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Autonomous transport


Since 2024





2024: Establishing a Company

Yandex projects related to self-driving cars and delivery robots are being transferred to a new company called Autonomous Transport. This became known in mid-June 2024.

According to TASS, in addition to creating robots and unmanned vehicles, the direction will include the development of software and components. According to the agency's source, this work is being carried out in Moscow, Yandex independently develops software and most components.

source = Yandex

For robots, Yandex already makes suspensions, chassis, hulls, on-board computers, ultrasonic sensors, removable batteries, cameras, as well as electronic control units for wheels and peripheral mechanics.

Rospatent It follows from the database that Yandex has already applied for the Autonomous Transport trademark.

Yandex is moving towards the unmanned electric vehicle market, Anton Shaparin, vice president of the National Automobile Union, told TASS in a comment.

Now all global tech giants are exploring the possibility of producing electric vehicles under their own brands. Yandex has its own automotive operating system, a voice AI assistant, and has extensive experience in creating drones on different platforms. I believe that he will also look for personnel and partners in China, a global leader in the electrification of transport, the expert noted.

Earlier in 2024, information appeared on Yandex's LinkedIn page that the company was looking for an operation engineer in Suzhou, China with experience in developing electronic control units (ECUs). The specialist, according to the description, will have to cooperate with a certain "independent Chinese design bureau," with which Yandex is developing an ECU for the fifth generation robotaxi[1]
