Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission





+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission is the permanent body performing the organization and coordination of activities of federal executive authorities for implementation of state policy for military-industrial questions and also the military equipment of defense of the country, law-enforcement activity and security of the state.


The main objectives of military industrial complex are the organization and coordination of activity of federal executive authorities for implementation of Fundamentals of military and technical policy of the Russian Federation until 2015 and further perspective and Fundamentals of policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of defense industry complex until 2010 and further perspective. The competence of the commission includes development and implementation of concepts, programs and plans in the field of the military equipment of defense of the country, law-enforcement activity and security of the state and also control of their execution. Development, production and utilization of arms, the military and special equipment, mobilization preparation of the state and other tasks in the specified sphere also belong to the main objectives of the commission.

Structure of the commission

STRUCTURE Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission (in an edition of orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12/29/2008 No. 2014-r, of 12/24/2008 No. 1941-p, of 2/24/2009 No. 209-p, of July 15, 2009 No. 929-r, of September 10, 2009 No. 1293-r, of September 28, 2009 No. 1357-p, on December 30, 2009 No. 2126-r, of February 26, 2010 No. 229-r, of March 25, 2010 No. 423-r, of April 21, 2010 No. 595-r, of December 17, 2010 No. 2283-r, of March 3, 2011 No. 353-r)

Ivanov S.B - Deputy Prime Minister of Russia (commission chairman) Permanent members of the Military-industrial commission at the Government of the Russian Federation

Borisov Yu.I. - the first deputy chairman of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Serdyukov A.E. - Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation (vice-chairman of the Commission)

Khristenko V.B - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (vice-chairman of the Commission)

Mikhaylov Yu.M. is the chairman of scientific and technical council of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission - the vice-chairman of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Borovkov I.V. - the Chief of Staff of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission - the Deputy Chief of the Russian Government Staff

Bochkaryov O.I. - member of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Voskoboynikov V.I. - member of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Kudrin A.L. - The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia is a Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

Lychagin M.I. - director of Russian Government's Executive Office

Makarov N.E. - the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - the First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation

Moiseyev N.F. - director of the department of defense industry and high technologies of the Government of the Russian Federation

Nabyullina E.S. is a Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Pervushin N.I. - member of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Pospelov V.Ya. - member of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Hutortsev S.V. is the director of the department of mobilization preparation of economy of the Russian Federation and formation of the state defense order of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Chobotov A. S. - member of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission Members of the Russian Government Military-Industrial Commission

Alyoshin A.V. is the First Deputy CEO of State Corporation " Russian Technologies"

Baluyevsky Yu.N. is the Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (under approval)

Belyakov A.N. is the first deputy director of FSO of Russia

Vysotsky V.S. is the commander-in-chief of Navy

Gerasimov S.A. - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Grigorov S.I. - director of FSTEC of Russia

Dmitriyev M.A. - director of FSMTC of Russia

Zavarzin V.M. is a Chairman of the State Duma Committee on defense (under approval)

Zelin A.N. is the commander-in-chief of the Air Force

Kalanda V. A. - the first deputy director of FSKN of Russia

Kamenskikh I.M. is the deputy CEO of State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"

Kashevarov A.B. - the deputy manager of FAS Russia

Kiriyenko S.V. is the CEO of State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"

Klepach A.N. is a Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Klimashin N.V. is the head of Scientific and technical service FSB of Russia

Laverov N.P. is the vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Surkov V.V. - the associate director - the chief of service SVR of Russia

Sukhorukov A.P. is the director of Rosoboronzakaz

Manturov D.V. is a Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Maslyukov Yu.D. is a Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the industry (under approval)

Ozerov V. A. - the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on defense and security (under approval)

Perminov A.N. is the head of Roskosmos

Popovkin V. A. - the chief of arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation

Postnikov-StreltsovA.N. is the commander-in-chief of Ground forces

Salkov D.A. - deputy manager of Federal Tariff Service

Siluanov A.G. is a Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

Sinikova N.V. is the head of Rosoboronpostavka

Sobko S.V. is a Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the industry (under approval)

Frolov O.P. is a deputy manager of Rosoboronpostavka

Chemezov S.V. is the CEO of State Corporation " Russian Technologies"

Chushkin D.A. - Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation

Tsarenko A.V. is a chief the GUSP

Shevtsova T.V. is a Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation


2013: Council for automated systems and investigation

And April, 2013 the first meeting of council for automated control systems, communication, investigation, radio-electronic fight and information confrontation took place. The structure is created at the government military-industrial commission which chairman is the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Council is headed by the former deputy chief of the General Staff major general Igor Sheremet.[1]

In the opening speech Rogozin emphasized importance of equipment of armed forces with the modern electronics allowing to make quickly decisions and also declared importance of ensuring cyber security. "Means of cyberfight come to the forefront, - he considers. – Destruction of communication in troops with their help can be compared to artillery preparation".

Rogozin reminded the audience of creation of the state automated system of the defense order (GOZ state automated system). It should cover all enterprises executing military orders, and the institutes which are engaged in scientific developments for the benefit of army. At last, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that he considers it necessary to concentrate on equipment of army modern means of radio-electronic fight (REB).

"We should equip armed forces with modern electronics which will provide decision making speed, - Rogozin said. – We have many institutes, the last two years there is a consolidation". Means, including, creation of Management systems corporation (in its office there took place the meeting of council), which CEO was a co-owner of Technoserv system integrator Ananyev Alexey. The same organization is also a head contractor on GOZ state automated system.

The system of state defense order is necessary for control of expenditure of means and receiving in a foreground mode of data on execution of orders at the enterprises contractors. Earlier was declared about what is software should earn in 2014.

In addition Rogozin announced fast entry into Management systems corporation of two more structures – institute of communication systems and management (NIISSU, head enterprise on creation of the field communication system in troops) and the Voronezh concern "Sozvezdiye" which is directly making military communication systems.

Now the corporation already includes 14 institutes and manufacturing enterprises among which the Sistemoprom concern which is engaged in solutions on security for special consumers specializing in management systems for troops of scientific research institute of the automatic equipment of Semenikhin, etc.

However, in addition to the organization headed Ananyevy, Rogozin emphasized also the role of new council at the government commission. "Work will be headed by the general Sheremet, under his presidency you should interact", - Rogozin said to members of council at the first meeting.

The Russian Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu recognized in October, 2013 that using cyber attacks it is possible to cause damage to infrastructure comparable to a loss from weapons of mass destruction: Even without having rockets and aircraft, using the computer attacks it is possible to cause serious damage to infrastructure of any large city today, the minister said: "The question on cyber security rose the mansion. I can already call this threat a cyber weapon today — it, of course, goes to the concept "weapons of mass destruction" closer and closer. We already closely approached that, and it is shown by hackers of the different countries that at the expense of it it is possible to reach anything".

In February, 2013, in three months after taking office of the Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu charged to the General Staff to develop the idea of creation of cybercommand. As expected, the basic level of the Russian cybercommand will be created by the end of 2014.
