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+ Tupolev PJSC
+ Vnesheconombank - Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity

PJSC Tupolev is part of the United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC) and is a company in which the key components for the creation of modern and promising aircraft are concentrated - design bureaus in Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Samara and Kazan, production facilities of the Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunova and a unique Zhukovskaya flight test and finishing base.

The company produces and services special-purpose aircraft based on Tu-204/214 aircraft, including Tu-214ON (Open Skies), Tu-214PU (control point), Tu-214SUS (aircraft communications center), Tu-214SR (relay aircraft), is engaged in the production and supply of aircraft assemblies and assemblies in cooperation with other enterprises of PJSC "UAC."

PJSC Tupolev carries out maintenance and modernization of Tu-160, Tu-22MZ and Tu-95MS strategic long-range aircraft. The enterprise is being re-equipped, new equipment of domestic production is being purchased in order to resume production of the modernized strategic bomber-missile carrier Tu-160.

In parallel, work is underway to create a new promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA), which will replace the existing ones, ensuring the effectiveness of the strategic aviation group as a whole.

The company implements a large-scale introduction of information technologies, new technological processes and materials, composite materials, creates aircraft of increased comfort with VIP interiors, uses the best world experience to create competitive projects.


The Company strives to preserve and develop the research and production potential of the aircraft building complex of the Russian Federation, ensure the safety and defense capability of the state, the concentration of intellectual, production and financial resources for the implementation of promising programs for the creation of aviation equipment

2024: Launch of innovative design center to modernize passenger aircraft

JSC Tupolev has launched an innovative design center, the purpose of which will be the modernization of the Tu-214 medium-haul passenger aircraft. The opening of the center took place in September 2024 as part of a program to improve the company's aviation fleet. Both experienced designers and young specialists will work in the new center, offering fresh ideas in the field of aircraft engineering. First Deputy General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and Managing Director of Tupolev JSC Konstantin Timofeev will lead the work of the center.

According to the United Aircraft Corporation, the innovation center will become a place where unique solutions are developed to improve the Tu-214. According to Konstantin Timofeev, the creation of such a center will not only optimize the work on the modernization of the aircraft, but also increase its operational characteristics. He also noted that fresh ideas and breakthrough technologies that will be born in the center will contribute to improving production efficiency and improving the quality of the airliner itself.

Tu-214 aircraft

The working group of the innovation center will include from 12 to 25 highly qualified specialists. They will have to solve such tasks as improving the weight characteristics of the Tu-214, increasing the flight range, reducing labor input during the assembly of the aircraft, as well as implementing other important technical solutions. Recruitment will take place on a competitive basis based on the results of interviews.

The creation of such a center is associated with the need to increase the competitiveness of the Russian aircraft industry and the further development of the technology for the production of passenger aircraft. It is planned that the solutions developed in the innovation center will increase the level of localization of components, improve the reliability and safety indicators of the airliner, as well as meet the requirements of international standards.[1]

2017:95 years since the founding of the OKB A.N. Tupolev

Ninety-five years were celebrated on October 22, 2017, one of the largest domestic developers of aviation equipment PJSC Tupolev. The company is the successor to the traditions of the design bureau, founded on October 22, 1922 by the outstanding aircraft designer and organizer of domestic aviation production of the twentieth century Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev.

Over the years, about 300 projects of aircraft for various purposes, aerosans and small vessels have been developed, of which about 90 were implemented in structures that were tested, and more than 40 were built in series, largely defining the face of our military and civil aviation in the twentieth century. Over the past century, more than 18,000 aircraft with the Tu brand have taken to the sky, of which about 2,000 are passenger aircraft. About 1000 Tupolev vehicles were delivered abroad, where they were in operation in almost twenty countries of the world. In Czechoslovakia and China, aircraft with the Tu brand were built on a licensed basis.

Under the leadership and with the active participation of general designers A.N. Tupolev, A.A. Tupolev and their successors, the KB team created a galaxy of high-class samples of aviation equipment. These are, first of all, heavy all-metal multi-engine monoplanes of the 20s and 30s ANT-4 (TB-1), ANT-6 (TB-3), ANT-20 Maxim Gorky, record ANT-25 aircraft, high-speed bomber of the thirties ANT-40 (SB), one of the best front-line bombers of World War II Tu-2, the internationally recognized masterpiece of the post-war Tu-16 bomber long-range aircraft, the first domestic Tu-104 jet passenger aircraft, a family of long-range supersonic Tu-22 bombers, and then multi-mode Tu-22M bombers, the Tu-95 family of strategic bombers, the Tu-124, Tu-134 and Tu-154 family of passenger mainline aircraft, widely spread both in our country and abroad, the first in the country and one of the world's first long-haul passenger Tu-114, the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144, the supersonic strategic bomber-missile carrier Tu-160, a family of modern main passenger aircraft Tu-204/214. This is the incomplete list of works and areas of activity of the enterprise that ensured its leading position over the past decades in domestic and world aviation.

2015: UAC Creates New Paperless 3D Design Center

In early 2015 UAC , he opened a new design center based on the Tupolev Design Bureau in. To Moscow The design center will become one of the largest in the domestic industry, the President of the UAC said. Yuri Slyusar The new paperless design center is equipped with one of the most powerful Russia supercomputers in with computing capacity - several dozen teraflops. Its use will significantly speed up the implementation of large projects in the field of aircraft industry. Special dedicated communication channels allow you to exchange data between UAC branches located throughout the country, as well as work with the largest domestic design companies. The total investment in the project amounted to 500 million. rubles

The designers of the United Aircraft Corporation are working on about three dozen projects to create new and upgrade existing aircraft models. In 2016, the first flight of the new civilian liner MS-21 will take place, the design of the IL-112 transport vehicle is underway, work begins on a joint Russian-Chinese wide-body passenger aircraft, the PAK DA project. The latest technologies will allow 3D to solve the problems of design, as well as training in the operation of complex components and assemblies.

To fulfill the plans, Tupolev OJSC, which is part of the UAC, is going to recruit an additional 1000 people in the near future - in Moscow and in branches, primarily in Kazan.

1977: Start of passenger traffic on supersonic Tu-144

On November 1, 1977, passenger traffic began on the supersonic Tu-144 on the Moscow-Alma-Ata route. USSR. 1977 The last passenger was transported on June 1, 1978.

1972: Release of the first supersonic passenger liner Tu-144

The first serial supersonic passenger airliner Tu-144 leaves the assembly shop of the Voronezh Aircraft Manufacturing Plant, 1972

1959: Tu-114 is the world's largest passenger aircraft

The first demonstration flight to New York by Tu-114 (tail number SSSR-L5611) was completed in the summer of 1959: the plane landed at Idelwild Airport (later named after John F. Kennedy) and brought a government delegation led by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR to the Exhibition of Achievements of Soviet Science, Technology and Culture, "which opened in New York. The plane itself became an exhibit at the airport.

The largest passenger aircraft at that time in the world Tu-114 "Russia" in New York. The height of the ramp was not enough. UNITED STATES. 1959

In September of the same year, another flight was made from Moscow across the ocean - a delegation of the USSR, headed by N. S. Khrushchev, flew to the United States.

Service on board the Tu-114 Rossiya passenger plane - the largest passenger liner in the world at that time. 1960s.

1952: First flight of Tu-95 bomber

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the USSR leadership feared the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States. The Strategic Air Command of the United States had both a fleet of long-range heavy carrier bombers of the B-29 type, deployed at air bases outside America, and intercontinental turbojet-piston strategic bombers B-36. At the same time, the Soviet Air Force had only long-range Tu-4 bombers - unlicensed copies of American V-29 that could not work from airfields on the territory of the USSR in the United States due to insufficient flight range for this purpose, and the USSR did not have suitable foreign bases then.

On September 16, 1949, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 3929-1608 on the construction of an experienced heavy intercontinental bomber "85" at the OKB A.N. Tupolev was issued. At the beginning of 1951, the 85-1 parent aircraft entered factory tests, but by the end of the year the program began to be curtailed. Despite the achieved flight range of 12,000 km, the aircraft test program was discontinued due to further futility (two built machines were later used in the design bureau for various tests).

At this time, the Korean War was in full swing, where aviation was more than widely used. During the hostilities, it gradually became clear to specialists that aircraft with piston engines have no more prospects, and it is necessary to reach a completely new level of aircraft design, with gas turbine power plants and new onboard equipment. Similar conclusions were also reached in the United States, starting to gradually curtail the operation of the B-36 and forcing work on the development of V-47 and V-52. In the UK, they worked on their strategic "V" series bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

Tu-95, or "Bear." Soviet missile bomber. Symbol of the Cold War. Maiden flight 12 November 1952
