Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2






Number of employees
2019 year


Looker — the software developer founded in 2012 for the analysis of Big Data. The company offers the platform for data visualization and a business intelligence which helps clients to define trends and to take other important information from the data. The complex platform provides functions of analytics and studying of data which are integrated with podrazdelenchesky applications, introducing deep understanding of a situation in decision making process.

The Looker company develops the complete platform of analytics of data providing functions of analytics and studying of data which are integrated with podrazdelenchesky applications, introducing deep understanding of a situation in decision making process.

By the beginning of June, 2019 about 1.7 thousand companies among which — Amazon, Sony, IBM and Lyft use solutions of Looker.


2019: Google purchased Looker for $2.6 billion

On June 6, 2019 Google announced acquisition of Looker for $2.6 billion to expand the cloud business. For Internet giant it is the largest purchase in 5 years and the biggest absorption in a segment of public cloud services.

Google will pay the called amount from own means, i.e. will not attract the actions. After the closing of the transaction expected until the end of 2019, Looker will be a part of division of Google Cloud which integrates all cloud services of the company.

Google purchased the developer of the platform of a business intelligence for $2.6 billion for expansion of cloud business

According to the head of Google Cloud Thomas Kurian, merger of Looker is necessary to fill spaces in cloud business and to implement new features. Also Kurian told Reuters agency that the transaction will help to attract clients with a specialized software. The company has similar culture and more than 350 general clients, the top manager added.

By the beginning of June, 2019 in Looker about 800 people work, and the total amount of the involved investments reached $281 million. In 2018 investors estimated the company at $1.6 billion.

Google is sure that antimonopoly authorities will not interfere with merger of Looker as it is about purchase not of data, and the software. Besides, Google promised to leave a connectivity of software of Looker to Amazon Web Services and other competing cloud services.[1]
