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Oil industry

Technology News by Month

This year
December ^

- Ruselectronics developed a mobile complex with the UAV for search and rescue of people

- Lukoil implemented the complex integrated model of production of the Southern Yagunsky oil and gas field

November ^

- Submitted to HP the concept for computing problems of the next generation of HP ZCentral

- Kaspersky Lab released software for cyber defense corporate a blockchain projects

- Transneft started industrial operation of corporate information system for program management

- Solar power plant commissioned at Omsk refinery

- ABB provided the low-voltage complete NeoGear device

- The virus racketeer attacked the oil company and stopped administrative work in it

- Gazprom Neft increases safety of the transport by means of the specialized software product of the Russian development

- Rostec tested a satellite geodetic system for pilotless agricultural machinery

- Development of Rostec will provide trains with uninterrupted access to the satellite Internet

- Gazprom Neft replaced import software for oil production with domestic

October ^

- The SPbSU and Gazprom Neft developed the digital platform for the forecast of development of assets

- Rostec provided a failsafe storage system based on the Elbrus microprocessor

- The Avtomatika concern provided a prototype of the facilitated tablet based on the processor Elbrus

- DeLight 2000 Evolution created Central control a tower

- Saudi Arabian Oil Company and Angara signed the memorandum of cooperation

- Drones will help prevent oil spills in largest extracting company of Rosneft

- The Otkrytiye bank simplified the procedure of issue of payroll cards

- Rosneft creates knowledge-intensive software for data processing of geophysical surveys of wells

- Provided to D-Link 16-port KVM-over-IP switches

September ^

- Honeywell submitted the platform for simplification of a system of cyber security of industrial facilities

- RN-Yuganskneftegaz implemented the innovation telemetric system

- Siemens announced the industrial platform for applications of cyber security

- Ruselectronics developed the device on control of the equipment for nuclear power

- Sibintek creates the platform of control of hundreds of drones for Rosneft

- "Goodwin Borodino – I2" received the certificate of conformity to requirements of the Customs Union

- TrendMiner NV announced a release of version 2019.R3 of the software of TrendMiner

- Tatburneft constructed an end-to-end digital system for production processes and management

- ExxonMobil, Chevron and Shell implement a blockchain for management of water use at oil production

- Schneider Electric and Petrol will be engaged in optimization of heat supply in Yekaterinburg

August ^

- Rostec provided a complex of cellular mobile communication

- Ex-general director of Antipinsky refinery put on the international wanted list

- In Russia was developed the competitor product of the popular MES system which is used in Gazprom and Rosneft

- Schneider Electric presented a new solution for independent production of electrical and thermal energy

- Goodwin started development of the version of the Talezh device belonging to the category of explosion-proof

- On "Zarubezhneft is production of Haryaga" implementation of the information system EAE.LIMS is complete

June ^

- Zebra provided the heavy-duty tablet computer on Android

- NPF "Krug" presented cabinets for collecting data from metering devices of industrial enterprises

- Corus Consulting optimizes inventory management in Irkutsk Oil Company

- Croc presented the solution on video analytics for labor protection and industrial security

- Slavneft optimized process of formation of the consolidated statements according to IFRS based on Oracle Hyperion

- "IT-Oil" completed the project on development and deployment of the business plan of development of the direction of non-cash payments of Tatneft

- Lukoil restarted mobile application for motorists

- "Digit" provided software for collecting of industrial data and start of digital projects

- Termolazer provided a mobile laser complex for thermal hardening of surfaces of parts

- Corus Consulting supports a corporate system based on 1C in "Zarubezhneft there is a production of Haryaga"

- Alpha BI allows to take and load necessary data from the internal accounting systems of Tatneft

- Saras optimized production using software for Aspen Mtell maintenance

- Atos delivered to Total the quantum simulator

January ^

- Irkutsk Oil Company solved a problem of equipment downtimes, having saved 40% of the budget

- Tatneft appointed head of digital development

- LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt automated management of trade inventories using the IRIS

- Russneft passed to the new single accounting system

- IBM launched the most powerful computer in the business sector of the world

- Concern of Goodwin started production of a monitoring system of personnel and labor protection

- Forsyth signed a memorandum with Zarubezhneft on the introduction of solutions for business analytics

- At all gas stations and Lukoil oil depots electronic document management is implemented

- Rosneft will develop corporate mobility together with Samsung Electronics

- The MyConcerto platform became available to clients of Accenture in Russia

- Zenit bank and Mastercard will start Cash with Purchase service in Tatneft gas Station networks

May ^

- Axis Communications provided the Axis A8207-VE video on-door speakerphone

- AspenTech optimizes production for Zeeland Refinery

- Rosneft started the first "The digital field"

- Rompetrol accelerates digital transformation using the software of Aspen Technology

April ^

- Honeywell updated software for change management of Honeywell Trace R130

- Argos several times accelerated work with agreements, claims and claims with the help "1C: Holding Management"

- Gazprom Neft implemented a numerical control system logistics in the Arctic

- "Geosplit" tested in China technical solution for a research of gas wells

- Shell bought Android headset of augmented reality and begins to use them in Russia

- Gazprom Neft submitted the program for increase in accuracy of well-drilling

- "IT-Oil" provided decrease in energy consumption by 30% for two to Tatneft gas Station

March ^

- The IRIS automated management of information steles at Lukoil gas Station opened in the Rostov region

- On the Aspinsky field in Perm Krai the pilot digital well from Rostelecom is started

- EAE-Consult develops a MES system for production management of Refinery

- More than 148 million rubles were saved by Orenburgneft at the expense of innovations

- Surgutneftegas carried out test system implementation of Digital Signage, audiomarketing and the coffee equipment

February ^

- TerraLink upgraded the system of corporate telephony for Slavneft

- Corus Consulting there began works on creation of IT infrastructure for "ZN the East"

- "Packer" implemented a cloud solution of B2B-Center for maintaining and verification of the corporate reference book of the purchased goods and services

- Oil production dynamics in Venezuela. Schedule

- Positive Technologies detected vulnerabilities in the industrial Phoenix Contact switches

- Comparex protected mail servers and workstations of Syzran Refinery

- Installation of primary processing RN-Komsomolsk Refinery is transferred to digital control

- In Tatneft gas Station network a system on management of trade inventories of Forecast NOW will be implemented

January ^

- Slavneft-Megionneftegaz tested a control system of a condition of equipment based on the Iksar platform (XR)

- Everpoint issued the alpha-version of the new server of the EverGIS platform

- Kaliningradnefteprodukt optimized work with financial documentation using DirectumRX

- TAdviser Interview: The director of information technology of "The Siberian service company" about features of replacement of outdated EDMS

- The Gazpromneft gas Station network implements online collection

- Neftegazinvest implemented EDMS "E1 Euphrates"

- "The first engineer" upgraded the system of a purge of boilers of Komsomol oil refinery

December ^

- "Figure" launched Zyfra Industrial Marketplace - a marketplace of solutions for digital transformation of industry

- Abramovich's son purchased several oil companies with licenses in the Saratov region

- Lukoil will implement the complex digital platform for creation of end-to-end development process of compoundings and quality control of products

- Croc helped to optimize Zarubezhneft process of preparation of the consolidated statements according to IFRS

- Hengli Intelligent Plant tries to obtain high performance using solutions of AspenTech

- In Tatneft the updated program of loyalty for clients of gas station

November ^

- "The Ufa plant of elastomeric materials, products and constructions" transferred key business systems to a cloud of MTS

- Montrans controls fuel supply to Zapadno-Erginskoye oil field

- In Kazan installation of accumulation of the electric power is developed for the Arctic and the region of the Far North

- The solution blockchain of Raiffeisenbank was reduced by time of settlings with partners for Petroleum Trading

October ^

- "Enya Energiya" passed to a system "Homnet: IFRS"

- The oil and gas giant Cenovus purchased competitors of Husky Energy for $2.9 billion

- "Jet Infosystems" modernized the agile office of the NTC "Gazprom Neft"

- "Energy industry Bidding" and Rosneft developed mobile application for work with procurement procedures

- ConocoPhillips purchased producer of slate Concho Resources oil for $9.7 billion

- The Chinese oil giant Sinochem implemented a raw materials storage blockchain

- Russneft implemented a project management system of capital construction

- Salles completed installation of equipment for automatic gas station in Almaty

- In Russia production of a fiber-optic communication line system for oil production under water began

- Ex-CIO \\\"Transneft \\\" found new work

- Scientists of the Perm Polytechnic University developed "navigator" for drilling of oil wells

September ^

- AspenTech released a software package for volume and scheduling at oil refinery

- Croc created a multimedia environment at the central office of Irkutsk Oil Company

- TAdviser issued the card of the market of suppliers of IT solutions for the industry

- Heide Refinery uses AspenTech software for increase in a margin and adaptation to difficult economic conditions

- In a warehouse of Moscow Refinery robots for autonomous logistics are tested

- "Salym Petroleum" selected a cloud of MTS

- Corus Consulting created the B2B-portal for distributors "Gazpromneft – lubricants"

- "Salym Petroleum" IBS entrusted support of SAP S/4HANA

- "PTK Circle-2000" is applied to oil production on the Kenkiyak field

- Jizzakh Petroleum became one of majority investors of the project on construction of a chemical complex in Uzbekistan

August ^

- ABB started the AI platform based on Microsoft Azure

- Rosneft upgrades the geomechanical RN-Sigma complex

- The resident of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ developed the system of protection of perimeter using AI

- Rostec develops quartz optical fiber for vehicle and industrial networks

- Positive Technologies and Oreol Security presented the joint solution for protection of an APCS

- Surgutneftegas organized archive storage of electronic documents based on Directum

- The number of cyber attacks to OT - infrastructure continues to grow

- Raiffeisenbank connected in the pilot mode of Shell gas Station to the System of fast payments

June ^

- Raiffeisenbank started online collection for Shell by means of the automatic deposit machine

- "Circle" helps to consider oil on the largest production facility Transneft Western Siberia

- EDMS of Syzran Refinery is finished before full paperless document flow

- TAdviser and Skolkovo create the IT Card for the industry

- "Circle" upgraded torch economy of the Krasnodar Refinery

- Mendix submitted the platform with Low-Code for ConocoPhillips

- Galileosky terminals control issue of fuel for the Frakdzhet-Volga equipment

- Blockchain company released the tool for canceling of transactions with bitcoins

- Inzhimatik provided sorption 3D - sensors of direct detection of leakages of water and hydrocarbons

January ^

- "Digital Control Technologies" released the version of an APCS "A weight flow" with the free license

- The digit developed AI against COVID 19 for industrial enterprises

- The world's largest oil giant Saudi Aramco purchased petrochemical company SABIC for $69 billion

- RealTrac released upgraded version of RealTrac "Antinayezd"

- Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell created blockchain consortium

- JSC Transneft-Privolga tests mobile complexes of satellite video surveillance

- Gazprom Neft implements technologies of augmented reality for control of electric equipment

May ^

- Gazprom Neft confirmed compliance of the MasterChain platform to requirements for work with bank guarantees

- AiTeco presented the solution of AR Support for remote repair and hardware maintenance

- ABB developed Ability Augmented Field Procedures technology on the basis of augmented reality

- Gazprom Neft started online payment of fuel for corporate clients in mobile application of gas station.GO

- Rostec will equip Slavneft-YaNOS with the system of counteraction to UAVs

- Lukoil launches NB-IoT network for remote control objects of oil production

- The net profit of Udmurtneft fell by 1.4 times

- Moscow Refinery implemented an ACS of installation of production of high-octane components of gasoline

April ^

- The software package of students of PNIPU will help to reduce the price of oil production process

- Borlas trained the staff of Vietsovpetro in work with the modules Oracle e-Business Suite R12

- Socar started the project of "The digital field" on the SAP UFAM platform

- Huawei and Tatneft upgraded storage of critical data

- The student of the Perm Polytechnic University created a neuronet for protection against the computer attacks

- The cost of WTI crude oil fell lower than $0th for the first time in the history

- The Gazpromneft gas Station network implemented online factoring for settlement with suppliers

- In the USA the oil companies began to go bankrupt

March ^

- TerraTech provided the systems of remote monitoring of objects earth remote-sensing instruments from space

- Accenture and SAP started the solution based on SAP S/4HANA Cloud for business process automation of oil and gas production

- IT systems of General Fueller gas Station network are transferred to a cloud of

- 1C-Rarus automated accounting of the special equipment at three plants 'Tatneft'

- Seti «gazpromneft gas Station underwent the international certification

- Digital technologies increased efficiency of drilling by 15% on the Kondakovsky field

- Yuganskneftegaz implemented the system of telemedicine for the remote fields

- "Zarubezhneft production of Haryaga" used the products Cisco for creation of IT infrastructure

February ^

- Gazprom Neft launches cloud service for purchase of oil products directly from oil depots

- Konica Minolta optimized printing infrastructure of Rospan International

- ABB provided regular power supply at the PhosAgro enterprises

- Smart Technologies develops and brings to market the hardware and software complex of St. Data Center

- Why the oil company purchased Boston Dynamics robots dogs

- Lukoil begins to accept payment at gas station using biometrics

- Gazprom Neft of the first in Russia implemented smart lake of data

January ^

- NVision Group and RHTU of D.I. Mendeleyev will develop the digital platform for management of chemical production

- Rosneft implements artificial intelligence on drilling rigs

- Clover Group patented a method and the system of diagnosing of an industrial facility

- Lenovo completed implementation of the supercomputer in Irkutsk Oil Company

- Nizhnekamskneftekhim simplified work with documents using ABBYY FlexiCapture

December ^

- Digitalization of industry: the largest IT suppliers, current tasks and trends. TAdviser Overview

- The former Prime Minister of France joined the board of directors of Sibur. New composition

- ITPS Releases Updated Version of AVIST Oil & Gas

November ^

- AspenTech introduced a new version of its flagship software - aspenONE V12.2

- Slavneft tested the interaction of the Parus system with the Tax-3 AIS

- The Ixar platform will help Gazprom Neft reduce logistics costs for chief installation work

- RosRegion Development invested $7.3 million in ML Van Solutions

- The second CEO of Tinkoff was a native of Morgan Stanley and Rosneft

October ^

- The Ministry of Digital Affairs blocked the purchase by Transneft of Microsoft software for 600 million rubles

- Lukoil centralizes IT-in-hand

September ^

- For the first time in history, the price of gas in Europe exceeded $1,000 per 1,000 cubic meters. m

- Moscow plant developed a special submarine cable

- CIO "Surgutneftegaz" Rinat Gimranov: The IT labor market has gone crazy

August ^

- Zarubezhneft approves digital transformation strategy until 2024

- The program "System of objective continuous monitoring" of the concern "Automatics" is included in the Register of domestic software

June ^

- Russian developer of "resuscitation" technology of abandoned oil wells raised $9 million

- TPP of the Volga Automobile Plant keeps a record of energy resources using the solutions of the NPF Krug

- There was a solution for managing the activities of oil product supply enterprises "1C: gas stations. Back Office "

- An industrial robot is being created in Perm Polytechnic

January ^

- The Ajax gas station network has implemented ERP for gas stations

- Rosneft began to use drones to control greenhouse gas emissions at oil and gas facilities

May ^

- Siemens Introduces Intelligent Enterprise Monitoring Solution

April ^

- Altan Operational Management Software compatible with Rutoken EDS 3.0 NFC

- Schneider Electric unveils smart power distribution solution

- Shell has chosen Polarion as the basis for digitalizing its global projects

- Columbia Ecopetrol chooses Aspen GDOT solution to boost raw material refining profits

- CorpSoft24 moved the Salym Petroleum Development HRM system to another platform

- Solutions "1C: Enterprises" were implemented in the divisions of the American company "Welbor Integrity Service" in Russia and Kazakhstan

- Perm Politech creates a robot that will prevent fires in gas pipelines

- For Moscow industrialists, a chat bot was earned PromMos_Robot

- Accenture Deploys AI Supply Chain Management Solution for Shell

- Volga Gas uses the Internet of Things to analyze production

- X-Com scales the computer fleet of the Ryazan Oil Refining Company

March ^

- Krug has developed a design for an electrohydraulic control system for a steam turbine at the CHPP based on the KRUK-2000 CAS

- Vinythai has chosen AspenTech software to accelerate digital transformation

- Ivideon unveils Ivideon Analytics cloud end-to-end analytics service

- All heat points of Saransk are connected to a single digital control system

- "Jet Infosystems" presented a solution for the automation of occupational safety functions for industrial enterprises

February ^

- Key trends in the IT market in the fuel and energy complex

- Sobyanin appointed a new deputy head of Depzdrav Moscow

- A transport monitoring system from Montrans has been introduced at FAC International

- Infopro will create a digital double Portenergo

- Lukoil buys Australian oil and gas company

- Crayon assessed the IT infrastructure of the Neftekhim pilot plant

- The Russian IT market in energy industry: drivers, barriers and the largest players

- The Gazpromneft gas Station network in Russia grew to 1365 stations in 2020

January ^

- RussNeft plans to introduce Russian DCAP system from SearchInform

- For Gazpromneft gas Station network mobile application of G-Manager for managing directors of gas stations is created

- The MIG S6 smartphone has passed certification for IP68 according to GOST 14254-2015

December ^

- Disclosed the amount of the transaction on the sale of the Italian plant "Lukoil" to the Americans

October ^

- Rosneft and Gazprom Neft JV began using unique software that accelerates well drilling

- One of the world's largest oilfield services companies Schlumberger changed its name

- Perm Polytechnic scientists have found a way to increase the profit of enterprises when preparing oil 

- Gazprom Neft Digital Seismic Twin Among the Best Developments of the Year

- ITPS has created a new module for the Synapse software complex

September ^

- How to create a "smart plant": Key characteristics of a modern digital enterprise

- Model Studio CS: How to use BIM to give new impetus to the development of the fuel and energy complex

August ^

- Gazprom Neft through the court transfers the joint venture with Shell to Russian jurisdiction

- Since the beginning of the year, more than 70 thousand vehicles have been connected to ERA Monitoring

June ^

- Shell lost almost $0.5 billion on the sale of Russian assets to Lukoil

- TATNEFT replaced the Deputy General Director for Digital Development

- Transneft joined the Association of the Largest Consumers of Software and Equipment

- How to engage in digitalization in the new reality? Overview of the main reports of TAdviser SummIT 2022

- A neural network has been created at Perm Polytechnic for digital monitoring of oil field development

January ^

- Lukoil paid Gazprom 11 billion rubles for a stake in the joint venture Lyavozhneftegaz

- Center has developed an AI-LiquidOil AI-based oil spill recognition system

- Rosneft sold a stake in Georgian Petrocas Energy to the CEO of this group

- Lukoil renamed Shell gas station

- Roselectronics has begun production of explosion-proof LED lamps for hazardous industries

- New president of Lukoil approved

May ^

- One of the largest drilling companies in Russia has changed ownership

April ^

- Tubot has completed the development of a control system for an in-tube robot

- Suleyman Kerimov yacht worth $325 million arrested in Fiji

- CTI unveils digital ecosystem tools for industrial Internet of Things solutions

- In the network of Rostneft gas stations, the solution "1S: gas stations. Back Office "

- The development of scientists at Perm Polytechnic will help reduce the risk of accidents at petrochemical enterprises

March ^

- ASID for Orenburg Locomotive Repair Plant commissioned

- Information modeling technologies: confident course on import substitution

- Lukoil bought the fuel company ESA

- Russia took 11th place in the cheapness of gasoline

- Combined drilling equipment plants named after V.V. Vorovsky began to equip drilling rigs with computers

- Anonymous hackers attacked the German daughter of Rosneft. Part of IT systems stopped

- Moscow Politech and Skolkovo have developed a technology for cleaning oil from sulfur

- Lukoil bought 50% of the project in the Gulf of Mexico for $0.5 billion

February ^

- Russian industrial Internet of Things market: growth drivers, trends and prospects. TAdviser Overview

- Waste water treatment facilities in Dalmatovo are equipped with a monitoring system based on the Krug-2000 CAS

- Special software "Indigirka" compatible with Astra Linux Special Edition

December ^

- Vitro-CAD is compatible with Red OS 7.3

- Lukoil and Norilsk Nickel created a joint venture for oil and gas production

- The development of scientists of the Perm Polytechnic will simplify quality control in oil refining technology

- Diesel fuel production has increased in the world

- Mikhail Gutseriev paid off the debt to Trust under an agreement for 130 billion rubles

- The ex-owner Antipinsky of refinery was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of 21 billion rubles in favor of Sberbank

- Computer vision will look after oil and gas enterprises

- X5 Group introduces Russian AI technologies to analyze unstructured data

November ^

- Chemists have developed technology to test dairy products for antibiotics

- TechAudit has released a new release of SuperSet TA

- Ex-head of Mastercard in Russia appointed chairman of the board of directors of Tinkoff

- US largest oil and gas company ExxonMobil sells latest project in Iraq

October ^

- Russia has created a recommendation system for oil companies to rank candidate wells based on AI

- TATNEFT invests 91 billion rubles in construction of terephthalic acid plant

September ^

- ZIIoT O&G received a certificate for compatibility with Red OS

- The head of the oil and gas company BP was fired due to inappropriate relations with subordinates

- Russian GLONASS technologies will be used for the development of Eurasian Agroexpress

August ^

- The Government of Ukraine handed over to Ukrnafta 3 companies belonging to Tatneft

June ^

- MetalSeverStroy bought a Russian subsidiary of Eriell oilfield service company

- Oil and gas company Nostrum Oil & Gas bought gas condensate fields in Kazakhstan for $20 million

January ^

- A unique enterprise for the production of equipment for oil and gas production for 1.23 billion rubles was opened in the Moscow region

- Irkutsk oil company launched a helium plant for 160 billion rubles

- Oilfield services companies received record annual revenue in Russia

- Compatibility of Alpha Platform Software and Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01 (version 1.7) confirmed

- Rosneft presented unique software for fuel and energy complex enterprises

May ^

- Moscow refinery reduced its environmental impact by 75%

April ^

- New wave solid-state gyroscope developed by NIIFI specialists

- Concern Goodwin has developed a local wireless personnel monitoring system

- Micron introduced the first serial RFID label for drilling and tubing

- Tatneft buys 50% of Turkish fuel company Aytemiz Akaryakit for $160 mln

March ^

- Lukoil has created a private security organization to protect fuel and energy complex facilities

- China's biggest oil company Sinopec boosts annual revenue by 21%

- The largest scientific and technical center in the Far East has been created in Chita

- The new terminal of Novosibirsk airport was built using the domestic Vitro-CAD system

- B&R Aprol management system fixed vulnerabilities identified by Positive Technologies

- Global commodity trading profit up 60% to $115 billion

- A drone with night vision was created in Russia to monitor oil and gas pipelines

February ^

- Sales of Russian "super brokers" began to destroy secret documents. Video

January ^

- A new general director of Gazprom Dobycha Nadym has been appointed

- Digitalization of industry: the largest IT suppliers, key trends and new priorities. TAdviser Overview

- QatarEnergy and Chevron Phillips create $6 billion petrochemical joint venture

- One of the largest oil refining companies in the United States Phillips 66 bought a pipeline operator for $3.8 billion

November ^

- Iskra Technologiya presented a comprehensive private LTE/5G solution for industrial enterprises

- Wildberries has launched its gas station network

- Transportation of petroleum products through the Transneft system increased by 8% over the year

- Three more Content AI products received AI labeling in the register of domestic software

October ^

- An overview of the salaries of the packer-stacker in production companies is presented

- Lukoil bought Urai NPO-Service, which builds oil and gas production facilities

- X5 Group Implements T1 Innotech Solution to Manage Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk and Control Procedures

- IT import substitution in the oil and gas sector: what has already been done and what prospects - TA opinions

- The director of the Eastern Petrochemical Complex has changed

- NCC presented APCS reengineering

- Former head of Rosgeology Roman Panov heads the Kuban Oil and Gas Company

- Russian developer of technologies for smart well drilling attracted 50 million rubles of investments

September ^

- TAdviser has released a new Map "Digitalization of Industry": over 250 developers and service providers

- MIPT has developed independent software for oil and gold miners

- RDIF launches digital investment fund for oil and gas sector

- Gazprom built the Amur Gas Processing Plant for 1 trillion rubles

- Vice President for Informatization of Rosneft Andrei Shishkin left the company

August ^

- The government has completely closed the data on the production of petroleum products in the Russian Federation

- TATNEFT bought 50% of Kazakhstan's oil company Karaton for 1.6 billion rubles

- Rosneft introduced a digital pipeline monitoring system to save 1 billion rubles

- World's largest oilfield service company Halliburton shut down IT systems due to ransomware virus attack

- The working hours of Russians reached a maximum in 11 years

- The owner of the Transservice oil company was declared bankrupt. He owes 1.9 billion rubles

- How digitalization helped Rosneft's daughter save 2.3 billion rubles per year

- China finds 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas field

June ^

- The number of self-employed in Moscow exceeded 1.7 million

- Putin signed a law on the digitalization of the electric power industry. Main provisions

- Fuel processing company E1 Card changed ownership

- Russneft sold assets in Azerbaijan

- Perm Polytechnic scientists have developed an AI-based model for better control of oil production

- The new composition of the board of directors of Rosneft has been approved. List

- Bashneft implemented 24 IT systems that helped increase the production of petroleum products

- The profit of Russian companies for the year increased by 23% and reached 38.2 trillion rubles

- Rosneft has appointed a new general director of Vostok Oil

- Rosenergoatom transfers NPP operation support system to Russian software from IBM solution

January ^

- Surgutneftegas reduced annual oil production

- 26.9 million people are employed in small and medium-sized businesses in Russia

- Turkey starts exporting natural gas to Europe for the first time

- Perm Polytechnic scientists develop application for detecting defects in industrial equipment

May ^

- US oil producer ConocoPhillips buys rival Marathon Oil for $17 billion

- In which regions of the Russian Federation most of all individual entrepreneurs

- Nizhnekamskneftekhim's profit for the year halved

- Turbo boxed solution for rapid automation of MR processes is presented

- In Russia, they developed and began to use a system for training FPV-drone operators for the needs of SVO. They are trained in just a month

- Gas production has increased in the world

- Gratal bought a stake in the bitumen operator Gazprom Neft

- The Russian joint venture Zarubezhneft and Petrovietnam was headed by a native of Russneft

- In Russia, the share of domestic oil and gas equipment reached 65%

April ^

- A marketplace of petroleum products has been launched in Russia. 1 billion rubles are invested in it

- Oilfield service holding "Tagras" increased its annual revenue to 82 billion rubles

- Novomet, a large oil and gas equipment manufacturer, has changed its owners

- Digitalization of the fuel and energy complex: trends, prospects, the largest IT suppliers. TAdviser Overview

- Sibanthracite increased annual revenue to 231.4 billion rubles

- 24.3 billion rubles are allocated for the creation of Russian LNG equipment

March ^

- Gazprom Neft launched a plastic processing plant in the Leningrad region

- Annual net profit of Slavneft increased 4 times

- Neftisa oil group Mikhail Gutseriev returned to profit

- Net profit of TATNEFT for the year increased by 1.2%

- Lukoil's net profit for the year exceeded 1 trillion rubles

- Rosneft began using Russian VR simulators to train personnel at refineries

February ^

- Tomskneft increased annual revenue by 17%

- Products "Angtelecom" is included in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Patents for inventions created by artificial intelligence begin to be issued in the United States

- Oil exports from Russia in the eastern direction for the year increased to 85%

- A design system for open source digital solutions has been created in Russia

- Kazakhstan doubled oil exports bypassing Russian ports in a year

January ^

- Rosneft has updated the record for gas production

- Investments in the oil industry in Russia over 3 years increased by 22.7% and reached 2.7 trillion rubles

- Scientists of the Perm Polytechnic University have developed a system for sensor-free control and monitoring of pump operating parameters

- What did you remember 2023. Main results and trends. Opinions of key IT market players

- The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation published recommendations about digital transformation of state companies

- The United States for the first time since April 2022 began to officially purchase Russian oil

- The Federal Property Management Agency took control of the assets of the Rus-Oil oil holding

- "Glavtelecom" introduced Vitro-CAD in the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park "Great Stone"