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Баннер в шапке 2

News agency Sputnik


Russia today


+ Government of the Russian Federation


Sputnik is the news agency, for 2017 includes:

  • websites,
  • mobile application,
  • online broadcastings,
  • broadcasting service and
  • press centers,

The head office of the agency is in Moscow.


2017: The website Sputnik is called by Google one of sources of "the Russian propaganda"

In November, 2017 it became known that the Google company works over creation of an algorithm of filtering of the news containing the Russian propaganda. As the main sources of promotion the head of Alphabet holding Eric Schmidt called the websites of Russia Today TV channel and the Sputnik agency. Read more here.

2014: Liquidation of Voice of Russia, Sputnik start

On April 1, 2014 the website of Voice of Russia radio station and its group on social networks stopped being updated. It is connected with the decree of the President of Russia in which Vladimir Putin including disposed about liquidation of broadcasting company "Voice of Russia". Its tasks were transferred to the created news agency Sputnik.


Broadcasting in 37 languages

For 2012 Voice of Russia is the state broadcasting company, the presenter of the program on foreign countries. It is financed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Tasks of radio station:

  • acquaint the international community with life of Russia, her point of view on events in the world,
  • promote strengthening of a positive image of Russia in the world;
  • conduct effective dialogue with compatriots abroad;
  • facilitate dissemination of the Russian culture and Russian.

The head of Voice of Russia Andrey Bystritsky (before the employee of the state VGTRK) in 2012 is designated to a position of the head of new Public television.

Bisons of the Soviet TV and radio continue to work at Voice of Russia (May, 2012), such as 87-year-old Valentin Zorin who in the of the comment never misses a case "kicks" policy of the USA. Very crucially Voice of Russia belongs also to the mode, for example, of modern Georgia.

"The voice of Russia" broadcasts via satellites, on the Internet and on radio waves in 37 languages (May, 2012), including on:

  • in Russian,
  • French,
  • English,
  • German
  • Arab
  • Ukrainian. In Ukraine, buying time on air of local musical FM stations not to irritate local authorities, Voice of Russia in general does not identify itself in any way, broadcasting during the day in good Russian and Ukrainian languages a news program and comments.
  • Kyrgyz,
  • Moldavian.

As distribution of programs is organized

How distribution of the programs "Voices of Russia" in comparison, for example, with "The world BBC service" is organized?

The main English-language radio service of broadcasting to foreign countries BBC is provided on several leading satellite groupings servicing this or that region of the world that provides it a global scope. All regional language services of the station are also distributed between these satellites. The distinction of distribution of regional and world services of radio station is that the regional service does not assume a global scope of all satellites of broadcasting of World service. For example, "The Russian BBC service" broadcasts from the Hotbird satellite to Europe and the European part of Russia, and from the Telstar 18,138 satellite gr. E - to Asia and Asian Russia. All satellite schedule of BBC is accurately painted on the website of the station.

On the website "Voices of Russia" it is impossible to find the schedule of satellite broadcasting. Having analyzed data of satellites, it is possible to understand that relaying of the station is conducted, generally from the satellites of the Express series belonging to the Russian state enterprise "Space communication". These satellites are not devices of direct broadcasting, and are intended, generally for relaying. Besides, they are not the global platform, and cover, mainly, regions of the former USSR. A similar situation and with two satellites of the Yamal series belonging to Gazprom space systems on which channels "Voices of Russia" are also placed.

In other words, satellite presence of Voice of Russia on Express and Yamal satellites does not provide effective global distribution of a signal to users of direct satellite broadcasting on all continents.

The situation with satellite distribution of Voices of Russia would be absolutely depressing if not its cooperation with the British relaying company "Worldwide Radio Network" (World Radio Network, WRN). Thanks to this cooperation the channel of the English service "Voices of Russia" is present at the Hotbird 13 satellite gr. E. Besides, half-hour cuttings of daily transfers of the station in the Russian, French, English, German and Arab languages are available, respectively, on radio channels of WRN Russian, WRN French, WRN English, WRN German and WRN Arabic. These full-time channels represent the half-hour selections of relevant programs of a number of the international broadcasters sorted by the language principle. They relay them in different variations on target audience in North America, Africa, Asia, and via the satellite of Astra in Austria and Germany.

Satellites on which broadcasting of Voice of Russia is available (except relayings of WRN) - Express AM 33.96.5 gr. E; Yamal 201 90 gr. E; Express MD1 80 gr.E; Express AM22 53 gr. E; Yamal 202 49 gr. E and Express A4 14 gr. W[1].

1993: Start Voice of Russia of Voice of Russia (VOR)

Broadcasting to foreign countries of the USSR was restarted in 1993 with the advent of radio "Voice of Russia" Voice of Russia (VOR) - the state voice of independent Russia for the abroad. The embarrassment was in the mid-nineties connected with reduction of the name of the station. Then Voice of Russia started the website under the name Several years later it replaced the name of the website with

The 1980th: Broadcasting to foreign countries in 75 languages

By the beginning of the 1980th years broadcasting to foreign countries of Moscow radio by quantity of languages of broadcasting reached astronomical digit 75. At the same time the second largest inoveshchatel of the world of Voice of America by 1985 had only 42 languages of broadcasting, and "The world BBC service" never broadcast more to the post-war period than in 38 languages. Among 75 languages of broadcasting of Radio Moscow there were the most exotic. For example, only to India, except Hindi, broadcasting was conducted in several languages.

At the same time broadcasting to foreign countries of Moscow radio had unique feature - until the end of the 1980th, i.e. before "reorganization", it never worked at language of the country - Russian. The lack of national language in the largest service of broadcasting to foreign countries was a nonsense since inoveshchatelny services of the world always tried to inform at first the of a signal audience which is somehow connected by language communications with the country broadcaster, and already then entered broadcasting to the largest and foreign languages, important for them. But broadcasting to foreign countries of Moscow Radio prior to "reorganization" not too thought of establishment of cultural ties and promotion of Russian. It was engaged in promotion, and for Russian-speaking emigrants there was a separate Soviet radio station - Homeland, but only with one hour broadcast a day.

1962: Khrushchev broadcasts the open letter of Kennedy

In the night of October 28, 1962 on the Moscow Radio the open letter of Khrushchev is transferred to the U.S. President Kennedy. During the Caribbean Crisis when negotiations between the USSR and the USA came to a standstill, Moscow radio the first notified Washington and the whole world on the solution of Moscow to return the warships going on Cuba from Atlantic.

1941: Broadcasting in 25 languages

In 1941 Radio of Moscow broadcast via heavy-duty transmitters already in 25 foreign languages. All pre-war years, and that is especially improbable, all World War II, no one from the largest countries of Europe and America (except for France during the pre-war period) did not adjust the state broadcasting to foreign countries in Russian (for more details see. International broadcasting).

1933: Broadcasting in 8 languages

In 1933 the radio station which gained fame as Moscow radio, or broadcasting to foreign countries of Moscow radio broadcast already in 8 foreign languages via several powerful short-wave transmitters.

1929: Start of broadcasting on German, French and English

The sector of transfers for foreign workers to the USSR at All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions radio station appeared in 1929. The first transfer aired on October 29, 1929 in German.

In November of the same year Moscow "started talking" French, in December – in English languages. Only in three years aired BBC, in seven years – Voice of America.

The Soviet Russia was the first country which began purposeful broadcasting in foreign languages. The closest competitor – "Imperial (nowadays World) service of British broadcasting Corporation" - began regular broadcastings on short waves only on December 19, 1932. However, to be fair, It should be noted that experimental programs on short waves for the abroad of "Imperial BBC service" began still on November 11, 1927.
