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Баннер в шапке 2

Battery Technology Center in St. Petersburg




+ Sual Partners


2024: Centre commences

In September 2024, Norilsk Nickel announced the opening of the Battery Technology Center in St. Petersburg. This step is aimed at creating batteries for electric vehicles and developing new technological competencies in the production of battery materials. The new center will be an important element of the company's strategy to expand the research base for the development of cathode active materials (CAM), which are key components of modern batteries.

According to Norilsk Nickel, nickel-containing cathode materials will be developed and investigated at the center using unique equipment that allows synthesis and testing in specialized conditions. This equipment allows you to carry out the entire development cycle, from creating battery cells to testing and improving them. The main task of the center will be to ensure a full cycle of production of batteries for electric vehicles, which meets Russia's goals in the field of technological independence and sustainable development.

source = Nornickel
A researcher at the Battery Center collects a battery cell in a "dry room"

Vitaly Busko, Vice President of Innovation at Norilsk Nickel, noted that the company is investing heavily in creating a new research potential. According to him, the Battery Center will become an important element of Norilsk Nickel's global strategy to develop its own technologies and increase production capacity in the field of battery materials. Busko stressed that the first samples of cathode materials of the NCM 811 + specification have already been obtained from the center, and further development of new products for batteries is planned.

The center will also provide an important scientific basis for the company's future projects related to the creation of new production facilities in the field of battery materials. It is expected that its activities will become the basis for a number of promising initiatives that will allow Russia to take a leading position in the production of batteries for electric vehicles and other high-tech industries.[1]
