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ASE Group of Companies





Number of employees



+ ASE Group of Companies (ASE JSC)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

JSC ASE - engineering division of Rosatom State Corporation unites: Joint Stock Company Atomstroyexport (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, branches in Russia and abroad), Joint Design Institute - JSC Atomenergoproekt (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod branches - design institutes, branches in Russia and abroad, survey branches) and subsidiary construction organizations (as of August 2023).



Competence Center for Automation of Engineering Activities

On June 19, 2017, the ASE and SAP SNG Group of Companies signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of life cycle management of nuclear power facilities.

According to the document, the ASE Group of Companies in partnership with SAP will create a Competence Center for Automation of Engineering Activities. The main goal of the future Center will be the introduction into the process of capital construction of nuclear power plants and other nuclear power facilities of such technologies as asset life cycle management, machine learning, big data analytics.

All these technologies are combined by the concept of a digital nuclear power plant, in the center of which is a single information space for managing the life cycle of a nuclear power plant from the idea of ​ ​ construction to decommissioning. All data on the progress of design, construction, and later operation are stored in reference to the 3D model, updated in real time based on information from business applications and other systems.

To apply the idea of ​ ​ a digital nuclear power plant to future projects, the Competence Center plans to develop its own IT solution based on SAP HANA - the "Center for NPP Construction Management in the Russian Federation and Abroad." In addition, SAP technologies will help the ASE Group manage the logistics of NPPs under construction: purchase, transport and store construction materials and equipment, minimizing costs; accurately predict the timing and cost of construction.

Geography of business

2016: Global NPP Construction Market Share - Over 30%

Joint Stock Company Atomstroyexport (ASE JSC) is the foreign economic engineering company of the State Corporation "" Rosatom for the construction of nuclear facilities power engineering specialists abroad.

The ASE group of companies was created within the framework of the formation of the engineering division of Rosatom State Corporation by combining four leading companies in the industry: NIAEP JSC, ASE JSC, Atomenergoproekt JSC, Atomproekt JSC. The ASE group of companies is one of the participants in the global nuclear engineering business, occupying more than 30% of the global market for the construction of nuclear power plants. As of 2016, the representative offices and operating offices of the ASE Group of Companies operated in 15 countries of the world, almost 80% of the company's order portfolio was for projects abroad.

In addition, ASE implements projects for the construction of facilities for the management of RAW and SNF, thermal power facilities, and also provides a full range of EPC, EPC (M) and PMC services for any complex engineering facilities. The ASE group of companies is a developer and actively implements an innovative project management system for the construction of complex engineering facilities - Multi-D, which allows you to more effectively manage parameters such as budget, timing, quality. Valeriy Igorevich Limarenko, Doctor of Economics, heads the ASE Group of Companies.