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Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports" (VLGAFK) is a unitary non-profit organization - a state budgetary educational institution of higher education, created to achieve educational, scientific, social and cultural goals that contribute to satisfying the spiritual and other intangible needs of citizens in education, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public goods. The work of the Academy on sports and pedagogical improvement is considered as part of the professional training of specialists in physical culture and sports.


2022: VLGAFK activities

As of May 2022, the main activities of the Academy are:

  • implementation of the main professional educational programs of higher education:
    • undergraduate programs;
    • specialist programs;
    • master's programs;
    • programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school;

  • conducting applied scientific research;
  • implementation of the main vocational educational programs of secondary vocational education:

    • training programs for middle-level specialists;
    • training programs for skilled workers, employees;

  • implementation of additional general education programs:

    • additional general development programs;
    • additional pre-professional programs;

  • implementation of additional professional programs:

    • advanced training programs;
    • professional retraining programs.