list rose by three places - from 35th in 2016 to 32nd in 2018. The study is conducted every two years.

For the first time, the study began to assess the level of e-government development in cities. A total of 40 cities were studied, and Moscow took first place among them, ahead of Cape Town (South Africa) and Tallinn (Estonia), which became the second and third, respectively. Fourth and fifth places went to London (UK) and Paris (France).

Assessment of the work of e-government in cities was carried out on technical aspects, information content of local websites of public services, as well as on the use of electronic services and initiatives aimed at attracting citizens to such services. A total of 60 different indicators were involved. Among them are the ease of working with the portal, the speed of loading pages, the availability of services on mobile devices, the internal search mechanism and the customization of the portal.

In particular, each metropolis was evaluated in accordance with the Local onlineservice index - this indicator is presented as part of a pilot project. The result of each metropolis was influenced by the content and capabilities of city portals, the quality of the provision of electronic services, the level of involvement of residents in management through electronic services.

Another task of the study was to assess the effectiveness of e-government and information and communication technologies to create a sustainable and flexible society.

To Moscow There are 55 out of 60 indicators of e-government development, which has become the largest value in the world. In, and Paris Sydney Amsterdam there are 51, 50 and 49 indicators, respectively.

Moscow entered the group of cities with a "very high" development of online services in the field of electronic government.

The possibilities of using digital technologies by authorities in the study are illustrated by specific examples. Thus, the authors draw attention to the practice of prevention and response to emergencies in different countries, initiatives of states in the field of cybersecurity, as well as successful cases of using artificial intelligence.

The study consists of an analytical part and data on the development of e-government. During the preparation of the report, innovative approaches were used that made it possible to most fully demonstrate the process of transforming state institutions. The analytical part was based on data from various sources, the results of expert surveys of scientists and practitioners.

Moscow decided to identify illegal rental apartments with the help of Big Data

On July 20, 2018, it became known about the development in Moscow of a Big Data analysis system to identify illegal apartment rentals. Finding defaulters is technically difficult, but the Moscow Department of Information Technologies (DIT) has solved the problem, department head Artem Ermolaev told RBC on the sidelines of the Moscow Urban Forum.

He explained that the mechanism that will allow determining those who do not pay taxes has already been tested and, "at a certain point," these data will be used. However, to fully launch the technology, it will be necessary to amend the legislation.

Main article: Using big data to identify illegal rental housing

The last stage of the development of the Smart City - 2030 strategy has started

The Department of Information Technologies (DIT) of the city of Moscow continues to work on the digital strategy of Moscow "Smart City - 2030." After discussing the industry part of the document, the last stage of strategy development began - a discussion of indicators, which will last until the beginning of July 2018 on the website. The goal of the stage is to determine how exactly the successes of building a smart city will be evaluated, the DIT reported on June 25, 2018.

It is proposed to use two indices as upper-level indicators of the strategy: the quality of life and the quality of the urban environment. They allow you to comprehensively evaluate development in all six areas of the Smart City - 2030 strategy (Human and Social Capital, Urban Environment, Digital Mobility, Urban Economy, Security and Ecology, Digital Government), as well as compare the quality of life in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation.

As explained in the DIT of Moscow, the quality of life index is a combined indicator that measures the achievements of individual regions in terms of their ability to provide their residents with a prosperous life. The quality index of the urban environment, in turn, assesses the ability of the city to meet the objective needs and requests of its residents in accordance with generally accepted norms and standards of living.

For each of the six directions of the industry part, additional indices are provided that are focused on the specifics of the vectors included in each specific direction. As part of the discussion, scores can be placed on each index, agreeing or disagreeing with the appropriateness of their use. You can also leave your own comments on each page.

According to the department, more than 20 thousand experts and business representatives have already taken part in the discussion. About 400 comments, proposals and comments were sent to the authors of the draft strategy. In May 2018, the strategy was discussed with international experts, world leaders in the field of urban informatization, representatives of more than 20 cities, as part of the Connected Cities 2020 club, whose meeting was held for the first time in Moscow. In July, the program "Smart City - 2030" is planned to be discussed with citizens on the

In general, "Smart City - 2030" is a high-level strategic document that is being developed by the Moscow City Information Technology Department with the involvement of experts and the business community. The document defines the goals, objectives and directions for the further development of Moscow as an innovative smart city of the future.

Sobyanin instructed to develop a Smart City program for Moscow

The Russian capital should reach a new level of development of electronic services and services, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in April 2018 at a meeting of the Presidium of the City Government[25] to [26]

The state program "Information City" ending this year will be replaced by a new program - "Smart City," the development of which has now begun on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The new strategy will be based on key modern technologies. Among them, DIT highlights artificial intelligence to automate decision-making based on data analysis, blockchain technology for paperless contracts, big data for targeted services. In addition, the basic principles of building a "Smart City" were determined, including the involvement of residents of all ages in managing the city, the availability of all services around the clock from any device, the primacy of an electronic document over a paper document, reliance on domestic solutions and the development of the city together with business.

The discussion of the Smart City program will take place from April to June 2018 in public mode - the city invites industry experts, representatives of the business community, citizens to take part in the development of a new strategy, according to which the capital will live until 2030.

Today we can talk not about individual services, but about the creation of a separate program "Smart City," which would cover all aspects of our life, - quotes Sobyanin news agency Interfax.

According to the plans of the mayor's office, a new stage of informatization of the Moscow city economy should come from 2019, when the Smart City program will be adopted.

Sergei Sobyanin believes that Moscow needs to reach a new level of development of electronic services and services "(photo -"

The materials to the presidium of the Moscow government specify that the new program will correspond to the modern stage of the development of information technologies - the era of digitalization. The goal of the program is to create the most convenient, accessible and personalized virtual environment for Muscovites; improved efficiency of urban management based on wide use of big data analysis and introduction of artificial intelligence.

After the implementation of the program, Interfax writes with reference to the materials, in Moscow, the norm should be a single entry point (access) to any service, at any time, from any device and with a given level of quality.


Additional Opportunities in Economics and Finance

City decisions of Moscow are highly appreciated at the international level

Anholt-GfK City Brands IndexSM: Moscow - 33rd among the attractive cities in the world

in Moscow 2017, it improved by 1 point its position in the Anholt-GfK City Brands IndexSM (CBISM) Global Urban Attractiveness Ranking [27] to 33rd place. The 50 cities in 10 countries in the global study were evaluated by respondents on criteria such as international status, housing quality, transport accessibility, cultural diversity and other factors.

The first place in the world ranking of the most attractive cities for several years in a row holds. In Paris 2017, Australian cities improved their positions in the ranking Sydney : they took third place, shifting New York it a line lower, Melbourne and ended up in 7 positions, beating (8 Amsterdam lines) and (10). Berlin

The Anholt-GfK City Brands IndexSM Global Survey assesses the image of cities based on six key indicators:

  • Presence (the international status of the city and its reputation, as well as global contributions to science, culture and governance)
  • Location (urban environment: climate appeal, environmental cleanliness, urban architecture and parks appeal)
  • Basic conditions (satisfaction with basic city qualities and standards of public goods such as schools, hospitals, transport and sports facilities)
  • People (friendliness, hospitality, cultural diversity, sense of security)
  • Pulse (what to do in the city in your free time)
  • Potential ( economic and educational prospects: how easy it is to find a job, start a business or get a higher education)

The top of the rating is dominated by cities in Western Europe and the United States, a similar picture was observed in the results of previous studies. The results of this year, however, showed significant changes for many cities, regardless of the region or level of development. For example, Tokyo is one of the few non-Western cities that, nevertheless, is consistently in the top half of the ranking. After declining performance in 2013, Tokyo regained its position in the ranking and showed image improvement in two subsequent CBISM studies. In 2017, Tokyo shares the 11th position with Vancouver, ahead of cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​ ​ Washington, Toronto and Vienna.

Among cities in Central and Eastern Europe, Vienna leads the way; Moscow took 33rd place in the ranking, improving the result of two years ago by 1 point and ahead of cities such as Istanbul, Rio and Warsaw. The national brand of Russia in the recently published Anholt-GfK Nation Brands Index is on the 23rd line.

The 2017 CBISM Index shows that a good performance for the nation's national brand doesn't necessarily mean one for its cities. An example is Berlin, which closes the top 10 cities, while Germany is in first place in the National Brands Index. "This means that it is not enough for cities to simply rely on the strength of the country's national brand - they need to develop their own unique image," comments Vadim Volos, senior vice president of GfK, head of social research and consulting.

Among the cities of Africa and the Middle East, Dubai occupies the highest position in the ranking - 27th place, this is the only city in the region that has reached such a high position. In terms of Presence and Place, the city is located on lines 15 and 16, respectively, which serves as good support for the image. Despite this, the South African Durban achieved the most significant improvements in its performance: + 1.51 points, which allowed it to surpass Cairo.

EY: Moscow overtook Singapore and switched to the figure

The Russian capital was recognized as one of three cities in the world, the population of which is more than others quite a level of development of digital services, according to a study by the British audit and consulting company EY (formerly Ernst & Young) "Rating of satisfaction with digital services in large cities of the world." In addition to the Russian capital, the top three also included London[28][29].

Digital Service User Sentiment

In total, as part of the study, the company analyzed the mood of users of digital services in 11 cities around the world, including Wellington, and To Astana To Ottawa Sydney Johannesburg. At least 300 active users of digital services were interviewed in each. The questions concerned the level of digitalization in six different areas - the participants were asked to assess that in the field, transport services HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES and public services, fintech, as well as in the framework of information services and access to public. For Wi-Fi each of the six areas, analysts derived an integral satisfaction index on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 was the highest score.

In terms of satisfaction with digitalization of services, Moscow confidently bypassed cities such as New York, Hong Kong and even Singapore. In a number of positions, the Russian capital completely came out on top in the world, bypassing London, among other things.

Level of digitalization of public services

The highest rating among users of digital services in the Russian capital was received by the level of digitalization of public services. Including we are talking about satisfaction with the work of the MPSC, as well as electronic recording via the Internet or mobile applications to city institutions (clinics, schools, kindergartens, etc.). According to this indicator, Moscow overtook all the cities participating in the study, including London and New Delhi, which took first places according to the results of the study. In London, the level of satisfaction with the digitalization of public services was generally assessed only by 5 points - according to this indicator, the capital of Great Britain was bypassed by Hong Kong and Singapore. The worst attitude towards digital services in the public services sector was in Wellington and Johannesburg.

The level of development of information services in London also received a relatively low rating (5 points) - we are talking about solutions such as portals with a catalog of available services or services for citizens, as well as applications or mailings with emergency notifications. In Moscow, on the contrary, the level of development of information services received an assessment of 2 points, which refers to the highest indicators.

According to the results of the study, the lowest rating among users of digital services in Moscow was received by fintech services: the integral rating for the direction was 5 points. In New Delhi, London, Singapore and Hong Kong, satisfaction with digital services in this sector is higher than in the Russian capital. In this case, the attitude was evaluated, as well as the level of development and use of solutions such as mobile applications of banks or insurance companies, mobile electronic wallets, etc. On the other hand, in Ottawa, Astana, Wellington, as well as other participating cities of the study, the level of satisfaction with fintech services is even lower. The worst situation with this indicator is in Ottawa, New York and Wellington.

Digitalization of transport

As for the digitalization of transport, housing and communal services, as well as such an option as public access to Wi-Fi, here the Russian capital received, albeit not unambiguously, leadership, but rather high marks (3 points).

In relation to transport services, digital solutions for the use of personal and public transport were evaluated - for example, applications for searching and paying for parking, services for viewing and paying fines. The attitude and level of satisfaction of users of digital services with applications with schedules and traffic routes, as well as the very presence of such an option as cashless methods of payment for travel, were analyzed.


According to EY analysts, the conclusions of the pilot study did not come as a surprise in themselves. They, among other things, remind: Russia has already been among the leaders in the analysis of the level of penetration of financial and technological services in the largest cities of the world. The study was conducted in the summer of 2017, according to its results, Russia took 3rd place, skipping ahead of China and India. If we talk about the level of digitalization of the country's economy as a whole, then Russia is quite far behind the leading countries. Thus, according to the international consulting company McKinsey, the share of the digital economy in Russia's GDP is slightly less than 4%, which is 2-3 times lower than that of the leading countries. There is a fundamental lag in other indicators, for example, in the delay in the development of technologies. At the same time, according to the international consulting company McKinsey, by 2025 the volume of the digital economy in Russia may increase to 9.6 trillion rubles.

At the end of 2015, the latter amounted to only 3.2 trillion rubles. Almost three times of growth should be ensured by the digitalization of traditional sectors of the economy, as well as the development of an independent high-tech industry.

PwC: Moscow in the top five in terms of readiness to move to Smart City

Moscow entered the top 5 largest cities and agglomerations in the world, ready to introduce technologies of the future. These are the results of a large-scale study "The future is close: the city readiness index" of the international network of PwC companies. [30]​ New [31] participants [32]

The Russian capital took a leading position in terms of the quality of virtual services for citizens, the level of infrastructure development, open adaptive education and the digital economy, in the overall rating, skipping ahead only Singapore, London, Shanghai and New York.

Image:PwC 2017 Десятка городов-лидеров общего рейтинга готовности IoT.jpg

Infrastructure readiness has become an important component of the survey. Smart buildings and resource saving systems will allow more rational consumption of urban resources. It is worth noting that today the most successful in using new technologies in the housing and communal services sector are Singapore (64%) and Barcelona (61%).

In addition, digital technologies will become the main component of the strategy for the development of culture and tourism. The undeniable leaders are Barcelona (78%), Shanghai (78%) and Singapore (72%), since these cities already have a large number of examples of implementation of projects in the field of using new technologies. Digital technologies in the urban space help the tourist integrate with the city better and faster.

In the field of the digital economy, the leader Singapore (75%). It is worth noting that the main goal of the new economy is the use of unused or underutilized assets in the economy. Singapore's undisputed plus is that it is one of the few cities that supports the development of adaptive education technologies. The use of neurotechnologies and technologies virtual reality in the educational process prepares citizens for the professions of the future, which is ultimately displayed on the state. digital economy

If we talk about the system of building virtual cities, then London (63%) and Singapore (61%) are undoubtedly leading here, since they are the ones that surpass all the declared megacities in introducing new construction technologies. This is especially true for the use of modular construction, 3D printing of buildings and online monitoring of construction.

An important component of the study was the social decisiveness of citizens on the way to the application of new ideas. Less than half of the population is ready to actively introduce technologies of the future in their daily life. The exceptions were Shanghai, which showed 76% social readiness, and Hong Kong with a result of 53%. The results of the rest of the cities are approximately the same: a little less than half of the population is ready for innovation. Toronto and London turned out to be the most restrained supporters of new technologies in everyday life.

One of the most promising areas for introducing innovations around the world, according to the study, is housing and communal services. By 2030, the efficiency of housing and communal services systems will be increased due to changes in urban construction standards, the emergence of new technologies for the preservation of electricity and the transition of cities to smart power grids. Already, in many large cities, including Moscow, work is underway on the construction of smart buildings and water supply systems, smart meters are used.

According to the study, about 47% of Moscow residents are ready to use technological innovations. The townspeople showed the greatest loyalty to new technologies in the fields of virtual services (65%), proactive security (58%) and the digital economy (55%) (projects: Unified Medical Information and Analytical System, Moscow Electronic School, city Wi-Fi, "Learn Moscow," "Safe City," intelligent transport system, "Autocode").

In the implementation of projects for the digitalization of cultural and tourism objects, Moscow occupies a leading position due to the presence of many virtual services for interaction with citizens. Among them are services for solving urban problems and crowdsourcing the ideas of urban projects.

ICF: Moscow in the seven smart cities in the world

On February 9, 2017, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), a non-profit research organization focused on job creation and economic development in the world, compiled the 15th edition of the ranking of the seven most smart cities. For the first time, Moscow was on the list.

The ICF study notes that Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has invested huge funds and political capital to turn the metropolis into an attractive place for intellectual companies, a scientific center and a city in which the government serves for the benefit of people as efficiently and transparently as possible. The introduction of digital technologies for these purposes makes Moscow one of the largest cities in the global intellectual community.

Also, experts drew attention to the presence in the Moscow region of 26 technoparks and technopolises, which support more than 1300 high-tech companies. By the end of 2017, it is planned to double the number of these facilities.

Another plus in favor of Moscow was the second place in the city in terms of the number of wireless Internet access points in the world after Seoul.

In addition to the capital of Russia, the ranking of the most smart cities in 2017 included:

  • Jiayi (Taiwan);
  • Edmonton (Canada);
  • Gray County, Ontario (Canada);
  • Ipswich (Australia);
  • Melbourne (Australia);
  • Taoyuan (Taiwan).

In 2016, the list consisted of the following cities:

  • Hsinchu (Taiwan);
  • Montreal (Canada);
  • Surrey (Canada);
  • Whanganui (New Zealand);
  • Mülheim am Ruhr (Germany);
  • Winnipeg (Canada);
  • Xinbei (Taiwan).

The ICF compiles a list of the most smart cities on the basis of the following criteria: highly qualified personnel, innovations, the development of broadband Internet access, digital equality, sustainable development and the active position of citizens.[33]

Part of Lublino in the "smart" quarter

In part of the apartment buildings of the metropolitan area of ​ ​ Lublin, elements of a "smart" city will be introduced. To sheets information technology Moscow Andrei Belozerov, deputy head of the department, spoke about the beginning of the experiment in January 2017. A competition for the design of a "smart" quarter will be announced in the first quarter of 2017[34] will[35]

The experiment suggests that Smart City elements will be implemented in already built apartment buildings. According to its results, the authorities will decide whether to continue such a practice in the capital. Only a few houses and courtyards in Lyublino will become "test subjects."

Residential buildings will be equipped with several "smart" systems. These are, in particular, intelligent heating (the temperature of the radiators depends on the temperature outside the window) and intelligent lighting in the entrances (the light turns off when no one is there). Also, "smart" meters will be installed in the houses, which themselves will transmit readings to utilities.

In the courtyards it is planned to equip "advanced" garbage sites. They will automatically control the occupancy of containers and automatically sort the garbage itself.

A number of experts fear that the ill-conceived introduction of such technologies could lead to an increase in housing and communal services tariffs. Conducting such local experiments will avoid this kind of "pitfalls."

Video terminals for receiving complaints at Moscow railway stations

Terminals for video messages of passengers will appear at all metropolitan stations during 2017. Now three terminals are installed at the Kazan station, and five devices are installed at Leningradsky.

In 2017, video terminals for passenger feedback will be installed at all railway stations in Moscow. Such devices are already operating at the capital's stations - three terminals at the Kazan station, and five at Leningradsky.

With the help of video terminals, passengers will be able to more quickly send a video message with a complaint or proposal to the Russian Railways Directorate than in writing. The video will show how outraged the person is, whether he objectively describes the situation. The answer will be posted on the directorate's website.

According to Alexander Morozov, co-chairman of the City and Transport organization, the video recording system will determine real problems, "complaints will be fresh, which is called" from the wheels, "a person will not forget anything. The statistics will be larger and fuller, and there will also be a real picture of what needs to be changed and why[36].


Rating 2Thinknow

At the end of 2016, Moscow took 43rd place in the global ranking of innovative cities of the international rating agency 2Thinknow, rising from 192nd place, which it occupied in 2011. Moscow also took third place in the national ranking of the state of the investment climate in the regions.

PwC: Moscow is the world leader in the informatization of cities

In July 2016, as part of the PwC study, the experience of the 28 main world megacities in implementing the DDC concept ("data-driven city," data driven city) was studied. The report is based on two complementary methods: semantic analysis of metadata about cities and technologies and expert assessment of data driven[37] solutions[38].

PwC researchers emphasize Moscow's experience in building the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (EMIAS). Launched five years ago in the Russian capital, experts now call the project unique in world practice. EMIAS combines a situation center, digital registrars and medical records, laboratory service, medical prescriptions, etc. The system also covers all commercial healthcare facilities . EMAIS covered over 600 medical institutions, about 22 thousand of their employees.

The authors of the report note that there are single centers in Moscow, the first is responsible for managing transport services, the second - for the operation and maintenance of Troika - a single card for paying for travel in the capital's transport: metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses, electric trains, etc. Smart transport signs will inform drivers about the current situation on highways. The project of seamless and free Wi-Fi for passengers was also noted by the expert community. Another achievement of the capital: there are about 55 video cameras per square kilometer of urban territory. With their help, about 70% of all crimes committed are revealed.

"Active Citizen"

Crowdsourcing platforms are common in all cities, but the largest project in this area has been implemented in Moscow ("Active Citizen"). Launched in 2014, Active Citizen is an electronic voting platform for various issues of urban structure.

"Our City"

"Our City" is a geoinformation portal. Created in 2011, it allows you to report a specific urban problem to the responsible authority and serves as an additional means of monitoring the quality of work of management companies and contractors for the city administration.

Leader in Mobile Internet

Among the 28 cities reviewed, no urban Wi-Fi network has been established in Sydney and London alone. This can significantly affect the communication capabilities of the sensor infrastructure and the data transmission system as a whole, the researchers say. In the field of accessibility and quality of broadband and mobile Internet, Moscow, London and New York became the leaders.

Strategy of "smart" development of Moscow

Expenses of the IT Department Moscow (DIT) in 2017 can grow almost one and a half times. The CNews head of the DIT announced this in a conversation with a CNews journalist as part of the Forum 2016 held in mid-November. "In Artem Ermolaev 2017, the budget will increase almost one and a half times. If not one and a half, then by 30% for sure, "he said[39]2016, p32.14 billion was officially allocated for metropolitan informatization. Thus, the forecast of the Moscow minister to finance his department in 2017 is in the range from p41.78 billion to p48.21 billion, which means an increase of p10-16 billion compared to the previous year.

Read more about the Moscow Department of Information Technologies (DIT) and the IT budget of the capital.

The strategy for the development of Moscow as a "smart city" involves the maximum personification of the services provided to the townspeople, said Artem Ermolaev, head of the Moscow Information Technology Department, at a plenary discussion of the Smart City of the Future forum.

"It is
extremely important for us to create a limited number of services, but of high quality," the official said. - All services "generate" a significant amount of big data, which allow you to analyze the behavior models of both Muscovites and businesses, and accordingly redo certain elements within the city. In addition, they provide the opportunity to work targeted with each car enthusiast, parent, patient, offering them exactly the services that are important. "

In the next 2-3 years, most of these services will be transferred to electronic form, Yermolaev promised. So, for example, from December 1, registration in the first class will be carried out only online - through a website or mobile application.

Public services, however, are not the only direction of "smart" development of the metropolitan agglomeration. The corresponding strategy involves the introduction of modern information technologies in housing and communal services, education, health care and other areas of the city's life.

The development of "
smart cities" in Russia is hindered by the lack of a single concept and ideology of Smart City, Irina Ilyina, director of the Institute for Regional Studies and Urban Planning at the Higher School of Economics, said in November at the forum "Day of Innovation in Architecture and Construction." According to the expert, the successful introduction of "smart" technologies in Russian cities is possible only with the interest of the state and the presence of a regulatory framework governing both the content of the concept of Smart City and the mechanisms for its financing and work. In the meantime, the authorities are more likely to declare interest in "smart" technologies than to actually implement them. This was confirmed by a recent study by the Higher School of Economics, during which the mayors of 50 Russian cities were interviewed. And although all of them, according to Ilyina, share the ideology of Smart City, only one volunteered to provide their city for the development of "smart" technologies in full.

DIT priorities - social orientation and personification

2013: Housing has become a stumbling block in the development of the IT market in Moscow

The industry sees the main problem in the development of the market of innovative companies in the field of information technology in Moscow in the lack of cheap housing for specialists. This conclusion was reached by experts of the IT segment at a meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on January 28, 2013.

The mayor of Moscow was interested in the development of the industry and what problems experts see.

The founder and managing partner of Almaz Capital Partners Alexander Galitsky sees one of the main problems in the lack of cheap housing. In his opinion, in Moscow, the project can spin up and go abroad, because it is expensive to live in the capital and rent space for offices. He is confident that it is necessary to build small quarters for IT specialists, employees of the workers located near the office, with a low rental cost.

On the first point, the CEO of Infowatch Natalya Kasperskaya agreed with Galitsky. "Although I am against direct benefits, I believe that it is possible to develop some kind of program that would give companies some benefits in paying the rental rate," she said. "This can only be considered as a temporary measure, until the company grows to a set level, after which it pays on an equal basis with everyone." According to Natalia Kasperskaya, it will be extremely difficult for young companies to raise at least 70 thousand rubles of rent per month for an office.

The industry was supported by the Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov on the issue of building microdistricts for specialists. According to him, in this way, the capital will be able to keep talents not only in the city, but also in the country. "If we take as an example 10 thousand IT specialists, then the microdistrict must be built for 25 thousand people in order to give them the opportunity to settle with families," Nikiforov said . "It is necessary to create the entire infrastructure."

Tax authorities' lack of understanding of innovative companies

Natalia Kasperskaya also noted the incomprehensible relations of innovative young companies with tax authorities. According to her, innovative companies have a wage fund as the main expense item, and may not go to profit for several years or have no operating activities at all. "Tax officials can come and say that if there are no reports next year, then no one will look at your innovation and the conversation will be in a different tone," she concluded.

Sergei Sobyanin was interested in this information and he promised to check it in every possible way.

Education is a bulwark of talent and the future of the IT industry

The second big problem Galitsky sees insufficient attention to universities. "It is necessary to create conditions when young specialists would like to stay and come to Moscow," he said.

Nikiforov is confident that it is necessary to develop a test system in various educational institutions in order to identify capable children and send them for further education to specialized schools or universities.

Sergei Sobyanin did not really like the idea of ​ ​ creating specialized schools. "It can happen that after a while there will be only" thieves "children," he said. The mayor of Moscow offered the IT community a ruble to vote for schools where, in their opinion, specialized disciplines are best taught. "Let's invest money. For every ruble you have, we will give three. Choose schools, attract specialists there and come out with proposals, and we will support them, "he said

The government is also ready to support universities, but with more modest allocations. "Universities are also ready to finance, but one to two," the mayor of the capital summed up.

According to him, the Sobyanin education problems are not in financing, but in the attention of business to their future employees.

Create an IT Development Working Group

Following the meeting, Sergei Sobyanin proposed creating a working group on the development, formulation and further solution of the identified problems.

2011: Moscow advances in ICT ranking of world capitals

The capital of Russia has improved its position in the ranking of 25 leading world capitals in terms of the development of info-communication technologies (ICT). Moscow took 11th place, Seoul, Singapore and Stockholm were named the leaders.

Ericsson and consulting company Arthur D. Little have prepared a new release of the ranking of the largest cities in the world using technologies that connect society to create a smart and comfortable urban environment

The ranking takes into account the development of ICT projects, such as e-government or "smart transport," helping to improve the quality of life of citizens, solve the current problems of large cities and increase their attractiveness.

The top 10 most developed ICT cities in the world include Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Shanghai and Beijing.

The only Russian metropolis included in the list - Moscow - improved its position in the ranking, rising one line up and taking 11th place.

The three cities that received the highest ratings in the ranking - Seoul, Singapore and Stockholm - significantly increased investment in ICT and were able to successfully solve many social, economic and infrastructure tasks. For example, Singapore has begun to actively innovate in health care and has also pioneered traffic management. In Seoul, info-communication technologies are being used to implement environmental initiatives, the report said.

The study showed that a number of cities from BRIC countries, such as São Paulo and Delhi, have made serious efforts to solve socio-economic problems by making multilateral commitments to improve technological infrastructure. São Paulo has previously received several state and international awards for the introduction of information technology in the city.

Delhi also has a number of promising initiatives to use ICT to improve the lives of citizens. The Eko project is already bringing a serious effect, within the framework of which it became possible to conduct small financial transactions using mobile devices and terminals. The Eko project already serves over 1.3 million people, and the total volume of microdeposites and micropayments exceeded $500 million. In a city like Delhi, access to the simplest financial services will allow thousands of people to start their own entrepreneurial activities and improve living standards.

Cities from the middle part of the rating, which include Moscow, Beijing, Sydney and Buenos Aires, the authors of the rating recommend highlighting key growth points related to ICT adoption opportunities, and then initiating and coordinating focus development programs. So, Moscow, first of all, ICT will help with solving transport problems and reducing traffic congestion.

Digital devices in Moscow

2018: How Muscovites use digital devices

In July 2018, analysts City Information Technology Department Moscow and private ad sites (Avito).ru studied how Muscovites use digital devices, including where they listen to music more often, where they play games where they look for information. Also, special attention was paid to devices that are only gaining popularity and have not yet become truly massive: devices, "smart home" smart watches and bracelets, helmets and glasses, virtual reality game consoles and robots vacuum pads. More. here

IT projects in Moscow

{{# ITProj: Moscow Government}}

{{# ITProj: Moscow Information Technology Department (DIT)}}

See also


  1. Let's make Moscow a leader city in the field of artificial intelligence together!
  2. A special project on artificial intelligence technologies was launched in Moscow
  3. investments From the presentation of A.V. Gorbatko "Moscow 2017 Smart City" at TAdviser SummIT, November 2017
  4. results of the rating are presented in the framework of the XVII Regional Investment Congress "Best Practices for Attracting Investments to the Regions."
  5. tests the first contactless buttons at traffic lights in Moscow
  6. Personal data of residents of the Moscow region who issued digital passes will be deleted - head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications
  7. Traffic violations in Moscow began to be recorded using a neural network
  8. OSAGO connected to cameras
  9. Yandex agreed with the Moscow authorities to develop unmanned vehicles
  10. Electric buses do not reach the regions.
  11. [ The merger
  12. real and virtual: how a smart city works]
  13. Megapolis online: wireless Internet in Moscow and other large cities of the world
  14. , Moscow has reached the final of the Smart Cities Forum Award
  15. of Wi-Fi, a smart city and the Internet of Things: online technologies for the capital
  16. Wi-Fi in parks
  17. Experimental platforms for the implementation of 5G will appear in Moscow
  18. 175 million rubles will be spent by the Moscow authorities on Wi-Fi inside the Garden Ring.
  19. by the end of summer, free Wi-Fi in the metro and ground transport will be combined
  20. Kulbachevsky: Sensors began to be installed on trees in Moscow to predict their fall
  21. Smart City Moscow. ISO International Certification
  22. An experiment is planned in Moscow to replace passports with QR codes
  23. A law on the capital's experiment with artificial intelligence has been adopted
  24. Moscow rose by 10 lines in the global ranking of innovative cities
  25. [ Sobyanin instructed
  26. develop a Smart City program for the capital.]
  27. The Anholt-GfK CBISM study takes place every two years and measures the image of 50 cities, taking into account the indicators: Presence, Place, Basic Conditions, People, Pulse, Potential. In 2017, 5057 respondents were interviewed in 10 countries Australia Brazil China France(,,,,,,,,,, and Germany India), at Russia South Korea Great Britain USA least 500 interviews were conducted in each country. Surveys were conducted online, participants are adults over 18 years old in each country. Using the most relevant parameters of the online population, the sample in each country was weighted to reflect key demographic characteristics, including age, gender and education of the country's online population. The field phase of the study was held from September 20 to October 3, 2017. Cities in the study were: West: Amsterdam Europe, Barcelona, ​ ​ Basel, Berlin, Brussels, Dublin, Edinburgh, Geneva, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Rome, Stockholm. Central/Eastern Europe: Istanbul, Moscow, Prague, Vienna, Warsaw. Asia Pacific: Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta *, Melbourne, Mumbai, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney,. North Tokyo America: Boston *, Chicago, Dallas Fort Worth, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco *, Toronto, Vancouver *,. Washington Latin America: Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile. Middle East/: Cairo, Africa Cape Town, Doha, Dubai, Durban, Johannesburg. Simon Aanholt is known as one of the world's experts in national image and identity. Professor Aanholt was vice-chairman of the UK Government's Council of Public Diplomacy and acted as an independent policy consultant to heads of state and government in more than 50 other countries. Aanholt developed the Nation Brands IndexSM and City Brands IndexSM research concept in 2005., rising
  28. and New Delhi. The rating of satisfaction with digital services in major cities of the world
  29. EY: Moscow overtook Singapore and switched to digital
  30. Residents of Moscow, London, Barcelona, ​
  31. York, Sydney, Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo, Toronto and Hong Kong became
  32. in the survey. At least 100 respondents were surveyed in each city. In total, 1,500 people spoke about their attitude to the use of innovative technologies..
  33. The Top7 Intelligent Communities of the Year
  34. [ The city authorities
  35. turn part of Lyublino into a "smart" quarter.]
  36. "Video terminals will be installed at all stations in Moscow to receive complaints
  37. [ CNews
  38.  : Moscow is named the world leader in city informatization]
  39. , Moscow's IT budget in 2017 will grow by 10-15 billion. In