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Баннер в шапке 2

UNIIF Ministry of Health and Social Development, FSU


Federal Government Agency Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health)
NMIC of Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Russia


+ Government of the Russian Federation

For 80 years, UNIF has been the leading scientific, practical and organizational and methodological center in all areas of TB work in the Ural Region (Volga and Ural Federal Districts). The experience gained by the team in recent years and marked by considerable achievements in phthisiatric science and practice allows us to solve the problems facing the Institute at present.

The history of the fight against tuberculosis in the Urals began in 1912, when the first hospital appeared in Yekaterinburg, which provided assistance to tuberculosis patients with meager voluntary donations. Patients were treated with kumys. Soon the "penny" spring dried up, and the hospital closed.

In 1920, on the former cottages of the merchants Agafurov, the children's tuberculosis sanatorium Gubzdravotdela was opened, and in 1923, the city demonstration tubdispancer. By the beginning of 1934, there were already 20 TB hospitals in the Sverdlovsk region.

The Tuberculosis Institute was organized in March 1931 on the basis of the City Demonstration Tuberculosis Dispensary and was located in a two-story house on the street. Karl Liebknecht, in two houses on the street. Tolmachev, later also - on the territory of the sanatorium "Sosnovy Bor," where the surgical department was deployed (hands. L.I. Matuzkova).

In 1957, the Institute was transferred to federal subordination. Since 1960, a pulmonary-surgical clinic (hand. M.L. Shulutko), pathomorphological laboratory (hand. G.A. Panfilova) were located on the basis of the city dispensary (chap. Doctor E.S. Gubin). The own therapeutic clinic had only 40 beds (Ruc.A.V. Shelkovkina, Z.D. Repnitskaya).