Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision (Rosfinnadzor)


The Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision (Rosfinnadzor) is the Russian federal executive authority which is under authority of the Ministry of Finance. Performs functions on control and supervision in the financial and budget sphere, function of body of currency exchange control and also function on external control of quality of work of the auditing organizations determined by the law "About Auditor Activity".

Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation


+ Government of the Russian Federation


2017: Functions are transferred Federal tax and Federal customs to services

The Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision (Rosfinbyudzhetnadzor) finally stopped the activity. Its functions of control of observance by residents of requirements of the currency law are completely transferred Federal tax and Federal customs to services. For the companies it has some effects about which it is necessary to know.

2016: Rosfinnadzor is merged into Federal Treasury

Rosfinnadzor will be merged into Federal Treasury, at the same time functions of currency exchange control will distribute between tax administration and customs. Dmitry Medvedev said that thus it will be possible "reduce government that in today's conditions is useful".

2011: Rosfinnadzor convicted officials of plagiarism and inefficient use of funds for Research and Development

Rosfinnadzor published the closing statement based on check of use by the ministries, departments, off-budget funds and organizations subordinated to them of the budgetary funds allocated in 2009 for research and development. The checked ministries and departments in 2009 signed 1586 public contracts on accomplishment of research and development for the amount of 6207.4 million rubles. However only two software worth 30 million rubles capable to legal protection, at the same time in Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks actually not registered, the report says. were as a result created.

Also in the report Rosfinnadzor is reported the cases of literal citing someone else's text revealed during check using the Antiplagiat system without special design of a fragment, the complete and full reference on a source, the extensive volume of loans (over 1500 printed characters), extensive use of quotes and excerpts from the legislation of the Russian Federation (from 5 to 58% of the text). Total amount of the inefficient use of budgetary funds connected with loan of someone else's author's texts in scientific reports was 157.3 million [1]
