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Research Institute of Molecular Electronics (NIIME)



JSC NIIME is a research center of the NIIME Group as part of the industry holding company OJSC RTI GROUP"" AFK Sistema (). The Group's companies form a single complex for conducting scientific and technological research and development work in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics, as well as for the development and production of semiconductor products under federal programs, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science Russia Federal Space Agency and at their own expense.

Work is carried out with Russian and foreign partners within the framework of programs for the development of the element base, for the manufacture of crystals of integrated circuits in Foundry mode, as well as for the development and development of a series of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices. The company constantly cooperates with more than 60 Russian and foreign scientific centers, technical universities and design centers.


2023: Production of silicon capacitors launched in Moscow

In February 2024, it became known about the launch of mass production of silicon capacitors by the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics (NIIME). These devices are designed to use secondary power supplies for communication, navigation and radar equipment modules. Read more here.

2022: Inclusion in UK sanctions list

On May 4, 2022, the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics was included in the sanctions list Great Britain[1]

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics. The article about the map can be found here.

2021: Opening of the Physicochemical Analytical Laboratory

A resident of the Technopolice Moscow Special Economic Zone (SEZ), the Scientific Research Institute (NII) of Molecular Electronics (part of the Element group of companies), opened a world-class physicochemical analytical laboratory for research in the field of quality control of technological media. This was announced on August 24, 2021 by the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the city of Moscow, according to the head of Alexander Prokhorov.

The tasks of the laboratory include the analysis of various media - liquids, gases, chemical reagents used in technological processes - for the content of impurities in them in an extremely low concentration, which can affect the quality of finished products. Such impurities can only be detected by high-precision equipment. Such studies are necessary to ensure the microelectronic, pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnological, nuclear industries. The materials under study are of strategic importance for the work of these industries, the possibility of producing high-tech products depends on their selection.

There are units of such laboratories in the world To Europe , in - no more than two or three. The laboratory opened in the SEZ "Technopolice" Moscow "is the first such level of research in, and Russia countries CIS Eastern Europe, performing analyzes of raw materials for the needs of development and production. Its work will provide great support to enterprises of the domestic industry, since it will allow conducting complex research more quickly without sending samples abroad, ensuring proper quality while saving time and resources, - said Alexander Prokhorov.

The laboratory is located in clean production rooms with purity classes 5-7 ISO and is equipped with all necessary infrastructure and analytical equipment: mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma, atomic absorption spectrometer with graphite shock absorber, ion chromatographs, automatic titrators, chromatomass spectrometers, acid purification system, deionized water post-treatment plant.

The laboratory passed audits Federal Accreditation Service and confirmed compliance with the requirements of the international standard. Industry enterprises can already use laboratory resources to determine the quality of raw materials for the needs of their enterprises and conduct research as part of new developments.

The resident of the special economic zone - the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics - creates a scientific basis for the work of many microelectronics manufacturers in the SEZ of the capital, said Gennady Degtev, General Director of the Technopolis Moscow SEZ.

The laboratory employs highly qualified specialists - graduates of the RKTU named after D.I. Mendeleev, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov and other universities, who share their experience in using analytical equipment. The personnel and technological potential of NIIME contributes to the emergence of advanced developments, and the conditions of the special economic zone ensure more effective introduction of solutions into production, "said Gennady Degtev.

The laboratory has already developed more than 60 of its own methods, which are used to analyze almost all media and chemical reagents. Also, laboratory employees draw up technical requirements and recommendations for their use and conduct certification.

As part of the import substitution program, our laboratory participates in all development work on the creation of chemical reagents of the required quality in terms of the development of methods for analyzing the compliance of the quality of highly pure materials, - said the founder of the laboratory, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Boris Gribov. In fact, we are creating national methods for analyzing highly pure chemical reagents and media that can qualify for Russian standards for the quality of materials for production.
