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Баннер в шапке 2



The company works in the field of services of secure access in the Internet. Trusteer locates offices in Boston and Tel Aviv. In Russia the company is provided by TopSecurity company.



Trusteer proposes software solutions for confidential data protection of clients of online banks and online retailers and also their employees. The main software product of Trusteer Rapport company — is used more than in 200 banks of the world, including HSBC, Bank of America, Royal Bank of Scotland, ING, etc., for prevention of online fraud.

Trusteer Rapport provides protection against the most dangerous types of attack: a phishing, "the spy in the browser" and "the spy in network", blocking browsers of users and creating a tunnel for safe communication with the bank website. Rapport also blocks keyloggers and interceptors of screens and also toyana, including Zeus, Silon, Torpig and Yaludle.

Rapport is directed to prevention of online fraud using malware and differs from an antivirus and the firewall in the fact that blocks access to financial and personal data, but does not look for virus signatures, explained in TopSecurity. Rapport communicates with the website of online bank of the client and provides a safe feedback and also announces unauthorized access attempts in real time and allows to take immediately measures in case of threat.

Among other products Trusteer — Mobile and Pinpoint, easy software solutions which are also aimed at security of remote banking. So, Trusteer Mobile provides multilevel protection of mobile devices and platforms against the attacks of the malware, performing risk analysis in real time, prevents leakage of confidential data of transactions. The solution provides to users secure access to mobile banking applications, defines and controls risk of infection of mobile devices, limiting thus financial losses. At this Trusteer Mobile it is easily established and integrated.

In turn, Trusteer Pinpoint allows to estimate the level of danger of this or that transaction and on the analysis of traffic to detect actions of the malefactor even without installation of the special software.

In August, 2013 the IBM corporation announced the conclusion of the final agreement about acquisition of Trusteer company, on protect software provider the organizations from financial fraud and the advanced threats. By calculations of IBM, acquisition of Trusteer will help corporation with creation of own cloud services and the software. Financial terms of transaction do not reveal.

The software of Trusteer helps to define security risks which can be missed by the traditional software on security. For example, to guarantee to bank clients safety of money transfer on the mobile device, software of Trusteer detects malware which can infect the smartphone that allows bank to take measures for prevention of fraudulent activity. According to Oracle, the solutions Trusteer for security of clients of financial fraud and cyber attacks use 7 of top-10 banks of the USA and 9 of 10 banks of Great Britain.