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Sqrrl Data Inc.


Information technologies
Since 2012
State of Massachusetts





Sqrrl Data Inc company. — solution provider according to security, the advanced cyberthreats intended for detection and reduction of time necessary for their research.

Sqrrl initially was engaged in development of services of information protection for Hadoop, a framework for work with Big Data, then was focused on own platform on data protection of the corporate level of Sqrrl Enterprise in which functions according to the analysis of communications between data, algorithms of machine learning and high scalability are combined.


2018: Acquisition by Amazon company

At the end of January, 2018 information that Amazon Web Services, division as a part of Amazon, redeemed the Sqrrl Data Inc. company specializing in development of systems of advanced detection of threats for large corporations appeared. Transaction amount with AWS does not reveal, but, according to some data, it exceeds $40 million[1]

Amazon redeems provider of a system of investigation of cyberincidents. Photo:

Founders of Sqrrl are the natives of the U.S. National Security Agency participating in development of an open software platform of Accumulo. This platform also formed as a result Sqrrl Enterprise basis. The Sqrrl system provides to users tools for conducting investigation of cyberincidents by which it is possible to define quickly systems and files connected with an incident or leak, so that analysts could reveal quicker threats and spend less time for their investigation.

Amazon, as well as any large company, aims to expand a range of the offered services, and the request for security of cloud resources is very high, especially in corporate environment — Roman Ginyatullin, the information security expert of SEC Consult Services company said. — Acquisition of the platform for the accelerated investigation of cyberincidents in corporate environments — a step, quite logical for AWS.

What AWS is going to do with Sqrrl Enterprise while it is definitely not known, but in the near future Sqrrl promises lack of significant changes in the work.

2017: Investment attraction

In June, 2017 the Sqrrl company received $12.3 million investments from venture firms. In total from the moment of the foundation in 2012 of the company it was succeeded to attract investments for the amount more than $26.5 million.
