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Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Sib GUTI




+ Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics - Sib GUTI
+ Government of the Russian Federation



The Russian Ministry of Defense has created a department of digital analytics

September 22, 2022 it became known about the creation of the Department of Digital Analytics. Ministry of Defence RUSSIAN FEDERATION It was created jointly with the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI). More. here

Omega Agreement

Omega Future on August 25, 2022 announced the conclusion of an agreement with 7 universities, including Sib GUTI. Read more here.

Agreement with 1C on the development of training programs

On June 16, 2022, Acting Rector of the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI) Bari Khairov and Director of 1Sboris Nuraliev signed a cooperation agreement.

The main goal of the agreement is to expand and develop training programs for specialists in the field of automation and digitalization of business.

The agreement provides for the joint development and implementation of specialized educational programs of higher education, additional vocational education, as well as the active participation of employees of 1C and its partner companies in the educational process: industry specialists will offer topics and manage projects and VKR students, participate in teaching disciplines, offer specialized internship programs and practices for students.

The shortage of specialists with end-to-end digital competencies, which was observed in the labor market in previous years, has noticeably increased. We hope that thanks to cooperation with 1C, we will be able to stabilize the situation in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, "the rector added.

{{quote 'Automation and digitalization of business is the most important aspect of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations. The implementation of such projects requires well-trained specialists with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. We believe that such training is possible only with the active cooperation of the industry and educational organizations, therefore we are very glad that this cooperation with SibGUTI is reaching a qualitatively new level - commented Boris Nuraliev, director of 1C. }}

2021: Opening of the Rostelecom reference center

Rostelecom has opened a support center for the National Cyber ​ ​ Polygon based on SibGUTI in Novosibirsk. This was announced on May 17, 2021 by Rostelecom-Solar.

The key goal of the project is to provide students of specialized specialties with the opportunity to obtain practical skills in identifying and repelling cyber attacks. It will contribute to the implementation of a number of federal projects of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia" in terms of training qualified personnel in the field of information technology and information security.

The official opening event was attended by the acting Rector of SibGUTI Bari Khairov, Ph.D. Director of the Information Security Department of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Dmitry Reutsky and Deputy General Director of Rostelecom-Solar Alexander Chechin. During the event, university students took part in the first exercises held on the basis of the reference center in Novosibirsk.

Siberian state University telecommunications and, information scientists which is a subordinate university of the Ministry of Digital Science, opened its own cyber police. Such sites have already been deployed in two universities. On cyberpoligon, students learn different scenarios of cyberattacks, train to reflect them, providing reliable protection IT infrastructures virtual for enterprises. In the future, such training will help ensure the information security of everything, - countries said Dmitry Reutsky, Acting Director of the Information Security Department of the Russian Ministry of Digital Science.

The SibGUTI Cyber ​ ​ Polygon is implemented as a multifunctional digital complex that provides infrastructure for practice-oriented student training, software and hardware testing, information security literacy and end-to-end digital technologies.

WorldSkills competitions will be held in the support center of the National Cyber ​ ​ Polygon in SibGUTI, the student design bureau will start working. It is planned to open remote sites at the SibGUTI College of Telecommunications and university branches in Ulan-Ude, Khabarovsk and Yekaterinburg.

The cyber field of SibGUTI opens up opportunities for training and training the key skills of specialists involved in the implementation of federal projects of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation," says Bari Khairov, Acting Rector of SibGUTI.

In the cybersecurity industry, there are a number of systemic problems associated with the need for both young and advanced specialists in the practical development of methods to counter cyber attacks. The initiative of the Ministry of Digital Science to create a National Cyber ​ ​ Police simultaneously solves a whole range of tasks in this area, and therefore is of great importance for the development of the industry, the formation of a personnel reserve and increasing the cyber stability of the state, "said Alexander Chechin, Deputy General Director of Rostelecom-Solar.