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Truven Health Analytics




Number of employees
2011 year


Truven Health Analytics is private developer company of the software for collecting and data analysis of medical character by means of cloud computing. Initially Truven was medical division of Thomson Reuters company which in 2012 sold this business to private investment firm Veritas Capital for $1.25 billion.



Closing of the transaction with IBM

On April 8, 2016 IBM announced closing of the transaction on acquisition of Truven Health Analytics for $2.6 billion. Thanks to this purchase which in four years became the largest for the American IT giant it will be able to improve the cloud tools for work with medical data.

Truven Health joined division of IBM Watson Health which as a result of the transaction received more than 8.5 thousand new clients among whom — the American state bodies, hospitals, research companies, etc.

IBM closed the transaction on acquisition of Truven Health Analytics behind $2.6 billion

Thanks to merger of Truven Health the cloud platform for health care of IBM became one of the largest storages of medical information in the world in which data about 300 million patients will be stored. Given which are stored on the Truven servers will be used for optimization of technologies of IBM for the purpose of increase in their efficiency in health care.

In IBM note that using a cloud platform of Watson Health Cloud the medical organizations will be able to use before the separated data sets among which there is a huge volume of unstructured information and to integrate them for obtaining the broad picture of factors for acceptance of the correct and reasoned decisions in the field of health care.[1]

The transaction with Truven will become the largest acquisition of IBM during the management of the company of Ginni Rometty since 2012. In four years since that moment the corporation invested considerable means in development of medical technologies within division of Watson Health. Its basis is the Watson supercomputer capable to quickly analyze huge data arrays and to predict development of these or those events. Having got an information access which is located by Truven, the software of IBM will become more perfect and will allow to conduct useful medical researches.

Declaration of sale of IBM

On February 18, 2016 the IBM corporation announced acquisition of Truven Health Analytics. For the American IT giant it is already the fourth purchase of the company working with technologies in the field of health care since launch of division of IBM Watson Health in April, 2015, the Reuters agency notes.

IBM will pay about $2.6 billion for Truven. The transaction is going to be closed until the end of 2016.

Head of Truven Health Analytics Mike Bosvud (at the left) and general manager of IBM Watson Health Deborah Disanzo

As a result of accession of Truven to IBM will receive thousands of additional clients among medical institutions, insurance companies and the state departments. The division of IBM Watson Health will increase the staff more than up to 5 thousand people, and the number of the serviced patients — up to 300 million from which 215 million will arrive from the Truven database.

Together with this acquisition IBM will become one of the leading companies in the field of providing data on health and analytics — the chief manager of division of IBM Watson Health Deborah DiSanzo notes.

Taking into account Truven purchase the total costs of IBM of acquisitions of the companies, whose business it is connected with data processing of medical character, will exceed $4 billion less than in a year. Before Merge Healthcare, Explorys and Phytel companies were purchased.

The statement for merger of Truven increased the share value of IBM by 5% up to $132.45 to closing of the exchange in New York on February 18, 2016. This day rise in quotations was the strongest since July, 2011. From January 1 to February 18, 2016 securities of IBM fell in price by 3.8%.[2]

2015: Plans for the IPO

In March, 2015 the Reuters agency with reference to the informed sources announced preparation of Truven for primary public placement of the actions at the exchange. Then it was noted that owners of the company hope for assessment of its business more than in $3 billion taking into account a debt.