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SberSound Business (formerly Muzlab)



Sberbank - 100%




+ SberSound Business (formerly Muzlab)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

With Muzlab, companies can create playlists for cafes, retail outlets and other public places without infringing on music copyrights. All interaction with the copyright holder at the same time takes over the service. Muzlab allows you to create playlists automatically, independently or using music editors, as well as program music streams.


2023: Participating in the provision of licensed audio content via SberBoom speakers

Sound Business and SberBoom speakers will help businesses create a special atmosphere with music. Sberbank announced this on October 9, 2023. Read more here.


Muzlab renamed "SberSound Business"

In early August 2021, Sber renamed Muzlab to SberSound Business. In addition to the name, the music service received new logo, color palette and fonts. The platform has become part of the Sberbank company and is part of the Sberbank group of companies. 

SberSound Business customers can create playlists for stores, restaurants, beauty salons and other public places, as well as advertise in them. Companies will be able to subscribe to the service - it will allow you to control the playback of content and give access to clearing the rights to use it. First, the client needs to apply, then the manager will contact him and calculate the cost of the subscription. The service acts as a single video content management center for screens located in the company's spaces.

Sber renamed the purchased Muzlab service to SberSound Business
Commercial and public spaces are places where we, as a rule, do not listen to an individual player, because we are in the company or communicate with staff, "says Mikhail Ilyichev, general director of the Sberzvuk audio service. - The media streams that SberSound Business supplies such places with are our way of continuing to contact users at times when they do not use the b2c service (applications or site). Thus, SberSound, thanks to its b2b direction, even more effectively ensures the fulfillment of its main function for the Sber ecosystem - contact and retention of users during the so-called non-screen time.

The head of the SberSound Business project, Viktor Khristenko, said that in the near future the company plans to strengthen its position in the market - to sound and be present on all surfaces, provide its services for online businesses, create more opportunities and products for customers, artists, etc.

Sber bought Muzlab

On April 19, 2021, Sberbank announced the purchase of Muzlab at a price that the participants in the transaction did not disclose. The sold service will be combined with SberSound, which will significantly increase the audience of the latter and strengthen its position in the B2B segment.

As a result of the transaction, we combine musical expertise and technologies, algorithms for working with big data and recommendations of B2B- and B2C services and combine this with the capabilities of the Sberbank ecosystem to work with businesses of any scale throughout the country, - said Mikhail Ilyichev, CEO of Sberbank.

Sber bought the music service Muzlab

According to him, legal entities, primarily clients of the Sberbank ecosystem, will receive new opportunities for audio branding and communications with their clients through music, including when they are outside the institutions.

By April 2021, Muzlab is represented in 300 cities and settlements of Russia, as well as in four foreign countries. Its clients are more than 1,000 representatives of small, medium and large businesses. Coverage of the day audience of the service exceeds 8 million people in more than 10 thousand points - in stores and restaurants, at gas stations and in other public and commercial spaces.

Muzlab CEO Viktor Khristenko believes that as a result of the deal with Sberbank, the service will receive "unique prospects for synergy and creating a product that will not only meet the needs of end consumers and businesses, but also offer new opportunities for artists and creative industries."[1]

2020: Buying Market Music

In September 2029, the sale of Market Music to the streaming music service for the Muzlab business was announced. The company did not disclose the value of the transaction. Read more here.
