Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

VTB Insurance





+ VTB Insurance
+ Government of the Russian Federation

History of the company

  • In insurance market since 2000;
  • Authorized capital of the company – 5.5 billion rubles. Own company funds are more than 10.2 billion rubles;
  • The only participant of Society – VTB bank, one of leaders of the national banking sector;
  • Enters into VTB Group – financial group of the Russian origin

Rating indicators

  • The maximum score of reliability of RAEX - "And ++" is assigned to the company (exclusively high level of reliability);
  • The Standard&Poor’s agency VTB Insurance assigned  long-term credit rating and the rating of financial stability at the level of "BB+" (ruAA + on a national scale). It is the maximum rating among insurers with the Russian capital


In May, 2014 in an interview of TAdviser Andrey Nikitin, the associate director of Department of insurance and information technologies, and Alexander Yazykov, the chief specialist of department of financial systems told about plans for development of analytics in VTB Insurance.

See: VTB Insurance: with QlikView we optimized interaction of users and IT