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Center of cyber defense of Sberbank



+ Government of the Russian Federation

On October 13, 2016 Sberbank and the Russian representative office of Microsoft announced the agreement on creation of the center of cyber defense using which the bank intends to render to business a range of services in information security field. Signatures under the document were appended by the vice chairman of the board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov and the president of Microsoft in Russia Pavel Betsis.

Survey results of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty in September, 2016. Digits are presented in % of the number of answers of respondents (between 40 and 149 respondents depending on the industry). Respondents had a possibility of the choice Bol

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Daily facing the growing number of cyberthreats, Sberbank makes significant efforts for formation of the environment of collective information security — Stanislav Kuznetsov noted. — For us it is crucial to create the modern center of counteraction to cybercriminals capable to protect the Russian business. And Microsoft has unique methodology of identification of threats and counteractions by it in real time. Use of examination and technological solutions of corporation will help us to create the ecosystem in this area

According to Pavel Betsis, Microsoft has the unique center of cyber security, "where trillions of signals from billions of sources are analyzed". This examination allows to reveal more quickly the attacks and to react to them, he adds.

As reported TAdviser in Microsoft, Sberbank using the center of cyber defense is going to render services in three directions - cyberinsurance, consulting and training.

Within cyberinsurance is going to offer a packet of the services, new to the market, designed to protect the companies from the possible expenses and direct losses connected with potential implementation of threats of information security. On the basis of assessment of risk level and depending on needs of the customer Sberbank will be able to offer the customized insurance package. At the same time will be used means of protecting and active monitoring of Microsoft, including multifactor authentication, services of management of mobility and another.

The direction of consulting will include a set of the standard services allowing to estimate a maturity of the companies in the field of cyber security and also to promote increase in this level. Besides, it is going to assist financial institutions in safe transition to cloud or hybrid environment.

In the third direction partners plan creation of virtual laboratory and a cyberpolygon on which trainings on improvement of skills of counteraction to modern threats in the conditions as close as possible to reality will be provided.