Digital Diagnostics
Since 2020
North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Aptekarsky per, d. 3 letters A, of. 1H
2024: Publication growth by 2 times
The scientific journal Digital Diagnostics in 2024 increased the number of publications of foreign authors by 2 times compared to previous years. The publication published 16 foreign articles, while in previous years there was an average of 7 such articles per year. Already 6 countries support cooperation with the publication. This was announced by the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine (NPCC DiT DZM) on January 30, 22025.
In 2024, our scientific journal Digital Diagnostics expanded the geography of the author's composition: for the first time in the journal, India presented its articles. This country is part of the BRICS countries - an international organization within which we are already actively cooperating with foreign colleagues. We are confident that large-scale international interaction and exchange of experience will accelerate the development of the science of our countries. In just a year, our magazine published 16 articles by authors from other countries, which is 2 times more than in 2022 and 2021, when on average this number was 7 works. Italy for 2024 prepared 13 materials for the journal, mainly these are interesting clinical cases and scientific reviews. Indian scientists presented their original research in the field of television and radio science to the audience, such works are valuable material for science, "said Yuri Vasiliev, chief freelance specialist in radiation and instrumental diagnostics of the Moscow Department of Health, director of the Moscow Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine. |
For 2024, 2 articles were published from Indian authors: "Radiological assessment of changes in the vessels of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract in patients with COVID-19" and "The role of television and radio in the interpretation of images obtained during ultrasound examination in emergency medical care." The work was presented by 2 scientific teams from the Main Laboratory for Image Analysis and the Mahatma Gandhi Research Institute in India.
Digital Diagnostics is one of the publications on radiation diagnostics. Every year the magazine's portfolio expands. As of January 2025, it includes publications on radiation and instrumental diagnostics, its new methods, artificial intelligence and healthcare organization, as well as other materials on scientific and medical topics. The authors of the articles are outstanding domestic scientists and international specialists who make a significant contribution to the field of scientific research. The publication is published in three languages - Russian, English and Chinese, the circulation of the printed version is 5,000 copies.
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