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Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NGUEU




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Novosibirsk state University of Management economies and (NGUEU) was founded in 1967 as the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINH).


2022: Agreement with Omega

Omega Future Company (Omega Future) on August 25, 2022 announced the conclusion of an agreement with 7 universities, including NGUEU. Read more here.

2019: About 10,000 students study

Currently, about 10 thousand students study at the university. The number of teaching staff is 450 people, among them - 67 doctors of sciences and 258 candidates of sciences. NGUEU has 26 academic departments, 3 - basic ones. The university has formed a personnel reserve of practitioners, which includes representatives of the business community and state authorities of the region.

2017: 12,000 students study

According to information as of May 2017, the university implements educational programs of secondary professional and higher education (bachelor's, specialty, master's, graduate school), and formations also provides a wide range of additional education programs. The main areas of training are economics, management, sociology,, law economic security, etc. NGUEU has a dissertation council in the specialties "money Finance circulation and credit" and "Accounting, statistics."

About 12 thousand students study at the university. The number of teaching staff is 469 people, among them 57 doctors of sciences and 274 candidates of sciences. NGUEU has 5 faculties, 38 departments, including 11 basic ones. The university campus, located in the center of Novosibirsk, includes 5 educational buildings, a student business incubator, a hostel, and the Aquarius pool.

2004: University status

In 2004, the institute received university status (NGUEU).

1994: Academy Status

In 1994, by decision of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, the institute received the status of an academy (NGAEiU).